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1)American National Flag
? “Stars and Stripes” ? “Star-Spangled Banner” ? 50 stars and 13 stripes
? Meaning: 50 present states, and the 13 earliest state ? 星条旗 2)American Geography
? The Fourth Largest Country ? Western Hemisphere ? North: Canada
? South: Mexico and Gulf of Mexico ? West: Pacific Ocean ? East: Atlantic Ocean
? Climate: Northern Temperate Zone 3)One River: Mississippi River
3rd longest river in the world “father of waters” “Old Man river” dividing line of “East” and “West” 4)Two Mountains: 1.Appalachian Mountains
2. Rocky Mountains: “backbone of continent”; 3)Three Parts
? Eastern Coast: from Appalachian Mountains to Atlantic ? Western Coast: from Rocky Mountains to Pacific ? Central Plateau: Mississippi River Valley 4)American States
? 1.Largest State: Alaska
1,717,854 square kilometers, 648,070 people.
? 2. Smallest State: Rhode Island 4,005 square kilometers. (Anyang:7413).
? 3. The most populous State: California, with population of 38,041,430. 4. Latest State: Hawaii, join in 1959, the 50th state 5)American North: Industrial Areas
? Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts,
Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C ? Earliest British Colonies. ? Earliest Industrialized Areas ? Earliest Developed Areas ? Most Famous Universities
? Densely Populated and Highly Urbanized
6)American South
? Agricultural Areas, ? Southern Plantations ? Cotton and tobacco 7)West and Midwest
? Vast Areas ? Husbandry Areas ? Little Population 8)Pacific Rim:Sunny Belt Newly Developed Areas Unit2.
1)J. HECTOR ST. JOHN DE CREVECOEUR (1735─ 1813)克里夫库尔 Letters From an American Farmer 《一个美国农民的信》 2)\”
He is a new man, leaving behind all his ancient prejudices and receives new manners from the new mode of life.
3)Melting Pot “熔炉”:Here individuals of all races are melted into a new race of man, whose labors and posterity will one day cause great changes in the world.
4)Concept of Melting Pot:It refers to a society with people of different cultures, races, and religions combined together to form a multi-ethnic society(多民族社会) and each group of people retain (保持)their own integrity(完整性) and flavor.
5)Native Americans: “Indians”?
25000years ago, some ancient Asian tribes got across Bering Strait (白令海峡), from Siberia(西伯利亚)in Asia , to Alaska(阿拉斯加) in Northern America.
They are earliest settlers of America(美洲最早的定居者) and ancestors of Native Americans.(印第安人的祖先)
6)The Native American Civilizations:
Maya, Aztec, and Inca were the largest empires in Latin America. 6)Second Immigration
? Started from the European Expansion in the 16th century.
In 1492, Columbus discovered “the New World”. He landed on one of Bahamas Islands in the Caribbean Sea.
Spanish king claimed South America as his territory.—— “Latin America”. In 1497,John Cabot, supported by England, arrived in Canada. English King Claimed the North America.
English settlement started at the beginning of the 17th century. 7)Europe in the 16th and 17th Century
? Before 16th and 17th century:
? Middle Ages (Medieval Times/Feudal Times/Dark Age) ? Time: 500A.D. ----1500A.D. ? Politics: feudal system,
? Economics: serfs(农奴)and landlord
? Spiritually: controlled by Roman Catholic Church
? Learning and arts were controlled by the Church 8)Roman Catholic Church
? Head of Catholic Church is Pope in Rome. ? The first Pope is St. Peter, Jesus’ disciple. ? Pope is “God’s Representative” on the earth.
? People could be saved only with the help of Pope/Church/Priests. 9)Roman Catholic Church :旧教
? It dominated whole Europe for 1000 years.
? It was the largest landlord with half of European field.
