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爱疯英语·词汇通关80天 爱疯英语·词汇通关80天

Day 1 Aa

☆☆a /eI;/,an /n;n/ art. 1.(表示非特指)一(个,件??);任何一个:a new dictionary一本新词典 2.每;每一:twice a month 一个月两次

3.某一;一位:There is a Mr Jim Smith on the phone for you.有一位叫吉姆·史密斯的先生电话找你。

提示有少数词虽然是元音字母开头,但并不是元音音素开始,前面需要加不定冠词时,用 a而不用an。如:a European country,a onehour job等。反之,某些词虽然不是元音字母开头,但却是元音音素开始,前面需要加不定冠词时,用 an而不用a。如:an honest boy,an MP4 player,an 80metrehigh tower等。

abandon /bndn/ vt.

1.抛弃;舍弃:He had to abandon the broken car and walk home.他不得不扔下损坏的车步行回家。

2.放弃;中止:He abandoned all hope.他放弃了一切希望。

☆☆ability /bIltI/ n. [C,U]能力;才能:She has a great musical ability.她很有音乐天分。

搭配 the ability to do sth 做某事的能力

联想 inability(无能力)disability(伤残)

☆☆able /eIbl/ adj.能干的;有才能的:His uncle is an able lawyer.他的叔叔是一位能干的律师。

用法 be able to do sth 有能力做某事:Is he able to work out the problem? 他能解答这道题?

联想 enable(v.使能够??)ably(adv.)unable(反)

abnormal /bnml/ adj.不正常的;反常的;变态的:It is abnormal for a man to sing at midnight.深更半夜唱歌真有点变态。

联想 normal(反)

☆aboard /bd/ prep.在(船、飞机、火车、公共汽车等)上面:Are all the students aboard the school bus? 是不是所有的学生都上了校车?

abolish /blI/ vt. 取消;废除;废止:Bad customs should be abolished.不好的风俗应当废除。

abortion /bn/ n. [C,U]人工流产;堕胎:have an abortion做人工流产

☆☆ about1 /bat/ prep.

1.关于;对于:He is careless about his personal appearance.他对自己的仪表毫不在意。 2.在??周围;在??各处:I walked about the town with them.我和他们在城里到处逛。 3.在??附近:I dropped the key somewhere about here.我把钥匙掉在这附近了。 4.将近??的时候:He arrived at about six o’clock.他大约是在六点钟到达的。


1.be about to do 正要;(不久)将要:The film is about to start.电影即将开映。 2.what/how about sb/sth: ??怎么样?;??好吗?(用于提建议):What about some bread? 来点面包好吗? /How about going to the cinema? 去看场电影如何?

☆☆about2 /bat/adv.

1.到处:We walked about in the garden.我们在花园里漫步。 2.在周围:There was nobody about.周围没有人。

3.附近;不远:Shes somewhere about.她就在附近。

☆☆ above1 /bv/ prep.

1.在??上面:The plane is flying above the clouds.飞机在云层上面飞行。 2.(指数量)大于;多于:The old man is above ninety.这老人已经过了90岁了。 3.非??能力所及:This book is above me.这本书不是我能看得懂的。 4.不屑于:She is above telling lies.她根本用不着去说谎。

习语 above all 尤其是;最重要的是:Above all,we must be healthy.身体健康才是最重要的。

联想 below(反)

☆☆above2 /bv/ adv.

1.在上面:Look at the clouds above.看看上面的云层。 2.上述:As I mentioned above? 如上所述??

☆☆ above3 /bv/adj.(只用作定语)前文的;上述的:for the above reasons 基于上述原因

习语 the above 上面提到的人(事):All the above should be invited.以上各位都应受到邀请。

☆abroad /brd/ adv.到国外;在国外:go abroad 出国/I have never travelled abroad before.迄今我都未出国旅游过。

习语 at home and abroad 在国内外

abrupt /brpt/ adj.

1.突然的;意外的:an abrupt change 骤然的变化

2.粗鲁的;唐突的:He has an abrupt manner.他举止粗鲁。

absence /bsns/ n. 1.[C,U]不在的;缺席:It happened during your absence.那是你不在的时候发生的。

2.[U]缺乏;没有:He is in the absence of experience.他缺乏经验。

absent /bsnt/ adj.不在的;缺席的:He is ofen absent from school.他经常逃学。

联想 absently(adv.心不在焉地)present(反)

absolute /bslut/ adj.

1.绝对的;完全的:His story was an absolute lie.他的讲述是十足的谎言。 2.确实的;实在的:Its an absolute fact.这是千真万确的事实。

联想 absolutely(adv.)

absorb /bsb/ vt.

1.吸收;吸取:Plants absorb oxygen.植物吸收氧气。

2.理解;掌握:I havent really absorbed so much information yet.我还没有完全掌握如此大量的信息。

习语 be absorbed in全神贯注于??:Tom was so absorbed in his book that he didnt even notice me come in.汤姆在那埋头看书,甚至连我进来都没有注意到。

联想 absorbing(adj.很吸引人的)

abstract1 /bstrkt/ adj.

1.抽象的;不具体的:Some people say beauty itself is abstract.有些人认为美本身就是抽象的。

2.深奥的:It is too abstract for me.这对我来说太难以理解了。

abstract2 /bstrkt/n.[C]梗概;摘要:an abstract of a lecture 讲演的概要

absurd /bsd/ adj.荒谬的;荒唐可笑的:His idea is absurd.他的想法真是荒唐。

abundant /bndnt/ adj.丰富的;充足的:Our country is abundant in natural resources.我们国家自然资源丰富。

abuse /bjuz/ vt.

1.滥用;妄用:to abuse alcohol 酗酒

2.辱骂:The crowd started abusing him.这群人开始谩骂他。

academic1 /kdemIk/ adj.学院的;学术的:an academic degree 学位/an academic life 大学生活

academic2 /kdemIk/ n.[C]大学教师:My aunt is an academic.我婶婶


academy /kdmI/ n.[C]

1.学会;研究院:Royal Academy of Arts 皇家艺术学会 2.专科院校:an academy of music 音乐学院

accelerate /kselreIt/ v.

1.加速:The car suddenly accelerated.汽车突然加速。

2.促进;催促:The bad weather accelerated our departure.糟糕的天气促使我们早日离开。

accent /ksnt/ n.[C](特别的)口音;腔调:He speaks English with an Italian accent.他说英语带有意大利人的口音。

☆☆accept /ksept/ vt.接受;认可;同意


1.accept sth: He wont accept advice from anyone.他拒绝接受任何人的劝告。

2.accept + thatclause:Im willing to accept that some mistakes have been made.我愿意承认已经出现了一些差错。

联想 acceptable(adj.可接受的)refuse(反)

提示accept是“接受;认可”,而receive仅有“收到”的意思。例如:I received his invitation,but did not accept it.我收到他的请帖,但不接受邀请。

☆access1 / kses/ n.[U]

1.通道;入口:There is no access to the street through that door.穿过那个门没有通向大街的路。 2.享用权;接近机会:Students must have access to a good library.学生应该拥有好的图书馆。

access2 /kses/ vt.存取(计算机文件):The files were accessed every day to keep them up to date.文件每日存取,使之不断更新。

accessible / ksesbl/ adj.易接近的;易得到的:an accessible teacher一位易于相处的老师/Information such as this is freely accessible to the public.像这样的信息是向公众免费开放的。

☆☆accident / ksIdnt/ n.[C]事故;意外的事:His left knee was hurt in a traffic accident.他的左膝在一次交通事故中受了伤。

习语 by accident 偶然;意外地:We met him quite by accident.我们碰见他纯属偶然。

admission /dmIn/ n. 1.[C]入场费:Admission was free for children.儿童可免费入场。 2.[C,U]准入,接纳:Admission to universities depends on examination results.大学录取取决于考试成绩。

☆☆admit /dmIt/ v.(admitted;admitted;admitting) 1.承认;供认



1. admit sth/sb: He has admitted the fact.他已经承认了事实。 2.admit sb to be: He admitted me to be correct.他承认我是对的。

3.admit+thatclause: You may not like him,but you have to admit that hes good at his job.你可以不喜欢他的为人,但你得承认他工作干得不错。

adolescence /dlesns/ n.[U]青春(期):The period of adolescence is very important in forming ones character.青春期对人的性格形成是非常重要的。

adolescent /dlesnt/ n.[C]青少年:ones adolescent life 青少年时期

adopt /dpt/ vt.

1.收养;领养:adopt a child收养一个孩子

2.采取;采用:We decided to adopt her suggestion.我们决定采纳她的建议。

adore / d/ vt.

1.崇拜;爱慕:All of us adore our mathematics teacher.我们全都崇拜我们的数学老师。 2.非常喜欢:I adore chocolate.我非常喜欢巧克力。

☆☆adult / dlt/ n.[C]成年人:Some children find it difficult to talk to adults.一些孩子发觉与成年人很难谈得来。

advance1 / dvɑns/ n[.C,U]前进;发展:China has made great advances in science in the last twenty years.这20年来中国的科学研究得到很大的发展。

习语 in advance 预先;事先:Please let me know the time of your arrival in advance.请事先将你到达的时间告诉我。

advance2 /dvns/ v.前进;促进;提高:The date of the meeting was advanced from Friday to Monday.会议日期已从周五提前到周一。

联想 advanced(adj.先进的)advancement(n.)

