
更新时间:2024-06-16 23:50:01 阅读量:6 综合文库 文档下载


1) Some people think the governments should act to decide how people live in order to make a healthier life. Others think individual should decide their own lifestyle. What do you concern about? Discuss both views, and give your opinion.

2) The movement of people from agricultural areas to cities to work can cause serious problems in both places. What are the serious problems and what measures can be taken to solve this problem? 3)

3) Some people argue that modern technology is increasing the gap between the rich and the poor. To what extent do you agree with their opinion?

4) In many countries, more and more young people are leaving school and unable to find jobs after graduation. What problems do you think youth unemployment will cause to the individual and the society? Give reasons and make some suggestions.

5) 或Young people are important resources to their country, but governments may ignore some problems faced by young people in running the country. Please show those problems and give your ideal suggestions to solve them. 6)

5) Schools are no longer necessary, because children can get so much

information available through Internet, and they can study just as well at home. What extent do you agree or disagree?

7) Workplace nowadays is trying to employ the equal number of females and males. Do you think it is a positive or negative trend? 8)

7) There are an increasing number of anti-social behaviors in recent years; People generally believe that the society is to blame. What do you think the causes are and who is responsible for this?

9) Some people think that it is necessary to travel abroad to learn about other countries, but other people think that it is not necessary to travel abroad because all the information can be seen on TV and the internet. Discuss both opinions and give your own opinion. 10)

10) Some people think that women should play an equal role as men in military force or police force, others say women are not suited for such kind of work. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

11) Many people believe that countries should produce food for all population and import food as little as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

12) Some people say that governments should spend money on measures to save languages that are used by few speakers, while others believe it's a waste of financial resources. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

13) Competitiveness is a positive quality for people to have among most societies. How does this competitiveness affect individuals? Do you think it is a positive or negative trend?

14) Many people believe that teachers should take the responsibility for the students to judge what is right and wrong and behave well, others feel that teachers should only teach academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

15) Police in some countries like England don’t carry guns. Some people don’t approve of this because they think that police with guns gives them security. Others think that police carrying guns increases crimes. What is your opinion? Give relevant examples and experiences.

16) Teaching primary school students foreign languages has more advantages than disadvantages. Do you agree or disagree?

17) Some people think that to have a successful life you have to have university education, while others think it’s not that important. Discuss both views and give your opinion based on personal experience and knowledge.

18) Some people think that teachers at school are more responsible for children’s intellectual and social development than parents. To what extend do you agree or disagree? What is your personal opinion?

19) Many people say that companies and private tour operators should pay the bills for cleaning up pollution, instead of the government. To what extent do you agree or disagree with that?

20) Development in technology leads to environmental problems, and some

people think that the solution to these problems is for everyone to lead a simpler way of life, while others say that technology can solve these problems. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

21) Today, more and more developing countries are expanding tourist industry. Why is it the case? Do you regard it as positive or negative?

22) Some people say that the government should pay for the health care and education of its citizens, but other people say that it is not the government’s responsibility. Discuss the two opinions and give your views.

24) Some people think that no one should be allowed to work after the age of 65. Others say that people should be allowed to work for as long as they want to. Discuss.

25)Some people think that spending a lot on holding wedding parties, birthday parties and other celebrations is just a waste of money. Others, however, think that these are necessary for individuals and the society. Discuss both views and give you opinion.

26) Nowadays in some countries, single young adults prefer to live outside of their parents homes, they usually leave to study or work in different places. Do you think this trend has more advantages or disadvantages?//Young people spend less of their free time with their family nowadays. What are the reasons for this? Are there more negative or positive sides to it?//Nowadays we

communicate less with our family members. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

27) More and more employees work at home with modern technology. Some people claim that it benefits only workers, but not employers. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 或The typical teaching situation of a teacher and students will no exist in 2050, to what extent do you agree or disagree?或As technology develops, more shopping and business is done through the internet while communication face to face becomes less frequent. Is this a positive or a negative development?


