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英语7-9年级总复习精品讲义 初中英语复习专辑(1)——名词


1、可数名词与不可数名词 A、不可数名词,初中阶段常见的不可数名词有:water ; meat ; rice ; bread ; milk ; tea ; orange(桔汁) ; fruit ; air ; snow ; chalk; work ; paper(纸) ; time(时间); music ; weather ; grass ; news ; food ; fish(鱼肉); coke ; porridge ; cake(可数或不可数). 不可数名词应注意以下几点:


2)表量用约数some /any ; much ; a lot of 或用of短语 eg. There is ____ bread on the table. [C] A. a B. one C. a piece of D. many There is some_______ on the plate. [B] A. apple B. fish C. milks D. deer 2、可数名词的复数 A、不规则变化:

man—men ; woman—women ;child—children policeman—policemen Englishman—Englishmen Frenchman—Frenchmen

foot—feet ; tooth—teeth mouse(鼠)—mice B、规则变化

1)s; sh; ch; x 结尾加 es 读 [iz] 2) ce; se; ze; (d)ge 结尾加 s

eg. boxes [b ksiz] blouses [blauziz] 3)f (fe) 结尾则变f(fe)为v加es---读[vz] eg. knives [naivz]

4) ―辅+y‖结尾变y为i加es 清就清[s] 5)一般加s 浊就浊[z] eg. books[buks] pens[penz] babies[beibiz] 但注意以下几点:

① potato—potatoes ; tomato—tomatoes

② 单复同形: fish ; sheep ; deer ; Chinese ; Japanese

③ 由man , woman在词首构成的复合名词应将两部分都变成复数

man doctor — men doctors ④ reef—reefs

⑤ “某国人”的复数:中日不变英法变,其余s加后面. eg. German—Germans

⑥ people , police 常用单数形式表示复数概念 The police are looking for the missing boy.

3、名词所有格:名词‘s (意思是 ―??的‖)

A.有生命的名词所有格,一般在后加“‘s”但注意: 1)表两者共有则在后者加“‘s”

Lucy and Lily‘s father 露西和莉莉的父亲

Lucy‘s and Lily‘s fathers露西的父亲和莉莉的父亲. 2)以s结尾的词只加“ ‘ ”

eg. 1) the boys‘ books 2) James‘ father 3)无生命的名词所有格用of来引导 eg. the leg of the desk

4)双重所有格:a friend of my father‘s

a friend of mine ( √ ) a friend of my( × )

练 习


的复数 1.book______ 2.bus ______ 3.orange _______ 4.baby______ 5.boy______ 6.my ________ 7.his_______ 8.knife______ 9.watch________ 10.sheep ______ 11. tooth _____ 12. leaf ____ 13.German__________ 14.Chinese_________ 二、选择正确的答案 ( )1.—Are those ______?

---No, they aren‘t. They‘re _____. A. sheep ; cows B. sheep ; cow C. sheeps ; cow D. sheeps ; cows

( )2.Mum, I‘m quite thirsty. Please give me ____. A. two orange B. two bottles of orange

C. two bottles orange D. two bottles of oranges

( )3.I have got ___ news from my friend. Do you want to know? A. a very good B. any

C. a piece of D. two pieces ( )4.___ room is on the 5th floor.

A. Lucy and Lily B. Lucy and Lily‘s C. Lucy‘s and Lily D. Lucy‘s and Lily‘s

( )5.Every morning Mr. Smith takes a ____ to his office. A. 20 minutes‘ walk B. 20 minute‘s walk C. 20-minutes walk D. 20-minute walk

( )6.This is James Allan Green. We can call him ____. A. Mr. Green B. Mr. Allan C. Mr. James D. James Green ( )7.Jack and Tom are ____.

A. good friends B. good friend C. a good friend D. good a friend

( )8.It‘s only about ten ____ walk to the nearest post office. A. minutes B. minute‘s C. minutes‘ D. minute ( )9.He often has ____ for breakfast.

A. two breads B. two piece of breads C. two pieces of bread D. two pieces of breads

( )10.Mrs. Green has two ____. They‘re very bright. A. childs B. child C. children‘s D. children

( )11.What did the headmaster say about Jim‘s ______. A. two months holiday B. two months‘ holiday

C. two-month holiday D. two month‘s holidays

( )12.I won‘t go there with you, for I have a lot of ____ to do. A. works B. job C. work D. working ( )13.Li Lei is a friend of ___.

A. I sister B. my sister‘s C. me sister D. my sister of ( )14.Have you read ____?

A. today‘s B. today paper C. the today‘s paper D. today‘s paper

( )15.How many ___ are there in the room? A. boxes B. box C. boxs D. boxxes

( )16.Many ____ have been built in our city since 1987. A. factorys B. factories C. factoryes D. factorys

( )17.There are lots of ___ in the basket on the table . A. tomatos B. tomato C. tomatoes D. tomatoss ( )18.The cat caught two ___ last night.

A. mouses B. mice C. mouse D. mices

( )19.Jack went to have two ___ pulled out yesterday afternoon. A. tooths B. tooth C. teeth D. toothes ( )20.In our school there are fifty-five ___. A. women teachers B. woman teachers C. women teacher D. woman‘s teacher ( )21.The three ___ will be put into prison. A. thiefs B. thief C. thieves D. thiefs‘

练习答案: 一、

1. books 2. buses 3. oranges 4. babies 5. boys 6. our 7. their 8. knives 9. watches 10. sheep 11. teeth 12. leaves 13. Germans 14. Chinese 二、

1——5 ABCBD 6—10 AACCD 11—15 CCBDA 16—21 BCBCAC


1、不定冠词a, an

a用在辅音音素开头的词前 eg. a book a useful book a ―u‖ [ju:sful] [ju:]

an用于元音开头的词前. eg. an apple an hour an ―F‖ [au] [ef]

2、定冠词the 1)特指某人/某物

The book on the desk is mine. 2)世上独一无二的事物前

the sun , the moon, the earth, the sky 3)形、副最高级及序数词前 The third boy is the tallest of all.

(但当这些词前已有其他限定词,如物主代词、所有格、指示代词时,则不能再用the) He is my first English teacher.

4)the + 姓的复数表示 “某家人”或“某夫妇”。 the Greens 格林一家/ 格林夫妇


1)在星期、月份、季节前不用冠词 2)学科名词前

3)球类运动及早、中、晚三餐名词前(但:①当三餐名词前有修饰词时,则要加适当的冠词. ②表乐曲演奏的名词前应加the)

1) He went to school after he had a quick breakfast. 2) play the violin / piano

练 习

( )1.There is ____ ―s‖ in ____ word ―bus‖. A. a ; a B. an ; the C. a ; the D. an ; a

( )2.Maths is ___ useful subject. You can‘t drop it , I think. A. an B. a C. the D. / ( )3.____ bad weather it is!

A. How B. What a C. How a D. What ( )4.—What color is ___ orange?

--It‘s _____ orange.

A. an; an B. an ; the C. an ; / D. / ; an ( )5.Mr. Li is ____ old worker.

A. an B. a C. some D. /

( )6.Look at ____ picture! There‘s ____ house in it. A. a ; a B. the ; the C. a ; the D. the; a

( )7.One morning he found ____ handbag. There was ___ ―s‖ on the corner of ___ handbag.

A. a ; an ; the B. a ; a ; the C. a ; a ; a D. the ; an ; a ( )8.What ___ interesting story it is! A. a B. an C. the D. /

( )9.Meimei is ___ best student in her class. A. a B. an C. / D. the

( )10.Tom is ___ kind boy. All ___ students love him. A. a ; / B. a ; the C. an ; / D. an ; the ( )11.Is ___ book on the desk mine? Yes. A. the B. a C. an D. /

( )12.Even while he was in ___ hospital, he went on writing

songs. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )13.Don‘t read _____. A. in bed B. in the bed C. on bed D. on the bed ( )14.Smith is ____ honest man. A. a B. the C. an D. /

( )15.China has ___ population of 1,200,000,000.

A. / B. an C. the D. a

( )16.What‘s ____ for ―椅.子‖?

A. English B. an English

C. the English D. any English

( )17.Mary is ___ cleverer of the two girls.

A. the B. a C. an D. much

( )18.____ young must look after ___ old.

A. The ; a B. The ; the C. A ; a D. A ; the ( )19. ___ earth is one of ____ planets.

A. The ; sun‘s B. The ; the sun

C. The ; the sun‘s D. The ; the suns‘ ( )20.Tokyo is ___.

A. the capital of Japan B. capital of Japan

C. Japan capital D. a capital of Japan

( )21.Kate sometimes plays ___ violin(小提琴) and sometimes

plays ___ table tennis before supper.

A. / ; the B. the ; / C. the ; the D. / ; /

( )22. –Have you seen ___ pencil? I left it here this morning. --Is it ___ red one ? I saw it. A. a ; the B. the ; the C. the ; a D. a ; a ( )23.There is_______ orange tree behind_____ house.

A. an ; the B. a ; a C. the ; the D. an ; /

( )24.—How long did you stay there ?

--About half ___ hour.

A. / B. one C. a D. an


1——5 DBDCA 6—10 DABDB

11—15 ADACD 16—20 AABCA

21—24 BDAD

初中英语专辑(3)——代词 (一)指示代词:this , that , these , those. this , that一般与可数名词的单数连用,而不与不可数名词连用(但that可单独指


that apple ( √ ) that meat ( × )

The weather in Sichuan is not so hot as ______ in Guangzhou. [that] (二)人称代词、物主代词和反身代词 1)人称代词:主格、宾格(作主语为主格, 作宾语为宾格; 介+宾格) eg. 1)I thank you 2)You thank me. 2)物主代词:形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。 一变(my—mine); 二留(his—his its—its) 三加s(your—yours ; our—ours ; her—hers ; their—theirs)

用法:有名不名,无名是名 eg. This is _____(我的)book. This book is ______(我的). [ my ; mine] 3)反身代词:某某自己;亲自 单数 复数 yourself yourselves myself ourselves himself herself themselves itself 反身代词的常见搭配: 1.enjoy oneself 玩得高兴;过得愉快 2.hurt oneself 伤着自己 3.teach oneself = learn… by oneself 自学

4.(all) by oneself (完全)独立地

5.help oneself to 请自便;随便吃? 6.look after oneself 自理;照顾自己

7.leave one by oneself 把?单独留下 8.lose oneself in 陶醉于?;沉浸于? (三)不定代词 1)some与any 一般情况下,some用于肯定句,any用于否定句、疑问句(但表邀请、建议的问句中可用some—此类句型常以could , would开头) 2) many + 可数 = a lot of : 许多 much + 不可数 (但a lot of不能用于否定句)

3) few , a few ; little , a little 可数 表否定 表肯定 few( 几乎没有 ) a few(几个;一些)

不可数 little(几乎没有) a little(一点儿少许)

①.The story is easy to read. There are ____new words in it.

( )18.The boys were all tired, but ___ of them stopped to have a [few]

②.Hurry up! There is_____ time left. [little]

4) everyone / anyone 不加of

no one 不加 of none of ( )____ of us wants to read the book. [B]

A. Everyone B. Every one C. Nobody D. No one 5)other ,another , others 单数 复数 泛another 定语 主语、宾语 指 三者以上的另一个 other some…others 特one…the other the others =the other+指 一个?另一个 复名(另外的人或物) ①.We study _____ subjects besides Chinese. ②.May I have ___________ apple ? ③.These cups are clean. ________ are dirty.

④.I have two pens. One is red , ________ is blue. [ other ;

another ; others ; the others]

另外注意:one another (三者以上的)相互

each other (两者的)相互

We should learn from each other(说明we指两个人)

They help one another (说明they指三个人以上) 6) 二者与三者 复数 单数 单数 二者 both(都) neither(都不) either(任何一个) 三者 all(都) none(都不) any(任何一个) 注意: ①.both 否定 neither all 否定 none ②.both , all 不但作主语为复数,且被修饰的词也为复数;neither , none作主语为单数,但none of + 复名,neither of + 复

( )1.____ of my parents is a teacher. [B] A. None B. Neither C. Both D. All ( )2.There are many trees on ____ side of the river. [C] A. both B. any C. either D. all every one / any one of 7) each: (二者以上的)每个——作主、宾、定)

every: (三者以上的)每个——只作定语) ①.____ student in the class likes English. ②.___ of the students studied hard. [Every ; Each] 练 习 ( )1.____office is much smaller than ____. A. Ours ; yours B. Our ; yoursC. Theirs ; our

( )2. ―Help___ to some meat.‖my uncle said to me . A. themselves B. yourself C. yourselves ( )3. There are twenty teachers in our school. Eight of them are

men teachers and ____ are women teachers. A. others B. the others C. another

( )4.There isn‘t ____ paper in the box. Will you go and get ____ for me ?

A. any ; some B. any ; any C. some ; any

( )5.There are many trees on ___ sides of the street. A. both B. all C. each

( )6.___ of them has a dictionary and ____ one of them can look up words in it.

A. Each ; every B. Every; each C. Every; every ( )7. ―When shall we meet, this afternoon or tonight?‖ ―I don‘t mind. ____ time is OK. A. Either B. Every C. Neither ( )8.Would you like ___ cup of tea? A. other B. the other C. another

( )9.The two friends were so pleased to see each other that they

forgot _____. A. other everything B. anything else

C. everything else. ( )10.____ of his parents is a teacher. A. Both B. Neither C. None

( )11.The river is very dirty. ____ people go to swim in it.

A. Few B. A few C. Little ( )12.A friend of ____ came to see ____ yesterday. A. his ; his B. he ; him C. his ; him ( )13.You can‘t leave your baby by ___ at home. A. herself B. himself C. itself

( )14. My father is very busy with his work. He has ___ time to

have a rest. A. little B. a little C. few ( )15.I have three skirts. One is red. ___ two are black. A. another B. the other C. the others ( )16.Jack has ___ friends here. So he often feels lonely.

A. a little B. a few C. few ( )17.Who teaches ___ French? A. we B. our C. us


A. any B. some C. none

( )19.Sorry, I can‘t answer your question. I know ____ about the news.

A. a little B. little C. few

( )20.—Hello, Bill! Help ____ to a cake .

—Thanks .

A. your B. yourself C. yourselves 四、数词

数词分为基数词和序数词。用于表示事物数目的词称为基数词,表示事物顺序的词称为序数词。 1.基数词(1000以内的基数词的读法) 365—three hundred and sixty-five 505—five hundred and five 2.基数词变序数词的方法:

基变序,有规律;词尾要加th。 一二三,特殊记;词尾分别tdd。 八去t ,九去e ;ve则以f替。 ty 则变作 ti ; 后面还有一个e。 要是遇到几十几;只将个位变成序。 eg. one—first two—second three—third eight—eighth nine—ninth twelve—twelfth twenty—twentieth twenty-one –-twenty-first 3.数词的应用: A、时刻表达法:

a. 整点:基数词 + o‘clock

eg. It‘s eight o‘clock now. b. 几点几分:

1.直接表达法:先小时后分 eg. 3:25 three twenty-five 2.间接表达法:先分后小时

1)(<30分钟)用past :分钟past 小时 eg. 3:25 twenty-five (minutes) past three 2) (>30分钟)用to:(60-分钟数) to (小时数+1) eg. 3:35 twenty-five (minutes) to four 3) 30分钟 = half 15分钟 = a quarter eg. 3:30 three thirty = half past three

3:15 three fifteen = a quarter past three. 3:45 three forty-five = a quarter to four B、日期表达法:月日,年(或日月年) 1949年10月1日 :

October1st , nineteen forty-nine

=the first of October, nineteen forty-nine 2000年: the year two thousand

=twenty hundred

2001年: twenty o one

3月1日: March the first = the first of March C、表编号:

第207房间:Room 207

第五课: Lesson 5 = the fifth lesson

D、序数词与不定冠词(a; an)连用表“又一;再一” eg. You‘ve done it three times. Why not try a fourth time? E、分数的表达:分子(基数)、分母(序数) eg. one third 三分之一 two thirds 三分之二 注意:1.分子超过1时,分母加s


eg.1)One third of the students are girls. 2)One third of the milk is mine. 3.分数的特殊形式

1)one third = a third 2)one fourth = a quarter

three fourths = three quarters 3)one second = a half

F、一些数词的复数 + of表约数: hundreds of ; thousands of ; millions of

练 习

( )1.If you go out at night, you‘ll be able to see ____ starts. A. thousands of B. thousand of C. nine thousands of D. thousands ( )2.Monday is ___ day of the week. A. first B. the first C. the second D. second

( )3.You‘ve done it twice. Why not try ____ time? A. third B. the third C. a third D. once ( )4.Which is the____ month? It‘s September. A. nine B. nineth C. ninth D. ninety ( )5.December is ___ of the year.

A. the twelfth months B. the twelfth month C. the twelveth months D. twelve months

( )6.There are ___ floors in the building and he lives on the ____ floor.

