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英 语


第 I 卷(选择题, 共85分)

第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分20分)


第一节 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)


1. Where does this conversation most probably take place? A. At school.

B. In a department store. B. Ignoring the mistake.

C. At the Lost and Found. C. Calling the hotel.

2. What does the woman suggest? A. Waiting at the corner. A. It will be cold.

B. They will have no money left. C. She may not find her size later.

4. Where will the man stay when studying abroad? A. In a host family. B. In an apartment. C. In a dormitory.

5. What are the woman and the man doing? A. They are visiting another town. B. They are waiting for someone. C. They are talking about an accident.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟阅读各个小题;听完后,每个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. What does the mother want David to do? A. To get the bottle on the top of the shelf.

高三英语 第 1 页 (共 12页)

3. What’s the main reason for buying a jacket now?

B. To get the cover off the bottle. C. To pick up some clothes. 7. Why was David’s father out? A. Because he was working.

B. Because he went out to take his umbrella. C. Because he went to the cleaner’s. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。

8. What is the possible relationship between the man and the woman? A. Teacher and student.

B. Close friends.

C. Doctor and patient.

9. Why is it hard for the woman to reduce some weight? A. Because her husband is feeding her. B. Because she is still working.

C. Because she has no time for physical exercise. 10. What does Jessica’s husband think of her? A. She is too fat.

B. She works too hard.

C. She could change her job.

听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。 11. What do people usually agree on?

A. Rich children have more resources and advantages. B. Many rich children are qualified to do many jobs. C. Rich children are born without pressure. 12. Why is Tony sad?

A. People think he was born lucky. B. People think he is too proud. 13. What does Tony think of himself?

A. He’s too nervous to speak before the hostess. B. He’s competitive and promising. C. He’s confident, satisfied and proud. 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。 14. Why does the woman want to sell her house? A. She’s tired of living there. B. She wants to live in a quiet country. C. She has retired and is short of money. 15. How much does the woman want for her house? A. $15,000.

B. $50,000.

C. $150,000.

16. What does the man think about buying the house?

A. He can’t afford the house. B. He must discuss with his wife. C. He isn’t satisfied with the house. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. What can we learn from the text?

A. Many young people are out of work in Australia.

高三英语 第 2 页 (共 12页)

C. He has few advantages.

B. It’s easy for young people to find jobs in Australia. C. Young people don’t have to work in Australia.

18. What will happen to a person with good final examination results in Australia? A. He or she can find a good job more easily. B. He or she can’t continue with his or her education. C. It is difficult for him or her to find a job. 19. Why hasn’t Brain found a job so far? A. There are fewer jobs in Australia. B. He didn’t do well at school. C. He asked for too much money. 20. How do Brain’s parents feel now? A. Happy.

B. Worried.

C. Frightened.

第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分35分)

第一节 单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. With natural resources becoming fewer and fewer, how to make use of ________ energy, such as sunlight and wind, has become our top priority. A. primary

B. alternative

C. instant

D. unique

22. During the presidential campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly vowed to tear up the agreement of “The Paris Climate Accord”, ________ he said was hurting American workers. A. which A. hold out

B. what B. bring out

C. where C. carry out

D. when D. pick out

23. Once again, terrorists have used vehicles to _________ deadly attacks – this time in Spain. 24. —Personally, it’s his thrill for success in the beginning that resulted in his final failure. —You bet. Just as we all know, ________. A. No pains, no gains

B. Readiness is all

D. Every little makes a mickle C. ripen C. when

D. rest D. where

C. Pride goes before a fall A. sink A. what

25. Good, better, best. Never let it _________. Till good is better and better best.

B. submit B. how

26. If we lose love and self-respect for each other, this is ________ we finally die.

27. No one I know ________ any reliable way to prevent the crushing pain but some books say to try stretching exercising and warm baths. A. looked back on A. could disappear

B. came up with

C. stood up for D. split off from

28. But for the survival instinct that nearly all creatures have, more species ________ from the earth.

B. might have disappeared

高三英语 第 3 页 (共 12页)

