
更新时间:2023-05-19 13:14:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载


Unit 1 International Relations

Section B

1. North Korea says it wants a relationship of trust and mutual respect with the United States.

2. And Brazil has granted asylum to deposed Ecuadorian President Lucio Gutierrez who taken refugee in the Brazilian embassy since his ouster Wednesday .

3. The United States government has frozen of the asserts over 150 individuals and institutions from Zimbabwe.

4. U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has again expressed regret to Italy over the accidental killing of an Italian intelligent agent in Iraq.

5. Diplomatic relationship between Venezuelan President and Mexico have worsened sharply in a row over comments by the Venezuelan Hugo Chavez about the Mexican leader Vicente Fox.

Keys for section B A C B D C

Section C

Item 1

Egypt has announced it will reduce its diplomatic staff in Iraq following the killing of its top envoy in Baghdad Ehad al-Sherif .The Egyptian Foreign Ministry called it a security measure .But Iraq‘s Foreign Ministry appealed to Arab and Islamic counties not to be swayed by the kidnapping and killing of Mr.Sherif ,which it said was meant to deter them from upgrading diplomatic mission in Iraq.

Keys:1-(H) 2-(F) 3-(E) 4-(A)

Item 2

Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf says Pakistan and India are both optimistic about resolving their dispute over the Himalayan region of Kashmir, which both countries claim. In an exclusive interview with the Associated Press, General Musharraf says he hope to settle the issue with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh while they‘re both in power. Mr. Singh and General Musharraf are expected to try to move their peace dialogue forward when they meet next week in New York at the United Nations General Assembly meeting.

Keys: Task1 1-(F) 2-(F) 3-(T) 4-(F) 5-(T)

Task2: Pakistan settle the issue Prime Minister in power move forward meet.

Item 3

North Korea is demanding that Tokyo immediately lift sanctions imposed on Pyongyang in response to its test-launch of missiles. A North Korean envoy to Japan says his country will retaliate with stronger measures if the sanctions are lifted. After North Korea test-fired steven missiles, Tokyo barred a North Korean ferry from Japanese ports for six months and banned North Korean officals from entering the country. South Korea today rejected Pyongyang‘s request for military talks, saying they were inappropriate at this time. But it said ministerial talks will go ahead as scheduled next week.

Keys: 1-Sanctions. 2-Because North Korea test-launched missiles

3-It will retaliate with stronger measures. 4-Seven 5-Entering Japan

6-North Korea‘s demand for military talks 7-Ministerial talks between the two Koreas Section D

Item 1

The Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has paid a brief visit to a controversial Tokyo war shrine, prompting sharp protests from two of Japan‘s neighbors. It‘s Mr. Koizumi‘s fifth visit ti the Yasukuni Shrine since he tookoffice in 2001. Critics see such visits as tantamount to condoning atrocities committed by Japanese troops during the Second Word War. China has described it as a grave provocation to the people of China, and South Korea has issued a formal protest. Bae Yong-Han is a spokesman for the South Korean Foreign Ministry.

―We feel disappointments and anger at Prime Minister Koizumi‘s repeat(ed) visit to Yasukuni Shrine, which glorifies the past history of invasion despite the wishes of our government.‖

Keys:1-Fifth 2-Tokyo 3-Sharp protests 4-prompted 5-condoning atrocities 6-grave provocation 7-issued 8-glorifies 9-despite the wishes Item 2

The State Department says Venezuelan police failed to protect the U.S. ambassador there as demonstrators threw eggs and food at his car. Spokesman Sean McCormack said Venezuela‘s ambassador to the U.S. was summoned to the State Department to hear the U.S. complaint. A spokesman for the U.S. embassy in Caracas said groups of motorcyclists attacked the car carrying Ambassador William Brownfield. He said Venezuelan police escorts did nothing to stop the demonstrators who pounded on the car and chased it for miles. The embassy spokesman said the attack to appear been organized by the Caracas Mayor‘s office. A spokesman for the mayor denied that charge. The U.S. has been at odds with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez for several years.

Keys: Task 1 : BD Task 2 : FFFTTF

Item 3

Russia has expressed regret for the killing of a Japanese fisherman today when a patrol vessel fired a warning shot at a fishing boat near the disputed Kurill Islands. But Russia‘s Foreign Ministry says in a statement that Japan is at fault for the incident because it does not curb Japanese fishing in Russia water. Japan has launched a strong protest as we hear from VOA‘s Steve Herman in Tokyo.

―A diplomatic row out between Japan and Russia on Wednesday following the shooting death of a Japanese fisherman in waters claimed by both countries .The incident took place near the island chain the Russians call the Kurils and the Japanese call the Northern Territories .The islands were seized from Japan by the Soviet Union in the closing days World War II and have been under Russian control ever since ,but Japan still claim them. Foreign Ministry Taro Aso after summoning Russia‘s deputy ambassador told reporters in Tokyo that the killing of the Japanese fisherman was an outrageous act .Steve Herman,VOA News,Tokyo.‖

Keys :

1. It has expressed regret for the killing of the Japanese fisherman today.

2. A Russian patrol vessel fired a warning shot at the fishing boat near the disputed

Kuril Islands.

3. Japan does not curb Japanes fishing in Russian waters .

4. The islands were seized from Japan by the Soviet Union in the closing days of

World War II.

5. He summoned Russia‘s deputy ambassador and told reporter in Tokyo that the

killing was an outrageous act.

Section E

1. Congo is holding its first elections in 40 years today that people hope will end

years of war and chaos.There are 33people running for president and more than 9,000 people running for seats in the legislature. This is NPR News from Washington.

2. It‘e been a violent weekend in New Orleans .Officials say 6 people were shot to

death in 3 incidents within 24 hours ,including 3 brothers gunned down as the porch of an abandoned house.

3. Afghanistan and the United Nations appealed today for 43 million dollars . The

money would be used to hele people affected by a severe drought .It would also go to thousands of people who have been displaced by fighting in southern Afghanistan. This is the NPR News .

