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Answer Keys to Listen to This: 2
Edited by莫显良、马军军、张凤英、陈燕
L 1 L 2 L 3 L 4 L 5 L 6 L 7 L 8 L 9 L 10 L 11 L 12 L 13 L 14 L 15 L 16 L 17 L 18 L 19 L 20 L 21 L 22 L 23 L 24 L 25 L 26 L 27 L 28 L 29 L 30 L 31 L 32 L 33 L 34 L 35 L 36
Lesson 1 Section I
Task 1: This Is Your Life!
A. Choose the best answer (a, b or c) to complete each of the following statements. 1—6: caacba
B. True or False Questions. 1—6: TFFFFT C. Identification.
(1)—(b), (2)—(d), (3)—(f), (4)—(g), (5)—(a), (6)—(c), (7)—(e) D. Complete the following résumé for Jason Douglas. Name: Jason Douglas
Former name: Graham Smith Profession: actor
Date of birth: July 2, 1947 1952: started school
1958: moved to Lane End Secondary School 1966: went to the London School of Drama 1969: left the London School of Drama 1973: went to Hollywood
1974: were in a movie with Maria Montrose Task 2: What Are Your Ambitions?
A. Give brief answers to the following questions. 1. Radio Station QRX. 2. For a survey. 3. Four. 4. Six.
5. (1) What‘s your name? (2) What do you do for a living? (3) What do you do for fun?
(4) What‘s the most exciting thing that‘s happened to you recently? (5) Who do you admire most in this world?
(6) What do you want to be doing five years from now?
B. Fill in the following chart with answers that each interviewee gives to the questions. Interviewee 1 Interviewee 2 Interviewee 3 Interviewee 4
Question 1 David George Suzanne Brown Adolfo Vasquez Linda Montgomery
Question 2 professional baseball player lawyer dancer student at school
Question 3 Read classics- Dickens,
Shakespeare running- jogging watch musical movies hang out with friends- go for pizza
Question 4 had his first baby got to run
in the Boston Marathon moved to the US went to a Bruce Springsteen concert Question 5 his wife Martin Luther King Jr. Sophia Loren her dad Question 6 be a father of five
In five years win the Boston Marathon do what he‘s doing right now has her own beauty salon Section II
A. Choose the best answer (a, b or c) for each of the following questions. 1—6: abaccb
B. True or False Questions. 1—4: FTFF
C. Fill in the following chart with information about the journey the Roman army made according to Trevor.
Designation: D Company
Number of men: one hundred and more Journey: from France to Britain Means of transcript: boat Weather conditions: stormy Food: cat food Drink: rain water
Conditions of weapons after landing: useless Fighting: none
Equipment lost or damaged: boat lost, guns full of water, supplies of wine lost
Soldiers killed or wounded: about ten survivors, all others drowned or killed by cold D. Point out what is not true in Trevor‘s story. The following did not exist in Roman times:
petrol, newspaper, matches, trousers, tinned food, taps, guns, wine bottles. 50 BC could not appear on a coin. 50-55 BC is counting backwards. E. Fill in the blanks according to what you hear on the tape. 1. terrible, stormy, or more of us, shut in, so bad, sick, stuffy.
2. pushed up onto the sands, climbed out, jumping into the, struggling to the, up to my shoulder, freezing.
3. came and took us away, joined, going into the camp, a hot meal, clean clothes, given our pay. Section III
Task 1: Learning to Predict
1. Answer: trying to write a letter
Reason: The speaker‘s question suggests he needs a quiet surrounding to do something.
2. Hint: the first speaker is a guest complaining about the conditions of Room 43 which is a single room. The second speaker is a hotel clerk who suggests that the guest move to a double room.
Answer: is the only single room available at the moment
Reason: The phrase ―I‘m afraid‖ often suggests a negative or unsatisfying answer. 3. Answer: Where on earth did you get it?
Reason: The second speaker‘s surprised tone shows that the money is out of her expectation and she must be curious about how it is gained.
4. Answer: You mustn‘t discriminate against someone just because they are married. Reason: The word ―but‖ suggests an opposite meaning. 5. Answer: I wouldn‘t mind being a prince.
Reason: The man‘s questioning tone shows he doesn‘t agree with the woman. 6. Answer: I‘m not a workaholic.
Reason: The word ―but‖ suggests an opposite meaning. 7. Answer: he had been.
Reason: ―But‖ and ―possibly‖ both give some hint. Task 2: Dictation
Passage 1: The Knowledge
Becoming a London taxi driver isn‘t easy. In order to obtain a licence to drive a taxi in London, candidates have to pass a detailed examination. They have to learn not only the streets, landmarks and hotels, but also the quickest way to get there. This is called ―The Knowledge‖ by London Cab drivers and it can take years of study and practice to get ?The Knowledge‘. Candidates are examined not only on the quickest routes but also on the quickest routes at different times of the day. People who want to pass the examination spend much of their free time driving or even cycling around London, studying maps and learning the huge street directory by heart. Passage 2: The Underground
Travelling on the London underground (the ?tube‘) presents few difficulties for visitors because of the clear colour- coded maps. It is always useful to have plenty of spare change with you because there are often long queues at the larger stations. If you have enough change you can buy your ticket from a machine. You will find signs which list the stations in alphabetical order, with the correct fares, near the machines. There are automatic barriers which are operated by the tickets. You should keep the ticket, because it is checked at the destination. Lesson 2 Section I
Task1: Film Editing
A. True or False Questions. 1—4: TFTF
B. Fill in the following blanks to give a clear picture of what needs to be done before a film is ready for distribution. 1. The assistant:
a. ―Synching up‖ which means matching sound and pictures according to the numbers stamped
along the edge of the film and sound tape.
b. ―Logging‖ which means recording the detail version of the film and the sound in a log book. 2. The film editor:
a. Make a first selection of the best takes.
b. Prepare a ―rough cut‖ – an initial version of the film. c. Prepare the ―fine cut‖ – the final form of the film. 3. Others:
a. Approve the fine cut.
b. ―Dubbing‖ which means voices, music, background noises and sometimes special effects are put together.
c. The ―neg‖ cutters cut the original negatives on the film so that these match the edited film exactly.
Task 2: A Vision of the Future
A. Choose the best answer for each of the following questions. 1—6: abaccc
B. True of False Questions. 1—4: TFTF
C. Fill in the blanks to give a clear picture of the problems New York faces in the movie. 1. 40 million
2. have no apartment, sleep on the steps of the building, crawl over sleeping people to get inside.
3. nothing will grow, they never see the sun.
4. soylent: soylent red, soylent yellow, and soylent green. 2, soybeans, soylent green, ocean plants.
5. 90 degree.
6. electricity, ride bicycles to make it. Section II
Task 1: American Indians
A. Answer the following questions briefly. 1. 1492.
2. He thought that he had arrived in India. 3. They were kind to them and wanted to help.
4. (1) They wanted bigger farms and more land for themselves; (2) More immigrants came from Europe.
5. It was their mother. Everything came from and went back to their mother. And it was for everybody.
6. They started fighting back.
7. By 1875 the Indians had lost the fight and had to live in ―reservations‖.
8. The Indians are bad and the White man is good and brave in Hollywood films. B. Choose the best answer for each of the following questions. 1—4: acbc
Task 2: New Australians A. Identification:
1. (1)—(d), (2)—(b), (3)—(a), (4)—(c)
2. (a) more than 15 million, (b) 160, 000, (c) the year 1851, (d) 700, 000
B. True or False questions. 1—6: FTFFTT
C. Fill in the blanks with events connected with the following time expressions. 1. Italians
a. the 1850s and 1860s: Different states in Italy were fighting for independence and some Italians went to Australia for political reasons. Some others went there for gold.
b. 1891: The first group of 300 Italians went to work in the sugar-cane fields of northern Australia.
c. The end of the 19th century: Some good Italian fishermen went to western Australia. 2. Greeks
a. 1830: The first Greeks went to work in vineyards in south-eastern Australia. b. The 1860s; There were about 500 Greeks in Australia.
c. 1890; There were Greek Cafes and restaurants all over Sydney and out in the countryside. d. After WWII: Many Greeks arrived in Australia. Section III
Task 1: Learning to Predict
1. Answer: It‘s good exercise. Keeps you fit.
Reason: The word ―yeah‖ suggests that the boy will say something in agreement with the woman‘s comment.
2. Answer: We turn the music up really loud and start dancing.
Reason: The phrase ―why not‖ suggests that the boys will simply dance in the street. 3. Answer: They can‘t do it like me yet.
Reason: The word ―but‖ suggests an opposite meaning. 4. Answer: It‘s a very old book.
Reason: The word ―actually‖ also suggests an opposite meaning.
5. Answer: Write down your address and I‘ll get the boy to bring them round.
Reason: The conversation takes place in a store. If the store owner agrees to deliver the goods, the only thing he wants to know will be the address of the customer. 6. Answer: Tell us all about it over dinner.
Reason: The woman sounds very much interested in the man‘s experience. So she will certainly ask the man to tell her something about it. Task 2: Dictation The Foolish Frog
Once upon a time a big, fat frog lived in a tiny shallow pond. He knew every plant and stone in it, and he could swim across it easily. He was the biggest creature in the pond, so he was very important. When he croaked, the water-snails listened politely. And the water-beetles always swam behind him. He was very happy there.
One day, while he was catching flies, a pretty dragon-fly passed by. ?You‘re a very fine frog,‘ she sang, ?but why don‘t you live in a bigger pond? Come to my pond. You‘ll find a lot of frogs there. You‘ll meet some fine fish, and you‘ 11 see the dangerous ducks. And you must see our lovely
water-lilies. Life in a large pond is wonderful!‘
‘Perhaps it is rather dull here,‘ thought the foolish frog. So he hopped after the dragon-fly.
But he didn‘t like the big, deep pond. It was full of strange plants. The water-snails were rude to him, and he was afraid of the ducks. The fish didn‘t like him, and he was the smallest frog there. He was lonely and unhappy.
He sat on a water-lily leaf and croaked sadly to himself, ?I don‘t like it here. I think I‘ll go home tomorrow.‘
But a hungry heron flew down and swallowed him up for supper. Lesson 3 Section I
Task 1: I Don‘t See It That Way A. Conversation 1:
1. Choose the best answer for each of the following statements. (1) — (2): ba
2. Give brief answers to the following questions. (1) About 6 months ago.
(2) It is defective and has ruined 4 of the customer‘s favorite cassettes. (3) 6 months. (4) 10 days ago. 3. Blank-filling.
(1) bend the rule, make an exception for, make an exception for (2) adding insult to injury, make good on (3) brought it in, hold me to, on B. Conversation 2:
1. Multiple choice. (1) — (2): ba 2. True or False Questions. (1) — (4): FTTT C. Conversation 3:
1. Give brief answers to the following questions. (1) Single. (2) 5 years.
(3) He has been loyal to the company and worked quite hard. (4) Asking for a raise.