C. should disappear you. A. do I wish

D. will have disappeared

29. Only in you ________ to go on living – just one day in the year, softly, quietly, as I have always lived near

B. I wish

C. have I wished

D. I have wished

30. Typhoon Hato brought powerful winds and flooding to the region of southeast China and several deaths ________ on the storm in August, 2017. A. were blamed another. A. to pass

B. having passed

C. passed

D. passing

32. Wuxi is now a modern city with many attractions, most of _______ approached within 30 minutes by public transport from the city centre. A. that

B. them B. Once

C. which C. Since

D. whom D. Though

33. ________ white symbolizes purity and innocence, it is used in many important situations. A. While

34. As is known to us all, British Summer Time is one hour _______ Greenwich Mean Time. A. in advance of B. in terms of the hard work of being at school. A. Whatever

B. would be blamed C. had been blamed D. have been blamed

31. Life affords no higher pleasure than that of overcoming difficulties, ________ from one step of success to

C. in contrast to D. in relation to

35. ________ says that school years are the best time of one’s life is probably an adult – one who’s forgotten

B. Whichever

C. Whomever

D. Whoever

第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


Most people need to hear those “three little words” – I love you. Once in a while, they hear them just in time. I met Connie on the day when she was 36 to the hospice ward (病房), where I worked as a volunteer. Her husband, Bill, stood 37 nearby as she was 38 from the gurney (轮床) to the hospital bed. 39 Connie was in the final stages of her fight against cancer, she was optimistic and cheerful. I finished 40 her name on all the hospital supplies she would be using.

Connie was a romantic. As we became 41 , she expressed how 42 it was to be married 32 years to a carpenter who often called her “a silly woman”. “I’d give anything if he’d say ‘I love you’, but it’s just not in his 43 .” she sighed.

Bill visited Connie every day. One day, over coffee in the cafeteria, I got him on the 44 of women and how we need 45 in our lives; how we love to get sentimental (富有情感的) cards and love letters.

“Do you tell Connie you love her?” I asked, and he looked at me 46 I was crazy. “I don’t have to.” he said, “She knows I do!”

“I’m sure she knows,” I said, reaching over and touching his 47 hands, “but she needs to hear it, Bill, she needs to hear what she has 48 to you all these years.”

高三英语 第 4 页 (共 12页)

Two days later I walked down the hospice ward at noon. There stood Bill, leaning up against the 49 in the hallway, 50 at the floor. I already knew from the head nurse that Connie had died at 11 A.M. When Bill saw me, he 51 himself to come into my arms for a long time. His face was wet with tears and he was 52 . Finally, he leaned back against the wall and took a deep breath. “I have to say something,” he said. “I have to say how 53 I feel about telling her.” He stopped to blow his nose. “This morning I told her how much I loved her ... and loved being married to her. You 54 have seen her smile!”

I went into the room to say my own good bye to Connie. There, on the bedside table, was a large Valentine card from Bill. You know, the sentimental kind that 55 , “To my wonderful wife ... I love you.” 36. A. objected 37. A. numbly

B. determined B. casually

C. forced

D. admitted D. nervously D. protected D. Because D. signing D. considerate D. upset D. virtue D. object D. romance D. in case D. clumsy D. submitted D. table D. praying D. devoted D. aching D. relieved D. might D. underlines

C. impatiently C. prevented C. Though

38. A. transferred 39. A. As

B. transformed B. Since

40. A. sculpturing 41. A. acquainted 42. A. crazy

B. marking B. consistent B. delighted B. talent B. subject B. warmth B. as though B. smooth B. taken B. wall

C. announcing C. arbitrary

C. satisfied C. nature C. point

43. A. character 44. A. target

45. A. sympathy 46. A. even if 47. A. rough

C. comfort C. if only C. delicate C. meant C. bed

48. A. appealed 49. A. window

50. A. glancing 51. A. involved 52. A. trembling 53. A. sorry 54. A. would 55. A. writes

B. staring B. occupied B. mourning B. confused B. should B. explains

C. weeping C. allowed C. regretting C. doubtful C. could

C. conveys

第三部分 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Joining you for two days in Vienna, Kristina and Ian will share their expert tips during a private Q&A period and reveal their talents in a private performance at the wonderful Palais Liechtenstein. From Budapest to Nuremberg via the green beauty of the Wachau Valley, this is a wonderful opportunity to explore the culture of this splendid river with two very special guests.