A. eighteen, fifteen B. eighteenth, fifteenth C. eighteen, fiveteen D. eighteen, fifteenth ( )7.I was born ___, 1982.

A. on June 2rd B. in June 2nd C. on June two D. on June 2

( )8.It‘s ____ from our home to the zoo. A. two and a half hours‘ walk B. a half and two hours walk

C. two hours and a half hour‘s walk

D. two and a half hour‘s walk ( )9.What time is it now? It‘s ___ to six. A. quarter B. a quarter C. quarto C. a quarto ( )10.Will you be back in ____ ? A. one or two minutes B. one minute or two C. two minutes or one D. two or one minute ( )11.Mary‘s uncle went to France ____. A. in his thirties B. on his thirties C. at his thirties D. about his thirties

( )12.The headmaster wrote a ___ report.

A. two thousand words B.two-thousand-words

C. two-thousand words D. two-thousand-word

( )13.____of the apples in the fruit bowl are soft and sweet.

A. Two-third B. Second-third

C. Two-thirds D. Second-thirds

( )14.We have learned about ____ these days. A. several hundreds English words B. hundreds of English words C. hundred of English words D. several hundred English word ( )15.A UN report says that the word population will pass six billion by the end of ____ century. A. twentieth B. twenty C. the twentieth D. the twentyth 五、介词 1.in; on; at用在时间词前,表“在” 1)at + 具体时刻 2)on + 具体某天(具体某天的上、下午等;星期词;以及上、下午词前有修饰词时) 3)in + 年、月、季节及一天中的某部分 但注意:at night= in the night at noon at this / that time at Christmas eg. 1.___ the morning 2.___ Monday morning 3. ___ a rainy evening 4. ___3:50 5.__ 2002 6.___ the morning of April 10 7.___ spring 8.___ night 9.___ this time 10. ___ March 另外注意:在时间词(morning , afternoon , evening ; Sunday…)前有last, next , this , that时,不再用介词. tomorrow, tonight前也不用介词。 eg. I will go(A) to the cinema(B) in(C) this evening. ______________ 2. in , on , at 表地点: at一般指小地方;in一般指大地方或某个范围之内;on往往表示“在某个物体的表面”。例如: eg. 1)He arrived ___Shanghai yesterday. 2)They arrived ___a small village before dark. 3)There is a big hole ____ the wall. 4)The teacher put up a picture ____ the wall. 3.in , on , to表方位 in(范围内);on(范围外且接壤);to(范围外但不接壤)。可表示为下图的位置关系 eg.1)Taiwan is in the southeast of China. 2)Hubei is on the north of Hunan. 3)Japan is to the east of China. cross: 动词“跨过,越过”=go across 4. across: (表面)跨过 through: (内部)穿过,贯穿 介词 eg. 1)Can you swim _____ the river? 2)The road runs __________ the forest. 3) _____ the bridge, you‘ll find a cinema. 5. in + 时间段:与将来时连用 after + 时间段:与过去时连用 但after + 时间点:可与将来时连用。 1) I‘ll leave _______ three o‘clock.. That is, I‘ll leave ________ about ten minutes. 2)They left _______ two weeks. 6. in the tree(外加在树上的事物) on the tree(树上自身具有的花、果、叶等) in the wall(镶嵌在墙内部的事物) 7. on the wall(墙表面的事物) 1) There is a map ___ the wall 2) There are four windows ___ the wall. 8.by bike / bus / car / ship (单数且无冠词) 但当这些交通工具名词前有其它修饰词时,则应使用相应的介词。 eg. by bike = on a(the; his) bike by car = in a(the ; her) car on: 在?(表面)上——接触 9. over: 在?的正上方 above: 在?的斜上方 未接触 1) The moon rose ______ the hill. 2) There is a bridge _____ the river. 3) There is a book ______ the desk.

10. between: 在(两者)之间 among :在(三者以上)之间 1)A big crowd of people were waiting for Li Lida on the beach. ________ them were his parents. 2)Tom sits ________Lucy and Lily.

11.on与about : 关于

on用于较正式的演讲、学术、书籍等 about用于非正式的谈话或随便提及

eg. He gave a talk ____ the history of the Party 12. in front of :在?前面/方(范围外)= before in / at the front of:在??前部(范围内) 1)There is a big tree _______ of the classroom. 2)A driver drives _________ of the bus. ( )18.A plane is flying ____ the city. ②.Hurry up, or you‘ll be late for school.

A. on B. over C. above 6.but “但是”表转折

( )19.You are free to speak ___ the meeting. eg. I listened, but I heard nothing.

A. at B. in C. on 注意:1)though(虽然), but(但是)不能连用

( )20.Mr. Green will stay in China___ Friday.

2)not … but 不是?而是

A. to B. on C. till

eg. This book isn‘t mine but yours.

( )21.It‘s wrong to play tricks ___ other people.

both… and : 既?又(连接主语为复数) A. on B. of C. with neither…nor: 既不?也不 连接两主 ( )22.Which color do you like? I prefer blue ___ red. A. for 类似区别:at the back of与behind 13.with和in: 表示“用“

with: 指“用工具、手、口等” in: 指“用语言、话语、声音等” 1) Please write the letter ____ a pen. 2) Please speak ____ a loud voice.

14. on a farm ; in a factory ; the girl in the hat ; leave for: 动身前往某地



listen to , laugh at, get to, look for;

wait for, hear from, turn on, turn off, worry about, think of, look after, spend…on…, 等。 (2)介词与名词的搭配

on time, in time, by bus, on foot,

with pleasure, on one‘s way to, in trouble, at breakfast, at the end of, in the end等。 (3)介词与形容词的搭配

be late for, be afraid of, be good at, be interested in, be angry with, be full of, be sorry for等。 六、连词: 从属连词和并列连词

(一)从属连词:用于连接各种从句的连词 (二)并列连词:


1.表并列关系的and, both…and, not only…but also, neither…nor等。

2. 表选择关系的or, either…or等。

3. 表转折关系的but, while(然而)等。 4.表因果关系的for, so等。

5. and: “和”在肯定句中表并列

or: “和”在否定句中表并列 另外:1)or “或者”用于选择疑问句 2)or “否则”

eg. ①.Which do you like better, tea or milk?

7. either…or: 或者?或者 语后者决 not only … but also:不但?而且 定单、复 eg.1)Both he and I are students. 2)Neither he nor I am a student.

练 习

( )1.___ the afternoon of May, we visited the old man. A. On B. At C. In

( )2.Many people work ___ the day and sleep ___ night. A.

on ; at B. in ; in C. in ; at

( )3.He speaks Japanese best ____ the boy students. A.

between B. with C. among

( )4.A wolf ___ a sheep skin is our dangerous enemy. A.

with B. in C. on

( )5.Joan hopes to come back ___ three days.

A. after B. for C. in

( )6.They sent the letter to me ___ mistake.

A. by B. for C. with

( )7.He left home ___ a cold winter evening.

A. at B. on C. in

( )8.Shanghai is ____ the east of China.

A. in B. on C. to

( )9.____ my father‘s help, I have finished my composition.

A. Under B. On C. with

( )10.He‘s very strict ____ himself and he‘s very strict ___ his


A. with ; in B. in ; with C. with ; with

( )11.I really can‘t agree ____ you.

A. to B. on C. with

( )12.The shop won‘t open ___ nine in the morning.

A. until B. at C. during

( )13.How about ___ the flowers now?

A. watering B. are watering C. watered

( )14.She spent all his money ___ books.

A. in B. with C. on

( )15.They are talking ___ low voices.

A. with B. in C. on

( )16.It‘s very kind ___ you to help us.

A. for B. to C. of

( )17.What will you have ___ breakfast this morning?

A. with B. for C. by

B. as C. to ( )23.The student will give us a talk ___ how to use our spare

time. A. for B. on C. in ( )24.I paid two hundred yuan ___ that kind of bicycle. A. in B. for C. on (

)25.The doctor is very kind ___ his patients A. to B. on C. at ( )26.We can‘t live ___ air. A. in B. with C. without ( )27.The child was afraid ___ the strange sound. A. at B. for C. of ( )28.He was very angry ___ her for being late. A. for B. with C. at ( )29.What do you think ___ the play? A. about B. like C. of ( )30.I think it‘s the right way to work out the problem, but I am not sure _____ it. A. do B. for C. of ( )31.Reading ___ the sun isn‘t good ___ you A. under ; for B. in ; for C. in ; to ( )32.I won‘t ask about it, I‘m going to see it ____ my own eyes. A. by B. for C. with ( )33.We go to school every day ____ Sunday. A. except B. without C. on ( )34.There is a small river ___ the two towns A. in B. between C. among ( )35.Li Lei sometimes falls asleep ___ the lesson. A. for B. through C. during ( )36.Mr. Black went to Paris ___ a few days. A. for B. in C. after ( )37.They will leave ________ London next month. A. to B. from C. for ( )38.Are you going to the zoo ___ bus or ___ my car? A. on ; by B. by ; in C. on ; in ( )39.He woke up several times ___ the night A. in B. at C. on ( )40.No one can stop her ___ going away. A. of B. from C. out of

( )41.What do you mean ___ ―bao zhi‖? A. on B. with C. by

( )42.You‘ll get a nice present ____ your parents____ your birthday.

A. from ; on B. for ; at C. frm ; in ( )43.Light comes in ____ the window.

A. from B. across C. through

( )44.There are many apples ___ the tree. A bird ___ the tree is picking an apple.

A. in ; on B. on ; in C. in ; at

( )45. ―Who are you going to play ____?‖ ―Grade Two.‖ A. about B. by C. against

( )46. Don‘t go ___ the street. The bus is coming. A. cross B. across C. past

( )47.He lives ___ the twentieth floor ___ No. 154 Zhongshan Street.

A. on ; at B. in ; in C. on ; in

( )48.He found a piece of useful information ___ the Internet. A. at B. on C. in ( )49.___ my surprise, he lost the game. A. With B. To C. On

( )50.The blind man knows the money ___ touching and feeling it.

A. with B. by C. through

( )51. We traveled overnight to Paris and arrived _______ 5 o‘clock ______ the morning.

A. on; in B. at; in C. at; on D. in; on

( )52. Where‘s Lily? We are all here _______ her. A. beside B. about C. except D. with

( )53. She sent her friend a postcard _______ a birthday present. A. on B. as C. for D. of

( )54. Jack has studied Chinese in this school _______ the year of 2000.

A. since B. in C. on D. by

( )55. ---What is a writing brush, do you know? ---It‘s _______ writing and drawing. A. with B. to C. for D. by

( )56. English is widely used ______ travellers and business people all over the world.

A. to B. for C. as D. by

( )57. ______ the help of my teacher, I caught up with the other students.

A. Under B. In C. With D. On

( )58. Hong Kong is ______ the south of China, and Macao is ______ the west of Hong Kong.

A. in; to B. to; to C. to; in D. in; in

( )59. ---You‘d better not go out now. It‘s raining.

---It doesn‘t matter. My new coat can keep ______ rain. A. in B. of C. with D. off

( )60. Japan lies ______ the east of China. A. to B. in C. about D. at

( )61. ---Will the foreigners have any problems talking with Chinese in 2008?

---I don‘t think so. Now ______ the young ______ the old can speak some English.

A. either…or B. not only… but also C. neither…nor D. both…or

( )62. We didn‘t catch the train _______ we left late. A. so B. because C. but D. though

( )63. Tom failed in the exam again _______ he wanted to pass it very much.

A. if B. so C. though D. as

( )64. I won‘t believe that the five-year-old boy can read five thousand words ______ I have tested him myself. A. after B. when C. if D. until

( )65. The book was so interesting that he had read it for three hours ______ he realized it.

A. when B. until C. after D. before ( )66. ---This dress was last year‘s style.

---I think it still looks perfect ______ it has gone out this year.

A. so that B. even though C. as if D. ever since

( )67. Hurry up, _______ you will miss the train. A. and B. so C. however D. or

( )68. The mountain was ______ steep _____ few people in our city reached the top.

A. so…as B. so…that C. as…as D. too…to

( )69. ---Do you remember our pleasant journey to Xi‘an?

---Of course. I remember everything ______ it happened yesterday.

A. as soon as B. even though C. rather than D. as if

( )70. ______ you can‘t answer this question, we have to ask someone else for help.

A. Although B. While C. Whether D. Since 七、形容词、副词的比较等级

1.原级:表示A与B在某方面相同。 句型:1) A + 谓 + as + 原级 + as + B 2) A + 谓(否定) + as/so + 原级 + as + B A与B在某方面不同

注意:not as / so… as = less than 不及;不如 eg. 1)This girl is as beautiful as that one. 2)You don‘t eat so much as I

3)This book isn‘t as interesting as that one = This book is ___ ________ _____ that one 2.比较级:两者进行比较(常与than连用) 1)I am cleverer than you 我比你聪明。

2)He runs faster than Jim 他比Jim跑得快。

3)I picked more apples than Jim.我比你摘的苹果多。

4)Which is more interesting, this one or that one? 哪本书更有趣,这本还是那本? 3.最高级:三者(或三者以上)进行比较(常与表范围的in , of短语连用)

( 注意:of + 个体名词单数 in + 集合名词 )

eg. 1)Shanghai is the biggest city in China. 2)He runs fastest in our class.

3)He is the tallest of the three boys.

4)Which is the easiest, Lesson1, Lesson2 or Lesson3 ? 4.形、副比较等级的其他用法

1) ―比较级and 比较级‖ 表示 ―越来越??‖ eg. lazier and lazier 越来越懒

(但注意:如果多音节词用此结构时应为 more and more + 形、副)

eg. more and more beautiful 越来越漂亮

2) ―the比较级,the比较级‖ ―越??,越??‖ eg. the more, the better 多多益善

_________ you are, _______ you will get. 你越懒,收获越少。

3) ―the比较级of +二者‖ ―二者中较??的一个‖ eg. 1) Lucy is the younger of the twins.

2) Of(A) the two books(B) this one(C) is thicker(D). _________

4)表示二者相差多少用 “具体数量 + 比较级” eg. He‘s a head taller than me.

My brother is two years older than me

5)表示“是??几倍”时用“twice; three times等 + as…as” eg. 1)This book costs twice as much as that one. 这本书的价钱是那本书的两倍。

2)He has four times as many books as I have 他拥有的书是我拥有的四倍。

6)区别older / elder与farther / further older(年龄较老的)

elder(指兄弟姐妹中排行在前的) eg. My ______ brother is ______ than me. farther (指距离“较远的”)

further(指抽象事物的“更进一步的”) eg.1)He went abroad for ________ studies. 2)Fusun is _________ from our school than Zhaohua.

形、副比较等级还应注意 1.比较级前用a little ; much / a lot ; even / still来加强语气,表

示“??一点儿;??得多 ; 更??” eg. 1) a little bigger 大一点儿 2)much more 多得多

3)even heavier更重

但注意:不能在比较级前加so; too; very; quite等。

2.比较级必须是同类事物相比(即as; than后的词应与主语是

同类事物),注意常用漏的代词有:that; those; one; ones

eg. 1)The apples (A) in this basket (B) are redder (C) than in that basket(D). _________ 2)This knife (A) isn’t (B) so (C) new as that (D). _______________ 3)Our classroom (A) is (B) bigger (C) than Lily(D). _______________ 3.个体与整体相比,不能包括个体,常用“any other + 单数名词”来进行比较。

eg.1)Betty(是个体) is cleverer than any student in her class(是整

体). ( × )

正:Betty is cleverer than any other student in her class.

=Betty is cleverer than anybody else in her class.

=Betty is the cleverest in her class.


2)China is bigger than any country in Africa.


3) China is bigger than any other country in Asia. 中国比亚洲



eg. Mary is the tallest of all her sisters.( × )

(all her sisters已排除了Mary)

改:Mary is the tallest of all the sisters.

5.表示“第二、第三??”时,可在最高级前加“second ,

third, ?”(但“第一”不能用first)

eg. The Changjiang River is the first longest river in China. 改错:________________ 附:形、副比较级和最高级的变化规则 A、规则变化 1.“辅 + y”结尾,变y为i加er , est

(但“形 + ly ”构成的副词除外)

2.双写加er , est

3.直接加 er , est / r, st

4.在多音词前加more , most (以“形 + ly ”构成的副词也在前

加more , most) B、不规则变化 原级 比较级 最高级 good/well better best many/much more most bad/ill/badly worse worst little less least old older/elder oldest/eldest far farther farthest further furthest 另外: 1) 以 -er , -ow , -ble , -ple 结尾的双音节词加er, est / r, st. narrow ________ ________ simple _________ _________

able _______ _______ 2) tired__________ __________ pleased ___________ ____________ 3) often ________________ _____________ friendly_______________ ____________

4)在形容词的最高级前一般加the, 副词的最高级前一般不加the (但当形容词最高级前有物主代词、所有格时则不再加the)。 eg. Lily is my the best friend.(改错) ________ 5)形容词作表语、定语,修饰名词(但部分形容词不能作定语,只能表语:ill ; alone ; asleep ; afraid ; interested ; excited ; surprised ). 副词作状语,修饰动词。 练 习 一、写出下列词的比较级和最高级 thin ____ ____ easy _____ ______ early ______ ______ new ______ ______

hot ______ ______ clever ______ _______

little _____ ______ late _____ ______ narrow______ ______fat _____ ______ many ______ _____ big _____ ______

dangerous__________ ___________

wonderful __________ ___________

careful __________ ____________ slowly __________ ____________ popular __________ ____________ 二、选择填空 ( )1.Which language is ____ , English, French or Chinese?