P1问我一堆学校交朋友的事最无语还问我为什么交朋友 P2a seaside you like to visit P3关于海上交通工具以前和现在的区别和相似处 人们喜欢住在海边吗 小孩和大人谁

更喜欢在海边玩6 X$ ], N# [0 U8 e

@JOY姜小姐1 Z! {: Y8 ^) u1 J, h( Y9 d' Y7 X 贵阳 r2 p1 work or study p2 trees people like live in forest or trees interesting and favorite country p3

tourism advantage and disadvantage why poeple like to go to foreign countries for travel government should do to make tourism better... 6 q$ |8 V\



西交利物浦room388,一个很和蔼的老太太,P1 flat or house. trees. P2 an interesting person you recently met.P3 meet friends,children personality, [% P4 ~8 x\p- a6 r

`4 _' Z6 q% t* B) B5 M\

北师大珠海分校A207 part1 major countryside part2 a film or a book about future part 未来的机器人 3未来的发展 你想拥有的一个未来机器 是个英国大妈哦~ 一直用期待的眼神望着我~是不是个温柔杀手呢? 求人品咯!# a0 s. D, C) J$ B$ b 3 Y. x' p# I& N

@-Hewlett-- }- k* j/ v7 U: z: j7 \\7 Z. h8 c

东南大学,rm324。一英腔壮汉,不是吗很为难。p1.sport,sleeping problems in youth and elders,spare time...p2 Most important ppl.p3,attitude of work有点乱,只记得这

么多了' p5 _) `, D: U+ W

0 T0 e) `7 A( M/ O0 Y Q


云南财经room1眼皮翻起的老爷爷,半年前一战就是遇见的他。part1 flat or house;clothes;room...part2一个有趣的历史事件part3问了各种有关历史建筑的问题,完全没准备啊!被逼到墙角啊!我连我不知道怎么用英语说都说了啊!他对我无语的笑过好几次...求雅思哥保佑人品大爆发吧!只

求6!* d3 P# r1 } K

@ln屠鸭必胜2 v e( z# v h O9 s3 |2 ^

#星末心情记 # 沈师R8和蔼的胖老头 第一部分姓名,专业,music,课余时间做什么。第二部分迟到的经历,第三部分busy的相关问题,父母孩子都忙会出现什么问题。 咱人品,求满意分数!ps听力和阅读都不简单啊, j# X* z! l H\d2 F) g


西安交大room13 p1 hometown,room,drawing and painting,p2.photograph p3.关于photograph的一大堆 白人女考官,人很nice,语速很慢0 ~, S* N7 ~, s! C2 ?+ i& ?

, E\


郑轻Rm20 考官是可爱的红鼻子老头 眼睛蹬的溜圆 哈哈哈 P1 flat还是house 最喜欢家里哪个放假 家庭环境对孩子性格的影响 P2 有趣的人 P3 各种和交朋友有关 最后一

次屠鸭 求人品!!雅思哥保佑啊啊!

7 U: N\ @负能量大爆发的蔷啊蔷啊蔷蔷蔷

沈师11 part1:工作还是学习。专业。一天学习效率最高是什么时候。看电视么。电视对成长教育有没有益处。 喜欢树木和森林么。中国有关于树木森林的著名景点么。喜欢住在全是树木的环境里面么?。part2:小时候听的故事。3:小孩子爱听什么故事。对他们成长的影响。故事应该有好结


@戴围脖披马甲嘚不嘚) y6 ^7 k8 |+ J1 y

北教 3点 RM18 女考官比较nice Part1个人信息+画+广告各种延伸 Part2有趣的人 Part3交朋友各种+父母对孩

子性格的影响! {! G! V\


杭州room202 一个浅蓝色眼眸的秃头中年大叔,态度还好 Part one: home,room... Part two:一本别人推荐的书。

Part three:关于book的各种问题。 窝觉得这次是作死的



p1flat 和apartment 怎么专注 喜欢码字吗 p2 a good

parent p3 围绕p2 湖北大学RM13

! t( V* {9 v9 _9 }: g

@雅思不上7不会罢休的朴桑君 e' r( X- \\: b$ `, M* R 广外 英国中年男人 part1 major newspaper part2an

import message part 3 troditional ways of

communicating or new way 各种比较…- b! o8 m* I W5 J; r @茉茉爱乱想

贵大 rm5 13:40 part1:full name,live house or apartment,ideal home in the future,how often writing everyday,by hand or computer好多问题part2:vocation/holiday;part3:中国人喜欢去哪里度假,出发前考虑什么,花钱少能有好假期吗?出发前计划好还是不计划好

) i$ I# d/ U T $ g) j/ V\ @_De_double_n_y

太原理工 Rom 1 p 1 平时娱乐休闲活动 p 2 小学数学 没答多少 p 3 计算机对人类生活的影响 感觉P 1, 2 答的不错 考官最后跟我亲切的握手了这是神码情况,惶恐啊,雅