高三英语 第 5 页 (共 12页)

Events with Kristina Rihanoff and Ian Waite.

Join Strictly Come Dancing stars Kristina Rihanoff and Ian Waite, who will deliver a wonderful private dance performance set against the background of Palais Liechtenstein. You will also have the opportunity to raise your own questions during the Q&A period with the dancers.

Sail aboard the Scenic Amber

Launched in 2016, the luxurious (奢华的) Scenic Amber features six cabin (客舱) classes, including the best balcony suites with superb mini bar, a suite bathroom with L’Occitane Toiletries, individual climate control and an all-weather greenhouse. You will also enjoy facilities including a pool, spa, fitness centre and fine dining in the Crystal Dining Room.

Discover Vienna and Budapest

Discover Budapest’s historic highlights including Heroes’ Square and Buda Castle, visit the city’s warm baths and explore the secret Hospital in The Rock. In Vienna, delight in the excellence of Sch?nbrunn Palace, enjoy a private classical music concert at Palais Liechtenstein and visit the world-famous Spanish Riding School.

A choice of cultural experiences

Throughout the tour you will enjoy a wide variety of cultural experiences that will bring each country and destination to life. Explore Melk Abbey, discover Cesky Krumlov, the ancient jewel of the Czech Republic, or take a guided tour of Salzburg, setting for the Sound of Music. You will also have the chance to explore Regensburg’s historic Old Town on the last day.

Price from £2,395per person for 8 days

Dates July 25 – Aug. 1 and Oct. 25 – Nov. 1, 2018 Interested? Please call at 01372 593756.

56. While staying with Kristina Rihanoff and Ian Waite, you’re to ________. A. share your suggestions on this special tour B. witness their great success at Palais Liechtenstein C. experience the culture of splendid natural scenery D. keep silent during a private Q&A period 57. If you order this trip in September, you’ll ________.

A. live in the luxurious balcony suites with superb mini bar at only £2,395 B. enjoy a big dinner in the Crystal Dining Room C. learn to ride in the world-famous Spanish Riding School D. You will explore Regensburg’s historic Old Town on Oct. 25


A new app is trying to make it simpler to help you react to photos and videos that your friends post online — it’s using AI to capture (捕捉) your facial expressions and automatically translate them into a range of emoji faces.

Polygram, which is free and available only for the iPhone for now, is a social app that lets you share things like photos, videos, and messages.

Unlike on Facebook, though, where you have a small range of pre-set reactions to choose from beyond clicking a little thumbs-up icon, Polygram uses a neural (神经的) network that runs locally on the phone to figure out if you’re smiling, bored, embarrassed, surprised, and more.

Marcin Kmiec, one of Polygram’s founders, says the app’s AI works by capturing your face with the front-facing camera on the phone and analyzing the images as quickly as possible, rather than just looking at

高三英语 第 6 页 (共 12页)

specific points on the face like your eyes and nose. This is done directly on the phone, using the iPhone’s picture processing unit, he says.

When you look at a post in the app, you see a small yellow emoji on the bottom of the display, its expression changing along with your real one.

There’s a slight delay – 20 milliseconds, which is just hard to notice – between what you’re expressing on your face and what shows up in the app. The app records your response(s) in a little log of emoji on the side of the screen, along with those of others who’ve already looked at the same post.

The app is meant to appeal to those who really care about how they’re understood on social media. Users can see a record of the emoji reactions to each photo or video they post to the app, as well as details about who looked at the post, how long they looked at it, and where they’re located.

Eventually, the founders say, they may release software tools that let other developers come up with their own applications for the technology.

58. As a new social app, which characteristic of Polygram is True? A. It is cheap and available only for the iPhone for now.

