John Milton约翰.弥尔顿的《失乐园》
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John Milton
John Milton was born in 1608 in London. His parents had six children, and he was one of the three who survived.
In 1625, Milton was admitted to Christ s College, Cambridg.
In 1632, Milton took his M.A.(Master of Arts) at Cambridge, after which he retired to the family homes, and did 6 years of private study and literary composition.
Milton set out for Europe when he was 30. He met Galileo in Florence, and was greatly touched and inspired by him.
In 1642, at the age of 34, Milton married Mary Powell, age 17,shortly after,she left him and return to live with her mother .In 1645,he and his wife reconciled.Milton lost his sight due to overwork in 1652 and his wife died while giving the couple's third children.
In 1656,he remarried,but she died in childbirth a year later,ending"the happiest time"in Milton's life. In 1663,Milton got a third wife,since his rebellious daughter would not care for him.He was fully blind.
图 为 述弥 作尔 品顿 时失 的明 情后 景在 口
Milton died peacefully of gout(痛风) in 1674. His funeral was attended by “his learned and great Friends in London, not without a friendly concourse(集合) of the Vulgar(平民, 百姓)”.
early period On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity(基督诞生晨颂) L’Allegro (快乐的人 IL ) Penseroso( 幽思的人) Comus ( 科玛斯) Lycidsas (利西达斯)
the middle prose pamphlets Areopagitica (论自由出版) 1644 Defense of the English People (为英国人 民声辩)1651 Second Defense of the English People (再为英国人民声辩)1654
the last great poem Paradise Lost (1667) Paradise Regained (1671) Samson Agoniste (1671) (力士参孙)
Milton’s Quotes 2.Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven. 上天堂尽职,不如下地狱独裁。
Milton’s Quotes 3.The childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day. 从小能看大,就像清晨看白天。
Milton’s Quotes 4.Death is the golden key that opens the palace of eternity.
死亡是打开永久宫殿的金钥匙 。
Milton’s Quotes 5.One tongue is sufficient for a woman.
女人只要一根舌头就够了 。
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