☆☆advantage / dvɑntId/ n.[C,U]优点;好处:He has the advantage of good health.他有健康的优势。

联想 advantageous(adj.有利的)advantageously (adv.有利地)disadvantage(n.缺点;坏处)

adventure /dvent/ n.[C,U]冒险;奇遇:He is a man full of adventure.他是一个充满冒险精神的人。

联想 adventurous(adj.)adventurer(n.冒险家)

advertise /dvtaIz/ v.为??做广告;做宣传:Theyre advertising for a new manager.他们登广告招聘一位新经理。

联想 advertiser(n.登广告的人)

advertisement /dvtaIzmnt/ n.[C]广告:There was a large advertisement for a concert.有一幅音乐会的大型广告。

☆☆advice /dvaIs/ n.[U]忠告;劝告;建议:a piece of advice 一项建议/You should follow [take]his advice.你应该听从他的劝告。

☆☆advise /dvaIz/ v.劝告;建议


1. advise sb: No one advised me.没有谁给我提过什么建议。

2.advise doing sth: They advised sending an email to her as soon as possible.他们建议尽快给她发一份电子邮件。

3.advise sb to do sth: Miss Li advised me to study harder.李老师劝我学习更加努力一点。/Please advise me how to do it.请告诉我该怎么去做这件事。 4.advise(sb)+ thatclause/wh clause:I advised him that he (should) give up smoking.我劝他不要再抽烟了。/We advised that they(should)start early.我们建议他们早点出发。

联想 adviser [advisor](n.)

提示advise的否定结构“劝告??不要??”有两种表述方式:① advise sb not to do sth:Ann advised him not to leave London.安劝他不要离开伦敦。② advise sb against(doing)sth:His teacher advised him against wearing long hair.老师劝他不要留长发。

Day 3advocate /dvkeIt/ vt.主张;拥护:He advocates building more schools.他主张多建几所学校。

☆☆affair / fe/ n.[C]事;事情;事件:a very small affair 芝麻小事 / Mind your own affairs! 别管闲事!

☆☆affect / fekt/ vt.

1.影响:Smoking affects health.吸烟影响健康。 2.(使)感动:We were deeply affected by the news.我们深深被这消息所感动。

affection / fekn/ n.[C,U]喜爱;钟爱:She has a great affection for her hometown.她对家乡怀有深厚的感情。

☆☆afford /fd/ vt.

1.负担得起??的费用;抽得出(时间):I cant afford a car.我没钱买车。/We cant afford to wait any longer.我们不能再等下去了。

2.提供;给予:Travel affords us pleasure.旅游给我们带来欢乐。

☆☆afraid / freId/ adj.(不用于名词前)害怕的;担心 用法

1. be afraid of:We were afraid of upsetting her.我们怕惹她不高兴。

2. be afraid to do sth:Dont be afraid to ask for help.不要害怕寻求帮助。

3. be afraid+ thatclause:David was afraid that the other students would laugh at him.大卫担心其他同学会笑话他。 联想


提示 be afraid to do sth 表示“不敢??”;be afraid of(doing)sth表示“害怕;担心”。试比较:

I am afraid to see the boss.我不敢去见老板。 I am afraid of making mistakes.我害怕会犯错。

Africa /frIk/ n.非洲:Are you going to Africa by boat or by plane? 你到非洲是坐船还是坐飞机去?

African1 /frIkn/ adj.非洲的:African music 非洲音乐

African2 / frIkn/ n.[C]非洲人:an 18yearold African 一个18岁的非洲人

☆☆after1 /ɑft/ prep.

1.在??以后:After graduation he went abroad.毕业后他去了国外。

2.在??之后:She entered the hall after her mother.她跟随在她母亲之后进入厅内。 3.仿照;模仿:Read after the teacher.跟着老师读。

4.尽管;虽然:After everything Ive done for him,he still ignores me.尽管我什么都为他做了,他还是不理我。

习语 1. be after sb/sth 寻找;搜寻;追求:That boys always in trouble — the police are after him again.那男孩老是惹事,警察又在找他。

2. one after another一个接一个;相继:Please line up one after another.请按顺序排队。 3. after all毕竟;到底;终究:He went by train after all.他终究还是乘火车去的。

☆☆after2 /ɑft/ conj.在??之后;在??后面:Lets play tennis after school is over.我们放学之后去打网球吧。

after3 /ɑft/ adv.后来;以后:the day after第二天/shortly after不久以后/soon after随后

提示He arrived a week later. = He arrived after a week.(“??later” 这一结构不能用于将来时)

☆☆afternoon /ɑftnun/ n.[C,U]下午;午后:The train arrived at four oclock in the afternoon.火车下午四点钟到的。

☆afterward(s) /ɑftwd(z)/ adv.后来;以后:shortly [soon]afterwards随即/Afterwards,I was asked to make a speech.后来,我应邀作了个发言。

☆☆again /gen,geIn/ adv.又;再一次:Try again.再试一次。


1. again and again一再;反复地:Ive told you again and again not to do that! 我告诉你多少次不要再干那件事了。

2. now and again 偶尔;有时:I dont think about my old home very much,only now and again.我并不怎么想念老家,只是偶尔想想。

☆☆against /genst,geInst/ prep.

1.反对:Are you for or against the plan?你是赞成还是反对这个计划? 2.靠;倚:His desk is against the wall.他的办公桌靠墙放着。 3.(比赛时)对抗:They played against a football team from another high school.他们要和另一所高中赛足球。

联想 for(反)

☆☆age /eId/ n. 1.[C,U]年龄:I left school at the age of 1 8.我18岁中学毕业。 2.[U](65岁以上)老年;老龄:My grandfather was weak with age.我祖父年老体弱。 3.[C]时代:We are living in the computer age.我们现在生活在计算机时代。

联想 aged(adj.老年的;陈年的)

agency / eIdnsI/ n.[C]代理机构:a travel agency 旅行社

agenda / dend/ n.[C]议事日程;待办事项(表):the first item on the agenda 议事日程上的第一项

agent / eIdnt/ n.[C]代理人;经纪人:a general agent总代理

aggressive / resIv/ adj.

1.侵略的;咄咄逼人的:He has an aggressive manner.他的态度咄咄逼人。 2.有进取心的:He is an aggressive young man.他是一个进取心很强的年轻人。

☆☆ago / / adv.以前:I learned to drive a long time ago.我好久之前就学会开车了。

提示① ago 只用于过去时,一般不用于完成时。② ago表示“自今??前”;before表示“自过去??前”。如:I visited her three days ago,but she had gone to Wuhan two days before.我三天前去拜访她,但她早在那两天前就已经去了武汉。

☆☆agree / ri/ v.同意;与??一致;赞同:We all agreed.我们一致同意。


1.agree with sb/sth(与??看法))相同:I dont agree with Jack on many things.我和杰克在好多事情上的看法都不相同。

2.agree on/about sth(对事情)意见一致:We dont agree on everything.我们不可能对所有问题的看法完全一致。 3.agree to sth/v.ing(对安排、计划、提案??)赞同:All of us agreed to their arrangement.我们全都同意他们的安排。/We all agreed to getting up earlier the following morning.我们都同意第二天早点起床。

4.agree to do sth 同意做某事:We agreed to meet again the following Monday.我们同意下个星期一再次见面。

5.agree + thatclause同意;赞同:He agreed that we should go to see the new teacher.他同意我们去见见新老师。

联想 agreeable(adj.惬意的;适合的;使人愉快的)disagree(反)

☆☆agreement / grimnt/ n.同意;一致;协定;协议:Finally they reached an agreement.他们最终达成了协议。

习语 in agreement 意见一致:We are in agreement with his decision.我们同意他的决定。

联想 disagreement(n.不合;不一致;争论)

agricultural / rIkltrl/ adj.农业的;农学的:an agricultural college 一所农学院

agriculture / rIklt/ n.[U]农业:Agriculture in this country has developed greatly.这个国家的农业得到了巨大的发展。

☆ahead /hed/ adv.在前;向前;领先:The bus stop is 200 meters ahead.公交车站就在前面200米处。

习语 1.get ahead of 超过;胜过:By doing extra homework,she soon got ahead of her classmates.她靠多做家庭作业,成绩很快超过了其他同学。

2.go ahead(去做想做的事)干吧;行动吧??: “Can I borrow your bike?” “Yes,go ahead.”“我可以借用一下你的自行车吗?”“行,用吧。”

☆aid1 /eId/ n.[U]援助;救护;帮助:Without your aid,I couldnt have succeeded.如果没有你的帮助,我根本不可能成功。

习语 with the aid of 靠??帮助:Im reading an English magazine with the aid of a dictionary.我正在借助词典读一本英语杂志。

aid2 / eId/ vt.援助;救护;有助于:A good dictionary can aid language learning.一本好词典有助于语言学习。

联想 assist(同)help(同)

AIDS /eIdz/n.(英Aids)[U]艾滋病:AIDS sufferers艾滋病患者

☆☆aim1 /eIm/ n.[C]目的;目标:The main aim of the course is to improve your writing.这门课程的主要目的是提高写作水平。

联想 aimless(adj.无目标的;没主见的)aimlessly(adv.漫无目标地)

aim2 / eIm/ v.打算;瞄准;针对:She aims to perfect herself in English.她的目标是要精通英语。

☆☆air /e/ n.[U]空气;大气:The fresh air in the morning makes you feel glad.早晨的新鲜空气让你觉得心情舒畅。

