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本试卷分第I卷(选择题,共90分)和第II卷(非选择题,共60分)两部分。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生务必认真核对条形码上的姓名、准考证号和座位号,准确无误后将本人姓名、


2. 答选择题时,必须使用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮


3. 答题时,必须使用黑色签字笔,将答案规范、整洁地书写在答题卡规定的位置上; 4. 所有题目必须在答题卡上作答,在试卷上答题无效; 5. 考试结束后将答题卡交回,不得折叠、损毁答题卡。

第I卷 (选择题,共90分)


第一节:语法和词汇知识(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 1. Try on this red skirt; you will look great ________ it.

A. on B. by C. in D. for

2. Some people fear that _______ air pollution may bring about changes in _______ weather

around the world.

A. /; the B. the; / C. an; the D. the; a

3. Bill suggested ________a meeting on what to do for the activities during the vacation. A. having held B. to hold C. holding D. hold 4. —Poor Steve! I could hardly recognize him just now! —_______. He has changed so much.

A. Never mind B. No problem C. Not at all D. Me neither

5. — Is there possibility _______ you could pick me up at the airport? — No problem.

A. when B. that C. whether D. which 6. — Do you want a lift home?

—It’s very kind of you, but I have to work late in the office. I overslept this morning because my alarm clock __________.

A. doesn’t go off B. won’t go off C. wasn’t going off D. didn’t go off

7. A notice was ________ in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time. A. sent up B. given up C. set up D. put up 8.—Do you have enough to ________ all your daily expenses? —Oh, yes, enough and to spare.

A. cover B. spend C. fill D. offer 9. Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away ________.

A. fleeing the thief B. was fleeing the thief C. the thief was fleeing D. fled the thief

10. _________, the pay isn’t attractive enough, though the job itself is quite interesting. A. Generally speaking B. On the contrary C. In particular D. To be honest

第二节 :完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)


The requirements for high school graduation have just changed in my community. As a result, all students must 11 sixty hours of service learning, 12 they will not receive a diploma. Service learning is academic learning that also helps the community. 13 of service learning include cleaning up a polluted river, working in a soup kitchen, or tutoring a student. 14 a service experience, students must keep a journal and then write a 15 about what they have learned.

Supporters claim that there are many 16 of service learning. Perhaps most importantly, students are forced to think 17 their own interests and become 18 of the needs of others. Students are also able to learn real-life skills that 19 responsibility, problem-solving, and working as part of a team. 20 , students can explore possible careers 21 service learning. For example, if a student wonders what teaching is like, he or she can choose to work in an elementary school classroom a few afternoons each month.

22 there are many benefits, opponents 23 problems with the new requirement. First, they 24 that the main reason students go to school is to learn core subjects and skills. Because service learning is time-consuming, students spend 25 time studying the core subjects. Second, they believe that forcing students to work without 26 goes against the law. By requiring service, the school takes away an individual’s freedom to choose.

In my view, service learning is a great way to 27 to the community, learn new skills, and explore different careers. 28_ , I don’t believe you should force people to help others—the 29 to help must come from the heart. I think the best 30 is one that gives students choices: a student should be able to choose sixty hours of independent study or sixty hours of service. Choice encourages both freedom and responsibility, and as young adults, we must learn to handle both wisely.

11. A. spend B. gain C. complete D. save 12. A. and B. or C. but D. for

13. A. Subjects B. Ideas C. Procedures D. Examples 14. A. With B. Before C. During D. After 15. A. diary B. report C. note D. notice 16. A. courses B. benefits C. challenges D. features 17. A. beyond B. about C. over D. in 18. A. careful B. proud C. tired D. aware 19. A. possess B. apply C. include D. develop 20. A. Gradually B. Finally C. Luckily D. Hopefully 21. A. through B. across C. of D. on 22. A. So B. Thus C. Since D. While 23. A. deal with B. look into C. point out D. take down 24. A. argue B. doubt C. overlook D. admit 25. A. much B. full C. less D. more 26. A. cost B. pay C. care D. praise 27. A. contribute B. appeal C. attend D. belong 28. A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. Besides D. However 29. A. courage B. desire C. emotion D. spirit 30. A. decision B. purpose C. solution D. result

