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8上英语词汇复习题一阅读 unit 1--2

Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空

A 1. What about _ (go)to the mountains? 2. Bob _ (visit)his aunt last Sunday. 3. They took many _ (photo)in Beijing. 4. It’s a _ (wonder)place to visit.

5. There isn’t anything (interest)in today’s newspaper. 6. I often do some washing by (me). 7. Mary left her job because she was (bore). 8. Last year my father (feed)more than 100 pigs. 9. Keeping a (diary)is a good habit to learn English. 10. Do you like going (shop)with anyone?

11. The boy was too (excite)to say a word.

12. I think this TV play is (bore). Let’s go and play tennis instead.

13. I really enjoy (read)in the library. 14. Yesterday my mother (buy)a watch for me. 15. Spring is the (good)time for children to fly kites of the year.

16. She decided (go)shopping with her sister. 17. Do you enjoy (play)sports in your free time?

18. There are three (build)in our school. 19. Don’t forget (put)your name on your exam paper.

20. We will go for a picnic if it is (sun)tomorrow. 21. We (go)to Shanghai last summer vacation.

22. They (take)many photos on the trip.

23. Keep (walk)up, and you’ll come up to the top of the hill. 24. I (be)so tired that I had to stop to have a rest.

25. — Henry (go)there by train or by plane? —He went there by train.

26. It (be)rainy yesterday, so we (stay)at home and (do)some reading. 27. (be)you busy last weekend? 28. Larry with his friends (visit)museums last month. 29. Molly (not watch)TV last night. 30. Where Jenny (go)last summer vacation? 31.Mr Zhang (teach)us English three years ago.

32.Yesterday I (buy)a new dress at the Macy’s for my mum. 33. Hainan Island is a (wonder)place to spend summer.

34. We do lots of outdoor (active)when spring comes. 35. I (visit)my aunt on the farm last weekend.

36. Bob often (go)to the movies on weekends. 37. Cindy (read)English every day. 38. My parents (not like)to play sports.

39. — Linda often (visit)her grandparents on weekends? —Yes, she does. 40. —How often do you go swimming? —I go swimming (two)a week. 41. The teacher wanted us (stay)in the classroom after school. 42. My grandfather is very (health)because he exercises every day.

43. —How often she (eat)noodles? —Twice a week. 44. I eat (vegetable)every day. 45. —How many (hour)do you sleep every day? —About eight hours. Unit3

1. She is a little___________ (thin) than she looks. 2. Bob is____________ ( heavy ) than any other boys in the class. 3. The boy is not so _________ (interesting) as his brother.

4. Dick sings _________ (well), she sings _________(well) than John。


5. She will be much _________ (happy) in her mew house.

6.He is one of the______________(friendly) people in the class, I think.

7. A horse is a little _________ (big) than a sheep, but much _________ (small) than an elephant. 8.Her mother is getting ____________(fat) and _________ (fat). 9. I think it' s too expensive. I' d like a _____________ (cheap) one. 10. He comes to school much____________ (early) than I. Unit4

Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词

1. My home is very c to school, so I often walk to school. 2. Let’s go to the c . There’s a new movie this evening. 3. (2013·泰安中考)We can’t get f air because of polluted environment. 4. Lisa wants to be a (记者)when she grows up.

5. Mrs. Smith likes wearing both (舒适的)and beautiful clothes. 6. Thanks for i me to your class meeting.

7. It’s about 1, 000 k from Shanghai to Beijing. 8. My mother is so busy that she h watches TV. 9. I am going to travel somewhere (国外的).

10. Mary Smith doesn’t think differences are important in (友情). 11. —Who a the best in the movie? —John. 12. We have three m a day.

13. Here’s the (菜单). What would you like, sir?

14. Look at the quietest performer. He danced (相当)well. 15. Don’t be (喧闹的). We are doing homework. 16. Who do you think is the best (演出者)? 17. I think the pianist is (有创造力的). Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空

1. What’s the (good)radio station in this city? 2. The seats are soft. You can sit (comfortable). 3. Our hotel has the friendliest (serve).

4. The store at the corner has the (bad)clothes in town.

5. I think (Jim)is the cheapest book store. 6. All the movie theaters are (friend). 7. I think our English teacher is (good)of all.