@YRBBYRBBYRBB5 u2 X4 H/ f) i2 }/ r# X9 A. | 湖大RM21 超冷淡老爷子 超爱打断人 P1 tree, pollution, ad P2 learned from science at school P3 should children learn science, do u have a dream... 昨夜观星象,今日不宜


@tiny瑶- s5 r# C1 u: \\9 q: \\3 W; ^

福师大,r309,p1,学生还是工作以及后续问题,p2使你发笑的节目或电影,p3成年人和孩子对于电影的笑点的问题,还是漂亮的老奶奶,p2讲够2m她就会打断,所以大家估量下吧。这次攒以后的人品吧,大家加油啦# Z E\`: g

@HHT_哟哟YEAH: Z, _$ B\

成都电子科大 rm3 part1 boat, buildings part2 cafe you like to go to part3 invite people to ur house ,what to do

durning the party time, |2 }: A% j# t, }% f. }* l

, q( `+ T; t6 d0 m$ a


长春吉大room10'1,work orstudy,sleep,2,a time you were late3,people busier today?having too much time or too little time which is better?univerversity students toobusy?很nice的考官,早上口语死翘翘了。$ V) J/ Q& r( ?! Y


兰州room8老头子,微胖, part1一大堆问题交通,记不清了,part2童年玩的游戏,没准备!!够了。part3只记得现在娃娃们玩啥,大人玩的啥,出去玩的好处。。手抖啊

@小宇君-远行远行要远行1 P! x1 F0 Y* _7 J( C! X( F

不能只乘凉不种树济南r8。part1 work or study,music,busy,what u usually do after class part2 a time u were late part3根据迟到跟你聊,我象征性的反问了一下他居然回答了!!很帅气的老头,求别是笑面虎啊2 x ?/ G; h8 t8 c


北京考试教育指导中心,R11,光头白人小帅哥,PART1 问到搬家,我国的树林,小时候喜不喜欢爬树,喜不喜欢住在有树的地方,PRAT2 是问一个想第一次尝试的户外运动,PART3 各种关于体育活动,过去跟现在有什么不同,现在可以通过什么方式运动之类的,表示口语预测特别靠谱!!!

@Krauss-8 ?, H: p1 I- G8 c- t/ u. T# U2 o9 h

福州room205Part1名字 学生或者工作 喜欢公寓还是房子。喜欢树吗 喜欢爬树吗 喜欢小孩吗 part2有趣的一个人

part3自己也不太清楚 1 K: B. S# m' U& z$ r1 U


川外 6考室 喜欢的音乐之类的。。p2 迟到的经历 好极品的考官 重头到尾几乎没怎么看我 态度好傲慢!( V0 W4 F0 L, H: J

. ~! a# w2 C3 o& ^* E8 f% j7 L. k @黄引川9 Q! H) V7 L3 e% ~

湖大RM08 白人男考官 超级nice 没有讲够时间用手比划要我继续讲 太可爱 刚开始还没进去开玩笑就开始录音了 P1 工作还是学习?专业?看新闻吗?比较注意看国外新闻还是国内?想当记者吗?为什么?之类的 P2玩具相关的话

题 P3玩具话题延伸 二次屠鸭 听力阅读还是没考好 求进


5 ~4 j! o4 H, K5 N! D; l. ^* b N# A @我是闹闹21783792856 A+ b, Y\ 北京首师15。名字含义,起名怎么起。第二部分rule。第

三各种rule。0 i) l& v4 b: q

沫可$ v! I: B5 g5 g. l

深圳,R7,p1:apartment or house, 第一次用cellphone. p2: a shopping street. p3: mall和small shops的区别,网购有


, r& {; W- \\$ ]

@叶顺航 : 仲恺,room501非常和善的白人考官,一直对你笑啊,p1house or flat p2science course, b/ R; s2 P' h\d% b0 q \

@Evaaaa_ : 澳洲/霍巴特 p1 学习工作,日常作息,看报纸多还是网上新闻多。围绕news的一些问题。p2 a polite person. p3 什么举止被认为是礼貌的,后来都是关于respect的问题。ps。貌似有个朋友,口语p2是考的蔬菜, b- C1 U6 S3 c) s F) t/ |6 w* C


悉尼uts p1:住house还是apartment;现在人写信写email多还是打电话多;p2朋友推荐的一本书,为什么推荐这本书。p3在中国什么书比较畅销;现代人去书店买书还是看


