
更新时间:2024-02-12 16:23:01 阅读量: 经典范文大全 文档下载




Every year the traffic is very busy during the Spring Festival,especially the train station.


Many people decide to return back to their hometown by train,so it make the traffic very crowded and busy.


Now,the number of the people who go home by train is increasing quickly.


For the train tickets are cheaper than the airplane tickets,many people would rather travel round by train instead of airplane.



春运(passenger)transport during the Spring Festival period

客运量 volume of passenger transport

客运列车 passenger train

客流高峰期 peak time for passenger transport

加开列车 operate / arrange extra trains

开通24小时售票窗口 open 24-hour ticket sales windows

集体预定火车票 group ticket-booking

送票上门 deliver train tickets to the doorsteps

规范售票 regulate ticket sale

打击票贩子 crack down on scalpers

缓解交通压力 ease the traffic pressure


The volume of passenger traffic reaches its climax before and after the Spring Festival 。


The train ticket prices will not be raised during the Spring Festival period this year 。


Most of the passengers are college students on their winter vacation and migrant workers returning home for Spring Festival.


Passenger flows will be concentrated in Beijing ,

Wuhan and some other cities .

Guangzhou ,Chongqing ,




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春运 Spring Festival travel season;

网上订票 online booking service system;

铁路客运 passenger rail transport;

豪华座 luxury train seat;

普通座 standard seat;

硬卧 hard sleeper;

软卧 soft sleeper;

硬座 hard seat;

软座 soft seat

铁路客运的高峰期 peak railway travel season;

C字头城际 inter-city trains;

G字头高铁 high-speed rails;

K字头快速 fast trains;

T字头特快 express trains;

Z字头直达 non-stop trains






一 春运的英文肿么讲?

春运,这么中国式的东东,一定翻译是很高深的,否则拿出去肿么撑场面有木有!!但是leon表示灰常遗憾的说,因为其实真相是并木有神马高深的版本,春运的英文就直接是Chunyun, 装叉派有另外一种讲法,叫做the Spring Festival travel season,也可以说the Chunyun period,总之春运就素chunyun啦!!

二 肿么谈论春运?

1 chunyun is a period of travel in China with extremely high traffic load around the time of the Chinese New Year.

extremely high就素灰常的high就对了,traffic load属于固定搭配哦,亲~ 2 The period usually begins 15 days before the Lunar New Year's Day and lasts for around 40 days.

记得奥巴马还在农历新年给中国拜年,农历新年的讲法就素Lunar New Year 3 The number of passenger journeys during the Chunyun period has exceeded the population of China, hitting over 2.5 billion in 2010.It has been called the largest annual human migration in the world.


4 Rail transport experiences the biggest challenge during the period, and myriad social problems have emerged.

这句话很学术有木有~铁道部到底肿么个讲法捏,那就素Rail transport,另外一句灰常给力的话是myriad socail problems have emerged,myriad是很多的意思,表再用神马a lotta或者many啦,另外对于problem来说用emerge来表示出现更加地道~

5 让大家又爱又恨的黄牛肿么说捏?

一般把黄牛党俗称为ticket scalpers,学院派还有另外一种叫法叫做ticket resale,Ticket resale is the act of reselling tickets for admission to events. Tickets are bought from licensed sellers and are then sold for a price determined by the individual or company in possession of the tickets。核心的意思是说,票加水那部分价格是由那些拿到票个人或公司的意愿决定的,顺便说一下,据说苹果的iphone4s排队抢购的时候scalpers之间竟然打起来了~

6 The Spring Festival is coming and students are going to take a holiday. During this period, transportation departments nationwide will see a total passenger flow of more than 2 billion。

学生们要放假回家啦,这些归心似箭的人们组成一条人河,英文中用passenger flow来讲~

7 Date and the number of the train, please?


8 中国的火车兄弟们到底有多少种捏?


local train(慢车)

direct train(直快)

special express(特快)

bullet train(动车)

high-speed rail (高铁)

9 那么那些座位和卧铺肿么用英文说捏?

hard seat 硬座

soft seat 软座

upper berth/ sleeper 上铺

middle berth / sleeper 中铺

lower berth /sleeper 下铺

cushioned berth 软卧

semi-cushioned berth 硬卧

10 那么火车上为人民服务的同志肿么称呼捏?

car attendant; train attendant 列车员

guard, conductor 列车长

dispatcher 调度员


1. I'd like a hard sleeper from Beijing to Wuxi.

2. I'm sorry we are all booked up for 2.很抱歉今天的802号航班已经订满了。

Flight 802 today.