B. It eventually transfers emoji faces to facial expressions automatically. C. It specializes in a neural network that runs originally on your phone. D. It needs to choose from many reactions that have been set previously. 59. Those who _________ will be obviously attracted by this new App. A. are new technology fans


The recession (经济衰退) of 2008 – 2009 was remarkable in rich countries and the following recovery is weak. The labor market has also broken the rules, as new research from the OECD shows in its annual Employment Outlook.

Young people always suffer in recessions. Employers stop hiring them; and they often get rid of new young people because they are easier to fire. But in the previous recessions of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, older workers were also kicked out. This time is different. During the financial crisis in 2008, and since, they have done better than other age groups.

The researchers focus on changes in “non-employment” as a share of the total population of three age groups between the final quarters of 2007 and 2012. This measure has the advantage of including not just unemployment, where people are looking for work, but also inactivity, where people are not seeking jobs. While the average non-employment rate in the OECD has risen by four percentage points among young people and by one-and-a-half points among 25 to 54-year-olds, it has fallen by two points among the 55-64 age group. Why have older employees done so well? In some southern European countries they benefit from job protection not afforded to younger workers, but that did not really help them in the past recessions. “What has changed,” says Stefano Scarpetta, head of the OECD, “is that firms now bear the full costs of getting rid of older staff.” The past early-retirement schemes (方案) provided by governments (in the mistaken belief that these would help young people) made it cheaper to push grey-haired workers out of the door. These have largely been stopped. Job losses among older workers have also been more than offset (抵消) by falls in inactivity, reflecting

高三英语 第 7 页 (共 12页)

B. are addicted to new iPhones

D. are concerned about self-evaluation B. To introduce to us a new and popular app. D. To inform us of the popularity of a new app.

C. have great passion for emojis 60. What’s the purpose of the passage?

A. To promote and sell a new software.

C. To reveal the significance of new technology.

pressures that were already obvious before the crisis. Older workers now have a sharper motivation to stay in employment because of the impact of the crisis on wealth. Besides, older workers are healthier than they used to be and work is less physically demanding. They are also more attractive to employers than previous generations. Today’s 55 to 64-year-olds are the advance group of the post-war generations who benefited from better education than their previous ones.

Many will argue that older workers have done better at the expense of the young. That view is absurd. First, it is a fallacy that a job gained for one person is a job lost for another; there is no fixed “lump of labor (劳动合成)”. And second, as the report shows, young and old people are in general not replacers in the workplace. They do different types of work in different types of occupation; younger people are more attracted by IT firms, for example, while older folks tend to be employed in more traditional industries. There are plenty of things that should be done to help the young jobless, but getting older workers out of the workplace is not one of them. 61. The original purpose of the past early-retirement schemes provided by governments is to ________. A. cut the high cost of the elderly

B. make room for young people

D. guarantee the retirement life of the elderly

C. establish good social welfare system

62. Why do older workers have a lower non-employment rate than the young people? A. Their health condition is better than that of the young people. B. They have better education background than the young people.

C. The present retirement scheme ensures them more benefits than the previous one. D. Their education background caters to employers more than that of the young people.

63. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word “fallacy” in the last paragraph? A. Wrong belief .

B. Common assumption.


China suffers choking smog, mass destruction of habitats and food poisoned with heavy metals. But ask an environmentalist what is the country’s biggest problem, and the answer is always the same. “Water is the worst,” says Wang Tao, of the Carnegie Tsinghua Centre in Beijing, “because of its shortage, and because of its pollution.” “Without water,” agrees Pan Jiahua, of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, “people cannot survive in a desert.” Wang Shucheng, a former water minister, once said, “To fight for every drop of water or die. That is the challenge facing China.” He was not exaggerating (夸大).

China uses 600 billion cubic meters of water a year. The national average hides an even more alarming regional difference. Four fifths of China’s water is in the south, particularly the Yangtze river basin. Half the people and two thirds of the farmland are in the north, including the Yellow River basin. Beijing has the sort of water shortage usually associated with Saudi Arabia: just 100 cubic meters per person a year.

China is using up water at an unsustainable (无法可持续的) rate. As if that were not bad enough, ___________________________. The Yellow River is often called the cradle of Chinese civilization. However, a third of the water is unfit even for agriculture. Four thousand petrochemical factories are built on its banks.