习语 by air 乘飞机:I shall travel to Beijing by air this weekend.这个周末我将乘飞机去北京旅行。

联想 air(v.通风;晾干)airless(adj.闷气的)

☆☆aircraft / ekrɑft/ n.[C](单复数同)飞机;航空器:a passenger aircraft 一架民航班机

airline / elaIn/ n.[C]航空公司;航线:China Southern Airlines 中国南方航空公司

airmail / emeIl / n.[U]航空邮件:Send the letter by airmail.将这封信以航空邮件方式寄出。

airplane /epleIn / n.[C]飞机:The airplane flies at 900 kilometers an hour.飞机以每小时900公里的速度飞行。

☆☆airport /ept/ n.[C]飞机场;航空站:Beijing Airport 北京机场

airspace /espeIs/ n.[U]领空;(某国的)空域

☆alarm1 / lm/ n. 1.[C]警报:to give the alarm发出警报 2.[C]警报器;闹钟:Ive set the alarm for 7 oclock.我已经将闹钟设定在7点钟。 3.[U]惊慌;恐慌:He jumped up in alarm.他惊慌地跳了起来。

alarm2 / lm/ vt.警告;惊吓:I dont want to alarm you,but I think there is a serious problem.我并不想吓着你,不过我认为存在一个严重的问题。

album / lbm/ n.[C]相册;集邮簿;唱片集:This is one of the songs from[on]her latest album.这是她最新唱片集里的一首歌。

alcohol /lkhl/ n.[U]含酒精饮料;酒;酒精:He doesnt drink alcohol anymore.他再也不喝酒了。

alcoholic1 / lkhlIk/ adj.含酒精的:alcoholic drinks 含酒精的饮料

alcoholic2 / lkhlIk/ n.[C]酗酒者;酒鬼

algebra / ldIbr/ n.[U]代数:He cant figure out the algebra problems.他做不出这道代数题。

alike /laIk/ adv.很相似地;同样地:Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同.[谚]/No two people think alike.没有两个人的想法是完全一样的。

☆☆alive /laIv/adj.(不用于名词前)

1.活着的:Her grandparents are still alive.她的祖父母仍然健在。

2.有生气的;活跃的:Although he is over seventy,he is still very much alive.他虽然七十多岁了,但仍然充满了活力。

☆☆all1 /l/ adj.

1.所有的;一切的:All things are difficult before they are easy.万事开头难。[谚] 2.全部的;整个的:She was abroad all last summer.她去年整个夏天都在国外。

☆☆all2 /l/ pron.

1.所有的人或物:All enjoyed themselves.每个人都玩得很尽兴。 2.一切:All goes well.一切顺利。


1. in all 总计:In all,there were ten singers.总共有10个歌手。 2. at all(否定句)完全;(疑问句)究竟:I dont know it at all.我毫不知情。/Has the situation improved at all? 情况究竟有没有改善?

提示all与 not 连用表示部分否定,意思是“不全都是”。例如:All is not right.未必全对。/All is not gold that glitters.闪闪发光物,未必尽黄金。[谚]

☆☆all3 / l/ adv.全部地;都:She was dressed all in white.她穿着一身白色的衣服。

习语 all over 遍及;到处:He traveled all over the country.他游遍全国各地。

allergic /ldIk /adj.过敏的;厌恶的:I like cats but unfortunately Im allergic to them. 我很喜欢猫,但可惜我对猫过敏。/He is allergic to card playing.他不喜欢打纸牌。

Day 4alley / lI/ n.[C]小巷;胡同:The alley led to the park.这条小巷通往公园。

allocate / lkeIt/ vt.拨给;划归;分配??给:He allocated tasks to each of us.他给我们每个人都分配了工作。

☆☆allow /la/ vt.允许;准许:Dictionaries are not allowed in the exam.考试时不准使用词典。


1.allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事:Students are not allowed to touch any alcoholic drinks or tobacco.学生是不准许抽烟喝酒的。

2.allow sb sth给予某人某物:Their teacher allowed them three days for the homework.他们的老师给他们三天时间完成家庭作业。

联想 allowable(adj.容许的)disallow(反)forbid(反)

allowance / lans/ n.[C]津贴;零用钱:Her father stopped paying her allowance.她父亲不再给她零用钱了。

☆☆almost /lmst/ adv.几乎;差不多:It was almost midnight.差不多


☆☆alone /ln /adj.(不用于名词前)单独的;孤独的:She watches TV when she is alone.独自一人时,她便看电视。

习语 leave [let]sb/sth alone 任其??;不管:Let him alone to do it.任由他去做吧。

☆☆along1 /l/ adv.向前;和??一起;一同:We bicycled along,singing loudly.我们骑车前行,一路大声唱着歌。

☆☆along2 /l/ prep.沿着;顺着:We were driving along the river.我们开车沿着河边走。

alongside / lsaId/ adv.在??旁边:The police car pulled up alongside.那辆警车在旁边停下。

aloud /lad/ adv.大声地:He called aloud for help.他大声呼救。

习语 think aloud 自言自语:“Thats impossible,” she thought aloud.“那不可能,”她自言自语地说。

联想 quietly(反)silently(反)

alphabet /lfbet/ n.[C]字母表:The English alphabet has 26 letters.英语字母表有26个字母。

☆☆already/lredI/ adv.已经:The performance had already started when we arrived.我们到达时,节目已经开始了。

提示 ① 表示“已经??了”时,already主要用于肯定句。疑问句或否定句通常用yet。试比较以下三句:I have finished this book already.我已看完这本书。/I havent finished this book yet.我还没看完这本书。/Have you finished this book yet? 你看完这本书了吗? ② already有时也可以用于疑问句句式,此时并非真正在“发问”,主要表示对事态完成的速度之快表示惊奇和意外。试比较以下两句:Have you

done it already? 你已经做好啦?(好快呀)/Have you done it yet? 你已经做好了吗?(不知结果如何)

☆☆also /ls/ adv.还;也:She sings beautifully and also plays the piano.她


联想 too(同)as well(同)

提示 ① also,too和as well 基本是同义词。also是比too更为正式的用语。as well则是非正式的用语,多用于英语口语。too从来不用于句首,also则通常靠近动词,不放在句末。以下四句同义:

Smoking makes you ill.It costs a lot too./Smoking makes you ill.It costs a lot as well./Smoking makes you ill.Its also expensive./Smoking makes you ill.Also,its expensive.抽烟不仅会影响健康,花费也不菲。② 在否定句中不用“not?also”,也不用“not?too”,而用 “not?either”。例如:The first one didnt work,and the second didnt either.(不用 also didnt).第一个不起作用,第二个也不行。

☆alternative / ltntIv/ adj.(只作定语)供替代的;二者择一的:There seems to be no alternative.似乎没有别的选择。

☆☆although /l/ conj.

1.虽然;尽管:Although she is young,she is wise.她虽年轻,但聪明。

2.但是;不过:You can copy down my answers,although Im not sure theyre right.你可以抄下我的答案,不过,我保证不了它们全部正确。

altitude / ltItjud/ n.[C,U]海拔高度;高地:It is difficult to breathe at these altitudes.在这些海拔高的地方呼吸困难。

☆altogether /lte/ adv.

1.总共;总计:Altogether there are six of us.我们总共六人。

2.完全;全然:I dont altogether agree with you.我不完全同意你的意见。

aluminium / ljumInIm/ n.(美aluminum)[U]铝:aluminium cans 铝罐头盒

☆☆always /lweIz/ adv.

1.总是;一直:They always make fun of me.他们总是嘲弄我。 2.永远:We should always help each other.我们应始终互相帮助。

联想 never(反)

提示 always 通常置于实义动词之前,be动词、情态动词或助动词之后。例如:She always arrives late.她总是迟到。/She is always at home in the evenings.她晚上总在家里。如果既有be动词又有情态动词或助动词,则放在第一个动词之后。例如:We must always be careful

when we cross the road.我们过马路时,应该时刻小心。

am / m,m/ v.是(be的人称形式之一):I am fine.我很好。

☆☆am./am,AM./AM (美a.m./A.M.)/eIem/ n.午前;上午:Work starts at 8 am.上午八点开始上班。

amateur / mt/ adj.业余的;外行的:Her acting was very amateur.她的演技很难恭维。

amaze /meIz/ vt.使大为吃惊;使惊愕:Li Ming amazed his friends by suddenly going abroad.李明突然出国使他的朋友们非常吃惊。


1.sb be amazed to do sth 某人感到惊异:I was amazed to learn the news.得到这消息我很吃惊。

2.sb be amazed+ thatclause某人感到惊异:I was amazed that she had got 100 marks in the maths exam.她数学考试100分,使我大吃一惊。

联想 amazement(n.惊愕;惊奇)surprise(同)astonish(同)


☆☆amazing /meIzI/ adj.惊人的;令人惊异的:How amazing! 真叫人惊叹!/What amazing news!多惊人的消息啊!

联想 amazingly(adv.出人意料地)

ambassador /mbsd/ n.[C]大使:the US ambassador to China 美国驻中国大使

联想 ambassadress(n.女大使)

ambiguous / mbIjus/ adj.意思含糊的;暧昧的:He gave us an ambiguous answer.他给了我们一个模棱两可的答复。

☆ambition / mbIn/ n.[C]

1.目标;愿望:Her ambition was to become a film star.她一心追求的是做电影明星。 2.[U]野心;雄心;抱负:He is full of ambition.他野心勃勃。

ambulance /mbjlns/ n.[C]救护车:An ambulance dashed to the scene of the accident.救护车风驰电掣赶往事故现场。

习语 by ambulance 乘救护车:Mike was taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital.迈克被用救护车送到最近的医院。

America /merIk/ n.

