雅思口语part2新题范文:Describe an important skill you learn
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2016年5月雅思口语part2新题范文:Describe an important skill you learned.
雅思口语5月变题季part2最新话题:Describe an important skill you learned when you were a child.(描述你小时候学到的一项重要的技能)。关于这个话题,如果不是王思聪看得上的职业游戏选手,大家不要描述小时候学会打游戏的技能好吗?范文说的打字这项技能,我觉得还是极好的,来看看吧!
Describe an important skill you learned when you were a child.
you should say:
what the skill was
when you learned it
how you learned it and explain why you think it was important
Sample answer:
Typing on a keyboard without looking at that is a special skill and recently
I have learnt to type by not looking at the keyboard.
When I was 10 years old ,my father bought me a computer, it was impossible
for me to type without looking at the keys. It took longer hours for me to type
a single page by searching the letters on the keys. It was a troublesome(麻烦的)
task for me and most of the time I had to type different topics on computer. But
I could not complete the tasks in due time for my lack of skills in typing. When
I started to type, it appeared to me that the letters should be placed on the
keyboard alphabetically for better use. But gradually I learnt that this way is
better than the alphabetical letters.
Basically I learnt the skill at my home using my personal computer. In the very beginning, it was tougher(艰难的) for me to compose anything on the computer
with the keyboard attached with it and it took longer hours for me to compose a
document of three or four pages. So, I started using internet to get some ways
to learn typing. I found some special applications(应用) that allow the users to
get the desired typing skill. Besides, the applications also helped me to make
the typing faster than it was in the beginning.
All of the earned skills are useful in real life but the applications may
differ in situations. When I started learning the skill, I thought that it would
be of no use in my practical life(实际) and I am wasting my times. But when I took
part in my work, I was surprised by the applications of typing . I have started
serving the office in different ways with the typing skill. As a result, my fame
has increased as a typing expert and accordingly the office has evaluated my
performance. I have been promoted to senior administrative officer after three
months when I applied(运用) the skill to my daily works at the workplace. So, it
appears to be a very useful skill for me.
1.Some skills are handy to have, but others are almost essential and can make
your life so much easier. Let’s compile a list of the most useful life skills
you can easily learn.
2.It’s the easiest tie knot, and the best looking tie knot. Everybody of
every age and gender should be able to tie a tie. Having your mom or dad tie it
for you then only loosening it enough to get it over your head is no way to
live. Also, it will ruin your ties. Don’t wear a tie to work or school? You
3.100+ Google Tricks That Will Save You Time – Today, knowing how to use
Google effectively is a vital skill. This list links out to enough Google
related resources to make you an elite Google hacker.
4.Self-reliance(自力更生) is a vital key to living a healthy, productive life. To
be self-reliant one must master a basic set of skills, more or less making them
a jack of all trades. Contrary to what you may have learned in school, a jack of
all trades is far more equipped to deal with life than a specialized master of
only one.
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