@小馬_蔆/ V9 H; Y' M) e/ v, `7 j

Uow Australia,P1 study, advertisement. P2 an electronic equipment. P3 technology 对家的影响 对男人女人的影响


福建师大 211 白人中年男考官 和蔼可亲啊!!P1mobile phone apartment or house p2 a party p3 party的重要性,中国节日。@人人网雅思哥 笔试的时候一直在想坐旁边的女生手上带的象牙镯子是禁限物品,想叫她撸下来,然后就


# s, W. R+ i9 Y Q @sysu_骚风

广州仲恺404 和蔼的中年男士,发音好听不过有时候声音好小why我都听不到@_@ p1 major,study,facility for

entainment...p2 a place you have worked or studied(押重了吖可惜废话太多才讲了一半就被卡了) p3 housework ,

spend all time on study... 目测跪了' `* Z, O# X# E

@7mes58 ]# b: m3 \\- Z' n+ Y5 [& [2 Q

墨尔本RMIT 25/5 老奶奶 P1 study or work, cooking, cooking TV programs. P2 Photograph P3 why do people hire professional photographer, compare photo &

postcard. 今天听力好变态. . N# X7 a7 |: `8 D+ l4 B+ j5 E


UQ Australia Part1. House; advertisement; email and letter. Part2 shopping street Part3 online shopping

@Eason聪4 t# m- b8 _$ Z s3 p

澳洲墨尔本RMIT 考到了历史题,p2以后就奔溃了,考到了最弱的part。p1有一奇怪题,favourite room in your place???后面的题是历史,基本上是乱说,因为听不太懂老




@Wow_黎耀锴- s4 x6 F* n& T5 c. [7 {2 O; I6 v: H2 j 北京教育考试中心,rm03 中年白人考官不和蔼...p1 房子p2历史事件p3历史名胜景点,博物馆...求保佑啊[泪]1 h) J& M2 N5 \\' h- } ( U E8 G8 J6 q9 @ q

@XZT徐智韬-xyz1 M1 s Z4 ^2 @. |8 r/ J7 l3 i7 h 北教rm07p1work or student p2radio program 积人品,


@陈哲! N& `( S2 q# W) _0 [) s2 p

北教 RM11 中年男,P1 email和letter P2 shopping mall

P3 大型购物商场和小型的区别,网购的好处


北教,RM11,中年大叔,p1:study or work, 什么时候学习工作效率高,你小时候有过什么玩具,为什么人们喜欢保存儿时玩具 P2:outdoor activity you want to try for the first time P3:outdoor activity的重要性 如何鼓励人们更多地参

与outdoor activity+ }( b: K7 C7 Z* {+ V/ O/ E

@陈星6 h7 l; o0 m7 h6 ]

北教RM11,中年大叔有点严肃。。P1:等车的时候喜欢干嘛?会不会不耐心,自己是不是有耐心的人。中国人是不是很有耐心~(苦逼的听不懂大叔口音一直 以为他说的是passionate,果断跑题,大叔没把我拉回来)中国人喜不喜欢在户外吃饭?你喜不喜欢,一般在什么情况下在外面吃饭?P2:一次户外就 餐的经历。P3:中国人在什么地方进行野餐?户外野餐的好处和坏处。2 l4 g7 Y4 Z e4 b5 e) ]; T

@陈小懒 6 L7 R/ B7 e/ a

北教,RM12,pq,hometown+major; p2,喜欢的website;p3,internet,怎样教老年人用电脑一类的问题;考官


$ k* N; ]4 U2 A\ @陈堇.rar 2013-05-24 12:21

北京教育考试中心 room12 我考的好像是 building 话题

卡问的是library6 {) }* ^3 K( m\

, f$ a( F& Z1 W\ @刘玲 x# v3 P0 o. f- |; C



* ?' d3 p8 Y\

@金田TODAY 2013-05-24 14:01

5月24日 北京教育room17 下午13:05 白人英美女。问

题。house and apartment;favorite room; toy .your favorite toy;part2: how to learn do a thing ,who taught

you;$ a9 W: X, [; v( z/ x, b- H; a. S+ c part3: children learn more from father or

mother;children should learn some skills? what can they learn from father and mother ?& \\* s+ s8 `, y) H1 o% L

5 D, r r- o6 i* F* M

@水母小Luuuuuu, a* s! e1 H0 \\8 a\

北京教育考试中心 rm21 呵呵呵呵 事不过三 什么都不说了 攒人品!!!今天提前考的口语 真题少 这里加一个! 和蔼大叔 P1work or study'where r u from' P2 a experience recent make you happy' where 'when'with who p3 the relationship of happiness and money 雅思哥 求人品!!!


