
更新时间:2023-11-01 09:00:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



PS (Program start) 项目开始

PSC (Program strategy confirmation) 项目策略确定

PTCC (Program Target Compatibility Check point) 项目目标分解

PTC (Program Target Confirmation) 项目目标确定

PA (Program Approval) 项目批准

LR (Launch Readiness) 投产准备就绪

LS (Launch Sign Off) 投产签收 J1 (Job1)


Use for tooling kick off. 用于开模

Purchasing Related Process/采购相关的流程


Request for quotation which include Commercial document and ESOW. Commercial document tells the commercial items and ESOW tells the product information and requirements.

询价书包括了商务文件和产品工程规范和要求(ESOW) ESOW

ESOW1 based on first version drawing for quotation ESOW2 based on 2nd version drawings for nomination ESOW3 based on 3rd version drawing for CPA ESOW1 基于第一版图纸,用于询价 ESOW2 基于第二版图纸,用于确定供应商 ESOW3 基于第三版图纸,用于签订CPA CPA

CPA is a commercial contract between Volvo and

suppliers for the commodities. It is for the commodities price.

CPA是沃尔沃和供应商之间的关于零件价格的合同。 Tooling order / 模具订单

Tooling order is an order to kick off suppliers’ tooling with commercial and engineering perspectives.

模具订单是沃尔沃从工程和商务两方面来启动供应商的 模具工作。 PPAP

Refer to STA training later 参考后面STA的培训 Purchasing

Drawing related Process/图纸相关流程


1st released version drawing. ESOW1 use it. Design supplier need release V0 drawing to Volvo

第一版图纸用于ESOW1。设计供应商需要发布V0数据到Volvo 系统 V1

2nd released version drawing. ESOW2 use it. Design supplier need release V1 drawing to Volvo

第二版图纸用于ESOW2 。设计供应商需要发布V0数据到Volvo 系统 V2

3rd released version drawing. ESOW3 use it. Can be used for tooling design. Design supplier need release V3 drawing to Volvo

第三版图纸用于ESOW3和模具设计。设计供应商需要发布V2数据到Volvo 系 统 FDJ

Last released version drawing. Used for tooling kick off. Design supplier need release FDJ drawing to Volvo

最终版图纸用于开模。设计供应商需要发布V0数据到Volvo 系统


M1 build

M1 build is to verify under body. So under body related parts are affected.

M1装车是为了验证下车的设计,所以只有下车体的零 件影响到。

E3/E4 build / E3/E4装车

E3/E4 build is to verify electrical parts’ function (no dimension requirement). All body electrical parts are affected. Chassis and PT electrical parts are not affected.

E3/E4装车是为了验证车身电子零件的性能(对几何尺 寸没有要求),车身电子相关零件需要支持该装车。底 盘和动力系统的电气相关的零件不需要支持。

MTO Build (Machine Try Out Build)

MTO build is to verify BIW (body in white) and body shop process. All stamping parts are affected. No any trim parts are needed. Build will only in body shop. Parts must be from job1 tooling. This build is before VP

MTO是为了验证白车身和焊装工艺的一次装车,只在焊 装车间进行,只有冲压件会影响到,总装零件不需要支 持。所有零件必须是量产模具制作的。MTO装车发生在 VP装车之前。

VP build (Verification Prototype Build)

VP build is to verify whole vehicle. All commodities affected. Parts must be from job1 tooling.

VP装车验证整车设计,所有零件都需要支持,所有零 件必须是量产模具制作的。

TT build (Tooling Try Build)

TT build is first time to verify the job1 intend process. All parts must be from job1 tooling and process. Build quantity is normally less than 100 cars

TT装车是第一次验证量产工艺的装车,所有零件都必需 从量产意图工艺制作,一般装车数量少于100辆 PP build (Pilot Production Build)

PP build is to verify job1 process with more quantities vehicle. All commodities affected. Parts must be PSW/SOP level.

PP装车是中批量装车验证Job1工艺,所有零件都需要 支持,且要达到PSW/SOP水准。 焊装零件:

PCF Definition/PCF定义

PCF: Body Parts Coordination PCF: 焊装零件几何尺寸检查

PCF Methods/TPC方法

Use fixtures to simulate standard body then check the body parts dimension.

用检具来模拟标准车身,以此来检查焊装零件的几何尺寸。 PCF Plan Refer to VPP 参考VPP

PCF Related Parts/PCF相关零件 All body parts 所有焊装的零件 总装零件:

TPC Definition/TPC定义 TPC: Trim Parts Coordination TPC: 总装零件几何尺寸检查 TPC Methods/TPC方法

Use fixtures to simulate standard body then check the trim parts dimension.

用检具来模拟标准车身,以此来检查总装零件的几何尺寸。 TPC Plan Refer to VPP 参考VPP