4. Apple Computer is recalling 1.8 million laptop batteries after complaints from

users .It follows the manufacture Dell,which recalled some of its computers last week,the largest in the history.

5. Also in Iraq today officials say gunmen kidnapped 11 Iraqi soliders in a town

north of Baghdad .They say the soliders were traveling in a minibus wearing civilian clothes when they were stoped at a phony checkpoint.


News 1 (1) free election in 40 years

(2) people (3)9,000 people (4)Today (5)Congo

News 2 (1)incidents (2)6 people (3)3 brothers (4)Weekend (5)New Orleans (6)Shot News 3 (1) appeal (2)the United Nations (3) Today (4) Afghanistan

(5) drought (6)displaced

News 4 (1) recall (2) Apple (3) Last week

News 5 (1)kidnapping (2)gunmen (3)Iraqi soldiers (4) Today (5)north of Baghdad


Unit 2 Visits and Talks

Section B

1. President Bush is due in Mongolia in the next few hours ,the first American

leader to visit the country.

2. The American Defense Secrety Donald Rumsfeld has left China after his visit

there since taking office in 2001.

3. The Russian President Vladimir Putin is due to arrive in Japan shortly for talks

about expanding economic ties, and particularly increasing cooperation in the energy sector.

4. South Asian leaders are holding final talks on the closing day of their summit in

the Bangladeshi capital Dhaka.

5. President Bush has ended a visit on Brazil with a speech outlining his ideas for

democracy and economic development in Latin America.


Section C


President Bush has met with Pakistani Pervez Musharraf at the White House to discuss a wide range of international and regional issue .The two leader told a joint news conference that the talks were candid and reinforced trust and confidence in each other .Ahead of the meeting ,a controversy developed when President Mushraffaf told a television interview that an American officer had threatened to bomb Pakistan if it did not cooperate in the U.S. –led war on terrorism. That issue was raised in an exchange with reporters .

Keys :2578


And a meeting in New York between the foreign minister of Guatemala and

Venezuela has failed to resolve the deadlock over which country will represent Latin America and the Caribbean as a non-permanent member on the United National Security Council .In a BBC interview after the meeting ,the Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Madour blamed Guatemala for the ongoing impasse .He said it bad show no interest in agreeing to a compromised candidate.


TASK(1) failed ,deadlock ,non-permanent member (2) the ongoing impasse

(3) on interest ,compromised candidate

News 3

Africa‘s first female elected leader met with President Bush at the White House today. Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf met with Mr.Bush in the Oval Office and then the two had lunch together in the White House‘s East Room. Among the issues the two discussed ,there is a request for Nigeria to band over former Liberian President Charles Taylor ,who is want on war crimes charges .She told the reporters today that she asked Mr. Bush for help. Taylor has been living in exile in Nigeria .Many Liberian blamed him for fueling a civil war that ravaged the country. Keys

(1) Africa‘s first female elected leader /Liberian President Ellen Johnson –Sirleaf.

(2)In the Oval Office .(3)The two had lunch together .

(4)Hand over Liberia‘s former president. (5)War crimes charges .

(6)Fueling a civil war in Liberia.

The president of Kazakhstan has started a U.S. visit .Nursultan Nazarbayev spent part of Tuesdey and yesterday in Maine .A former President Geoge H.W.Bush, he‘s to meet with Mr.Bush‘s son President Bush at the White House tomorrow .Today ,he‘s to unveil a monument tp his country‘s independence from the Soviet Union in Washington DC. Kazakhastan is important to the U.S for its oil supplies .It‘s also a focus of human rights advocates who says that it has a poor recored of protecting the rights of individuals.And the topic id likely to be the White House agenda tomorrow .Nazarbayev has been Kazakhstan;s only leader since it gained independence in 1991.

Keys:(1)President of Kazakhstan (2)only leader (3)in 1991 (4)Maine (5)guest

(6)unveil a monument (7)Washington D.C. (8)meet with (9) poor record

(10) rights


Environment minister and official from more than twenty countries have ended four days of informal talks in Greenland in efforts to deal with global warming .Danish Environment Minister Connie Hedegaard ,the meeting s host ,called on participants to stop blaming one for global warming and take concerted action .Participants of the meeting in Greenland‘s Arctic town of Elucigot included the United States ,China and several European countries .They focused on possible action after the first phase of the Kyoto Protocol ,an accord on reducing global warming .It expires until 2012.U.N. studies show that global warming could melt polar icecaps and push thousands of species close to extinction.

Keys : Task1 AC Task 2 FFTTF


G-8 leaders are gathering near Edinburgh ,Scotland at this hour for a summit that will focus on aid to African and protecting the environment .They are expected to endorse a write-off more than 40 billion dollars in debt owed by 18 African countries mainly in the sub-Saharan region .On a stop in Denmark en route to Scotland ,President Bush said he would emphasize the need for African nations to commit to good government to get the increased aid .In villages near the G-8 conference site demonstrator smashed car windows and fought with riot police .Some tried to storm barricades surrounding the conference site and dozens were arrested.

Keys :(1) Aid to African and environment protection

(2)They are expected to endorse a write –off of more than 40 mollion dollars in debt owed by 18 African countries mainly in the sub-Saharan region

(3) President Bush said he would em phasied the need for African nations to commit to good government to get the increased aid

(4)In Denmark en route to Scotland

(5)Demonstrators smashed car windows and fought with riot police .Some tried to storm barricades surrounding the site and dozens were arrested

1. Meanwhile talks on Russia‘s bid to enter the World Trade Organization broke off

without an agreement.

2. President Bush hosted Australian Prime Minister John Howard at the White

House today.

3. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld traveled to Germany today for a meeting of

NATO Defense Ministers.

4. The leader of a rebel movement controlling the north of Ivory Coast, Guillaume

Soro, has held talks with mainstream political leaders in the capital Yamoussoukro, the first time they‘ve all met on Ivorian soil.

