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Unit 4 Rhetoric Translation
Lesson 15 Translation of Figures of Speech
1. Translation of Zeugma 靳梅林(1995: 248-250) Zeugma(轭式搭配法)
1 She dropped a tear and her pocket handkerceif.(Dickens) 她掉下了眼泪和手绢。
2 Mr Pockwick took his hat and his leave.(Dickens) 匹克威客先生拿起帽不辞而别。
3 She possessed two false teeth and a sympathetic heart.(O.Henry) 他有两颗假牙和一颗富于同情的心。
4 The man stood in a high place and a high manner. 那人站在高处,态度傲慢。
1 We ate a bun and a glass of milk..
2Side by side for seven years we took photograph and other things, (O. Henry)
我们共同度过了七年,一起拍照,也偷窃人家的东西。 3 Kill the boys and the luggage!
4 She was dressed in a maid’s cap, a pinafore, and a bright smile. 她戴着女仆帽子,扎着围裙,脸上露出欢悦的微笑。 5 Smelling of musk and of insolence.(Tennyson) 嗅出了香味儿,也觉察出来面临无礼额度处境。
1 She always wears the clothes that fit her and the times. 她总是穿既合体又合时宜的衣裳。
2 She opened the door and her heart to the homeless boy.
3…when I and my sorrows are dust…(Dickens)
4 Ten minutes later, the coffee and Commander Dana…arrived simultaneously. (J.P. Bachman)
1 Miss Bolo…went straight home in a flood of tears and a sedan chair.(Dickens)
波洛小姐…泪如雨下地坐着坐了轿子径直回家去了。 2 They have gone with weeping eyes and hearts. 他们眼泪汪汪地怀着悲痛的心情走了。
3 Old people gathered in the social hall for comradeship and lunch.
老人们为了友谊聚集在交际厅共进午餐。 4 She hurried here with his child and all doubts. 她疑惑重重地带着孩子冲冲赶来。 5 Mrs Smith got out of bed and humor. 史密斯夫人郁郁寡欢地起床了。
6 The general lost the town and his head. 那位将军因为失了城池而被斩首。
2. Translation of rhetorical question 张春柏(2003:262) 反问
反问(Rhetorical Question)指有意提出不答自明的问题,以达到加强语气的效果,通常叫直译。例如:
1)Why should there not be a patient confidence in the ultimate
Justice of the people?Is there any better or equal hope in the world?In our present differences,is either party without faith of being in the night?
2)Why stand we here idle?What is it that gentlemen wish?What
would they have?Is life so dear,or peace so sweet,as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?
为什么我们还无所作为地站在这儿?诸位究竟希望什么?又会得到什么?生命当真如此可贵,和平当真如此甜蜜,竟值得以枷锁和奴役为代价去换取吗? 3)Can’t you just leave me alone?
Your heart was bitter in the past,so how could you sense the fragrance of the red leaves then?
Who would shake a hand stained with comrades’ blood?
3. Translation of Irony 张春柏(2003:257-259) 反语
1)He stated a truth,and did it in such a pleasant way,and salved
over my sore spot so gently ,that I was rather glad I had committed the crime,for the sake of the letter。
地下了台阶,使我甚至庆幸自己亏得犯了这剽窃罪,因而得到了这封信。 2)Had I interfered in the manner which I admit,and which I admit
has been fairly(for I admire the truthfulness and candour of the greater portion of the witnesses who have testified in this case)—had I so interfered in behalf of the rich,the intelligent,the so-called great,or in behalf of any of their friends—either father,mother,brother,sister,wife,or children,or any of that class—and suffered,and sacrificed what I have in this interfere,it would have been all right;and every man in this court would have deemed it an act worthy of reward rather than punishment。
3)You gave her good advice,and broke her heart。That was the beginning of your reformation。
4)You and the girls may go,or you may send themselves,which
perhaps will be still better,for as you are as handsome as any of 呼告
1)And love, young men, love and venerate the ideal. 青年人啊,热爱理想,崇敬理想吧! 2)O you kind gods,
Cure this great breach in his abused nature. 慈悲的神明啊,
医治他的被凌辱的心灵中的重大裂痕! 3)Exult, O shores! and ring, O bells! them,Mr. Bingley might like you the best of the party。
5)你感冒了?叫你多穿点你不听,我还以为你真的不怕冷呢! So you have caught a cold?You turned a deaf ear to me when I
asked you to put on more clothes,and I thought you were really not afraid of the cold。
6)当她听说自己被解雇了,她生气地说:“好极了!” When she heard that she was fired,she said angrily,“That is great!”
但是,当直译可能会引起误解时,就往往需要采用意译的方法,以免适得其反,例如: 7)瞧瞧你干的好事!
Look at what you have done!
8)The French and the English were so about art that they sent their
armies to search for invaluable paintings and sculptures all around the world。
练习Translation of zeugma 傅敬民(2005:95—98) 1. He picked up his hat and his courage.
2. Children suck the mother when they are young, and the father
when they are old.
3. Miss Bolo went straight home in a flood of tears and a sedan
4. Clean your breath while it cleans your teeth.
5. Never show the bottom of your purse or your mind. 6. She lost her heart and necklace at a ball.
7. She opened the door and her heart to the homeless boy. 8. You devils ought to search our heads and not our pockets. 9. But at length down went her head and out came the truth and
1. 他捡起了帽子,也捡回了勇气。 1. 小时候喝娘的,大了吃爹的。
2. 波洛小姐泪水汪汪地坐着轿子径直回家。 3. 满口皓齿,满口清香。
4. 钱包与思想,千万别露馅。 5. 在一次舞会上,她倾心爱上了一个人,但却丢失了她的项
6. 她对这个无家可归的男孩大开了门,也大开了心扉。 7. 你们对这群魔鬼该搜查我们的头脑,而不该搜查我们的口
8. 但最终她垂下了头,流着泪一字一字地讲出了实情。
4. Translation of apostrophe 张春柏(2003:257) 哦,欢呼吧,海岸!齐鸣吧,钟! 4)只要有无边的大地
只要有无涯沧海 骏马啊,任你奔腾 白鸥啊,任你翻飞
While there is endless land, While there is boundless sea, Stallines, gallop! White gulls, soar!
