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A.Pass me the tomato. B.Eat the watermelon. C.Peel the banana. D.Smell the pineapple E.Show me the potato.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、情景选择

( )1.新学期,当你又见到Miss Liu时,你说:

A.Good morning. B.Nice to see you again,Miss Liu. ( )2.你想知道Peter是不是来自美国,你问:

A.Where are you from? B.Are you from America? ( )3.你欢迎同学到家里做客,说:

A.Welcome to my home. B.Welcome to my school. ( )4.老师想和大家一起做游戏,说:

A.Let’s play and act. B.Let’s play a game. ( )5.妈妈想叫醒Peter,说:

A.Wake up,Peter. B.Line up,Peter. ( )6.你想知道Mary是不是喜欢猕猴桃,问:

A.What do you like? B.Do you like kiwi fruit? ( )7.你想和同学去放风筝,说:

A.Let’s play football. B.Let’s play with my kite. ( )8.Dick约你去游泳,说:

A.Shall we go swimming B.Shall we go shopping? ( )9.妈妈让Mary穿上衬衣,说:

A.Try on your shirt. B.Put on your blouse.

( )10.你祝贺妈妈生日快乐,说:

A.Happy birthday,Mum. B.Happy New Year,Mum. ( )11.在商店里,售货员热情地招待你,说:

A.Can I help you? B.Can you help me? ( )12.你想表达“我们看上去像双胞胎”,说:

A.We are twins. B.We look like twins. 三、选择正确的答语

1.( )Can we have a look at those jeans? A.Yes,very much. ( )Where’s my T-shirt? B.Thanks,Mum. ( )Put on your cap,please. C.It’s over there. ( )Do you like tomato juice? D.OK.

( )Let’s play a chain game. E.Here you are.

2.( )Look, it’s a watermelon. A.Nice to meet you,too.

( )Have some milk. B.OK.I’m coming. ( )Pleased to meet you. C.Open it and see. ( )Come here,Lisa. D.Oh,no.Thank you,Mum. ( )What’s in the box? E.Wow,it’s so big. 四、根据答句,将问句补充完整。

1.-- are you in? --I’m in Class Three. 2.-- you from? --I’m from Tianjin. 3.-- your number? --I’m number six.

4.-- does your dad ? --He’s a postman. 5.-- the time? --It’s ten o’clock. 6.-- the weather today? --It’s sunny. 7.-- five and six? --It’s eleven. 8.-- is this boy? --He’s my friend.

9.-- are my socks,Mum? --They are over there. 10.-- this in English? --It’s an eggplant.