1.美国:America does a lot of trade with China.美国与中国贸易频繁。 2.美洲:South America is jointed to North America.南美洲和北美洲相连。

☆☆among /m/ prep.在??中间;在(三个以上)之间:He quickly disappeared among the crowd.他很快就消失在人群之中。

☆☆amount1 /mant/ n.[C,U]数量;总额:He spent a large amount of money on books.他花了好多钱去买书。

提示表示数量的短语 a large/small/tiny amount of 后面接不可数名词。例如:a tiny amount of dirt 一点点灰尘/a large amount of gold大量黄金

amount2 /mant/ v.

1.总计:The cost of repairs amounted to 300 yuan.修理费合计300元。 2.等于:This amounts to a lie.这等于是在说谎。

ample / mpl/ adj.

1.充足的;充分的:50 yuan will be ample for my needs.50元就足够我用的了。 2.宽敞的;广大的:an ample living room 宽敞的起居室

amuse / mjuz/ vt.

1.使??欢乐;逗??笑:The story amused the children.那故事把孩子们给逗乐了。 2.给??提供娱乐:She amused herself with a book.她看书消遣。

amusement /mjuzmnt/ n.[C,U]娱乐;消遣;娱乐活动:His chief amusement is fishing.他的主要消遣是钓鱼。

analyse /nlaIz/ vt.(美analyze)分析:We need to analyse this problem carefully and see what went wrong.我们需要仔细分析一下这个问题,看什么地方出错了。

analysis /nlsIs/ n.(pl.analyses)[C,U]分析;解析:Youll get the results when the analysis is complete.分析完成后就给你结果。

ancestor /nsest/ n.[C]祖宗;祖先:His ancestors were French.他的祖先是法国人。

anchor1 / k/ n.[C]锚:to cast anchor抛锚

anchor2 / k/ v.

1.抛锚:We anchored close to the shore.我们近岸抛锚停泊。

2.使固定;扣牢:We anchored the tent with ropes.我们用绳子固定帐篷。

☆ancient /eInnt/adj.古代的;古老的:an ancient bridge古桥

☆☆and /nd/ conj.和;又;及:The dog was black and white.那狗是只黑白花狗。

习语 and so on 等等:I bought a lot of fruits—apples,oranges,bananas and so on.我买了一大堆水果,有苹果、橘子、香蕉等等。

anecdote / nIkdt/ n.[C]逸事;趣闻:The book is full of amusing anecdotes about his life in Japan.这本书全是他在日本生活的奇闻趣事。

☆anger // n.[U]怒;愤怒:Toms face was filled with anger.汤姆满脸怒容。

习语 in anger愤怒地:“Its a lie!” Tom shouted in anger.“这是谎言!”汤姆气愤地叫喊着。

☆angle /l/ n.[C]角度:Try looking at the affair from a different angle.试试从另一个角度来看这件事。

☆☆angry /rI/adj.生气的;愤怒的:Jack laughed loudly,which made me even angrier.杰克大声地在那儿笑,这使我更加恼火。

用法 1.be angry at/about sth对??生气:Mr.Green got angry at [about]the boys answer.格林先生对男孩的回答很生气。

2.be angry at/about doing sth对??生气:She was angry at [about]missing the train.她为没能赶上火车感到恼火。

3.be angry with sb 生??气:My mother was very angry with me when I got home late.我回家晚的时候,妈妈就非常生我的气。 4.be angry with sb for? 为??生??气:He is really angry with me for upsetting his sister.因


5.be angry+ thatclause 因??生气:Mr.King was angry that Mike was late for class again.迈克上课又迟到,金先生很不高兴。

联想 angrily(adv.愤怒地)

Day 5

☆☆animal / nIml/ n.[C]动物:She is a real animal lover.她非常喜爱动物。

ankle /kl/ n.[C]足踝;踝关节:He slipped on the stairs and twisted his ankle.他在楼梯上滑倒,扭伤了脚踝。

anniversary / nIvsrI/ n.[C]周年纪念日:an anniversary dinner 周年纪念餐

☆☆announce /nans/ vt.宣布;宣告:The teacher announced that there would be no school in the afternoon.老师说下午不用上学了。

联想 announcement(n.)announcer(n.广播员;报幕员;通告者)

annoy / nI/ vt.(使)烦恼:She always annoyed him with her stupid questions.她总是拿些无聊的问题去烦他。

联想 annoying(adj.使人烦恼的)

☆ annual / njul/ adj.每年的;一年一次的:an annual trip to Beijing一年一度的北京之行

☆☆another1 / n/ pron.另一个东西(人):Buy two CDs and get another completely free.只要买两盘CD碟,就再免费赠送一盘。

习语 one another 互相:They checked one anothers answers.他们互相核对答案。

☆☆another2 / n/ adj.再一;另一;不同的:This boy is very smart;he may

be another Edison.这男孩很聪明,他可能成为另一个爱迪生。/Shell be back in another ten days.再过10天,她就会回来。

☆answer1 /ɑns/ n.[C]回答;答复;回信;答案:The answer to the question is wrong.这个问题的答案是错误的。

☆☆answer2 /ns/ v.

1.回答;答复;作答:I couldnt answer all the exam questions.我没能作答全部的试卷问题。 2.(作出)回应:Nobody answered his call for help.没有人理会他的呼救。

习语 answer for 对??负责:They should answer for our safety.他们应该对我们的安全负责。

ant / nt/ n.蚂蚁:He works like an ant.他像蚂蚁般勤奋工作。

Antarctic / ntktIk/ n.南极(地区):the Antarctic 南极

antique / ntik/ n.[C]古董;古玩:The palace is full of priceless antiques.这座宫殿里满是价值连城的古董。

anxiety / zaItI/ n.[C,U]

1.担忧;焦虑:She was filled with anxiety about her mothers health.她为母亲的健康忧心忡忡。

2.渴望:the anxiety for knowledge 求知欲

anxious / ks/ adj.

1.忧虑的;焦急的;担忧的:She looks a bit anxious.她显得有点着急。 2.渴望的;急切盼望的:I am anxious for a computer.我渴望有一台电脑。

用法 be anxious to do sth 急于要:We are anxious to know the result.我们急于想知道结果。

习语 be anxious about 担心:He was a bit anxious about his exam in maths.他对数学考试有点担心。

提示 be anxious+ thatclause 句型表示“非常希望”时,从句中往往用should+动词原形,有时should还可以省略。如:I am anxious that nobody(should)know where I am going.希望没人知道我要去哪儿。另外,该句型不表示“非常希望”,而表示“担心”时则不必有should。例如:She was anxious that it might be cancer.她担心可能是癌症。

☆☆any1 /enI/pron.(无论)哪一个;任何:They didnt invite any of us.他们没有邀请我们当中的任何人。

☆☆any2 /enI/ adj.

1.任何的:He did the work without any difficulty.他轻而易举完成了那项工作。 2.(用于疑问句、否定句)一些;什么:He doesnt have any friends.他没什么朋友。/Do you need any further information?你还需要更多信息吗?

☆☆anybody / enIbdI/ pron.任何人;无论谁:He left without speaking to anybody else.他未和任何人打招呼就离开了。


anyhow / enIha/ adv.

1.不管怎样;无论如何:Anyhow I must tell the truth.无论如何,我必须说出真相。 2.好歹;至少:Anyhow,you can try.至少你可以试试。

3.随随便便地;杂乱无章地:He made notes anyhow across the page.他在那页上胡乱做了些笔记。

☆☆anyone / enIwn/ pron.

1.任何人:Anyone can do this game.任何人都能够参与这个游戏。 2.(用于疑问句、否定句和条件句)任何人;无论谁:Is there anyone new coming to tonights meeting? 有没有什么人是第一次来参加今晚的会议?/I went to the office but there wasnt anyone there.我去了办公室,可是那里一个人都没有。/If anyone knows her telephone number,please tell me.如果有人知道她的电话号码,请告诉我。

提示 anyone 作主语时,后面通常接单数动词形式。例如:If anyone sees Kate,ask her to call me.如果有人看见凯特,叫她打电话给我。

☆☆anything / enII/ pron.什么事(物);任何事(物):Gold will not buy anything.黄金并非万能。[谚]

☆anyway / enIweI/ adv.

1.不管怎样:This idea probably wont work,but lll try it anyway.这个主意可能不管用,但无论如何我都要试一试。

2.反正:I dont need a computer temporarily and I cant afford one anyway.我暂时还不需要电脑,反正我也买不起。

☆☆anywhere / enIwe/ adv.任何地方:I cant find my keys anywhere.我在哪儿都找不到我的钥匙。

☆☆apart / pt/ adv.

1.分开;离开;相隔:He lives apart from his family.他与家人不住在一起。 2.拆开:He enjoys taking old clocks apart.他喜欢拆卸旧钟。

习语 apart from 除??外:All the children like music apart from Bobby.除了鲍比外所有的孩子都喜欢音乐。

☆☆apartment / ptmnt/ n.[C](美)公寓:She lives in a threeroom apartment.她住在一套有3个房间的公寓里面。

联想 flat(同义词;英国英语)

☆apologize / pldaIz/ vi.(英apologise)道歉;谢罪:Im so sorry,I do apologize.对不起,我真心实意地向你道歉。


1.apologize to sb:I think you should apologize to Tom.我认为你应该向汤姆道歉。

2.apologize for(doing)sth:He apologized to the teacher for coming late for class.他因上课迟到向老师道歉。

apology / pldI/ n.[C,U]道歉;歉意:a letter of apology 一封道歉信/He made a public apology for his carelessness.他为自己的粗心大意作了公开道歉。

apparent / prnt/ adj.

