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I. 梦想与工作

作文题目:My Ideal Job 我理想的工作

The Job I Like 我喜欢的工作



I like to be a librarian. It’s my ideal job.我想当一个图书管理员。这是我理想的工作。

First, a librarian always works in a library where many interesting books can be found. I

like reading books very much. So if I become a librarian, I can read books every day.



Second, I prefer a neat working place. A library is always bright and clean. I will be happy

to stay there all day long.



Third, I am a shy and quiet person. I m not good at talking with people. Working in a

library, I needn t talk much. So I can always feel comfortable.




My dream is to be a librarian.我的梦想是成为一名图书管理员。

First, a librarian always works in a library where many interesting books can be found. I

like reading books very much. So if I become a librarian, I can read books every day.



Second, I prefer a neat working place. A library is always bright and clean. I will be happy

to stay there all day long.



Third, I am a shy and quiet person. I m not good at talking with people. Working in a

library, I needn t talk much. So I can always feel comfortable.



My Dream我的梦想

II. 业余爱好

作文题目: My Activities in Leisure Time我的业余活动

My Favorite Hobby我最喜欢的爱好 My Hobby我的爱好 My Favorite Sport我最喜欢的运动


Everyone has their own hobby, so do I. My favorite hobby is playing basketball. I often

play football with my friends in the leisure time. I made friends with many people who like to

play basketball. Sometimes I also play it myself. I began playing basketball when I was 9

years old. I like to play basketball because it is exciting and challenging. Playing basketball

also makes you healthy and strong. I don't wish to become a professional basketball player.

But it can be a good hobby.





III. 英语学习

作文题目:My English Study


I began to study English when I was 9 years old. I study English in different ways. But

in my English learning, listening and speaking are still the biggest problems. How to overcome

these difficulties?I think of the saying, Where there is a will, there is a way. So I have

made up my mind to listen to VOA Special English or the English tapes every morning. Besides,

I often go to the English Corner to talk with strangers in English. I have also bought a

grammar book. It helps me with my English study a lot. Now I have made some progress in

my English study





IV. 健康与运动

作文题目:How to Keep Healthy

How to Overcome Difficulties in My English Studies Difficulties in Studying English About Doing Physical Exercise

About Health & Wealth



Health is very important to everyone. But how to be healthy? I think doing physical

exercises helps everyone to keep healthy. A person who takes exercises spends more energy.

Beside, physical exercises can increase the flow of the blood, which does good to our health.

Sports can also make our minds sound. While playing we take our minds off work or study. As

a result, we are relaxed.

Because sports can be good to health, we should take part in sports every day no matter

how busy we are.






Once there was a man who always wanted to become rich. He worked very hard without

taking care of his health. When he was old, he finally became rich, but he soon died of bad

health. I think his wealth is totally useless. In my opinion, health is more important than

wealth. Without wealth, you can still be healthy. But without health, you can t enjoy wealth.

Besides, pursuing health is happy, while pursuing wealth is quite tiresome! So I think we

should put health before wealth.





V. 最喜欢的。。。

作文题目:The One I Love Most

范文1(我最喜欢的人) 参考题目:

父亲)/ My best workmate(我最好的同事)/ My best (close) friend 最好的朋友/ My classmates

同学/ My (favorite) teacher(最爱的)老师 / A good teacher to remember 难忘的老师

My favorite teacher The Book I Like Best My Favorite Means of Getting Information



为什么呢? 首先从我小时候,我就认定他是世界上最好的人。他悉心照顾我。第二,他是公司的骨



范文2 (书籍)

Of all the books I have read, Meditation is the book I like best. It's written by a Roman

Emperor who is also a philosopher. So this book is full of wisdom. It records his everyday

thinking. He told himself to be humble and tolerant. Premier WEN Jiabao likes this book very

much. He said that he had read this book for a hundred times. I think everyone should read

this book. It's not difficult, but very useful.








In the past, people generally get information from books. But in modern society, we have

many ways of getting information. For example, we can get information from TV, cell phones

or the Internet. My favorite means of getting information is the Internet. I like it because I

can find whatever I need on the Internet. I like it also because it is very fast. Besides, I can

keep in touch with my friends on the Internet. I think it's the most convenient way of getting






VI 叙述事件





I always want to go to Italy for a trip. I think Italy is a very interesting place. In Rome,

you can see ancient Roman buildings and great cathedrals. You can also enjoy the beautiful

scene of Venice. Italian food is also very delicious. This is why I want to go to Italy. My plan is

to go to Italy in summer. I will first go to Rome. From there, I will go to Venice. Then I will go

to the south of Italy, to enjoy beautiful sunshine and sea!





VII. 环保

参考题目:Water and Life水和生命

Water and Life

1. 随着工业化(industrialization)的推进,地球上的淡水(fresh water) 越来越少。

2. 生命没水就要消亡(disappear),因此人类要珍惜(treasure)淡水。

3. 我们如何节约用水。

Water and Life

While we are enjoying the rich fruits of modern industrialization, we are losing

something valuable on the earth. Fresh water is getting less and less day by day, because of

the fast development of industrialization everywhere in the world.