(5) Bob does his job adequately, but he doesn‘t do it well enough to deserve a raise. (6) Take more initiative and show more enthusiasm for the job. (7) To quit his job.
(8) That‘s a decision Bob will have to make for himself. Task 2: marriage Customs A. Blank-filling.
Speaker: Professor Robin Stuart
Topic: Marriage customs in different parts of the world; romantic business; arranged marriage; on the day of the wedding; arranged marriages; to have a look at one another; call the whole thing off; the wedding goes ahead; several wives.
Conclusion: just as much chance of bringing happiness to the husband and wife as the Western systems of choosing marriage partners.
B. True or False Questions. 1 — 3: TFT Section II
Task 1: At the Dentist‘s A. Multiple Choice. 1 — 4: bacc B. True of False Questions. 1 — 6: FTFFTT Task 2: Hiccups
A. Give brief answers to the following questions. 1. He wants her to help him stop his hiccups. 2. 3 hours.
3. Everything he can think of.
4. She‘ll give the man 5 pounds if he hiccups again.
5. The man has stopped hiccupping and owes Rosemary 5 pounds. B. Identification. (1) — (b), (2) — (d), (3) — (e), (4) — (a), (5) — (c) Section III
Task 1: Learning to Predict 1. Answer: the Chinese then?
Reason: ―What about‖ suggests an alternative.
2. Answer: they‘ll still be hot when you get back.
Reason: The woman‘s words suggest that the shop is very close to their home.
3. Hint: The woman is asking the man to buy a pack of fish and chips from a nearby shop. Answer: there‘s a queue.
Reason: The phrase ―not if‖ suggests a condition that hinders the fulfillment of an action. 4. Answer: a good idea.
Reason: The word ―yes‖ shows an agreement. 5. Answer: being a machine for that money.
Reason: ―I wouldn‘t mind‖ suggests that the man will do what the woman doesn‘t want because of certain attractive conditions.
6. Answer: I want to play drums.
Reason: The earlier sentence suggests that the man does not play drum for money. Consequently the explanation must be that he enjoys playing it. Task 2: Dictation Sleep
It‘s clear that everyone needs to sleep. Most people rarely think about how and why they sleep, however. We know that if we sleep well, we feel rested. If we don‘t sleep enough, we often feel tired and irritable. It seems there are two purposes of sleep: physical rest and emotional and psychological rest: We need to rest our bodies and our minds. Both are important in order for us to be healthy. Each night we alternate between two kinds of sleep: active sleep and passive sleep. The passive sleep gives our body the rest that‘s needed and prepares us for active sleep, in which dreaming occurs.
Throughout the night, people alternate between passive and active sleep. The brain rests, then it becomes active, then dreaming occurs. The cycle is repeated: the brain rests, then it becomes active, then dreaming occurs. This cycle is repeated several times throughout the night~. During eight hours of sleep, people dream for a total d one and half hours on the average. Lesson 4
Section I
Task 1: Weather Forecast A. Multiple Choice. 1 — 2: ac B. Fill in the following chart. Weather Description Temperature British Columbia down
to northern California raining Seattle 50 degrees
Southern California sunny warmer temperature San Diego 78 degrees Midwest clear but windy Oklahoma City sunny with strong winds 65 degrees Houston cloudy 69 degrees Miami cloudy, windy 64 degrees New York City heavy rains and high winds 35 degrees
Montreal snow flurries 28 degrees Toronto sunny 30 degrees
Task 2: The 5 O‘clock News A. Fill in the following chart.
Title Name Summary of the Report News anchor Charles Mckay Delta has been declared a health hazard
Consumer reporter Sarah Cooper a. Drinking beer moderately is good for health.
b. The war against cigarette smoking is heating up.
Sports announcer Jerry Ryan Results of soccer games.
B. Give brief answers to the following questions based on the news report. 1. It was closed down by government authorities.
2. Testing confirmed that the town had been poisoned be the dumping of toxic chemicals in town dumps.
3. 3 weeks ago. 4. 200.
5. Headaches, stomachaches, faintness and dizziness.
6. Toxic wastes had leaked into the ground and contaminated the water supply.
7. All the residents should leave the area, until the chemical company responsible for the toxic waste can determine whether the town can be cleaned up and made safe again. C. True of False Questions. 1—6: FTTFFT
D. Fill in the following blanks (based on the news report). Teams Playing Result
(1) Mexico — France 7 to 6 (2) Canada — Argentina 3 to 3
(3) Italy — Haiti
(with 30 minutes left to go) 2 to 1
Section II
Task 1: What Do You Like for Entertainment? A. Blank-filling.
Reporter: Deborah Tyler
Interviewee: Students of the Brooklyn Academy of Dramatic Arts Major: Benny Gross —— piano
Kimberley Martins —— modern dance
B. Fill in the following chart about how often Benny and Kimberley go to the eight forms of artistic entertainment. Benny Kimberley
(1) Art gallery lots of times lots of time (2) Ballet a few times almost every night (3) Classic concerts many times sometimes
(4) Exhibition photographic ones those about famous people (5) Folk concert never never (6) Opera 2 or 3 times never (7) Pop concert never Madonna once (8) Theatre once or twice yes
C. Rearrange the forms of artistic entertainment that Benny and Kimberley like, beginning with the form that each one likes best. Benny: (3)—(1)—(4)—(6)—(2)—(8) Kimberley: (2)—(4)—(1)—(7)—(3)—(8) Task 2: Are You a Heavy Smoker? A. True or False Questions. 1—6: TFTTFT B. Multiple Choice. 1—6: cbcbac C. Blank-filling. Name: Doris Bradley Sex: female Age: 32
Amount: 3 packets of 20 a week First experience:
Time: at the age of 17 Place: at a party
Offered by: boyfriend, not husband Feeling; awfully grown-up
Later: started smoking 2 or 3 a day and gradually increased. Experience of giving up smoking: twice 1. Time: 6 months before getting married Reason: saving up
Result: only cut it down from 30 a day, still smoked a little 2. Time: when expecting a baby
Reason: according to doctor‘s advice
Result: gave up completely for 7 or 8 months and took it up a couple of weeks after the baby was born, because the baby was being bottle fed. Time when she smokes most: 1. watching TV 2. reading books 3. in company 4. with friends
Time when she never smokes: 1. doing the housework 2. on an empty stomach Section III
Task 1: Learning to Predict
1. Answer: They‘d be exhausted at the end of each performance. Reason: ―Otherwise‖ suggests a result of the opposite condition. 2. Answer: I enjoyed it very much.
Reason: ―Apart from that I must say‖ often suggests an opposite statement to earlier comments. 3. Answer: I stayed up late to finish it.
Reason: ―And‖ suggests that the speaker would finish the book at one sit. 4. Answer: the book never really got started at all.
Reason: After an opinion of agreement, the phrase ―in fact‖ suggests a further comment; the expression ―it‘s only honest to say‖ usually introduces a confession- something which is probably not as good as the one mentioned.
5. Answer: I tend to skip parts that don‘t really hold my interest. Reason: ―Otherwise‖ suggests a result of the opposite condition. 6. Answer: it was rather long.
Reason: ―I must admit‖ suggests an agreement to the other person‘s opinion. Task 2: Dictation
Books Belong to the Past Sir,
I visited my old school yesterday. It hasn‘t changed in thirty years. The pupils were sitting in the same desks and reading the same books. When are schools going to move into the modern world? Books belong to the past. In our homes radio and television bring us knowledge of the world. We can see and hear the truth for ourselves. If we want entertainment most of us prefer a modern film to a classical novel. In the business world computers store information, so that we no longer need encyclopaedias and dictionaries. But in the schools teachers and pupils still use books. There should be a radio and television set in every classroom, and a library of tapes and records in every school. The children of today will rarely open a book when they leave school. The children of tomorrow won‘t need to read and Write at all. M. P. Miller London Lesson 5 Section I
Task 1: An Unpleasant Trip
A. Give brief answers to the following questions. 1. The Isle of Wight.
2. They were not pleased with their hotel.
3. He decided to write to the Manager of Happytours. 4. A travel Agency.
5. The hotel and travel arrangements.
6. They will never book any future holidays through Happytours.
B. Fill in he blanks with the words used in the brochure and by Mr. Wilson to describe the hotel and travel arrangement. Brochure Mr. Wilson Hotel Comfortable, mediumsized, with a magnificent view
of the sea Half a mile from the sea, with our room overlooking a car park Service Courteous, old fashioned The majority of the staff were Foreigners and couldn‘t speak Or understand English Food excellent Strictly beefburgers and chips or Fish and chips, wine at exorbitant prices
Atmosphere relaxed, friendly
Journey home 11.00 am ferry didn‘t get away till 6 pm Task 2: At the Travel Agency A. Multiple Choice. 1—6: acbbca B. True or False Questions. 1—6: TFTTFT
C. Fill in the blanks with the two things that Miss Bush will do. 1. her two friends, to stop over with her on the way back. 2. Mr. Adams to stop with her in Cairo. Section II
A Saturday Afternoon A. Identification. Name Identification
Gillian Dr. Carmichael‘s new research assistant Dr. Carmichael the president of St. Alfred‘s Hospital Maurice Featherstone the gardener of the hospital B. Multiple Choice. 1—6: cbaaca
C. True or False Questions. 1—8: FFTF TFTT D. Fill in the blanks with information about Maurice. Name: Maurice Featherstone Sex: male Age: old
Appearance: clear, blue, honest eyes; white hair and a pinkish complexion Temperament: gentle and mild-mannered
Length of stay in the hospital: 35 years Reasons for entering the hospital:
1. When he was 17, he burnt down his school.
2. Over the next few years, there were a number of mysterious fires in his neighborhood. 3. Later he tried to set fire to the family mansion. Visits from family members: No. Bills: paid on time. E. Blank-filling.
1. slightly uneasy, unlocked the gates, waved her through
2. withdrawn, depressed, normal, kept locked up, all of them, too dangerous to live in normal society.
3. with the staff, a surprise, let him go out for the afternoon, flower show, quite excited, a birthday cake, decorated the lounge. Section III
Task 1: Learning to Predict
1. Answer: he fails to employ the correct question form.
Reason: ―Consequently‖ suggests a result of the facts mentioned earlier. 2. Answer: difficulties may still arise.
Reason: ―even when‖ suggests that in spite facts, something else still exists. 3. Answer: the student may not have clearly heard what was said.
Reason: ―In other words‖ is often followed by an explanation in clearer and easier words. 4. Answer: may feel angry at receiving such orders. Reason: ―However‖ suggests an opposite fact.
5. Answer: whether crops should be used to produce food or should be used to produce fuel. Reason: ―That is‖ is also followed by an explanation. 6. Answer: a small industrial sector.
Reason: ―At the same time‖ suggests the coexistence of two things. Here prediction is also based on common knowledge. Task 2: Dictation
The School Holidays Are Too Long
Today the children of this country have at last returned to work. After two months‘ holiday pupils have started a new term. How many adults get such long holidays? Two to four weeks in the summer and public holidays--that‘s all the working man gets. As for the average woman, she‘s lucky to get a holiday at all. Children don‘t need such long holidays. In term-time they start work later and finish earlier than anyone else.