? It was a “Super-State” organization, could interfere with any country’s politics. ? It controlled people’s mind. Anyone who questioned the Church would be burned
to death as a “pagan”(异教徒)
? It emphasized complex and luxurious rituals. 10)Changes in the 16th and 17th Century
(1)Development of capitalism ? Capitalists and working class
? Growth of capitalist power in economy and politics ? English Revolution: Cromwell (2)Renaissance
? originally means \ Change of outlook of life, liberation of mind from God-centered life to Man centered life.
from interest in afterlife to interest in this life. from blind belief to experimental truth (3)Religious Reformation
? Martin Luther(1483——1546) ? A German theology teacher ? Put up “95 thesis”
? Protest against corruption of Catholic Church (indulgences) ? Establish the “Protestant Church” ? Start the Religious Reformation 11)Martin Luther’s Belief
? Man is born sinful. (Original Sin原罪)
? Man have direct relation with God, not through Church or Pope. ? The only guide to God is Bible. ? Man can be saved by reading Bible. 12)Calvinism
? John Calvin: French Protestant Reformer ? Calvinism: 加尔文主义 ? Total Depravity 完全堕落 ? Limited Atonement 有限拯救 ? Unconditional Election 无条件选择 ? Hard work and get wealth 勤劳致富
? Calvinism is core of English and American Puritanism.
13)Henry VIII and Church of England .Henry VIII , King of England.
He broke away from Roman Catholic Church and established the independent Church of England, or Anglican Church. 14)Puritanism and Church of England
? Church of England broke away from Roman Catholic Church ? Head of Church of England is King
? The belief and practice of Anglican Church are much the same as Catholic Church ? The Puritans are extreme protestant. ? Puritans want to “purify” Church of England. 15)The Settlement in Virginia
The 1st English permanent settlement was organized in 1607 by the London Company(伦敦贸易公司) with a charter(特许状)from the English king James I. The colonists settled in Virginia and survived by imposing strict discipline on themselves and by transplanting tobacco into the colony of Virginia. In 1619, the settlers elected their delegates and set up the House of Burgesses (议会), and the same time these white people seeking their own freedom bought and enslaved(奴役)black servants. These two events greatly influenced the political and social development of the United States later. Unit.3
1.The Settlement in Virginia
The 1st English permanent settlement was organized in 1607 by the London Company(伦敦贸易公司) with a charter(特许状)from the English king James I.
2.The Settler’s Difficulty
(a) The colonists settled in Jamestown, Virginia in 1607, with the purpose of finding gold. (b) They were gold laborers and idle gentlemen.
(c) After the first year, only 38 persons survived, because lack of food 3. Two people Saved Jamestown
? Captain John Smith:
? Imposed discipline by making everyone work ? John Rolf
? Started tobacco cultivation in America ? Married “Indian Princess”(Pocahontas) 4. Two Great Events in Virginia
? In 1619, the settlers elected their delegates (代表)and set up the House of
Burgesses (市民代表议会).
? In1619,a Dutch ship sent twenty black people to Virginia as servants. ? Starting points of American Democracy and Slavery System 5.Puritan New England
? New England: 6 states in Northeastern America.
? Massachusetts马萨诸塞州, Connecticut,康涅狄格州,New Hampshire新罕布什尔
州, Vermont佛蒙特州, Maine缅因, and Rhode Island罗德岛州 ? “the birthplace of American”, “starting place of American Revolution” ? most developed early English colonies
The 2nd enduring English settlement was established in Massachusetts Bay in 1620 by
English Puritans.
The Puritans followed the doctrine of John Calvin and wanted to purify the Church of England.
6. Puritan Doctrines
1: God is incomprehensible to Man. (上帝不可知论) 2:Human is predestined by God. (人命天定论)
3:Success of calling is sign of God’s elect. (事业成功说) 4: Individual can contact God directly by Bible. (天人相通说) 7. Result of Puritan Doctrine
? 1: work hard, spend little, invest more ? 2: strict moral standard ? 3: Individualism ? 4: Education is essential 8. Fate of Puritans
? In the face of Religious Persecution, Puritans had three fates: ? 1. being persecuted in England
? 2. fight back and start English Revolution ? 3. flee to Holland for religious freedom 9. Pilgrim Fathers (清教先驱)
English Puritans were persecuted for their beliefs, and some fled to Holland. In Holland, they again moved to North America on Mayflower in 1620.
