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Unit 1

Man has a blood tie with nature and nobody can live outside nature. Nature provides us with everything we need: the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. For quite a long time after man began to live in the realm of nature, he lived in fear of its destructive forces. He used to regard nature with its elemental forces as something hostile to him. And even the forest was something wild and frightening to him. Very often, he was unable to obtain the merest daily necessities though he worked together with others stubbornly and collectively with his imperfect tools. Through his interaction with nature, man changed it gradually. He cut down forest, cultivated land, transferred various species of plants and animals to different climatic conditions, changed the shape and climate of his environment and transformed plants and animals. He subdued and disciplined electricity and compelled it to serve the interests of society.

Nonetheless, with the constant expansion of agriculture and industry, man has robbed nature too much of its irreplaceable resources, polluted his own living environment and caused about 95% of the species that have existed over the past 600

million years to become extinct and still many others to be endangered. The previous dynamic balance between man and nature is on the verge of breaking down. Man is now faced with the problem of how to stop, or at least to moderate the destructive effect of technology on nature.

The crisis of the ecological situation has become a global problem. The solution to the problem depends on rational and wise organization both of production itself and care for Mother Nature. This can only be done by all humanity, rather than by individuals, enterprises or separate countries.

1 realm 2 elemental 3 obtain 4 stubbornly 5 transferred 6 transformed 7 subdued 8 expansion 9 irreplaceable 10 extinct 11 dynamic 12 verge 13 moderate 14 ecological 15 rational

Unit 2

Technology is a \issue nowadays. The defenders of technology stress its advantages while the opponents emphasize its disadvantages. Neither side has ever taken the time to look at the opposite point of view.

The defenders of technology hold that with technology, people's living conditions have been greatly improved. For example, the boom in productivity has made goods better and

cheaper. Therefore, things that were once luxuries, such as jet travel and long-distance phone calls, have become necessities. Medical technology, in particular, has benefited us a lot, especially in prolonging life expectancy.

On the other hand, the opponents of technology argue that technology makes life obviously worse. Telemarketing, traffic jams, and identity theft are all phenomena that make people consciously unhappy. In addition, many people believe technology disrupts relationships and fractures community. Ever since the Industrial Revolution, the relationship between happiness and technology has been an eternal subject for social critics and philosophers, though economists and social scientists have seldom touched on the topic. However, in 1974 the economist Richard Easterlin did groundbreaking work on the relationship between prosperity and well-being. In his famous paper entitled \Economic Growth Improve the

Human Lot?\Easterlin showed that there was no real correlation between a nation's income level and its citizens' happiness in the developed countries.

In fact, technology is neither good nor bad. It depends on what we want to do with it. Therefore, the responsibility belongs exclusively to humans who have to acquire a social

conscience, to respect human beings, nature and its balances.

1 emphasize 2 opposite 3 improved 4 luxuries 5 benefited 6 obviously 7 consciously 8 fractures 9 eternal 10 groundbreaking 11 entitled 12 correlation 13 depends 14 exclusively

Unit 4

Most people have work to do. With work, they can enjoy their lives. However, people who did physical labor were looked down upon in the past. Many people were compelled to take manual labor because it was an absolute necessity for them to earn a living and to support their families. By contrast, people who did mental work were highly respected. Under the influence of this idea, even today some people still idealize their future when making choices for their career. What they care most about is whether the job can give them enough social status rather than whether they can realize their values in it. In their eyes, those who do manual labor should still be classified as inferior in social status.

In fact, there is no essential difference between those who work with their hands and those who work with their mind. Whether a job is labor or work does not depend on the job

itself but on people's attitude towards it. As long as you like your job, you will think you are fortunate enough to take it and you will do it enthusiastically.

1 enjoy 2 physical 3 compelled 4 necessity 5 support 6 mental 7 idealize 8 status 9 values 10 classified 11essential 12 mind 13 attitude 14 fortunate

Unit 5

What does success mean to you? Does it mean wealth, fame, power or something else? Different people have different pursuits in life so they understand success in different ways. Some people chase money their whole lives. To them, more money means more success. Some people run after fame. With fame and reputation, they can gain the admiration and love of many others. However, some people dedicate themselves to the well-being of society.

Doubtlessly, money is something that can be used as a reward to those who have done valuable work. Those who perform their work excellently should be paid sufficiently. But success cannot be measured in monetary terms, nor in terms of the amount of power one may exercise over others. After all,

money and power can assure people neither of happiness nor of respect from others.

Fame, too, is a flawed measure of success. Momentary fame can bring great joy to those who have it for a time. But they are very likely to become the slaves of their celebrity because of the public’s demands. In addition, they will easily become the target of everyone who disagrees with them and of the media as well. To be frank, if one is unable to fully enjoy life and liberty, the short-lived success is nothing but illusory.

Therefore, to achieve the right kind of success is vitally important. As long as one can combine his own material needs and spiritual satisfaction with those of the well-being of society, he should be held in high regard.