The remainder of snow, you are a proof of the ugly force that
desperately attempts to force itself upon the earth when it should retreat. You are also a symbol of the impossible escape from its doomed fate.
5. Translation of antonomasia 张春柏(2003:263-264) 借代
借代(Antonomasia)指用一事物来指代与之有某种共同特征的另一事物。使用借代时往往会出现带有浓郁民族色彩的词语,因此在翻译的时侯常常需要进行加工,或者在名词前后加上简单的说明,或者用注释说明,或者采取意译的办法。例如: 1) Upon my word , Basil, I didn’t know you were so vain; and I
really can’t see any resemblance between you, with your rugged strong face and your coal-black hair, and this young Adonis, who looks as if he was made out of ivory and rose-leaves.
2) Poor Charlie! Of all the girls in the world, he should have
fallen in love with a daughter of Judas.
3) Her friends wondered how she could get along so well with
this modern Don Quixote.
4) 她是我们学校的林妹妹、 译文一:In our school, she is called Cousin Lin — a girl famous
for her sentimental and delicate beauty.
译文二:In our school, she is called Cousin Lin. (Note: the
heroine of the famous Chinese Qing Dynasty novel The Red Mansion dreams by Cao Xueqin, a girl famous for her sentimental and delicate beauty.)
译文三:She is famous for her sentimental and delicate beauty
in our school.
5) 他一迈进大门,就听见有人说:“秦桧来了!”
译文一:No sooner had he entered the gate than he heard a
voice saying, “Here comes Qi Hui (Note: the chief minister of the Southern Song Dynasty in ancient China, also a famous traitor to his country ).”
译文二:No sooner had he entered the gate than he heard a
voice saying, “Here comes the traitor.”
以上例子原文中提到的所有人物都是本国文化中家喻户晓的人物。例1中的Adonis是希腊神话中的美少年,为爱神所钟爱,以后常被西方人用来指代美貌少年,但是在中国却并不广为人知,因此可以用各种方法补充说明他的身份。例2中Judas今天在中国也比较广为人知了,因此可以采取直译,照顾到不太了解圣经的读者,以脚注加以说明,也可以将之意译为“叛徒”,但是色彩不及直译鲜明。例3中的Don Quixote虽然来自西方文化,但却是一个在中国很有知名度的文学人物,因此此处也可以照样直译。如果担心读者不理解,当然也可以加上脚注说明。但是这里并不适合采用意译,如“不切实际的理想主义者”或“狂热的嫉恶如仇者”等等,因为堂吉诃德这个人物非常复杂,他的特征很难用寥寥数语概括全面,而说明文字太长无疑会破坏译文的整体风格,故而不予采用。例4中的林妹妹在生活中一般被用来指代多愁善感、弱不禁风的女孩子,由于译文读者不一定熟悉她,所以在翻译的时候需要加以说明。在例5中,因为“秦桧”这个词是出现在一句直接引语中,因此适合采用直译或意译,而不采用直译加以说明的手法因为后者容易破坏人物语言的风格。
6. Translation of hyperbole 张春柏(2003:253-255) 夸张
1) “At’em, all hands!” he roared, in a voice of thunder.
2) Yes, young men, Italy owes to you an undertaking which
has merited the applause of the universe.
3) We must work to live, and they gives us such mean wages
that we die. 我们不得不做工来养活自己,可是他们只给我们那么少
4) Nay, he said — yes you did — deny it if you can, that you
would not have confessed the truth, though master had cut you to pieces.
说,就是老师把你剁成肉酱,你也绝不招出实情。 5) 行在江上望两岸,只见千嶂染翠,峰峰岭岭尽都浓浓淡
Floating along the river and watching its two banks, your
only feeling is that the thousand mountains are dyed green, and every peak and ridge is growing in different shades of green…“Aha, once in the Fuchun River even our eyes become green, too.” 6) 为了让兄弟们的肩头
担起整个大地,摇醒千万个太阳 So that our brothers’ shoulders
May lift the earth, arouse millions of suns.
7) She is a girl in a million. 她是个百里挑一的姑娘。
8) 妈妈对小明说:“下次你再不及格,看我不拧断你的脖
Mother said to XiaoMing, “If you should fail again, I
would surely teach you a lesson.”
在例7中,如果将in a million直译为“百万里挑一”,夸张程度缩小了,但是符合中文表达习惯,在功能上与原文是对等的。而在例8中,“拧断你的脖子”一语在中文读者看来,只是一种夸张,一种吓唬,正体现了母亲望子成龙的心情。但是若直接译成“break your neck”,在西方人看来是,会觉得太过暴力,尤其居然是从一位母亲的口中说出来,对象又是她的孩子,这会使读者产生不快的感觉。为了避免这种感情色彩上的误会,这里适合采用意译。
7. Translation of oxymoron
英语修辞格矛盾修饰法(oxymoron)是把意义上相互矛盾或不协调的两个词或词组放在一起使用,组成句子描述一个事物,表达一种思想或说明一个道理。这些词或词组从字面上看似乎自相矛盾,但仔细回味便会感到意味深长,妙趣横生,如:a living death ; a clever fool。
汉语里有一种称为反映(对顶)的修辞格与英语的矛盾修饰法十分相像,其作用也是揭示一事物本身所具有的矛盾性,收到出人意料的效果。如:她真心地说着违心的话;陌生的朋友,等等。 (一)英语中有许多oxymoron同汉语反映修辞格的格式和作用都十分相似,翻译时可按照字面意思和语法结构直译出来
I shall say good night till it be tomorrow.