5. President Chirac of France has begun a three-day visit to Saudi Arabia by meeting

with King Abdullah.

Keys:1、Russia ,talks to join the WTO broke off without an agreement

2 、President Bush ,the Australian Prime Minister ,hosting the guest ,the White House ,today

3、 U.S Defense Secretary ,a meeting of NATO defense minister ,Germany ,today

4、Ivory Coast rebels in the north ,mainstream political leader ,talks ,the capital

5、the French President ,the Saudi King ,a three-day visit to Saudi Arabia.

Unit 3


1. Security Council. 2. special fund 3. permanent members 4. closed-door

5. Goodwill Ambassador 6. urgent meeting 7. General Assembly opened.

8. antipoverty. 9. Human Rights Committee Red Cross 10. resolutions

Section B

1. (The) United Nations has released new data showing that rich countries have made little overall progress in reducing the output of the gases blamed for climate change.

2. Qatar has become the first Arab country to pledge troops for a UN peacekeeping mission in Lebanon, offering to send up to 300 troops to monitor the ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah.

3. In a speech to the 191-member General Assembly, Mr. Annan urged an enlargement of the Security Council by adding six new members.

4. World leaders speaking on the second day of the United Nations World Summit have called for reform of the international body and have urged it to play a key role in the fight against terrorism.

5. The United Nations has launched its biggest annual appeal for humanitarian assistance, asking for 4.7 billion dollars to help the victims of war, famine and natural disasters around the world.

Answer :1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B

Section C

Item 1

The United Nations children' s agency UNICEF is beginning a huge campaign in Pakistan today to immunize 800,000 children affected by the earthquake last month. The agency is sending 600 health teams into towns and mountain villages to vaccinate

children against measles, polio, diphtheria and tetanus. UNICEF staff say it would be a race against time to reach children scattered in remote mountain communities before winter snows arrive. The agency has already vaccinated 300,000 children.

Keys: Task1 :2 4 7

Task2: 1.children‘s agency 2. health teams mountain communities immunize/vaccinate winter snows 300000 3.race against time

Item 2

The United Nations relief agency says an attack on a displaced persons' camp in Sudan's western Darfur region has reportedly left 29 people dead and 10 seriously injured. A spokeswoman for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees told VGA it' s the first time that a displaced persons' camp has been attacked in more than two years of civil war. The spokesman says up to 300 armed Arab men on horses and camels attacked the camp on Wednesday.

Answer: Task1:1.C 2.D Task2: 1.F 2.T 3.T. 4.T 5.F

Item 3

The United Nations World Food Program has appealed urgently for donations of more than 150 million dollars to prevent a food crisis in southern Africa. It warned that almost 10 million people across six countries—Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, Lesotho and Swaziland— urgently needed food aid. The shortages are blamed on drought and the effects of HIV/AIDS and chronic poverty. A BBC correspondent in southern Africa says that in Zimbabwe, children in rural areas have already started to show signs of malnutrition. She says some eat only once a day.

Answer:1.Donations of more than $150 million 2.Prevention of a food crisis in southern Africa 3.Almost 10 million people 4.Drought,HIV/AIDS and chronic poverty 5.Signs of malnutrition

Section D

Item 1

The South Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki-Moon has won the support of all five permanent members of the UN Security Council in his bid to become the next Secretary General of the UN. Mr. Ban had been the favorite to succeed Kofi Annan in the post, and had come first in three previous informal ballots held by members of the Security Council. However, until this latest vote it had not been known whether his candidacy might be vetoed by one of the five permanent members, the United States, China, Russia, France or Britain. It's expected that a formal vote will be held next week. The U.S. ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton said new candidates could come forward, but that was unlikely.

Answer:(1)Secretary General (2)Foreign Minister (3)won the support (4)succeed

(5)informal ballots (6)veto (7)candidacy (8)unlike

Item 2

Despite U.S. objections, the United Nations General Assembly today overwhelmingly voted to create a new human rights council to improve the UN's ability to deal with human rights offenders. The council replaces the discredited UN Human Rights Commission based in Geneva. U.S. ambassador to the UN John Bolton

told the Assembly today that UN made some improvements but they are not enough. Bolton told the Assembly that rules for the new council are too weak to prevent human rights violators from obtaining seats. Under the resolution adopted today, the old commission will be abolished June 16th, and the new council will convene three days later.

Answer:Task1:1.C 2.C Task2: 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T 6.T

Item 3

The United Nations has welcomed new pledges by donor countries of nearly 600 million dollars to fund relief efforts after the South Asian earthquake. But the UN's chief relief coordinator Jan Egeland said it was not clear how much was for immediate emergency relief and how much for longer-term work. Pakistan says 79,000 people have died and Mr. Egeland had early warned that hundreds of thousands more could die without an immediate big boost in funds. Winter snow is expected in the earthquake zone within weeks. A top Pakistani relief official, General Farooq Ahmed, told the BBC that an extra 30,000 troops were in the area to help.

Answer:1.Donor nations have made piedges of nearly 600millino dollars to fund relief efforts after the South Asian earthouake 2.Mr. Egeland is the UN chief relief coordinator. He said it was not clear how much was for immediate emergency relief and how much for longer-term work. 3. Pakistan says 79,000 people have died and Mr. Egeland had early warned that hundreds of thousands more could die without an immediate big boost in funds 4. Winter snow is expected in the earthquake zone within weeks. 5. An extra 30,000 troops were in the area to help.


1. Sri Lankan officials say government forces have killed at least 40 Tamil Tigers and wounded 70 during a rebel attack on strategic areas in the country's northeast. Military officials say five government troops were also killed in the fighting early today around the port of Trincomalee. The rebels say they overran four military outposts, but authorities in Colombo say the rebels have made no territorial gains. Rebels also fired mortar shells into a civilian area in Muthur near Trincomalee, killing at least two civilians.

