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The World Link Video Characters

Takeshi Mifune Mike Johnson Tara Greene Sun-hee Park Claudia Oliveira Roberto Chavez Word list

Osaka 大阪[日本本州岛西南岸港市] struggling adj.奋斗的, 努力的, 苦斗的 Minneapolis 明尼阿波利斯(美国城市) Minnesota n.明尼苏达州(美国州名)

Nottingham n.诺丁汉(英国中北部郡名,该郡首府) instructor n.教师, <美>讲师 Seoul n.首尔

Korea n.韩国, 朝鲜

Rio de Janeiro 里约热内卢(巴西港市, 州名) financial adj.财政的, 金融的 analyst n.分析家, 分解者

“City Living” is the story of the day-to-day lives of six friends living, studying, and working in New York City. Takeshi Mifune is a film student from Osaka, Japan. He lives with his best friend Mike Johnson, a struggling actor from Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. Tara Greene is a student and waitress from Nottingham, England. Her roommates are Sun-hee Park, a computer instructor from Seoul, Korea, and Claudia Oliveira, a software sales manager from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Claudia’s boyfriend, Roberto Chavez, is a financial analyst from Mexico City, Mexico. Interesting, exciting, and always fun-that’s “City Living”!





Unit 1 New Friend, New faces

Word List

Professor Albee Ms. Leska Tara

NYU: abbr. New York University (美国)纽约大学 Jung-Yoon: Sun-hee’s favorite cousin Seattle西雅图


average平均, 平均水平, 平均数 heavyset adj.体格魁伟的

uh-huh int.啊哈(表示肯定答复的惊叹词) get it 了解, 懂得

gosh int.唉!, 必定!, 糟了!

gym n. gymnasium 体育, 体育馆, 体操 contact lenses n.隐形眼镜 Ta-dah!

Before you watch

Here are some words and phrases you will hear in the video. What do they describe? Write the words and phrases in the chart. Average-height, brown, contact lenses, glasses, heavyset, in his thirties, long black, thin

Describing People age Eye color Hair style and color height Weight/appearance jewelry While you watch



What’s the story? Watch the video, check () the sentences that are true. Then correct the false sentences.

1. Sun-hee makes plans to meet her cousin Jung-Yoon at the bus station. 2. Professor Albee asks Sun-hee to teach a class from 3:00 to 4:00. 3. Sun-hee agrees to teach the class. 4. Sun-hee asks Tara to meet her cousin. 5. Sun-hee’s cousin does not speak English.

6. When Sun-hee gets home, her cousin is there with Tara. 7. Sun-hee thinks her cousin looks the same as always. 8. Tara uses a sign to find Sun-hee’s cousin.

What do they say ? Watch the video again and write the words you hear to complete

the conversation.

Tara: Sure, Sun-hee. I’d love to meet your cousin, So what does he look like? Sun-hee: Well, he’s ______ _______ ________ Tara: OK.

Sun-hee: And he’s about ________ _________-5’6’. And he’s pretty ____________ Tara: Uh-huh…

Sun-hee: And he has really __________ black hair and __________ eyes. Tara: OK. So, does he speak English?

Sun-hee: Yes, he does. Oh, and I almost forgot: he ________ really big glasses. Tara: _______ _______.

Sun-hee: Thanks so much for doing this for me.

Sun-hee: Wow. You look so ___________. You’re so thin!

Jung-Yoon: I __________ healthier food now. And I _________ to the gym every day. Sun-hee: Good for you! Hey, Where are your __________? Jung-hee: Contact lenses.

Sun-hee: Oh, and your ________? It’s so short. It looks good on you. You look great! Jung-Yoon: Hey, thanks!

Sun-hee: (to Tara) How did you find him? He _________ so different now. Tara: (holding sign saying “Sun-hee Park’s cousin”) Ta-dah!

After you watch

Complete the story summary. Use the words in the box. Agrees asks calls height looks shows thirties wears Sun-hee makes plans to meet her cousin at the bus station. Then her co-worker 1._______ and 2________ Sun-hee to teach a class. Sun-hee 3._______ to teach the class. She asks Tara to meet her cousin. She tells Tara what her cousin 4. _______like. Sun-hee says that he’s in his 5.________ . He’s average 6.______ and heavyset, and he 7. _______glasses. When Sun-hee asks Tara, “How did you find him?” Tara laughs and she 8. ____ Sun-hee a sign that says “ Sun-hee Park’s cousin”



Unit 1: Global Viewpoints

Describing Yourself and Others Word List

Portuguese adj.葡萄牙的, 葡萄牙人的, 葡萄牙语的 n.葡萄牙人, 葡萄牙语 skinny adj.皮的, 似皮的, 膜状的, 小的 muscular adj.肌肉的, 强健的

build v.建造, 建筑 n.构造, 体格, 体形

blonde adj.色白的, 碧眼的n.金发碧眼的女人 hazel n.榛子, 淡褐色 adj.榛树的, 淡褐色的 athletic adj.运动的

tan n.日晒后的颜色, 棕褐色, 茶色 adj.棕褐色的, 茶色 v.晒黑, 晒成褐色 curly adj.卷曲的, 卷毛的, 弯曲的, (木材)有皱状纹理的 cute adj.可爱的, 聪明的, 伶俐的, 装腔作势的

Here are some words you will hear in the interviews. Use the correct word to

complete each definition Hazel-colored muscular athletic-build tan

1. People who have an ___________ have a healthy body with strong muscles. 2. People who are _________ have skin that is darker from the sun 3. People who are ___________ have big muscles. 4. ________ eyes are light brown or green-brown.