2. … though I cannot be said to be a …
3. “It were not fit I should do so”, answered Rebecca, with protectress”
“我那样做不恰当,”丽贝卡带着一种骄傲的谦虚回答说:“因为由我来做伴,会被认为是我的女保护人有失身份。”(“骄傲 2. … She what was honor knew,
My pleaded reason… (Paradise Lost) ……她懂得什么叫尊重,
温顺依从而庄严肃穆地赞许了 我恳请的理由…
3. He answered (and of course that they were to larably well, he thanked me, and had sent their compliment.
5. It is an that the scientist and the nurse are already of one mind.
这位科学家和这位护士情投意合已成为公开的秘密。 有些矛盾修辞格含有言外之意,如按字面意思直译出来会显得别扭,无法做到忠实于原文。遇到这种情况,译时就须将原文词义进行引申,使之通俗易懂,确切表达原意。
这是欧亨利(O.Henry)笔下的一段对纽约的描述。句中接连出现六个矛盾修辞格的词组,是看问题的角度不同的结果。 直译如下:
我嗤之以鼻的正是其宏大与权势,我从未见过哪个城市有像这里这样的最贫穷的富翁,最矮小的伟人,最高傲的乞丐,最丑陋的美人,最低矮的摩天大楼,和最令人悲伤的快乐。 从实际的角度去看,纽约的确不乏腰缠万贯的富翁,声名显赫的伟人,一文不名的乞丐,倾国倾城的美人,高耸入云的大厦,趣味横生的乐事,但在欧亨利的心目中,富翁不富,伟人渺小,乞丐不穷,美人不美,高楼不高,乐事不乐。从而揭示出纽约表面繁华富裕,五光十色,而内里极为空虚贫乏,腐化堕落的两重性。
如果对原文有了上述的理解,我们译时就应该将六个矛盾修辞格的意义加以引申,以表达原文的真正含义。译为: 我嗤之以鼻的正是这座城市的宏大与权势。这座城市里有的是心灵最空虚的百万富翁,人格最渺小的伟人,最目空一切的乞丐,最使人瞧不上眼的美女,最卑鄙龌龊的摩天大楼,和最令人悲哀的娱乐,比我所见到的任何城市都有过之而无不及。 其他还有:
a cheerful pessimist 纵情酒乐的厌世者(不译为“愉快的
cruel kindness 害人不浅的仁慈(不译为“残忍的仁慈”) strenuous idleness (laborious idleness) 令人腻烦的闲散
a damned saint 一个万恶的圣人 an honorable villain 一个庄严的奸徒 (二)有时可将矛盾修辞格中的两个词的修饰与被修饰的关
1. And when she agreed to this, with a touch of that they would go back to the rectory and be arranged on the accustomed walls once more …
她同意了他的要求,悲喜交集地庆幸这些书又回到教区长所在的那所宅子里,重新排在那些书架上…… (原教区区长的女儿马蒂小姐,破产之后不得不拍卖家产,连亡父的藏书也难逃厄运。想到此她不禁十分难过,但转而一想,这些藏书又能回到其生父生前藏书的地方,又感到十分高兴,因此译为“悲喜交集”,确切表达了原意。) 那时候他低眉敛气(同时当然也扬眉吐气)地说她们都还好。他向我道了谢,替她们问了我好。
5. To whom the virgin majesty of Eve, as one who loves, and some unkindness meets, with composure thus replied…
6. He could almost picture God the Father looking down with 他几乎可以想象天父上帝悲哀而惊异地俯视着这一片灾害。
7. But of course she made the side, screaming with — which were very shapely — clear up to her lacy underwear.
但是她当然还是滑下去了,尖声叫着,又高兴又不好意思, 一双匀称的大腿一直露到花边织的内衣上面。 其他还有:
a love hate relationship 又爱又恨的关系 painful pleasure 悲喜交集 sweet sorrow 忧喜参半 proud humility 不卑不亢
fiend angelical 是天使也是魔鬼
changelessly changing 既始终如一,又变化多端
1. Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog, when it seemed as if a tangible you in … and you waited with heating heart for something to happen.
2. John had kept on thinking of … his parent’s laughing, untidiness. …
3. Malone called my conviction a “.
8. Translation of personification 张春柏(2003:252-253) 拟人
拟人personification就是把动物和没有生命的事物当成有思想感情的人类来描写,甚至让它们具有人类的行为。这些事物可以是无生命的实体,还可以是抽象的概念。如:a smiling moon(微笑的月亮),a crying city(哭泣的城市),strangle justice(扼杀正义)等,英汉两种语言中都有这种修辞手法,在翻译
1) Yonder sky that has wept tears of compassion upon my
people for centuries untold, and which to us appears changeless and eternal, may change.
2) To its residents, Vesuvius was a benefactor — not an
enemy. But without any warning, Mount Vesuvius roared to life.
张春柏(2003:259-261) 排比
排比(Parallelism)就是连续使用三个或三个以上结构相同或相似的句子或词组,起到增强语言的感染力和气势的效果,一般情况下可采取直译,译文也应采取排比的形式。例如: 1) Voltaire waged the splendid kind of warfare … The war of
thought against matter, the war of reason against prejudice, the war of the just against the unjust …
争,是理性对偏见的战争,是正义对不义的战争…… 2) Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. 然而,在没有任何预兆的情况下,维苏威火山咆哮着苏醒了。
3) He had taken rank at a bound, waked up a national glory. 他一跃成名,唤醒了一个民族的光荣感。
4) And certainly, whenever the wind blew, the Reed made
the most graceful curtseys.
这倒是真的,风一吹,芦苇就行着最动人的屈膝礼。 5) Here, in the Palace, the air was close and heavy, but in the
forest the wind blew free, and the sunlight with wandering hands of gold moved the tremulous leaves aside.
6) Crime burst in like a flood; modesty, truth and honour
7) ……而向四垛墙,一个屋顶里,窗引诱了一角天进来,
But windows induce part of the sky into the four-walled and one-roofed room for man to utilize it as we harness a wild horse into domestic animal.
8) 田野的秩序变得井井有条
谷子进仓了,泥土休憩了 自然舒一口气,吹来了爽风
The fields are immaculate; The land has cleared its debts;
Grain is stored in granary,soil rests; Nature sighs, a cool refreshing breeze.
当然,由于中英文表达习惯不同,并非所有拟人都适合采用直译,有时候采用意译更符合译文语言表达习惯。例如: 9) The ship sadly caught fire and the plans to make her a
floating museum died in the smoldering embers.
这艘船不幸着火了,于是把它建成水上博物馆的种种计划也在一片焖燃着的灰烬中泡汤了。 10) 春天正向我们走来。 Spring is drawing near.