北教RM22,part 2:foreign language;part 1:home、


@Elly要努力& X! ^; u& u; d9 C4 t/ O\

北教rm23,黑人男考官,超严肃不笑。p1apartment,你最喜欢家里哪间room,回家工作吗,最近忙不忙,喜欢忙碌的生活吗,p2book,p3家长引导孩子读书吗,how,什么书最畅销之类的。p1问了超多问题,p2都没说到2min[泪] 哥我是不悲剧了?牺牲我一个,幸福千万家吧[衰]; \\4 L; G, f/ i8 w\

@苗坤mky0 t$ N Y7 C6 E, D' o1 y! r

北京教育考试中心R23 黑人考官 一直讨论science...! [, j* S$ a6 v! D8 S2 r; R7 c0 q

@小Miao喵星人! X {$ S2 L6 C- I, L0 q

教育考试中心r24 part1 study, part time,music。part2 cafe part3 cafe ,restaurant @佳宁Sep7 ~9 \\ `( _& p\\\: R) F* q

@孙若楠 2013-05-24 16:27



$ Y2 G3 K! Q. z( J2 y& }

@宋睿 2013-05-24 12:15 北京考试中心,R26. special meal.

2 B) ~! K+ a7 `

@孙若楠! W' j1 R) O. K6 y. w* R$ u2 }9 t

北京教育考试指导中心!r26 男考官巨帅巨帅!!第一部分睡眠,小船,房子,第二部分衣服,第三部分问了我十多道题 天啦!!不过那男的真的好帅,嘿嘿$ C% k5 E! Q. ?( U4 g/ n, T

# E\ @痞子小娜1 V) ^# Z* [: @1 [' C; a

北教 R28 满脸络腮胡子的年轻人,说话速度超级快。P1home,countryside……P2关于未来的电影或书…P3中国的技术发展,机器人。给跪了。: O3 @1 G/ |7 y2 h- N; d9 B7 Q @温鑫


P1,house/flat,countryside,transportation ;P2,the most polite people around you;P3,how you show polite to

others, polite different from people in city or countryside,different from strangers and parents,respect , people recent years is more polite or


@请叫我_Mr熊$ @& E1 e9 I/ G$ D9 A


攒人品啊攒人品。 % d\ v: @

@袁慧7 D. L' |* @# e6 o. E) ?0 H\

北京教育考试中心R34 P1reading sleep daily routine PART2 an interesting talk) H) Y2 o: @6 X O4 R+ v

; U+ J+ m+ w- ^+ N0 I\

@张沫深?Jeff 回复 删除 站内信 2013年05月24日

21:33:07 ; n3 u0 J' I0 p f& Z

北京教育考試學院rm34 白人中年男 p1工作學生日常工作p2website p3website有什麼用以及網購7 `9 a+ `& f. A- o z9 F( u8 [

- y9 h A\ @请叫我樱井楠- a3 s' U: m+ B6 ?) x1 m/ ^ 北教 RM35 白人老爷爷很和蔼 part1 flat house 、writing、 daily routine; part2 a performance (dancer or actor)you enjoy ;part3 根据我说的问了一堆问题 明

天笔试求人品!+ H1 j\

% J9 ~2 M0 s+ t8 ?1 M8 g


我是考试中心的,RM35 ,part2是描述一个第一次见面然

后成为你的close friend


@北教 RM35 白人老爷爷很和蔼 part1 flat house 、writing、 daily routine; part2 a performance (dancer or actor)you enjoy ;part3 根据我说的问了一堆问题& T' A0 e. ]/ {8 Z6 X' [# ~

@张英某- w1 E' A- O\

北教R37,白人中年小帅,很好人,第一部分广告,房子等等,第二部分radio program,第三部分和TV program的

关系,娱乐等等4 M3 K\

@钟哥要屠鸭 G7 c7 z7 Z! U\

北京教育考试指导中心RM38,亚洲女,P1wok or study,什么时候该concentrate,业余时间都做啥,还有记不太清了。P2an important plant. P3问了一堆有关farm work的问题,比如说现在的人会不会自己种菜什么的。。。+ J' h) h/ @) N