What do you learn about these people? Watch the interviews and circle the answers. 1. Nick is ______ years old and comes from _______________.

2. Woo Sung comes from ________. Korea and is ________ years old. 3. Natalie is ______ years old and lives in __________. 4. Dayanne is from ___________.

5. Dan is from ____________________ and is ___________ years old.

What else do you learn? Watch the interviews again. Match the correct information to make true sentences. 1. Nick a. is a reporter for a television station. 2. Natalie b. Has a sister named Sabrina, who is short, muscular and tan. 3. Dan c. Speaks English and French 4. Kevin d. has a sister who is tall and thin. 5. Dayanne e. Has a friend who looks like Antonio Banderas 6.Woo Sung f. works in a hospital and has a muscular build and hazel-colored eyes. 5


Your view on … New Friends, New faces How about you? Answer the questions below. 1. Where are you from? How old are you?

2. What languages do you speak?

3. What do you look like?

4. Think of a good friend or family member. How would you describe him or her?

Nick: My name is Nick Raducanu. I’m 23 years old and I’m from the United States. I

speak English and I also speak French.

Woo Sung: My name is Woo Sung. I’m from Seoul, Korea. I am 20 years old and I’m

a student. I speak English, Korean, and French.

Natalie: My name’s Natalie Danglade. I’m 25 years old. I live in the United States and

I’m a reporter at a television station.

Dayannne: My name is Dayanne Leal. I am from Brazil and my first language is

Portuguese. I’m not very tall and also I’m not very skinny. I have brown eyes and short brown hair.

Dan: My name is Dan and I’m from the United States. I’m 28 years old and I work at

a hospital. I speak English, and Spanish and Portuguese. I’m pretty tall. I’m about six feet. I have a muscular build and short blonde hair. I have hazel-colored eyes.

Kevin: My name is Kevin Truong. I’m 24 years old. I have short black hair, brown

eyes, and an athletic build. I have a sister named Sabrina. She is short, muscular, and tan.

Dayanne: I have a friend who looks like Antonio Banderas. He’s tall, dark hair, brown

eyes, but he’s thin, and Antonio Banderas is a little more muscular.

Woo Sung: I don’t really look like my parents. They’re both short and I’m tall. I do

look like my sister. She’s tall and thin like me.

Natalie: My daughter has curly black hair, she’s short, light-skinned, and she’s really




Unit 2: Express Yourself

An Important Rule for Traveling

Word List

Bow n.弓, 乐弓, 弓形, 鞠躬, 船首v.鞠躬, 弯腰 traditional adj.传统的, 惯例的, 口传的, 传说的 though adv.虽然, 可是conj.虽然, 尽管

natural adj.自然的, 自然界的,天生的, 天赋的, 普通的, 正常的, 简单自然的,


finger n.手指(尤指大拇指以外的手指), 指状物, 指针v.用手指拨弄, 伸出 nod v.点头, 点... n.点头

yup int.<美俚> 是, 是的(肯定答复)

Before you watch

Here are some words you will hear in the video, write the correct meaning of each

word. Bow: business card: jump: Nod: point your finger Here are some more words you will hear in the video. Match the words with the definitions. Joking a. Based on old customs and beliefs Nervous b. Doing or saying things to make people laugh Traditional c. Excited and worried, or a little afraid. Rude d. What people must or cannot do in a particular situation. rule e. Not polite; not friendly Now, use the words above to complete these sentences. Used each word only once 1. It is __________ to walk away when someone is talking to you. 2. The students are very ___________ about their exams.

3. The dancers at the festival usually wear _________ costumes.

4. Students cannot eat in class. That’s an important _____ at this school. 5. Jane is always laughing and _____ with her friends.

While you watch

What’s the story? Watch the video and circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Takeshi is teaching Claudia traditional Japanese greetings/cooking.

2. Tara arrives and wants to know what they are doing/ where they are going. 3. Claudia has a business meeting in Osaka/Tokyo in July. 4. Claudia is nervous/sad about her trip to Japan. 5. Claudia knows nothing /a lot about Japan.

6. Takeshi is joking/serious when he tells Claudia what Japanese people do for luck. 7. Takeshi thinks it’s important to have money /fun when you’re travelling.



What do people really do in Japan? Watch the video again and check the sentences that are true.