Answer:A.(4)→B(3)→C(5)→D (2)→E(1)

2. Hundreds of thousands of people are still without electricity in western New York after a major snowstorm this week. It hit Thursday night and dropped as much as two feet of snow by the time it ended yesterday morning. It was the snowiest two days in October in Buffalo since the National Weather Service began keeping track 137 years ago. Authorities say three people died of weather-related causes.

Answer:A.(3)→B(1)→C(4)→D (2)

3. The American space agency NASA has awarded a multi-billion-dollar contract to a group led by Lockheed Martin to design and build the next generation of manned spacecraft. The craft called the Orion is intended to replace the aging fleet of space shuttles. Orion' s shape resem?bles the command modules of the Apollo spaceships from the sixties and seventies. Unlike the shuttle, it has no wings and will parachute back to earth at the end of each mission.

Answer:A.(4)→B(2)→C(1)→D (3)



1.expressed concern 2.apologized remarks 3.denied charges warned 4.condemned

5.called for 6.threatened accused 7.deeply troubled 8.allegations baseless

10.stressed the importance

Section B

1. The Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper has announced the construction of two military facilities in the Arctic and a move to assert his country‘s sovereignty over the contested region, which is estimated to contain billions of dollars of oil and gas deposits.

2. A speaker purporting to be al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is accusing the US and the European Union of backing a war against Islam.

3. The former president of Iran Mohammad Khatami says American attempts to impose western-style democracy on the Middle East are flawed because democracy is not something that can be exported.

4. The Pentagon has issued a memo to rebut the criticism from several retired generals who called for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to resign.

5. British Prime Minister Tony Blair says his country is taking tough new measures to fight extremism following last month‘s deadly terrorist attacks in London.

Answer: 1.B 2.D 3A 4D 5C

Section C

Item 1

Russian President Vladimir Putin says his country is prepared to help Kyrgyzstan‘s new leaders establish stability in the wake of a political upheaval. Mr. Putin made these comments today following a telephone discussion with Kyrgyzstan‘s opposition leader Kurmanbek Bakiyev who was appointed by parliament to lead an interim government. Kyrgyzstan‘s new leaders are trying to restore order after two days of massive looting and street violence that left at least three people dead and injured many more.

Keys:1-(B,D) 2-(A,D) 3-(G) 4-(E)

Item 2

British officials in Iran have denied allegations of any British involvement in violence in the southwestern province of Khuzestan where at least four people were killed in two bomb attacks on Saturday. The British embassy in Tehran condemned the attacks and said Britain rejected allegations linking it to terrorist outrages. Several Iranian officials have made statements implicating British troops stationed across the border inside southern Iraq in the bombings and in previous attacks earlier this year which killed 10 people.

Keys:Task1:1F 2F 3F 4T 5F

Task2:1.embassy rejected linking to

2.Iranian officials implicating bombings previous attacks

Item 3

For the first time, President Bush has said it could be accurate to compare the recent escalation of violence in Iraq to the 1968 Tet Offensive during the Vietnam War. The Tet Offensive marked a strong downturn in public support for both the Vietnam War and then-President Lyndon Johnson. Mr. Bush spoke in an ABC TV interview in which he addressed increased violence in Iraq. The comparison of the insurgency in Iraq to the Tet Offensive in Vietnam was made in a column by Tom Friedman in the New York Times.

Keys:1. The 1968 Tet Offensive (during the Vietnam War.) 2 .Downturn in public support for both the Vietnam War and then-President 3. Increased violence in Iraq. 4. The New York Times. 5. 。A column writer /a columnist

Section D

Item 1

Iran‘s president is denying reports he gave an interview to an Arab newspaper in which he threatened to halt oil sales if Tehran was referred to the United Nations Security Council. I ran‘s Presidential Media Department made that denial in a statement issued today in a reaction to an article published in the Khaleej Times . Earlier today the United Arab Emirates-based newspaper reported that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad threatened in an interview to stope oil sales if Iran is sent to the council for its nuclear activities.The reports from a French news agency say the repoter is astonished by the denial ,but the news agency say also says,the publisher of the newspaper says the c0nfusion may be due to the reporter not adequately identifying herself as a journalist.

Answer:1.denying 2.halt oil sales 3.refered to 4.nuclear activities 5.Media

6.made that denial 7.reaction 8. French news agency 9. astonished

Item 2

South Korea and Japan say they have not detected any radioactivity to confirm North Korea‘s claim that it conducted an underground nuclear test on Monday .Late Friday unnamed U.S. official said U.S.aircraft have detected traces of radiation in the airsamples collected near the suspected North Korea test site ,but they stressed no final determination had been made .World of the latest findings comes as the UN Security Council members continue to hammer out details of a draft resolution was expected Saturday .The UN draft resolution includes economic and weapons sanctions against North Korea, including a travel ban and financial restriction .

Answer:Task1:1.D 2.B Task2:1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.T Item 3

Russian President Vladimire Putin says he will not allow foreign powers to dictate Russia‘s energy policy or interfere in any of its internal affairs. In an interview broadcast from Saint Petersburg today , Mr .Putin told NBC News that recent Western criticism of Russia is a mix of cold war and colonialist thinking .Mr .Putin singled out U.S.Vice President Dick Cheney‘s recent of Russian energy policy in which Cheney accused Russia of using its vast oil and gas resources as tools of intimidation .Putin compared those comments to an errant gunshot by Cheney that wounded a companion on a hunting trip earlier this year . The Russian

leader host President Bush and other world leaders later this week in a summit of the G-8 industrialized nations . Mr.Putin said Russia is ready to hear well-intentioned criticism from foreign leaders , but said he will categorically reject what he called interference in Russia‘s internal affarrs .

Answer:1. Putin says he will not allow foreign powers to dictate Russia‘s energy policy or interfere in any of its internal affairs.

2.In an NBC interview broadcast from Saint Petersburg today.

