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On an introduction to Chinese and western culture of appreciation
Culture is a unique human spiritual phenomenon, as a symbol system, which constitutes the essential difference between man and animal, it is to humanity as a carrier, is a property of humanity, and humanity perish. We can say that culture is the main designer and bearers of the human spirit, the human self-consciousness highest cohesion.
The Chinese culture and western culture differences reflected in many ways。For example, food, clothing, music, architecture…First of all, the Culture of China is home to one of the world's oldest and most complex civilizations. Confucianism was the official philosophy throughout most of Imperial China's history and strongly influenced other countries in East Asia. But the America culture as the representative of western culture, the thought foundation are derived from the European Renaissance, the source is the culture in ancient Greece and Rome, Christian influence is far-reaching, the value of individual freedom and rights, pay attention to the practice and exploration. Second, Western culture is based on individualism. But Chinese culture is based on masses (collectivism). For example, in the US, you always talk about individual rights, instead of placing the whole society above your own self. In China, we prefer noodles, rice , JiaoZi as the main course. But In west countries, people
like eating hamburgers, chips, pizza, pasta as their main course. The last, Chinese culture that is based on humanism and people. But West uses law to resolve people and people's relationship. You can never find 'law' well-established in China. Chinese uses ethics and tolerance to resolve people and people's relationship.
In a nutshell. Culture is everything, culture is everywhere. In today's world, no nation and the country can get rid of their traditional culture. With the advance of globalization and cultural exchanges between the countries have become increasingly frequent, explore the overall differences in Chinese and Western culture, and aims to promote economic and cultural exchanges between China and the West, strengthening the "global village" of contact and seek common development.
Apple was one of several highly successful companies founded in the 1970s that bucked the traditional notions of what a corporate culture should look like in organizational hierarchy. Steve Jobs often walked around the office barefoot even after Apple was a Fortune 500 company. By the time of the "1984" TV ad, this trait had become a key way the company attempted to differentiate itself from its competitors. According to a 2011 report in Fortune, this has resulted in a corporate culture more akin to a startup rather than a multinational corporation.
As the company has grown and been led by a series of chief executives, each with his own idea of what Apple should be, some of its original character has arguably been lost, but Apple still has a reputation for fostering individuality and excellence that reliably draws talented people into its employ. This was especially after Jobs' return. To recognize the best of its employees, Apple created the Apple Fellows program, awarding individuals who made extraordinary technical or
leadership contributions to personal computing while at the company. The Apple Fellowship has so far been awarded to a few individuals.
Apple is also known for strictly enforcing accountability. Each project has a "directly responsible individual," or "DRI" in Apple jargon. As an example, when iOS senior vice president Scott Forstall refused to sign Apple's official apology for numerous errors in the redesigned Maps app, he was forced to resign.
Numerous employees of Apple have cited that projects without Jobs' involvement often took longer than projects with his involvement. At Apple, employees are specialists who are not exposed to functions outside their area of expertise. Jobs saw this as a means of having best-in-class employees in every role. For instance, Ron Johnson who was Senior Vice President of Retail Operations until November 1, 2011, was responsible for site selection, in-store service, and store layout, yet he had no control of the inventory in his stores (which is done company wide by then-COO and now CEO Tim Cook who has a background in supply-chain management). This is the opposite of General Electric's corporate culture which has created well-rounded managers.[236][236]
Under the leadership of Tim Cook who joined the company in 1998 and ascended to his present position as CEO, Apple has developed an extremely efficient and effective supply chain which has been ranked as the world's best for the four years 2007–2010.[citation needed] The company's manufacturing, procurement and logistics enables it to execute massive product launches without having to maintain large, profit-sapping inventories; Apple's profit margins have been 40 percent compared with 10–20 percent for most
other hardware companies in 2011. Cook's catchphrase to describe his focus on the company's operational edge is “Nobody wants to buy sour milk”. The company previously advertised its products as being made in America up to the late 1990s, however as a result of outsourcing initiatives in the 2000s almost all of its manufacturing is now done abroad. According to a report by the New York Times, Apple insiders "believe the vast scale of overseas factories as well as the flexibility, diligence and industrial skills of foreign workers have so outpaced their American counterparts that “Made in the U.S.A.” is no longer a viable option for most Apple products".
Unlike other major US companies, Apple has a relatively simple
compensation policy for executives, which does not include perks that other CEOs enjoy such as country club fees and private use of company aircraft. The company usually grants stock options to executives every other year.
一、过年由来- -
中国古时侯有一种叫”年”的怪兽,头长尖角,凶猛异常,”年”兽长年深居海底,每到除夕,爬上岸来吞食牲畜伤害人命,因此每到除夕,村村寨寨的人们扶老携幼,逃往深山,以躲避”年”的伤害.今年的除夕,乡亲们都忙着收拾东西逃往深山,这时候村东头来了一个白发老人对一户老婆婆说只要让他在她家住一晚,他定能将”年”兽驱走.众人不信,老婆婆劝其还是上山躲避的好,老人坚持留下,众人见劝他不住,便纷纷上山躲避去了. 当”年”兽象往年一样准备闯进村肆虐的时候,突然传来白发老人燃响的爆竹声,”年”兽混身颤栗,再也不敢向前凑了,原来”年”兽最怕红色,火光和炸响.这时大门大开,只见院内一位身披红袍的老人哈哈大笑,”年”兽大惊失色,仓惶而逃。第二天,当人们从深山回到村里时,发现村里安然无恙,这才恍然大悟,原来白发老人是帮助大家驱逐”年”兽的神仙,人们同时还发现了白发老人驱逐”年”兽的三件法宝.从此,每年的除夕,家家都贴红对联,燃放爆竹,户户灯火通明,守更待岁.这风俗越传越广,成了中国民间最隆重的传统节日”过年”.
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