A. difficult B. the difficult

C. more difficult D. the most difficult

( )2.Yangpu Bridge is one of ___ in the world

A. bigger bridge B. the biggest bridge C. the biggest bridges D. bigger bridges

( )3.Tom is taller than Mike. But he is not ____ Mike. A. strong as B. so strong as C. so strong D. as strong

( )4.Most of the people in Guangdong are getting ______. A. more and rich B. more rich and more rich C. richer and richer D. rich and rich

( )5.This text is ____ easier and ____ interes- ting than that one. A. more ; much B. much ; more C. more ; more D. much ; much

( )6.Which do you like ____, beef, pork or chicken? A. good B. well C. better D. best

( )7.Put on more clothes. It is snowing ___ outside. A. strongly B. heavy C. heavily

( )8.John drives as ___ as Tom.

A. carefully B. good C. nice D. fine ( )9.Is China larger than ____ in Africa. A. any country B. any other country C. any countries D. all countries ( )10.My ___ brother is ___ than I. A. elder, three years older B. older ; older C. older; three years elder D. elder ; elder

( )11.Li Mei is more beautiful than ___ in her class. A. any girl B. any other girl C. all the girls D. any girls

( )12.This problem is ___ than that one. A. ten times easy B. ten times easier C. ten times more easy D. ten time easier

( )13.This film is ___ interesting than that one. A. more B. much C. very D. the most ( )14.There is ___ in today‘s newspaper. A. interesting nothing B. nothing interesting C. interested nothing D. nothing interested

( )15.The teacher asked all the students in the class to keep their eyes ____.

A. close B. to close C. closing D. closed

( )16.The fat man always says his meat looks ____ and sells _____.

A. good ; good B. well ; well C. good ; well D. well ; good

( )17.It seems that men are ____ making computers than women.

A. better at B. good at C. well in D. weak in

( )18.The word‘s population is growing fast every minute, especially in some ___ countries

A. west B. more developed

C. east D. less developed

( )19.This bridge is not ___ long and wide ____ the one in my hometown.

A. so ; as B. very ; than C. too; as D. very ; as

( )20.I think the song in the film ―Titanic‖ is ___ one of all the movie songs.

A. the most beautiful B. most beautiful C. much more beautiful D. a beautiful ( )21.Lin Tao is as ___ as Zhang Hua. A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D. the strongest

( )22.Sara is ___ tired ___ move after the hard work. A. very ; to B. quite ; to C. too ; to D. so ; that

( )23. Jack didn‘t run ___ to catch the bus. A. enough fast B. quickly enough C. enough slow D. slowly enough

( )24.The driver is very ___. He often drives his car _____. A. careful ; careful B. carefully; carefully C. carefully ; careful D. careful ; carefully

( )25.Look! All the children are working ___ on the farm. A. careful B. hard C. busy D. happy

( )26.The population of Shanghai is ___ than that of Xi‘an. A. smaller B. fewer C. much D. larger

附Ⅰ——动词的四种形式 A、动三单的变法

1) ―辅+y‖结尾, 变y为i加es 2) ―以s; sh; ch; x; o结尾, 加es 3)直接加s 但have----has


1)去e加ing (e不发音)

2)双写加ing (―辅元辅‖结尾且重读,y;w列外) 3)直接加ing


1.see_______2.come ________3.stop_______ 4.open _______5.listen_______6.drop ______ 7.prefer________8.fix_______ 9.relax ______ 10.die _______11.tie _______12.lie _______ C、动词的过去式和过去分词

(一)不规则变化(见课本不规则变化表P255) (二)规则变化

1) ―辅+y‖结尾,变y为i加ed 2)双写加ed 3)直接加ed


1.drop ______ _______2.stop ______ ______ 3.prefer ________ _________

4.study ______ ______5.try ______ ____ 6.fix _____ ______ 7.relax ______ ______

附Ⅱ——情态动词(can/ could; may/ might; must; should)+动原


may(可以)——mustn‘t(不许;不准;不可以) 2.注意几个题:

1)—May I go with you? —No, you _________.

2)—Must I turn off the light now?

—Yes, you ______/ No, you _________ 附Ⅲ——动词不定式与动名词 A、动词不定式作宾补

1)tell / ask / want sb to do ______________ 否定式:tell/ask/want sb not to do __________ ____________________ 2)省to不定式作宾补

即:(l, m, n, 3h, 2看, 1f) sb do

l—let; m—make; n—notice; 3h—hear, have, help; 2看—see, watch; 1f—feel

但注意:1)help sb (to) do (to可省、可不省) 2)在改作被动语态时省去的to应还原eg. Someone heard him sing in the room. He was heard to sing in the room.


1.(hope; learn; want=would like; decide) to do 2.(enjoy; finish; keep; mind; practise) doing

??bebusy(in)??spend...(in)??feellike?? ??

?stop/keep/prevent...from???makeacontributionto???doing?preferdoingto????havefun??havesomeproblems??beworth??????stoptodo:停下来去做(另一件事)?doing:停止做(正在做的事)?3.??forgettodo:忘记做??(未做) ?doing:忘记已做了??(已做)???remembertodo:记住做??(未做)?doing:记住已做了??(已做)4.(see,watch,hear)sbdo(动作结束)doing(动作在进行)


6(.begin,start,like)tododoing(常可替换) ??Whynot?7.??hadbetter??/would/Couldyouplease??Will?动原???prefertodoratherthan??8.介词+doing

eg. 1)What/ How about doing 2)be good at doing

附Ⅳ——宾语从句与状语从句中的时态 1.状语从句中的时态: 主句 时间、条件句 1)一般将来时 2)祈使句 3)情态动词原形 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般过去时 eg.1)I‘ll call you as soon as he ______ (come) back.

2)He won‘t go to bed until he _________ (finish) his homework.

3)I‘ll help you if I _____ (be) free tomorrow 2.宾语从句中的时态: 主句 宾语从句 一般现在时 一切时态 过去范畴的某一时态(一般一般过去时 过去时;过去进行时;过去完成时;过去将来时) 但当宾语从句是指客观事实、普遍真理、自然现象时,则只能用一般现在时。

eg.1)He said his father _________(come) back in two days. 2)The teacher said light ________(travel) faster than sound. 附Ⅴ——主谓一致


eg. Two months is quite a long time.

2.people; police形单实为复,作主为复

eg. The police are looking for the missing boy. 3.maths, news, physics形复实为单,作主为单

4.family; class看作整体时作主语为单数;看作整体中的各成员时则为复数。

eg. 1)My family is a big one.

2)My family are watching TV.

5.由with, except, as well as连接的两名词作主语,谓语由前者决定

eg. The teacher with his students is going to Beijing tomorrow. 6.由neither…nor; either…or; not only…bout also连接的两名词作主语,谓语由后者决定

eg. Neither he nor I am a teacher.

7.不定代词(something; anything; nothing; someone; anyone; everyone…)作主语为三单 Nobody knows it except me.

8.One of + 复名… 作主语为单数

eg. One of my friends is a computer engineer. 9.―the +姓的复数‖作主语为复数 eg. The Lius are watching TV now.

10.sheep; deer; fish单复同形,注意区别作主语是单还是复 eg. 1)There are many sheep on the hill. 2)Milk ____ white, and sheep ______ white, too. (be填空) 11.there be结构中,如果有两个以上的名词作主语,则be应与最接近的那个名词一致。(即:靠近原则)eg.

1)There ____a box and some pens on the desk.

2)There ____some pens and a box on the desk. 12. either, neither, each作主语为三单

eg. Neither of the twins ______(like) drawing.

13.由两部分构成的事物名词(trousers, glasses, chopsticks)作主语为复数,但当前面有pair短语修饰时,则谓语由pair的单复数来决定谓语。

eg.1)Where ____(be) my glasses?

2)That pair of trousers ____(be) Mr. Green‘s


buy—have ; borrow—keep ; die—be dead ; leave—be away (from); come back—be back; fall asleep—be asleep ; open—be open ;

catch a cold—have a cold; go /get out—be out;

arrive (reach / get to / come to) +地点—be in +地点;join—be in +集体(或be + 成员);

turn on—be on; turn off—be off ; get a letter from—have a letter from. end /finish—be over ; get up—be up ;

1) He has (A) bought (B) the fridge (C) for (D) two years. _________

2)How long (A) may (B) I borrow (C) the (D) book? _________

3)The film (A) has begun (B) for five minutes(C). _________

4)Tom has got (A) the letter (B) from (C) Jim for two days (D). __________

5)I have (A) caught (B) a cold since two years ago (C). ____________

6)He has (A) come to (B) Beijing for ten years(C) ___________

7)My brother (A) has joined (B) the army (C) for (D) five years. ___________

练 习


1、一般现在时:__________ _________ 时间状语 _______________________ 2、一般过去时 _________________ 时间状语_______________________ 3、一般将来时:___________ __________


时间状语_____________________ 4、现在进行时_____________________ 时间状语_______________________

5、 现在完成时____________________ 时间状语_______________________ 6、过去进行时_____________________ 时间状语_______________________ 提供的时间状语如下:

A. since she came in B. in two days C. when she came in D. next week E. often F. five days ago G. sometimes H. last year I. look之后的句子 J. just K. at 4:30 yesterday L. so far

M. for ten years N. since two years ago 二、用所给动词的适当形式填空

1.Mother ________ (watch) TV every evening. 2.We________(talk) when the teacher came in. 3.He ________(go) to Beijing two days ago. 4.He ________(leave) Chengdu in two days.

5.Look! The boy________(play) football on the playground. 6.My uncle ______(live) here for ten years.

7.He often helps the old woman _______ (carry) water.

8.Would you like to make a contribution to ________ (improve) our living conditions?

9.Don‘t forget ________(turn) off the lights before you go out. 10.Please let the girls _____(go) first.

11.They had great fun ________(play) football this afternoon. 12.Do you enjoy ________(watch) TV?

13.Would you like ______(have) a cup of tea? 14.You can ______(go) there tomorrow.

15.Would you mind my _____(open) the door? 16.Please ask him _______(speak) more loudly 17.I‘ll go fishing if it ____(be) fine tomorrow.

18.He said his grandpa ________(be) dead for ten years. 19.Tell the children __________(not play) in the street.

20.Mr Zhu spent much time _________(help) me with my English.

21.I‘ll tell you as soon as he ____ (come) back. 22.Each of us _____(want) to go to college. 23.Thank you for ______(help) me.

24.The teacher told us the earth ____(go) round the sun. 25.My father is good at _____(fish). 26.You‘d better______(not talk) in class.

27.The teacher stopped_______(talk) to us when we went into the office.

28.I saw her _______(cook) when I got home.

29.Look! A woman with two children _____ (be) coming towards us.

30.His family ___ not big, but the family ____ (be) interested in music.

31.Two months _____(be) quite a long time.

32.He asked if Tom ______(come) in two days 33.One of our teachers _____(be) a foreigner.

34.The Greens ______(have) been to the Great Wall twice. 35.He is practicing _______(speak) English with Mr. Green.

36.This pair of glasses ___ mine. The glasses on the table ____ his (be).

37.There ____ an apple, a pear and some bananas on the table. (be)

38.______(read) in bed ___(be)bad your eyes.

39.Hello, Jim! I ________ (not know) you we in Chengdu. I ______ (tell) you were still in London.

40.It _______(say) that another bridge_______ (build) over the river next year.

41. He left the room without _______ (say) goodbye.

42. Many trees ________ (plant) in our school yard these years. 43. The police _____ (be) trying to catch the thief.

44. The family _____(be) spending the weekend together. 三、选择填空

( )1.—Must I turn off the light now?

---No, you _______

A. needn‘t B. mustn‘t C. can‘t

( )2.Our teacher told us the sun ____ in the east. A. rose B. rises C. is rising

( )3.He ___ back in a month.

A. will come B. come C. came ( )4.I ___ him before.

A. met B. had met C. have met

( )5.The teacher ____ to Japan this year. She‘s now telling her pupils about it.

A. went B. has been C. has gone

( )6.It ____ hard when I got home yesterday. A. rained B. is raining C. was raining ( )7.Why not ____ again?

A. to try B. try C. trying ( )8.He has finished ____ the letter. A. writing B. to write C. wrote ( )9.It _____ every night.

A. happens B. is happened C. happened

( )10.The policeman told the children ____ in the street. A. not play B. not to play C. don‘t play ( )11.The box is too heavy for me ____. A. to carry it B. to carry C. carrying it ( )12.Stop ____and listen to the teacher. A. to read B. read C. reading ( )13.He is still looking for a house ____. A. to live B. to live in C. to live in it

( )14.I heard her ___ when I passed her room just now. A. sing B. singing C. to sing ( )15.—May I go with you ?

---No, you ______.

A. may not B. can not C. mustn‘t ( )16.There are some ____ in the river. A. air B. fish C. water.

( )17.Sheep __ white and milk ___white, too. A. is ; is B. is ; are C. are ; is

( )18.The class ___ going to see a film this afternoon. A. am B. is C. are ( )19.Jim‘s shoes ____ under the bed. A. are B. is C. was

( )20.Three years ____ quite a long time. A. is B. are C. were

( )21.The clothes are mine. Yours ____ under the bed. A. is B. are C. were

( )22.There ___ a lot of news in today‘s newspaper. A. is B. are C. were

( )23.--Can you answer this question in English? No, I _____. A. needn't B. mustn't C. may not D. can't

( )24. The teacher wanted us _____ Exercise 1, but you let me ______ Exercise 2.

A.to do, do B. to do, to do C. do, to do D. do, do

( )25. Miss Green saw a wallet ______on the ground when she walked past the school gate.

A. lie B. lying C. lies D. to lie

( )26.What have you done _____ the milk? I've just _____ it. A. with, eaten B.for, eaten C. with, drunk D. for, drunk

( )27.The radio _______ it will get warmer later. A. says B. speaks C.talks D. tells

( )28. You must be very tired. Why not _____ a rest? A. stop having B.stop to have C.to stop having D. to stop to have

( )29. Li Ping is young, but he _____ many places of interest in South China.

A.went to B. has been in C.has gone to D. has been to ( )30. Mother told me _____ in the sun. A. not read B. don't read C. read not D. not to read

( )31.Do you often see her ______ volleyball on the playground?

A. play B. played C. plays D. to play

( )32.Alice didn't hear what the teacher said just now,so she doesn't know how _______ the problem. A. do B. did C. to do D. doing

( )33.When the little boy ____someone coming upstairs,he stopped _____.

A. heard…crying B. listened…to cry

C. heard…to cry D. listened…cry ( )34.I ______ my ruler at home.Can I use yours,please? A. forgot B. have forgotten C. left D. have left ( )34.Jim _____ the good news to his classmates this morning. A. spoke B. told C. said D. talked

十、被 动 语 态

英语的语态分主动语态和被动语态两种。主动语态的主语是动作的执行者;被动语态的主语是动作的承受者。 eg. We use a knife for cutting (主动句). A knife is used for cutting (被动句)。 一、构成:be + 过去分词

eg. 1)The work is finished by him.

2)Chinese is spoken by people in China.


1.一般现在时:am/ is/ are + 过去分词

eg. English is spoken by Englishmen. 2.一般过去时:was/ were + 过去分词

eg. The machines were made in China. 3.一般将来时:will/shall/be going to be+过去分词 eg. A sports meeting will be held in our school next week. 4.现在完成时:have/ has been + 过去分词 eg. The work has been done by them. 5.现在进行时:am/ is/ are being + 过去分词。 eg. A new school is being built in our village. 6.过去进行时:was/ were being + 过去分词 eg. My TV set was being mended at that time. 综上所述:被动语态的时态只涉及be动词的变化(即:be




can / may / must / should + be + 过去分词 eg. He may be sent away from school. 2.带动词不定式的被动语态 eg. My bike needs to be mended. 3.在使用被动语态时,如需要指出动作执行者时,应用“by + 动作的执行者(宾格)” eg. He was called Mike by us

4.不及物动词无被动语态(take place/ happen ; last ; rise ; sink ;


eg. The accident was happened two days ago (改错) _________


将省去的to还原。 eg.The boss made the workers work 12 hours. →The workers were made to work 12 hours. 6.注意短语动词的完整性(即:主动句的谓语动词若由v + prep / adv构成,变被动语态时,不能将这些介词、副词遗漏。 eg. We must take care of the baby. →The baby must be taken care of.