They signed Mayflower Compact (五月花公约) for the future civil government and
religious community.
Puritans in New England were called the Pilgrim Fathers. 10. Puritan Legacy
--- The influence of Puritanism on American culture
Puritans have left rich cultural heritage to future Americans.
The American values such as sense of mission to build “City Upon Hill”, individualism, hard work, respect of education owe very much to the Puritan beliefs.
美国的价值观,如个人主义,勤奋工作,尊重教育等,在很大程度上源于清教主义 11, The American Revolution Major Leaders
? 1. George Washington was one of the founding fathers of the American Republic.
He was the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army in the War of Independence against the British colonial rule and the first President of the United States.
? 2. Thomas Jefferson was one of the founding fathers of the American Republic.
He was the chief author of the Declaration of Independence and the third President of the United States.
? 3. Benjamin Franklin was one of the founding fathers of the American Republic.
He participated in writing the Declaration of Independence and making the U.S. Constitution.
1. Catholic Maryland
? When was Maryland established? And by whom? ? Who is first Lord of Baltimore? Was he born a noble?
? What is his religious belief? Why couldn’t he serve the king anymore? Answers
? 1. Maryland was founded by the Catholics, led by the second Lord of Baltimore in
1632. (第二任巴尔的摩男爵)
? 2. George Calvert is the first Lord of Baltimore. He was born in an ordinary family,
but became a secretary of state in King Charles I’s Privy Council(查理一世枢密院的国务秘书)
? 3. First Lord of Baltimore was converted to Roman Catholicism. He could not
serve the King, because he recognized the Pope as supreme religious leader.
2. Failure of feudal system in Mary Land
? There were many lands but few people.
? He had to attract both Catholics and Protestants. ? Few Catholics wanted to leave England. ? Protestants outnumbered Catholics.
? Protestants were capitalistic-minded and refused to carry out the feudal plan. 3. Quaker Pennsylvania
? Quakers: 新教贵格派教徒 ? Quakers were a group of Protestants.
? 1. People communicate with God by inner light.(内心灵光)
? 2. They believed in God through faith without church,priests, or Bible. (不要教
? 3. People were born equal, and not sinful. (众生平等无罪) ? 4. They worked hard and lived a simple life.(生活勤勉节俭) ? 5. They denied any forms of war.(反对战争) 4. Quaker Pennsylvania
----The 4 th colonial pattern in North America was set by William Penn who wanted to establish a colony for Quakers.
----- He assured religious freedom and easy terms for land in Pennsylvania.
-----In his Holy Experiment, he encouraged the spirit of liberty and equality and carried out the policy of separation of state and church,liberal government . He set no restrictions on immigration Unit5
1,Articles of Confederation
? In 1781, Second Continental Congress passed Articles of Confederation(邦联条
? Articles of Confederation established a Congress as law-making body, without
national executive or judicial power.
? 13 states became a loosely-connected confederation. (松散的邦联国家) 2. Failure of Articles of Confederation
After War, America was organized under Articles of Confederation with a weak national Congress.
? Each state had its own government and laws, handled its internal affairs.
? The states did not cooperate with the Congress and with each other. ? The Congress had no power to control states and could not tax any citizen 3. American Constitution
? “Constitutional Convention” :in 1787, 54 delegates met in Philadelphia to revise
Articles of Confederation, but produced the American Constitution. ? It is adopted in March 4, 1789.
? It is the oldest Written Constitution in the world.
? It is supreme law of America, and basis of American government. 4, Three Fears to Form Constitution
? Articles of Confederation failed.
? Americans needed a strong central government, but they had Three Fears: ? What are they? How to overcome them? 5, Main Content of U.S. Constitution
1).Checks and balances: set up three branches of government: executive, judicial and legislative.(三权分立制)
2). Federal System: (联邦体制) powers are shared between federal and state government.