1. In Japan people bow when they greet each other.

2. They use one hand to give a person their business card. 3. They always use their finger to point.

4. They jump three times and nod their head for luck.

Who is speaking? Watch the video again and circle the answers.(Claudia/Takeshi/Tara) 1. Hi! What are you two doing?

2. I’m a kind of worried about making mistakes. 3. Don’t worry. Everything’s going to be true.

4. Always use two hands when you give a person your business card. 5. Let’s try it, come on.

What do they say? Watch the video. Write the words you hear to complete the conversations.

Tara : (Tara enters) Hi ! What are you two ________?

Claudia : Takeshi is _______ me traditional Japanese greetings for my trip to Japan. Tara : Your trip to Japan? When?

Claudia : I have a big _________in Tokyo in July. Tara: Wow! That’s great.

Claudia : I’m a little ________about the whole trip, though.

Takeshi : And remember –never use your finger to _____. That’s actually _______ in a lot of countries. Tara : Really?

Takeshi : Yep. Oh, and one more thing. In Japan, for luck, you _____ three times and _______ your head… like this.

Claudia : Hey! They ______ do that in Japan! You guys _____ joking. Oh!

Takeshi : Come on Claudia! I only wanted to teach you a very important lesson for traveling-__________! And have a little fun! Claudia : You’re_______. Some teacher you are! After you watch Business card doing joking nervous jumping learning Nodding teaching Takeshi is _________ Claudia traditional Japanese greetings. Tara comes home and wants to know what they are _______. Claudia tells Tara that she is _______ about Japan for her trip to Tokyo. She also says she is ________ about the trip. Takeshi shows Claudia how give a person her ________. Then he tells her that Japanese people jump and nod their heads for luck. While Claudia is ______ and _____ her head, Takeshi and Tara start laughing. Takeshi is _______ ! He just wants Claudia to relax and have fun.



Unit 2: Global Viewpoints

Greetings around the World Brazil n.巴西

hug n.拥抱

cheek n.颊, 厚颜, 类似颊的事物, <俚>臀部

gesture n.姿态, 手势, 表示v.作手势, 以手势表示

shock n.打击, 震动, 冲突, 休克, 突击, 乱蓬的头发vt.使震动, 使休克, 使受电击, 震惊得

vi.震动, 吓人 adj.蓬乱的, 浓密的

stick n.棍, 棒, 手杖 v.粘住, 粘贴 vt.刺, 戳 Senegal n.[国名]塞内加尔(西非国家) Feelings and Emotions

Stress n.重压, 逼迫, 压力, 重点, 着重, 强调, 重音vt.着重, 强调, 重读 frustrated adj.失败的, 落空的 yell at 对...吼叫

Frisbee n 飞盘(塑料投掷玩具)

Feelings and Emotions

Dave: I get______often because of school.

Natalie: Sometimes at the office I get stressed, and when I do, I take a break and go for a walk.

Dayanne: One of the things that really makes me happy is going to the beach.

Alyssa: I don’t like to feel angry or sad or frustrated. I do like to feel happy and excited. When I’m angry, I like to be alone. I don’t like to be around other people.

Agnes: I don’t like to be angry or stressed because when I am, I eat all the time. And

when I’m angry, I yell at everybody.

Jennifer: When I have stress, I like to take my dog to the park and throw the ball or

throw the Frisbee, and that relaxes me.

When I am happy, I will laugh/ eat/ buy food/ go shopping/ go travelling

When I am angry, I will keep quiet/ stay alone/ cry/ drink some water/ sleep/ eat/ When I have stress, I will tell my friends/ listen to some music/ shout/ watch funny films or cartoons

Sleep/eat/ do some sports/ make some day dreams/

Greetings around the World

Dennis: We have a special way of greeting our elders in the Philippines by taking

their hand and kind of kissing it like this. And it’s called mano.



Dayanne: In Brazil when you greet a friend you give them a big hug and sometimes

you give them a kiss on the cheek and in some places you give two kisses and in some places three kisses.

Miyuki: Bowing is a very polite gesture in Japan, but I often shock people when I

stick my hands out to shake their hands because it’s not very common.

Agnes: When you greet somebody in Senegal you shake hands for a long time or

you can hug, too, and ask about him, and his family, and his friends, and it takes a while.

In China, we say hello when we greet each other. Sometimes we shake hands with each other.

After you watch

What do the people say about greetings? Watch the interviews and check the sentences that are true. Then correct the false sentences.

1. People in the Philippines greet their elders by kissing their hand. 2. When Brazilians greet friends, they give them a big hug. 3. Shaking hands is very common in Japan.

4. People in Senegal often greet people by bowing.

Your view on …express yourself

DO you get nevous when you travel? Why or why not?

What traditional greetings or activities do you know from other countries?

What makes you happy?sad? stressed?

What do you do to relax?



Unit 3: What do we need?

Do We Need Anything?