在上面的两个例句中,原文都使用了拟人的修辞手法,“ship”和“plans”都被拟人化了。但是在汉语中,除了个别情况,“船”一般被看成是没有生命的实体,而“计划”的拟人更是罕见,也更谈不上生死了。因此,翻译时采用意译比较合适。在例10的原文中,“春天”被拟人化了,体现在“走”这个动词上。但是若将它译成:Spring is walking towards us.则非常别扭、生硬,不符合英语的表达习惯。同样,为了顺应译文语言的表达习惯,翻译时也将“向我们”省略掉了。
9. Translation of parallelism 读书足以怡情,足以博采,足以长才。 3) Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love. 你可以疑心星星是火把; 你可以疑心太阳会转移; 你可以疑心真理是谎话; 可是我的爱永没有改变。
4) They know their underground labor is a game of chance; a
roll of the dice; a spin of the wheel.
Here,he is no match for a street light, no match for an
imitation of an ancient vase in the shop window, no match for a disorderly smeared oil painting on the wall, no match for the purple skirt sweeping by, no match for the blue-circled eyes and blood-red lipped decorations, and still no match for the little dog pulled by the hand of a lady. 6)我不相信天是蓝的; 我不相信雷的回声; 我不相信梦是假的; 我不相信死无报应。
I don’t believe the sky is blue; I don’t believe the thunder’s roar; I don’t believe that dreams are false; I don’t believe that death has no revenge.
7) They’re rich; they’re famous; they’re surrounded by the
world’s most beautiful women. They are the world’s top fashion designers and trendsetters.
In Taiwan, every time I thought about my hometown, I
would no doubt think of that nameless small hill and that old banyan tree. I would then think of my little kite on top of that ancient giant tree.
10. Translation of question-and-answer 张春柏(2003:261-262)
设问 设问(Question and Answer)就是用自问自答的形式来达到增强语气、吸引注意力的效果,并可以起到承上启下的作用。可以采用直译的方法进行翻译。例如:
1) Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. 能不能让我来把你比作夏日? 你可是更加可爱,更加温婉。
2) And who is it that deceives the state? Surely the man who speaks not what he thinks.
那么是谁欺骗了国家?当然是那个心口不一的人。 3) But has the last word been said? Is all hope to be lost? Is 试看王佐良教授与巴恩斯合译的《雷雨》英译本是怎样翻译这个双关语的:
Hai: (struggling) Let go of me, you hooligans! Ping: (to the servants) Hustle him outside!
Ma: (breaking down) You are hooligans, too! (Going across to Chou Ping) You’re my — mighty free with your fists! What right have you to hit my son?
译文中用my与mighty的第一个音节的谐音来译“萍”与“凭”的谐音,真是恰到好处。给人们的感觉是:鲁侍萍在感情激动下,脱口而说出“You are my child…”,但刚说出my一词便感到不对头,又立即改成mighty free with your fists的谴责的话,真是地道的英语,巧妙的双关,既忠实于原著,又忠实于作者,the defeat final? No!
4) But the enemies of tyranny — whither does their path
tend? To the tomb and to immortality! What tyrant is my protector? To what fashion do I belong? Yourselves!
Do you know who is the best-known person in China? Talking of this person, his name is known to everyone in
every corner of the country.
6)建华凭哪点弱于姓文的?只是缺少博士这两个字。 Why should Jianhua be regarded as inferior to Wen? Just
because he didn’t have a doctor’s degree.
11. Translation of pun 吕 俊 (1994:302-307)
双关语是一种特殊的语言现象,也是语言中一种重要的形式。它是利用谐音和一词多义的特点形成歧义,使得一语双关,具有明暗两层含义,双关语的运用可以使语言含蓄、幽默、富有风趣,因此,探讨一下双关语的解释问题还很有必要。 我们知道,尽管世界上的语言千差万别,但是人们可以用完全不同的语言来表达完全相同的内容。由此可见,汉语中的双关是可以用英语表达出来的。但是,由于汉英两种语言相差较大,而双关语所采用的又是比较特殊的修辞手段,这就给翻译带来了相当大的困难。
汉语双关英译大致可以归纳为如下几种方法: §1.译为双关语
翻译的艺术就在于恰当地表达出原文的内容和形式,做到既“神似”又“形似”。可是,双关语的翻译要做到“形似”,就必须用双关语的形式来传达原文的内容,这当然是很不容易的。在曹禺的《雷雨》一剧中有一段话: 鲁大海:(挣扎)放开我,你们这群强盗! 周萍:(向仆人)把他拉下去! 鲁侍萍:(大哭)这真是一群强盗!(走到周萍面前)你是萍……凭——凭什么打我的儿子! . 这是鲁侍萍在周朴园家见到多年不见的儿子周萍时的对.
语。当时剧中矛盾冲突激烈,鲁侍萍思绪万千,冲口说出了“你是萍(儿)”这样的话,但感到当时不应相认,于是欲言又止,改口为“凭什么打我儿子(鲁大海)?”。这里,剧作家曹禺利用“萍”与“凭”的谐音形成双关。既反映了鲁侍萍的内心矛盾,又反映了她的机敏。如果译文不能传达出这种双关形式,势必影响译文的质量,使外国读者看不出鲁侍萍的内心活动,更谈不上从中窥见曹禺的写作风格了。 做到了内容于形式的高度统一。
胡太太叹了口气,看见胡国光还是一肚子心事似的踱方步。 “张铁嘴怎么说的?”胡太太惴惴地问。 “很好,不用瞎担心事儿了。我还有委员 “么事的桂圆!”
..的福分呢” “是委员!从前行的是大人老爷,现在行委员了!你还不明白?”
Madame Hu gave a sigh and watched her husband anxiously pacing about as before.
“What did Chang Tiezui say?” she asked timidly.
“He gave me very good news. We need not look for trouble; I have the possibility of being a member of a Committee”
“What’s a common tea?” asked the wife, who only vaguely caught the sound.
“A committee! Lords and esquires are out of date, and the prevailing nomination is to a Committee. Don’t you still understand?”