In the holidays most of them get bored, and some get into trouble. What a waste! If their overworked parents were given more free time instead, everyone would be happier.
This isn‘t just a national problem either--it‘s worldwide. Dates may be different from country to country, but the pattern‘s the same. Why should children do half as much work and get twice as much holiday as their parents?
Lesson 6 Section I
Task 1: In the Path of the Earthquake
A. True or False Questions. 1—6: FTFTFF
B. Map 1 is a layout of the Skinners‘ farm. Mark out the plants and buildings in the map. Then in map 2 draw a new plan of the Skinners farm after the quake. Map 1:
1. farm house 2. garden path 3. cypress trees 4. rose garden 5. eucalyptus trees 6. raspberry patch 7. cow shed 8. granary Map 2:
Task 2: A Funny Thing Happened to Me. A. Multiple Choice. 1—6: cabbca
B. Give brief answers to the following questions. 1. Last Friday.
2. He was a student. 3. In London. 4. By taxi.
5. The taxi got stuck in a traffic jam and the train had left by the time he got to the station. 6. 1 hour.
7. The station buffet.
8. An evening newspaper, the ―Standard‖. 9. At a table near the window. 10. He did the crossword puzzle. C. True or False Questions. 1—6: FFTTFT D. Blank-filling.
1. reached across, opened, took one, dipped, into, popped it into. 2. get up and go, pushed back, stood up, hurried out of. Section II
Consolidation: A Very Beautiful Story
A. Give brief answers to the following questions. 1. A tape from Gentleman Jim. 2. Yesterday. 3. Jim‘s wife.
4. There was a message hidden in the tape.
5. Half the police force in London and 3 experts. 6. Nothing had been found yet. 7. Happy memories and things. 8. In his words.
B. True or False Statements. 1—8: FTFF TTFT
C. Discuss with your classmates what message is hidden in Gentleman Jim‘s recording.
D. Listen to the 2nd part of the policeman‘s discussion and list all the things they feel unusual about Gentleman Jim‘s recording.
1. Jim keeps telling his wife to play the message over and over again. 2. Jim tells his wife that she‘ll find something comforting.
3. Jim keeps saying ―very beautiful‖ over and over again. 4. The speech doesn‘t sound natural.
E. Listen to Gentleman Jim‘s recording again and work out the message. Answer: There are 2 gold bricks in the garden under the big red rose tree. Section III
Task 1: Listening to Predict
1. Answer: a glance at the headings of sections or sub-sections will show the order in which the items are introduced.
Reason: ―In addition‖ is followed by a supplementary idea. Prediction here is also based on common knowledge.
2. Answer: providing a summary which can be re-read later.
Reason: ―As well as‖ is often followed by an idea of the same importance as the one before ―as well as‖.
3. Answer: may not appear in a bibliography. Reason: ―However‖ suggests an opposite idea.
4. Answer: (no more than try to cover the most important ones here. Reason: ―Therefore‖ suggests a result. 5. Answer: it doesn‘t.
Reason: ―Unfortunately‖ suggests that something opposite to one‘s expectation will happen. 6. Answer: it‘s still important.
Reason: ―Though‖ suggests that in spite of the fact that follows, something still happens. Task 2: Dictation Sign Language
Deaf people, people who can‘t hear, are still able to communicate quite well with a special language. It‘s called sign language. The speaker of sign language uses hand gestures in order to communicate. Basic sign language has been used for a long, long time, but sign language wasn‘t really developed until about 250 years ago. In the middle of the 1700s a Frenchman named Epée developed sign language. Epée was able to speak and hear, but he worked during most of his life as a teacher of deaf people in France. Epée developed a large number of vocabulary words for sign language. Epée taught these words to his deaf students. Epée‘s system used mostly picture :image signs. We call them picture image signs because the signs create a picture. For example, the sign for sleep is to put both hands together, and then to place the hands flat against the right side of your face, and then to lower your head slightly to the right. This action was meant to show the position of sleep. So we call it a picture image sign. Lesson 7 Section I
Task 1: Learning a Foreign Language A. Multiple Choice. 1—4: bcaa B. True or False Questions. 1—4: FTTF C. Give brief answers to the following questions. 1. Albert Humphries. 2. Balham, London. 3. 4 years.
4. He has been going to an evening class and has watched quite a lot of the BBC television
5. They use a different book in the class. 6. They make the same mistakes as he does.
7. It means being able to put together the right groups of words and to say them in a reasonably accurate way.
Task 2: In the Library A. Multiple Choice. 1—6: bbcaca B. True or False Questions. 1—6: TTFTFT C. Give brief answers to the following questions. 1. Round the corner.
2. A 20p a day fine for each book. 3. Tahiti. 4. No.
D. Blank-filling.
1. 5 pounds, you damage them, entitles you, 2 records at a time, everything available, be much more popular than.
2. telephone to renew the books.
3. we get back, worth all the bother, some paperbacks in the airport, I‘ve been such a nuisance. Section II
Task 1: Lessoned World Colleges
A. Give brief answers to the following questions. 1. On the phone.
2. Some information about the college. 3. Robert Creighton.
4. Julian’s friend in Spain. 5. English.
6. No. There are scholarships for all colleges, but parents will have to pay too.
7. Yes. But academic ability is not the only thing important. Personal qualities will also be considered.
8. Maturity, the ability to get on well with people from different countries. B. Blank-filling.
1. the line, put you through to
2. Pacific College, French, may be taught in Italian 3. painting and modern dancing
4. probably, the staff at the college, special activities, theatre studies, environmental work, take part
Task 2: I Remember … A. Multiple Choice. 1—6: baabca B. True or False Questions. 1—8: TTTF FTTT Section III
Task 1: Learning to Rephrase
1. Most subjects: 1 English word, 1 meaning 2. most English words: more than 1 meaning
3. 3rd misconception: word used correctly with meaning known
4. larger vocabulary: influenced by other languages; rich in synonyms
5. grammatical matter: words of same meaning used with certain other words 6. many students: no purpose than read 7. students: no overall view, forget soon
8. poor comprehension because no notes, no questions
9. 25 pages a test: no fatigue or loss of efficiency up to 6 hours 10. increase speed, no loss of comprehension: more efficient reader Task 2: Dictation Credit Cards
Many businesses, such as department stores, restaurants, hotels and airline companies, use a credit system for selling their products and services. In a credit system, the seller agrees to sell something to the buyer without immediately receiving cash. The buyer receives the goods or services immediately and promises to pay for them later. This ―buy- now- pay- later‖ credit system is quite old. People have been buying things on credit for centuries. But nowadays people use credit cards. There are two types of credit cards. One type is issued directly by a Store to a customer. Many large department stores issue credit cards to their customers. The store credit card can be used to make purchases only at a particular store. The other kind of credit card is issued by a credit company. Credit cards from credit companies can be used to buy things almost anywhere. If you have a major credit card, you can buy airplane tickets, stay at hotels, and eat at restaurants with it. Most large credit companies are connected to large banks. So if you want a credit card from a credit company, you generally have to make an application at a bank. After an applicant receives a credit card, he or she can make purchases, using the card. Lesson 8 Section I Task 1: Twins
A. Multiple Choice. 1—6: acbcab B. Blank-filling.
Name: Laura and Sarah Sex: female
Similarities: 1. blonde 2. brown eyes 3. same height 4. same weight 5. same size 6. same shoes
Differences: 1. Laura is single, but Sarah has a well-fed happy husband and 4 healthy children. 2. When Laura was learning to type, Sarah was washing up.
3. When Laura was writing articles for the school newspaper, Sarah was knitting.
4. When Laura was in Panama, doing her first job for Lessoned Information Services, Sarah was having her second child.
C. True or False Questions. 1—2: TF Task 2: Genetic Make-up
A. Give brief answers to the following questions. 1. Alan and Barbara.
2. At lunch time.
3. An article about twins and coincidences.
4. because it suggests criminals are born and not made.
5. Somebody was born with the potential to become a criminal.
6. The ones that regard crime as a way of life and see the police as enemy.
7. Similar qualities are necessary to become a successful criminal or a first-class policeman. 8. Men who might easily be in jail.
B. Fill in the blanks with information about the twins. 1. bound to act in a particular way.
2. a particular set of genes, potential criminal, brought up in a particular way 3. get bored with, want action, pretty strong characters Section II
Task 1: Can I Take a Message? A. Multiple Choice. 1—2: ac B. Blank-filling. 1. Message 1:
Caller‘s name: Mary Roberts Caller‘s number: 772-1852
Message: Call back at that number till 12:30 or between 2 and 5 this afternoon. 2. Message 2:
Caller‘s name: Mr. Brown Caller‘s number: 743-9821
Message: Cancel the lunch appointment for tomorrow noon, because he is out of town for a while. Please call and reschedule. 3. Message 3:
Caller‘s name: Mrs. Turner
Message: She won‘t be home until 8 o‘clock. She‘s working late. 4. Message 4:
Caller‘s name: Wendy
Message: Ticket for Puerto Rico is booked. That‘s Pan Am Flight 226, leaving Tuesday the 12th at 8 am. Tickets will be sent over later this afternoon. 5. Message 5:
Caller‘s name: Juan Salvade
Message: He‘ll call back about the meeting next Wednesday. C. Blank-filling.
1. May I take a message?
2. out of town, offer my apologies to, have him call me 3. just a minute, can I hold you for a second? 4. holding
Task 2: Night Flight
A. True or False Questions. 1—6: FTTFTF B. Multiple Choice. 1—8: bacba cbc C. Blank-filling.
1. dramatically, moaning and groaning, doubled up, unconscious
2. at the controls, shaking slightly
3. on the horizon, the lights of the runway, beyond the city 4. thump, hit the tarmac, raced along, to a halt D. Answer the following questions.
1. She discovered that two passengers had been sick.
2. Because the captain was lying behind the door unconscious. 3. Because she was afraid that would cause a general panic.
4. When the plane had circled over Brisbane Airport for over half an hour. Section III
Task 1: Learning to Rephrase
1. thousands die/year; heart disease --- epidemic 2. people with heart disease: 1 or more traits 3. personality determines this illness
4. set unrealistic goals, meet impossible deadlines
5. responses less creative, activities performed under stress
6. past: more Type A men; now: more women work, this change 7. stress: caused by highly technical, rushed modern life 8. 60 or 50 or 40, heart attack, common
9. too preoccupied with own schedule, can't concentrate, unless about work 10. work again, leisure time- - a creative solution to work problems Task 2: Dictation
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Once upon a time there was a very naughty shepherd-boy. He often fell asleep while he was watching his sheep. And he told lies. The villagers shook their heads and said, ?That boy will come to a bad end.‘
One day, when he was feeling very bored, the boy decided to play a practical joke on the villagers. He ran down the hill. ?Wolf, wolf!‘ he cried. ?Help, come quickly. Wolf!‘ All the villagers seized their spears and ran to help him. But there was no wolf. ‘He heard you,‘ the naughty boy lied, ?and ran away.‘ When everyone had gone, he started to laugh.