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,25小题;每小题2分,满分50分)

第一节 阅读短文(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


A When women sit together to watch a movie on TV, they usually talk simultaneously(同时地)about a variety of subjects, including children, men, careers and what’ s happening in their lives. When groups of men and women watch a movie together, the men usually end up telling the women to shut up. Men can either talk or watch the screen -- they can’ t do both -- and they don’ t understand that women can. Besides, women consider that the point of all getting together is to have a good time and develop relationships -- not just to sit there like couch potatoes staring at the screen.

During the ad breaks, a man often asks a woman to explain the plot and tell him where the relationship between the characters is going. He is unable, unlike women, to read the subtle body language signals that reveal how the characters are feeling emotionally. Since women originally spent their days with the other women and children in the group, they developed the ability to communicate successfully in order to maintain relationships. For a woman, speech continues to have such a clear purpose: to build relationships and make friends. For men, to talk is to relate the facts.

Men see the telephone as a communication tool for sending facts and information to other people, but a woman sees it as a means of bonding. A woman can spend two weeks on vacation with her girlfriend and, when she returns home, telephone the same girlfriend and talk for another two hours.

There is no convincing evidence that social conditioning, the fact that girls’ mothers talked to them more, is the reason why girls talk more than boys. Psychiatrist Dr Michael Lewis, author Social Behaviour and Language Acquisition, conducted experiments that found mothers talked to and looked at, baby girls more often than baby boys. Scientific evidence shows parents respond to the brain bias of their children. Since a girl’ s brain is better organized to send and receive speech ,

we therefore talk to them more. Consequently, mothers who try to talk to their sons are usually pointed to receive only short grunts in reply.

31. While watching TV with others, women usually talk a lot because they____________. A. are afraid of awkward silence with their families and friends B. can both talk and watch the screen at the same time C. think they can have a good time and develop relationships D. have to explain the plot and body language to their husbands

32. After a vacation with her girlfriend, a woman would talk to her again on the phone for hours in order to ___________

A. experience the happy time again B. keep a close tie with her

C. recommend her a new scenic spot D. remind her of something forgotten

33. What does the author want to tell us most?

A. Women’ s brains are better organized for language and communication B. Women love to talk because they are more sociable than men. C. Men do not like talking because they rely more on facts.

D. Social conditioning is not the reason why women love talking. 34. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. Women Are Socially Trained to Talk B. Talking Maintains Relationships C. Women Love to Talk

D. Men Talk Differently from Women

B 237 West Palmdale Boulevard Fresno , Califormia937 AmToy Corporation Suite 15 TransAm Building November 20, 2008 Dear Sirs, As a concerned parent, I am writing to protest your recent advertisement for Electro—Robo seen in local media in California. Specifically, I am referring to newspaper and magazine ads(attached to this letter)and published the week of November 15. Children to your type of advertising in an immature way; that is, they are unable to understand how expensive some toys are for middle-class parent. Further more, your product is violent in nature. Youth advertisement gives children the impression that it’s fine to have “two guns and laser eyes.” You also suggest that children need your toy to protect them “when you go outside.” This is not a healthy attitude for children to have. I hope you will stop advertising your product in such a way that may harm our children. Sincerely yours, (Mrs. ) Alma Hernandez Enc. It’s here! Ready for You, Now! It’s Electro-Robo! Every boy dreams of being in control of a robot, and AmToy can make your dream come true Electro-Robo is the world’s first fully automatic robot with radio control. Standing 80 centimeters tall, Electro-Robo is like a friend at home, He can walk, talk, and even shake your hand! He has two guns and laser eyes to help you defend yourself when you go outside with him. Every boy needs Electro-Robo ! Ask your Mom and Dad to buy Electro-Robo for your birthday or for Christmas, which is coming up soon. Imagine that you are in control of your friend for life, Electro-Robo! Available at all toy stores and department stores NOW! 35. What is the purpose the letter?

