
更新时间:2023-10-24 23:41:02 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



时间:60分钟 满分:100分

一、听录音, 选出正确答案。(5分)

二、听问句, 选择正确的答语。(5分)

( ( ( ( (

) 1. A. I'm 52 kilograms.

) 2. A. I'm going to the library. ) 3. A. I went to Xinjiang. ) 4. A. I'm leaving at 2 pm. ) 5. A. It was busy but fun.

B. Mike is 52 kilograms.

B. I'm going to buy some books. B. I rode a horse there. B. I left at 2 pm. B. We're fine.

三、听录音, 选出与你听到的内容意思相符的选项。(10分)

( ) 1. A. I'm 2 cm taller than Mike.

B. Mike is 2 cm taller than me.

( ) 2. A. John washed his clothes last Sunday.

B. John's mother washed the clothes last Sunday.

( ) 3. A. I went to a forest park by bus.

B. I rode a bike to a forest park.

( ) 4. A. There wasn't a gym in my school before.

B. There was a gym in my school before.

( ) 5. A. What does your school look like now?

B. What was your school like?

四、听短文, 回答问题。(10分)

( ) 1. How old was Lily last summer?

A. Ten years old. B. Eleven years old.

( ) 2. Whom did Lily go to Hainan with?

A. Her friends. B. Her family.

( ) 3. How did Lily go to Hainan?

A. By train. B. By ship.

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C. Twelve years old. C. Her classmates. C. By plane.

( ) 4. What did Lily buy for herself?

A. A new hat. B. Some colourful shirts.

( ) 5. What's Lily's favorite fruit?

A. Coconuts. B. Apples.

C. Some shoes. C. Bananas.

五、看图, 在横线上写出动词(短语)的过去式形式。(5分)


1. Who's ________, Zhang Peng or you? (thin)

2. I think Mike is __________________ in his class. (tall)

3. —________ you at home yesterday? —No, I ________. (be)

4. What did you ________ last night? Did you ________ your homework? (do) 5. —Where did you ________ last summer? —I ________ to Harbin. (go)

6. There ________ some ice-cream in the fridge yesterday, but now there ________. (be)


( ) 1. My hands ________ bigger than ________.

A. is, you B. are, your C. are, yours

( ) 2. Which one is ________, the dinosaur ________ the whale?

A. heavy, and B. heavyer, or C. heavier, or

( ) 3. —What size ________ your shoes? —________.

A. is, Size 8 B. are, Size 8 C. are, 8 Size

( ) 4. Yesterday I didn't listen ________ music. I watched cartoons ________ TV.

A. /, in B. to, on C. /, on

( ) 5. What ________ he usually ________ on the weekend?

A. do, do B. does, does C. does, do

( ) 6. —________ he ________ last week?

—No, he didn't. A. Did, go swimming B. Did, go swim C. Does, go swimming

( ) 7. My mother ________ the clothes yesterday.

A. didn't washed B. didn't wash C. don't washed

( ) 8. —When ________ you ________ the bike? —Last month.

A. did, bought B. do, buy C. did, buy

( ) 9. Li Na ________ to Australia last year. Tomorrow she ________ there again.

A. went, goes to B. went, will go C. went, will go to

( ) 10. Before, Mary ________ long hair. Now, she ________ short hair.

A. has, has B. had, has C. had, have


( ) 1. What day is it today?

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A. I went to Beijing.

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) 2. How's everyone?

) 3. What was the date yesterday? ) 4. How was your holiday? ) 5. How tall is your father? ) 6. What did you do in Beijing?

) 7. Where did you go over the winter holiday? ) 8. When's the party?

) 9. What's your mother like?

) 10. What does your mother like doing? B. It is Friday. C. It was Apr. 1st.

D. I visited the Great Wall. E. It's in April.

F. She's tall and thin. G. We're fine. H. It was great. I. He's 180 cm.

J. She likes cooking.

九、按要求完成下列句子。 (10分)

1. Labor Day, went, with, camping, I, my, parents, during, holiday, the (.)(连词成句)

________________________________________________________________________ 2. Tiantian is taller than Kimi. (写同义句)

________________________________________________________________________ 3. There weren't any tall buildings in our city ten years ago. (写同义句)

________________________________________________________________________ 4. Where are you going on your holiday? (改写一般过去时句子)

________________________________________________________________________ 5. I rode a horse in Xinjiang last summer. (改成一般疑问句并作否定回答)



older, old, stronger, got, ate, climbed, drank, was, were, had, saw, took Yesterday I 1. ________ a mountain with my cousin Tom. Tom is 13 years 2. ________. I'm one year 3. ________ than him. But he's taller and 4. ________ than me. We took some food and drinks with us. When we 5. ________ to the top of the mountain, it was 2:00 pm. We 6. ________ hungry and thirsty. We 7. ________ and 8. ________. We got tired, but we felt very happy, because we 9. ________ many animals and took many nice pictures. We 10. ________ a good time.