Three weeks later, when he was feeling very bored indeed, he decided to play the same trick again. ?Wolf, wolf!‘ he shouted. ?Help, come quickly. Wolf!‘ Most of the villagers hurried to help him. This time the boy laughed at them. ?Ha, ha… There wasn‘t a wolf,‘ he said. ?What a good joke!‘ The villagers were very angry. ?Lies are not jokes,‘ they said.
Two days later the boy woke up suddenly. He had fallen asleep in the afternoon sun. What was that big dark animal coming towards his flock? Suddenly it seized a lamb. ?Wolf!‘ screamed the boy. ?Wolf. Help, come quickly. Wolf!‘ But none of the villagers came to help him. He screamed again. The wolf heard him and licked its lips. ?I like lamb,‘ it thought, ?but shepherd-boy tastes much nicer.‘
When the shepherd-boy didn‘t come home that night, some of the villagers went to look for him. They found a few bones. Lesson 9 Section I
Willing to Train
A. True or False Questions. 1—4: TTFT
B. Fill in the blanks with information about Catherine based on her own statement. Name: Catherine Hunt
Qualifications: 1. qualifications from school, very good results 2. certificates for ballet and for playing the piano Interests: 1. tennis 2. swimming 3. travelling
4. talking to people
Intelligence: reasonably intelligent
C. Give brief answers to the following questions 1. Dancing and music
2. A good girl. A bit lazy and disorganized sometimes, but very bright. 3. Be a teacher or a vet.
4. Because she believes that Cathy likes working with young children and looking after sick animals.
5. She wants to talk to Cathy, not her mother.
6. No. she is bright enough to be a vet and wants to find something different from school work. 7. Yes, if it is for something useful.
8. Nursing, because she has good qualifications in English and Maths. 9. Very hard work, not very pleasant sometimes.
10. At first she is afraid she is not good enough. Later she thinks she should enjoy that. D. Complete the following sentences.
1. a little girl, very keen on, a music teacher or something, to train for, the right job 2. to lessons, six, I suppose, for the rest of, music, lonely 3. France, the school choir, talking to people, real interests
4. being a hairdresser, people, do something properly, very worthwhile 5. do look after, looked after, run over by a car, mind, too worried Section II
Task 1: How Do Others Think of My Job? A. Fill in the following chart. Sex Job Stereotype of the Job Speaker 1 male work in Civil service or Tax Office grey Speaker 2 female Manager of a department It‘s a man‘s job Speaker 3 male Nursing officer in a hospital He should be a doctor, for nursing is a woman‘s job Speaker 4 male Bank manager stuffy, bourgeois, funny Speaker 5 male Sales representative not dependable, wife in every port Speaker 6 female Apprentice hairdresser for dim girls B. Give brief answers to the following questions. 1. Clever, artistic, very noisy. 2. To Mr. S. Andrews.
3. The company does put Mr. or Ms. In front of the names on its departmental list
4. Nursing. Being a male nurse, he has more contact with the patients and a long term
responsibility for their welfare.
5. They travel and have wife at every port. 6. No.
7. She is learning a lot about hair and how to get along with people and is gaining confidence. 8. She will be able to start her own business and earn five times as much as the teachers. Task 2: Job Stereotypes
A. True or False Questions. 1—6: TFTFTF B. Multiple Choice. 1—8: abaab cbb
C. Re-list the professions in the survey, beginning with the one that the children took as the most favorite. 1. lawyer 6. civil engineer 2. accountant 7. electrical engineer 3. physicist 8. mechanical engineer 4. biologist 9. Sales representative 5. economist 10. estate agent D. Blank-filling.
1. ―dirty job‖, ―low status‖, ―subordinate‖, take orders, give orders 2. interesting, well paid Section III
Task 1: Learning to Rephrase
1. barter = trading goods for goods
2. past: seashells spices -- no value money-- stated value 3. because economic developments, trade done in barter 4. more valuable currency-- hard c. less valuable - - soft c. 5. seller demand hard c., esp. from nation with hard c. 6. inflation = abnormally rapid price increase
7. due to scarcity of hard c. in some nations & world-wide inflation, payments in hard c. be supplemented by other types, e.g. bartering
8. the following: example of bartering, consumer preferences in beverages in USSR & USA 9. Pepsi - Cola: 1st introduction unhappy of cola to USSR, Coca- Cola 10. Bartering presents serious difficult problems Task 2: Dictation
Passage 1: How to Make Wine
This is how wine is made in our winery. After the grapes are picked in late summer, they are pressed so that all the juice runs out. Then the juice is separated from the skins and pips and it is put into large containers and left to ferment. Later, it is put into smaller containers. Then it is left for about a year when it is put into bottles. If it is a good wine, the bottles are kept for several years but the cheaper wines are sold immediately. Passage 2: Alan Simpson
The mystery of the man found wandering in the city centre has now been solved. The man, whose name is now known to be Alan Simpson, is a medical student. Mr. Simpson was taking part in an experiment conducted by the university department of psychology, when he walked away, unnoticed by the staff supervising the experiment. He has now regained his memory, and has left hospital. Several people, including his sister, April Simpson, telephoned the police to identify Mr.
Simpson after seeing his picture in the press. Lesson 10 Section I
Task 1: News Summary 1 A. True or False Questions. 1—5: FFTFT B. Blank-filling.
1. the local British Steel Corporation‘s headquarters, closure plans 2. doctors, nurses and other staff, grown even faster
3. another 31 million pounds, poorer areas, regional development fund, 13.5 million pounds, 10 million pounds, industrial improvement, road works
4. 17, 5, 2, 2, landed illegally, the first 9 months, 7 more
5. derailed local train, disrupted rail services, the south of England Task 2; News Summary 2 A. Multiple Choice. 1—4: bcac B. Answer the following questions briefly. 1. A double-barrelled. 2. The girl‘s brother.
3. When the girl was being overpowered by police officers. 4. Into the ceiling.
5. A 23-year-old electronics worker and a 55-year-old housewife. 6. They are doing well. 7. 2 months ago.
8. 125 pounds with 25 pounds costs.
9. A woman was killed when a chimney on a house collapsed and 2 men were killed when their car crashed into a fallen tree. 10. More high winds and rain. Section II
Task 1: British Newspapers A. True or False Questions. 1—4: FTTF B. Multiple Choice. 1—3: bab
C. Fill in the blanks with information about Professor Hill‘s favourite paper. News: (1) Political matters are covered in full.
(2) The editorial column may support government policy on one issue and oppose it on another. Book Reviews: a whole page for it.
Art: a whole page for the latest happenings in the theatre, the cinema and the world of art. Economics: (1) Stock Exchange prices are quoted daily.
(2) Exchange rates of the world‘s major currencies are reported daily. Sports: The correspondents are among the best. Reader‘s Letters: The standard is first–class. Task 2: Eccentricity
A. Answer the following questions.
1. A person who behaves in a totally different manner from those in the society he lives in. 2. Not specifically.
3. He used to share his house openly with the strangest animals and sample them as food.
4. The hermit.
B. True or False questions. 1—8: FFTT TTFF C. Fill in the blanks.
1. touch his food, wrap, in a tissue, picking, up, a barber, too often, grew down to his waist Section III
Task 1: Learning to Rephrase
1. US: use more oil/day, future supply – limited
2. current rate of use, oil not a major source of energy in 25 years
3. a lot of coal, but problem: mining, transporting & burning with pollution
4. production of new nuclear power plants, slow down, public concern over salty
5. government expected 20% electricity from nuclear energy 1970s, but only 12% 1979 6. no fuel for solar heating system, sunshine free
7. solar system can‘t provide 100 % heat due to sunshine
8. solar heating possible in most US, better in areas: lot of winter sunshine, heat necessary, fuel expensive
9. hot-liquid system: basically same but contains water not air, a large hot water tank, not a container of hot rocks
10. energy from sun: answer to our need for new, cheap, clean source of energy Task 2: Dictation Voice Analysis
If we want to measure voice features very accurately, we can use a voice analyser. A voice analyser can show four characteristics of a speaker‘s voice. No two speakers‘ voices are alike. To get a voice sample, you have to speak into the voice analyser. The voice analyser is connected to a computer. From just a few sentences of normal speech, the computer can show four types of information about your voice. It will show nasalization, loudness, frequency and length of articulation. The first element, nasalization, refers to how much air normally goes through your nose when you talk. The second feature of voice difference is loudness. Loudness is measured in decibels. The number of decibels in speaking is determined by the force of air that comes from the lungs. The third feature of voice variation is frequency. By frequency we mean the highness or lowness of sounds. The frequency of sound waves is measured in cycles per second. Each sound of a language will produce a different frequency. The final point of voice analysis concerns the length of articulation for each sound. This time length is measured in small fractions for each second. From all four of these voice features — length of articulation, frequency, loudness and nasalization — the voice analyser can give an exact picture of a person‘s voice. Listen 11 Section one: II. Exercises:
Task 1: a way of life
A: 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. b B:
1. tense, jump on 2. cut it down
3. make a real effort, no real chance, better 4. back to normal
5. less of a hurry
6. at the end of the day, on edge 7. at stake, job
8. have a word with
C: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. T Task 2: Do it yourself
A: 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. b 6. a B:
1. Every summer 2. He is a postman. 3. At evening schools.
4. He could not afford to pay workman.
C: 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. F Section two: II. Exercises:
A: 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. a B:
1. Because there were a lot of tourists that summer.
2. One is for coming into the kitchen and the other is for going out so that the waiters coming in would not bump into the ones going out.
3. Because she went to the wrong door and collided with a waiter. All the things she was carrying – two plates of bacon and eggs and an orange juice fell onto the floor.
4. Because the night before she had stayed up late chatting with other girls who worked in the hotel.
C: 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. F 9.F 10. T Section three: II. Exercises:
Task 1: Learning to rephrase
1. Landsats: 2 butterfly-shaped spacecrafts around the earth 1972 & 1975 2. circle the earth 14 times/24 hours, 570 m above earth 3. photos from satellites, scientists know more about earth
4. water black, cities blue-green, rock brown, healthy plants red, diseased plants green, barren land white
5. photos from satellites more accurate due to height 6. 2nd use of Landsat photos: find oil and minerals 7. produced a lot of information, but just the beginning
8. later Landsats may photograph smaller areas, equipped with radar Task 2: Dictation: (omitted) Lesson 12 Section one II. Exercises:
A: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T B: (1) –(d); (2) –(e); (3)-(f); (4) –(a); (5) –(b); (6)-(c)
1. He is going to wear a motorcycle helmet with an oxygen mask inside.
2. The police will probably come and ask them to move since a police station is just fifty yards away from the bank.
3. Because it will stink and they will never be able to use it if it smells like that.
4. Because they can keep a lookout there since the room is on the top floor of the building. And there, Fingers can radio Ginger and tell him to come. Section two: II. Exercises: Task 1: Crime
A: 1. a 2. b 3. b B:
(1) They parked the car outside the bank. (2) The traffic lights were red. (3) To repair the car.