Just as sunshine is a necessity to life, so is fresh water. Without fresh water, our human

society would come to a stop.

As fresh water is so important that we need to treasure it as we treasure our life, but


First, our government should have a good plan for the use of fresh water and develop

industries that consume less water. Second, waste water must be recycled. Finally everyone

Water Pollution水污染

of us should do his bit to save water.







VIII. 书信写作 邀请信


A Get-together on October 1st

1. 了解对方近日的情况。

2. 你的近况并通知他(她):十一长假有一个同学聚会。

3. 邀请对方参加。


A Get-together on October 1st

Sep.11th, 2010

Dear Wang Hong,

How is everything getting along with you? It is almost one year since we met last time.

I miss you very much.

I have found a new job of being a teacher in a middle school. Teaching always keeps me

busy, but I like my students and I love teaching, you know. So everything is fine here. There

will be a former classmates' getting together during this National Day holiday at my school.

You are my best friend. I never forget those happy days we spent together. I hope you

can come to my school when you are free.

I am looking forward to your reply.

Yours truly,

Li Hua












Help Me to Buy a Spoken English Book

1. 介绍你的近况。

2. 请他帮你买英语口语书。

3. 欢迎他方便时来访。

Sep.11th, 2010

Dear Li Hua,

It’s long time we haven’t seen each other. I miss you very much.How s everything going

on with you? I am busy preparing for English exam.

I would appreciate if you could help me buy an English oral textbook which was issued by

the Beijing Press because the books were sold out here.

Drop in when you are free.I often think of those happy days we spent together when we

were at university.

Please let me know as soon as possible once you get the book.

My best wishes,

Yours truly,

Zhang Ming






一旦你买到书,请尽快让我知道。 祝你一切顺利,





要求在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和中文提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 Bad Manners in Public

1. 列举人们在公共场所的不良现象。

2. 对其中某一种现象陈述你的看法,并简单说明理由。

Bad Manners in Public

In our society, bad manners can still be found here and there. For example, some people

run the red traffic lights, many passengers litter waste paper in public places, and some

people scrabble in the attractions, let alone spit on the street. In the cinema, some audience

talk loudly on cell phones in front of others.

I'm strongly against talking loudly in the cinema, for this behavior shows no respect at all

to others; what's worse, it upsets the audience who are in the mood of having fun.






参考题目:Advantages and Disadvantages of the Mobile Phone手机优缺点

要求在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和中文提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 My Opinion on Cell Phones

1. 使用手机的好处。

2. 使用手机的弊端。

3. 我的看法。

Cell phones do play an important role in people's daily life, but every coin has its two

sides. Firstly, it's convenient for the user at any time to contact others. Secondly, it's a

helpful thing. With a cell phone in hand, one can easily surf the Internet, downloading what he


However, the cell phone has many disadvantages. For one thing, it is very expensive and

its service is very costly. For another, the radiation from the mobile phones might do harm to

the user's health.

In my opinion, because it s really convenient, its development will have a brighter

future. Therefore its advantages will far outweigh its disadvantages.









The Tight Job Market

阐述大学生就业紧张的现象 造成这一现象的原因 如何应对挑战

University students now are facing a very tight job market. It is becoming more and more difficult for them to get a job when they graduate.

There are two main reasons for this problem. On the one hand, there are more students in university than ever before because of the policy of enrolling more students to universities. On the other hand, because of the worse economy nowadays, many factories and companies have been closed down, so there are fewer posts for graduates.

I think students should study harder and take part in more social practice before they graduate. These two ways are likely to make it easier for them to get a job in the future. 大学生们正面临着就业紧张问题。当他们毕业时,找工作变得越来越难。

造成这种问题有两个主要原因。一方面,现在大学生越来越多,主要是大学扩招造成的。另一方面,因为经济状况日益恶化,许多公司和工厂都已经倒闭,因此就业岗位越来越少。 我认为学生们应该更努力滴学习并且在毕业之前多参加社会实践活动。这两种方法可能更有助于他们在未来找到一个工作。


参考题目:my hometown

my favorite place my city

My Hometown

My hometown Beijing is a very beautiful and modern city in the north of China. It is the capital of China with a long history.

Beijing is the center of economy, politics and education of China. It s famous for the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and the Tian anmen Square. Everybody can have a good time here. You can visit a lot of museums, parks and universities here. You can also do shopping in Wangfujing Street. Besides, people here are very friendly. For example, they are always ready to show the way to strangers.

I hope my hometown will attract more and more visitors all around the world.

我的家乡北京是一个中国北方美丽的现代化都市。它是中国的首都,并且具有悠久的历史。 北京市中国的经济、政治和教育中心。它以长城、颐和园和天安门广场闻名于世。每个人都能在这里玩得很愉快。你可以去博物馆、公园和大学参观。你也可以去王府井购物,此外,这里的人都很友好。例如,他们时刻准备着为陌生人指路。



Writing 1: Why do students learn English? 为什么学英语

Model 1

Students learn English for at least three reasons.