3). Bill of Rights: (人权法案)guarantee the basic rights and freedom of people. 6. Bills of Rights
? In 1789, American Constitution was adopted by 9 of 13 states.
? In 1791, Bill of Rights were added into American Constitution as First Ten
? It guarantees freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, petition, right to jury
trial, right to legal justice.
7. Legislative Branch
? House of Representatives:众议院
? Membership is based on population. Each state has at least one representative. ? A state is divided into “Districts” according to population. ? Each “District” elects one representative. ? Serve two-year terms.
? At least 25 years old, 7 years of citizenship, resident of his own state. 2)
? Senate: 参议院(Senator) ? Each state has Two Senators. ? Senators’ term is 6 years.
? Every two years, one third of Senators will be re-elected in state election. ? 30 years old, 9 years of citizenship, citizen of his own state.
? House of Reprehensive and Senate meet in Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. 3)
? Major Functions of Congress: make laws
? Bill is introduced in one chamber----studied by Special Committees---subjected to
all members of chamber---passed by vote---subjected to another chamber ? Conference Committee is needed when two chambers pass different versions of a
? The Act is then subjected to President to sign.
? The President may veto it, but his veto can be “overridden” by 2/3majority in both
4)Special Functions of Congress
? ?
To investigate and to compel testimony(调查与质询权) Senate:
? 1.Confirm presidential appointment of federal officials ? 2. ratify foreign treaties by 2/3 vote. ? ?
House of Representatives: Introduce revenue bill
5) Officials of Congress
? Vice President of U.S. is President of Senate.(副总统即是参议院主席) ? Vice President has no vote in Senate, except in a “tie”. (equal vote)
? Speakers of the House (众议院议长) is leader of House of Representatives. ? Speaker of the House is usually leader of major party in the House. 8. Executive Branch
? Head of executive branch is the President.
? President is head of state, leader of all armed forces. ? His official residence is White House, ? He is the First Citizen, his wife is First Lady.
? Term of president is four years and one president can be elected only for two
? 35 years old, natural born American citizen, 9. Presidential Election
1).Pre-election: (预选)
choose presidential candidates of the party. at beginning of the election year.
2). General-election:(大选/州选)
elect Presidential Electors(总统选举人) “State Election”: First Tuesday of November.
3)Of all the 538 Presidential Votes, a candidate needs 270 votes to become President. ?
The President oath-taking and inauguration ceremony is held in Capitol Hill, hosted by Chief Justice, on the 20th of January next year.
10. Presidential Powers 1)Legislative Power:
? Propose legislation to Congress ? Veto bills passed by Congress 2)Judicial Powers:
? Appoint federal judges, Supreme Court Judges (approved by Senate) ? Give reprieve and pardon. 3)Foreign Affairs:
? Appoint ambassadors (approved by Senate)
? Assisted by Secretary of State, manage all foreign affairs and form foreign policy
4)Executive Powers: chief duty of President
? “take care that law be faithfully executed” ? Issue regulations and “executive orders” ? Commander-in-chief of armed forces
? Appoint senior officials of executive branches. (approved by Senate) 11. Judicial Branch
? Federal Court System: ? 1 Supreme Court
? 11 federal courts of appeal ? 91 federal district courts ? Judicial Independence:
? Federal judges are appointed for life, or voluntary retirement.
? They can’t be removed from office, except by impeachment and trial by Congress. 12.Judicial Branch
? Supreme Court: highest court of U. S. ? It has the power to interpret Constitution
? It has the power to judge a law and an executive action to be unconstitutional. ? One Chief Justice and Eight Associate Justices with equal powers. ? Appointed by President and approved by Senate at vacancy of office. 13. Judicial Branch
? Supreme Court ? Function:
? 1. Settle disputes about interpretations of laws and Constitution.(司法解释权) ? 2. Judge if laws and executive actions violate Constitution.(判断违宪权) ? 3. Settle appeals from lower courts. (judicial review,司法复审权) 14. Political Party System
? Political party system is basis of American political system. But it is not included
into Constitution.