练 习 题

( )1.This factory has been____ for two years

A. open B. to open C. opening D. opened ( )2.The light in the room ___ before you leave. A. must turn off B. will turn off

C. are turned off D. must be turned off

( )3.The young trees ____ planted in spring. A. must B. have C. must be D. must are ( )4.Chinese ____ by Miss Wang three years ago. A. was taught B. is taught C. was teached D. were teach ( )5.Young trees ___ quite often. A. should water B. should be water

C. should be watered D. should have watered

( )6.English ___ by many people in the world

A. speaks B. speak C. are spoken D. is spoken ( )7.The old people ___ well in our country. A. is looked after B. are looked after C. looks after D. look for ( )8. Alice is ill. She ____ to hospital at once. A. is sent B. must be sent C. can send D. must send

( )9. The factory ____ in 1958. A. was built B. is built C. will be built D. built ( )10.Our teacher told us that the classroom _____ every day. A. should be cleaned B. should cleaned

C. shall be cleaned D. must cleaned

( )11.Football ____ all over the world. A. plays B. is playing C. has played D. is played ( )12.____ silk ____ in Suzhou? A. Is , produced B. Are, produced C. Does, produce D. Was, produce

( )13.Much money ____ spent on books every year. A. have B. has C. are D. is ( )14.The students was made ______ the questions by the teacher. A. answer

B. to answer C. answering D. answered

( )15.The sun ____ when we got there.

A. was risen B. has been risen

C. had risen D. is rising

( )16.The People‘s Liberation Army was ____ August 1, 1927. A. found in B. found on C. founded on D. founded in

( )17.The oranges should be well ___ during the winter. A. keep B. kept C. keeping D. to keep ( )18. Many of the sheep ___ by the wolf狼). A. was killed B. are killed C. are killing D. were killed

( )19.Tape recorders____ in our English class A. should use B. used C. can be used D. are using ( )20. ____ English ____ in Canada? A. Do, spoken B. Is , spoken C. Are, spoken D. Does, speak

( )21.He ____ not to leave waster paper everywhere. A. tells B. told C. was told D. has told

( )22.Who ____ ―The Family‖, ―Spring‖ and ―Autumn‖ ______?

A. was, written B. were, written C. were, written by D. are. Written by ( )23.Look at the building! It ____ now. A. is being built B. has been built C. is building D. has built ( )24.Half of the work ____ before six. A. can be done B. will do C. were done ( )25.We ____ stamps for sending letters. A. are used B. use C. used

( )26.The Great Green Wall(绿色长城)___ in North China. A. are built B. can be build C. was built ( )27.___ the farm ____ by the students ? A. was, visited B. Is, visit C. Must, visit

( )28.The woman ____ by people in the waiting room. A. was laughed B. was laughed at C. laughed at

( )29. What ____ there?

A. happened B. is happened C. must be happened

( )30.He was made ______for twelve hours. A. to work B. work C. worked 十一、状语从句 (一)时间状语从句:由when, while, before, after, since, as soon as, till / until引导的从句 1)when与while

??when?“短命”动词 ?while?“长命”动词 eg.1)I‘ll tell her the good news _____he comes back. 2)Aunt Wang came in while we were watching TV

2)“短命”动词的否定式???until:直到??才 “长命”动词的肯定式??until:到??为止3)since:自从??以来(since从句常用一般过去时)


eg.1)He has lived there since he came to China 2)It is two years since her mother died.

(二)条件状语从句:由if (如果)引导的从句

eg.I will go to the park if it ________ (not rain) tomorrow. 注意:条件状语从句与以下句型的转换 1)祈使句,and (then , or)+简单句 = If you … , you …

eg.1)Use your head, then you‘ll find a way. =If you use your head, you‘ll find a way 2)Hurry up, or you‘ll be late. =If you don‘t hurry, you‘ll be late. 2)without与条件句的转化

eg. Man can‘t live without water. =Man can‘t live if there is no water. 注意以上两种状语从句的时态 主句 时间、条件句 1)一般将来时 2)祈使句 3)情态动词原形 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般过去时 但since从句例外,应与现在完成时连用。 eg.1)I‘ll call you as soon as he ______ (come) back.

2)He won‘t go to bed until he _________ (finish) his homework.

3)I‘ll help you if I _____ (be) free tomorrow

4)I ___________ (live) here since I came to China.

(三)原因状语从句:由because, since , for , as引导的从句 eg. He didn‘t go to school because he was ill. 注意:1)对because引导的从句提问用why 2)因为(because), 所以(so)不能连用

eg. Because he was (A) ill, so (B) he didn’t (C) go to school (D) yesterday. ________

(四)结果状语从句:由so… that引导的从句(so后接形、副原级)

eg. He ran (A) so faster (B) that I couldn‘t catch up with (C) him. ________

注意:1) “so… that +否定句”与“too… to”的替换 eg.1)He is so young that he can‘t go to school.

= He is too young to go to school(主、从句主语相同) 2)He ran so fast that we couldn‘t catch up with him.

= He ran too fast for us to catch up with. (主、从句主语不同) 3)The box is so heavy that I can‘t carry it

= The box is too heavy for me to carry.(注意carry后省去宾语it)

2)“so… that +从句”与“enough to”的替换 eg.1)He‘s so strong that he can carry the box. = He‘s strong enough to carry the box.

2)The question is so easy that I can answer it =The question is easy enough for me to answer

练 习

( )1.We bought granny a present, ___ she didn‘t like it. A. but B. and C. when

( )2.Be quick, ___ you‘ll be late for the football match. A. so B. and C. or

( )3.You‘ve done badly, ___ I can see you did your best. A. or B. but C. so

( )4.That was our first lesson, ___ she didn‘t know all our names.

A. for B. but C. so

( )5.They didn‘t pass the ball often enough, ___ they didn‘t play together very well.

A. and B. yet C. when

( )6.It was raining at that time, ___ they couldn‘t go out for walk.

A. because B. or C. so

( )7.Mary couldn‘t go to school, ___ she was very ill. A. for B. before C. though

( )8.Go straight along the road, ___ you‘ll find the hospital at the end of it.

A. since B. and C. when

( )9.Take this medicine , ___ you will yet well soon. A. and B. but C. so

( )10.Either she or I ___ him at the airport. A. is to meet B. am to meet C. are to meet ( )11.The train hasn‘t arrived ____. A. too B. also C. yet ( )12.You won‘t go there, ___ will I. A. So B. Neither C. Also

( )13.You can take ___ this book ___ that book, but you can‘t take ___ of them.

A. either, or ; all B. either , or ; both C. not only , but also ; both

( )14.The students had no water___ food then A. or B. and C. also

( )15.They were ___ weak ___ carry the heavy box. A. neither , nor B. both , and C. too , to

( )16.The books aren‘t yours ___ ours. A. nor B. and C. but

( )17.Tom saves his money, ___ John spends all he gets. A. while B. or C. so

( )18.Excuse me, ___ can you tell me how to get to the park? A. and B. please C. but

( )19.He needs to have a rest, ___ he has worked for a long time .

A. and B. but C. for

( )20.The policeman was ___ busy ___ holidays with his family. A. very , to spend B. too , to spend C. so , that

( )21.Neither Jack nor I ___ to the park. A. is going B. are going C. am going

( )22.His grandfather has never been to school so he could ___ read ___ write.

A. neither , nor B. either , or C. both , and ( )23.Johm ___ until Mike ___ sorry to him. A. let him in , said B. didn‘t let him in , said C. didn‘t let him in , says

( )24.I‘m sure Li Ping is ___ in the classroom ___ in the library. A. either , or B. both , and C. neither , or ( )25.Don‘t open the door ___ the bus ___. A. until , stops B. and , stops C. until , stop

( )26.Both his father and his mother ___ to Beijing. A. has been B. have been C. has gone

( )27.We‘ll have a sports meeting if it ____ rain tomorrow. A. won‘t B. isn‘t C. don‘t D. doesn‘t ( )28.I‘ll let you know as soon as he ____. A. comes back B. will come back C. is coming back D. come back

( )29.I‘m ___ busy getting ready for Christmas ____ I have no time to write to you.

A. not, until B. too, to

C. so, that D. neither, nor

( )30.This TV set is too dear, ____ it gives you a better picture. A. or B. if C. though D. and

( )31.Could you ask Tom to ring me up if you ____ him tomorrow.

A. met B. meet C. will meet D. have met

( )32.While she ___ TV in the sitting room, the bell ____. A. watches, rings B. is watching, rang C. was watching D. watched, was ringing

( )33.Mary will go ____ after she ____ her homework. A. shops, finish B. shopping, finishes C. to shop, finishing D. shopping, finish

( )34.He is listening to the music ____ he is washing clothes. A. after B. before C. when D. while

( )35.Tell Mr. Wang to go to Mr. Li‘s office, when you ____


A. saw B. will see C. are seeing D. see ( )36.They ____ until the meeting was over. A. left B. not leave C. don‘t leave D. didn‘t leave

( )37.The children sat at the table until the guests ____. A. leave B. are leaving C. left D. had left

( )38.The film ____ for half an hour when I got to the cinema. A. has begun B. had been on C. begun D. begins

( )39.She ____ until late into the night. A. waited B. came C. went D. started

( )40.He began to do his homework _____ he turned on the light.

A. before B. since C. till D. after

( )41.He didn‘t go to swim yesterday___ he was ill. A. when B. if C. because D. and because

( )42.Li Ping gives me more help than Wang Lin ____ . A. is B. has C. does D. gives

( )43.Please keep the box for me ____ I come back tonight. A. when B. as C. to D. until

( )44.I bought an umbrella ____ the weather was fine. A. if B. although C. because D. as

( )45.We got to the cinema ___ late ___ there were no seats left. A. too, to B. much, to C. very, that D. so, that ( )46.It ___ five years ___ I left the army. A. is , since B. was , since C. has been, when D. is , when

( )47.Though it was raining hard, ___ was still waiting for her son in the rain.

A. but she B. and she C. she D. so she ( )48.I have known him ___ I was a child. A. because B. since C. when D. before

( )49.Jim had finished his homework ____ his mother came back.

A. after B. before C. while D. then 十二、宾语从句:充当宾语的句子 对宾语从句应注意以下三要素: 1. 引导词 2. 语序 3. 时态 1. 引导词

1)that引导一般疑问句意义的宾从(that可省) eg. He says (that) the boy is a lilltle weak in Chinese. 2)疑问词引导特殊疑问句意义的宾从 eg. ①.Do you know who will give us a talk? ②.I don‘t know whose book that is.

③.Could you please tell which gate we have to go to? ④.I wonder when he will come back. 注意:此类宾从的主语与主句的主语(或宾语)相同时,可替换为“疑问词 + to do” eg. ①.I haven‘t decided where I will go =I haven‘t decided where to go ②.He asked me what I bought = He asked me what to buy. 类似短语:how to do _____what to say_____ what to do _____where to go____ 3)if/whether(是否)引导一般疑问句意义的宾从 eg. ①.―Do you like this book?‖ she asked me.

=She asked me ___ I liked this book.

②.―Have you visited the Great Wall?‖ Could you tell me?

=Could you tell me _____ you have visited the Great Wall?



eg. I don‘t know if he ______ (come)if it ______(rain) tomorrow.

ⅱ.用whether不用if的几种情况 1)后接不定式 eg. I can‘t decide whether to go to Beijing. 2)与or / or not连用 eg. I want to know whether you will go to the park or not. 3)在句首时 eg. Whether this is true or not, I can‘t say.

4)whether还可以引导让步状语从句,意为“不管,无论”eg. Whether it rains or not, we are going to the park tomorrow.


eg. 1)I don‘t (A) know whether (B) will he (C) come (D)

tomorrow. _____________

2)He asks (A) me when (B) will you (C) come back (D). _____________

3)Could you tell (A) how many players (B) are there (C) in (D) a football team? ________

3.时态 主句 宾语从句 一般现在时 一切时态 过去范畴的某一时态(一般一般过去时 过去时;过去进行时;过去完成时;过去将来时) ?shegoestoschooleveryday.eg.1)Shesays(that)??shehasbeenillforfivedays.??shewillcometomorrow.?shewenttoschooleveryday.2)Shesaid(that)??shehadbeenillforfivedays.但当宾语

??shewouldcomethenextday.从句是指客观事实、普遍真理、自然现象时,则只能用一般现在时。 eg. She said (that) the sun rises in the east.

练 习

( )1.Alice wanted to know ____ her grandma liked the dog.

A. that B. if C. which D. what ( )2.Can you tell us ____ ? A. where have you gone B. where have you gone C. where you have been D. where have you been

( )3.Do you still remember ____ ?

A. that he said B. what he said

C. did he say that D. what did he say ( )4.The weather here changes very often and we can‘t tell ____ it will be like tomorrow. A. that B. how C. what D. whether ( )5.—What did the scientist say? ---He said he wondered if ____into space by spaceship one

day. A. he had to fly B. he could fly C. can he fly D. could he fly ( )6.Do you know___from Wuhan to Xi‘an ? A. how far it is B. how far is it C. how long it is D. how long is it ( A. where do you live )7.Could you tell me ____?

B. who you are waiting for C. who were you waiting for D. where you live in ( )8.—Is the lake there beautiful?

-– This photo will show you ____.

A. how does it look like

B. what does it look like C. how it looks like D. what it looks like ( )9. I don‘t know ____ bought the present for me. Is it Jack? A. which B. who C. whose D. what

( )10.Could you show us ____ a bike ? A. how to mend B. what to buy C. where to go D. how many to buy ( )11.I don‘t know ____ Jane was late for school this morning. A. who B. what C. whom D. why

( )12.—Do you remember ____ he came? --Yes, I do. He came by car.

A. that B. if C. how D. when ( )13.Mike said he ___ a cold for a few days. A. has caught B. had caught C. has had D. had had

( )14.I don‘t know if he ____ here. If he ____, I‘ll tell you. A. will come, comes B. comes, will come C. comes , comes D. will come, will come ( )15.Could you tell me ____ best?

A. which one you like B.which one do you like C. do you like which one D.you like which one

( )16.The teacher told the children that the earth ____ around the sun.

A. moves B. moved C. had moved D. was moving

( )17.Nobody knows which factory _____. A. does he work B. he works C. does he work in D. he works in

( )18.He said that no one knew ___ with him. A. what is the matter B. what was the matter C. what the matter is D. what the matter was

( )19.I‘m interested in _____ or not he is coming. A. whether B. if C. when D. why ( )20.I‘m sorry that I ____ you were here. A. didn‘t know B. don‘t know C. won‘t know D. can‘t know

十三、定语从句:在句中作定语的句子,它修饰一个名词或代词,这个被修饰的名词、代词叫做先行词。 一、引导词(关系词):位于从句与先行词之间,起连接作用,同时在从句中充当一定的成分。先行词分两类:1.关系代词who(作主语), whom(作宾语), whose(作定语), which(作主语、宾语), that(作主语、宾语). 2.关系副词when, where, why.


eg. The trees (that) we have planted grow well.

2.关系代词作宾语时,可放在介词后。 但当关系代词是that时,则不能放在介词后。eg. This is the house in which Lu Xun once lived

= This is the house which Lu Xun once lived in. =This is the house that Lu Xun once lived in

二、如何选用引导词:一般情况引导词的选用是受先行词决定的——先行词是人时用that , who , whom , whose; 先行词是物时用that , which; 先行词是时间、地点时用when , where. eg. 1)The boy who / that is standing under the tree is Jim. 站在树下的那个男孩时Jim.

2)Do you know the girl whose mother is a driver? 你认识


3)Have you been to the factory where your father works? 你去过你爸爸工作的工厂吗?

但注意区别who / that (指人);which / that (指物) 1.修饰人只用who的情况:

a. 先行词是one , ones , anyone , those 时。 b. there be句型中修饰名词时。 c. 先行词后有一个较长的定语。

eg.1)Anyone who hasn’t handed in his home- work should stay after school. 没交作业的任何人放学后都要留下。

2)There is a girl who wants to see you at the school gate. 校门口有位想见你的女孩。

3)Did you see the man in the park yesterday afternoon who wore a red shirt? 昨天下午在公园你见过那个穿红衬衫的人吗?


a. 先行词为指物的不定代词all , much , little, few , everything , something , anything , nothing

b.先行词前有最高级、序数词及last , only , very , all , no时 c. 先行词既有人,又有物时

d. 主句是who / which引导的特殊疑问句,而先行词又指人或物时。

eg.1)Is there anything that I can do for you? 有让我做的事吗?

2)He is the only one that can help us at the moment. 他是现在能帮助我们的唯一的人。

3)He talked about the teachers and schools that he had visited. 他谈论着他拜访过的老师和参观过的学校。

4)Which is the machine that we used last Sunday? 我们上周星期天用过的机器是哪一台? 3.修饰物只用which的情况:

a. 先行词在定语从句中作介词的宾语时 b. 先行词为that时

eg.1)This is the house in which Lu Xun once lived . 这就是鲁迅以前住过的房子。

2)What‘s that which you are holding in your arms? 你抱着的那个是什么?