这里,钱歌川先生把汉语中“委员”与“桂圆”的谐音变成了英语中的Committee与Common tea的谐音,自然亲切,又无斧凿之痕,达到了“情与貌,略相似。”
以上两句都是译为双关语的形式,它们的共同的特点是采用活译和巧译的方法。如《雷雨》中的译文,因为“萍”与“凭”这对谐音词在译成英语后不会成为谐音词,所以译者先抓住原文的思想内容,把它准确地译成英语,然后再寻找与原文相一致的形式。这样既得其状貌又尽其神情。钱歌川的译文也是如此。汉语中“委员”与“桂圆”是一对谐音词译成committee和longan,便不再是谐音词了。怎么处理呢?由于“委员”一词是关键性的词,非译不可,所以在把“委员”一词译出后,再在英语中找committee的谐音词common tea,形成新的双关语。以上两个译例都颇具匠心,难能可贵。 §2.译明义法
空对着 山中高士晶莹雪 终不忘 世外仙姝寂寞林 不言而喻,这里以“雪”喻“薛”,指薛宝钗,以“林”喻林黛玉。这本是宝玉神游太虚境时警幻仙子给他的隐词,宝玉当时尚且不悟,译者岂能越俎代庖,将其隐含意旨明告读者?所以只能直译其明义。杨宪益夫妇的译文是:
Vainly facing the hermit in sparkling snow — clad hills. I forget not the fairy in the lone woods beyond the world.
§3. 译暗义法
Skinflint glared round — eyed with anger. He slapped his thigh with his left hand, “Giving us an ultimatum, we’ll never listen to any of that stuff! Our treatment of civilians will not change one bit… ”
另外,拆字形成隐语也算是一种双关性质的形式。这种形式是根据汉字结构特点而形成的,所以在英语中无法表达,只能译出它所指的暗义。如《红楼梦》第九十三回有这样一句诗: “西贝草斤”年纪轻, 水月庵里管尼僧。
China Chin, a young supervisor, To Water Moon Convent came. §4. 加注法
加注法是翻译工作中不得已而采用的一种办法。因为加注会分散读者的注意力,使读者不时停下来,翻看注释,十分不便,所以,一般应尽可能少用或不用。只有在翻译一些关键性的词语,译文不能充分表达中心内容时,才辅之以注释。 如《红楼梦》第一回开头便是如此: 作者自云曾历过一番梦幻之后,故将真事隐去,而借“通灵”说此《石头记》一书也,故曰“甄士隐”云云。
In writing this story of the Stone the author wanted to record certain of his past dreams and illusions, but he tried to hide the true facts of his experience by using the allegory of the jade of “ Spiritual understanding”. Hence his recourse to names like Chen Shi-yin.
Homophone for “true facts concealed”.
这样外国读者方能明白“甄士隐”这一名字的含义是什么。 由此可见,加注法乃是翻译双关语时弥补汉英两种语言差距所造成的缺陷的一种可行手段,是当其他方法都无济于事时的一种补救措施。
12. Translation of abbreviation 李长栓(2004:99-100) 缩略语翻译方法
缩略语也是俗语的一种形式,经常带有数字。缩略语一般是采取直译或直译加解释的方式进行翻译。第一次用到时,直译加解释;再次提到时,只用缩略形式。例如:三个代表“three-represents”(Our Party must always represent the development trend of China’s advanced productive forces, the orientation of China’s advanced culture and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people.①);三讲教育three emphases education (to stress theoretical study, political awareness and good conduct);三座大山three big mountains (of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism.);五保户The “five-guarantee-house-hold system” (food, clothing, medical care, housing and burial expenses for the childless and infirm elderly and for the weak, sick and disabled who have lost their ability to work);三禁triple ban (ban on the production, trafficking and use of drugs);双控区double control (controls of SO2 and acid rain) areas;二保一two ensure one (a woman sacrifices her career to ensure her husband’s success or the other way round);四自four-selfs (woman’s self-cultivation in self-esteem, self-reliance and self-improvement)
① http://www.77cn.com.cn/xszm/200311180006.htm
13. Translation of alliteration 靳梅琳(1995: 247-248) Alliteration(头韵法)
1. He described the claim in alliterative fashion as a composite of fantasy, fallacy and fiction.
2. Wilful waste makes woeful want. 可心的浪费带来可悲的匮乏。(头韵,对偶) 3. He is all fire and fight. 他怒气冲冲,来势汹汹。(用对偶译出) 4. Glittering through gloomy glades.
昏沉沉的林间空地透出亮闪闪的夺目光辉。 5. Begot by butchers, but by butchers bred.
How high his highness holds his haughty head. 屠夫所生,屠夫所养;如此高傲,这般高尚。(用重复法、对偶法及尾韵法译出)
6. More manfully my mind might meet my malady. 病魔逞凶,敢于斗争。(用押韵法译出)
有时一个头韵句子可用重复法和押韵法译出几种译文: For fame, for fortune, forming furious fray.
1.为了名声,为了金钱;招来盛怒,惹来祸端。 2.为了名誉,为了钱财,招致争斗,惹出祸灾。 3.追名逐利,自作自毙。
neck or nothing 拼命
fair and foul 优劣,顺利与困难 wail and whine 啼哭 thick and thin 甘苦 kith and kin 亲朋 spick-and-span 整洁
brawn and brain 体力与脑力 now or never 机不可失 rough and ready 将就 sink or swim 沉浮
storm and stress 大动荡 wishy-washy 空谈
以元音开始的头韵词组也可见到,但很少: awake or asleep 醒着或睡着 off and on 断续
apt alliteration’s artful aid 巧妙借助于妥帖的头韵
14. Translation of euphemism 傅敬民(2005:90-93) 委婉(euphemism)
委婉是一种语言现象,更是一种社会现象,它的形成是各种社会心理因素和语用因素综合作用的结果,从中折射出的也有社会的价值观和道德观。它类似于替代,即用一个比较礼貌的表达方式来替代一个直接的说法,以避免某些不雅字眼的出现,对听者或读者造成伤害,从而达到更好的交际效果。委婉语主要表现在替代禁忌语、淡化敏感话题、幽默、自谦等方面。不同的民族都会有自己的禁忌和敏感话题,不同的幽默和自谦方式,所以在翻译中要根据语境和汉语的接受认同性来进行适当的处理,徐莉娜(2003)认为,翻译委婉语既要顾及指称义,和“love child”。其中“secret daughter”“love child”直接翻译
为“私生女”和“私生子或爱情的结晶”皆可,都能被汉语读者所接受。但是,“Romeo”却是一个具有英语典故性的词语,出自莎士比亚的爱情悲剧Romeo and Juliet,在现代英语中,该词已通名化,指代“情种”,“风流荡子”,相当于汉语中的“登徒子”。
例5. “George,” I say to my apprentice,“shut shop up. My old friend John Baines is going to his long home today.” 译文1:“乔治,”我对徒弟说,“关铺子吧。我的老朋友约翰〃贝恩斯今天就要回老家了。” 译文2:“乔治,”我对徒弟说,“打烊吧。我的老朋友约翰〃贝恩斯今天快不行了。”
例1. After services, she will be laid to rest beneath a simple slab of black marble beside her husband, King George 6th.