(4) The catch of the money bag broke and they had to pick up all the notes. (5) They switched cars. (6) Roads were dug up.
(7) The road was blocked owing to a traffic accident. (8) The two arrived empty-handed. Task 2: Shop-lifter:
A: 1. c 2. c 3. a 4. b B:
1. She likes to change the color with her mood.
2. She sweats a lot, so she has to use a lot of powder. 3. She gets nervous if she doesn‘t know the time.
4. She is a heavy smoker; she uses lighters for finding her way in the dark and for finding the keyhole late at night. And she is a lighter collector. C:
1. letting, take a look in 2. to take yourself off. 3. make a fuss. 4. insist on seeing
5. need, sarcastic, made myself plain 6. for the inconvenience
7. carry one‘s valuables around, be broken into, out Section three:
Task 1: Learning to rephrase
1. Am. Indians in Southwest; agricultural life since 1 AD, similar today 2. farm on mesas – tops of high, flat mountain plateau –Spanish –table 3. live on mesas or in caves on sides of cliffs
4. early history: Anasazi used baskets, later pottery, change –important, began a series of secondary changes
5. fill basket with ground corn and water, build fire
6. many stones heated on fire and dropped into basket of food, but must be heated again soon. 7. men brought idea but not how to make pottery; shown in anthropological discoveries 8. solved problem of cooking & storing food, a more prosperous & comfortable life Task 2: Dictation (omitted) Lesson 13 Section one
Task 1: Guessing what people are talking about A: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T B:
1. wine and good food 2. the river
3. walking along the river and all the couples 4. paintings there C:
1. reminds, of
2. got something about it, sort of charm … 3. unusual, in the center of 4. from the top
5. down by the river Task 2: Nice to see you! A. 1. c 2. a
B: (1) –(d, i); (2) – (a); (3) –(e, f) (4) –(b, c, f); (5) – (h); C:
1. are keeping you busy 2. in the process, doing it up
3. give you a hand with, something of 4. see myself leaving, foreseeable 5. my butting in
6. over here on a scholarship, the Royal Academy of Music Section two:
Task 1: What do you like about your job? A: 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. c
B: 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. T C:
1. a night person
2. on the lookout for, stump me 3. plan on sticking around
4. the Beatles, a great beat to move to 5. coming up with
6. at the end of, have slimmed down, built up 7. against a tight deadline 8. At first, working with
Task 2: What do you think of yourself? A: 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. a
(6) –(g)
1. a. a secretary b. good at her job
c. different in her private life d. pretty tidy in office
e. incoherent in her behavior 2. a. concerned about state affairs b. critical of the political system
c. eager to bring law and order to his country 3. a. easy-going
b. a bit vicious when upset c. not sympathetic
d. not interested in civil rights 4. a. a retired army officer b. respectable and dignified
c. helpful to those dependent on him
d. a bit fanatic about organization and description e. not too polemic
f. fond of his wife and family
5. a. shy and unhappy during childhood b. unable to make friends till very late c. good at being by himself d. self-reliant and independent e. fond of children Section three
1. Bert‘s friendship 2. Bert and sports 3. Adam‘s hobbies
4. the two men‘s religious belief
5. Adam –not a creative problem solver
6. Heart attack victims enjoy Type B behavior. Lesson 14 Section one III. Exercises: A.
1. general election in Britain in the near future 2. An earthquake killed five people 3. stole a quarter of a million pounds
4. and fifty-seven people were killed in an aircraft crash 5. was held in London
6. were made to end the strike at Independent Television
7. were made when a fight between football supporters of rival teams B. 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. c 6. a 7. b 8. a C. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. F 8. T
1. The Prime Minister
2. In central Italy, avalanches, the earthquake during the night 3. Three masked men, with shotguns, unlock the van
4. two hundred and fifty-seven people, hit the side of a volcano 5. a basis for negotiations, the chances of success
6. Fifteen people, in court in Manchester, matches in London Section Two II. Exercises:
Task 1: Bearded Lady
A. 1. She was a bearded woman. 2. They advised her to shave.
3. When she realized that she was fighting a losing battle. 4. At first it was a bit unnerving.
5. Her beard keeps her husband‘s toes warm on cold nights. B. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. F C. 1. at an enormous rate, five inches
2. trying to keep it down, fighting a losing battle 3. chop off a few feet
4. the pointing and laughing in the end Task 2: At a Youth Center
A. 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. c 6. b B. a. drinking under the age of sixteen b. music at the dance ball c. language they use d. their hair and clothes
C. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F D. 1. turned me out 2. wrong
3. on at my boy about 4. with
5. there‘s any need, take part in 6. sitting in on, take you up on 7. take you out of your way
E. 1. Because she does not think the music played in the hall is of her generation.
2. Because he believes the young people are quite traditional in their attitudes and they are not that different from the old generation.
3. He believes that every generation creates its own special language as well as its own styles in clothes and music.
4. Because he hopes Mrs. Brent to have a better understanding of the young people. Section Three II. Exercises:
Recognizing the Main Idea:
1. trading without money --- barter
2. how money came
3. shifting from barter society to a monetized world 4. different money values in different countries 5. why difficult to give examples of barter deals 6. prospect of bartering Lesson 15 Section One: III. Exercises:
A. 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. c
B. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T C. Speaker A:
a. Killers deserve death penalty.
b. Death penalty will prevent other people from killing. c. It is important to get rid of the bad seed.
d. Criminals are never rehabilitated, they are hardened.
e. Some people are just bad, evil, and there is nothing one can do. Speaker B:
a. Nobody has the right to take another person‘s life.
b. Nobody is sure that the person convicted is really guilty.
c. Criminals should be rehabilitated instead of being eliminated. d. There should be more extensive programmes.
e. It is a social problem. We and society are responsible.
D. 1. Because she has doubts on the lawyers and the judicial system today. 2. Because studies show that criminals are never rehabilitated. 3. She suggests expanding the programme to an extensive one. 4. (1) The jails and prisons are already crowded.
(2) The taxpayers have to pay to maintain murderers‘ lives. Task Two: A New Way of Life
A. 1. Michelle Burns and Luke Saunders.
2. They have given up regular jobs and high salaries and begun a new way of life.
3. Because they had worked long hours and had hardly seen each other. As a result, their marriage was breaking up.
4. They raise sheep and goats, grow their own vegetables, and they have some chickens. 5. He‘s been a three-year motor-cycle journey round the world. 6. He had been a car factory worker on the assembly line.
7. He had a bit of money to start with, then he began to do odd jobs like picking fruit, washing up, etc.
8. He‘s going to start a new journey in the opposite direction. And he'll be away for three years again.
B. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. T 7.T 8. F 9. T 10. F C. 1. leave the ?rat race‘. 2. fell in love with 3. in it for profit
4. on the farm, feel lonely
5. four nuts on the bolts
6. giving up, turning round, coming home Section Two:
Task 1: The Work of Sigmund Freud A. 1. c 2. a 3. b
B. a. Forgetting of proper names b. Forgetting of foreign words
c. Childhood and concealing memories d. Mistakes in speech
e. Mistakes in reading and writing
C. 1. be traced back to, problem or conflict, concerned 2. of the neuroses, also present, in normal persons
3. the borderline, the normal and the neurotic person, nearly as clearly marked 4. a childhood memory, painful to us 5. good reasons for, the slips and errors Task 2: Cheese
A. 1. a 2. b 3. a 4.c
B. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. T
C. 1. Early cheese was probably rather unpalatable and tasteless.
2. ?Fresh cheese‘ is a kind of cheese to be eaten immediately after the milk has coagulated.
3. ?Ripened cheese‘ is a kind of cheese with salt added to the soft fresh cheese and other biochemical processes continued in the course of cheese-making. 4. The Latin word ?caseus‘. 5. In the nineteenth century.
6. People kept milk at different temperatures and in various environments. Section Three:
Recognizing the Main Idea: 1. why all cultures change
2. the origin of the name ?‘Anasazi‘ 3. descendents of the Anasazi
4. the theme that unifies the historical development of the Anasazi 5. labor distribution of the Anasazi 6. the end of the Anasazi Lesson 16
Section One: Men and Women III. Exercises:
A. 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T
B. (1) --- (d, i, m); (2) --- (a, c, e, j, l); (3) --- (h); (4) --- (f); (5) --- (b, g); (6) --- (k); C. 1. all her up about, your side of 2. for sale
3. house-trained, reasonably trained, two years, two weeks, needs training, within 4. 25p, all a man was worth
5. staring me in the face, blew me top
6. blamed me for 7. egged her on
8. came off, barged into
9. blown over, a world of good Section Two:
Task 1: The Suffragette Movement A. 1. c 2. a 3. a 4.b
B. 1. She would feel highly insulted.
2. They got the right to vote and some of them became members of the Parliament. 3. They have been useful in helping women in their jobs in other vocations. 4. She didn‘t want to vote.
5. She feels all right joining men in their world of work and sport. But she is happy to leave politics to men. C. 1. approve of 2. a good laugh 3. In the long term
4. interfered with, a few boos and there, clapping 5. different to, at their own job 6. a great thrill on the race track Task 2: Sex Discrimination
A. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F B. 1. sit under, fall off, got to stand up
2. being discriminated against, at least to some extent 3. proved wrong, removes, valid grounds for 4. stamp it out
5. a great shame, go round Section Three:
Recognizing the Main Idea:
1. Reading for a particular purpose
2. Why does a student come to the library 3. Writing is the most difficult skill 4. How to write a correct sentence
5. Simplicity --- a quality much admired 6. Participating in group discussions Lesson 17 Section One:
Task 1: News in Brief
A. 1. c 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. c B. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F
C. (1) --- (g, o, p); (2) --- (d, h, n); (3) --- (c, i); (4) --- (e, g); (5) --- (b, f, m); (6) --- (a, k, q); (7) --- (l); Task 2: Old Age and Health A. 1. a 2. c 3. a
B. 1. becoming senile, very few people
2. 15 %, over 65,
3. 80 %, over 65, at least 4. watch out for
5. immune system, to decline, lungs, the senses, the brain, skin 6. benefit more from, the eldly Section Two:
Task 1: At a Small Restaurant A. (1) c (2) b (3) a (4) a
B. (1) F (2) T (3) F (4) T (5) T (6) F (7) T (8) F (9) T
C. (1) He has trouble finding good, reliable domestic staff for his restaurant. (2) Because more and more organizations wanted to see his demonstration. (3) He wanted to combine the demonstration with a permanent establishment.
(4) He decided to choose this remote place because he wanted to have a restaurant for those who love peace and quiet and beautiful scenery and who also appreciate good food. Task 2: The Tree Climbers of Pompeii A. 1. A man was half way up the tree. 2. Ruins.