The water available for use is thus so bad. Song Lanhe, chief engineer for urban water quality monitoring at the housing ministry, says only half the water sources in cities are safe to drink. More than half the groundwater in the north China plain cannot be used for industry, while seven tenths is unfit for human contact, even for washing.

The best answer would be to improve the efficiency (效率) with which water is used. Only about 40% of

高三英语 第 8 页 (共 12页)

C. Simple truth. D. Beautiful dream.

64. What could be the best title of the passage? A. Unfair in employment? C. Young people suffer?

B. Job discrimination? D. Glad to be grey?

water used in industry is recycled, half as much as in Europe. The rest is dumped in rivers and lakes. Wang Zhansheng of Tsinghua University argues that China is neglecting its urban water infrastructure (基础设施), leading to more waste. Water prices in most cities are only about a tenth of the level in big European cities, yet the government is unwilling to raise them, for fear of a popular criticism. The result is that China’s “water productivity” is low.

Rather than making wise reforms in pricing and water protection, China is focusing on increasing supplies. The best known such project is the Three Gorges dam on the Yangtze. But this year an even vaster project – the South North Water Diversion Project (南水北调工程) – is due to start. It will link the Yangtze with the Yellow River, taking water from the wet south to the dry north. When finished, it is intended to deliver 45 billion cubic meters of water a year and to cost a total of 486 billion yuan ($79.4 billion).

The environmental damage could be huge. The Yangtze is already seriously polluted. The project so far has reduced the quantity of underwater life in the Yangtze by over two thirds. And that was before it even opened. Ma Jun, China’s best known environmental activist, says the government’s preference for giant engineering projects only makes matters worse, “causing us to hit the limits of our water resources”. The water crisis is driving China to desperate but eventually unhelpful measures. 65. From the first two paragraphs we know that ________. A. water is badly polluted in most of the area of China B. the water in China is unfit for people to survive in a desert C. Wang Shucheng was sad about China’s future

D. people in North China are facing a more serious water shortage 66. Which of the following may help complete the missing sentence in Para. 3? A. China is polluting what little water it has left.

B. The biggest damage of the water shortage could be political.

C. 300 dead bodies were found floating in the Yellow River near Lanzhou.

D. The Chinese government have reacted to water problems by huge but harmful projects. 67. How does Song Lanhe convince us that the water available for use is so bad? A. By listing data.

B. By giving examples. D. By delivering warnings.

C. By making comparisons.

68. China can raise “water productivity” by ________. A. offering diverse water supplies and conservation

B. strengthening construction of water infrastructure and recycling C. raising water prices in big cities as European countries

D. building up more giant water projects and cooperating with neighbors 69. According to the author, the South North Water Diversion Project is ________. A. a vast and significant project

B. a huge and promising project D. a costly but effective project

C. a giant but unsuccessful project

70. By saying “The water crisis is driving China to desperate but eventually unhelpful measures” in the last paragraph, the author implies ________.

A. there is no good way for China to solve the problem of water crisis B. more giant projects like the Three Gorges should be built

C. it is urgent for China to deal with the crisis of water shortage and pollution

D. China should put forward other efficient ways instead of those giant engineering projects

高三英语 第 9 页 (共 12页)

第 II 卷(两部分, 共35分)

第四部分 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Small Talk May Make Us Happier

Small talk. Chitchat. These are the short conversations we have at parties, while we are waiting in line at the store, at family events or at work. Sometimes we make small talk with people we already know but not well. Often we have to make small talk with complete strangers. Many people find these small conversations about random topics difficult. Some people say they hate it. Others say small talk is a waste of time. They may even call it inactive chitchat or inactive chatter, meaning it doesn’t do anything. They consider small talk unimportant.

However, small talk is important.

These exchanges can open doors that may lead to larger, more meaningful conversations. When you first meet someone or talk to someone you don’t know well, it would be awkward to begin a conversation. However, small talk does help. Small talk also gives you the chance to decide if you want to get to know that person better – or not. Chitchat can also increase your feeling of understanding toward people you know but not well. Chatting with a colleague about their child may help you to understand more of their life outside the office. This could help build healthy work relationships. Small talk could even help our larger communities – our relationships with neighbors and colleagues.