1.显而易见:It became apparent that she was seriously ill.很明显她病得很重。 2.表面上的:apparent cause表面原因。

appeal / pil/ vi.

1.呼吁;恳求:He appealed to his friends for help.他向朋友求援。 2.(常与to连用)吸引;引起兴趣:The idea appealed to us.这主意正合我们的心意。

☆☆appear / pI/ vi.

1.出现:A man suddenly appeared from behind a tree.一个男子突然从大树后面走了出来。 2.显得;似乎:She is only sixteen but she appears to be older.她只有16岁,可样子显得大一点。

联想 seem(同)disappear(反)

☆☆appearance / pIrns/ n. 1.[C]出现;露面:He made his last appearance at yesterdays meeting.他最后一次露面是在昨天的会议上。 2.[U]容貌:We should not judge a person by his appearance.我们不应以貌取人。

联想 disappearance(反)

appendix / pendIks/ n.(pl.appendices)[C]附录;附言:This dictionary has several appendices,including one on irregular verbs.这部词典有几项附录,包括一项不规则动词。

appetite / pItaIt/ n.[C,U]食欲;胃口:Exercise gave her a good appetite.运动使她胃口大增。

applaud / pld/ v.

1.鼓掌;喝彩:The audience applauded her for three minutes.观众向她鼓掌达三分钟。 2.赞许;赞成:We applauded him for his courage.我们称赞他的勇敢。

☆☆apple / pl/ n.[C]苹果:An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一日一苹果,医生不登门。[谚]

applicant / pliknt/ n.[C]申请人:There were ten applicants for the position.有十人申请那个职位。

☆☆application / plIkeIn/ n.[C]申请:He made an application to the club for membership and filled in the application form.他申请加入俱乐部,并填写了申请表格。

联想 misapplication(n.误用;盗用)

☆☆apply / plaI/ v.

1.申请: She has applied for a place at university.她已经申请进大学学习。 2.适用;有效:This notice applies to all the students.该通知适用于所有学生。

习语 apply oneself 努力;致力于:If he doesnt apply himself,hell never pass his exam.如果不努力的话,他考试肯定不及格。

联想 misapply(v.误用;滥用)

☆appoint / pInt/ vt.

1.任命;委任:Mr Li appointed him(to be)monitor.李老师让他任班长。

2.约定;安排:They appointed a place to exchange stamps.他们约定一个地方交换邮票。

☆☆appointment / pIntmnt/ n.[C]约会:by appointment 按约定/keep an appointment 如约/I made an appointment to see the doctor.我约好了去看医生。

☆appreciate / priIeIt/ v.

1.欣赏:He appreciates her talents.他欣赏她的才干。

2.感激:He greatly appreciated my help.他非常感激我的帮忙。

联想 appreciative(adj.有鉴赏力的;感谢的)

appreciation / priIeIn/ n.[U] 1.欣赏;鉴赏:appreciation of music音乐鉴赏

2.感激:We showed our appreciation with flowers.我们用鲜花表示谢意。

☆☆approach1 / prt/ v.靠近;接近:With the final exam approaching,the students work even harder.随着期末考试日益临近,学生们更努力了。

☆approach2 / prt/ n. 1.[C]方法:Weve decided to take a new approach to learning English.我们决定采取新的方法学习英语。 2.[U]接近:With the approach of Christmas the weather turned colder.随着圣诞节的临近,天气更冷了。

联想 approachable(adj.可接近的;平易近人的)

☆appropriate / prprIt/ adj.合适的;恰当的:This isnt the appropriate time to discuss the problem.现在还不是讨论这个问题的恰当时机。

习语 be appropriate for 适合于:These books are not appropriate for the students.这些书是不适合学生看的。

approval / pruvl/ n.`[U]赞成;批准;认可:We went to the party with our parents approval.我们取得父母同意后去参加聚会。

approve / pruv/ v.认可;赞成;同意:We cant approve of this sort of thing.我们不能赞同这种事。

Day 6

☆☆approximately / prksImtlI/ adv.近似;大约:Our school has approximately 3,000 students.我们学校大约有三千学生。

April / eIprl/ n.(缩Apr.)[C,U]四月:April Fools Day 愚人节

apron / eIprn/ n.[C]围裙:Put on your apron before cooking.做饭之前先系上围裙。

arbitrary / bItrrI/ adj.任意的;主观的;武断的:This is an arbitrary decision.这是个武断的决定。

arch / t/ n.[C]拱;拱门:a bridge with three arches 一座有三个拱的桥

architect / kItekt/ n.[C]建筑师;设计师:one of the architects of the governments reforms 政府改革的设计师之一

architecture / kItekt/ n.[U]

1.建筑设计;建筑风格:He likes Greek architecture.他喜欢希腊建筑式样。


Arctic / ktIk/ n.北极圈;北极地方:the Arctic 北极

☆☆are / / v.是(be的人称形式之一):Two heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮。[谚]

☆☆area / erI/ n. 1.[C]地区;区域:a nonsmoking area 非吸烟区

2.[C,U]面积:The city covers an area of 15 square kilometers.该城市的面积为十五平方公里。

☆☆argue / ju/ vi.争论;争吵:We argued about how to spend the holiday.我们在为如何度假争论不休。


1.argue+for [against]据理赞成 [反对]:He argued for [against]the plan.他赞成 [反对]这项计划。

2.argue + thatclause 主张;认为:He argued that our attempt would be a waste of time.他认为我们的尝试将是白费时间。

☆☆argument / jumnt/ n.[C]争论;辩论;争吵:They had a heated argument over whether staying up is bad for the health.他们就开夜车是否有害健康展开激烈辩论。

arise / raIz/ vi.(arose,arisen)出现;起来;升起:Accidents often arise from carelessness.事故往往起因于粗心。

arithmetic / rImtIk/ n.[U]算术:Im good at English but not so hot at arithmetic.我的英语成绩不错,但算术不太好。

☆☆arm1 /ɑm/ n.[C]手臂:He fell down and hurt his left arm.他摔了一跤,伤了左臂。/He took me by the arm.他抓住我的手臂。

习语 arm in arm 手挽手地:They walked along the beach arm in arm.他们手挽手地在海滩上散步。

arm2 / m/ vt.武装??:The robber was armed.抢匪有武器。

armchair / mte/ n.[C]扶手椅:She settled the patient in an armchair.她让病人坐在扶手椅里。

☆☆army / mI/ n.军队;陆军:He joined the army when he was 18.他18岁参军。

☆☆around1 / rand/ prep.

1.在??周围;围绕:The whole family was sitting around the dinner table.全家人都围着餐


2.在??附近;四处:He wandered around the streets,looking in shop windows.他满街游荡,边逛边浏览橱窗。

☆☆around2 / rand/ adv.

1.到处;四处:Ill send someone to show you around.我派人带你四处转转。

2.大约:There must have been around 40,000 people in the stadium.体育场里肯定有约4万观众。/Most guests started to make their way home around ten oclock.大部分客人在10点钟左右就开始动身回家了。

☆☆arrange / reInd/ v.

1.安排;策划:We have arranged a big party for Anns birthday.我们为安的生日安排了一个大型聚会。

2.整理;布置:They arranged the chairs in a circle.他们把椅子摆成一个圆圈。


1.arrange to do sth 准备??:We have arranged to visit the photo exhibition tomorrow.我们已经安排好明天去参观摄影展。

2.arrange for sb to do sth 安排??去??:Ill arrange my friend Jim to meet him at the airport.我会安排我的朋友吉姆去机场接他。

3.arrange with sb to do sth 约定与??去??:I have arranged with him to meet at the bookstore.我和他约好在书店见面。

4.arrange + thatclause 商定;安排:We had arranged that I would go for the weekend.我们早已商定我将去度周末。

联想 rearrange(v.重新布置)

☆☆arrangement / reIndmnt/ n. 1.[C]安排;布置:We have made all the arrangements for the New Years Eve party.我们已做好除夕晚会的全部筹备工作。 2.[C,U]约定;(非正式)协议:We came to an arrangement with him.我们和他达成了协议。

☆arrest / rest/ v.逮捕;拘留:The young man was arrested for drunken driving.那个年轻人因酒后开车而被捕。

☆arrival / raIvl/ n. 1.[U]到来;到达:I telephoned her my arrival.我打电话通知她我已抵达。 2.[C]新到达的人(或物);新生:Two teachers were there to greet the new arrivals.两位老师在那儿迎接新同学。

☆☆arrive / raIv/ vi.到达;达到:We must arrive at the airport two hours early.我们必须提前两小时到达机场。

arrow / r/ n.