Word List

carrot 胡萝卜

lettuce [植]莴苣, 生菜, 苦菜类 nah [美俚]=no


In this episode, Mike and Takeshi find out who really has a good memory. Before you watch

Here are some words you will hear in the video. Put the words in the chart. Meat & Fruit Vegetables Dairy other Poultry Here are some words you will hear in the video. Use the words to complete the sentences. Bag, hungry, memory, pound, salads, wallet 1. I keep my credit cards and money in my ________. 2. The apples and oranges are in the shopping _________. 3. People with a good _________ don’t often forget things. 4. Let’s eat something. I’m very _______. 5. One ______ equals about 45 kilos.

6. Sarah has healthy eating habits. She eats a lot of ________.

While you watch

What’s the story? Watch the video again. Match the correct information to make true sentences. 1. Mike calls Takeshi from a. Eggs 2. Takeshi says they need some b. Fruit and vegetable 3. Takeshi says they don’t need any c. Hamburgers 4. Mike says they don’t need any d. Rice 5. Takeshi tells Mike to get only two e. The supermarket 6. Takeshi tells Mike that there isn’t much f. A great memory 7. Mike tells Takeshi he has g. His keys 8. Mike calls Takeshi again because he can’t find h. Lettuce 9. Takeshi leaves the apartment and forgets to take i. His wallet 11


What do they say? Watch the video. Write the words you hear to complete the conversations.

Mike: Hi, Takeshi, it’s Mike. I’m at the supermarket getting 1______ milk. Do we need anything?

Takeshi: I don’t know, let me take a look. Let’s see… well, we need some2._______

and some vegetables, too… Get some apples and 3. _______… maybe five or six of each… and get three or four 4.________, and some carrots… maybe a pound.

Mike: Got it. Hey, the lettuce looks really good. Do we need 5. ________?

Takeshi: No, we don’t need any more lettuce. We have three heads. You always buy it

and then never make 6. ________.

Takeshi: I guess that’s it. Hey, how about 7. __________ for dinner tonight? Mike: Ooh, great idea. How many do we need? I’m really 8. ________-four? Takeshi: Nah, that’s too 9. _________. Get two.

Mike: OK. Two hamburgers. And how about 10. _________? Do we have any?

Takeshi: We have some… but there isn’t 11. ________. Get one more bag, and … Are

you writing all this down?

Mike: Nah, I’m telling you I have a great12. _________. Remember the eggs?

After you watch

Number the sentences 1 to 6 to put the conversation in order. _________ No, we don’t need any. _________How many do we need?

_________What do we need at the supermarket? _________Ok. Do we need any bread? _________We need some tomatoes. _________We need a lot. Get eight. Bread, calls , find, some, any, takes, wallet, write Mike 1. ______ Takeshi from the supermarket and asks. “ Do we need anything?” Takeshi says that they need 2. ______ fruit, vegetables. 3. _________, and eggs. Mike says that they don’t need 4. _______ eggs. Mike is correct, but Takeshi still wants him to 5. ________ everything down. Mike thinks it’s no problem because of his great memory. After they say good-bye. Takeshi sees Mike’s 6. ________ on the table. Mike soon calls back and says he can’t 7. ________ his wallet. Takeshi leaves to bring it to the supermarket. But when he goes out, he 8. ________the wallet, but he forgets his keys.



Unit 3: Global Viewpoints

Grocery Shopping Word List

deli pl. delis[美口](=delicatessen)熟食品 熟食店 ice cube .(加入饮料用的)小方冰块 stationery .文具, 信纸

Senegal .[国名]塞内加尔(西非国家)

Before you watch

Write the correct meanings of each word Refrigerator: ice cube: Potato chips: deli meat Groceries: shopping mall: stationery store 1. A _________ a large building with a lot of sores, restaurants and sometimes movie theatres.

2. People buy _______ at the supermarket.

3. A __________ sells pens, pepper, pencils and other things for writing.

While you watch

What do people say? Watch the interviews and match the names with the sentences. 1. Alyssa a. I buy a lot of meat,a lot of cheese and grad some eggs 2. Miyuki b. I normally buy fruits, vegetables and some deli meats. 3. Kevin c. In my refrigerator I have a bottle of orange juice. 4. Dayanne d. My refrigerator is empty. Not even ice cubes. 5. Jennifer e. When I go shopping I buy lots of fruits and vegetables. What else do you learn about these people? Check the sentences that are true. 1. _____ Alyssa is vegetarian, so she doesn’t buy meat. 2. _____Miyuki usually buys some yogurt.

3. _____ Kevin sometimes buys magazines and potato chips. 4. ______Dayanne doesn’t have any fruit in her refrigerator. 5. ______Jennifer hates grocery shopping.

After you watch

What do the people say about shopping malls? Watch the interviews and circle True or False.

1. There’s a small mall in Dennis’s neighborhood.

2. There’s a stationer story in the mall near Jennifer’s neighborhood.



3. Agnes says they have big shopping malls in Senegal.

Your view on …What do we need?

