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链接:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/20859727 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。从2011年11月成立以来,政见已经介绍了一千多则研究,它们来自各个社科学科,涵盖的话题广泛而多样。不过,因为创始团队时的定位使然(戳这里了解详情),政治学期刊中关于中国的研究在很长一段时间内是我们的关注重点。我盘点了一下最近五年以来(也就是政见团队成立以来)六份政治学顶级期刊上关于中国的研究(很大程度上借助于几位学者整理的材料,并作了一些最新的补充)。在这近40篇文章中,政见已经做过介绍的占六成以上。以下是论文的详细列表和政见文章的链接。我们希望成为让普通人了解学界最新、最好研究成果的窗口。不过,如果你是相关专业的学生,希望你在读了政见的简化版介绍之后,也能再去读一读原文啦!

综合类期刊四种:1. American Political Science Review (共9篇,介绍了6篇)Huang, Haifeng. 2015. “International Knowledge and Domestic Evaluations in a

ChangingSociety: The Case of China.” American Political Science Review.

√ 政见的介绍:理解国内外的差距:厚此就一定薄彼?Kim,

Sungmoon. 2015. 'Public Reason Confucianism: A Construction.'American Political Science Review 109 (1):187-200.× 政治哲学暂不在政见的介绍范围内 Xu, Yiqing and Yang Yao. 2015. “Informal Institutions, Collective Action, and Public Investment in Rural China.” American Political Science Review 109 (2):371 –391.√ 政见的介绍:农村宗族的集体行动力量Lu, Xiaobo and Pierre Landry. 2014. “Show Me the Money: Interjurisdiction Political Competition and Fiscal Extraction in China.” American Political Science Review108 (3):706 – 722.√ 政见的介绍:官员晋升机会与财政创收Truex, Rory. 2014. “The Returns to Office in a Rubber-Stamp Parliament.” American Political Science Review 108 (2):235 – 251.√ 政见的介绍:全国人大代表资格的商业价值Lu, Xiaobo. 2014. “Social Policy and Regime Legitimacy: The Effects of Education Reform in China.” American Political Science Review 108 (2):423 - 437√ 政见的介绍:民生能否换民意?King, Gary, Jennifer Pan, and Margaret E Roberts. 2013. “How Censorship in China Allows Government Criticism but Silences Collective Expression. ” American Political Science Review 107 (2):166-187.× 这篇已经很有名了,内容也不便介绍

Shih, Victor, Christopher Adolph, and Mingxing Liu. 2012. “Getting Ahead in the Communist Party: Explaining the Advancement of Central Committee Members inChina.” American Political Science Review 106 (1):166-187.× 人事问题,不便细说Kung, James Kai-sing and Shuo Chen. 2011. “The Tragedy of the Nomenklatura: Career Incentives and Political Radicalism during China's Great Leap Famine.” AmericanPolitical Science Review 105:27-45√ 政见的介绍:数据证实:中央候补委员在大跃进中更为激进2. American Journal of Political Science (共3篇,介绍了1篇)Chen, J., Pan, J. and Xu, Y. (2016), Sources of Authoritarian Responsiveness: A Field

Experiment in China. American Journal of Political Science, 60 (2):383–400.√ 政见的介绍:威权政府响应力的来源 Lorentzen,Peter. 2014. “China’s Strategic Censorship.” American Journal of Political Science 58 (2):402–414.× 这篇不好介绍,你懂的。Lu, Xiaobo, Kenneth Scheve, and Matthew J. Slaughter. 2012. 'Inequity Aversion and the International Distribution of Trade Protection.' American Journal of Political Science 56 (3):638–654.⊙ 暂未介绍3. British Journal of Political Science (共3篇,介绍了2篇)Huang, Haifeng. 2015. “A War of (Mis) Information: The

Political Effects of Rumors and Rumor Rebuttals in an Authoritarian Country.” British Journal ofPolitical Science. √ 政见的介绍:实验告诉你:怎样辟谣最有用Wallace, Jeremy L. 2015 “Juking the Stats? Authoritarian

Information Problems in China.” British Journal of Political Science 45.

√ 政见的介绍:“克强指数”与经济数据造假的政治学 Kim, Sungmoon. 2013. “To Become a Confucian Democratic Citizen: Against Meritocratic Elitism.” British Journal of Political Science 43: 579-599.× 政治哲学暂不在政见的介绍范围内4. Journal of Politics (共4篇,介绍了3篇)Ang, Yuen Yuen, and Nan Jia. 2014. “Perverse Complementarity : PoliticalConnections and the Use of Courts among Private Firms in China.” The Journal ofPolitics 76 (2): 318-332. √ 政见的介绍:打不打官司,“关系”是个问题

Lorentzen, Peter, Pierre Landry, and John Yasuda. 2014. “Undermining Authoritarian Innovation : The Power of China’s Industrial Giants.” The Journal of Politics 76 (1):182- 194.

√ 政见的介绍:大型国企在抵制环境信息公开? Wallace, Jeremy. 2013.'Cities, redistribution, and

authoritarian regime survival.' The Journal of Politics 75 (3): 632-645.⊙ 暂未介绍

Flores-Macías, Gustavo A., and Sarah E.Kreps. 2013. 'The Foreign Policy Consequences of Trade: China’s Commercial Relations with Africa and Latin America, 1992–2006. ' The Journal ofPolitics 75 (2): 357-371. √ 政见的介绍:贸易如何影响外交比较政治类期刊两种:1. Comparative Political Studies (共12篇,介绍了7篇)Jiang, J., & Yang, D. L. (2015). Lying or believing? Measuring preference falsification from a political purge in China. Comparative Political Studies. 49(5), 600-634.√ 政见的介绍:谁最喜欢伪装自己?精英群体

Mattingly, Daniel C. 2015. 'Colonial Legacies and State Institutions in China Evidence From a Natural Experiment.' Comparative Political Studies.√ 政见的介绍:日军侵华留下了“正面”遗产?一则语出惊人但槽点重重的研究 Meng, Tianguang, Jennifer Pan, and Ping Yang. 2014. 'Conditional Receptivity toCitizen Participation: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in China.'Comparative Political Studies.

√ 政见的介绍:政府官员广开言路的条件Truex, Rory. 2014. 'Consultative Authoritarianism and Its Limits.'