1 chase 2 reputation 3 dedicate 4 reward 5 sufficiently 6 measured 7 assure 8 Momentary 9 celebrity 10 target 11 frank 12 liberty 13 illusory 14 regard

Unit 6

Truth is a fact accepted as true, for which proof exists. Truth is a great principle, without which beauty may fade and love may wither. Those who uphold truth have a strong sense of

responsibility. Those who hold firmly to truth are faithful to their duty and the people they serve. They commit themselves to the well-being of others. With aspirations to make a contribution to society, they are ready to correct their own mistakes, if any. It can be said that they are men of moral integrity who never ask for gratitude in return.

Truth dawns upon us slowly but surely. In the long quest for truth, people have accumulated precious knowledge and experience. However, truth also needs nourishment just as plants need water, because many people are too preoccupied with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond to the great beauty of truth when it flowers or they frequently fail to appreciate truth when it is tendered.

In short, truth is an invaluable asset to the whole of humanity. Stick to the truth and we will weave a timeless pattern, and earn the respect and esteem of others, elevate the world today above its present imperfections and place ourselves in the proud position of promoting the good of the humanity.

1 wither 2 sense 3 faithful 4 commit 5 aspirations 6 gratitude 7 dawns 8 accumulated 9 nourishment 10 preoccupied 11 flowers

12 tendered 13 weave 14 elevate

单元 1

人有配合性质的血,没有人可以生活以外的性质。大自然为我们提供了我们所需要的一切: 我们呼吸的空气,我们喝的水,和我们吃的食物。

相当长的时间后的人开始住在领土的性质,他住在其破坏力量的恐惧。他习惯方面自然有其基本的力量,作为对他怀有敌意的东西。甚至森林野生和他可怕的东西。很多时候,他是无法获得微薄的日用品尽管他固执地与其他人一起工作和集体与他不完美的工具。通过他与自然的互动,人逐渐改变了它。他砍伐森林、 耕地、转移不同种类的植物和动物不同的气候条件、 改变了形状和他的环境和转化的植物和动物的气候。他制服和纪律电力并强迫它来服务于社会的利益。

尽管如此,随着不断扩大的农业和工业,男子打劫性质太多的其不可替代资源,自己生活环境的污染,造成已经存在在过去的 6 亿年来变得绝种和仍然许多其他濒危物种的 95%左右。以前的动态的平衡人与自然之间是崩溃的边缘。人现在面临的问题如何停止,或在至少在适度技术对自然的破坏性影响。


的方法取决于理性和明智的生产本身的组织和照顾大自然母亲。全人类,而不是由个人、 企业或独立的国家,只有做这一点。

1 个领土 2 元素 3 获得 4 居 5 转移 6 转化 7 制服 8 扩张 9 替代 10 灭绝 11 动态 12 边缘 13 中等 14 生态 15 理性

单元 2



另一方面,技术的反对者认为技术使生活显然更坏。电话销售、 交通堵塞和身份盗窃都是现象,使人们自觉地不开心。此外,很多人认为技术扰乱关系和骨折社区。

自从工业革命,幸福与技术之间的关系一直为社会批评家和哲学家的一个永恒的主题,虽然经济学家和社会科学家有很少谈到主题。然而,在 1974 年经济学家理查德 · 伊斯特林


事实上,技术是既不好也不坏。它取决于我们想要用它来做。因此,责任属于专门对人要获得一种社会良知,要尊重人类、 自然和其余额。

1 强调对面 3 2 改进 4 奢侈品 5 受益 6 显然 7 自觉 8 骨折 9 永恒 10 突破性的 11 题为 12 相关 13 完全取决于 14

单元 4




1 享受 2 物理 3 强迫的 4 5 支持 6 心理 7 的必要性理想化 8 状态 9 值 10 分类 11essential 12 心灵 13 态度 14 幸运

单元 5

成功对你意味着什么?它意味着财富、 名声、 权力或别的东西吗?不同的人在生活中有不同的追求,使他们明白成功以不同的方式。有些人追逐金钱他们整个的生活。对他们来说,更多的钱意味着更大的成功。有些人跑步后名声。与名誉和声望,他们可以获得许多其他人的爱与赞美。然而,一些人奉献自己对社会的福祉。





1 追 2 声誉 3 奉献 4 奖励 5 足够 6 测量 7 保证 8 瞬间 9 名人 10 目标 11 弗兰克 12 13 虚幻 14 自由方面

单元 6


真理的黎明来临缓慢但肯定。在追求真理的漫长过程,人们有积累起来的宝贵知识和经验。然而,真理也需要营养就象植物需要水,因为很多人太 专注于与琐碎,甚至是关切回应的大美人的真相时它 花或他们经常未能认识到真理,当它



1 枯萎 2 感 3 忠实 4 犯 5 6 感谢 7 黎明 8 累积 9 营养 10 专注 11 花 12 投标 13 编织 14 提升的愿望