How about you? Answer the questions below.

1.Do you like to go shopping for groceries? Why or why not?

2.Where do you usually buy groceries>? What do you usually buy?

3.What do you have in your refrigerator? What do you need?

4.Do you like to go shopping in malls? Why or why not?

Grocery Shopping

Alyssa: When I go shopping I buy lots of fruits and vegetables. I’m vegetarian so I never buy meat.

Miyuki: I buy a lot of meat, a lot of cheese, and grab some eggs. I usually buy some

rice and I try to buy some vegetables as well.

Kevin: I normally buy fruits, vegetables, some deli meats like turkey and ham, orange

juice, milk, bread, and maybe a few magazines and some potato chips.

Dayanne: In my refrigerator I have a bottle of orange juice, a bottle of milk, some

bread, and some apples.

Jennifer: I hate grocery shopping. My refrigerator is empty. Not even ice cubes.

At the Mall

Dennis: There’s a big mall in my neighbourhood and in that mall you can find several

stores like there’s a CD shop, there are clothes stores, a restaurant, and a supermarket where you can get groceries.

Jennifer: In the mall near my neighborhood there are department stores. There are

clothing stores, shoe stores, there is a stationery stores and a bookstore.

Agnes: In Senegal we don’t have big shopping malls. We have a lot of little markets

and nice, little shops and that’s where I go shopping.



Unit 4: Around the world

You Can’t Miss It! Word List

treat v.对待;视为;探讨;治疗;处理;请客 n.款待;宴飨

note n.笔记;便条;纸币;音符;票据;注解;音调 vt.注意;记录;注解 give sb directions 指路 nightclub n.夜总会 pretty close: 相当近

Before you watch

Here are some words you will hear in the video. Write the meaning of each word and complete the sentences below. Block: gym: nightclub: Restaurant: subway: traffic: 1. On subways we usually eat dinner at a ___________. 2. There are a lot of apartment houses on this ______________. 3. That ________ has great jazz music.

4. After school, Amy works out at the ________

5. If you can’t find my house, you can take a ________ right to my door. 6. There are so many cars! The _______ is terrible on this street. 7. I take the _______ to work every day.

While you watch

What’s the story? Watch the video. Check the sentences that are true. Then correct the false sentences.

1. Sun-hee and Tara find a note from Claudia.

2. Claudia wants Sun-hee and Tara to meet her at the office. 3. The restaurant is between MacDougal and Sullivan.

4. Claudia tells Tara and Sun-hee to take the bus to the restaurant. 5. Sun-hee asks a woman for directions.

6. Sun-hee and Tara can’t understand the directions. 7. Sun-hee and Tara walk to the restaurant.

8. The restaurant is across the street from the subway stations.

What do they say? Watch the video and write the words you hear to complete the conversations.

Tara: Oh, it’s a note from Claudia. (reading note) “Hi girls! There’s a cool new _________ near my office. Let’s have dinner there tonight-my treat! The name is Giovanni’s, and it’s________ West Houston Street________ MacDougal and Sullivan. You can’t miss it! Claudia. P.S. The ________ is terrible down there. Take the subway and walk!”



Man: Yeah, sure. It’s pretty close. You walk two _______ down this street… and you turn _______ at the gym on the corner. Sun-hee: OK…

Man: Then, you walk one more block and there’s a big _______ called “Up Close.” It’s on the corner of West Houston and MacDougal. Tara: Nightclub called “ Up Close”…

Man: That’s it. Turn _______ on West Houston, walk about 200 meters, it’s in the _________ of the block, on the right. You can’t miss it! Good Luck!

After you watch

In the video, Sun-hee uses a preposition of place to talk about the restaurant. Complete the sentences.

1. There’s a gym _______ Thomson street.

2. The bus station is _____________ Cooper Street and MacDougal. 3. The Korean restaurant is _______ the block.

4. The bank is ________ the supermarket and the restaurant. 5. The police station is ______ the bank.

Complete the story summary. Across, directions, forgets, note, restaurant, subway station, taxi, understand

Sun-hee and Tara come home and find a ________from Claudia. Claudia wants them to meet her at a __________ called Giovanni’s . She gives Sun-hee and Tara ________to the restaurant, but Tara _______ Claudia’s note. They ask a man for directions, but they don’t _________ them. They finally take a _______ to the restaurant. When they get there, they are surprised. The restaurant is right ________ the street from the _____________.