3.定语从句的谓语动词含情态动词,可简化为不定式。 eg.1)I bought a book that was written by Lu Xun. = I bought a book written by Lu Xun.

2)Tell the children who are playing there not to do that. = Tell the children playing there not to do that. 3)The book that is on the table is mine. = The book on the table is mine.

4) We have nothing that we should fear. = We have nothing to fear.

练 习


1.Is it the very house ________ you lived in ten years ago? 2.The woman _____ sits next to the door is my mother. 3.I‘ll never forget the year _____ I joined the League. 4.It is the house _____ I was born.

5.The house ______ roof is broken has been repaired. 二、用短语来改写下面的定语从句部分。

1.The man that is talking with Mary is my brother. ______________________________________ __________________.

2.This is a book which was written by a worker ______________________________________ 3.The student who is from Canada speaks French. ______________________________________ __________.

4.She has a lot of work that she must do.

_____________________________________ 三、选择填空

( )1.The man ____ was a friend of mine. A. that you just talked to

B. whom you just talked to him C. who you just talked to him D. which you just talked to

( )2.This is the best film ____has been shown this year. A. who B. that C. which D. when

( )3.Finally, the thief handed everything ____ he had stolen to the police.

A. which B. what C. that D. in where

( )4.Mr. Li told us the stones and writers ____ interested him A. what B. who C. that D. which

( )5.My father still remembers the day ___ he joined the army. A. when B. which C. to which D. from which

( )6.I‘ll never forget the summer holidays ____ we spent together.

A. when B. in which C. which D. how

( )7—Does the teacher know everybody _______ planted the


—Yes, he does.

A. which B. whose C. where D. who

( )8.The letter _______ I received from him yesterday is very important.

A. who B. where C. what D. that

( )9.I hate people _______ talk much but do little. A. whose B. whom C. which D. who

( )10.—Who is the man _______ was talking to our English teacher?

—Oh! It‘s Mr Baker, our maths teacher. A. he B. that C. whom D. which

( )11.I hate the people ________ don‘t help others when they are in trouble.

A. who B. which C. they D. where

( )12.George Mallory was an English school teacher _______ loved climbing.

A. who B. whom C. he D. which

( )13.This is the place _____I have ever visited. A. there B. when C. where D. which

( )14.Nobody knows the reason ______ she didn‘t come to the meeting.

A. that B. which C. why D. when ( )15.The moon is a world ___there is no life. A. that B. which C. where D. why ( )16.He has forgotten the day ___ he arrived. A. when B. where C. that D. which

( )17.He still remembers the days ______ he spent with your family.

A. when B. where C. that D. on which

( )18.Mr. White, ______ car had been stolen, came to the policeman.

A. who B. that C. whose D. which

( )19.He got to the village _______ his family once lived before liberation.

A. that B. which C. when D. where ( )20.This is the house ______ I want to buy. A. in which B. that C. whose D. where

( )21.He didn‘t tell me the place _______ he was born. A. that B. which C. when D. where

( )22.He lived in a small village, ______ was a long way from the railway station.

A. that B. which C. where D. when 十五、反意疑问句

由“陈述句 + 附加疑问句”两部分构成。一般有两种形

式:前肯后否或前否后肯。对附加疑问部分应注意以下几点: 1)主语只能用人称代词;2)附加疑问句的not必须与(be /助/情)缩写;3)附加疑问句的时态必须与陈述部分的时态一致。

eg.1)Tom is a work, isn‘t Tom?(找错)_______ 2)You can swim, can not you?(找错)______

3)He had lunch, doesn‘t he?(找错)________ 特别注意以下几种反意疑问句 1. 陈述部分含否定意味的词(few, little, never, nothing, nobody, no, hardly, none),附加疑问句应使用肯定形式(但前缀词unhappy, unlike, disappear等列外) eg. They are unhappy, aren‘t they?

2.陈述部分的主语是everything, something, nothing, anything时,附加疑问句的主语应用it;陈述部分的主语是everybody, somebody, nobody, everyone, no one时,附加疑问句的主语应用they。

eg.1)Everything is ready, ___________? 2)Everyone is here, ____________?

3.陈述部分是祈使句时,附加疑问句一般用:will you? 但注意:

Let‘s … , shall we? Let us … , will you?

4.陈述部分含must时,附加疑问句一般用needn‘t. eg. I must finish my work now, _________?

5.陈述部分是there be结构时,应用there be结构来完成。 eg. There‘s little water, ___________

*6.陈述部分含宾语从句时,疑问部分通常与主句一致。但当主句的谓语动词是think, believe且主语是I , we时,即: I / We think (believe) + 宾从,则附加问句应与从句一致。I‘m sure + 宾从也是如此

eg.1)She said I did it, ____________?

2)We don‘t think you are right, ________? 3)I‘m sure you‘ll help me, ____________? *7.I‘m… , aren‘t I?

eg.I am older than you, __________?

8.陈述部分含had better, 疑问部分应用had better来回答。 eg. You‘d better go out , ___________?

9.陈述部分是感叹句,附加问句的人称代词应与主语一致。 eg. 1)What a kind girl, __________? 2)What a fine day, ___________?

练 习

( )1.You had to work for 10 hours yesterday, _____? A. didn‘t you B. did not you C. had not you D. did you ( )2.Don‘t eat too much, ____?

A. will you B. don‘t you C. do you D. can you ( )3.Lily looks like Lucy, ____? A. is Lily B. isn‘t she C. does Lily D. doesn‘t she

( )4.—You didn‘t change your mind, did you

--- ______.

A. No, I didn‘t B. Yes, did I

C. No, I did D. Yes, I didn‘t

( )5.The woman hardly let her daughter go to school, ____ she ? A. does B. doesn‘t C. did D. didn‘t

( )6.Be sure to come to the parents‘ meeting on time, ____? A. will you B. aren‘t you C. can‘t you D. mustn‘t you ( )7.Let‘s have a good rest, ____? A. will we B. do we C. shalln‘t we D. shall we

( )8.He has never ridden a horse before, ___? A. does he B. has he C. hasn‘t he D. doesn‘t ( )9.Tom has supper at school, ___? A. hasn‘t he B. has he C. doesn‘t he D. does he

( )10.There is little water in the glass, ___? A. isn‘t there B. isn‘t it C. is it D. is there


1.主语 + 不及物动词(主、谓结构) eg. He is working.

2.主语+ 及物动词 + 宾语(主、谓、宾结构) eg. We study English every day.

3.主语+ 连系动词 + 表语(主、系、表结构) eg. Trees turn green.

常见的连系动词有:be ; become ; get ; turn ; feel ; look(看起来);smell(闻起来); sound(听起来);taste(尝起来);seem(似乎). 特别注意:形容词常作表语

4.主语 + 及物动词 + 间宾(人)+ 直宾(物)

=主语+ 及物动词 + 直宾(物)+ to / for + 间宾(人) 常用的此类动词有:give ; pass ; show ; lend ; buy. 但buy与for连用

eg.1)I gave him a book. = I gave a book to him.

2)My mother bought me a pen yesterday. = My mother bought a pen for me. 5.主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语 + 宾补

注意作宾补的词:1)名词(指宾语是谁/什么);2)形容词;3)不定式;4)动词的ing 形式。 eg.1)We call him Jim. 2)We must keep the window open. 3)He told me to wash the plates. 4)I saw a thief going into your room. 特别注意:


A: ask / want / tell sb to do sth.

其否定式为:ask/want/tell sb not to do sth 2)省to不定式作宾补,即: (l, m, n; 3h; 2看; 1f) sb do sth

l—let, m—make, n—notice; 3h—hear, have , help; 2看—see, watch; 1f—feel.

eg.1)The boss made the workers work 12 hours every day. 2)I often hear him sing. 2)区别省to不定式作宾补与动词ing形式作宾补. hear / see sb do: 听见/看见某人做了某事 hear / see sb doing: 听见/看见某人在做某事

Ⅱ、 知 识 要 点


What be + 主语?= What does /do +主语+do? eg. He is a teacher.(提问) ______ _____ he _____?

2.It‘s nice talking to you.与你谈话真高兴。 △

3.表方式的短语 1)on foot

2)by + 交通名词单数(无冠词)

= in / on a (the; 物主代词;名词所有格) eg. 1) by bike = on a bike by car = in a car

2) He goes to work by a bike every day.(改错) _____________

must: 个人主观上认为“必须”(无时态变化)

4. have to : 有外部条件强加的客观上的“不得不” (存在各种时态)

eg. 1) I _________ stop on the way because of the rain. 2) I ______ stop because I‘m a little tired. △


Shall we… ? 答 肯定:Good idea / OK / Let‘s … All right Why not… ? 语 否定:No, let‘s…

肯定:Certainly/ Yes, please/ 另外还可回答为 Yes, I think so/ I‘d love to

否定:No,I don‘t think so / I‘m afraid not.

put on强调“穿”的动作:穿上,戴上 后接 △

6.. wear是 put on 之后的结果:穿着 ―衣服‖ = be in 名词 dress sb: 给某人穿衣

eg. 1)You‘d better ____ more clothes when you go out. It‘s cold outside.

A. wear B. dress C. put on D. take off 2)The boy can ________ himself now.

A. wear B. dress C. put on D. take off 3) Tom is wearing a red shirt today. A. is on B. is in C. is putting on △

7.在具体的某楼前用 on

eg. He lives on the fifteenth floor. △

8.How do you like… ? 你觉得??怎么样? = What do you think of … ?

eg. How do you like the new film? = What do you think of the new film? 你觉得这部新电影怎么样? 9.a little = a bit

但注意:1) a little+名词 = a bit of + 名词 ) eg.There is a little( a bit of ) water in the glass. 2) not a little = very not a bit = not at all △

10. quite : quite a (an) + 形 + 名 very : a very + 形 + 名 eg. This is a very interesting book. = This is quite an interesting book. 11.in a hurry: 匆忙地

eg.1)He is in a hurry all day.

2)She went to school in a hurry.

另外:hurry to … = go to … in a hurry

12. marry sb = be married to sb.与某人结婚 get married = be married 已婚;结婚

(但get married是“短命”动词,要指“结婚多久”应用be married)

eg. 1)She married with a doctor (找错) ______

2)She has got married for ten years (找错) __________ △

13. leave sth + 地点:把某物忘在某地 forget sth : 忘记某事

eg. 1)He ______ the driver‘s license yesterday. 2)I ____ my umbrella in the train just now. △


1)What (a, an) + 形 + 名.(+主 + 谓)! (注:但名词为不可数、复数时,则不用a / an) 2)How + 形 / 副 ( + 主 + 谓)! eg.1)________ bad weather!

2)______ hard they are working! 3)______ good girl she is!

4)_____ beautiful flowers they are!

“雨大,雪大”heavy---heavily/ hard △

15.“风大” strong ---strongly “太阳大”bright---brightly 注意以上词的形、副区别

eg. 1)There was a __________ rain yesterday.

2)It blew ________ last night.

3)The sun is shining ___________. 4)Look! It‘s raining __________. 5)What a ___________ wind!

how long: 多长时间(问时间段) △

16. how often: 多久一次(问频率)

how soon = when: 何时(问将来时间) eg.1)--________ does he go home?

-- Once a week.

2)--________ were you away from school last year? --Less than a week.

3)--________ will he come back? --In two days.

17.??instead:副词(句首、句末) ?insteadof:介词短语(后接名/动名/代词)eg. 1)I didn‘t go to the cinema. _____ I went to the library yesterday.

2)We would like to stay at school _______ going to the cinema today. △

18.so 句型

so + be(助、情) + 主语:“也如此” so + 主语 + be(助、情):“的确如此” eg.1)I watched TV last night, and so did she. 昨晚我看了电视,她也看了。

2)I watch TV every day, and so does he. 我每天看电视,他也如此。 3)I can swim, so I can. 我会游泳,真的是这样。

注意:表示“也不如此”用neither / nor eg. I didn‘t watch TV last night, neither did she △

19.指路与问路 问路

1)Excuse me. Could you tell me … how I can get to …. how to get to … the way to …

2)Excuse me. Which is the way to…


1)Go down / up / along this road and… go还可替换为walk

2)Go down / up / along to the end. 3)Go on until you reach the end. 4)Take the … turning on the left. = Turn left at the … turning. 5)Go across the bridge


eg.1)He‘s sick / ill in hospital.

2)A nurse (A) must take (B) good (C) care of ill (D) men. (选错) _____________


eg.1)__________ he is a student.

2)He ___________ a student.

22.??inhospital:在住院thehopital:在医院 ?in??inschool:在上学,上课?intheschool:在学校?类似结构??attable:在吃饭atthetable:在桌旁

???inbed:躺在床上??atwar:在打仗??reach?地点??△23.到达??arrivein?大地点?后接here,there, ?at?小地点??home时省介词??getto?地点??但当后不接地点时,只能用arrive

eg.1)She ____ Shanghai last night.

A. reached to B. got C. arrived in D. arrived at 2)They ____ there in time at last.

A. reached to B. arrived C. got to D. arrived at 3) I‘ll ring you up as soon as he_____(到达).

??alone:1)adj指“形体上的孤单”(只作表语)?24.??2)adv?byoneself“独自地,单独地”eg.1)S?lonely:adj指“精神上的孤独,寂寞(作表语、??定语)he is _____________ girl.

2)Do you feel ______ when you are _____? 3)The old man live in a house ________.


???getoutof:下(car;lift)26.工作??job:可数名词 ?work:不可数名词eg. I have (A) many (B) work to do (C)______ △

27.??muchtoo?形/副:“太??” ?toomuch?不可数:“太多”eg.1)He gave us _________ money. 2)She is ___________ young.


28.??take:带走,拿走(远离说话者) ??carry:搬,运,抬(不具方向性)eg.1)Please ____ your exercise book here tomorrow. 2)Meimei often helps the old man _____ water.

??somewhere:某地(用于肯定句)?29.??anywhere:任何地方(否、疑句)eg. –-I ?everywhere:到处;处处(用于肯定句)???hereandtherelooked for my pen___________, but I couldn‘t find it ____________.

---Don‘t worry. Sooner or later you‘ll find it _________. 30.to one‘s surprise 使某人吃惊的是?? 类似结构:to one‘s joy 使某人高兴的是??

eg. To our great surprise, she could swim in the river. 使我们惊奇的是,他能在河里游泳。

31. agree with : 同意某人(或某人所说的) agree to : 同意某事 eg. 1)He agree ___ my plan. 2)I agree ____ what you said.

32.be on … team: 参加??队;是??的队员 eg. He is on the city basketball team. 他是市篮球队队员。 △

33.teach sb+科目(当sb是人称代词时应用宾格) eg. He teaches our English(改错) __________ △

34.the 100-metre race 100米赛跑 100-metre作定语,修饰race, 注意metre用单数。 类似结构:①a two-thousand-word letter一封两千字的信 ②an 18-year-old girl一位18岁的女孩 另外有时还可用所有格形式来表达: 100-metre race = 100 metres‘ race

two-month holiday = two months‘ holiday

但当前面有a/ an ; 物主代词;所有格时。则只能用复合形容词来表示:

eg. What did the headmaster say about Jim‘s ______. A. two months holidayB. Two months‘ holiday C. two-month holiday D. two moth‘s holiday 35.problem与question

question: 指人们主观上产生而提出等待回答的问题。常与

ask , answer连用

problem: 指客观上存在等待解决的问题着重指“难题”。

常与solve , work out连用

1) We must find out a good way to solve the ______. 2) You can answer the _____ in your own words. borrow: 借进 borrow … from从?借 △

36. lend: 借出 lend sb sth = lend sth to sb 把某物借给某人

keep: 保存;借(多久)(与时间段连用) 1)Jack ____ me his bike last week. 2)You can _____ the book from me, but you can ____ it for only one week. △

37.It‘s +adj + of / for sb to do sth.

当形容词用于修饰人时,介词用of. 常见的此类形容词有:kind ; good ; clever ; careful ; polite ; right ; wrong. 其余情况用for.

1)It‘s very clever ____ you to do that.

2)It‘s hard ____ me to work out the problem. △

38. more: 另外的;额外的(放在数量词之后) another: 再一(另一?)(放在数量词之前) 1)May I have two _____ apples? 2)May I borrow _______ one book?

used to + 动原: 过去常常做?

39. be used to + 动原: 被用于做? be / get used to sth : 习惯于某事 1)He used to be late for school. 2)The knife is used to cut things. 3)He is uesd to hard work.

other: 放在被修饰词之前 △

40. else: 放在被修饰词之后,一般修饰不定代词和疑问词 1)other students别的学生 2)anybody else. 其它任何人

what else. 别的什么 △

41. so + 形/副 such + 形 + 名


1) so +形+a / an + 单名= such a /an +形 +单名

2)so (many / much / few / little) + 名

3)so… that ; such … that如此?以致?

① It was ____ bad weather.

② There are ____ many poor in the country.

③ ____ few animals eat ____ much grass. ④ This city is ____ old, you‘d better visit it.