However, some people are not good at small talk. Making small talk doesn’t have to be either awkward or boring. Here are some tips to improve your small-talking ability.

Have some conversation starters ready.

If you have seen a really good movie or have read a really good book, you can talk about that. You can talk about something that you recently learned. When you are sharing the same experience with someone, it’s easy to start a conversation. You simply notice and comment on what’s going on around you. For example, if you are at a party and a song comes on that you like or that reminds you of something, you can talk about that.

Ask open-ended questions.

These types of questions require more thought and more than a simple one-word answer. If you ask questions that need more details to answer, the conversation will go on longer. For example, if you are at a summer pool party, don’t ask a person if they like summer. Instead, ask them what they like or dislike about summer. So, instead of getting a one-word answer, you might have the chance to share in a memory.

Become a student.

Nobody knows everything. So, as someone is answering one of your open-ended questions, they bring up something about which you know nothing. So, tell them! This lets the other person become the teacher. They feel good about sharing their knowledge and you get to learn something. It’s a win-win situation.

Don’t ask “So, what do you do?”

Some people do not like their jobs. Or maybe they don’t want to talk about it. So, instead of asking, “What do you do for a living?” you may ask something like, “So, what have you been doing these days?” or “So, what have you been up to?” One general question can lead to an opportunity to share something you have in common. So, ask questions. Ask people about their families, their ambitions or even their fears. However, balance these questions with comments about yourself. Asking too many questions may make people feel they are in an interview rather than in a conversation.

Like anything else, getting good at making small talk takes practice. If you make small talk in your native

高三英语 第 10 页 (共 12页)

language, you might become happier. If you make small talk in English, you will most definitely improve your speaking and listening skills.

Outline Supporting Details ? Small talk or Chitchat is a short conversation we usually conduct on Introduction different 71 with different people. ? Small talk draws a mix of 72 and criticism among public. Significance of small talk Small talk is the foundation of spiritual communication which not only helps you break the 73 when staying with strangers, but also helps establish a healthy relationship with them. ? Make 75 for some conversation starters. We’d better talk about things that we’re 76 with, for similar experiences can make a conversation easier to start. ? Ask open-ended questions. A general question will probably 77 your conversations, while 74 to improving small-talking ability open-ended questions will make your conversations last longer. ? Become a student. Be honest and modest in something new. A win-win situation will 78 after mutual sharing and learning. ? Don’t ask “So, what do you do?” Balance questions with comments about ourselves and 79 talking about something people dislike. ? Practice makes perfect! Conclusion Small talk in native language can bring 80 a sense of happiness, and small talk in English can improve your oral English.

第五部分 书面表达(满分25分)


高三英语 第 11 页 (共 12页)


1. 用约30词概括漫画的主要内容; 2. 分析学生自理能力差的原因,并谈谈你的看法(上述对话仅供参考,原因不少于两点);

3. 谈谈如何增强学生的自理能力。 【写作要求】

Many students rely too much on their parents about daily issues. (Friday afternoon. On the phone.) Son: Mum? Mother: Yes? Son: All of my socks are dirty. What shall I do? Mother: No worry! I’ll help you this weekend. Son: … 1.可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 【评分标准】


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高 三 英 语


1~5 BCCAB 21~25 BACCD 36~40 DDACB 56~57 CB

6~10 BCBCB 26~30 BBBAA 41~45 ADCBD 58~60 CDB

11~15 AABBC 31~35 DBCAD 46~50 BACBB 61~64 BCAD

51~55 CADBC 65~70 DAABCD 16~20 BAABB

二、单项填空(15分) 三、完形填空(20分) 四、阅读理解(30分) 五、任务型阅读(10分)

高三英语 第 12 页 (共 12页)

71. occasions 72. praise 73. ice 74. Approaches

75. preparations 80. about

76. familiar One possible version:

77. end / close 78. arise/appear 79. avoid


As is vividly shown in the picture, a delivery containing dirty clothes is sent to a mother from her son, which reveals students’ poor ability to take care of themselves. (30 words)

Personally, these students, along with their parents, should take the blame for their inability to attend to themselves. For one thing, some students take everything in their life for granted, thinking it’s their parents’ duty to feed them, clothe them and even clean their messes. That is why they don’t bother to learn some basic living skills. For another, the indulgence of parents encourages the laziness of these students. Some parents even go to extremes to mirco-control every little detail of their children. They somewhat discourage their children from trying to live their life independently.