Unit 4: Global viewpoint

In my neighborhood! Word List

Pharmacy 英 ['fɑ?m?si] n.药房;药剂学

laundromat 英 ['l??ndr?m?t] n.自助洗衣店bakery 面包房 crime n.犯罪;恶行 cost of living 生活成本 transportation cost 交通成本 subway system 地铁系统

intimidating adj.威胁的;咄咄逼人的 动词intimitate的现在分词. Sao Paulo n.圣保罗(巴西城市) Before you watch

Here are some words you will hear in the interviews. Write the correct word. Bakery bank clothing store Laundromat Pharmacy pizza shop post office Train station While you watch

Watch the interviews and check the places each person mentions. 1. Naalie

a. A pizza shop b. a clothing store c. a nightclub d. a pharmacy 2. Daniel

a. A movie theater b. a supermarket c. a post office d. a train station 3. Kevin

a. Laundromats b. pizza restaurants c. Chinese restaurants d. banks 4. Agnes

a. A bakery b. a post office c. little shops d. restaurants

Cities and Towns

Before you watch

Here are words you will hear in the interviews, use the words to complete the sentences.

1. Many countries are trying to reduce air and water __________. 2. The police fight _________ to make places safe.

3. In New York, most people use public ________, such as subways, to go to work. 4. The ______________ in cities like New York, Paris, and Tokyo is very high.

While you watch

Watch the interviews and tell true or false.

1. Gian is from a small town in North Dakota. 2. Gian;s town has almost no pollution. 3. Miyuki says food is expensive in Tokyo.



4. 5. 6. 7.

Dave thinks Mexico City is clean. Dave doesn’t like Mexico City.

Dayanne thinks living in Sao Paulo is inexpensive. Dayanne would like to live in the countryside.

Your view on …Around the World?

How about you? Answer the questions below.

1. Do you get lost sometimes? What do you do?

2. What is your neighborhood like?

3. What’s your favorite place in your neighborhood? Where is it?

4. Do you live in a small town, a big city, or in the country? What do you like

about it? What don’t you like?

In My Neighborhood

Natalie: In my neighborhood there is a pizza shop. Right next door to the pizza shop

is a clothing store and across the street from the clothing store is a pharmacy.

Daniel: In my hometown I live across from the supermarket, there’s a post office

down the road, there’s a bank, and I live very close to the train station.

Kevin: I live in a college town so my neighborhood has a lot of Laundromats and

pizza and Chinese restaurants.

Agnes: We have a bakery and a post office on the main street with a lot of little

shops where you can find things for the kitchen and a lot of restaurants, too. To get to my favorite restaurant, you just have to go down my street, and take your first right, go a couple of blocks, and then take your first left and the restaurant is on your left on that street.

Cities and Towns

Gian: I am from a small town in the state of North Dakota. My town has very

little crime, almost no pollution, and the cost of living is very low.

Miyuki: Tokyo is a very expensive city, food’s very expensive, transportation cost is

probably one of the biggest problems, but the subway systems are extremely organized so it’s not that difficult to get around.

Dave: Mexico City is a big, scary city with a lot of people and a lot of pollution,

and it can be very intimidating, but I love it.

Dayanne: The cost of living in Sao Paulo is very high, but l love it. I would like to

live in the countryside where it is quiet with not too many people, and the cost of living is not so high.



Unit 5 City Living/Another Souvenir?

Word List

sweater n.厚运动衫, 毛线衫 chilly adj.寒冷的 business suit n.<美>西装 souvenir n.纪念品

Yankee n.<美> 美国人, 美国佬

embarrass vt.使困窘, 使局促不安, 阻碍, 麻烦

Before you watch

Check yes or no for each sentences.

1. Does Roberto have meetings after Tuesday. 2. Will Roberto be on vacation after the meeting? 3. Is Roberto bringing souvenirs for his family? 4. Is the book a gift for Roberto’s sister? 5. Does the statue belong to Roberto?

6. Does Mike know who the teddy bear belongs to?

Here are some words you will hear in the video. Write the correct word or phrase. Airport, briefcase, car rental information, plane ticket, souvenirs, hotel, passport 1. Don’t forget your ________________. It’s on the table. 2. Oh no! My flight is at 2:00 and I can’t find my airplane. 3. We always stay at a nice ________ when we’re travelling. 4. My camera and the hotel information are in my _______. 5. Every _______ has a photo on it.

6. Take a taxi to the _________ or you will miss your flight. 7. When I go on vacation, I always buy _______ for friends.

While you watch

What’s the story? Watch the video. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. 1. Roberto is packing for a trip to Mexico/ Los Angeles. 2. Roberto has a business meeting on Tuesday/ Wednesday. 3. After the meeting, Roberto will go to work/ on vacation. 4. Roberto is packing souvenirs for his friends/family. 5. Mike suggests getting a T-shirt or a baseball cap/ camera or a CD player for Roberto’s father.

6. The teddy bear was a gift from Claudia/Roberto’s mother. 7. Roberto always takes his briefcase/teddy bear with him when he travels.

What do they say? Watch the video. Write the words you hear to complete the conversation.



Mike: Robert, why are you bringing a sweater to Mexico City? It’s summer there, so

it’s really 1. ___________, right?

Roberto: It’s usually hot in the day but sometimes at night it gets 2. _________.

Roberto: Maria is young, but she loves books. She’s really smart. Mike: Huh. What about this? Is this 3. ________ too?