辨析:原文be laid to rest是“安葬”的委婉语。译文1直接地搬用了原文的表达方法,但是在汉语中这种表达方法稍欠庄重,不如翻译为“安葬”为好。
例2. If you will allow me, I will call your carriage for you. You have lived so long abroad, Mrs Cheveley, that you seem to be unable to realize that you are speaking to an English gentleman. 译文1:如果你允许,我要请你卷铺盖滚蛋了。谢佛利太太,你久居国外,看来已经意识不到你是在和一位英国绅士说话。
辨析:英语call your carriage for you, give you the sack都是表示“解雇”、“下逐客令”的委婉说法,类似于汉语中的“拿起你的铺盖卷走人”,译文1采用了归化的翻译,用完全汉语化的译文替代了原文的表达方式,虽然表达了相同的含义,但却使译文失去了原文中的含蓄与委婉,但如果在译文2中不增加“请你走人”,“为你叫来你的马车”显然不能为汉语读者所理解和接受,所以译文2的翻译是恰当的处理方式。
例3. Mum, they told me that tomorrow I would get a job as the automotive internist.
辨析:在英语中有大量的表示职业的“拔高词”,即给原本一些地位较低的工作安上一些好听的名称,如footwear maintenance engineer/ bootblackitician(擦鞋匠),grief therapist(殡葬承办人),sanitary engineer(清洁工)等,对比之下,在中国“革命工作不分贵贱”,现代汉语中对这些职业并无太多的委婉词,因此在翻译时,还是像译文2那样按照汉语的习惯称呼为好。
例4. Disgraced Romeo minister admits to another secret daughter: Love Child No.2 for Yeo.
辨析:原文中含有三个委婉语“Romeo”,“secret daughter” 辨析:无论是英语还是汉语中,“死都是一个令人忌讳的字眼”,因此生出许多避讳“死”的委婉语。如英语中的pass away, catch one’s death, kick the bucket, kick off, go west, return to the earth, rest in peace, turn up one’s toes, answer the last call, go the way of all fresh, depart the world of shadow等。汉语中的“长眠”、“闭眼”、“归西”、“没了”、“不在了”、“去世”、“与世长辞”、“逝世”、“蹬腿翘辫子了”、“见阎王”、“命归黄泉”、“寿终正寝”、“牺牲”、“圆寂”、“驾崩”、“去极乐世界了”、“去见马克思了”、“入土了”、“仙逝”、“翻白眼了”等。必须注意的是,英汉关于“死”的委婉语并不能完全对应。如原文中“go to his long home”即便译为“回老家”也不能让汉语读者联想起“死”,所以根据原文中的时态,翻译为“快不行了”为妙。
15. Translation of transferred epithet 赵桂华(2003:152-157/157-158)
移就修辞格(transferred epithet)是英语和汉语中都存在的一种修辞现象。指的是甲乙两种事物相关,把原属于形容甲事物的修饰语用于修饰乙事物。例如an easy writer, easy本应修饰作品,而不是作家,现移用于修饰作家。意思是:a writer whose words read easy(作品通俗易懂的作家),这就叫移就,或称转移修饰。美国语言学家戴维·格兰斯(David Grambs)给它下的定义是“为了简洁或生动之目的,通过诸如将形容词移至一个出人意料的位置而使语句的两个成分错位或临时组合。”这些形容词修饰语在修辞学上被称之为转移形容词。英语中应用最多的是形容词(包括分词)修饰语的移用,其他还包括副词、名词、介词短语等。
移就修辞格的运用,不仅使语言表达更加透彻、入理,而且使行文更加传情达意。翻译时,必须理解原文字里行间的意向,特别是语句的深刻含义。 一、直译法
1. There was going to be a contest in the arena that night and the whole town was looking forward to of the gladiators.
3. As if to show that the world went badly with him, the new 新来的这位,似乎事事不走运,将身体一下子砸在椅子上,发出一声不愉快的叫声。
5. According to some sources, financiers are keeping a 根据某些资料,金融家们目前对超导产业采取一种冷眼旁观的态度。
6. Indeed they seemed to know, or to wish to know, as little about that as the earth itself which, beautiful there at any time, 时宜变换结构,将属于偏正结构的移就修辞格转换成主述结构的陈述式。
1. He has an acute intelligence. 他才思敏捷。
如将此句直译为“他有敏捷的才思”则不符合汉语的习惯表达法,翻译时,必须注意句子所隐含的内在逻辑关系,“敏捷” 他们对战争一无所知,也不想有所知,就像对大地本身所知极少一样。这里的景物一向是美的,这天下午却呈现出一种极致的、悲怆的美。
此例引自美国散文家Arthur Clutton-Brock所著的《战争前夕的星期天》。作者将pathetic一词用在beauty之前,这种“移情于景”的描写,使简捷的语言蕴藏了深刻的内涵。战争即将爆发,眼前这一片绚丽多彩的景物,随时都会遭到摧残。因此,景色的优美,反倒使人感到忧伤。 其他直译的例子还有: long view 远见 a fat job 肥缺 angry wave 怒涛 reproachful sound 责备声
confident gaze 自信的目光 bright future 光明的前途 passionate throat 热情的歌喉 warm mother 温情的母亲 二、增词法
2. Life no doubt had moments with that quality of beauty, of 毫无疑问,生活中存在着这种美的时刻,存在着那种不招自来,飞逝而去的销魂蚀骨之苦的时刻。
3. My fingers lingered almost unconsciously on the southern spring.
4. When we began operations against Russia, the Japanese 我们对俄国开始作战的时候,日本人发现我们的这个条款是他们逃避义务的一个可喜借口。 例1中“埋藏”后加了“在心底”,例2中“飞逝”后加了“而去”,例3中“熟悉”前加了“我所”,例4中“逃避”后加了“义务”使句子通顺流畅,意义完整。
6. The northeast turned black and menacing, there was 东北方向变得墨黑、吓人,海上涌起山一般的巨浪。 他的两只粗壮的胳膊,在大桶一般的胸前交叉着。 例5、6、7这种形式的移就修辞格是英语中的一种特殊结构,在这个结构中修饰与被修饰的成分不能互换,否则便不合逻辑。在这种结构中,of短语带有“具有”的意义,译时分别加入“美如”,“一般”,译文为读者所接受。 三、变换结构
learnt from it, but Monsanto still has some learning to do.