3. To collect pine cones.
4. The processed them into some sauce which is used in Italian cooking.
5. No. The foreman bought a licence from the State for the right to go round places collecting pine cones.
6. The tree climbers.
B. 1. halfway up this tree, his hands, his feet, 20 or 30 feet up 2. more or less, a rather middle-aged monkey, of 50 3. extremely sought after, in the food industry 4. good at, um recognizing, ready, a bit hard 5. sit around, fell down Section Three:
Recognizing the Main Idea:
1. Expressing neutrality after being nominated
2. Making a promise of what to do when elected the President 3. We should go to the moon. 4. Commemorating a person
5. The problem of the black people should be considered 6. Why I want to resign. Lesson 18
Section One: Energy Crisis
A. 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. c B. Pros:
a. It is the only alternative when fossil fuel is running out. b. It can produce electricity for our daily use.
c. Working at a nuclear power station is far safer than working down a coal-mine or on a North Sea oil-rig.
d. It can create its own fuel and burn its waste.
a. Nobody can imagine what will happen if there is a nuclear accident. b. Radioactivity causes cancer and may affect future generations.
c. There is no technology for absolutely safe disposal of nuclear waste. d. Terrorists could hold the nation to ransom if they captured a reactor.
e. Nuclear energy is expensive, dangerous, evil, and most of all, absolutely unnecessary. C. 1. 450 years, 50 years, oil, 30 years
2. go back to the Stone Age, turn our backs on 3. active for thousands of years 4. 25 years, 26 ?retired‘ reactors
5. the sun, the waves, the wind, survive unless, working on, 6. and there are a lot of them about, none of us, at night
7. in the short-term; rely on; oil, coal and gas; conservation of present resources; research into new forms of power Section Two:
Task 1: The Years to Come (I)
A. 1.b 2.a 3.c 4.a 5.c 6.b
B. 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T 7.T 8.F
C. 1. 216,000; ninety percent; in the poorest countries 2. at least, alternative sources of energy 3. Due to, half of the population 4. species, the loss of their habitat
5. within five or ten years, save the earth Task 2: The Years to Come (II)
A. 1. A space station to be launched towards the end of the 1990s.
2. No, eleven other nations have agreed to contribute a few of the station‘s many parts. 3. In the space. 4. Eight.
5. A dream that has been cherished for 120 years --- a colony in space.
6. Because they want to use the space station to discover how to establish healthy and productive habitation in space.
B. a. a room for each crew member b. a shower c. a toilet
d. exercise equipment e. a washing machine f. a pantry g. a sick bay h. a television set i. video
j. a telephone k. a computer
C. 1. celestial body, a shining star, 38 degrees north or south of the equator 2. Twenty trips, two rockets, piece by piece, a low orbit
3. 250 miles above the Earth, bolt together, many components, batch of parts, in 1995 Section Three:
Recognizing the Main Idea: 1. I shall return.
2. Hoping for a country of equality 3. Commemorating a person
4. I won‘t send you to any foreign wars. 5. Why I resign
6. I‘m innocent of the charges against me. Lesson 19 Section one Task 1:
A: 1. a 2. c 3. c B:
1. to live and relax in, living in the cramped little houses and flats, the Second World War 2. are growing up, and very small children demand a room of their own 3. may demand an extra room to treat their friends privately
4. restaurant and transport, people are beginning to entertain and dine at home, which requires a larger dinning room C:
1. a. situated in the business heart of the city so quiet and fairly free from traffic in the evenings. b. several theaters opened recently
c. suitable for those who like living high up since accommodation being situated mostly is tower blocks
2. a. favored mostly by upper middle class families who prefer a detached house. b. a walled garden surrounding the house and ensuring privacy 3. a. suitable for those who are not interested in gardening b. grand mansions to be chosen c. a wonderful view of the Thames
d. only a few minutes away from London‘s theaters and shops Task 2: A:
1. She is the First Lady of Jazz, the greatest blues singer the world has ever before. 2. To learn dancing. But she failed.
3. All by accident. A pianist discovered her talent.
4. no, at first she had to learn a lot to because a professional musician; then she has to know a lot about the public and changing fashions in order to keep her top position.
5. She chooses what she wants to sing. Anything she does sing is a part of her life.
6. She feels she has always been her true self in her music. And she‘s singing from deep down inside herself.
B: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. 6 7. T 8.T C:
1. slower, lighter, how I feel, the same way twice, a mixed up sort of thing. 2. stay at the top, out of work, back on the streets, you started from
3. up to a point.
4. made a fortune from my music, any damn thing Section two:
Task 1: Setting up a home computer A: 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a
B: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5.F 6. T Task 2: My computer makes me sick A: 1. c 2. a 3. c 4. b B:
1. NO, but statistic figures at least suggest that there is a cause of alarm.
2. The terminal should be placed where there is another source of light; no blank wall behind the terminal so that the operator has a chance to rest from time to time, get up regularly and walk about the room.
3. Those who use computers for interest or pleasure in their own homes. 4. a. constipation because of long hours spend in sedentary inactivity; b. backache due to crouching over an inconveniently positioned key board
c. a general sense of fatigue owing to having puzzled over a problem for longer than was sensible. 5. The condition worsened.
6. Because of the electrostatic field of the video screen attracting dust from the atmosphere, which irritates exposed skin.
7. A generation of short-sighted, constipated, hunched migraine sufferers with skin problems and circulatory troubles. C:
1. there is an alternative source of light from that of the screen.
2. frequently, if possible, by looking at something in the distance to give them a change from the close focus used on the screen.
3. the screen is properly tuned, for a shaky or fuzzy image can cause nausea or headaches.
4. and working area are so designed that you are sitting in a comfortable position, not screwed up or bent over.
5. regularly and walk about the room. Better go out into the fresh air occasionally. D:
1. working capacity, intellectual capacity, dangers, benefits
2. the UK, 800 pregnant women, computer terminals, a major part, no less than 36%, severe abnormality
3. control group, the same age, computer terminals, severe abnormalities, 16% Section three: note-taking (omitted) Section III
Study skills: Note-taking 3
Main ideas and Supporting Details: A. Suggested Abbreviations: heart disease: heart dis. cholesterol: chol. Cigarette: cigat. exercise: ex. especially: esp. similarity: simty. difference: diffr. financial: finan. responsibility: respty. hostility: hosty.
B. The main idea and supporting details of each paragraph you‘ve heard.
1. Main idea: companions to heart dis.
Supporting details: a. high level of fat and chol in the diet b. cigat. Smoking c. physical inactivity d. over weight
e. high blood pressure
2. Main idea: Bert‘s life after work Supporting details: a. physical ex. b. reading (1) history (2) historical novels c. gardening
d. fixing things around the house —a complete tool collection 3. Main idea: simities. & differs. Between Adam & Bert a. simties (supporting details) (1) married
(2) grown children (3) in mid-50s
(4) successful in business careers (5) hard workers
(6) in a position of finan. Security & respty. In their jobs (7) professional lives not easy b. diffrs. (supporting details)
(1) For Adam: life—full of tension & hosty. (2) For Bert: life—more enjoyable 4. main idea: Adam‘s use of time Supporting details: a. fighting time b. if delays in schedule, angry & hostile
c. resents people not on time & not moving as quickly d. fill up every minute with productive activity Lesson 20 Section one:
Task 1: Fixing an appointment A. 1 a 2 c 3 b
B. 1. the last short-list interview, to dine with the Japanese agent,
a meeting with the lawyer about planning permission a tutorial with Maria Rosa 2. a committer meeting
Business with the examining board A meeting with Johan Blun‘s parents
C: 1. is to be postponed to Wednesday or later in the week 2. is to be put off till Wednesday morning 3. at 2.30 on Monday afternoon Task 2: Last of the airships A: 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. c
B: 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. T 8.T C: 1. 97, 35, 62 2. 50, 25
3. 245, 41, 125km/hr, less than half the time
4. 1,000 passengers, circus animals and cars, 1937 5. 1.5 million, 13,100
D: 1. was pressurized in order to prevent gas from ever entering it. 2. were chained to the tables
3. were searched for matches before entering the ship
4. was made of special materials, which had been chosen to minimize the possibility of accidental sparks, which might cause an explosion. Section two
Task 1: Looking for a flat
A: 1. she is trying to find a flat in the advertisements in those newspapers. 2. No, she is going to share it with two other girls.
3. Because Peggy and her roommates would be out all day.
4. Because they wouln‘t have to walk at all and would get to work quickly 5. Because they are the girls who will share the flat with Peggy. B: 1. a kitchen and a bathroom, two bedrooms and a sitting room. 2.£21 a week, £for each
3. on the No. 10 Bus in Woodside Road Task 2: Moving in
A: 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. a 7. c
B: two chairs, one bed, a wardrobe, a desk, the chest of drawers, the stereo, the amplifier, the TV set, two speakers, the bookcase, the table lamp C: 1. a bad size room
2. on earth, nothing much, most of it out, hurts
3. you mean, enough space, two feet, stick out too much 4. sort that out Section three B:
1. Landsats used to find fresh water
a. in dry area: black=water, red =healthy plants b. save time by looking at photos 2. 5th sue: warn us of natural disas. a. forest fires
b. melting ice near the N & S poles c. lines where ethqs. might happens 3. solar energy
a. clean & unoimited
b. solar energy on US: 700 times our consp.
c. fed. Goe. Spending mns. of dollars to change sunshine into ecol. energy d. y. 2000: solar techgy. supplying 25 %. Of us energy needs. 4. cost of solar heating system
a. cost: all parts & their instl.
b. cost for a 3-bedroom house: $7,000 to $12,000 c. one-time cost financed over many years
d. more exp. Than heating with oil at present prices. Lesson 21 Section I
Task 1: Talking about television A: 1. c 2. a 3. c
B: 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. F C: 1. a bit of
2. came on, over, protest 3. a shame, switch on 4. turned over Task 2: Games A: 1. c 2. a 3. c
B: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. T C: Harry Carter: 2, 3, 5; Mark Smith: 1, 4, 6 D: 1. just shakes, in bewilderment, finish it off 2. in with a good chance
3. nervous against, took the lead 4. have a quick work with Section two
A: 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. c
B: 1. totally opposed to reducing the size of the Olympic Games in any way at all.