1.箭;箭头:Time flies like an arrow.光阴似箭。 2.(指示方向的)箭头标志;箭号:I saw an arrow post ahead.我看见前边有个箭头标志。

☆☆art / t/ n.[C,U]艺术(作品);美术(作品);技艺:Hes very good at art.他擅长美术。

☆☆article / tIkl/ n.[C]

1.文章:He has written an article about school life for the magazine.他已给该杂志写了一篇有关校园生活的文章。

2.物品:She only took a few articles of clothing with her.她随身只带了几件衣服。 3.冠词:The article is a part of speech in the English language.冠词是英语的一种词类。

artificial / tIfIl/ adj.人工的;仿造的:The hall was decorated with artificial flowers.大厅用人造花装饰。

2.虚伪的;矫揉造作的:Her artificial manner made us sick.她那装腔作势的样子令我们恶心。

☆artist / tIst/ n.[C]艺术家;画家;艺人:The artist showed us his works.画家给我们看了他的作品。

☆☆as1 /z,z/ prep.

1.作为;当作:She works as a secretary in the office.她的工作是办公室秘书。

2.像;如同:The old woman was dressed as a young lady.这位老妇人打扮得像一位年轻人。

☆☆as2 /z,z/ adv.(用在as?as结构中)(和??)一样;(像??)那样:This dress is twice as expensive as that.这件连衣裙比那件贵一倍。/I cant run as fast as I used to.我没有从前跑得那么快。/Hes not as [so]old as I.他比我年纪小。


1. as soon as 一 ??就??:He left as soon as he had drunk his coffee.他一喝完咖啡就走了。

2. as soon as possible 尽快地:She urged him to come as soon as possible.她催他尽早来。 3. as well as以及;又:He as well as his father was watching TV.他们父子俩在看电视。

☆☆as3 / z,z/ conj.

1.在??的同时:I saw Tom as I was getting off the bus.我下公共汽车时看见了汤姆。 2.因为;由于:We asked Jim to come with us,as he knew the road.因为吉姆熟悉路,我们邀他和我们一起走。

3.像??一样;如同;Do in Rome as the Romans do.入乡随俗。[谚]


1. as for 至于;说到:As for the cost,that will be very little.至于费用,那将是微不足道的。

2. as if 犹如;好像:It looks as if it is going to rain.看来要下雨了。(很可能下)/He looks as if he were ill.他看上去好像病了似的。(并非真生病)

ash / / n.[U]灰;灰烬;灰末:cigarette ash 香烟灰/The house burnt to ashes.房子烧为灰烬。

联想 ashy(adj.灰的;苍白的)

☆☆ashamed / eImd/ adj.(不用在名词前)惭愧;害臊:He felt too ashamed to ask for help.他不好意思请求帮助。


1.be ashamed of(doing)sth:She was ashamed of having failed in the examination.她因考试不及格而感到羞愧。

2.be ashamed to do sth:Im ashamed to ask such a question.问这样的问题,我真是不好意思。 3.be ashamed+ thatclause:Im very ashamed that I havent replied to your letter yet.我一直没有给你回信,真不好意思。

Asia / eI/ n.亚洲:The Bering Strait parts North America from Asia.白令海峡把北美洲和亚洲分开。

Asian1 /eIn/ n.[C]亚洲人:Many Asians work in the Arab oil states.许多亚洲人在阿拉伯产油国工作。

Asian2 / eIn/ adj.亚洲(人)的:The First East Asian Games were held in Shanghai in 199


aside / saId/ adv.在旁边;到旁边;撇开:Put your troubles aside.忘掉你的烦恼。

☆☆ask / sk/ v.问;打听;请求;要求;邀请:He asked a policeman for direction.他向警察问路。


1.ask sb:Dont ask him — he wont know anything about it.不用问他,他什么都不知道。

2.ask sb sth:Well have to ask someone the way to the station.我们不得不找人问去车站的路。

3.ask sb to do sth:We have asked Mr.King to come for dinner on Friday evening.我们已经请金先生星期五晚上来吃饭。

4.ask sb + wh +to do:We can ask our teacher how to do it.我们可以问老师该如何做。 5.ask sb + whclause:I asked myself where the problem was.我自问问题出在哪里。 6.ask sb + thatclause:The students asked that they(should)be allowed to use a dictionary.学生们要求准许他们用词典。

习语 ask for 要求得到;请求:Some students asked for an interview with the principal.有一些学生请求面见校长。

☆asleep / slip/ adj.(不用在名词前)睡着的:Grandad fell asleep watching TV.祖父看电视时睡着了。

☆☆aspect / spekt/ n.[C]方面:His illness affects almost every aspects of his life.他的病几乎影响到他生活的各个方面。

assess / ses/ vt.估计;估算;评定:Damages were assessed at 1,000 RMB. 损失估计达一千元人民币。

assessment / sesmnt/ n.[C,U]估算;评估;评价:He made a careful assessment of the situation.他对形势作了细致的评估。

assist / sIst/ v.帮助;协助:I assisted him to do it.我协助他去做。

assistance / sIstns/ n.[U]帮助;援助:I hoped that someone would come to my assistance.我希望有人会来帮我。

☆assistant / sIstnt/ n.[C]助手;助理:He works as an assistant principal.他是校长助理。

Day 7

associate / sIeIt/ v.

1.联想;联系:I didnt want to be associated with it at all.我根本不想与这事有牵连。 2.结交;交往:He associates with all sorts of people.他与各种各样的人交往。

association / susIeIn/ n.[C]协会;社团:Mr.King joined the teachers association last year.金先生去年加入了教师协会。

assume / sjum/ vt.

1.假定;假设:We cannot assume anything in this case.在这种情形下我们无法作任何揣测。 2.担任;承担:I made a mistake and I will assume responsibility for it.我错了,我愿为此承担责任。

assumption / smpn/ n.[C]假定;设想:The facts proved her assumption wrong.事实证明她的设想是错的。

astonish / stnI/ vt.使惊讶:The news astonished everyone.这消息使大家感到惊讶。

☆astronaut / strnt/ n.[C]宇航员:Neil Armstrong is the first astronaut to walk on the moon.尼尔·阿姆斯特朗是第一位在月球漫步的宇航员。

astronomer / strnm/ n.[C]天文学家

astronomy / strnmI/ n.[U]天文学

☆☆at / t;t/ prep. 1.在(某处):He is at the library.他在图书馆。 2.在(几点钟):Well meet at noon.我们中午见面。 3.朝向;对着:He laughed at me.他嘲笑我。

4.在??方面:Shes good at making friends.她善于交朋友。

5.因为;由于:We were surprised at the news.我们对这个消息感到吃惊。 6.以(某种价格、速度等):I bought the eggs at 8 yuan a kilogram.我以8元一公斤的价钱

买下这些鸡蛋。/The car ran at 40 miles an hour.这部车以40英里的时速行驶。 7.在??(年龄):She left school at 1 6.她16岁退学。

8.正在:He is at work.他正在工作。

athlete / lit/ n.[C]运动员:Athletes from all over the world go to the Olympic Games.世界各国的运动员聚集奥林匹克运动会。

athletic / letIk/ adj.

1.体育的;运动的:athletic sports 体育运动

2.身体健壮的:She looks very athletic.她看起来很健美。

Atlantic / tlntIk/ adj.大西洋的:The Atlantic Ocean lies between Europe and America.大西洋位于欧洲与美洲之间。

☆atmosphere / tmsfI/ n.[U]大气;气氛:We are in a festival atmosphere.我们都沉浸在节日的气氛之中。

atom / tm/ n.[C]原子;极小物:an atom bomb 一颗原子弹/The vase was broken into atoms.那花瓶破成碎片。

☆☆attach / tt/ v.附上;系上;贴上:He attached a recent photograph to his application form.他将一张近期照片贴在申请表上。

用法 be attached to sb 喜欢;喜爱:All the pupils are very attached to their English teacher.所有的学生都非常依恋他们的英语老师。

联想 attachment(n.喜爱;附属物;电子邮件附件)

☆☆attack1 /tk/ n.[C,U]攻击;发病:have a heart attack 心脏病发作

☆☆attack2 /tk/vt.

1.攻击;伤害:He was attacked and his money was stolen.他遭到袭击,钱也给偷走了。 2.(努力地)着手干:He tried to attack the problem from different angles.他试着从各个角度来着手解决这个问题。

联想 attacker(n.攻击者)defend(反)

attain / teIn/ vt.(经过努力)获得;得到:They are not likely to attain this goal.他


☆☆attempt1 /tempt/ n.[C]尝试;努力:He didnt pass the exam,but it was a good attempt.他虽然没有通过考试,但却是个不错的尝试。

☆attempt2 / tempt/ vt.试图;尝试:They attempted to finish the task before July.他们试图在七月以前完成这项任务。

联想 attempted(adj.未遂的)

☆attend / tend/ v.

1.出席;参加:He did not attend the meeting.他没有参加会议。

2.看护;照料:Dr Smith attended her in hospital.史密斯医生在医院中给她治病。

☆☆attention / tenn/ n.[U]

1.注意:He waved his hand to catch my attention.他挥手以吸引我的注意。 2.照料;治疗:The patient needs immediate attention.这个病人需要立即治疗。

习语 pay attention to 注意;留心:If you paid more attention in class,you might actually learn something! 如果你上课更注意听讲,你可能真的能学到点东西。

联想 inattention(n.不注意;疏忽)

☆☆attitude / tItjud/ n.[C,U]态度;看法:She shows a very positive attitude to her work.她工作态度非常积极。

☆attract / trkt/ v.吸引;引起:The flower show attracted large crowds this year.今年的花展吸引了大批观众。

attraction / trkn/ n.[C] 1.吸引(力):The television has little attraction for me.电视对我没有什么吸引力。

2.吸引人的东西:The beautiful beaches are the islands main attraction.漂亮的海滩是这座小岛最吸引人的地方。

☆attractive / trktIv/ adj.