失败的代价虽然昂贵,然而只要你能从中吸取教训,它也能化为一笔财富。不过蔓山托公司仍然需要总结教训。 译时将做主语的移就修辞结构(an expensive failure)从一个偏正结构的名词短语转换成句子式的主述结构。另外,在汉语中,无论是偏正式还是主述式,“失败”都不能直接与“昂贵”搭配,故译时增加“代价”二字,与“昂贵”构成主述结构,符合汉语逻辑。
4. Benchmarking shows that the second routine using Before [] is in fact some 80 percent slower than the first. This, then is not a 利用基准问题对计算机系统进行检测所得出的结果表明,使用Before[]的第二套例行程序实际上要比第一套慢大约80%。因此,这些新功能的利用状况并不令人满意。 四、分译法
a march on Doctor Ed.
2. They ( African elephants and Indian elephants) represent a of a group that once included some 30 kinds of animals large enough to make the ground tremble beneath their step.
句子的pitiful并不单纯修饰remnant(存活),而是修饰整个句子,故将pitiful remnant分开来译,把pitiful置于句首,译文符合逻辑,自然流畅。
他一屁股坐了下来,椅子吱嘎作响,好像在提抗议似的。 4. There was slowly Alexander turned away.
人们一阵惊讶,默不作声,亚历山大慢慢地转身离开了。 5. Aron Jastrow straightened up inside the heavy cape and 埃托·杰斯特罗在他很厚的短斗篷里把腰伸直,很得意地把他长满了胡子的下巴抬起来。
6. Several ragged Negroes learned comfortable against the posts of the awning and contemplated the arrival of the wayfarers 有几个衣衫褴褛的黑人怪舒适地斜靠着布蓬的柱子,以好奇的心情,懒洋洋地打量着新来的远客。
16. Translation of litotes 靳梅琳(1995: 246-247)
常常有一个否定词放在某个词的前面,来表示强烈的肯定。 1. He is no dullard. (=He is decidedly clever.) 他非常聪明。
2. I am not quite too late, I see. 我看我来得还不算太晚。
3. The outcome of the war is hardly a creditable chapter in that country’s foreign policy.
那场战争的结果,绝不是该国外交政策上的光辉篇章。 4. Familiar conversation that dresses itself up in silkhatted Translation of personification 傅敬民(2005:93-95)
1. Then Night, like some great loving mother, gently lays her hand at our fevered head.
2. Failure teaches success.
3. All but the child saw in their minds the spreading wings of the Angel of Death.
4. The mountain is awake, the river is awake…and it is all for you. 5. Beauty is as summer fruits, which are easy to corrupt, and cannot words is no less an offence against the good taste of things.
5. Martin ordered another glass of punch, which they drank between them, and which had no effect of making them less conversational than before.
not a few — a great number of no bigger than — as small as not bad — excellent
Translation of hyperbole 傅敬民(2005:84-86)
1. She loved him too well not to detect, from the deepened line between his eyes and a score of other minute signs, that he had received an unexpected blow.
2. I had not a wink of sleep last two nights. 3. Your joke will be the death of me.
4. He is sitting here, but his mind is a thousand miles away.
5. The very name of Mr. Crossett seemed to bring up a thousand memories of when I was a boy, of my friends, and of m mother, now dead.
6. When she takes an idea firmly into her head, even if the walls are ten thousand feet high, she can not be prevented from carrying it out.
7. You’ve said it forty times already, why can’t you say “yes” forty million times more?
8. Six years have passed by in twinkle since I came to the capital city from the countryside.
9. All of a sudden, there came a terrible thunder clap about fifty feet directly above our heads, and a bolt thrust downward like a sharp sword. The sky was brought into pieces. 10. She is the prettiest girl in the world.
1.她太爱他了,透过他两眼间拿到加深了的皱纹以及种种细微的迹象,她不可能觉察不出他已经遭受了意外的打击。 2.最近两个晚上我一直也没合过眼。 3.你讲的笑话乐死我了。
6.她一旦打定了主意,就是万丈高墙也挡不住她去实现它。 7.你说“是的”已说了四十次了,你再说它四千万次又何妨呢? 8.我从乡下来到京城里,转眼已经六年了。
9.突然,在我们头顶五六丈的上空,发出一声可怕的霹雳,闪电像利剑一样直插下来,天空被彻底劈裂了,震碎了! 10.她是世界上最漂亮的姑娘。 last.
6. Action speaks louder than words.
7. Rainbows gave them promise of fair weather while winds blew for or against their enterprises.
8. Cordell Hull, in the age of print, observed that a lie goes halfway around the world before truth has time to, get its trousers on. With television today, truth ever catches up with half-truth.
9. How soon hath time, the subtle thief of youth, stolen on his wing my three and twentieth year!
10. All the ridges were so amiable. None of them stood above the
others with arrogance, though their slopes were fully covered with precious trees.
5.美貌如夏日果蔬,易腐难存。 6.事实胜于雄辩。
7.彩虹出现,是为了向他们预报好天气,而天上刮风是为了他们的事业所需要,或者是为了与他们的事业捣乱。 8.考岱尔·赫尔在印刷品时代就指出,真相还来不及穿上裤子,谎言就已经走遍了半个世界。而在这个电视机时代,真相更难赶上半真半假的说词了。
Translation of pun 傅敬民(2005:86-90)
1. Marriage is like a violin. After the music is over the strings are still attached.
2. My tea kettle is up to its neck in hot water, yet it continues to whistle.
3. The professor rapped on his desk and shouted: “Gentlemen, order!” — The entire class yelled: “Bear!”
4. She is the nimblest girl around. Nimble is the way she goes. Nimble is the bread she eats, light, delight, delicious, Nimble.