2. in favor of removing from the Games those sports which are well resented in other international contests in the media, such as boxing and football
3. a. attention to be focused on the more unusual sports which do not normally gain so much international attention
b. in favor of a true test of individual stamina instead of skills 4. agreeing to keep some of the team games C: 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F
D: 1. boxing; 2. football; 3. fencing; 4. archery; 5. hockey; 6. sailing 7. pentathlon; 8. canoeing; 9. basketball; 10. volleyball E: 1. reject, out of hand, discuss it
2. in terms of, financial demands, subjected to 3. soar phenomenally, state 4. am inclined
5. horse-riding, axe
6. strand of thought, individual excellence, cutting out, featured Section three
1. Houses were not perm.
a. summer: mesa top, made of poles & brush b. winter: caves in cliffs for warmth & protc. 2. experimenting with potting
a. mixed clay with water: fell apart when dried
b. added grass, straw or pieces of bark to clay: full of holes when burnt c. added sand or volcanic grit to clay, baked: success 3. advantages of pots a. added beans to diet
b. stored food & water over long periods c. life easier, effort spent on other devlps. 4. improvement in housing a. one-story row house b. made of stone
c. forming a village: several hund. Rooms with 1,000 people d. these houses & Indians: Pueblo = village in Spanish Lesson 22
Section one: Class in Britain and America A: 1. c 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. a B: 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T C:
1. really stick together, in the middle of , muddy fields, came upon, 9,000 Range Rovers 2. a very point, in fact, fitting into either of these two extremes
3. the upper class, extraordinary, totally uninhibited, passing moral judgments on them Section two
Task 1: Autobiography: Seminole Girl (I) A: 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. c B:
1. He was the only person outside her family who helped her and encouraged her to get an education.
2. She graduated from it as one of the first two Indians pupils in that school. 3. She learned bookkeeping.
4. She was suspicious of the speaker at first but began to trust her gradually. 5. She felt hurt and hard being an Indian. C: 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F
Task 2: Autobiography: Seminole Girl (II) A: 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. a
B: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. T C:
1. upset, jump at the change to come back 2. work out, failed, I would really feel bad
3. important, what I look for in a friend, their education, for enjoyment of, understanding 4. understand, on the outside, enough to be friends Section three
1. Causes of the f. concl.
a. science students: scient. Terms ----non meaning b. way st‘s taught Eng. E.g. list of vocab.
2. every word with exact transl. equiv. in their own lang.
a. no equiv. word need phrase
b. 1 word in st‘s lang. : 2 words in Eng. E.g. do & make
c. meaning covered by 1 word in st‘s lang.: wider or narrower than Eng. E.g. color
d. translation =diff. to do well; can‘t be done by match single words e.g. computer scientists 3. best way to increase vocab.
a. observation: unknown word, observed in context b. imitation: use word in appro. Context c. repetition: make it enter st‘s active vocab. Lesson 23 Section I
Task !: Finding a Job A.
1. Pamela Gable
2. 147Collington Road, Croydon 3. 2468008 4. July 8. 1963
5. personal assistant to the manager of a modeling agency 6. French and Italian 7. none
8.8,000 pounds B. 1
a. keeping the accounts b. writing the letters
c. answering the telephone
d. looking after bookings and engagements
e. taking care of all the models who work for the agency
f. keeping those models happy, lending an understanding ear to their heartaches 2.
a. meeting people
b. transporting them from one point to another c. making sure they are comfortable d. a bit of telephoning 3. TFFTFFT
Task 2: Hpnosis A.: abacb B. TFFFTFT C.
1. her eighth birthday 2. a Tuesday
3. those who were present 4. the names of those present 5. the clothes those present wore
6. the presents she received 7. her address at that time D.
1. In order to reach a person‘s mind; as much as possible; concentrate; my voice 2. not to think about; just to accept it
3.rely on the thinking of a clock,; boring, repetitive sounds; stare at some subjects in the room 4. back to their first year
Section II A. caabc B. FTTFTT
C. (1) d (2)c (3)a, b D.
1. few months alone; 250 c.v.s.; 80 percent; inadequate in a way
2. condense; go too far the other way; my recruiting role; thirty pages long 3. unreadable; the essence of ; neat, legible; accurate
4. have no place in letters of application; hearing about; stated, quite bluntly; more money to pay; No boss; such directness
Section III
1. Answer: main idea with supporting details; Reason: ―we may note‖ for main idea
―he once said‘ & ―once‖ for supporting details 2. Answer: main idea
Reason: the first important point to note 3. Answer: supporting detail
Reason ―a good illustration of‖ 4. Answer: main idea
Reason: ―what I want to emphasize to you is this‖ Lesson 24 Section I
Task 1: I.Q. Tests A. abbbca B. TTFF C.
1. are not easy to measure; appreciated
2. spotted sufficiently early; developed; in my view; unhappy adults; they are best at
3. never get the chance; an instrument; artists; composers; pleasure and satisfaction; tunes; in key Task 2 A.
a a hobby that a child takes pleasure in b. a child‘s vocabulary c. a child‘s language
d. a child‘s experience
e. children to become independent in life B. TFFTTF C.
1. mystery books 2. science fiction
3. newspapers and magazines 4. signs 5. textbooks 6. comic books D.
.a poor student; a comic book; he‘s reading something; the back of the cereal box; wouldn‘t take it away; a step to go on; limit; certain areas; stifle; stop reading completely Section II Task 1 A. acbba B. TFF
C. A mathematical way; are related to each other; good at one; good at the other; poor at one; poor at the other; they are not related to each other; go together; has nothing to do with Task 2 A. cbaa
1. Main idea: ―this is an important point‖
2. supporting detail: ―one of the most dramatic example of‖ 3. digression ―by the way‖ 4. digression
“although it is not strictly related to our topic‖ Lesson 25 Section One A.
1. Italy and France. 2. A camping holiday.
3. The tickets, traveler‘s checks, all the currency, passports, tickets for the boat, and a card. 4. At the campsite.
5. With this card, she could get reduced rates for becoming a member of a camping club. 6. No, not at all. 7. Yes.
8. The two brothers at the cycle repair shop. B. TTFFFFTF C.
1. Having a lot of trouble finding the passports and this and that. 2. Fueling their car.
3. Finding their money, traveler‘s checks and passports missing. 4. Asking the officer for help.
5. Distracting the man‘s attention and searching through the papers for the folder. 6. Managing to discover what an old lady was sitting on. 7. Recovering what they had lost. Section Two
Task 1: parking in London A. baca
B. FTT FFF C. 1. dying to tell
2. sensible, on the outskirts of 3. cross
4. went on and on at Task 2 A. baccb
C. 1. has quite a hold on
2. the powered remains of the dead Egyptians, many magical soells 3. their curiosity and their consciences Section Three
Study Skills: Note-0taking 4 A. cbcaba
B. number; no. credential: cred. over: + equipment‘ equip. burglary; burg electrical: elect previous jewellery: jewl C. Title: burglaries
I. A. about every two minutes
B. no. of burg. rise by about 50,000 or 40,000 this y. C. last y. household burg. losses rise by 27% over the previous y. to 139.2 mm. pounds. II.
A. when you are out or away, or be careless about security 1. lock or close doors & windows 2. less than 20 minutes B.
1. a. milk bottles left on the doorstep b. papers by the front door c. garage doors wide open d. curtains drawn in the daytime & undrawn at night 2. a programmed time-switch C.
1. their cred. 2. don‘t let then in D.
1. serial nos. on elect. equip. radios, TVs. 2. valuable jewl. antiques or pictures E. Crime prevention office, further tips
III. cost of security systems and value of property to be protected Lesson 26 Section one A. bacba B. TFFT TT C.
1. climbing 2. rambling 3. boating 4. dancing
5. association football 6. golf
7. swimming 8. rugby 9. tennis D.
1. 400 clubs, 37,000 clubs to regional or district associations, Football League, 92 in all, 38 Scottish clubs, 4 seasons, there, 27 million
2. 1,760km of cruising waterways, 960, km, 90 reservoirs Section Two Task 1 A. caabc B.
1. Rubber production doesn‘t use fossil fuels. It is based on sunlight. It‘s cheaper to produce natural rubber than synthetic rubber 2. Three million. 3. Thirty years.
4. They are leaving the land for cities, leaving no one behind to carry on their parents‘ business 5. Boring, labor-intensive, mind-blowingly tedious. C. 1. on a plantation has to be tapped 2. is cut and the latex that comes out is collected in a cup 3.in the cup is collected the next day 4. collect 400 trees per day
5. take care of 800 trees , which requires 10 hours‘ work per day D. 1. 1981, 37%, 2. 20%, 30% 3. 2, 70%, half a million, 60% Task 2 A cacbb B. FTTFT Section Three A. FTFFT TTF
B. problems: probs. separation: separ. possible: poss. accommodation‘ accom. . very: v. laboratory: lab important; imp. C. Notetaking
Title: Some of probs. facing learners of Eng. I. A. sts‘. Probs. B. how to overcome II.
A. Psychological 1. unknown
e.g. academic students too diff. solution not to look too far ahead
2. separ. From family and poss. homesickness 3. a. enjoy activities b. passage of time B. 1.
a. arranging accom. b. getting used to Brit. Money, food and weather 2. a. settle in strange envirt. and new academic routine b. learn social habits c. express appro. Greetings d. understand humor e. learn to make friends 3. be open-minded and adaptable ` C. Linguistic 1. using Eng. shock in understanding 2.
a. Eng. people speak v. quickly
b. Eng. people speak with variety of accents c. in diff. situations 3. a. attend Eng. classes and use lang, lab. b. listen to radio and TV c. meet Eng. people 4. a. simplify lang. e.g. short sentences b. think in English translate
c. .speaking as much as poss.
d. Eng. structure—educated use—imitate Lesson 27 Section One A. caabc B. TFTFTF
C. 1. break things down , one part of the person 2. with your right food, affect your entire body
3. becomes blocked or tained, manifest certain symptoms
4. the West, different, in spite of our headache, , our body, not quite right, fall over. Section Two Task 1 A. aabb
B. 1c 2d 3a 4e 5b C. TFT
D. 1. psychology of clothing, not just individual taste, but also a thinking behind what we wear, not even be aware of ourselves
2. create new fashions and color, go along whole-heartedly, room for manoeuvre, scope to express their individuality Task 2 A. babcc B. FFTTTF C.
1. a model agent who sends a model out for auditions and interviews and gets work for her 2. an agency where aspiring girls take a basic course in the techniques of being a model 3.mentioned above, learning how to do make-up, how to work, how to do hair, dress sense, etc.
D. female, 23, 5 feet 8 inches, shoulder length, auburn, hazel, prettier than average girls Section Three A. TTTFF TFT
B. mathematics; maths. emotional: emot. sometimes: s‘times mathematician: mathc experience: exp. problem; prob. C.
Title: Solving Problems I.
A. maths, with insight
B. moral or emotion, no real solution or no solution that everyone agrees on C. other types
II. the first kind of probs.
A. ―A-ha‖, insight, , ―A-ha‖, a good idea comes to them suddenly, Poincare, French mathc B. 4
1. understanding the prob., information, what do I want to find out? What do I already know? 2. past exp, methods of solution, know a problem similar, restate the goal and make it easier,
working backwards, restate what is given, working forwards, flash of insight 3. carrying out , the plan, each stop 4. looking back, use it for other probs.
III. Not all probs. solvable, good idea to carry out Polya‘s method. Summarize exp. and use your method next time Lesson 28 Section one A. 1-4: b/b/a/c
B. the sting out of the interview/ what he calls ―job interview jitters‖/ you can make a good imgression/ you can use the interview to your own advantage/ to go about it C.