⑤ It‘s ______ important party ____ I can‘t miss it. have / has been to: 曾经去过? △

42. have / has gone to: 已经去了? have / has been in: 已在?(多久)

注意:1)后接地点副词here, there , home时应省介词

2)与时间段连用只用have /has been in

① --Where‘s Tom?

--He ______________ Beijing.

② I ______ Beijing several times. ③ She ________ Chengdu for two years.

④ He __________ there twice.

43.“短命”动词 “长命”动词

buy—have ; borrow—keep ; die—be dead ; leave—be away

(from); come back—be back; fall asleep—be asleep ; open—be

open ;

catch a cold—have a cold; go /get out—be out; arrive (reach / get to / come to) +地点—be in +地点;join—be in

+集体(或be + 成员);

turn on—be on; turn off—be off ;

get a letter from—have a letter from.

end /finish—be over ; get up—be up ;

1) He has (A) bought (B) the fridge (C) for (D) two years. _________

2)How long (A) may (B) I borrow (C) the (D) book? _________

3)The film (A) has begun (B) for five minutes(C). _________

4)Tom has got (A) the letter (B) from (C) Jim for two days (D). __________ 5)I have (A) caught (B) a cold since two years ago (C). ____________ 6)He has (A) come to (B) Beijing for ten years(C) ___________

7)My brother (A) has joined (B) the army (C) for (D) five years. ___________

44. except: 除?以外(不包括除去的部分) besides: 除了?,还有?(包括除去的部分)

1) We go to school every day except Sunday. 该句意味着: We go to school from Monday to Saturday. 2)We all went to the park besides Li Lei. 该句意味着: We went to the park, and Li Lei went, too.

take: It take sb sometime to do sth. △

45.spend(time/money)onsth(in)doingsth 主语 pay (money) for sth 是人 buy sth for + money cost: sth cost sb + money 主语是物

1)I _____ ten yuan on the book. 2)I _____ ten yuan for the book. 3)The book _____ me ten yuan. 4)I _____ the book for ten yuan.

5)It _____ me an hour to do the maths problem

sometime: 某时(与将来时连用)

46 sometimes: 有时(一般现在时

some time: 一些时候(表时间段)

some times:几次 eg. 1)He _______ (go) to Beijing sometime next week. 2)I _______ (be) to Beijing some times.

47.be to do: 表将来 There is to be a sports meeting next Saturday. △

48.计量:表事物的“长、宽、高、深、远、厚”用 ―long ; wide ; high / tall ; deep ; away ; thick.

1)Mr Green is nearly two metres ________

2)The ice is about one metre _________.

3)Our classroom is about twelve metres ______and eight metres


△ 49.population :不可数名词。指人口的多少用“

large / big或small1) What’s ” ;询问人口的多少用 what. the population of Germany?


2)China has a large population.中国人口众多 3)The population (A) of (B) Japan is less (C) than that (D) of India. ____________ 另外注意: 表示“有?人口”用 have a population of .

Now China has a population of more than one billion. 现在中国有十亿多人口。


eg. make room for: 为?腾出空间 51.seem的用法:

1)seem + adj = seem to be + adj

He seems very angry = He seems to be angry. 2)seem to do

It seems to rain tomorrow.明天似乎要下雨。 3)It seems + that从句

It seems that you are right.你似乎是对的。


1)He talked as if he knew all about it. 他说话的口气好象已经全知道了此事。 2)He opened his mouth as if to say something. 他开口似乎要说什么。

?beat:1)beatsb(比赛中)打败某人?52.??2)beat?一个集体(team;class)??win:后接“比赛、奖品等”____ them 5 to 3.

2)In the end we _____ the match.

interested;excited;surprised主语是人。指某 △



某物有趣/令人兴奋/使人惊奇(可作定、表语) 1)It‘s an ________football game. 2)I‘m ________ in music.

1)作情态动词,用于否、疑句 △

54.need 2)作实义动词 need to do(表主动)

need doing(表被动)

1)You needn‘t go home now. 2)The bike needs mending. 3)I need to go home now. △

55. alive: 活着的;在世的(常作后置定语) living: 活着的;没死的(常作前置定语) 1)Both plants and animals are _______ thing. 2)No one ______ will believe it. △

56.否定前移的动词:think , believe , expect , suppose. 1)I didn‘t expect their team would win. 我希望他们的对不会赢。

2)I don‘t think he will come tomorrow.



look at: (有意识地)看? △

57. see: (look at之后的结果)看见

read: 看(书、报等)

watch: 看(电视、比赛等)

另外注意:1)see a film看电影

2)see a doctor看医生

1)I often ______ newspaper after suppe.

2)He _____ the picture, and ____ some trees in it. △

58. listen to :(有意识地)听?

hear: (listen to之后的结果)听见 He was very sorry to ________ the bad news. look for:(强调“找”的动作)寻找 △

59. find: (look for之后的结果)找到

find out: (经过努力、周折)查出,找出(真相等) They are ___________ their lost horse. A. finding B. looking for C. finding out △

60. hope: (可能实现的)愿望 wish: (难以实现的)愿望

另外注意:1)wish to do sth = hope to do sth 2)wish sb to do sth ( ) hope sb to do sth( ╳ )

( )I _____ you to come to school earlier next time. A. wish B. hope C. wants

①enough:放在形、副之后. good enough △

61. ②修饰不定代词(something, anything, nothing)的词应后


③else修饰不定代词和疑问词应后置) 1)I have something important to tell you. 2)He didn‘t run fast enough to catch up with Tom.

had better +动原 否定had better not +动原 △

62 Will / Would you please +动原?

Will / Would you please not + 动原? Will you please not talk in class? △

63. What‘s the weather like …? ?的天气

= How‘s the weather … ? 怎么样? △

64. find +宾 +形:觉得?怎么样

find it +形 +to do: 觉得做?怎么样

类似用法还有make , think等

1)I find the question ___________(容易). 2)I think it important to learn Englis. △

65. a number of +复名:许多,一些(作主为复)

the number of: ?的数目/号码(作主为三单) The number of the students in our class is 50. too: 句末 用于肯定句

66. also: 句中 “也”

either: 否定句末“也不”

1)I don‘t like reading, she doesn‘t , ______. 2)Tom is fourteen. Jim is _____fourteen. △

67. already , just : 肯助后

yet: 否、疑末

1)I have already had lunch. 2)I haven‘t had lunch yet. 68. live: (长时间的)居住 stay: (短时间的)居住

eg. He lives in Changsha, but he‘s going to stay in Shanghai for a few days.





eg. huge= very big glass= cup made of glass

agree = say yes/ have the same idea

2.同义词释义。指用意义相同或相近的词进行替换。 eg. nearly = almost perhaps = maybe difficult = hard fast = quickly

3.否定释义。即对某些词用相反的意思进行解释。 eg. cheap = no expensive thick = not thin dirty = not clean low = not high/ tall

4.常识释义。即词义本身属于一种生活常识。 eg. century = 100 years August = the eighth month

summer = the season between spring and autumn London = the capital of England


almost nearly a little a bit

around all over be like look like bright clever begin start

beside next to be in be at home be quick hurry up be out be away come from be from fail not pass cross go across hard difficult last go on hurry walk quickly hardly almost not hurry up go quickly expensive dear look out be careful must have to on about

over more than wear be in why what … for stop give up thanks to because of join take part in as soon as possible as soon as sb can be weak in be not at good at catch up with not fall behind have a good time enjoy oneself

a lot of lots of ; many / much at last in the end ; finally at the moment now

hold on wait a moment just now a moment ago leave go away (from) reach arrive in /at ; get to prefer … to… like … better than … spend … on pay … for take a look have a look walk on go on walking

go to sleep get to sleep / fall asleep walk to … go to … on foot take a bus catch a bus

look after take (good) care of

hear from receive / get a letter from be filled with be full of fly to… go to … by air

return 1)come back 2) give back teach oneself learn … by oneself

at once right now(现在) /right away(立刻)

练 习

选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的一项 ( )1.Liu Ying is like her twin sister. A. likes B. loves C. looks like

( )2. You must drink a lot of water every day. A. many B. much C. a little

( )3.Most of the teachers in our school are from South China. A. lived in B. get back from C. come from

( )4.She took care of her grandpa when she was free. A. looked after

B. looked for C. gave medicine to

( )5.Are you sure he is able to do the work by himself. A. must B. has to C. can

( )6.Mum, I‘m hungry. Can I have some cakes? A. drink B. eat C. play

( )7.Jack, please come and sit by the teacher. A. before B. near C. past

( )8.Summer is coming. The weather will become hotter and hotter.

A. catch B. get C. feel

( )9.Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the shop? A. answer B. show C. give

( )10.He didn‘t bring the book here. He had to go home to get it. A. could B. may C. must ( )11.Hello, James. Nice to see you. A. catch B. meet C. watch ( )12.I don‘t understand his words. A. what he told B. what he said C. that he talked

( )13.They came here by air. A. by bike B. by plane C. by bus ( )14. Glad to see you again. A. Sorry B. Nice C. Bad

( )15.Can I use your bike? Mine is not here. A. lend B. borrow C. get

( )16.Are you going to swim this afternoon. A. has a swim B. have a swim C. swimming ( )17.I‘m not free tonight. A. hungry B. late C. busy

( )18.Don‘t worry. I‘ll be back in a minute. A. very soon B. fast C. quick ( )19.Summer follows spring. A. comes before B. comes after C. is under ( )20.I‘ll get a new dictionary soon. A. take B. sell C. buy

( )21.When did the students get to the factory yesterday? A. came B. arrived C. reach

( )22.They were quite pleased to see each other again. A. please B. good C. glad

( )23.The meeting will be held at a quarter to eight. A. 8:15 B. 7:45 C. 7:15

( )24.The students had a good time in the winter holiday. A. enjoyed themselves B. enjoyed them C. had no time

( )25.The shirt is very nice. I‘ll take it. A. try B. buy C. sell ( )26.How is the weather today? A. What‘s the weather like B. What was it like C. What‘s the weather looks like

( )27.Mr. Li will take me to the park if he is free next Sunday. A. will be free. B. has time C. had time ( )28.He prefers apples to oranges. A. likes ; than other B. likes ; better than C. doesn‘t like ; so much

( )29.She doesn‘t have to worry about he illness. A. needn‘t B. can‘t C. mustn‘t

( )30. He had to attend the party by himself. A. alone B. only he C. lonely ( )31.He said nothing at that time. A. make noise B. kept silent C. took his seat

( )32.There were still quite a few people in the street that evening.

A. not many B. many C. much

( )33.We‘ll held a class meeting tomorrow. A. have B. give C. put

( )34.The girl was so weak that she didn‘t catch up with others. A. fell behind B. tried to hold C. ran after ( )35. He prefers apples to oranges. A. likes; than other B. likes ; as much as C. likes ; better than

( )36.The building has been there for a century. A. a short time B. a long time C. a hundred years.

( )37.Mr Smith flew to London yesterday. A. went to London by train B. went to London by bus C. went to London by plane

( )38.Mike is weak in Chinese because he missed so many lessons.

A. likes B. does well in C. is not good at

( )39.Tom hasn‘t heard from his parents for a long time. A. listened to B. write a letter to C. received any letters from

( )40.We wanted to know when we would have an English test. A. wanted to see B. got to know C. wondered

( )41.Every body says he is a bright boy. A. brave B. clever C. tall ( )42.Mary is wearing a red dress today. A. on B. in C. putting on

( )43.Both my brother and I like the picture very much. A. He B. We C. I

( )44. The doctor asked him to give up smoking. A. give in B. stop C. go on

( )45.Li Lei got up early last Sunday and Jim got up early, too. A. so was Jim B. so did Jim C. Jim did so


根据汉语完成句子特别注意以下内容: 1.宾语从句中的否定前移。

2.宾从的时态、语序以及疑问词+to do

3.被动语态(① 省to不定式还原;② 动词短语中的介词不能遗漏)


5.完成时(长、短命动词的区别) 6.It‘s + adj + for / of sb to do sth

7.find / think / make it + adj + to do . 8.动词不定式(作定语的不定式要求是及物动词或及物动词短语)



练 习


I found ___ very ____ ___ _____ the question in English. 2.学好英语对我们来说是很重要的。

___ very important ___ ___ ___ study English well. 3.在旧社会,他们被迫日夜不停地工作。

They ____ ____ ___ ____ day and night in the old days. 4.这个小孩没有球玩,所以他不高兴。

The child has no ball ___ ____ ____ , so he is ________. 5.这间屋子对我们来说太小了而不能住。 The room is too small ___ us ___ ____ ___ 6.我花了一个半小时的时间来完成家庭作业

___ ____ me one and a half ______ ___ finish my homework. 7.在中国老人受到很好的照顾。

Old people____ _____good ____ ___in China.


The film ____ ____ ___ for half an hour when I ______ the cimema.


____ ____ the door ____ the bus _____. 10.我认为明天他不会开会。

I ____ ____ he ____ ____ a meeting tomorrow. 11.汤姆不知道怎么处理这本图书馆藏书。

Tom doesn‘t know ____ ___ ____ _____ the library book. 12.老师问我做这道数学题花了多少时间。

The teacher asked me how long ___ ____ me ___ ___ the maths problem.


I ____ my key ___ ___ _____ yesterday. 14.他不知道下一步怎么办。

He doesn‘t know ____ ___ ___ next. 15.格林在访问中国。

Mr. Green is ___ ___ _____ ___ China. 16.这幢楼房已建成十年了。

The building ____ _____ ____ for 10 years 17.我不知道明天是否去北京。

I don‘t know _____ ___ ____ to Beijing tomorrow. 18.他父亲死了五年了。

____ 5 years _____ his father _____.


Today, too many trees ____ still ____ ____ down in the USA. 20.许多好地和森林一起消失了,留下来的只有沙漠。

A lot of good land ____ ____ _____ the forests, ________ only sand.


___ _____ ____ difficult something seemed, he _____ find the answer.


_____ a lot of people make mistakes __ ____, Mr. Green decided to give Jim another ____.


Australia ____ ___ _____ people ___ the three countries. 24.多亏了太空卫星,世界变小了。

_____ ___ space satellites, the world ___ _____ a much small place.


______ _______ of trees ______ _______ on the hills every year.


Wang Li ran _____ fast ______ we couldn‘t ______ ______ with him.


This question was _____ ______ that I couldn‘t ______ _____.


I ____ _________ my housework when Mr. Zhang ______ _______ my home.


This is the _______ thing ______ I ______ _______ today. 30.你能告诉我他看起来象谁吗?

Could you tell me _____ _______ _______ ________? 31.你看明天有可能完成真项工作?

Do you think ______ possible ______ _______ this ________ tomorrow?


Yao Ming is one of the ________ basketball ________ in the world.


It is not ________ to laugh ______ the disabled people. 34.没有空气和水,我们不能生存。 We _________ live ________ air or water. 35.祝你学习英语顺利。

Good ______ _______ your English. 36.他把大部分的时间花在读小说上。

_____ ____ his time ___ ______ in reading stories.


We ______ our teacher _____ ______ _____ the meeting-room.

38.步行到我家大约有20分钟的路程。 My house____about _____ ______ ____ foot. 39.李磊没时间仔细考虑这道题。

______ no time ____ Li Lei ____ _____ about this problem carefully.



一、首先通读短文,初步理解短文大意,同时改正一些较容易的错误。短文中的一些句子就其本身来看,无法确定划线部分错在何处,只有通读全文,了解句子与句子之间的关系,特别是划线部分与上下文的关系,才能找出正确答案。如:“When his mother was out, the telephone rang and Jimmy answered them.”一句中,只有读懂句中划线部分指上文中的telephone,才能写出正确答案it。

二、在通读短文的基础上,一句一句地仔细阅读短文。 (一)从语法分析入手

1)冠词a; an; the或省冠词(如不可数名词)






词性物主代词。③区别this / that、these / those、one / ones、it / them。④不定代词(区别二者与三者;单数还是复数;肯定还是否定)

5)动词:① 时态、语态(主谓一致、动词各种变化形式是

否正确)及非谓语形式——不定式和动名词。② 动词短语的固定形式(如listen to与listen)。③ 区别近义词(如hear与listen to)。



7)介词:正确区别、运用介词。 8)连词:正确区别、运用连词。


(三)注意固定搭配(如the way to …)。



( A )

Mr. and Mrs. Green had a son. They called him James and loved him very much. But there was anything (1) wrong with the child. He did everything slow (2) and could not take care of him (3). His parents did not know what was (4) wrong. So one day they took him to a doctor. The doctor looked up (5) James carefully and found the boy couldn‘t see anything. So (6) the doctor said he can (7) do nothing to help the boy.

A few years later, Mr. and Mrs. Green listened (8) there was a good doctor in a town not far away. So they took the boy to visit him. The doctor did a small operation with (9) James. After the operation James could see. What (10) happy everyone was. 1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________ 6._________ 7._________ 8._________ 9._________ 10._________

( B )

An eleven-year-old boy in a small town wanted being (1) a train driver. But the boy was born without arms. His father taught him to use his feet for (2) ―hands‖. He couldn‘t go to school, so (3) he spent all his time watch (4) trains coming and going because he lived near the station. What (5) he wanted to be a train driver!

