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我们以上海英语高二课本中的一篇文章为例 The Problem of Packaging 第一段

A large source of rubbish is packaging material. It often makes up more than 30 percent of the total. To understand why this is true, think of the packaging commonly used for a simple product, such as toothpaste. The packaging includes not only the tube for the toothpaste, but also the box for the tube. This box is put into a plastic wrapper. Then, the boxes are transported in a cardboard container.


Most packaging material ends up in a landfill after it is thrown away. Though necessary, landfills take up valuable space, often stink, and can leak harmful substances into the soil. Landfills not included, the production of packaging material itself is a major source of air and water pollution.


People are now trying to solve the problems caused by packaging materials. In 1991, Germany took the lead by requiring companies to recycle the packaging used for their goods. To do this, the companies set up recycling bins in every neighborhood. Consumers now separate their rubbish into three categories—metal, plastic and paper cartons. They then put it into the appropriate bin. The rubbish sorted, it is transported to are cycling company for processing.


The programme worked well at first. However, the amount of rubbish has begun to increase again. One reason for this is that many consumers no longer reduce waste because they think the problem is solved. It seems that to properly deal with the problem of rubbish, everyone must remain vigilant and do their part.


第一段的中心应该就是讲 A large source of rubbish is packaging material. It often makes up more than 30 percent of the total. 后面的牙膏的情况只是举例说明咯。

第二段呢?讲了两层意思,一层:垃圾进入填埋场后造成污染;二层:这些包装材料生产过程中,会产生对空气和水的污染。 第三段: 中心句很清晰啊 People are now trying to solve the problems caused by packaging materials. 后面的德国的事情也是举例子,政府啊,制造商啊,个人啊,采取什么措施来试图解决包装材料带来的污染问题。


说明文概要模板 a. 现象揭示类:

This article points out the common phenomenon --(主题), which?(.补充解释).

b. 利弊对比类:

The article compares the disadvantages/ benefits of A and B. A…while B…

The passage discusses the impact of sth. On the positive side…, but it may also…. c. 研究显示类:

The study reveals that…

The purpose of the report is to show that…


The article points out the problem of packaging. About one third of rubbish results from the packaging materials, which cause damage to the environment during their production and after ending in landfills. Though the programs carried out to combat the problem are temporarily successful, the problem remains a great concern. (50 words)


A driving goal for most websites is for that site to be easily found by people looking for the products or services. One of the ways people may find these sites is via a search engine. With this in mind, companies obviously want their websites to appeal to search engines as well. (第一段文字讲网站要让搜索引擎喜欢,那预测下,接下来的文字可能会是, 该怎么让搜索引擎喜欢呢?有什么要注意的要素呢?)

First of all, website content should be unique and timely. (第一句话是主题句,网站内容要独特新颖且及时)Only quality content ensures that customers will frequent your website and also recommend it to friends via links or through social channels. This act of sharing not only gives your site more chances of public exposure but it also helps to push up your search engine rankings, which extends huge psychological implication to other engine users as people tend to follow suit.

Now famous search engines such as Google use mobile friendliness as a ranking signal(这个词出现了,后面几段文字都是在讲搜索引擎会关注的ranking signal啊,这个词在summary中必须出现啊) in their ranking algorithm(算法). Therefore, if your site is not applicable for mobile devices, you are offering a less than ideal experience to some users and in result search engines will take the disadvantage into account.(这段文字的主要词眼是 mobile friendliness)

Another key ranking signal that Google and other search engines weigh heavily is page speed and overall site performance.(又是主题句,关键词是page speed 和overall site performance)If your site is loaded with too many high-resolution images and videos or other elements, much viewing time will be caused. These will make sluggish, slow loading that frustrate and often drive away visitors. It's time to reduce the page size as all the visitors appreciate faster download. Some are even willing to trade better visual experiences for high viewing speed. As user preference stands on top of any search engine's list of priority, search engines will look very favorably upon the speed improvements of the websites.

