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牛津英语新版7A Unit 6重点短语与句型

班级___________ 姓名 学号 Welcome to the unit

1. 食物和生活方式 food and lifestyle 2. 吃一个汉堡 have a hamburger

Let’s have a hamburger. 3. 刚刚十点半 It’s only half past ten. 4. 汉堡对我们不好。 Hamburgers are not good for us. 5. 一天一个苹果,医生远离我。 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 6. 给我十个。 give me ten

给某人某物、把某物给某人 give sb. sth./ give sth. to sb. 7. 各种各样的食物 all kinds of food 8. 它对我们的健康有好处。 It’s good for our health. Reading

9. 每天跳舞半小时 dance for half an hour every day 10. 健康的食物对我很重要 Healthy food is important for me. 11. 需要保持健康 need to keep/stay healthy(fit) 12. 早饭吃牛奶和面包 have milk and bread for breakfast 13. 很少吃蛋糕或糖 seldom eat cakes or sweets 14. 他们里面有太多的糖 They have too much sugar. 15. 在两餐之间感觉很饿 feel hungry between meals

课后 / 课间 after class / between classes 16. 对我的牙齿有害 be bad for my teeth 17. 喜欢玩电脑游戏 like playing computer games 18. 很少锻炼 seldom exercise 19. 酷爱汉堡和可乐 love hamburgers and cola 20. 需要改变我的生活方式 need to change my lifestyle 21. 计划吃更多的水果和蔬菜 plan to eat more fruit and vegetables 22. 需要吃一些鱼 need to eat some fish 23. 在我家附近有一个游泳池。 There is a swimming pool near my home 24. 计划每星期去游泳 plan to go swimming every week 25. 有健康的生活方式 have healthy lifestyles 26. 在蛋糕和糖果中有太多的糖分。 There is too much sugar in cakes and sweets. 27. 为什么健康的食物对Kitty来说如此重要?

Why is healthy food so important for Kitty? 28. eat…for breakfast/lunch/supper

我早餐常吃面条. ? I often have noodles for breakfast.

我表弟午饭总是吃汉堡包. ? My cousin always eats hamburgers for lunch. 29. It is + adj. + for sb. + to do sth. “对某人来说做某事是…”

要记住这些单词很难. ? It’s hard to learn these words by heart. 常和朋友谈天很不错. ? It is nice to talk to friends often.


保持健康对我们来说很重要. ? It is important for us to keep healthy. Grammar 30. 一片面包 a piece of bread 31. 一杯水 a glass of water 32. 一盘鸡肉 a plate of chicken 33. 一小袋盐 a packet of salt 34. 两袋米 two bags of rice 35. 三杯茶 three cups of tea 36. 五盒牛奶 five cartons of milk 37. 六瓶果汁 six bottles of juice 38. 四公斤肉 four kilos of meat 39. 我们需要买什么? What do we need to buy? Integrated skills & Pronunciation 40. 多于九个小时 more than nine hours 多于 more than=over 41. 少于一天三次 less than three times a day 42. 需要多锻炼 need to exercise more

需要做某事 need to do sth. 需要某物做某事 need sth. to do sth. 人们需要水来生存. ? People need water to live. 运动 do exercise = take/have exercise = do sports need “需要”做实义动词用时,后面动词前要+to 我们需要买一些蔬菜. ? We need to buy some vegetables 他需要买一双鞋. ? He needs to buy a pair of shoes. 43. 看更少的电视 watch less TV 44. 吃更多健康的食物 eat more healthy food

吃更健康的食物 eat healthier food 吃得健康 eat healthily 改变你的日常饮食和生活方式 change your diet and lifestyle 45. 你想要点什么?(餐馆点菜时) What would you like to order? 46. 让我来看一看菜单。 Let me have a look at the menu. Study Skills

47. 在海边卖贝壳 sell seashells by the seashore 48. 树上的三辆玩具火车 three toy trains in the tree 49. 公交车上的男学生 the school boys on the bus 50. 一百个孩子有一百个梦想。 One hundred children have one hundred dreams. Task

51. 踢足球来保持健康 play football to keep fit 52. 吃包子或者馒头 eat baozi or mantou 53. 喝一杯牛奶 drink a glass of milk 54. 很好地帮助我开始一天 help me start the day well 55. 午餐吃米饭或者面条 have rice or noodles for lunch


56. 57. 58. 59. 给我一下午的能量 需要水果来保持健康 每天喝很多水 如何保持健康

give me energy for the whole afternoon need fruit to keep healthy drink lots of water every day how to keep healthy