One day he saw an empty train and climb (6) in. It was not difficult for him to start it with his feet. Soon the train was traveling in (7) forty miles an hour, and the workers there could do something (8) to stop it. When he drove back to the town and stopped at the station, a worker got on it. At last (9) he was very angry, but he laughed when the boy said, ―I liked (10) trains.‖ ―Well , I‘m glad you don‘t like planes!‖ 1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________ 6._________ 7._________ 8._________ 9._________ 10._________

( C )

While Bill was cleaning (1) the classroom after school last Monday, his classmate, Lily, closed the door or (2) locked it, because she thought there was somebody (3) in the class- room. Bill couldn‘t get out and have (4) to stay in the classroom. Three hours ago (5), the teacher came and opened the door. She surprised (6) to see him there. On (7) that time Bill was much (8)cold and hungry.

Now when Bill stays late in the classroom, he takes (9) a note on the door, ―I‘m yet (10) in the room. Don‘t lock the door.‖ 1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________ 6._________ 7._________ 8._________ 9._________ 10._________

( D )

Which is the better (1) way to learn a foreign language? We all

remember that we learn (2)our own language well (3) when we were children. If we can learn a second language in the same way, it will (4) seem so difficult. Think of what a small child does. He listens to what people speak (5) and try (6) to imitate (模仿)what he hears. When he wants something, he asks for it. In this way, he using (7) the language. He thinks and speaks with (8) the new language all the time. After (9) people use a second language like this, they will learn it quickly (10) than before. 1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________ 6._________ 7._________ 8._________ 9._________ 10._________

( E )

There is a library in our school. It is large and there is (1) many books in it. Anyone may borrow books to (2) it and it cost (3) nothing to borrow them. Usually you may borrow as many of (4) four books at a time. Books maybe (5) kept for two weeks. New story-books are always popular and some books, for example, books for (6) history, science , cooking are also well-liked. So some times (7) when you go to the library to borrow a book, it may be out. What can you do? You can ask the librarian call (8) it back. The librarian will let you know when the book has been returned and will be (9) ready for you. You have to take care of the books. If you lose the book, you will be in trouble, and have to pay it (10). 1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________ 6._________ 7._________ 8._________ 9._________ 10._________

( F )

The sea is very big. It covers three quarters of the earth, The sea is also very deep in some place (1). There is one place and at that place the sea are (2) about 11 kilometres deep. The higher (3) mountain in the world is about 9 kilometres high. When (4) that mountain put (5) into the sea at that place, there would still be two (6) kilometers above it. In some parts of the sea, there are many kinds of fishes and plants. Some lives (7) near the top of the sea. Other (8) live deep down. There are either (9) a lot of small living things. Lots of fish live by (10) eating them.

1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________ 6._________ 7._________ 8._________ 9._________ 10._________


One day when Jack was walked (1)in the park, he saw a woman sat (2) in a chair with a dog beside hers (3). The dog was looking down (4) at the woman.

Jack walked up to the woman and said (5), ―Hello, Sue, what (6) are you? May I sit and say (7)with you for a while?‖ ―Of course, please sit (8) down,‖ Sue said.

Jack sat down next to Sue in the chair but (9) they talked quiet (10)together.

1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________ 6._________ 7._________ 8._________ 9._________ 10._________


When Peter was a boy, he likes (1) watches and clocks very much. When he was eighteen years old, he began to teach him (2) to mend watches. A lot of his friends brought him broken watches, and he mended it (3) when he was free.

One day, a policeman heared (4) about this and brought him a watch and said, ―My watch has stopped. Can you mend it to (5)me, please?‖

Peter said, ―Yes, sir. I can.‖ After a few days (6), he brought the watch back to the policeman.

―How many (7) do I give you?‖ the policeman asked.

―Two dollars, sir,‖ Peter answered. Then he took (8) a small box out of his pocket and gave it for (9)the policeman. ―Here are three wheels from your watch. I didn‘t find a place for them when I put anything (10) back.

1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________ 6._________ 7._________ 8._________ 9._________ 10._________


The animals are use (1) to the desert people in many ways (2). They eat the meat, drink the milk of the animals. They use camels (骆驼) to(3) carrying water, food, tents(帐篷)and other(4)things. The people of the desert have to keep move(5)from place to place. They must always watch (6) for grass or desert plants for their animals. When there is not(7) more food for their animals, they move to another place. The desert people is (8) friendly. They would never refuse to help (9) people in trouble, but(10) they would give them food and water.

1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________ 6._________ 7._________ 8._________ 9._________ 10._________

( H )

We know that the last (1) part of the 20th century saw more large (2) inventions: the helicopter in 1990, movies by (3) sound in 1926, the computer in 1928 and the jet plane in 1930. The middle part of the 20th century bring (4) new ways to help people get over disease (5). They made people healthier and live long (6). By this time most people had a very well (7) life. Of course new inventions continued to be made. The world is (8) known to man and (9) the universe was not. Many countries began looking (10) for ways to go into space. Russian made the first step. 1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________ 6._________ 7._________ 8._________ 9._________ 10._________



( )1 ―Happy New Year to you, Mary!‖ ―___‖ A. Thanks for your help B. The same to you C. You are so kind

( )2. ―Let‘s go to the zoo, shall we?‖ ―_____‖ A. All right B. You are welcome C. Yes, we shall

( )3. ―Will you please come to my birthday party this Saturday?‖ ―_______‖

A. Yes, I do B. No, I don‘t C. Yes, I‘d love to

( )4. ―Could I have your name, please?‖ ―_____‖ A. You‘re polite

B. Call me John C. It‘s kind of you

( )5. ―Excuse me, may I ask you a question?‖ ―______‖ A. Not at all

B. Yes, of course C. You ask

( )6. ―How beautifully you write!‖ ―______‖ A. Not at all B. Thank you C. Don‘t say so

( )7. ―I‘m going to the south for a few days.‖ ―_____‖ A. Yes, I am

B. Have a good time C. I like it

( )8. ―Could I speak to the headmaster?‖ ―_____, please.‖ A. Hold on for a moment

B. Speak loudly C. What‘s wrong

( )9. ―Would you like to have another cup of tea?‖ ―______‖ A. Yes, I do B. Not at all C. No, thanks

( )10. ―Do you think I can borrow your eraser?‖ ― _____‖ A. Yes, help yourself

B. Yes, I think so C. No, I don‘t think so

( )11. ―I‘m afraid I have to leave a little earlier. My mother is ill in bed.‖ ―____. I hope she will be better soon.‖ A. It‘s nothing B. Nothing serious C. I‘m sorry to hear that

( )12. ―Don‘t forget to come to our school tomorrow.‖ ―______‖

A. I don‘t B. I can‘t C. I won‘t

( )13. ―Thank you for having us. We had a very good time today.‖ ―____. Bye.‖

A. No, thank you B. It was my pleasure

C. You shouldn‘t say that ( )14. ―Hello! Could I speak to Miss Green?‖ ―______‖ A. Speaking B.Who are you C.I‘m Miss Green ( )15. ―I‘m sorry to trouble you, Miss Gao.‖ ―______‖ A. It‘s very kind of you B. The same to you C. It doesn‘t matter ( )16. ―Don‘t throw paper on the ground.‖ ― ____‖ A. I‘m sorry B. Thank you C. You‘re welcome ( )17. ―Happy Birthday to you.‖ ―______‖ A. Thank you B. That‘s OK C. Happy Birthday to you, too ( )18. ―What‘s the matter with you?‖ ―_____‖ A. No matters B. What matter C. Nothing serious ( )19. ―Shall I close the window?‖ ―_____‖ A. No, please don‘t B. Not at all C. Don‘t do that now ( )20. ―What‘s the weather like today?‖ ― ____‖ A. It will be fine B. It‘s rather cold C. It‘s nine for a walk ( )21. ―You have done a good job.‖ ―____‖ A. No, I don‘t do well enough B. You are welcome C. It‘s very kind of you ( )22. ―I‘m sorry, could you repeat it?‖ ―____‖ A. Yes, you are welcome B. Certainly C. That‘s nothing ( )23. ―How is your father?‖ ―_____‖ A. I‘m fine B. He is good C. He‘s feeling bad ( )24.未听清别人的话,要求对方重复时说_____. A. I‘m happy B. I‘m sorry C. Pardon ( )25. ―Nice weather today, isn‘t it?‖ ―____‖ A. Beautiful, isn‘t it B. No, it isn‘t C. I think it‘s too sunny ( )26. ―What did you do last night? Why did you not go to see the film?‖ ―____. The film is really worth seeing.‖ A. I‘m sorry to hear it B. What a pity C. I‘m sorry about it ( )27.When you see ____ on the way to a forest, you should drive carefully. A. DANGER B. STOP C. CLOSED ( )28.When you see a picture with ____ in an art museum, you mustn‘t photo it. A. NO PARKING B. NO PHOTOS C. NO SMOKING ( )29. ―Would you like some tea?‖ ―____‖ A. Thank you for asking me B. If you please C. Thanks, that would fine ( )30. ―How is it today?‖ ―____‖ A. It‘s rain B. It‘s too much rain C. It‘s fine ( )31. ―What day is it today?‖ ―_____‖ A. It‘s sunny B. It‘s Sunday C. It‘s May 12th B)补全对话,每空一词 ( A ) A: What can I do ____ you? B: I‘d like a _____ of shoes. A: What size do you wear? B: Twenty four cm. A: What ______ do you like? B: I like brown very much. A: What _____ the one on the right? B: It ____ very nice. May I ____ them ____? A: Of course. Here you _____. B: They fit me quite well. How ____ are they? A: One hundred and twenty yuan. B: All right. I‘ll _____ this pair. ( B ) A: Sorry, I don‘t know. You‘d better ____ the policeman over there. B: Thank you all the same. A: Excuse me. ____ is the way to the People‘s Hospital. C: Go down this street, turn right and walk on ____ you reach the first ____. Then turn right _____ and you‘ll see that hospital in ____ of you. A : How far is it _____ here. B: It‘s about 2 kilometres. A: My son is badly ill. He can‘t walk any longer. ____ can we get there:? B: You can go there ____ bus. Oh, sorry. It‘s very late and there is no bus now. You‘d better ______ a taxi. A: I see, Thank you very much. B: You are welcome. ( C ) A: Good morning! ____ I help you? B: I‘d like a sweater ___ my daughter. A: Certainly. The woolen sweaters are hanging _____ and the cotton ______ are hanging there. _____would you like? B: I‘ll have a _____ at the woolen ones. Thank you. A: No hurry! Please take your time. B: I can‘t decide which sweater to _____! A: Let me help! Do you like this one? B: No, this one is too large. A: What about this one? B: No, I _____ like the colour. A: What ______ do you want? B: Green. Look! That one , over there.

A: Yes, it‘s green. What ______ do you want?

B: A middle-sized one. A: OK… Here you are.

( D )

A: Hello, 88890921.

B: Hello! Could I _______ to Ann, please?

A: I‘m _____ not. She isn‘t here at the moment. Can you _______ a message?

B: OK. This is Bill here. Is _____ Mrs Green? A: Yes, this is Ann‘s mother.

B: Thank you very much _____ asking me to Ann‘s birthday party on Sunday. I‘m very sorry, _____ I can‘t come. A: Oh, I‘m sorry to _______ that.

B: We are ____ to be in Shanghai that day. I hope you will have a good ______.

A: Thank you. I‘ll give her the _______. B: Thank you. Bye-bye.

动 词 填 空


( A ) think; lose ; borrow; lend ; find ; leave for find out ; buy ; read ; return ; put ; worry My grandma is already eighty years old. She used to be a history teacher. Her hobby is (1)________. She likes reading on many different subjects. She often borrows books from the school library. She (2)___________ a lot of books, too. She often says, ―I love books. Books are my best friends. They give me knowledge and make me happy.‖

Grandma likes to borrow books from the library and reads outside in the schoolyard. Sometimes she reads a few lines, puts down the book, walks a few steps and (3)________ for a while and then walks away with the book. But last week Grandma forgot to take the book when she (4) _______ home. She was worried and asked her friends, ―Have you seen a history book? I think I (5) __________ it.‖ The next day she went to the librarian and said to her, ―I‘m very sorry. I borrowed a history book from the library last week. But I can‘t find it. I think I‘ve lost it.‖ ―Don‘t worry. You (6) _________ it,‖ said the librarian.

Several days later Grandma came to the library (7) _____________ some more books. The librarian asked her, ―Have you found the book?‖ ―Not yet. I‘ve looked for it everywhere, but I still can‘t find it.

―Don‘t worry. Someone will probably find it and return it sooner or later.‖ A few days later, the book was still missing. What was worse, Grandma lost more books. She (8) _________

and so was the librarian. ―I‘m afraid I‘ll have to pay for the lost books,‖ said Grandma sadly.

One day the librarian came up with an idea. She asked Grandma (9) _________a bookmark in each of the borrowed books with the words: ―If you find this book, please return it to the school library. ?‖ Grandma thought it was a wonderful idea. Now her lost books are usually (10) __________ to the library.

( B ) recycle; collect ; go ; take care of ; come; protect; throw ; help ; draw; make ; keep; happen One day I was visiting one of my friends in a big town. Suddenly a piece of beautiful music(1) to my ears. My friend‘s father quickly picked up some rubbish and went outside. I asked my friend, ―What (2) ?‖ My friend said that there was a truck (3) rubbish outside.

―Whenever someone (4) in some rubbish, it produces a piece of music. As soon as other people hear it, they go out with their rubbish and throw it in.‖

―It‘s a pleasant way (5) keep our city clean,‖ said my friend.

(6) our environment is very important. Wherever you live, you can do something around your neighborhood.

Have you ever thrown any litter onto the ground? Have you ever(7) pictures on public walls? Have you ever spat in a public place? Have you ever cut down trees? If your answers are ―No‖, it means that you have already helped protect our environment.

It is our duty(8) our environment clean and tidy. You might ask yourself, ―Have I ever picked up some rubbish and thrown it into a dustbin? Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for (9) ? Have I ever planted any trees or flowers in or near my neighborhood?‖ If your answers are ―Yes‖, it means that you have already done something useful to improve the environment.

If everyone makes a contribution to (10)____ the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.

( C ) take ; sleep ; walk ; give ; sell ; get rush; travel; watch ; be; offer; look Jim Green (1)_______ in China for more than two years. He has been to many interesting places in Beijing, but he has not yet been to many other parts of China. Last week he went to Mount Emei in Sichuan Province with his family.

Many people like to travel by air, but Jim‘s family think that (2)________ by train is the best. It is much cheaper and far more enjoyable than a (3) _______ trip by air. They had a wonderful

train ride to Chengdu before they went on to Mount Emei by bus. Early one morning, they (4)_______ a taxi to Beijing West Railway Station. The station was very lively. There were bookshops, food shops and stores (5)___________ all kinds of things. Mrs Green bought some fruit, food and bottles of water to take on the train. She said that it was better (6)______ some food before they got on the train because food on the train was usually too expensive.

The train was quite comfortable, and there weren‘t too many people in their (7)________ car. The Greens could stand up and (8)_______ around. It was a long journey, but none of them felt tired. They kept (9)__________ the beautiful scenery out of the window. They talked, laughed and played cards. The conductor kept coming (10)__________ them hot water and selling them magazines. People nearby talked with each other. A young man practiced speaking English with Mr. Green. Jim thought the train was like a big moving pary.

(4) dive ; allow ; see ; call ; explore ; help invite ; be ; invent ; cover ; look ; save Not too long ago, people couldn‘t go scuba diving on Hainan Island, or anywhere else. This was because there was no machine (1)__________ a person to breathe under water for a long time. In 1943 Jacques Cousteau and his friends made it possible by (2)__________ the scuba machine. Cousteau was very interested in (3) _________ deep into the sea , and wanted (4)___________an explorer. He bought a ship and used it (5)___________ under the sea.

Cousteau also liked to make videos. As he explored the sea, he took pictures and videos of many things that people (6)_____never_______before. He even made a TV show which ran for eight years. It (7)__________ The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau. It was very popular and let many people see what life was like under the sea.

As a boy, Cousteau loved the coral reefs in the sea by his home. He was amazed at all the colours, and all the beautiful fish. However, when he returned some years later, the colourful coral reefs were dead and grey. He decided to tell people how important it was (8)________ the environment under the sea. He started the Cousteau Society (9)_______ protect life in the sea. Now there are over 30,000 members all over the world. Since water (10)__________ most of the earth, Cousteau knew we should keep the seas clean. We should not litter the seas, and should clean up the dirty parts. As water is very important to our environment, he encouraged everyone to take part in protecting our lakes, rivers, seas and colours.

