
更新时间:2024-06-18 18:08:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


A a/an abandon ability able abound about above abroad absence absent absolute absorb abstract accelerate accept acceptable access accompany accomplish accord according to account accountable accumulate accurate accuse

achieve acid acknowledge acquaint acquire across act action active activity actual adapt add addicted addition adequate adjust admire admit adopt advance advanced advantage advent adventure advertise advice

advise advocate affair affect afflict afford afraid after afterwards again against age agenda aggravate ago agree agreement ahead aid aim alert alike alive all alleviate allocate allow

almost alone along aloud already also alter alternative although altogether always amass ambiguous ambition ambitious amend among/amongst amount amuse amusement amusing analogy analysis analyze/-yse ancient and anger

angle angry annoy annual another answer anticipate anxiety anxious apart apologize/-ise apology apparent appeal appear appetite applaud applause apply appoint appreciate appreciation approach appropriate approval approve approximate

approximately arbitrary argue argument arise around arouse arrange arrest arrival article artificial as ashamed aside ask asleep aspect aspiration aspire assemble assess assign assist associate association assume

assure astonish at attach attack attain attempt attend attention attitude attract attractive attribute authority available average avoid awake aware away awkward B back background backward backwards bad

bake balance ban band bank bar bare barely bargain barrier base basic basis bath bathe battle be bear beat beautiful because become before beg begin beginning behalf

behave behavior(u)r behind belief believe belong below bend beneath benefit beside besides betray better between beyond bias big bill bind bit bite bitter blame bleed bless blind

block blow board boast boil bold bond book boom boost border bored boring born bound boundary bow branch brave break breath breathe breed bribe brief bright bring

brink broad broadcast broken brush build bunch bundle burden burn burst bury business busy but by C calculate call calm campaign can cancel capable capacity capital care

careful careless carry case cash catch category cater cause caution cease celebrate center/-tre central certain certainly chain challenge champion chance change channel character charge chase cheap cheat

check/cheque cheer cheerful chemical cherish chief choice choose circle circular circumstance cite civil claim clarify classic clean clear clever climb cling close clumsy coarse coherent coincide cold

collapse colleague collect collide combination combine come comfort comfortable command commence comment commerce commission commit commitment committee commodity common commonplace communicate community company compare comparison compatible compel

compensate compete competent competition complain complaint complement complete complex complicate complicated comply component compose compound comprehensive comprise compromise compute conceal conceive concentrate concept concern concerning conclude conclusion

condition conduct confer confess confidence confident confine confirm conflict conform confront confuse congratulate connect conquer conscience conscious consent consequence consider considerable consideration considering consist constant constitute construct

consult consume contact contain contemplate contemporary contend content context continue continuous contract contradict contrary contrast contribute contribution control controversial controversy convenient convention conventional conversation converse convert convey

convince cook cool cooperate coordinate copy corporate correct correspond correspondence corrode corrupt corruption cost cough could count counter country countryside couple courage course court cover crack crash

crazy create creation creative creature credit creep crime cripple crisis critic critical criticism criticize/-ise cross crowd crucial cruel cruelty crush cry cultivate curb cure curiosity curious curl

current curse cushion custom cut cycle D daily damage dance danger dangerous dare dark data date dead deaf deal debate debt decade decay deceit deceive decide decision

declare decline decorate decoration decrease dedicate deduce deem deep defeat defend defense/-ence define definite degree delay deliberate deliberately delicate delicious delight deliver demand demonstrate denote deny depend

dependent depress depth derive descend describe description desert deserve design desirable desire despair despite destroy destruction destructive detail detect determination determine develop development deviate device devote devotion

differ difference different differentiate difficult difficulty dig dimension diminish dip direct direction dirty disabled disadvantage disagree disappear disappoint disappointed disappointing disaster disastrous discard disclose discount discourage discover

discovery discriminate discuss discussion disease disgust disgusting disillusion dismiss displace display disposal dispose dispute disregard distance distant distinct distinguish distort distribute district disturb dive diverse divert divide

division divorce do domain domestic dominate double doubt down download dozen drag drain draw drawback dream dress drink drive drop drown drug dry due dull dump duration

during duty dwarf dwell dynamic E each eager early earn ease easy eat economic edge edit educate education effect effective efficient effort either elastic elder elect election

electric electricity electronic eliminate else embark embarrass embrace emerge emergency emotion emotional emphasis emphasize/-ise employ employment empty emulate enable enclose encounter encourage encouragement end endeavo(u)r energetic energy

enforce engage engineer enhance enjoy enjoyable enlist enormous enough enrich enroll(l) ensure enter entertain entertainment enthusiastic entire entitle entrance envelope environment envy equal equality equip equipment equivalent

escape especially essence essential establish establishment estate estimate ethnic evade evaluate even eventually ever every everywhere evidence evident evil evolve exact exaggerate exam(ination) examine example exceed excel

excellent except excess exchange excite exciting exclude excuse exercise exhibit exist existence expand expect expectation expense expensive experience expert explain explanation explicit explode exploit explore explosion explosive

export expose exposure express expression extend extra extract extraordinary extreme F face facilitate fade failure faint fair fairly faith faithful fall false fame familiar famous fan fancy

far fare fashion fashionable fast fasten fat fate fault favo(u)r favo(u)rable favo(u)rite fear feast feature federation feed feel feeling female fever few field fierce fight figure file

fill final finally finance financial find fine finish finite fire fit fix flash flat flexible float flood flow fluctuate fly focus fold follow fond fool for forbid

force foreign foresee forget forgive form formal former formulate forth forthcoming fortunate fortune forward foster foundation framework free freedom freeze frequent fresh friendly frighten from front frown

fry fuel fulfil(l) full fun function fundamental funny furnish further furthermore future G gain gamble gap gather gear general generally generate generation generous gentle get give glad

glass global glory glue go goal golden good goods govern grace graceful gradual graduate grand grant grasp grateful great greed greedy greet grief grind ground group grow

growth guarantee guard guess guidance guide guideline guilty H Habit hand handle hang happen happy hard harden hardly hardship harm harmful harness harvest hate hatred have heal

health healthy hear heavy height help helpful hence here hesitate hide high highlight hinder hint hire historical hit hobby hold hollow holy honest honesty hono(u)r hook hope

hopeful hopeless horizon horizontal host hot how however humble humo(u)r humorous hunger hungry hunt hurry hurt I ice idea ideal identical identify idle if ignorance ignorant ignore

ill illegal illness illusion illustrate image imaginary imagination imagine imitate immediate immediately immense immune impact impair impart impede impetus implement implicit imply importance important impose impossible impress

