更新时间:2023-08-19 11:09:01 阅读量: 高中教育 文档下载
Sylvester Duncan lived with his mother and father at Acorn Road in Oatsdale. One of his hobbies was collecting pebbles of unusual shape and color.
On a rainy Saturday during vacation he found a quite extraordinary one. It was flaming red, shiny, and perfectly round, like a marble. The rain felt cold on his back. "I wish it would stop raining,“ he said.
To his great surprise the rain stopped. and the sun was shining as if rain had never existed。
He guessed that the magic must be in the remarkable-looking red pebble. (Where indeed it was.) To make a test, he put the pebble on the ground and said, "I wish it would rain again." Nothing happened. But when he said the same thing holding the pebble in his hoof, the rain came shooting down.
"What a lucky day this is!” thought Sylvester.
and he started home, eager to amaze his father and mother with his magic pebble.
As he was crossing Strawberry Hill, he was startled to see a lion, He was frightened.
He could have wished the lion would turn into a butterfly or a daisy or even anything. but he panicked and couldn't think carefully. "I wish I were a rock," he said, and he became a rock. The lion went away confused and puzzled. “Maybe I'm going crazy," he muttered.
And there was Sylvester, a rock on Strawberry Hill, with the magic pebble lying right beside him on the ground, and he was unable to pick it up. "Oh, how I wish I were myself again," he thought, but nothing happened. He had to be touching the pebble to make the magic work, but there was nothing he could do about it.
Meanwhile, back at home, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan paced the floor, frantic with worry. Sylvester had never come home later than dinner time.
At dawn, they went about inquiring of all the neighbors.
But no one had seen Sylvester since the day before yesterday.
They went to the police. The police could not find their child.
All the dogs in Oatsdale went searching for him. but found not a scent of him.
After a month of searching the same places over and over again,
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan no longer knew what to do.
Night followed day and day followed night over and over again. He felt he would be a rock forever and he tried to get used to it.
Then it was winter. The winds blew, this way and that. It snowed.
Then the snows melted. The earth warmed up in the spring sun and things budded.
One day in May, Mr. Duncan insisted that his wife go with him on a picnic.
Mrs. Duncan sat down on the rock. The warmth of his own mother sitting on him woke Sylvester up from his deep winter sleep. But he couldn't talk.
Suddenly Mr. Duncan saw the red pebble. "What a fantastic pebble!" he exclaimed. "Sylvester would have loved it for his collection." He put the pebble on the rock.
They sat down to eat.
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