8. Tom tells me Teen World has (bad)service in our town. 9. Beijing is one of the (big)cities in the world.

10. All the young people think the Screen City is very (comfort).

11. Zhou Libo is the (funny)person I know. 12. Who is your favorite (perform)? 13. Please speak (loud); we can’t hear you. 14. Vera is the (quiet)girl in our class. 15. I think the shop is (close)at this time of the day. Unit 5


1. There is no n in today’s newspaper.

2. Li Hua is from Guangzhou. He can’t (忍受)the cold weather in Jilin. 3. David (计划)to go to the movies yesterday.

4. Tomorrow we’re going to have a (讨论)on English learning. 5. They are _________(期待)us to help them out. 6. You can hear the music a the world.

7. Mr. Wang is an outgoing man who likes telling . (笑话 8. Do you often w a movie on weekends?


9. My father says he dislikes (喜剧)shows. 10. What do you (计划)to do this Sunday?

11. Both Gian and Tara are studying Chinese history and (文化)now.

12. Our school is so (出名的)that hundreds of people come and visit it every term. 13. My father is always angry with me for no (原因).

14. She has already agreed to play the lead (人物)in the film. 15. He wants to buy himself a car when he becomes (富有的). 16. My brother joined the (军队)two years ago.

17. He didn’t (出现)at the party and his friends were very disappointed. 18. What should we do when the earthquake (发生)?

19. He Jiong is a (著名)host at Hunan TV Station, and he does well in making jokes. 20. Are you (准备好)for your big interview tomorrow? Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空

1. Do you want (play)volleyball after class? 2. This TV show is very (education).

3. Jack looked out of the window to see what (happen). 4. They are planning (go)to Hangzhou for their vacation. 5. Mr. Smith says he doesn’t mind (play)some light music. 6. You must work hard if you want to be (success). 7. Jack is always the (one)student to get to school.

8. I was surprised that Susan (appear)at Dave’s birthday party. 9. Luckily, I found my (lose)wallet at home. 10. He is (luck)to lose all his money.

11. I like comedies, but sometimes I watch (act)movies, too. 12. She is the most beautiful and skillful (act)of Hollywood.

13. At the class meeting, everyone was having a heated (discuss). 14. This story is both interesting and (education). 15. The film is so (meaning)that I don’t like it. Ⅲ. 完成句子

1. 离开教室的时候, 确保关上灯。 you turn off the light when you leave the classroom.

2. 优秀的成绩和你的好习惯有关系。Good grades your good habits. 3. 他打算培养慢跑的习惯。He is going to a hobby like running slowly. 4. 请给Tom发一封电子邮件。Please an e-mail Tom.

5. 你觉得我们的英语老师怎么样? do you our English teacher?

6. 总的说来, 我觉得你做得相当不错。All in all, I think you . 7. 刚开始的时候他没钱, 可是后来他变得有钱了。

To begin with he had no money but later he .

8. 这个问题和你的健康有关系。The question your health. Unit6.

Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 1. —What does your father do?

—He is a (厨师 he makes delicious food.

2. His mother is a d . She works in a hospital near here.

3. —Do you know Lang Lang, a famous (钢琴家f course. He plays the piano very well. 4. Many boys want to be a (飞行员)when they grow up. 5. If you want to be an (工程师), you must study math well.

6. —What do you want to do when you finish high school? —I want to go to (学院; 大学). 7. A child receives its early (教育)at home.


8. —What are you doing these days? —I am studying (医学). I want to be a doctor. 9. This (文章)is about how to keep healthy.

10. I am very busy now. Can you (邮寄)a letter for me?

11. The boy is interested in science and he wants to be a s in the future. 12. If you study hard, you can get good g .

13. —What’s your New Year’s r ? —I am going to study hard at all the subjects. 14. Look, that’s our (外国的)teacher, Mr. Smith. 15. We have a good basketball (队; 组)in our school. 16. My sister has her o new car. 17. This is just a (个人的)opinion.

18. —How is your (关系)with your parents? —It’s good.