3. He called it a mix of cold war and colonialist thinking

4. Cheney accused Russia of using its vast oil and gas resources as tools of intimidation.

5. He compared them to an errant gunshot by Cheney that wounded a companion on a hunting trip earlier this year .

6. Russia welcomes well-intentioned criticism from foreign leaders.

Section E

1. the new assessment of China‘s military capability

2. reinforces US arguments against lifting a European arms embargo

3. as well as helping bringing those responsible to justice

4. expressed personal condolences and the support of the American people

5. the most closely guarded minister in the government

Unit 5 disasters and Calamities

Section A warming up

1. snowfalls blizzards disrupted

2. worsening drought

3. struck aftershocks

4. collapsed

5. debris trapped crushed

6. relief supplies devastating

7. tornado forecasters

8. locusts

9. tropical storm hurricane

10. battling toxic spill spill

Section B

1.An Air France passenger plane has skidded off the runway and burst into flames on landing at Pearson Airport in Toronto, Canada.

2.In Nigeria at least 12 people were reported drowned after an overcrowded dugout canoe capsized in a remote creek in the oil-producing Niger Delta.

3.A full-scale relief operation is underway on Indonesia‘s Java Island where a tsunami hit Monday, killing at least 340 people.

4.The bodies of 10 New Jersey senior citizens killed in this week‘s tour bus crash in the mountains of northern Chile are being flown home.

5.Hurricane John has been downgraded to a tropical storm after hitting the Baja California Peninsula on the west coast of Mexico. The storm struck the tourist port city of Lepas, bringing down trees and power lines and flooding streets. It had earlier

inundated the seaside resort of Los Cabos.

1. C 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A

Section C

Item 1

Iraqi police say more than 640 people have been killed in a stampede that broke out today near a Shiite shrine in Baghdad. Authorities say some 300 were hurt in ths stampede that erupted on a Tigris River bridge when thousands of people crushed a railing and plunged into the river. Officials say bodies are still being recovered from the river and that the final death toll could rise. The incident occurred when a rumor spread that a suicide bomber was in the crowd.

1—(H) 2—(G) 3—(D,F) 4---B 5---(J)

Item 2

A Peruvian airliner carrying 100 passengers and crew members has crashed in a northeastern jungle town, killing at least 40 people. Officials say the TANS Air Flight 204 went down Tuesday while attempting an emergency landing during a severe storm. Police at the scene say foreign nationals are among the dead, including at least one Italian and an American. Officials say at least 52 people survived the accident with most being treated at area hospitals.

Task 1 1. T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T

Task 2 1. Peruvian airliner crew members killing 2. an emergency landing

3. foreign nationals Italian an American 4. 52 survived at area hospitals Item 3

Officials in Japan say the train crash near Osaka in western Japan has killed as many as 57 people, injured more than 400. A commuter train carrying around 580 passengers during morning rush hour Monday smashed into an apartment building near Amagasaki, about 400 kilometers west of Tokyo. Workers are still trying to reach some of the passengers trapped in the wreckage. The accident was Japan‘s worst in more than four decades. Investigators say speed and driver inexperience may be factors in the crash.

1. A train crash

2. Near Osaka, western Japan; morning rush hour, Monday

3. five hundred and eighty commuters

4. It smashed into an apartment building

5. Trying to reach some of the trapped passengers

6. speed and driver inexperience

Section D

A fire at a Paris apartment building housing African immigrants has killed at least 17 people, a half of them children. French officials say some 30 others were injured in the blaze that broke out shortly after midnight in a stairwell of the dilapidated building. Authorities say it took more than two hours for some 200 firefighters to extinguish the blaze. The cause isn‘t known. French media are reporting the victims are from African countries such as Senegal and Mali. Officials say about 100 children and 30 adults lived in the building, which was run by a humanitarian association. In April a fire at a Paris hotel catering mostly to African and European immigrants killed 23 people. One

of the hotel‘s residents admitted to accidentally starting that blaze.

(1) Paris Apartment building Fire

(2)When Shortly after midnight

(3) Where In a stairwell of a dilapidated building

(4) Who African immigrants

(5)Why Not known

Casualties (6) 17 were killed, a (7) half of them children; (8) 30 were injured

Firefighting Efforts Some (9) 200 firefighters were sent to (10) extinguish the fire The April Incident A resident (11) accidentally started a (12) blaze at a Paris Hotel

(13) catering mostly to African and European immigrants, (14) killing 23 people Item 2

A small aircraft has crashed into the 20th floor of a high-rise apartment building in New York City, killing at least two people. The plane burst into flames on the impact and fire spread through several floors of the building. The White House said all the indications were that the crash was an accident. Investigators are at the scene gathering evidence, but the authorities don‘t believe the incident was linked to terrorism. The BBC‘s Gitto Harry was at the scene shortly after the incident and sent this report.

“Fire engines, police cars, ambulances completely blocking the avenue, people having been pushed onto the sidewalks. All they know at this stage is that either a plane or a helicopter has crashed into a building. There are helicopters circling above. There is smoke in the air. There are police running around. The are is being cordoned off.‖

There authorities in New York now say that four people were killed in the plane crash in Manhattan. Reports from the United States say the plane was being piloted by the New Yankee‘s baseball pitcher Cory Lidle, who died in the incident.

Task 1 1. C 2.A 3.B

Task 21. F 2.F 3. T 4.F 5.T 6.F

Item 3

Thousands of victims of Hurricane Katrina are still being evacuated from New Orleans. More than 10,000 people already have been taken by bus to an emergency shelter at a sports stadium in Texas more than 550 kilometers from New Orleans. Rescuers in New Orleans are working to evacuate thousands of additional flood refugees in and near the city‘s former convention center, a large building without power, water or toilet facilities, overflowing with crowds calling for food, water and other assistance. Meanwhile President Bush is to visit the devastated area today. He is schedule to visit parts of Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana that were wrecked by the powerful hurricane.

1. They are still being evacuated from New Orleans

2. They have been taken by bus to an emergency shelter at a sports stadium in Texas more than 550 kilometers from New Orleans.

