大学体验英语综合教程3第三版Unit3-unit8英译汉 就、汉译英
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. Thoughts are expressed by means of language. .
I have bought so many new books this year that it is really difficult for me to keep count of them.
3. 这位老太太确信今天她儿子会回家来为她庆祝生日的
The old lady feels assured that her son will come back home today to celebrate her birthday.
4. 他妈妈坚持说他每月的零用钱不能超过100元
His mother insisted that his pocket money should not exceed 100 yuan per month.
We bought a car cost last month which was registered under my name.
1. 这支乐队二十世纪八十年代凭借那张专集一举成名。
In 1980s this band shot to fame with that single album.
2. 冒一下险吧,你可能还是会输,但赢的机会增加了。 3. 科学家正积极研究治愈艾滋病(AIDS)的良方。 .
4. 现在我们知道了网络的意义:鼠标一点就能知晓天下大事。
Now we know the point of the internet: we can learn about everything happened in the world by clicking the mouse.
5. 一些人认为政府迟早会将克隆人类的研究纳入规范。
Some people think that sooner or later the government will regulate the research of human cloning
1. 知道原理是一回事,但要付诸实践又是另外一回事。
It’s one thing to understand the principle; it’s another thing to put it into practice
2. 据报道,慢跑(jogging)可将患心脏病的可能性减少三分之二。
It’s reported that jogging makes you three times less likely to suffer from a heart attack.
3. 根据最新调查,半数英国人不清楚欧元和英镑的比值。
Almost half of the British people have no idea what the euro is worth in relation to the pound, according to the latest survey.
The area should have been made into a park for everyone to enjoy but now some apartment buildings stand there.
5. 不知道所有这些相关信息能否凑成一幅关于他的清晰图画。
Im wondering whether all the related information could add up to a clear picture of him
1. 他悲叹一声,对我们说他年轻时也曾风光一时。
He breathed/heaved a sigh of sorrow, telling us that he had seen a better day when he was a young.
2. 他有极强的责任感,这就是为什么他被选中掌管这个项目。
He has a strong sense of responsibility, and that’s why he is chosen to take control of this project
3. 不管你去哪里,不管是出差还是去玩,尽量多了解那个地方总是一个不错的主意。
Wherever you go, be it for business of entertainment, it is always a good idea to know about the place as much as you can.
4. 我们得小心一点,同样的情景可能就要出现。
Let’s be careful. The situation may be about to repeat itself.
5. 事实上,室内空气质量与儿童的健康密切相关,当然与成人的健康也有关系。
In fact, the air quality of a house has a great deal to do with children’s health, and adults’ he alth for that matter.
1. 许多人认为这种药有助于睡眠,而我只能暗自感叹:要是他们知情就好了。
A lot of people believe that sleeping pills help them sleep. All I can think is, "if they only knew.
2. 当我第一次驾机飞上蓝天时,我终于美梦成真。
My dream came true when I first flew up into the blue sky in an airplane.
3. 这位乡下孩子接触到了城里的种种陌生的事物。他感到十分惊讶,仿佛自己进入了未来世界一般。 The country boy was exposed to many strange things in the city. He felt greatly shocked as if he had entered a future world.
4. 大学毕业才一年,他就从一个追求梦想的青年变成了一个凡事都无所谓的庸人。
Within only one year after graduation from college, he went from a student who pursued his dream to a person who didn't care about a thing.
5. 我已经获准进入那个地区进行采访,这可不是人人都能得到的机会。
Ihave been given permission to do the interview in that area, and that's not something that everyone gets
1. 同这个案件相比,最近几个月的盗窃事件不值得一提。
His thefts in recent months paled in comparison with the case.
2. 那次交通事故虽然已经过去了好几年,但他还是摆脱不了负疚感。
Several years have passed since the traffic accident, and he still can't shake away the guilty feeling.
3. 尽管我们提出了降低成本的建议,董事会的成员们似乎没有认真考虑。
Though we had put forward the proposal to reduce cost, the board members didn't appear to take it seriously.
4. 周围的山坡已经变得光秃秃的,但这并没有使村民们想起保护环境的重要性。
The bare hills around haven't reminded the villagers of the importance of protecting the environment.
5. 办公室里可能再不会响起他那爽朗的笑声了。
It is unlikely for his hearty laughter to ring in our office again
1. American mothers have long believed that when it comes to washing out the mouths of naughty children, nothing beats Ivory Soap
2. People were told that Ivory was “so pure that it floats,” and the notion took hold.
3. So many hands, faces, and baby bottoms have been washed with Ivory that their numbers beat the imagination.
4. The company’s big break came with the introduction of its floating soap.
5. Mothers tend to frown on the practice.
1. SeverinoAntinori is a rich Italian doctor with a string of private fertility clinics to his name . 塞维利诺安蒂诺里是一个富有的意大利医生,在他名下有一连串治疗不育症的私人诊所
2. Antinorishot to fame seven years ago helping grandmothers give birth using donor eggs 七年前,安蒂诺里由于使用捐赠的卵子帮助高龄妇女成功生育,顿时名声大噪
3. But right now there seems to be little anyone can do to keep the cloners at bay
4. Like it or not , the research is going ahead.
5. In jumping the gun ,Dr Miracle and his colleagues are taking one hell of a risk.
1. It's one thing to use a word, it's another to explain it.
2. He looked confused, a reminder that clever's not clever if it doesn't communicate. 他却一脸的迷惑,这是在提示我,如果对方没有明白,这词儿就不能算用得妙
3. I went on talking, as if a thousand vague words would add up to one accurate definition. 我继续往下谈,仿佛一千模糊字眼会加起来就是一个准确的定义。
4. I had no idea because the longer I thought about idioms the less sure I was what they were. 我没有办法,因为我越想用关于,就越没有把握说清楚惯用语到底是什么。
5. I can only trust that someone as curious as he is also owns a dictionary
1. Do you know what it is like to arrive in a strange city in the middle of the
2 I breathe a sigh of relief when she puts my bag into the trunk, locks it and gets behind the wheel.
3.Witha mild sense of humor around a deep core of understanding of human nature, Nagattakes control of my sightseeing schedule.
4.What becomes clear to me soon as she drives me from museum to pyramid, from one part of town to the opposite, is this : she is a true exception here。
5.Wherever we stop, be it for a cup of tea during a break or upon arriving at an historical site, she is being noticed.
1.All I can think is,“if they only knew。
2. My dream came true when my mom brought me to the city to attend acting school. 我妈带我到那座城市去上表演艺术学校,实现了我的梦想。
3.On top of all this,I felt as if I was having a heart attack.
4.I couldn`t believe my eyes when I saw the results.
5.Since I saw that scan,my life has been an uphill crawl.
1.I had just returned to the United States,after an absence of 11 years during which I lived in a refugee camp in Bethlehem.
2.No Palestinian can venture into the Holy City without a special Israeli-issued permit. 没有以色列当局颁发的特别通行证,巴勒斯坦人是不敢贸然进入圣城的。
3.The second Palestinian uprising against Israel`s military occuption was already two months under way.
4.But adjusting to my sudden freedom paled in compasrion to overcoming my fears and my nightmares.
5.Hard as I tried,I couldn`t shake the sounds away.
大学体验英语综合教程3第三版Unit3-unit8英译汉 就、汉译英08-28
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