1.有吸引力的;有魅力的:迷人的:Its an attractive small town.这是个迷人的小镇。

2.使人感兴趣的:Thats an attractive idea.那倒是个好主意。

联想 attractively(adv.)attractiveness(n.)unattractive(反)

☆☆audience / dIns/ n.观众;听众:The audience was/were no less than five thousand.听众不少于五千人。

August / st/ (缩 Aug.)n.[C,U]八月:Were going to Australia on 6th August.我们打算八月六号去澳大利亚。

☆aunt / nt/ n.[C]伯母;舅母;婶;姑;姨:Aunt Mary will come tomorrow.玛丽姑妈明天要来。

authentic / entIk/ adj.真的;可靠的:The letter is certainly authentic.这封信肯定是真的。

☆author / / n.[C]作者;作家:Mark Twain is my favorite author.马克·吐温是我最喜爱的作家。

联想 authoress(n.女作家)

☆☆authority / rtI/ n.1 [U]权力;权威:He didnt have authority to punish the child.他没有处罚那个孩 子的权力。 2.[C]具有专门知识的人;权威:Shes an authority on plants.她是植物学权威。 3.[C]官方;当局:the local authority 地方当局

automatic / tmtIk/ adj.自动的;机械的:This washingmachine is fully automatic.这台洗衣机是全自动的。

联想 automatically(adv.)

autonomous / tnms/ adj.自治的;自主的:an autonomous state 自治州

☆☆autumn / tm/ n.[C,U]秋天:American people use the word “fall” to mean autumn.美国人用“fall”这个词来表示秋季。

☆☆available / veIlbl/ adj.

1.可用的:The swimming pool is available only in summer.这个游泳池只在夏天开放。 2.可获得的:This information is available/free on the Internet.这信息可在因特网上免费获得。 3.有空的:The principal is available now.现在校长可以见你了。

4.有效的:This film ticket is no longer available.这张电影票不再有效了。

联想 unavailable(反)

avenue / vnju/ n.[C](都市的)大街:Fifth Avenue is a good place for window shopping.(纽约)第五大街是逛街的好地方。

☆average1 / vrId/ adj.

1.平均的:The average age of the students in this class is fifteen.本班学生的平均年龄是十五岁。

2.普通的:The average child enjoys listening to stories.孩子一般都喜欢听故事。

average2 / vrId/ n.[C,U]平均(数):Toms work at school is above the average.汤姆的功课是中上水平。

☆☆avoid / vId/ v.躲开;逃避;避免:He crossed the road to avoid his teacher.他横过马路以避开他的老师。

用法 avoid doing sth尽量不:She should avoid eating too much chocolate.她应尽量少吃巧克力。

联想 avoidable(adj.可回避的)unavoidable(adj.不可回避的)

☆☆awake1 / weIk/ adj.(不用在名词前)醒着的:She was still only half awake when I brought her a cup of coffee.当我给她拿来一杯咖啡时,她还只是处在半梦半醒状态。

联想 asleep(反)

awake2 / weIk / v.(awoke,awoken)醒来;唤醒:It was midday when she suddenly awoke.她突然醒来时已是中午了。/This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock.今早我是被闹钟闹醒的。

☆☆award / wd/ n.[C]奖;奖品;奖金:She won the first award in the writing competition.她获得了写作比赛一等奖。

☆☆aware / we/ adj.(不用在名词前)知道;意识到;发觉


1.be aware of sth:She was not aware of having done wrong.她没有意识到做错了事。 2.be aware + thatclause:I am well aware that this is a tough job.我深知这是一件棘手的工作。

联想 awareness(n.)unaware(反)

☆☆away / weI/ adv.

1.离开:He hasnt been away from home before.以前他从没有离开过家。 2.不在;外出:Harry is away from home.哈里不在家。

3.隔开??远;尚有??时间:The nearest hotel is two miles away.最近的旅馆离这里有两英里。/Christmas is only a week away.到圣诞节只有一周了。

awesome / sm/ adj.使人敬畏的;可怕的:an awesome thunderstorm 一场令人恐惧的暴风雨

☆☆awful / fl/ adj.很坏的;极讨厌的;可怕的:an awful accident 一场可怕的事故/The film was absolutely awful.这部电影简直糟透了。

联想 awfully(极;非常地)

awkward / kwd/ adj.

1.令人尴尬:I felt very awkward.我觉得很尴尬。

2.难应付的;棘手的:He put me in a very awkward position.他把我弄得很狼狈。 3.笨拙的:I was always an awkward dancer.我跳舞一向是笨手笨脚的。

Day 8 Bb

☆☆baby /beIbI/ n.[C]婴儿:She has a fivemonthold baby.她有一个五个月大的婴儿。

联想 babyish(adj.孩子气的)

bachelor / btl/ n.[C]

1.未婚男子;单身汉:He remained a bachelor all his life.他终生未娶。 2.学士:a bachelors degree 学士学位

☆☆back1 /bk/ adv.回(原处);向后:Put that book back where you found it! 把书放回原处。

☆☆back2 / bk/ n.[C]背后;后部;背:My feet were sore and my back was aching.我脚痛背疼。

☆☆back3 / bk/ adj.后面的:We left by the back door.我们是从后门离开的。

☆background / bkrand/ n. 1.[C,U]背景:This is a photo of my cousin,with our house in the background.这是我表弟的照片,背景是我们家。 2.[C]个人背景;出身:He has a workingclass background.他出身于工薪阶层家庭。

☆☆backward(s) / bkwd(z)/ adv.向后:You have put your hat on backwards.你把帽子戴反了。

联想 forward(s)(反)

bacon /beIkn/ n.[U]咸猪肉;熏猪肉:We had bacon and eggs for breakfast.我们早餐吃的熏肉和鸡蛋。

bacterium / bktIrIm/ n.(通常用复数bacteria)细菌:The bacterium possibly goes in the human body by the mouth.细菌可能通过口进入人体。

☆☆bad / bd/ adj.(worse,worst)

1.不好的;差的:This is the worst movie Ive ever seen.这是我看过的最差的电影。 2.有害的;不利的:Too much salt can be bad for you.吃太多盐对你有害无益。

3.严重的:He is recovering from a bad accident.他从一次严重的事故中渐渐康复。4。不胜任的:He is a bad teacher.他是一个不称职的老师。

联想 badly(adv.)badness(n.)

badminton / bdmIntn/ n.[U]羽毛球(运动):We go to play badminton in the nearest gym every Sunday.每个星期天我们都去最近的体育馆打羽毛球。

☆☆bag / b/ n.[C]书包;提包;袋子:a paper bag 一个纸袋/a plastic bag一个塑料袋

baggage / bId/ n.行李:We put all our baggage in the car.我们把所有的行李都放在车上。

bakery / beIkrI/ n.[C]面包店:He works at a bakery.他在一家面包房工作。

☆balance / blns/ n.[U]平衡:I lost my balance and fell off the bike.我失去平衡从自行车上摔了下来。

balcony / blknI/ n.[C]阳台:You can see the sea from our balcony.从我们的阳台,你可以看到大海。

☆☆ball / bl/ n.[C].

1.球;球状物:to kick a ball 踢球/meat ball肉丸子

2.舞会:The girls all dressed beautifully at the ball.舞会上姑娘们全都穿得很漂亮。

ballet / bleI/ n.[C,U]芭蕾舞(艺术):My niece has practiced ballet for six years.我侄女已练了六年芭蕾舞了。

balloon / blun/ n.[C]气球:to blow up a ballon 吹气球/We are going to hang balloons around the room for the party.我们要在举行晚会的房间里挂满气球。

bamboo / bmbu/ n.[C,U]竹:bamboo shoots 竹笋/This armchair is made of bamboo.这个扶手椅是用竹子做成的。

ban1 / bn/ n.[C]禁令;禁止:There is a ban on smoking in the theatre.这剧院内禁止吸烟。

ban2 / bn/ vt.禁止;取缔:Smoking is banned in the building.大楼内禁止吸烟。

banana / bnn/ n.[C,U]香蕉:two bunches of bananas两串香蕉

☆☆band / bnd/ n.[C]乐队:form a jazz band 组成一个爵士乐队

bandage / bndId/ n.[C]绷带:He twisted a bandage around his injured arm.他给他受伤的手臂缠上了绷带。

☆☆bank / bk/ n.[C]

1.银行:banknote 钞票/I keep my money in a bank.我的钱存在一家银行里。 2.(河、湖的)岸;堤:The town stands on the left bank of the river.城镇位于河的左岸。

☆☆bar / b/ n.[C] 1.酒吧:a public bar公众酒吧

2.条;长方块:a bar of soap 一条肥皂/a chocolate bar 一块巧克力

barbecue / bbIkju/ n.[C]烧烤野餐;烧烤聚会:Well have a barbecue this Friday.这星期五我们要举行烧烤聚会。

barber / bb/ n.[C](为男人理发的)理发师:I had my hair cut at the barbers(shop).我在理发店里理了发。

barbershop / bbp/ n.[美][C]理发店

bare / be/ adj.

