新视野商务英语business writing 3

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新视野商务英语business writing 3

Business writingResume Job application Letters

新视野商务英语business writing 3

What is a resume? Curriculum Vitae ( CV ) is Latin, meaning “ a brief account of one’s life to date”. In American it is referred to as a resume. Most companies these days required job applicants to provide a resume.

A properly and well-through-out resume can be crucial to your chance of being given serious consideration and an interview.

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HOW TO DEVELOP A RESUME 1. Analyze the job description. Read job descriptions and highlight the required and preferred skills, abilities, attributes, and qualifications. Use these words in your resume. 2. Create a list of accomplishments Take some time to think about tasks that you enjoyed doing, did well, and of which you were proud. Include education/training, volunteer experience, jobs, projects, school assignments, travel, and group/team activities. Describe in detail what you did and with whom, the equipment you used, the personal strengths and skills you employed, and the outcome of your efforts. Quantify your results, if possible, and use commonly understood terminology. Don’t be humble; this is your chance to promote yourself.

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3. Analyze experiences for relevant skill areas Reviewing each experience, identify the skills you used that fit with positions for which you are applying. 4. Write descriptive phrases Using action verbs, write short phrases to describe what you did that illustrates each skill. Be concise and specific. Arrange the descriptive phrases in order of relevance to the position for which you are applying (most relevant at the top). 5. Choose an appropriate format Avoid using resume templates that come with word processing applications. Not only are employers all too familiar with them, but templates are inflexible – often they won’t allow you to move sections around or to modify headings.

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Three kinds of CV format Chronological (按时间倒序的)

This type of resume lists your experience in reverse chronological order. Arrange your resume sections based upon aspects of your background you wish to stress, putting the most relevant information first.

It works best when your work, volunteer, and academic experiences relate directly to the type of job for which you are applying. Most on-campus recruiters and business employers prefer a chronological resume.

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Skills(技能为主线) Using headings that reflect skills, this resume highlights your most important skill areas and knowledge relevant to a given position.

This format focuses less on where and when you obtained and used skills, and lists job titles, employers, and dates of employment in a brief section at the bottom of the page. It works well when your work experience is not directly related to your career goal or when you are making a career change.

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Hybrid Chronological/Skills(杂合式)

This type of resume combines elements from both chronological and skills formats. It a

llows you to keep the popular chronological format while also showcasing your most relevant skills near the top of the document. A hybrid resume can be organized in a number of ways, but many start with a skills summary followed by a list of experiences with descriptions in reverse chronological order grouped under skill headings.

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component Identifying data ( personal information): Name, street address, email address and phone or message number at the top of the page (include area codes and zip codes). personal web page

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education Name of school, major, degree received(bachelor, master, doctor) graduation date, projected (预期 的)graduation date, or dates of attendance if no degree was completed. Honors and grade-point average ( GPA ), course title

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Experience/Work History Paid, volunteer or military work. Emphasize tasks, skills, abilities, and accomplishments related to the targeted position.

Give the job title, employing organization, and dates of employment.

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Optional components 1. Job Objective(求职意向) 2. Skills & Abilities or Summary of Qualifications 3. Languages

4. Activities & Interests 5. Honors 6. Research &Publications

7. Travel 8. References(推荐信)

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Resume Dos & Don’ts- Do Use good quality paper Use a readable font and print on a highresolution printer Emphasize results produced or impact made, significant achievements, and recognition from others Check the spelling of every word; make sure grammar and punctuation are correct

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Resume Dos & Don’ts- Do Have someone proofread your resume Begin phrases with action verbs such as “developed,” “initiated,” etc.

Be truthful about your accomplishments Keep your resume to one page unless you have extensive experience related to your job objective

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简历中的Action Words是用来编辑和润色你的工作经 历的,表示沟通、劝服和调动人采取行动的实意动词。 Action Words的使用很重要,事实上是你展现自己公 司要求的核心能力的工具,如我们下面所列出的分类 Action Words,不同的素质通过实意动词来体现会使 得你的简历不华而不实,更具说服力。

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Achievement——表示个人成就的 Accelerated Accomplished Achieved Activated Attained Earned Effected Elicited Executed Exercised Expanded Generated Improved 加快 完成 取得 激励 取得 争得 实现 得出 执行 锻炼 扩大 创造 改进 Increased Insured Marketed Mastered Obtained Produced Reduced Reorganized Restructured Simplified streamlined upgraded 增长 确保 交易 精通 获得 创作 减少 改造 改组 简化 简化 提升

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Administrative——表示行政管理能力 的 Arranged 安排、计划 Charted 详细制定 Collated 核对、整理 Collecte

d 收集 Coordinated 调整、整理 Dispensed 分发、分配 Distributed 分发 Established 建立 Executed 执行 Implemented 贯彻、执行 Installed 安装、任命 Maintained 维持 Offered 提供、提议 Ordered Outlined Performed Prepared Processed Provided Purchased Recorded Rendered Served Serviced Sourced 命令、订购 概述 履行 准备 加工、处理 供应、预备 购买 记录 呈递、呈报 招待、供应 保养、维修 获得



新视野商务英语business writing 3

Resume Dos & Don’ts-Don’t Use resume templates that come with word processing software Begin phrases with “I” or use complete sentences

Include personal information such as marital status, social security number, age, or national origin Use flashy graphics or colored paper

Be negative

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Resume Dos & Don’ts-Don’t List unrelated, minor duties such as “opened mail” or “filed documents” Exaggerate your experience

Use meaningless words or phrases such as “seeking a challenging position” or “seeking a position working with people” Start phrases in the experience section with “My responsibilities (or duties) included” Use abbreviations

新视野商务英语business writing 3

Cover letter/ application letter1. tell the reader why you are writing2. explain why you have targeted this particular organization: in doing so, demonstrated your knowledge of its products, services and operations. 3. demonstrate your understanding of the duties of the position in which you are interested, and stated how your unique qualifications fit the position 4. request an interview appointment and thank the reader for his time and consideration.

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Tips for Cover letter/ application letter1. write the letter to a specific person 2. do your research 3. tell the reader what you can do for the company, not what you want the company to do for you 4. be specific about the job you are seeking 5. quantify your accomplishments

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6. mention only accomplishments that directly relate to the job you want to get 7. keep it brief, succinct and simple 8. make it easy on the eyes 9. close with an invitation for the reader to act