3. They are working to evacuate thousands of additional flood refugees in and near the city‘s former convention centre.

4. the center is now a building without power, water, or toilet facilities, overflowing with crowds calling for food, water and other assistance.

5. He is scheduled to visit parts of Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana that were wrecked by the hurricane.


Section A

1. life expectancy 2. regulators abortion 3. rabies 4. infected with cases 5. bird flu immune 6. outbreaks borne 7. prescription medicines 8. AIDS 9. antiviral 10. medicare

Section B

1. The problem of obesity is spreading into many different aspects of Americans‘ lives. Now researchers have confirmed that some children are so fat they can‘t fit into car safety seats designed for kids.

2. Two more Indian states have banned the sale of soft drinks produced by U.S.giants Coca-cola and Pepsi-cola after a test by an environmental group showed high pesticide levels. This brings the total number of states to six where there is a partial r full ban of the soft drinks.

3. An Asian expert says disease and natural disease and natural disasters may pose a greater security threat to the region than conventional political conflicts.

4. The United Nations says opium cultivation in Afghanistan has declined for the first time since 2001 as tens of thousands of farmers have given up opium poppies for legal crops.

5. The authorities in Iran have warned that if the dangerously high level of air pollution in the capital Teheran continues, there could be thousands of casualties. Answers:1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B

Section C

Item 1

The number of people infected with HIV, the virus that can lead to AIDS, is still rising and has passed 14 million worldwide for the first time. The United Nations said there had been 5 million new infections this year and warned that AIDS was outstripping global and national efforts to contain it. Sub-Saharan Africa remains the worst affected region. In Asia, where more than eight million people are infected, the UN says infection rates are rising sharply. It warned that Pakistan, in particular, was on the verge of a serious epidemic.

Answers: Task1 1.A 2.C 3.C

Item 2

The biggest ever international conference on malaria has begun in the West African state of Cameroon to discuss the latest scientific findings on the disease which kills more than 1.5 million people worldwide each year. 75% of those victims are African children. Of the 2,000 delegates meeting in the capital Yaounde, 80% are from Africa. The disease costs the continent more than 12 billion dollars in lost GDP each year. The latest research suggests that 41% of the world‘s population live in areas where malaria is transmitted.

Answers: task1 1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T

Task2 1. International conference; malaria; West African state; scientific findings 2. costs; in lost GDP 3. world‘s population; is transmitted

Item 3

The Food and Drug Administration is investigating whether more than one food company is responsible for an outbreak of E. coli bacteria. Officials have linked bad spinach from Natural

Selection Foods as one source of the E. coli. The company says the products are sold under the brand name Earth Bound Farm. Doctor David Atchison with the FDA says natural selection Foods has voluntarily recalled the spinach. The FDA advises shoppers to get rid of any fresh spinach in bags or other containers. At least one person has died. Dozens of others have gotten sick in at least 19states.


1. whether more than one food company is responsible for an outbreak of E.coil bacteria.

2. bad spinach from Natural Selection Foods.

3. Earth Bound Farm

4. It has recalled the spinach.

5. get rid of any fresh spinach in bags or other containers.

6. one person died and dozens were sick in 19 states.

Section D

Item 1

European health experts have gathered in Brussels to formulate a response to recent bird flu outbreaks among migratory birds. The panel today endorsed measures that would increase surveillance and toughen import bans, such as the European Union‘s plan, suspending the imports of untreated feathers from non-EU countries. The European Commission has dedicated an additional 2.2 million dollars for bird surveillance and testing programs. German authorities today confirmed the presence of the deadly H5N1 bird flu virus in wild swans on an island in the Baltic Sea. Outbreaks have been confirmed in the Balkans, Turkey, the Caspian Sea areas and elsewhere. Several EU countries have ordered farmers to keep poultries indoors to prevent transmission of the disease. But the World Organization for Animal Health in Paris says this is not necessary at the present time.

Answers:1. Formulate 2.Bird Flu 3.German 4.presence 5.wild swans

6.the Balkans 7.Turkey 8.toughen import bans 9.Dedicate 10.testing programs 11.to prevent transmission

Item 2

A week after a toxic waste scandal brought down the government of Ivory Coast, teams of Ivorian and French experts are still trying to establish exactly what the material was composed of. Tons of waste from a ship were dumped in leaking drums in at least 11 open air locations in Ivory Coast‘s biggest city Abidjian. Our correspondent James Copnall is there. The latest health ministry figures show that the

health situation is deteriorating just as rapidly, however, a state of panic seems to have set in. meanwhile, teams of French and Ivorian experts were attempting to find out what exactly the toxic waste was composed of.

Answers: Task1 1.D 2.A Task2 FTTFT

Item 3

The White House has issued an updated version of its strategy for dealing with a possible influenza pandemic. The plan warns cities, states and businesses that they should prepare now to keep operating on their own and not count on federal help, and says that a flu pandemic could make up to 40% of the workforce too sick to work for two weeks at a time and that the infection could remain active in a community for up to two months. In the worst case, the report says, a pandemic could cause as many as two million deaths in the United States. Influenza pandemics tend to break out when a never-before-seen strain of the virus starts passing from person to person. Scientists are currently worried that the Asian bird flu might mutate into that kind of virus.

