新版牛津8A Unit3 重点词组和句子归纳

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8A Unit 3单元复习


1.climb a hill爬山 2.come on来吧;赶快 3.as high as a real one与真的一样高 4.enjoy oneself玩得愉快 5.take a boat trip乘船旅行 6.having a great time玩得开心

7.take care保重 8.the top of??的顶部 9. 90 feet wide 90英尺宽

10be made of由?制成11.do fine过的很好

12. join their school trip to the World Park加入他们学校去世界公园的旅行 13.on the way在路上 14.a little boring有一点乏味 15.arrive at/in到达

16.can't wait to do sth.迫不及待地去做某事 17.get off下车 18.more than超过,多于 19. place of interest景点 20.all over the world全世界

21.not believe one's eyes 22.on the Internet 23.home page主页 24.for yourselves为你自己,你亲自 25.by oneself独立地,独自 26.pull oneself up the rocks攀岩 27.hurt oneself伤着某人自己

28.keep the secret to themselves他们之间相互保密 29.get to the final进入决赛 30.take place进行,发生 31.cheer for为??欢呼

32.get on上车 33.in the final在决赛中

34.a 20-minute period for the players to rest 一个20分钟长的时间段让运动员们休息 35.groups of 30 30人一组

36.the biggest city square in the world世界上最大城市广场37. plan a day out计划外出一天 38.go back to回到?? 三、重点句子及点拨

1.You need to exercise and keep fit.你需要运动来保持健康。

(1) need作名词时,构成短语in need。作行为动词时有人称和数的变化,后接不定式、名词或代词作宾语,作情态动词时无人称和数的变化,后接动词原形,这种用法多用于否定句。如:He needs to study hard. We should help people in need. You needn't finish it today

(2) keep fit=keep healthy=stay fit/healthy意为“保持健康”。

2. Well, this hill isn't as high as a real one! 好的,这座山没有像真的一样高。


She sings as well as Millie.她唱歌与米莉一样好。This book isn't as interesting as that one. =This book is less interesting than that one.


=That book is more interesting than this one. 这本书没有那本书有趣。

3. Come on, Hobo. Let's enjoy ourselves! 快点,霍波。咱们玩得开心点吧! (1) come on意为“来吧;赶快”。如: Come on! We'll be late for school. 快点!我们上学要迟到了。

(2) enjoy oneself=have a good time=have fun=play happily意为“玩得高兴,过得愉快”,其中反身代词oneself要与主语保持一致。如:

He enjoyed himself at the party.玩得很开心。

4. We're sitting in a little coffee shop by the River Seine.我们坐在塞纳河边小咖啡馆里。

by?意为“在??旁边(比beside,near近)”。如:Come and warm yourself by the fire.过来烤烤火。 5. How wide is the bridge? It's 90 feet wide.这桥多宽呀?90英尺宽。

wide作形容词,意为“宽广的,广阔的”。作副词,意为“充分地,张得很大地”。可用来询问或表达物体的宽度。如:a wide road/river 一条宽阔的马路/河流(形容词) Open your mouth wide.张大你的嘴。(副词)

6.The bridge is made of steel,isn't it?这桥是用钢造的,是吗? be made of意为“由??制成”,后接可看得出来原材料的物质。如: Our desks are made of wood and metal. 我们的书桌是用木头和金属制成的。

be made from意为“由??制成”,但其后接看不出来原材料的物质。如: A book is made from wood.书是由木制成的。

7.And it weighs over 100,000 tons.它的重量超过100,000吨。

此处的over是介词,意为“超过,多余”,相当于more than,还可意为“悬在??上”;作副词则意为“结束,完了”。如:

There is a stone bridge over the river. 在那条河上有一座石桥。(介词) Class is over.下课。(副词)

8. Yesterday Kitty's teacher Mr Wu invited me to join their school trip to the World Park.

(1) invite sb. to do sth.意为“邀请某人做某事”;invite sb. to sp.意为“邀请某人去某地”。如:We should invite more people to take part in the show.

He invited me to his house for supper.