A. To complain about a broken toy. B. To oppose the advertising. C. To order a gift for Chrisman. D. To apply for a job in a toy company. 36. Why does the writer of the letter think that Electro-Robo is violent? A. It is control to radio water. B. It is expensive to buy. C. It is 80 centimeter D. It bears arms. 37. What dose “Enc.” at the end of the letter mean?

A. Something attached to the letter. B. A complaint to the toy company. C. A hidden message D. An encouraging response.

38. Electro-Robo can do all the following EXCEPT .

A. sitting down B. shaking hands C. talking D. walking


I was waiting for a phone call from my agent. He had left a message the night before, telling me that my show was to be cancelled. I called him several times, but each time his secretary told me that he was in a meeting and that he would call me later. So I waited and waited, but there was still no call. Three hours passing by. I became more and more impatient. I was certain that my agent didn’t care about my work, and he didn’t care about me. I was overcome with that thought. I started to shout at the phone, “Let me wait, will you? Who do you think you are?”

At that time I didn’t realize my wife was looking on. Without showing her surprise, she rushed in, seized the phone, tore off the wires, and shouted at the phone, “Yeah! Who do you think you are? Bad telephone! Bad telephone! ” And she swept it into the wastebasket.

I stood watching her, speechless . What on earth…?

She stepped to the doorway and shouted at the rest of the house, “Now hear this! All objects in this room---if you do anything to upset my husband , out you go!”

Then she turned to me, kissed me, and said calmly, “Honey, you just have to learn how to take control. ” With that, she left the room.

After watching a crazy woman rushing in and out, shouting at everything in sight, I noticed that something in my mood had changed. I was laughing. How could I have trouble with that phone? Her


单选:(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 1~5 CACDB 6~10 DDADD


11~15 CBDCB 16~20 BADCB 21~25 ADCAC 26~30 BADBC


31-34. CBAC 35-38. BDAA 39-42. BDAB 43-47. BACAB 48-50 BBC 补全对话 FBAEG


My father and I stayed at the South Lake Hotel for a week when we visit Beijing last month. visited

It is in the downtown area, but it is easy to go to anywhere from the hotel by public transport. so/and 去掉to

We lived in a comfortably double-room with a big bath. What I liked best were the Comfortable was

free high-speed Internet connection in the room. I checked my email messages every day. I also shared for my friends many photos taking in Beijing. The food was wonderful with

with taken

reasonable prices, and we enjoyed several local dish. dishes

It is such ∧ great hotel that I would recommend it to any friend of me who is going to Beijing. a mine


56. Enjoy your life/Set your spirit free/ Try to relax yourself/ Give yourself a relaxation 57. The reward for being rich in these blessings is a fulfilled and peaceful life. 58. no progress/make no progress/achieve nothing/do nothing 59.略

60.我们每个人都具备无限的潜能去实现我们的目标 ——甚至那些看起来遥不可及的目标。

书面表达 (35分)


1. 参加英语角的益处; 2. 坚持写英语日记的作用;

3. 英文阅读网站(EnjoyReading)对你的帮助。 参考范文:

My experience of learning English after class

I'm glad that I have won the first prize in the English Contest, which completely contributes to my after-class English learning.

I often take part in the English Corner and practice speaking English. There are many participants in the corner and we can talk about any topics in English. By doing this, I have improved my pronunciation and intonation. Most important of all, I have conquered my shyness and timidness. I can talk to anybody boldly in English. So I didn't feel nervous in the contest at all.

At the same time I insist on keeping diaries in English every day. I will try my best to bring what I have learnt to use. Thus my knowledge has been reviewed and enlarged. I also visit English reading websites to read much. Learning English depends on reading widely and largely. Those sites provide many English articles of all levels and I can find appropriate ones to read. The dictionary in the computer can help me deal with the new vocabulary quickly. Therefore I benefit much from the reading.

Above are my three main learning methods of learning English after class. They are helpful and convenient to me. I hope they are also beneficial for you.