Answers: 1. It has issued an updated version of its strategy for dealing with a possible influenza pandemic

2. The updated strategy needs cities, states and businesses to prepare now to keep operating on their own and not count on federal help

3. It could make up to 40% of the workforce too sick to work for two weeks at a time. The infection could remain active in a community for up to two months

4. The pandemic could cause as many as two million deaths in the United States

5.It tends to break out when a never-before-seen strain of the virus starts passing from person to person

Section E

1. The move is expected / to reduce expenses involved in the drug / that has been hailed as a life-saving treatment

2. In the study / patients who cut their smoking in half / also cut their risk of lung cancer / by 27%

3. European Union officials / continue to reassure the public / that the apparent spread of the avian flu virus / is at this point a threat to animals not humans

4. One hundred and twenty-three identification cards / had been issued to patients who need them / to prove to law enforcement personnel / that they used marijuana for medical purposes

5. Analysts say / total spending on research into malaria last year / accounted for only about one third of one percent of / total medical research and development funding

Unit 7 Personal Changes

Section A

1. interim 2. quit、post 3. sworn in 4. step down 5. named、chief

6. monarch、reign 7. resigned、in bribes 8. tapped、top

9. allegations、in office 10. replacing、in the job、nominated、take over

Section B

1. Democrats in the House of Representatives have unanimously confirmed Nancy Pelosi as theUnited States‘ first woman speaker. Mrs. Pelosi will be the second in line to the presidency after Vice President Dick Cheney when she takes office in January

2. President Bush has nominated the lead of his Council of Economic Advisors Ben Bernanke as chairman of the Federal Reserve, the U.S. central bank. He succeeds the outgoing chairman Alan Greenapan.

3. Salca Kiir Mayardit was sworn in as Sudan‘s senior vice president today to replace John Garang who died in a helicopter crash.

4. President Bush‘s nominee for U.S. United Nations ambassador told the Senate hearing Monday he will work to make the world body more effective.

5. An outspoken aide to the Russian President Vladimir Putin has resigned in protest against changes in government policy.


1. A. Mrs. Pelosi became the first woman House speaker in the U.S.

2. B. Ben Bernanke will succeed Alan Greenspan.

3. D. Sudan has a new senior vice president.

4. C. The new UN ambassador nominee vowed to make the UN more effective.

5. A. Government policy shift led to the aid‘s resignation.

Section C

Item 1

White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan announced today that he‘ll leave his post as part of White House personnel. McClellan has come under fire from Republicans who have complains that he has not done enough to keep the president‘s popularity from sliding. The White House also announced that top presidential adviser Karl Rove will give up his policy-making role in order to focus on maintaining Republican control of Congress during the next election.

Key: 1-(C) 2-(D) 3-(H) 4-(G、A) 5-(I)

Item 2

World Bank executive directors meet Thursday in Washington to vote on the nomination of U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz as the bank‘s new president. Mr. Wolfowitz passed a major hurdle Wednesday when European Union officials said they have no objections to his nomination. The nominations had been controversial in Europe because of Mr. Wolfowitz‘s strong support for the war in Iraq. Mr. Wolfowitz acknowledges he is a polarizing person. Washington traditional nominates World Bank presidents while Europe chooses the head of the International Monetary Fund.


Task 1 F、T、T、F、F

Task 2 1). executive directors、vote to 2). a major hurdle、have no objection

3). traditionally、Europe、head、International Monetary Fund

Item 3

Argentina‘s Finance Minister Roberto Lavagna who helped to oversee the country‘s recovery from virtual collapse in 2001 has resigned. Mr. Lavagna quit and

amid reports of personal clashes with President Nestor Kirchner as well as disagreement about future economic policy. Mr. Lavagna reportedly wanted tough measures to stop inflation returning, while the president favored more investment to stimulate growth.


1. Argentina‘s Finance Minister

2. He helped to oversee the country‘s recovery from the 2001 economic collapse.

3. Personal clashes with President; disagreement about future economic policy.

4. Tough measures to stop inflation returning.

5. More investment to stimulate growth.

Section C Additional Listening

Item 1

President Bush‘s nominee for a vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court Harriet Myers has announced she is withdrawing her candidacy. She said she was concerned that the confirmation processed a burden for the White House. The BBC Washington correspondent says her withdrawal is a huge blow for President Bush. Ms. Myers is an experienced lawyers but has never been a judge, leading to criticism from both Democrats and Republications. One of the Democratic members of the Judiciary Committee, Senator Edward Kennedy, hopes the future nominee would be acceptable to both the main parties.

Key: 1). Candidacy 2). a vacancy 3). U.S. Supreme Court

4). confirmation process 5). burden 6). a huge blow

7). Democrats and Republicans 8). experienced lawyer 9).judge

10) Senator 11). the future nominee

Item 2

Embattled Federal Emergency Management chief Michael Brown has been relieved of his duties as managing the massive hurricane relief effort. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff Friday inBaton Rouge said Coast Guard Vice Admiral Thad Allen will take charge of federal operations in the area. The Admiral has been overseeing the rescue and recovery effort in New Orleans. Mr. Chertoff said Mr. Brown is return to Washington to over see the Federal Emergency Management Agency‘s operations nationwide. A number of congressional leaders and Louisiana officials have fiercely criticized the federal government‘s initial response to the disaster and called on President Bush to fire Mr. Brown. Several Democratic Senators said recalling Mr. Brown to oversee the Emergency Management Agency in Washington is a bad decision. They said his continued presence in the critical position endangers the success of the recovery efforts.


Task 1

1). D. been relieved of his duties to oversee the relief effort in New Orleans.

2). A. Michael Brown is bad choice for his post.

Task 2 T、T、F、F、T、F、T

Item 3

Japan‘s parliament has officially chosen Shinzo Abe as the country‘s new prime minister. VOA‘s Steve Herman has more from Tokyo.

With the Liberal Democratic Party firmly in control of Japan‘s parliament, there was no doubt Tuesday who would be selected as prime minister. Lawmakers cheered the announcement of the Lower House vote, showing the LDP President Shinzo Abe defeating his rivals by a large margin. Within hours of his election, Mr. Abe spoke to the nation, assuring it that he would not back away from the reform program implemented by his predecessor Junichiro Koizumi. Mr. Abe instead vowed to accelerate the administrative reform. The new prime minister also reiterated his campaign pledge to make Tokyo a more equal partner in its security alliance with Washington. Steve Herman, VOA News, Tokyo.


1. They cheered.

2. Because the Liberal Democratic Party firmly in control of Japan‘s parliament.

3. The LDP President Shinzo Abe defeating his rivals by a large margin.

4. He assured the public that he would not back away from the reform program implemented by his predecessor Junichiro Koizumi.