5. The inspector, Frost by name and by nature, came into the kitchen, stood beside me.
6. — “My business is looking up,” said the astronomer. “But mine is going up in smoke,” complained the cigar maker. 7. A customs officer: Have you anything to declare?
Man: Well… Yes, I would like to declare that I love my wife. 8. We must all hang together, or we shall all hang separately. 9. Customer: Waiter, will the pancakes be long?
Waiter: No, sir. Round.
10. They were at home in the home of the people, moving confidently without fear.
11. “You see the earth takes twenty-four hours to turn round on its axis —”
“Talking of axes,” said the Duchess, “chop off her head!”
12. I do not want the Queen to break the law, I merely ask the Prime Minister to bend it.
13. “I gather,” he replied disdainfully, “that he was as drunk as a lord — so after a discreet interval they’ll probably make him 练习
1. I hear the delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife, or of the girl sewing or washing.
2. Franklin Roosevelt listened with bright-eyed smiling attention, saying nothing, and applauding heartily with the rest.
3. The United States became the most married country in the world. 4. Life no doubt had moments with that quality of beauty, of unbidden flying rapture.
5. To starve oneself emotionally is a mistake. 6. They talked to the foreign in hesitant English.
3.教授敲了敲课桌叫道:“绅士们,安静!”——全班同学齐声喊道:“啤酒!”(注:英语order还有“点菜,订购”的意思) 4.她是附近最敏捷的女孩,敏捷使他的行为特点,她享用“明杰”——松软味美的蛋糕。
男士:啊,是的。我要声明我爱我老婆。 8.我们必须团结一致,否则将一一被绞死。 9.顾客:煎饼还要等很久吗? 服务员:不,先生,是圆的。 10.他们在老百姓家里感到很自在,行动时心里踏实,无忧无虑。 11.我说:“要知道地球绕轴转要用二十四个钟头。”“说什么头,”公爵夫人说,“把她的头砍掉!”
Translation of euphemism 傅敬民(2005:90-93)
1. I am too tired today, for I have done ten cases of criminal operations.
2. Don’t trouble her so much. She has a bun in the oven.
3. Thousands of people flocked to the hospital to pay their respects to the remains of the great film star. 4. He is blind to the coonsequence.
5. After three days in Japan, the spinal column becomes extraordinarily flexible.
6. It being low water, he went out with the tide.
7. Please do him a favor if possible. He is temporarily unwaged. 8. His daughter is rather weak in the head. 1.今天我太累了,做了整整十个流产手术。 2.别老去烦她,她有喜了。
3.成千上万的人涌进医院,瞻仰这位伟大影星的遗容。 4.他不了解后果的严重性。
5.在日本待上三天,脊梁骨就会变得特别柔软灵活。 6.正是退潮的时候,他被潮水卷走了。 7.可能的话就帮帮他。他失业了。 8.他的女儿脑子不太好使。
Translation of transferred epithet 傅敬民(2005:98-100) 7. The sailors swarmed into a laughing and cheering ring around the two men.
8. Two of the largest and most powerful nations of the world have since 1950 lived in isolated ignorance of one another and mutual fear and hate.
9. Sometimes they threw him bits of food, and got scant thanks; sometimes a mischievous pebble, and a shower of stones and abuses.
1.我听见了美妙的唱歌,那是母亲的歌声,少妇的歌声,或许还是少女缝洗衣服时唱出的歌声。 2.富兰克林·罗斯福目光炯炯,满脸笑容,聚精会神地听着;他没说什么,只是跟大伙儿一起开心地鼓掌喝彩。 3.美国是世界上最爱结婚的国家。
4.毫无疑问,生活中存在着这种美的时候,存在着那种不招自来,悄然飞逝的销魂蚀骨的时候。 5.使自己的感情忍饥受饿是一种错误。
【练习】 翻译下列句子,注意句中移就修辞格的翻译 (赵桂华,2003:157-158)
1. In the examination, the boy threw a nervous glance at the teacher, who was obviously suspicious of his cheating.
2. The sky was overcast, and poured down onto the dirt crossroads a very discouraging light.
3.…the snatch — 80 kilos of plutonium dioxide — is executed with lethal efficiency.
4. I have questioned husbands of long standing about the color of their wives’ eyes, and often they express embarrassed confusion and admit that, they do not know.
5. His mother and father always bought something he needed not, only a warm jacket, maybe, but something more, more such as a book.
6. Two of the largest and most powerful nations of the world have since 1950 lived in isolated ignorance of one another and mutual fear and hate.
7. America has shown us too many desperately worried executives dropping into early graves.
8. The sailors swarmed into a laughing, cheering ring around the two men.
9. Jones presently opened it and saw in the first page the words “Sophia Western”, written by her own fair hand. 10. The old man lay all night on his sleepless bed. 参考译文
1.在考场上, 那个男孩用紧张的眼光瞥了老师一眼, 老师显然怀疑到他作弊。
2.天空阴沉沉的, 使这个泥土地的十字路口呈现出一片令人沮丧的色调。
3.……这次盗窃——80公斤二氧钚——手段极其高明, 后果却不堪设想。
4.我曾向一些结婚多年的丈夫询问他们妻子眼睛的颜色, 他们常常窘迫地表示出迷惑, 随后承认不知道。
5.他的父母总是为他购买一些所需的东西, 也许不光是防寒夹克, 还有更多的东西,书籍之类。
6.世界上面积最大, 实力最强的国家中的两个自1950年以来, 由于相互隔离而彼此毫无了解, 处于相互恐惧和敌视之中。 7.在美国, 有多少走投无路的经理过早地跌进了坟墓。 8.水兵们笑着, 欢呼着, 在这两个大人物周围挤成一圈。 9.琼斯立刻把它打开, 看到第一页上写着“苏菲亚·魏斯顿”,是她用端丽的字迹亲笔写下的。 10.老人躺在床上, 彻夜未眠。
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