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- 平衡计分卡的四个维度推荐度:
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Example BSC KPI's & Cascaded MeasuresS BSC Perspective KPI's and Cascaded Measures
KPMG Consulting, Confidential Type
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning
Access to sufficient information to do the job well Active encouragement to be creative and use initiative Average age of company patents (#) Average age of employees (#) Average age of full time or permanent employees (#) Average customer age (#) Average customer duration with company (months) (#) Average customer education (#) Average customer income (#) Average employee years of service with company (#) Average sales per salesperson Average years with company of full time or permanent employees (#) Average years with company of full time temporary employees (#) Business development expense / administrative expense (%) Capacity of EDI system (#) Certifications per Employee Company managers with advanced degrees: business (%), science and engineering (%), liberal arts (%) Competence development expense / employee (#) Connectivity (Computer Network) with Customers, Suppliers, etc. Cost of Benefits Cross Disciplinary Projects (#) Cross Silo Transfers (#) Cross Training Customer base (#) Direct communications to customer / year (#) Diversity Documentation Index (promptness, timeliness, accuracy) Employee Attitude Employee Integrity Employee Job Satisfaction (Survey of the following...)\ Employee Morale Employee Satisfaction Employee Satisfaction (attitudes of the workforce (survey)) Employee Skill Mix Page 1
Lag Lag
Lag Lag Lag
Learning KPIs
KPMG Consulting, Confidential
Example BSC KPI's & Cascaded MeasuresS 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 BSC Perspective Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning KPI's and Cascaded Measures Employee suggestions implemented (#) Employee suggestions made (#) Employee Turnover (# or %) Employee Turnover of full time permanent employees (annual) (#) Employee Turnover Rate (Annual) Employee/Supervisor Ratio Employee’s view (empowerment index) Empowerment index (#) Ethical Behavior Ethical Behavior - # Salespeople disciplined for lying Full time or permanent employees who spend less than 50% of work hours at a corporate facility (#) Industry development investment ($) Information Cost Information Ratio (computer costs, library services, consulting, subscriptions, courier services) Internal Audit Internal/External Staff
Turnover Rate Investment in new product support and training ($) Involvement with decisions IT development expense / IT expense (%) IT expenses on training / IT expense (%) Key employees aligned to strategic BSC objectives (awareness and/or goals) (%) Key staff Turnover Leadership index (#) Marketing expense / customer ($) Morale Motivation index (#) New market development investment ($) New product related expense / customer / year ($) Number of directors (#) Number of employees (#) Number of full time or permanent employees(#) Number of full time temporary employees (#) Number of managers (#) Number of part time employees or non full time contractors (#), average duration of contract (#) Number of women directors (#) Number of women managers (#) Organizational Openness: Percentage of wall less offices Page 2
KPMG Consulting, Confidential Type Lag Lag
Lead Lag
Learning KPIs
Example BSC KPI's & Cascaded MeasuresS 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 BSC Perspective Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning
KPMG Consulting, Confidential Type Lag
KPI's and Cascaded Measures Overall satisfaction with company Participative Management Participative Management - # People who remain on Quality Improvement Teams for a Significant Amount of Time Patents pending (#) Per capita annual cost of training and support programs for full-time temporary employees ($) Per capita annual cost of training, communication, and support programs ($) Per capita annual cost of training, communication, and support programs for full time permanent employees ($) Percent of customers with key attributes known Percent of strategic skills available Percent paid as incentive Percentage of full time permanent employees (%) Personal goal alignment (%) Processes achieving targeted rates of improvement (%) Quality Teams (#) R&D expense / administrative expense (%) R&D invested in basic research (%) R&D invested in processes (%) R&D invested in product design (%) R&D resources / total resources (%) Ratio of new products (less than 2 years old) to full company catalog (%) Ratio of new products (less than 2 years old) to product family (%) Recognition for doing a god job Responsibility: Percentage of Salaried Workers leaving more than one hour after closing Return on compensation (output per compensation) Revenue per employee (output per employee) Safety Results Satisfied employee index (#) Self Managed Teams Share of development hours (%) Share of employees below age 40 (%) Share of employees less than 40 years old (%) Share of training hours (%) Staff Development (vs plan) Staff Productivity Strategic I/T Availability (vs plan) Strategic information
availability ratio Page 3
Lag Lag
Lead Lead
Lag Lag Lag
Lead Lag Lead Lead 79992576.xls
Learning KPIs
Example BSC KPI's & Cascaded MeasuresS 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 BSC Perspective Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning
KPMG Consulting, Confidential Type Lead Lead
KPI's and Cascaded Measures Strategic Information Coverage Ratio (% processes with real time quality, cycle time and cost feedback available , % customer facing employees having on-line information about customers) Strategic Job Coverage Ratio (# employees qualified for specify strategic jobs relative to anticipated needs) dimension of skills, knowledge, attitudes Suggestions Suggestions implemented (will reveal the quality of the suggestions being made) (#) Suggestions per employee (improvements in cost, quality, time, performance, etc.) (#) Support level from staff functions Team Effectiveness Team Effectiveness: Attendance, absenteeism, turnover Team Effectiveness: Housekeeping and documentation discipline Team Effectiveness: Legitimate external boasting about accomplishments Team Effectiveness: Level at which certain decisions are made Team Effectiveness: Multijob capability and certification Team Effectiveness: Suggestions and modifications in process Team Effectiveness: Training intensity and skill retention Team Effectiveness: Utilization of assigned tools Time in training (days / year) (#) Training Competency Training Days (Formal) per Employee (Average Annual) Training expense / administrative expense (%) Training expense / employee ($) Training Hours Training Hours per person/year Training investment / customer ($) Trust: Median distance from boss’s office to subordinates’ offic Upgrades to EDI system ($) Value of EDI system ($) Wellness (cost of health) Workforce involved in Self Directed Teams (%)
Lead Lead Lag
5 5 5
Flexibility Flexibility Flexibility
Agility: # Joint Ventures Agility: # Virtual Organizations Agility: Connectivity (Computer Network) with Customers, Suppliers, etc. Page 4 79992576.xls
Learning KPIs
Example BSC KPI's & Cascaded MeasuresS 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 BSC Perspective Flexibility Flexibility Flexibility Flexibility Flexibility Flexibility Flexibility KPI's and Cascaded Measures Joint Ventures (#) Multiventuring Organizational Flexibility: Thickness of procedure or personnel manual Preparedness: Cycle Times Preparedness: Units of Equipment Preparedness: Units of People Virtual Organizations (#)
KPMG Consulting, Confidential Type
Learning KPIs
Page 5
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