十一、阅读理解。(10分) (建议用时:6分钟)

Dear Friends,

It's time to leave your school. You're going to middle school. You'll make many new friends. Six years ago, when you entered the school, most of you were only six years old. You were thin and short. But now you're taller and stronger. Six years ago, there was no library here. But now we have a big library and a big gym. This Saturday, we're going to have a farewell party. Place:Gym Time:Saturday morning Activities:Draw pictures, Sing songs

Play games, Dance

Welcome to our party.

1. What were most of the students like six years ago?

________________________________________________________________________ 2. What's in the school now?

________________________________________________________________________ 3. When will they have a farewell party?


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4. What are they going to do at the party?

________________________________________________________________________ 5. Where's the farewell party?



愉快的暑假即将开始, 能和我们分享一下你的上一个暑假吗?

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________



一、1. The woman is taller than the man. 2. W:Did you see a film last weekend? M:No, I stayed at home. I had a cold. 3. Look, they're riding their bikes.

4. M:What do you usually do on weekends? W:I often play the piano. 5. M:Where are you going? W:I'm going to New York. 二、1. How heavy are you, Mike?

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2. What are you going to do? 3. What did you do in Xinjiang? 4. When are you leaving? 5. How was your weekend?

三、1. W:Who's taller, Mike or you?

M:I'm 2 cm shorter than Mike.

2. W:What did you do last Sunday, John? Did you wash your clothes?

M:No, I cleaned my room. I was so tired. My mother washed them for me. 3. W:Where did you go last weekend? M:I went to a forest park. W:How did you go there? M:By bike.

4. W:There was no gym in my school before. 5. W:What's your school like now? 四、W:Hello, I'm Lily. I'm a twelve-year-old girl. Last summer, I went to Hainan with my

family. We went there by plane. It was so beautiful. We took many photos there. We also ate fresh fish and fruits. Coconuts are my favorite fruit. I bought a new hat for myself. I also bought some colourful shirts for my friends. What a fun trip!I liked it very much. Keys:

一、1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B 二、1. A 2. B 3. B

4. A [点拨] 答案都是下午两点, 但时态不同, 问答的时态应保持一致, 所以选A。 5. A

三、1. B 2. B 3. B 4. A [点拨] not a=no。 5. A

四、1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A 五、1. saw a film或watched a film

2. bought gifts 3. ice-skated 4. took pictures 5. went swimming

六、1. thinner [点拨] 虽然没有出现than, 但从句意中得知是两者比较, 故用比较级, thin的


2. the tallest [点拨] 由句意知是最高级, 学生容易将the忘记。 3. Were, wasn't

4. do, do [点拨] 两句都是一般过去时, 但因为句中都有助动词了, 所以后面动词要用原形。 5. go, went

6. was, isn't [点拨] yesterday表明前半句为一般过去时, now表明后半句为一般现在时, 句中的but表明前后转折, 前肯后否或前否后肯。前半句中的some表明肯定, 所以前肯后否。

七、1. C [点拨] hands复数, be动词用are, 句末没有名词, 故用名词性物主代词。 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C

9. B [点拨] 句中的last year表明第一句为一般过去时, go的过去式went, 第二句中的Tomorrow表明该句为一般将来时, will+动词原形, there副词, go there。 10. B

八、1. B 2. G 3. C 4. H 5. I 6. D 7. A 8. E 9. F 10. J

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九、1. I went camping with my parents during the Labor Day holiday. 2. Kimi is shorter than Tiantian.

3. There were no tall buildings in our city ten years ago. 4. Where did you go on your holiday?

5. Did you ride a horse in Xinjiang last summer? No, I didn't.

十、1. climbed 2. old 3. older 4. stronger 5. got 6. were 7. ate 8. drank 9. saw 10. had

十一、1. They were short and thin. 2. There's a big library and a big gym. 3. On Saturday morning.

4. They're going to draw pictures, sing songs, play games and dance. 5. In the gym. 十二、范文:

Last summer holiday, I went to the Huangshan Mountain with my parents. We went by bus. We climbed the mountain. We saw many strange stones and old trees. We also saw seas of clouds(云海). So beautiful!We took many pictures there. There were many good snacks there. We tasted all of them. We were so happy!

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