? That is because American Founding Fathers fear that party members may
represent narrow interest. ? Two-Party System:
? Democratic Party and Republican Party 15.History of Political Parties
? ? ? ? ?
The First Period: in the 1780s Federalists and Anti-federalists Dispute: Ratification of Constitution
Federalists: North-eastern capitalists wanted a strong federal government. Anti-federalists: Southern farmers, plantation and slave-owners, wanted more state power.
16. Democratic and Republican
? Republican Party: elephant; more conservative; care for interest of industrial and
commercial business; favor free market, less tax, small government, less social program
? Democratic Party: donkey; more liberal, care for the poor people,
national-minorities, black people, new immigrants; favor government intervention, big government, more social program.
17. Development of American Industry
? America after Revolution was an “Agricultural Country”, with 90% people
employed in farming.
? First Secretary of Treasury, Alexander Hamilton established a protective Tariff, to
encourage American industry.
? 1776-1860, Industrial Revolution spread into US and changed American industry. 1)First Development:
Introduction of factory system. (工厂体系)
? The first American factory is a cotton textile mill, established in 1793 by Samuel
? Development of factory turned North-east into Industrial Center and the South into
cotton plantations. 2)Second Development:
“American system” of mass production (美国式的大规模生产)
1. Eli Whitney: invent Cotton Gin(轧棉机) invent interchangeable parts (standardized parts)(标准件) 2. Henry Ford: invent “moving assemble line”
Result: Mass production increased efficiency, lowered costs and prices. 3) Third Development:
Application of new technology(应用新科技)
? 1860: textile industry switched into steam power.
? 19th century: farm industry, sewing machine, telegraph, railroad, food-processing,
phonograph, camera, movies.
4) The Fourth Development:
New Form of Business(新商业组织形式) (National Bank and Corporation)
1. in 1863,national banking system was set up with standard paper money. 2. advantages of Corporation:
a: more efficient to raise money.(更容易筹资) b: responsible for limited debts liability (只负有限债务责任) 5)The Fifth Development: Construction of Railroad.
1. In 1862, Congress approved Transcontinental railroad.
2. Railroad increased business activity and exploration of the West. 3. Railroad construction increased demand for heavy industry. 6) Result of Industrial Revolution:
1. In 1890, industrial output exceeded farming output in America. 2. In 1913, 1/3 of world’s industrial production was made in U. S. A.
3. After World War Two, United States had the greatest productive capacity in the world.
18. Free Enterprise:
? Free Enterprise: economic freedom of capitalism 资本主义的自由经济 ? Stock Exchange Market(股票交易市场)
? The most famous one is New York Stock Exchange in Wall Street of New York
? People buy a small portion of the business, called “share”(股票), and get
dividend (股息)from the company.
19.Root of Affluence
? 1. vast dimension and ample natural resources.(地大物博) ? 2. enough people as labor and consumer. (人力资源丰富)
? 3. People’s mobility and entrepreneurial spirit.(人口流动性大,具有创业精神) ? 4. institutional factors: limited Governmental interference. (政府干预少)
3. After World War Two, United States had the greatest productive capacity in the world.
18. Free Enterprise:
? Free Enterprise: economic freedom of capitalism 资本主义的自由经济 ? Stock Exchange Market(股票交易市场)
? The most famous one is New York Stock Exchange in Wall Street of New York
? People buy a small portion of the business, called “share”(股票), and get
dividend (股息)from the company.
19.Root of Affluence
? 1. vast dimension and ample natural resources.(地大物博) ? 2. enough people as labor and consumer. (人力资源丰富)
? 3. People’s mobility and entrepreneurial spirit.(人口流动性大,具有创业精神) ? 4. institutional factors: limited Governmental interference. (政府干预少)
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