1. They try to find out what you are like and if you are suitable for the job. 2. Someone from the peroonnel department.
3. At the personnel department of a biscuit factory. D. 1. T 2. F
E. 1. hesitant/indecisive; 2. her appearance; 3. delivery/petrified/the whole idea/ the interview; 4. stage fright
F. 1. The interviewers enjoys making interviewees squirm in the their seats. 2. Nervous actors on the opening night of a new play.
3. She offers too much information and it is highly irrelevant.
4. She can‘t handle pressure and responsibility and appears indecisive and unsure. G. 1. a. sidled nervously up; b. wasn‘t quite sure; c. kept looking nervously around her 2. a. fidgeted about; b. kept twiddling the strap; c. clutched tightly 3. a. hunched shoulders; b. a tense look H. 1-4: a/c/a/a
I. 1. self-confidence without being too cocky; 2. relaxed and friendly way; 3. normal manner; 4. exchange information with the interviewer/be interrogated; 5. if the company was going to suit her/they wanted to know/ suit them; 6. sober/neat/too frumpy; 7. read the prospectus J. 1.a. a question-and-answer routine/ b. a boss-and-servant session. 2. a coming together of two personalities. Section Two
A. 1. Election Day; 2. The U.S.; 3. 50; 4. a light to moderate turnout, of about 40% of voters. B. 1. raining/a very grey day; 2. cooperating/gorgeous, sun-shining, crisp beautiful; 3. 59 degrees/no snow/in our area/beautiful/windy.
C. 1. 36 states;2. hundreds of local contests and battle fields; 3. the control in the U.S. senate; 4. 34 seats. 1/3 of the senate; 5. 22 seats; 6. Washington, Idaho, North and South Dakota, North Caroline, Georgia, Alabama, California and Colorado. Section Three
A. 1-8: bcabcbba
B. consonant: conso; formal: fl.; foreign: for.; note: N.B.; development:dev.; informal: infl.; pronunciation: pron.
C. Ⅰ. A. all the words correctly: 1. runs into next; 2. in speech vowels & conso. sounds; 3. with weak or reduced form; there are/ unstressed syllables
B. what‘s been said: 1. follow the speed of the speaker; 2. understanding words correctly
& understanding them; 3. too much to do; 4. more time to remember.
C. the argument: 1. don‘t recognize signals of important points; 2. try too hard to understand everything; 3. take notes, miss dev. of argument.
Ⅱ. A. country to country/ Southern Eng./ gras//fast/Yorkshire/gr?s//f?st/have variants
B. 1. colloquial or slang; 2. easier/This is undoubtedly the writer‘s ceutral point.That‘s really what the writer‘s on about.
C. 1. speed; 2. common use of irony; 3. Eng. Sense of humour; 4. Brit. Culture. Lesson 29 Section one A. 1-6: cccbcc
B. 1. housing condition/ disabilities; 2. young people/the rising cost of living/the government/how the area had gone down C. 1-3:bbb
D. 1. Because he was giving all day to the growth of his business. 2. Because he was getting older and more frail. He was left completely alone and had lost everything. Section two
A. A man was shot in the head/ Joseph Griffin/ Los Angeles/homeless man/ the fifth one/ a new serial killer.
B. Four/shot/ head/ the last three weeks/ transients/ sleeping alone/killing/ tell everyone/ chapel/come indoors/missions/shelters/ full/ group together/ alone/ hunddle for safety/ depend upon their following these instructions.
C. Black/tall/slim/ 150-170 pounds/25-30 years/male/medium-large Afro.
D. 1. On September 4. 2. On October 7. 3.They were sleeping. 4. Because there are thousands more men than beds available. And on the other hand, not all the homeless choose to stay in shelters. 5. Another serial murderer. 6.17. 7. Most of them were women, chiefly prostitutes. 8. In the past three years. Section three
B. Participants: parts. Comprehension: compr. Presentation: pres. Something: sth. C. How to Present a Seminar Paper:
Ⅰ.1st. gives ideas which are discussed by other sts. Ⅱ. A. Preparation: 1. researching. 2. writing up a topic.
B. Presentation: 1. circulate copies in advance;/read aloud the paper in class.
2. 2nd method or any time you have to speak in public/your paper/parts, forget main ideas/parts, only glanced at paper/read the whole paper aloud/not enough time for discussion/lack of compr. Or understanding/ boring.
C. 1. Decide on a time limit. 2. Write our spoken press. 3. concentrate on the main points. 4. Make spoken press. lively & interesting. 5. Write out everything, rehearse. 6. Reduce to outline notes. From outline notes to full notes. 7. Speak from outline notes. 8. Look at the audience while speaking. 9. Make a strong ending.
Ⅲ. The oral pres. Should be prepared in a different way from sth. Intended to be read. Lesson 30 Section one A. 1-5:baacc
B. 1-3: TFF
C. 1. Because they saw the driver of the Lotus slump over the wheel. They wanted to help him. 2. It suddenly shot forward and nearly ran him down.
3. He leapt for his life and the car missed him by about half an inch. 4. A head-on collision.
5. Because there was a bend at the bottom of the road. If there was a car coming in the opposite direction, the two locked cars would crash into it.
D. 1. (1)the Lotus/through the hedge; (2)in a ploughed field.
2. (1)to the left/in the thick part of the hedge; (2)on full; (3)were tearing up the grass verge/mud and soil, earth and grass/the road; (4)burst/steam
E. 1. the passenger door open; 2. climb through the hedge/to the driving door; 3. the driver out/ the ignition off; 4. him in the mud; 5. out in the road/for help; 6. blankets; 7. the man comfortable. F. 1. The police and the fire brigade.
2. The police ask them to go to the police station, make a statement and have a breathalyzer test. 3. He died of a heart attack. Section two A.
Kansas City 36 5 Drug use Palmdale 34 13 Off-duty drug use
B. 1. investigate alleged drug use/the nation‘s sixth largest airlines, US Air;
2. investigations into alleged drug use by controllers/two facilities/southern California/Kansas City C. cc
D. 1. alleged drug use/sales/distribution; 2. 20 US Air flight crew members/cocaine overdoses E. 1. US Air acknowledges that a pilot nearly died of an overdose . 2. September 7.
3. It has removed him from flight duty. 4. To revoke his medical certificate. Section three
B. unfamiliar: unfam. concentrate: concen. important: inp. Imformation: info. intonation: into. maximum: max. usually: usu. verb: v. adjective: adj. argument: argu. C. Title: Lectures and Notetaking Ⅰ. As he says it
A. 1. the lecturer to look up a new word or unfam. pattern. 2.words he understands in print 3.completely new words
B. 1. meaning of a word from context 2. can‘t guess the meaning
3. concen. Solely on imp. Points.
Ⅱ. A. title/ accurately & completely/many major points B. 1. write it down/get used to
pause, speak slowly or loudly, use a greater ranger of into. Combination of these/ sentence
delivered quickly & softly, narrow range of into., short or infrequent pauses Ⅲ. Main points A. abbreviations
B. words that give max. info./nouns, v. or adj. C. 1 point on each line
D. 1. the argu. is proceeding in the same direction/moreover, furthermore, also 2. new or unexpected info/however, on the other hand, nevertheless Ⅳ. Connections between points noted down/visual
spacing/underlining/conversational symbols/points numbered Lesson 31 Section one
A. 1. No. But it is beginning to be taken seriously as a proper science.
2. Handwriting and doodling are a kind of extension of ourselves on paper. We are giving a kind of ―computer printout‖ of what we think or feel when we write. Therefore our character is transmitted into our handwriting.
3. He has always been fascinated by people and what they are like. And by looking at a book about different styles of handwriting one day, he realized that it must all mean something, and then he started his study.
4. A number of European firms and American ones. 5. Over two hundred.
6. They come for advice on would-be employees. 7. At least a one-page writing sample.
8. It takes him anything from three to eight hours, depending on the amount of detail required by the client.
9. A whole range of personality traits can be assessed, such as enthusiasm, ambition, imagination, diligence, sincerity, and secretiveness.
B. 1. straight up/crossed/diagonal stroke/south-west/north-east 2. crossed/a stroke/left/vertical stem/reach
3.2 vertical strokes/stem/a rounded point/crossed 4. thick cross/left/stem/a point/right/stem 5.crossed halfway/letter 6.crossed high/stem
C. Company: Royal Office Products of New York Job Applicant: Harry Benson Job Applied: an executive officer
Reason for not being hired: He came across very badly orally and in his appearance. Present Position: President of the company.
E. 1. They doodle away merrily and absentmindedly. 2. It is a message straight from the subconscious. 3. They indicate hidden anger and frustration. 4. They stand for ambition.
5. It means confusion in reaching goals. E. 1-c; 2-a; 3-d; 4-b
F. 1. people with disabilities/their normal outlets are blocked
2. creative people like architects or fashion designers
3. writers/they have a way of expressing themselves in words. 4. they are bored.
G. ordinary pen: the middle-of-the-roaders
Felt tip: those who want to leave the biggest impression with the least amount of work Pencil: people who want to leave no traces, who are not honest; criminals Section two
A. a. going down, down, down b. taking up the smoking habit c. quitting to make up for it B. FFTF C. aa
D. 1. smaller weight babies/thriving in an early life/light in weight/a year of good care/to the standards
2. an honor system/for an examination/their refusal to smoke/trust/they are following it/have started smoking again/ a pretty good cross section. Section three
A. 1. It gives them an identity, membership of a socially recognized group and some indication of who must support them and their mother.
2. a. Number of mates/b. locality of marriage/ c. transfer of wealth 3. a. polygyny/b. polyandry/c. monogamy 4. a. patrilocal/b. matrilocal/c. neolocal 5. a. Bridewealth/b. dowry/c. gifts B. marriage: ma. C. marriage customs
Ⅰ.A. identity/B. membership of a social group/C. who must support them Ⅱ.A. polygyny: 1 man + more than 1 wife—most societies
B. polyandry: 1 woman + more than 1 husband—few societies, not in Africa C. monogamy: 1 man + 1 wife--Europe
Ⅲ.A. patrilocal: at husband’s home/ B. matrilocal: at wife’s home/ C. neolocal: in some new place
Ⅳ.A. bridewealth: wealth from husband or his relatives to bride’s family—Afirca/labor service B. dowry: brought by wife—Europe, still in Irish countryside/ money, land
C. gifts: England—wedding presents from near kin, friends, neighbors & workmates/ useful household goods, e.g. saucepans, tea sets, blankets Lesson 32 Section one
A. 1. strength, suppleness and stamina
2. strain muscles/pull ligaments/tendons/have to do something/lift a heavy suitcase/shift a wardrobe/chair/bath
3. bend/move freely/injuring
4. keep going/losing breath/endurance
5. an effect/protecting the heart/heart disease B. 1-3: cac
四年级数学上册 万以上数的认识第一课时教案 青岛版05-23
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- 2017-2022年中国医疗保健市场调查与市场前景预测报告(目录) - 图文
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- 选课走班实施方案
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- 参考