$ T. i! ?+ u7 M# C+ O' O7 R! ~ @田鹏飞( {/ {3 [# d& {2 Q\

先问family name然后问小时玩过的toy,你认为玩玩具对人有什么影响。你是住apartment还是house?你最喜欢你的room的什么。第二部分是描述小时候听到的故事。第三部分问故事里为什么有好人和坏人。你认为故事里的小孩子是什么样子的。差不多这些。6 _% J- j+ ^4 R7 I8 e' P




- x+ A) _# M2 t8 R t! E. U, [- _




( r( t& j4 D8 y( e @陈堇.rar; I- C6 X* _4 A


么办。是把他们放单独一房间里还是让父母读給他们听。还有问现在的科技会不会影响报纸. w6 `$ i4 Q8 v u& J2 ^% O

Q, I! @( e( ~& u( B8 D* D( D) D$ @* O

@王嘉轩; \\% I\

part1姓名,工作还是学生,关注广告有什么看法,因为广告的原因买过东西么?你的名字有什么特别含义呢?part2描述一个你听音乐的地方,具体要求 记不得了,part3童年和音乐,孩子听音乐好不好?音乐下载收费好么?that's all~太原理工RM1英国大叔很可爱,像安息教练5 I7 ]( j: y( l9 [7 b& w

@抬起头天空就会亮起来! f: c* [0 T/ p! D( V% A 太原 rm4 part1 name work part2 toys part3 some

questions about toys& a/ h: p. t N7 I* o; s

@黄半仙_7_7_7_7 太原理工 rm04 part1 flat or house, relax, friends. part2 a friend u fist meet then get closed. part3 friends and families 第一次紧张死了 语无伦次的 只求分属别太难看 给咱点人品吧?1 n! G$ k. R0 J( K' I

@黄明秋 2013-05-24 16:44

太原理工rm04长得很帅、非常nice part1flat or house, relax, friends. part2a friend u fist meet then become close friend. part3friends and families问一堆' F8 j- n8 H+ @- t) {% B- L7 T9 F 5 O2 p1 B, o! [: [3 @7 E @韩天 2013-05-24 10:37

太原Rm4 攒人品 525求过 不想在 过这种天天喝26个英文字母打交道的日子了 part1 name work part2 toys

part3 some questions about toys


太原理工RM5,英国中年男考官,比较着急一直看时间,但人还不错。P1问了work or study,Email or letter,什么时候学习效果好,原因。p2,sth. happen recently make u happy.p3,钱能使人开心么,为什么中国人拼命赚钱,是钱还是relationship更让人开心,为什么人死后不能带钱到天

堂。。/ |' B\ 4 {( t* @ _\


太原理工 rm7 16:25 白人中年纹身男语速快发音清有点不耐烦 p1 name 意义谁取得为什么 tree 想住tree多地方吗 apartment or house why p2 一个教过你的人 p3 小孩


怎么影响孩子求人品\ ^- _1 J8 d0 u

4 p- _/ g% b7 T8 s

@EVE然_9999_7 C4 C2 K* E- d4 B

太原理工 ROOM9,part1问到了patience,part2 radio program,考官是中年男人,很绅士,回答的时候一直看着

你的眼睛,时不时笑一笑 2 c: V/ R, @( K5 \\6 p6 ^


太原理工 RM09 欧洲中年男,会笑..p1.house apartment. move or not... p2.school rule p3.各种rule in school and workplace. if students should make for their own. rules about dressing. different rules for students in the same

age... 求 保佑明天三科3 j' a4 v M4 {1 z

@王嘹亮 2013-05-24 14:49 % j2 k9 _, W. P+ k. Q( b8 D\b- r

太原理工rm10 p1 house or flat boat p2 toys

@滕文鑫泽 2013-05-24 10:03

太原理工10考场,building ,home ,where are you from

part two好家长 part3你会成为一个好家长吗?妈妈比爸爸重要吗?给孩子太多自由好不好? 求过啊!求人品啊!6 `. R- e+ L( R : i) B/ s- t H d& P 7 c) v3 `! c$ z- ]: d @神·夏哲~jasper

太原。r11,很坑爹的老外。。。。声音很小,part2 party H. p2 _3 C6 o

to prepare snacks for guests

To make a lot of refreshments for my guest For example, chocolates, macaroons, biscuits To use a lot of decorative works for the house Also accompanied by some soft drinking

To have singing together to propose a toast to sb. To send best regards to sb