First, English is one of the most important subjects in schools. Students in Beijing, for example, take English from the first year in primary school. And it's considered an important subject together with Chinese and maths.

The second reason and probably the most important reason is that English is a very useful tool in the modern society. English, especially oral English, is a necessary skill in finding a good job and in doing business.

Last but not least, leaning English can broaden people's vision of the world. By reading materials in English, people are able to know what things are like in the outside world.

Writing 2


Parents Are the Best Teachers父母是最好的老师





Model 1

Parents are the best teachers. Firstly, parents stay with children every day. Children will regard them as examples and learn from them. If the parents are polite, the children will be polite. Secondly, parents influence children with their words. If parents always are nice to others and say good words about others, their children will also be kind to other children. If parents are good to old people, when the parents are getting older, the children will be good to them too.

In a word, parents are the best teachers to their children.





The Way to Success成功之路


1. 每个人都试图在事业上获得成功;

2. 获得成功的要索;

3. 我坚信…

参考题目:Failure is the mother of success失败乃成功之母 The Way to Success成功之路


As we all know, not all people can make success in their lives. Most people will meet with failures on the way to success. Why do some people get successful in their lives? I think there are three reasons. Firstly, they have strong willpower. Once they decide to do something, they will never give up. Secondly, they work hard. Once they set up a goal, they will work hard to achieve it. Thirdly, they never easily quit. They always stick to their aims. Therefore, these three reasons above are most important on the way to success.


众所周知,生活中不是每个人都能成功。大部分在成功的道路上会遇到失败。为什么有人会成功呢? 我认为有三个原因。首先,他们拥有坚强的意志力,一旦下定决心做某事,他们就永不放弃。




Changes in My Life生活中的改变

14 scores

As the time passes by, there has been more and more changes in my daily life. As for the changes, some are exciting and the others are frustrating.

First of all, the most exciting thing is that I have my own apartment which is very comfortable and beautiful. I lived in a small house with my parents several years ago, which is not convenient. However, now where I live is much more convenient and better than before .

Secondly, I get married with a man who is outstanding. Lastly, I have a chance to go on studying in my work.

In a word I am pleased with my life.

My best friend

The teacher in high school

范文(我最喜欢的人) 参考题目: my best classmate my best workmate

父亲)/ My best workmate(我最好的同事)/ My best (close) friend 最好的朋友/ My classmates 同学/ My (favorite) teacher(最爱的)老师 / A good teacher to remember 难忘的老师



为什么呢? 首先从我小时候,我就认定他是世界上最好的人。他悉心照顾我。第二,他是公司的骨干。他工作出色,乐于助人,我为他骄傲。第三,他学习刻苦。父亲是个好学生,他总认为“活到老学到老。”所以他和我一起报读电大英语,而他考试总拿第一名。我非常崇拜他。

参考题目:My Family 我的家庭 Living in a Big Family生活在大家庭里


There are seven people in my family. They're my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, my two younger brothers and I. My father is a businessman. He's busy working everyday. My mother is a housewife. She cooks meals, washes clothes, and teaches us lessons everyday. One of my younger brothers is a junior high school student, and we go to the same school. My grandparents help my parents look after the youngest brother every day. We go to the movies every Sunday. How's your family?

An old saying goes like “East, west, home is the best”. Home is very important to us. Firstly, home can offer us a place to have a rest. Every day, we can go back home after work and have a good rest. Secondly, when we are hurt outside, we can go back home and comfort ourselves with the love of our family members. Thirdly, when we meet with difficulties, we can go back home and ask family members for help. Therefore, home is one of the most important things in our life.



I dream to have a house in Beijing. My dream house should be very big and comfortable. There should be three bedrooms in the house, because I would like to live with my parents. I would like my parents to live in a bedroom, my wife and I live in another bedroom and my son live in the third room. There should be a big kitchen. I like eating very much. With a big kitchen, I can cook a lot of good food to eat and enjoy my life in Beijing.



I am a nurse who works in a hospital. I like my job very much, because I can help others every day.

I am an outgoing person and I love to make friends with other people. I like to enjoy others' happiness and at the same time I'm also glad to bear their sorrow stories. Seeing the lonely elders, I always feel sorry for them. In the Sichuan earthquake, I had been an volunteer to help the children.

In my free time, I'd like do some sports such as running, playing basketball and so on. Because I think sports can help us keep healthy.


我是一个活泼的人,我喜欢喝别人交朋友。我喜欢分享别人的喜悦,同时也愿意分担别人的痛苦。当我看到孤独的老人,我总是感到很伤心。在四川地震的时候,我还作为志愿者五帮助当地的儿童。 在业余时间,我喜欢做各种体育运动,例如:跑步、打篮球等,因为我认为运动有助于我们的健康。