Roberto: Oh that? That 4. ________ to my dad. It’s a souvenir from his New York visit, but he forgot it. Do you think I should get him another present?

Mike: Do you have your 5. _________ ticket and 6. ___________?

Roberto: Yes. And I have my 7. ________ information, my car 8. ________

information… my camera’s in my 9. _________…

Mike: (holding stuffed toy) Hey, 10. _________ is this? Another souvenir? Roberto: Umm… no… it’s 11.________. Mike: It’s 12._________?

Roberto: It was a 13. _________ present from Claudia. I always travel with it.

Mike: Ah… don’t be embarrassed. He’s very 14. ________. (laughing) And I’m

sure he makes a 15. _________ travel partner!

After you watch

Complete the story summary. Use the words in the box. Belongs, his , niece, souvenirs, him, teddy bear, travel, trip Roberto is packing for a 1, _______and Mike is helping him. Mike asks about the 2. _______ that Roberto is bringing for his 4. ______ and the small Statue of Liberty 5. _________ to his father. Roberto says that he’s ready to go, but then Mike finds a 6. _____ and asks whose it is. Roberto says that it belongs to 7. _____ and explains that it was a gift from Claudia so he always travels with it. Mike says he thinks the bear makes a cute 8. ________partner for Roberto.



C. How do people describe themselves? Watch the video again. Choose a,b,or c. 1. Who says,“I just like the water…”?

a. Dan b. Agnes c. Alyssa

2. Who says,“I’m very competitive and very hardworking”?

a. Daniel b. Woo Sung c. Gian 3. Who says,“I’m very independent”?

a. Dayanne b. Miyuki c. Jennifer

Your View on…All about You

How about you? Answer the questions below. 1. Are you very athletic? Explain your answer.

2. What sports do you like to play? To watch?

3. What is your favorite pastime? How often do you do it?

4. What are three things you love to do? What are three things you hate to do?

Dan: One of my favorite pastimes is to go to the gym. I like to go to the gym about

three or four times a week.

Dayanne: In my free time I enjoy 1. ___________with some friends and going to

the movies. I go to the movies at least once a month.

Jonathan: My favorite pastime is2. ________ because it helps clear my mind and I

try to play as often as I can.

Miyuki: One of my favorite pastimes is going to a coffee shop to hang out with

friends. And some of my roommates like to run or go to the gym.

Daniel: I like 3. _________ a lot. I go snowboarding every two weeks, except on

vacation when I go snowboarding every day.

Agnes: My favorite pastime is swimming. I go to the pool twice a week with a

friend of mine. And, I just like the water so for me it's the best sport to do. Alyssa: I like to play the piano, I like to go see concerts and when it's nice outside

I like to 4. _________.

Woo Sung: I like to play basketball, tennis, and football. I play basketball twice a

week. I play tennis three times a month and football once a month.

Gian: I love to play basketball. I'm very competitive and very 5. _________.

When I play, I play really strong defense.

Jennifer: I don't really like team sports. I prefer 6. __________ activities. I'm very 7.




Unit 7 City Living

Mike Needs a Change

Word List

junk food n. 垃圾食品,无营养食品 athlete n.运动员, 运动选手 Before you watch

Look at the photos above. Check(√)the sentences that are true. Then correct the false sentences/

1. Takeshi knows what Mike is doing.

2. Mike says he’s going to change his style. 3. Mike says he wants to watch more TV. 4. Mike often eats junk food. 5. Mike wants to travel less often.

6. Takeshi wants to be rich and famous.

Here are some words and phrases you will hear in the video. Write the correct word or phrase under each picture.

athlete movie star rock and roll star race car driver

1. rock and roll star 2. 3. 4.

These people want to change their lives. Use the verbs below to complete their sentences. Some verbs can be used more than once. become change get quit have

1. “I want to (1)_________ my bad habits. I should(2) ___________ smoking.” 2. “I want to (3)_________ more free time. I need to (4)__________ my job.” 3. “I want to(5) _________ my style. I’m going to(6) __________ a haircut.”

4. “I want to(7) ________my life. I want to (8) _______a famous movie star.”

While you watch

What does Mike want to do? Watch the video and check(√)all the answers. 1. √ change his style 7. change jobs 2. get a haircut 8. go to Brazil

3. quit some bad habits 9. be rich and famous 4. go to college 10. be a rock and roll star 5. watch less TV 11. write a book

6. stop eating junk food 12. Be a movie star or athlete

What do you say? Watch the video. Write the words you hear to complete the conversations.

Mike: You know, I mean… sometimes I’m a little lazy… I watch too much TV… I eat

a lot of junk food…1. ______ going to stop.

Takeshi: Uh-huh. And2. ______ going to snow in July, too.



Mike: I’m not kidding! I really want to change.

Roberto: You know, Claudia told me she wants to 4. ______ her life, too. Mike: Really? Does she have a lot of bad 5. _________, too? …..

Takeshi: You’re 6. ________ to be rich and famous?