1.赤裸的:The child was bare to the waist.那孩子打赤膊。

2.空荡无物的:It was a room bare of furniture.那是一个空无家具的房间。

bargain1/ bIn/ n.[C]廉价商品;便宜货:The shoes were a real bargain at only 90 yuan.这双鞋很便宜,才90元。

bargain2 / bIn/ vi.讨价还价:She bargained with the butcher over the price.她与肉店老板讲价钱。

bark1 /bk/ v.(狗)吠:Barking dogs seldom bite.吠狗不咬人(真人不露相)。[谚]

bark2 / bk/ n.[C](狗等)叫声:His bark is worse than his bite.他脾气坏,但心地不坏 [刀子嘴豆腐心]。

barrier / brI/ n.[C]

1.屏障;障碍:They soon overcame the language barrier.不久他们便克服了语言上的障碍。 2. 关卡: Show your ticket at the barrier.请在检票处出示票以备查验。

☆☆base / beIs/ n.[C] 1.基地;根据地;总部:Their companys base is in Shanghai,but they have branches all over the country.他们公司的总部在上海,但是全国各地都有分公司。

2.底部;底座:There is a small door at the base of the tower.塔的底部有一个小门。

baseball / beIsbl/ n.

1.[U]棒球运动:Baseball is very popular among Americans.棒球运动很受美国人的欢迎。 2.[C]棒球

basement / beIsmnt/ n.[C]地下室:The cabbages were stored in the basement.包心菜储藏在地下室里。

☆☆basic / beIsIk/ adj.基本的;主要的:basic information基本的信息/basic idea主要的想法

联想 basically(adv.)

basin / beIsn/ n.(水、汤)盆;脸盆: a basin of water 一盆水

☆☆basis / beIsIs/ n.[C]基础;基点:The video will provide a basis for class discussion.这段录像将成为下次课堂讨论的中心议题。

☆basket / bskIt/ n.[C]篮子:a shopping basket 购物篮子/a wastepaper basket 字纸篓

basketball / bskItbl/ n. 1.[U]篮球运动:The basketball match was exciting.那次篮球赛真激动人心。 2.[C]篮球

bat / bt/ n.[C]

1.球拍;球棒:I want to buy a new tennis bat.我想买一个新网球拍。 2.蝙蝠

☆☆bath / b/ n.[C] 洗澡;澡盆:take a hot bath洗个热水澡

bathe / beI/ v.洗澡:I bathed,washed my hair,and got dressed.我洗了澡,洗了头,穿好衣服。

☆bathroom / brum/ n.[C] 1.浴室:the room with a bathroom带浴室的屋子

2.卫生间:The old man really needs to go to the bathroom.那位老人的确需要去上厕所。

bathtub / btb/ n.[C]浴缸;澡盆:clean out a bathtub 清洗浴缸

battery / btrI/ n.[C]电池:My car battery has run down.我汽车上的电池


Day 9

☆battle / btl/ n.[C,U]战斗;战役;交战:Her son was killed in battle.他的儿子死在战场上。

bay / beI/ n.[C]海湾;水湾:In a small bay big waves will never build up.在小的港湾里,永远也不会形成大的波涛。

BC / bisi/ n.公元前:in 221 BC公元前221年

提示BC 是英国英语;B.C.是美国英语。

☆☆be /bi;bI/ v.是(原形),其人称和时态形式有(am,is,are,was,were,being,been)

☆beach / bit/ n.[C]海滨;海滩:They are vacationing at the beach.他们正在海滨度假。

bean / bin/ n.[C]豆;蚕豆:green beans 青豆

bean curd / bin kd/ n.[C]豆腐:Bean curd is now regarded as a healthful diet.豆腐现在被认为是健康食品。

☆☆bear1 / be/ v.(bore,borne)忍受;承受;承担:to bear the pain忍受疼痛/I dont feel very well.I cant bear this weather.我感到不太舒服。我受不了这种天气。

bear2 / be/ n.[C]熊

beard / bId/ n.[C]胡须;山羊胡:The man with a beard looks familiar.蓄山羊胡的那个人看上去很面熟。

联想 bearded(adj.有胡须的)beardless(adj.无胡须的)

beast / bist/ n.[C]走兽;牲畜:a wild beast野兽

☆☆beat1 /bit/ v.(beat,beaten)

1.打;揍:He beat his son for lying.他因为他的儿子说谎而揍他。 2.打赢:Our team beat Japan 31.我们队以3比1 战胜了日本队。 3.敲打:The rain was beating against the windows.雨点敲打着窗户。 4.跳动:We could feel his heart beating.我们能摸到他的心跳。

beat2 / bit/ n.[C]敲击声:the beat of a drum 击鼓声

☆☆beautiful / bjutfl/ adj.美丽;美妙的:What beautiful music! 多美妙的音乐啊!/A beautiful view greeted us.美丽的景色呈现在我们面前。

联想 pretty(同)ugly(反)

☆beauty / bjutI/ n. 1.[U ]美;美丽:The whole area is famous for its outstanding natural beauty.整个地区以其天然的优美景色而著称。/Beauty lies in the loves eyes.情人眼里出西施。[谚] 2.[C]美人:She was a famous beauty in her youth.她年轻时是个有名的美人。

联想 beautify(v.美化)

☆☆because / bIkz/ conj.因为:I decided to go with them,mainly because I had nothing better to do.我决定和他们一起去,主要是因为我没有什么更好的事要做。

习语 because of 因为;由于:We didnt enjoy the day because of the awful weather.因为天气不好,我们今天过得不怎么样。

☆☆become / bIkm/ v.(became,become)变得;成为:Pollution from cars has become a major problem.汽车污染已经成为一个大问题。/The weather became warmer.气候转暖。

☆☆bed / bed/ n.[C,U]床:Tom lay in bed thinking about the meeting next day.汤姆躺在床上考虑第二天的会议。


1. go to bed 去睡觉:You should go to bed early tonight.今晚你应该早点上床睡觉。 2. get out of bed 起床:I was too tired to get out of bed.我累得起不了床。 3. make the bed铺床:Have you made the bed? 你整理床铺了吗?

bedding / bedI/ n.[U]卧具;铺盖:Apart from clothes and bedding,I have nothing.我除了衣物被褥之外一无所有。

☆☆bedroom / bedrm; bdrum/ n.[C]寝室;卧室:a twobedroom apartment 一套有两间卧室的公寓

bee / bi/ n.[C]蜜蜂:He is as busy as a bee.他忙得团团转。

beef / bif/ n.牛肉:I like beef better than pork.相比猪肉我更喜欢牛肉。

☆beer / bI/ n.[C,U]啤酒:a can of beer 一罐啤酒

☆☆before1 /bIf/ conj.

1.在??之前:Check it carefully before you hand in your composition.交作文之前要仔细核对一下。

2.直到?? 时:It took a few moments before I realized that he was lying.过了好一会我才意识到他在说谎。

☆☆before2 / bIf/ prep.

1.在??以前:the day before yesterday前天/Pride comes before a fall.骄必败。/I usually take a shower before having my breakfast.我通常先洗澡再吃早餐。 2.在(某人[某物])前面:The task before us is not an easy one.我们面临的任务可不轻。 3.在(某人)面前:She said it before her headmaster.她是当着校长的面说的。

☆☆before3 / bIf/ adv.以前:Ive never seen him before.我从来没有见过他。

beg / be/ v.

1.乞讨:The blind man begged for a living.那个盲人以乞讨为生。

2.请求;乞求;央求:She ran to the nearest house and begged for help.她跑向最近的房子请求帮助。


1. beg to do sth恳求:He begged to come with us.他恳求与我们同来。/He begged to be excused.他恳求原谅。

2. beg sb to do sth恳求;央求:We begged Helen not to go,but she wouldnt listen.我们恳求海伦不要去,但她不听。

联想 beggar(n.乞丐)

☆☆begin /bIIn/ v.(began,begun)开始;着手:The concert began at 8 p.m.音乐会晚上八时开始。


1. begin to do sth 开始:Im beginning to feel cold.我渐渐感觉到冷了。

2. begin doing sth 开始:She began learning English at five.她5岁时开始学英语。

习语 begin with 以??开始:You should begin with this book.你应该先读这本书。

联想 beginner(n.)end(反)

behalf / bIhf/ n.利益;援助:We collected money in/on behalf of the homeless.我们为帮助无家可归者筹集资金。

习语 on behalf of 代表??:On behalf of my colleagues and myself I thank you.我代表我的同事以及我自己向你表示谢意。

☆behave / bIheIv/ v.表现;行为:Some children behaved well but some others behaved badly.有些孩子表现好,有些表现不好。

习语 behave oneself 守规矩:I told them to behave themselves.我让他们好好表现。

联想 misbehave(v.行为不端)

☆☆behaviour / bIheIvj/ n.[U]行为:举止:What bad behaviour! 表现真糟!

☆☆behind1 /bIhaInd/ prep.

1.在??后面:Now you can put all these worries behind you.现在你可以放下所有的烦恼。 2.迟于;晚于:The train is 20 minutes behind the schedule.火车比预定时间晚点20分钟。 3.落后于;不如:Im far behind the rest of my class in maths.我的数学远不如班上的其他同学。

4.作??后盾;支持:Im behind you completely.我完全支持你。

☆☆behind2 / bIhaInd/ adv. 1.在后面;向后:This work should have been finished yesterday.Im getting terribly behind.这工作我本该昨天完成,可现在是远远落后了。 2.(留)在原处;(遗留)在后:I got off the taxi and left my mobile phone behind.我下了出租车,但把手机遗留在车上了。