Therefore, to help them become independent and capable, parents should loose control on their children, while children should learn to take more responsibilities for themselves. (120 words)



1. 30词概括漫画内容 (8分) 2. 学生自理能力差的原因分析(9分) 3. 如何增强学生的自理能力(6分) 4. 卷面和字数 (2分) 二、评分细则


2.评分时,可先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调 整档次,最后给分。

3. 概要部分少于25词或多于35词;全文少于130词或多于170词的,从总分中酌情减去1-2分。 4.评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、文章结构、运用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性、上下 文的连贯性及语言的得体性。

5.拼写和标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑,英美拼写 及词汇用法均可接受。

6.如字迹难以辨认,以致影响表达,将分数降低一个档次。 三、说明

1. 以上提供的要点配分仅供参考;

2. 表达方式和顺序可不同,并允许适当发挥;

3. 句子结构、时态、语态错误为大错,扣2分;介词、冠词、单词拼写、大小写、标点符号等错误为小错,3处小错相当于1处大错;相同错误不重复扣分。 四、各档次的给分范围和要求 第五档(很好)


高三英语 第 13 页 (共 12页)





5、有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。 第四档(好) (16-20分) 1、完全完成了试题规定的任务。

2、虽漏掉1、2个次重点,但覆盖所有主要内容。 3、应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求。

4、语法结构或词汇方面应用基本准确,些许错误主要是因尝试较复杂语法结构或词汇所致。 5、应用简单的语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。 6、达到了预期的写作目的。 第三档(适当)



2、虽漏掉一些内容,但覆盖所有主要内容。 3、应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求。 4、有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,但不影响理解。 5、应用简单的语句间的连接成分,使全文内容连贯。 6、整体而言,基本达到了预期的写作目的。 第二档(较差)



2、漏掉或未描述清楚一些主要内容,写了一些无关内容。 3、语法结构单调、词汇项目有限。

4、有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,影响了对写作内容的理解。 5、较少使用语句间的连接成分,内容缺少连贯性。 6、信息未能清楚地传达给读者。 第一档(差) (1-5分) 1、未完成试题规定的任务。

2、明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关内容,原因可能是未理解试题要求。 3、语法结构单调、词汇项目有限。

4、较多语法结构或词汇方面的错误,影响对写作内容的理解。 5、缺乏语句间的连接成分,内容不连贯。 6、信息未能传达给读者。 不得分 (0分)


高三英语 第 14 页 (共 12页)







(停顿00’05” 叮咚铃声)

Text 1

M: Excuse me, but where’s Size 12? I’m looking for one for my classmate. W: Here you are, Sir.

M: Thanks. Can I try it on for him? W: Certainly.

(停顿00’10” 叮咚铃声)

Text 2

M: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the Grand Hotel? I thought it was at this corner, but I seem to have made a mistake.

W: Hmm, I’m sorry I don’t know. Maybe you should try calling them.

(停顿00’10” 叮咚铃声)

Text 3

M: Have you seen the leather jackets in the store for this fall? W: Uh! I can’t look at jackets while it is so hot.

M: Well, if you don’t buy one now, your size might not be here in a few months. (停顿00’10” 叮咚铃声) Text 4

W: Are you staying with a local family or renting your own apartment when you go to Canada for further education?

M: I’d prefer a homestay. I don’t want to live in a new place by myself.

(停顿00’10” 叮咚铃声)

Text 5

M: I’m sure she’ll just turn up. I guess she’s going to visit some friends in another town.

W: Yes, that’s possible, but we can’t be sure. Something may have happened to her. She might have had an accident.

(停顿00’05” 叮咚铃声)


高三英语 第 15 页 (共 12页)

