Revision unit 1 The belated father
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Unit 1 Revision The belated father
1 .Translate the following into Chinese, then paraphrase them to see if you really understand them:
There is a small clipping, no more than 2 square inches, that has been in my file marked ?Fathers” since last fall.
It?s a simple story about a judge in Western Massachusetts who, when confronted with a fifteen-year-old kid in trouble, made an unusual judgment. He sentenced the father to thirty days of dinner at home.
Who among those fiery sons, with their vague and blasted eyes, really connected with his father; who even knew, let alone admired, what the father did in that invisible city of his?
“Fatherhood meant delivering, or not delivering, checks. It meant not being around, or being unwelcome when around. It meant either shouting or that soul-crushing silence most deeply installed in the soul of any re-blooded American boy: Dad mute behind his newspaper.”
I wish there were something in the file folder, some story, some role model you could applaud.
They feel awkward when they find themselves alone with their fathers today.
They flip through their own mental files on the subject. There is Father Knows Best, and Father Knows Nothing, Father as Pal, and Father as Trans-parent. There is even an occasional full-time father---who trips in all the pitfalls of full-time mothers.
They want to be involved in the full range of their children?s lives, to know which days the kids have to wear sneakers for gym and which kid would starve before he?d eat cauliflower.
But the minute I hurt my knee, we?d both call for my mother.
He wants the kind of relationship that is only woven in the intimacy of daily, time-consuming routines during which you “learn” what they call intuition---the second sense that tells you one kid is worried and another is sad, and the difference between a cry that is tired and one that is hungry or hurt.
These fathers don?t want to be Sunday events.
They feel guilty if they miss the school play and guilty if they are tired or out of town. They can?t push it down justifying their absence with the need to Make it, or with the notion that children are women?s work.
Their bosses are usually men of their father?s generation whose offices are geared to full-time mothers and absent fathers. If they refuse overtime, will they get ahead? What if they can?t travel their way to a better job?
At the office they suddenly find themselves wondering. Did the babysitter show? I wonder if they bully in the playground is bothering Bobby again? Finally they wonder whether they have enough energy left over from work for fathering and for their own lives and plans and marriages.
These fathers you see, are becoming---well, how should we put it? Like us.
2. 翻译:Put the following into English please:
她虽然还不到7岁,但是与她交涉却很难了。 尽管张亮一直在努力,总希望自己在事业上获得成功,但是他却不懂得如何与同事们交往相处。
2. Phrases and expressions
Direction: Do you really understand the following “words and expressions”? If not make sure you understand them. You have many resources to get help from, for examples, your own self, your foreign teacher, your classmates, your roommates, your dictionary, your teacher of English, the internet, etc. Please make good use of these resources to pave the way for the final.
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