19. Let’s (讨论)what we can do to improve our English and math. 20. It’s not easy to learn a (外国的)language well. Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空

1. What do you want (do)when you leave school? 2. The old man over there is a famous (science).

3. In my heart, Wu Bin, a bus (drive), is a real hero(英雄). 4. We (visit)the Great Wall next Sunday.

5. —Do you know Li Na? —Yes. She is a well-known tennis (play). 6. I (write)a letter to my grandmother tomorrow evening.

7. —How are you going to be a singer? —I want to take (sing)lessons. 8. —Let’s play volleyball this afternoon. —That (sound)interesting. 9. There (be)going to be a football match on TV this evening. 10. My grandfather likes talking and he is good at (tell)stories. 11. He’s going (start)when he finishes his work. 12. My father often (run)in the morning.

13. —What you (do)yesterday? —We went to the park and had a picnic there. 14. Lin Qian (study)English in Australia next month. 15. What does your brother want (be)when he grows up?

16. My brother learned (play)soccer when he was five years old. 17. He began to work hard at the (begin)of last year.

18. I think hobbies like (sing)and dancing are very relaxing. They are good for our health.

19. —How are you going to get good grades? Do you have a (week)plan for your schoolwork? —Yes, I do. 20. —I think your resolution is difficult (keep). —If I try my best, I can keep it. 21. Although the (begin)of the movie is interesting, it has a bad ending. 22. He does (well)in English than in math.

23. Many students think (play)computer games is very exciting. 24. Many girls love (sing)and want to be singers.

25. —There aren’t any classes this afternoon. What can we do? —How about (go)swimming?


Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词

1. My uncle is a good c . I like to eat food that he makes.

2. —What are you going to do after you finish high school? —I’m going to (大学)in Beijing. 3. If you want to be a doctor, you will have to study m in the university.

4. —How can I _____________(提高) my English? —You can read it every morning.

5. —I like to play volleyball. What’s your h ? —I like singing.


6. —What’s your dream? —I h to be a policeman.

7. Don’t play a j on that old man any more. It’s impolite.

8. When we learn a language, we also need to learn something about its c . 9. Although she is a f singer, she dresses like an ordinary girl. 10. The party was very s . All of us enjoyed it.

11. I think traveling around the world would be very . (教育意义)

12. We are having a (讨论)on whether the students should wear school uniforms. 13. We were (不幸的)—we didn’t win the soccer game. 14. How (放松的)it is to have a bath after a day of work! 15. It’s (无意义的)to argue about(争吵) it. Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空

1. My father ________ a teacher 10 years ago, but now he _________ a policeman. (be) 2. People in our village built many tall _________ (build)last year. 3. Last Friday night, I _________ (have) a birthday party at home. 4. She ______ (be) 20 years old next month.

5. There __________ (not be) an English test the day after tomorrow.

6. We are trying __________ (give) more help to the homeless people after the earthquake. 7. There are many people __________(exercise )in the park in the morning. 8. There are about two __________ (hundred) trees on both sides of the river. 9. The famous __________ (science) Qian Xuesen died of illness in 2009. 10. Some robots look like __________ (human). 11.Betty _________ (write) to her parents last night.

12. I want to hear your __________ (predict) about the future in class. 13. She ___________ (fall) in love with the skirt as soon as she saw it. 14. There _________ (be) two concerts next week in our city.

15. People couldn’t see actors ______(talk) in movies before 1929.


Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词

1. This evening I am studying for a math e . 2. The boy feels very cold. Maybe he has the f .

3. —Where’s your mother, Tom? —She is p for the supper in the kitchen. 4. —Let’s play tennis. —I’m sorry, I’m not a . I have a lot of work to do. 5. Hurry up, or we can’t c the bus. 1. Do you have a (食物搅拌器)at home?

2. —Please (倒出)some tea for your uncle and aunt. —OK, Mum. 3. My little sister likes to drink (酸奶)very much.

4. —There is nothing better than eating a (西瓜)in summer. —Yes, I think so. 5. If you put some (盐)in the soup, it will be more delicious. 1. We must d a hole before we plant the tree. 2. We need some c to make popcorn.

3. Don’t eat too much s . It’s bad for your teeth. 4. —Can you operate the (机器)? —Sorry, I can’t. 5. My mother bought much (奶酪)yesterday. Ⅱ.根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. How watermelons do we need? ( much ) 2. We still need ten . ( orange )