3. Is it a direct flight?


4. I won't check this baggage.


5. She wants to book a round trip ticket.


6. Beware of the scalpers! You may get a fake ticket.

7. I only got a ticket for standing room for

a temporary train, but it's better than nothing. 7.我买到了一张临时列车的站票,但总比什么都没买到好。



the fatigue. 8. The trip is about 40 hours. I have to take a long rest at home to recover from


9. Would you please put the luggage on

the scales? 春运是我国交通的特色了,今年有添加了“火车票实名制”这样的心内容,那么春运和火车票实名制等热点词汇英语怎么说呢?

春运(passenger)transport during the Spring Festival period

火车票实名制 Real-name train ticket system

客运量 volume of passengertransport

客运列车 passenger train

客流高峰期 peak time for passenger transport

加开列车 operate / arrange extra trains

开通24小时售票窗口 open 24-hour ticket sales windows

集体预定火车票 group ticket-booking

送票上门 deliver train tickets to the doorsteps

规范售票 regulateticket sale

打击票贩子 crackdown on scalpers

缓解交通压力 ease the traffic pressure


The volume of passenger traffic reaches its climaxbefore and after the Spring Festival.


The train ticket prices will not be raised during the Spring Festival period this year.


Most of the passengers are college students on their winter vacationand migrantworkers returning home for Spring Festival.


Passenger flows will be concentrated in Beijing, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Wuhan and some other cities. 春运被誉为世界上规模最大的周期性人类迁徙。2012年的春运明天就要开始了。在外辛苦了一年的许多游子即将踏上归家的旅程。小编在这里祝各位即将回家的孩纸顺利买到车票,一路平安。今天,我们就来学学“春运”在英文中如何表达。


China's annual Spring Festival travel rush will begin on Sunday, and authorities estimate

3.158 billion passenger journeys will be made during the 40-day travel period.

在报道中,Spring Festival travel rush指的就是“春运”,也可以直接表达为Spring Festival rush。 Spring Festival指的是Chinese Lunar New Year,中国农历新年,即春节。名词rush在这里指的是“忙碌(时刻)、(交通等的)繁忙”,例如:When the rush was over, he insisted that everybody take a day off.(那一阵忙过之后, 他一定要大家休假一天。)rush也可以表示“抢购、争购、蜂拥前往”,例如:There was a rush for the concert tickets.(出现了争购音乐会入场券的热潮。)

春运(Spring Festival travel rush)是中国大陆在农历春节前后发生的一种大规模的高交通运输压力的现象,春运期间常常出现学生、migrant workers(农民工)、family visitors(探亲者)等的multiple passenger flows(多重客流)。铁路等交通部门通过增开temporary trains(临时列车)、增加ticket booth(售票窗)、延长working hours(工作时间)、实行online ticket purchasing system(网上购票制度)、设立24-hour hotline(24小时咨询热线)来应对春运期间的客流压力。

As the Chinese Lunar New Year draws closer, the world's largest annual human migration is expected to begin on Jan 8, with at least 3.2 billion journeys expected over a 40-day period. Spring Festival starts on Jan 23 in 2012, with the public holiday running from Jan 22 to 28. Chinese people tend to return home for family unions during this period.

This travel peak is expected to put the country's transport system through a harsh test, as total traffic between Jan 8 and Feb 16 is set to grow by 9.1 percent on the 2.9 billion trips taken in 2011.





“春运”用英语可以表达为“transport during the Spring Festival period”。文中的the world's largest annual human migration和travel peak指的就是春运。Chinese Lunar New Year是“中国农历新年”,lunar意思是“与月亮有关的,阴历的,农历的”,lunar calendar即“阴历,农历”,Gregorian calendar是“阳历,公历”。


Passengers will likely face the usual struggle to get their hands on tickets, particularly at railway stations, where long lines are expected.

Chunyun (Spring Festival Transportation) refers to the extremely high traffic load of transportation in China around the time of Chinese New Year. The high traffic load usually begins 15 days before the Lunar New Year, and lasts for around 40 days. This period is also called Spring Festival travel season, or Chunyun period.

During this period, millions of Chinese will rush back home for the Spring Festival.

China's Spring Festival transport is seen as the world's largest annual human migration as tens of millions of migrant workers return home, often their only chances for family gatherings.

The Way Back Home Is No Longer That Far Away - Foreign Journalists in China Report the "Spring Festival Rush"

