四级写作 - --学生版2013

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四级写作——周湘 (Olyea 新浪微博

周湘oleander 人人) 二.英语句型特点分析 1 中文模糊,英文精确 2 中英文句型相同点:

A 主系表结构

主语+Be+名词/形容词/介词词组/副词 我很高兴。I am very happy. 我在家。I am at home. B 主谓宾结构

主语+及物动词+名词宾语/to do/doing/宾语从句 我爱你。 I love you. Je t‘aime. Je te aime.

我想要大房子。 I want a large house.

我觉得你说的对。I think that you are right. 3 * 中英文句型结构不同点

A 名词的不同(带有动作修饰的修饰部分在名词之后,核心名词在前,且要考虑冠词

修饰;考试中除了定语从句,分词短语做后置修饰之外,最常用的是介词短语如of/in短语 做后置修饰)

A of B: B的A (of主要表示一 种所属关系)


The seriousness of environmental pollution 保持健康的重要性

The importance of keeping healthy

A in B: B中的A (in 主要表示地理,方位,或在…中) The differences in two cultures


The purse which I bought in the department store yesterday –名词词组


The boy called John= the boy who is called John 坐在教室后面的学生

The students who are sitting in the back of the classroom= students sitting in the

back of the classroom

B 谓语部分的不同 a. 主谓一致

单对单,复对复,并列对复,特例特记 A student who…is/does/has…

The students who….are/do/have…

Students and teachers are/do/have both…

United Nations is an organization that aims to… Only one species is able to survive this disaster.

There are two species that are useful for the treatment of this disease. PS: means方式,方法, the United States 美国

b. 时+态

时间:过去,现在,将来 状态:一般simple,

进行progressive, 完成perfect,

完成进行perfect progressive

一般:长久状态 do, did

进行:进行状态 be doing(某个时间范围内的动作延续,如sleep, eat, talk,


完成:已经状态(造成了某种影响,长跟for…, since…,already, yet) 完成进行:从过去开始进行到现在(强调该动作的持续进行状态) I have worked for eight years. I have been working for eight years.


拥有类:own, have, possess

容纳,包括:hold, involve, include 情感类:love, hate, like, dislike等 C 状语的不同 a. 位置

谓语动词之前/后,句末,句首 b. 类型

介词词组(in, on, at, from, between, by, among, of, over, beyond..)

I get up at six o‘clock.

According to this theory, people will…


Sitting in the back, I can‘t hear a single word from the teacher. Walking along the street, I came across a vintage clothing store.


Please speak loudly.

Unemployment rate increased dramatically in the past three years. In the past three years, unemployment rate increased dramatically. I am positively fond of your response.

Generally/Frankly/honestly speaking, most young people feel confused when

choosing their majors or careers.


When, while, before, after, since, until; if, as long as, once; because, for, as,

since; although, even though, while; as if; so; in order that…

I listened to the radio when I was young.

When I was young, I attentively listened to the radio, waiting for my favorite song.

三. 四级写作的特点

A. 语言以简洁的简单句为主. B. 内容以易于表达为主.

C. 话题以常见社会,文化,教育,科技类话题为主,远离热点和争议性话题。 D 语意以准确完整为主.

四. 英语四级写作命题规律

2012 on excessive packaging

2011 nothing succeeds without a strong will 2011 online shopping

2010 how should parents help children to be independent? 2010 due attention should be given to spelling 2009 create a green campus 2009 free admission to museums

2008 restriction on disposable plastic bags 2008 on green olympics 2007 on selective courses

2007 an announcement to welcome students to join a club 2006 on cctv spring festival gala

2006 an announcement for a voluntary program

2005 should the university campus be open to tourists 2005 teachers day

2005 a campaign speech

2004 a brief introduction to a tourist attraction 2004 a letter in reply to a friend

2003 an eye witness account of a traffic accident 2003 it pays to be honest

2002 student use of computers 2002 a letter to a school

2001 a letter to a schoolmate

2001 how to succeed in a job interview? 2000 is a test of spoken english necessary?

2000 i finance my college education? 五. 出题形式:


说明文--on the importance/effect/influence/reasons of...; why ....; how...

议论文--Should...? Is it necessary for ....to do...? what is your opinion?

图表分析-- 说明文--图表数据,说明原因或者影响

下次考试? a. b. c. d. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 语言准备


1念 2拼 3变化 4拆 5分 6展开(Merriam Webster) 1.


保护:protect, shield, defend, guard 抱怨:complain,make complaints about 避免:avoid, keep away from 澄清:clarify, clear up, explain, define 持续:last, endure, keep on 打破:break, fall apart, smash, crack 耽搁:delay, postpone, put off

导致:result in, lead to, bring about, generate 调查:examine, probe into, investigate 丢弃:abandon, discard, quit

发生:happen, take place, occur, break out, come about 发现:discover, turn up, dig out 察觉:notice perceive, detect

反对:object to, disapprove of, protest against, oppose to 反抗:resist, repel against 废止:abolish

教育类话题为主 “小心”材料题

提纲式题目按模板写即可,不可踰越提纲 模板统一性




考前一个月左右进行完整文章写作练习(利用模板和准备好的话题词汇) 话题按照教育,社会,精神分类准备 练习数量在于“精”“准”,不在于“多”。

分配:share, distribute, allot 服从:obey, comply with, abide by 复制:copy, reproduce, duplicate 改变:change, vary, reform 隔离:isolate, separate, set apart 攻击:attack, invade

忽视:neglect, ignore, overlook 花费:spend, expend, consume 唤起:evoke, awaken, call forth 混合:mix, blend

获得:acquire, gain, obtain 激发:arouse, stir, provoke

加强:strengthen, beef up, reinforce 假装:pretend,simulate 减少:decrease, fall off, dwindle 讲述:report, portray

教育:educate, train, enlighten

揭露:reveal, uncover, unmask, expose 节约:conserve, cut back, economize 解雇:fire, dismiss lay off 解释:translate, reword, restate

集中:focus on, center on, concentrate on 居住:inhabit, occupy, reside, dwell 拒绝:refuse,turn down 赠送:donate, contribute, grant 决定:decide, choose, opt 激励:activate, motivate, spur 开始:start, set about

夸奖:flatter, praise, compliment 描述:describe, picture, depict 例证:typify, stand for, represent 迷惑:puzzle, confuse, bewilder 明白:understand, make out 评价:evaluate, assess, estimate