5. He pledged to make Tokyo a more equal partner in its security alliance with Washington.

Unit 8 Business and Economy

Section A warming up

1. signing up for booms yoffs competitive

3. consumer spending upsurge 4. take over

5. opening up 6.inflation interest rates

7. subsidies 8. drop in profits 9. stake 10. stockholders

Section B

1. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 104 points to 11,076 in active trading today. The NASDAQ closed up 12 at 2,262. And the S&P closed up 9 points today to 1,281. The S&P was down 5 points for the week.

2. American beef is back in the Japanese market and slated to return to South Korea soon. But for America‘s beef exporters who lost two of the three largest markets in 2004 after a few cases of mad cow disease were discovered in the U.S., it is going to be an uphill struggle.

3. The executive board of the International Monetary Fund meeting in Washington has agreed to write off more than three billion dollars in debt owed to it by some of the world‘s poorest countries.

4. Ford Motor Company plans to close truck manufacturing plants in Virginia and Minnesota in 2008. the closure is a part of Ford‘s effort to make its North American operations profitable again.

5. The New York Stock Exchange enters a new era tomorrow morning. For the first time in its history the exchange will become a for-profit entity that sells its own shares to the public.

1. D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B

Section C

Item 1

The European Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson is facing criticism from France and some other countries over negotiations on a new global trade agreement. At today‘s EI foreigner ministers meeting Mr. Mandelson is being called on to clarify concessions he is said to have made to reduce EU farm subsidies as part of a deal to help less-developed countries. There were suggestions the cuts are more generous than those agreed by EU member states and that Mr. Mandelson is exceeding his mandate. He‘s denied the accusation.

1. Exceeding his mandate.

2. Offering aid t less-developed countries.√

3. Failing to sign the new global trade agreement√

4. Making too many concessions.

5. Failing to negotiate a better price for EU farm produce. √

6. Failing to act in the interest of EU agriculture.

7. Suspending EU aid to agriculture. √

Item 2

Oil prices hit a record high of more than 71 dollars a barrel today in part because traders were worried about possible disruptions in supply. Analysts said there are concerns about the nuclear dispute with Iran and civil violence in Nigeria, both important oil suppliers. The rise in oil prices comes despite a new report from OPEC that predicts a weakening in world demand for oil. Analysts said it weren‘t for concern about supplies, growing inventories of crude oil would be forcing prices down.

Task 1 1. T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F

Task 2

1. a record high in part disruptions in supply

2.concern nuclear dispute civil violence

3. weren‘t growing inventories

Item 3

Boeing has agreed to pay 15 million dollars to settle a dispute with the State Department over foreign sales of commercial aircraft equipped with a small gyro chip that has military applications. The chip is used in some missile guidance systems. The fine is among the largest ever paid by a company for violation of the Arms Export Control Act. Boeing failed to get the license required for foreign sales and then continued the sales even after the Sales Department told the firm to stop. Boeing spokesman says in hindsight the company should have handled the matter differently.

1. To pay 15 million dollars

2. Because the gyro chip has military applications.

3. The Arms Export Control Act.

4. A license required for foreign sales.

5. Handled the matter differently.

Section D

The International Monetary Fund says the world economy will enjoy strong growth

in 2006 marking the 4th consecutive year of expansion. The IMF released its twenty-year report on the global economy today at a joint meeting with the World Bank in Singapore. The lending agency predicts the world economy will grow 5.1 % this year and 4.9% in 2007. Both forecasts are slightly higher than previous estimates in April. The IMF also warns of some economic threats, including rising inflation, increasing oil prices and slowing of the U.S. housing market. Meanwhile the World Bank is criticizing Singapore for barring some invited activists from entering the country to attend the meeting.

The IMF Report of Global (1) EconomyThe Report It is released every (2)two years It was released at a joint meeting with (3) the World Bank;.It was released in

(4) Singapore, The IMF Forecast With a (5) 5.1 % growth, Year 2006 is (6) the 4th consecutive year of global economic growth; Year 2007 will witness a growth of

(7) 4.9%; Both forecasts are slightly (8) higher than the April (9) estimates.The IMF Warning Economic threats include: ? Rising inflation ? (10) Increasing oil prices.

(11) Slowing of the U.S. housing market. The World Bank‘s Criticism Singapore was criticized for (12) barring some activists from entering the country.

Item 2

The European aircraft manufacturer Airbus has confirmed that deliveries of its giant new A380 airliner will be delayed by a further year. The Dubai-based airline Emirates, the largest customer for the new plane, said it would review its options following the announcement. Here is our business reporter Theo Legit.

It‘s the latest in a series of delays which have called the credibility of the 14-billion dollar project into question. Airbus says it‘s in discussions with its customers over how much compensation they will be paid. The company has announced plans for an aggressive cost-cutting program intended to save two and a half billion dollars a year. However, it is yet to confirm whether this will involve job losses at its plants in Germany, France and Britain. The parent company of Airbus, EADS, says that the delays to A380 will cut 6 billion dollars from its profit over the next four years.

Task 1 BAD Task 2 1. T 2.T 3. F 4.T 5.F

Item 3

China has passed another milestone in the growth of its global economic influence. Its reserves of foreign currency have hit one trillion dollars. This massive sum has been build up by the success of China‘s exports which has created a huge trade surplus with the rest of the world. Our economic correspondent Andrew Walker reports.

This is yet another indication of China‘s fast-growing economic influence. Japan with around 860 billion dollars has the next largest reserves. The figure for the United States is less than a tenth of China‘s. This huge portfolio has been built up essentially as an indirect result of the surplus in China‘s trade with the rest of the world.

1. Its reserves of foreign currency have hit one trillion dollars.

2. It has been build up by China‘s huge trade surplus with the rest of the world.

3. They are another indication of China‘s fast-growing economic influence.