(2) join意为“参加”,多指加入某组织,如政党、社会团体等,并成为其中的一员。join sb. in/doing sth.指和某人一起做某事。join in?=take part in?指参加某活动。attend意为“参加,出席”,多指参加或出席婚礼、葬礼或颁奖仪式等。如:He joined the tennis club. 他参加了网球兴趣小组。

He joined in the game.他参与了这个游戏。

Did you take part in your school sports meeting?你参加校运动会了吗? We will attend his son's wedding tomorrow. 明天我们将参加他儿子的婚礼。

9. It took us about two hours to get there by bus. 乘汽车去那儿约花了我们两小时的时间。

(1) It takes sb. some time to do sth.意为:做某事需要花费某人一些时间。


=sb. spends some time doing sth.替换。所以此句就相当于:We spent about two hours getting there by bus. (2) get there意为“到达那儿”。get to=reach=arrive at/in,当“到达”的宾语是副词there,here,home时,常省去介词to/in/at。

10. There was a lot of traffic on the way and the journey was a little boring.在途中交通很拥挤,并且旅程有点无聊。

(1)a lot of traffic= heavy traffic= busy traffic意为“交通拥挤”,作主语时谓语动词用单数。 (2) on the way意为“在途中”,后可接介词to,表示“在去某地的途中”。如: I met Jim on my way to school. 在我上学的路上我遇到了吉姆。

(3) boring意为“乏味的,无聊的”,它多用来修饰事物;它的另一个形容词bored则多用来描述人的感受。类似的几对形容词有:interesting/interested, surprising/surprised, amazing/amazed, exciting/excited等。如: I feel bored when I read boring books. 当我看乏味的书籍时我会感到枯燥无味。 11. We finally arrived at the park.

12. All of us couldn't wait to get off the bus.我们所有人都迫不及待地下了公共汽车。

(1) can't wait to do sth.意为“迫不及待地去做某事”。如:The children can't wait to eat the whole cake. (2) get on/off意为“上、下(车、船等)”,on与off都是介词,故当它们的宾语无论是名词还是代词,都放在on/off后。如:

The bus is coming. Let's get on it. 公共汽车来了,咱们上车。

而“上、下”小汽车或电梯,则用get into和get out of。如:When the car stopped, we got out of it and went into the house.


13. There are models of more than a hundred places of interest from all over the world.有来自全世界的超过一百个景点的模型。

(1) places of interest=interesting places意为“有趣的地方;名胜,景点”。注意此处的interest无复数,interest意为“令人感兴趣的事或人”。interest还可表示“兴趣”,常用的短语有:show/have interest in sth./doing sth. =be interested in sth. /doing sth.对??做某事感兴趣。如:

I was interested in collecting stamps when I was a child.我小时候就对集邮感兴趣了。 (2) all over the world意为“全世界”。

14.Go and see for yourselves!你亲自去看看吧!for oneself,by oneself,of oneself的区别: (1) for oneself意为“亲自地,为自己”。如: One should not live only for oneself. 人不应单为自己而活。

(2)by oneself= on one's own= alone意为“独自;单独地,靠自己地”。如: His father lives by himself in the village. 他的父亲独自一个人住在村里。

(3) of oneself意为“自然地,自发地,自动地”。如:The door opened (of) itself.门是自己开的。 15. Linda and Kitty went to the World Park by themselves.琳达和基蒂独自去了世界公园。 by 'oneself意为“独自,单独”,相当于on one's own/alone=without anybody else。 16. The bus is as comfortable as those in the USA.

that和those作指示代词,代替前面所提的同名异物中的特定事物,以避免重复,等于“the+前面那个名词”,that指代单数名词,those指代复数名词,相当于the ones。this和these则不能用于这种句型。如:This house


is larger than that of my younger brother.这房比我弟弟的要大。 The ears of a rabbit are longer than those of a cat.

17. Simon is trying to pull himself up the rocks. 西蒙正尽力向上攀爬呢。 pull himself up the rocks攀岩,向上攀爬”。

18.Come and cheer for our team! 来为我们队欢呼吧!

cheer for意为“为??喝彩叫好,为??鼓劲加油”。如:Let's go to the football game and cheer for our favourite team. 四、语法 1.as?as结构

(1)在否定句中,第一个as也可换成so。如: He doesn't study as/so hard as his brother.

(2)在该结构的两个as之间通常接形容词或副词的原级,但若涉及数量或程度,可用“as much+不可数名词+as”和“as many+可数名词复数+as”。如: You've made as many mistakes as I have. 2.反身代词

①反身代词不能单独作主语或宾语,但是它可以作主语或宾语的同位语,放在主语或宾语后或句末。如:The story itself is very interesting. ②反身代词可以作介词的宾语。如: she learnt it all by herself.她自学的。

③反身代词作动词的宾语。一般放在像这样的动词的后面:enjoy,help,hurt,teach,wash,look after,get dressed,buy等。如:

Did you enjoy yourselves at the weekend? 你们周末玩得开心吗? ④反身代词可以作表语。如:

I'm not quite myself today.我今天情绪不好。