In addition, for a hot website, appropriate update frequency is also vital.(又是主题句,词眼是update frequency) Although the content is current and up to date when it is first launched, it will soon lose its freshness with the explosion of other various online resources. If the content on your websites has appeared on other sites before, your website is sooner or later to be deserted because of humans’ nature of having a low boredom threshold(门槛). In turn, your website’s search ranking will drop drastically.

Finally, don‘t look down on customer experience. (主题句,关键词是customer experience)Too often people ignore the benefits of creating a viewing experience that is enjoyable. When assessing your website's user friendliness, understand that ease of use comes first, but do not discount the benefits of adding a bit of delight into that experience as well.


该文章主要讲了网站为了迎合搜索引擎,必须要考虑到搜索引擎的一些ranking signals, 分别是unique and timely content, mobile friendliness, page speed

and site performance, appropriate update frequency 和enjoyable customer experience.


This article focuses on how websites make themselves easily accessible to users through search engines. The ranking signals to be considered include unique and timely content, mobile friendliness, page speed and site performance, appropriate update frequency and enjoyable customer experience.(41 words)


语言图式,内容图式,结构图式 教师在讲解试卷的过程中,如果只是就题目而分析的话,可能就失去了很多好的机会让学生更立体的了解一段文字,往往我们更多地关注文章的语言图式和内容图式,对结构图式避而不谈,这是“只见树木,不见森林”的做法。




On Earth, there's no doubt that they have highly developed senses to stay alive and thrive. But while some of their features may be compared to taste, sight, touch and smell in humans, have you ever wondered--can plants think?(这是整篇文章作者想要解决的问题)

On land, the cumulative mass of plants is 1000 times higher than that of animals. But these plants are immobile and can't move around in their environment; which is, seemingly, a pretty big evolutionary disadvantage. This has forced plants to adapt in amazing ways that often go unnoticed by the naked eye.

Smell something funny? Plants do too-and they react to these chemicals in the air. For example, when fruits start to ripen, they release a chemical called ethylene. And when neighboring fruits sense this pheromone, they ripen faster, so that all fruits mature at the same time.

Plants also give off scents which attract insects to spread their pollen. In particular, the amazing carrion flowers grow tiny hairs, feel warm and smell like rotting flesh in an attempt to mimic a dead corpse. This is to attract flies and beetles as pollinators. On the other hand, when a plant is attacked by an insect, animal or pathogen, it knows. When acacia trees are grazed by animals, they quickly react by producing chemicals called tannins, which make their leaves unappetizing and tough to digest. Some even produce enough toxin to kill the animal. Perhaps more impressive are some corn and cotton plants, which when eaten bycaterpillars, release chemicals in the air that attract parasitic wasps, who fly in and ultimately kill the insects. (以上这些文字讲植物会想方设法地解决他们遇到的一些问题。)

On some level, they communicate with the wasps. Crazy as it seems, even sound recordings of caterpillars chewing leaves, trigger this response. Without any from of touch, the plants react, as if they can hear.

(这段文字讲了植物也会和周围环境中的物种交流感情!这也太神奇了点。) On a large scale, plants also work together. A web of underground fungi can connect tree roots in forests, allowing them to exchange nutrients and information.

Using radioactive isotopes, scientists discovered that trees share water and nutrients with others in need. Large trees nourish smaller shaded ones until they are tall enough to reach sunlight, And trees that stay green all year round share nutrients with trees that lose their leaves in winter, helping them through the season. Which is then repaid in the summer months, like a transactional exchange. Some scientist refer to this as the \(这段文字讲了植物也懂得如何共生!合作!)

Perhaps the most shocking fact, is that some plants seem to have memory. Mimosa pedicab plants, are those leafy plants that close up when touched. This reflex is meant to scare away insects that land on them. In an experiment on these reflexes, scientists notice that when dropped from 15cm, they would close when they hit the ground, Not so surprising. But after repeating the drop 4 or 5 times, some of the plants stopped closing, as though they had realized the stimulus wasn't harmful. If they were shaken instead, they would close, but any time they were dropped from this same height, they stayed open. This effect lasted for weeks-the plants had memories.