Roberto: Oh, that’s right. I remember, you’re going to 7. ______ a famous movie star…

Mike: No. That was last week.

Takeshi: You’re going to be a rock and roll star?

Mike: No way! I can’t sing. I’m going to 8. ______ a book that sells a million copies. Roberto: Oh! That sounds great. So what is this terrific book going to be about?

Mike: I don’t know yet. But I know that it starts with a guy that wants to get a 9. _______.

Takeshi: That’ll sell a million copies… I’m sure of it.

Mike: and then maybe he10. ______ a super cool movie star… or an11. _______… or a race car driver…

After you watch

In the video, Mike uses be going to to talk about his future plans. Study the box. Then complete the sentences with be going to and the verb in parentheses. 1. My parents (visit) are going to visit my sister in New York. 2. Marty (not / go) ____________ to Japan this summer,

3. I (not / be)_____________in class tomorrow. I have an appointment with the doctor.

4. We (eat) ____________ at an Italian restaurant tonight.

5. I think Jill and Paul (drive) _____________ from San Francisco to Los Angeles. 6. I’m sure Jim (get) _____________ the job.

7. My husband and I (not / get) ____________ a new car.

Complete the story summary. Use the words in the box.

change sells get movie quit rich write starts

Mike decides that he needs to(1)_________ his style. First he’s going to(2) ____________a haircut. Then he’s going to(3) _________ some of his bad habits and

travel more. Mike then tells Roberto and Takeshi that he’s going to be(4) _________ and famous. They ask if he’s going to become a rock and roll star or maybe a(5)

__________ star. Mike says “no” and explains that he’s going to(6) _________ a book that ( 7 )__________ a million copies. What’s the book about? Mike’s not sure... but it all(8) __________ with a haircut!



Unit 7 Global Viewpoints

Making Changes Word List

engineering n.工程(学)

journalism n.新闻业, 报章杂志 ph.d. Philosophiae Doctor 哲学博士

dissertation n.(学位)论文, 专题, 论述, 学术演讲 developing country n. -tries 发展中国家

picky adj.吹毛求疵的, 好挑剔的, 过分讲究的

Before You Watch

Here are some words you will hear in the interviews about “Making Changes.” Use the words to complete the definitions.

engineer engineering journalism education

1. Journalism is the gathering and reporting of news for newspapers, radio, TV, etc. 2. An plans, designs, or builds things such as roads, bridges, or machines. 3. is the instruction or training a person receives in schools.

4. is the activity of designing things such as roads, bridges, or machines While You Watch

Watch the interviews and circle True or False. Then correct the false sentences. 1. Gian’s friend would like to quit smoking. True / False

2. Gian’s friend would like to start going to the gym. True / False 3. Jonathan’s friend is happy with her work. True / False

4. Jonathan’s thinks his friend should change jobs. True / False 5. Dave’s friend is studying journalism. True / False

6. Dave thinks his friend should study engineering. True / False 7. Dayanne’s sister wants to change jobs. True / False

8. Dayanne thinks her sister should live with her. True / False 9. Woo Sung’s sister works with computers. True / False 10. Woo Sung’s thinks his friend should be a rock star. True / False Before You Watch

Here are some words you will hear in the interviews about “Goals, Plans, and Dreams.” Use the words to complete the sentences . Use each word only once. carreer honeymoon picky training president 1. Margo doesn’t like a lot of foods. She’s a very picky eater. 2. Many people need to learn how to use a computer. 3. My sisiter is preparing for a in teaching.

4. The newly married couple went to Hawaii for their 5. The of my company is a very good leader. While You Watch



What do these people say about their plans? Watch the interviews and circle the correct answers.

1. Agnes’s goal is to finish her Ph.D.dissertation / get married. 2. Gian’s short-term goal is to find a new job / larger apartment. 3. Miyuki would like to start a career in Los Angeles / New York. 4. When Dan finishes his training, he wants to work in a hospital / laboratory. 5. Jennifer would like to be the president / owner of a company. 6. Catherine is getting married in about three months / years to a man named Paul. 7. Julianna’s biggest dream is to own her own home / business. 8. Dayabbe’s main goal is to travel / help people in developing countries. 9. Jonathan says he’s not very picky , he just wants to be rich / happy.

Your View on…Change

How about you? Answer the questions below.

1. What would you like to change about your style? Why?

2. What bad habits are you planning to quit someday? When are you going to do it? 3. What is one of your short-term goals? A long-term goal? 4. What is your biggest dream for the future?

Gian: My friend would like to change her life. She’d like to stop smoking and once she stops smoking she’d like to start going to the gym and working out.

Jonathan: I have a friend who is unhappy with her work. I think she should go back to college and finish her education.

Dave: My friend is studying engineering, but he doesn’t really want to be an engineer. I think he should leave engineering and study journalism.

Dayanne: My sister wants to find another job. I think she should come and live with me.

Woo Sung: I have a friend who works with computers, but he wants to be a rock star. I think he should do it.