( 5 )

open ; base ; come ; bring ; go ; do land ; take ; fall ; sing ; name ; call During the Christmas season friends get together and go from house to house (1)_________ Christmas songs. They do this for fun and (2) __________ the spirit of Christmas to the people in each house. Then on Christmas Eve—the night before Christmas Day—children put stocking at the end of their beds before they go to sleep. Their parents usually tell them that Father Christmas (3)_________ during the night. Some people even put up stocking for their pets as well.

Father Christmas is a very kind-hearted man. He (4)_______ on top of each house all over the world and climbs down the chimney. He then fills the stocking with Christmas presents. But who is Father Christmas? Can a man really climb down the chimney of every house in the world in a single night? Of course not.

Father Christmas (5)_________ on a real person in history. In Turkey, there once was a man (6)_______ Saint Nicholas. He was a very shy person. He wanted to give money to the poor. But he did not want them to know that the money came from him. He didn‘t know what (7)_____. It is said that one day he climbed to the top of a house and dropped some money down a chimney. It (8)______ into a stocking that a little girl had hung by the fireplace to dry! Even though Father Christmas is no longer living, his spirit of generosity lives on today.

Christmas Day always begins before breakfast. Children wake up very early, and can‘t to open the presents in their stockings and under the tree. They wake up the other family members, (9)________, ―Merry Christmas!‖ After all the presents (10)______, the family will usually have a delicious breakfast. They spend the day playing with the new toys and visiting their relatives and friends. They greet each other with a hug and say, ―Merry Christmas!‖

( 6 ) come ; warn ; say ; eat ; change ; swim speak ; seen ; feed ; attack ; be ; attract Sharks (1)_______ around for a very long time. It (2)_______ they have been on earth for thousands of years, and (3)__________ very little. A shark is a fish, but is has many differences from a fish. For one thing, if a shark stops (4)_________, it will sink.

Not all sharks are alike. There are between 200 and 250 kinds of sharks. They (5)_______ in different sizes. The largest can be as long as 15 metres. It eats plants from the sea, but many sharks (6) ______ on fish, other sea animals, smaller sharks and sometimes they eat people. It(7)_______ that one of the most dangerous sharks is the Great White Shark. They (8)_________ a

number of people off the beaches of America. Australia, New Zealand and South Africa also have shark attacks. In some places there are watchtowers on the beaches (9)________ people about sharks in the water. When a shark appears, a bell rings to tell the people to get out of the water. Sharks attack about 100 people a year in the world. Perhaps the shark just thinks that the person is a kind of sea animal, or something good (10)_________.

( 7 ) visit ; mean ; be ; see ; found; lie ; be covered with ; explain ; find ; discover ; lay ; disappear; Last Saturday afternoon, Wei Hua and her classmates(1) the Museum of Natural History. They were very interested in


―Can we see dinosaurs here?‖ Wei Hua asked Miss Li, their


―Yes!, of course. There is an underground Dinosaur World.

There you (2) the fossils of many kinds of dinosaurs.

Shall we go to visit the dinosaurs first?‖

―Yes! Let‘s go!‖ All the students cheered. Then they went to the dinosaur World. ―Oh, look! These must be dinosaur eggs. They are so big!‖ Lucy shouted. ―Yes. These eggs (3) in the Gobi Desert by a group of scientists in the 1920s,‖ Miss Li said. ―So these eggs (4) long long ago by dinosaurs!‖ Lily said Mill Li smiled, ―These eggs were laid about 95 million years ago.‖ ―95 millions ago? That (5) dinosaurs lived long before human beings appeared! But we can‘t see any dinosaurs today. That‘s a pity!‖ said Lin Tao. ―Yes. Dinosaurs lived on the earth for more than 150 million years, and then (6)_________about 65 million years ago. Scientists try (7) their disappearance, but they‘ve got more questions than answers,‖ said Miss Li. ―And now there is a very special dinosaur on display. It was discovered in Liaoning Province. I say it is special because the dinosaur (8) feathers!‖ ―With feathers Like birds?‖ The students could not believe their ears. ―Look!‖ Miss Li showed them a picture of the feathered dinosaur, ―You see, it looks like a big bird. Some scientists believe that dinosaurs have not disappeared, but they have become birds.‖

―That‘s very interesting. I want (9)________ a scientist in the future and study dinosaurs!‖ said Song Dan. ―Good. Then we can see many dinosaurs (10)__________by you in this museum,‖ said Miss Li, and all the students laughed.

( 9 ) need ; save ; hit ; grow ; live work ;build ; stay ; prevent; plant ; blow ; be covered with Forests help to keep water from running away, so drought does not often happen. The trees in the forests can keep rain drops from (1)_______the soil directly, so the soil is not easily washed away. The dead leaves on the ground also keep the water from running away. The water then (2)_______in one place and is used by the trees in the forests. In this way, floods(3)________.

Chinese people do not want to see more floods and droughts, so they (4)________a new Great Wall across the northern part of the country. This time, it is a ―Great Wall‖ of trees, millions of trees. The Great Green Wall is 7,000 kilometers long, and between 400 and 1,700 kilometers wide. The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from (5) the earth away. It will stop the sand from moving towards the rich farmland in the south. It (6) already a lot of land. But more ―Great Green Walls‖(7)_____still , and not only in China. They must be built all over the world. Wang Feng is a worker at Yulin in Shaaxi Province. He works on the Great Green Wall with many other people. We visited him at his workplace among the young trees and asked him about his work.. ―Many thousands of trees must (8) every year,‖ he said. ―The more, the better. This year alone, we‘ve already planted ten thousand trees. You see all those small trees over there on that hill? That was sand five years ago. Now it‘s a young forest! In a few years‘ time, those mountains (9)_________trees, too!‖ He pointed to the high mountains far away. Was it difficult (10)__________on the Great Green Wall? ―Yes. It‘s hard work, but it‘s very important. The only problem is you can‘t eat trees! We have to grow our own food , too. But thanks to the Great Green Wall, the land produces more crops. So the more trees there are, the better harvests we have. ( 10 ) be born ; go on ; leave ; increase ; come ; happen ; mean ; pass ; reach ; produce ; live in ; be Look at your watch for just one minute. During that time , the population of the world increased by 259. Perhaps you think that isn‘t much. However, during the next hour, over 15,540 more babies (1)________on the earth. So it (2)________, hour after hour. In one day, people have (3)________ food for over 370,000 more mouths. Multiply this by 365. Just think how many more there will be in one year!

What (4)_________ in a hundred years?

The (5)_________ population is growing faster and faster. Two thousand years ago, there were only 250 million people on the earth. Four hundred years ago, the number (6)_______ over 500 million. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the world‘s population was about 1.7 billion. In 1970, this number was over 3.6 billion. In 1990, it (7)_________ more than five billion. Now at the beginning of the 21st the world‘s population (8)__________ six billion. People say that by the year 2010, it may be seven billion. That (9)________ that in about 600 years, there will be standing room only on the earth. Each person will have one half to one square metre of space (10)____________. There will be hardly enough space for anybody else.

( 11 ) do ; sleep ; get ; bring ; rock ; break buy ; drop ; crash ; say ; reach ; take One Friday morning in San Francisco, Robert Parley, a baby, (1) ___________ in his bed. The family pet , a dog, was asleep on the floor beside the baby‘s bed. Mrs. Parley was busy (2)___________ her housework. Suddenly an earthquake (3)_________ the city. Mrs. Parley said she felt as if she was in a storm at sea. She tried hard (4) _________ the baby‘s room, but the house broke in two , (5)__________ her to the first floor and leaving with baby‘s bed hanging on the edge of the story house. Mrs Parley tried to climb to the second floor, but she couldn‘t because she (6)____________ her leg. She shouted to the dog, Cody, (7)___________the baby. The dog jumped into little Robert‘s bed and carefully grabbed the baby in his mouth. The dog then jumped out of the bed with the baby, just as the bed (8)_____ to the first floor. Mrs Parley called the police on her mobile phone and half an hour later, they climbed to the second floor to get the dog and the baby. The police said baby Robert didn‘t cry at all. Baby Robert

and his mother (9)____________ to the hospital, with Cody the

dog right beside them. All are now doing well. It is true

(10)__________ a dog is man‘s best friend or at least Robert‘s best friend. ( 12 ) help ; take ; carry ; make ; beat ; relax do ; surprise ; please ; be ; win ; score In a (1)_____________ result, the No. 69 Middle School girls‘ football team yesterday (2)_______ their school‘s boy‘s team. The boys‘ team used (3)________ the girls with the training.

They had never lost to the girls before, but this time the girls beat them 4-3 in an exciting match.

After the game, Wu Nai, captain of the boys‘ team, was very unhappy. ―We all thought this (4)__________ an easy game,‖ he said. ―We never thought a team of girls could beat us. This is the most unlucky day of my life.‖

But Mr. Hu, the boys‘ PE teacher, said he thought the girls deserved (5)________. ―The boys were too confident,‖ he said. ―I told them before the match that they needed to play well. They all thought that girls‘ football was a joke. Now they know better. They played carelessly, and they deserved to lose.‖

The match had started well for the boys. After 30 minutes, they were winning 2-0. Their best striker, Lu Ming, scored in the thirtieth minute. Earlier, the midfield player, Ma Zhengquan, had scored the first goal in only the second minute of the match. His excellent shot went low to the left of the girls‘ goal. Their keeper, Jiang Mei, could not stop it.

However, after the first half hour, the boys seemed to become too confident and (7)_________. At first, the girls had felt a bit nervous, but then they became more and more confident. Just before half time, Li Xiaolin made the score 2-1, with a beautiful shot into the top right-hand corner of the boys‘ goal.

In the second half, the boys were the first to score. Another great shot from Lu Ming went over Jiang Mei‘s head and into the middle of the goal. However, after that the boys became relaxed and lazy, but the girls (8)______ on working hard. Hao Meiling scored in the 68th minute, (9)________ the score 3-2. Then Li Xiaolin scored twice in the last six minutes to make the final score 4-3. It was an amazing finish to an exciting match.

The girls‘ PE teacher, Miss Wang , (10)______________with their performance. ―They were great!‖ she said.


一、简单句的五种基本句型(Five kinds of simple sentences)

(一) 主语 + 不及物动词(主、谓结构) eg. 1)He is working. 2)He cooks.

(二) 主语+ 及物动词 + 宾语(主、谓、宾结构) eg. 1)We study English every day. 2)They are playing football

(三) 主语+ 连系动词 + 表语(主、系、表结构) eg. 1)Trees turn green.

2)He is happy. 常见的连系动词有:be ; become ; get(“天气”变得); turn(“颜色”变得); feel(觉得/摸起来); look(看起来);smell(闻起来); sound(听起来);taste(尝起来);seem(似乎). 特别注意:

a) 连系动词后常接形容词常作表语;

b) be / become后常接名词或相当于名词的短语(不定式/动名词)做表语。

c) seem + 形容词 = seem to be + 形容词 eg.1)He is a teacher (名词做表语)

2)His job is to feed animals (不定式做表语) 3)His hobby is reading. (动名词做表语) 4)He seems happy = He seems to be happy

(四) 主语 + 及物动词 + 间宾(人)+ 直宾(物) =主语+ 及物动词 + 直宾(物)+ to / for + 间宾(人) 常用的此类动词有:give ; pass ; show ; lend ; buy. 但buy与for连用

eg.1)I gave him a book. = I gave a book to him.

2)My mother bought me a pen yesterday. = My mother bought a pen for me.

(五) 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语 + 宾补

注意作宾补的词:1)名词(指宾语是谁/什么);2)形容词;3)不定式;4)动词的ing 形式。 eg.1)We call him Jim.(名词做宾补)

2)We must keep the window open.(形容词做宾补) 3)The news makes me happy (同上) 4)I found it hard to get to sleep (同上)

5)I think it useful to learn English well (同上)

6)He told me to wash the plates.(不定式做宾补)

7)I saw a thief going into your room. (动名词做宾补) 特别注意:


A: ask / want / tell sb to do sth.

其否定式为:ask/want/tell sb not to do sth 2)省to不定式作宾补,即: (l, m, n; 3h; 2看; 1f) sb do sth

l—let, m—make, n—notice; 3h—hear, have , help; 2看—see, watch; 1f—feel.

eg.1)The boss made the workers work 12 hours every day. 2)I often hear him sing. 2)区别省to不定式作宾补与动词ing形式作宾补. hear / see sb do: 听见/看见某人做了某事 hear / see sb doing: 听见/看见某人在做某事

二、词类和句子成分的关系。 (一)词类相互间的关系。

1.形容词、数词通常修饰名词(有时名词也可以修饰另外一个名词),形容词还可修饰代词。例如: 1)The three tall and strong men are all basket- (定语) (主) (谓) (定语) ball players.(“主系表”结构) (表语)

数词three和形容词tall , strong修饰名词men; 名词basketball修饰名词players.

2)The writer often writes something interesting (主) (壮) (谓) (宾) (定) about children. (“主胃宾”结构) (定)








(介词短语of Class Two作定语,修饰the League members. 介词短语in the school yard作地点状语,修饰are having) 连词只起连接词、词组和句子的作用。 He is so young that he can‘t go to school. (that连接两句子)




1)Mr. Chen is a greadt scientist. (名词作主语) 2)He reads newspapers every day. (代词作主)

3)Smoking is harmful to the health. (动名词作主语)

4)To swim in Kuming Lake is a great pleasure. (动词不定式作主语)

5)What we shall do next is not yet decided. (主语从句作主语) 2.谓语:说明主语的动作和状态。动词在句中作谓语,一般放在主语之后。例如:

1)The new term begins on September 1st .(行为动词作谓语) 2)She seems tired. (连系动词作谓语)

3)He has gone to Beijing. (行为动词作谓语)


1)Wang Ling lent me a novel. (代词me作间接宾语;名词a novel作直接宾语)

2)The medicine is good for a cough. ( 名词a cough作介词宾语) 3)My little sister always likes to ask questions. (不定式to ask questions作动词likes 的宾语)

4)His brother is good at playing chess. (动词名词playing chess作介词宾语)

5)Would you mind coming earlier tomorrow? (coming作动词宾语)



1)Wang Lin‘s father is a doctor. (名词a doctor作表语,说明主语的身份是doctor)

2)He is from America. (介词短语from America作表语,说明主语的特征是“来自美国“)

3)The baby is asleep. (形容词asleep作表语,说明主语的状态是“睡着的”)

4)His work is teaching English. (动名词短语teaching English作表语,说明主语特征是“教英语”)

5)This is why he was late for school(表语从句why he was late for school作表语。)

6.定语:用来修饰名词或代词的成分是定语。单词作定语通常放在它所修饰的词前;但修饰复合不定代词(nothing, anything, everything, something , somebody , anybody, …..)时,则放在这些不定代词之后。短语和从句作定语时,也放在被修饰词之后。形容词、名词、代词、数词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式、现在分词、过去分词和定语从句等都可作定语。 1)He is reading an interesting book. (形容词interesting作定语,修饰名词book)

2)I have something important to tell you. (形容词important以及不定式to tell you作定语,修饰不定代词something)

3)There are few women workers in the factory. (形容词few 以及名词women作定语修饰名词workers)

4)The oil workers here come from Daqing. (名词oil以及副词here作定语修饰名词workers)

5)We have got ten desks in the room. (数词ten修饰名词desks) 6)Yesterday the scientist made a report on modern science. (介词短语on modern science作定语修饰名词report.)

7)The girl playing the piano is my younger sister. (现在分词短语playing the piano作定语修饰名词girl)

8)This is the new dictionary which I bought yesterday. (定语从句which I bought yesterday作定语修饰名词dictionary)

7.状语:修饰动词、形容词、副词或全句的成分是状语。修饰形容词的状语通常放在它所修饰的词之前,修饰动词的状语通常放在动词后。但有些副词(如:often , always , usually等作状语放在事义动词之前,be /助/情之后)。副词、介词短语、名词词组、动词不定式、分词短语和状语从句都可以作状语。

1)He knows how to learn English well. (副词well作状语,修饰动词learn)

2)My parents often tell us about their hard life in the past. (副词often作状语,修饰动词tell)

3)Her mother usually goes out to do some shopping on Sundays. (副词usually以及介词短语on Sundays作状语,修饰动词goes) 4)He will leave for Shanghai the day after tomorrow. (名词词组the day after tomorrow作状语,修饰动词will leave)

5)He came here to see you. (动词不定式to see you作目的状语, 6)He sat there reading a novel (现在分词短语reading a novel作状语修饰动词sat)

7)If I have some free time, I will study German. (条件状语从句If I have some free time作状语)


在英语中,一个单词往往有多种意思,应根据一个词在句中的位置确定它的词性、词义、和在句中的成分。 1)Excuse me. I don‘t want to listen to you any more. I don‘t think it‘s a good excuse for being late for school 第一个excuse是动词“原谅”;第二个excuse有冠词a修饰,它是一个名词“借口”,在此作表语)

2)The scores are hard to believe. Team A has scored eight goals. 第一个score作主语,是一个名词“分数”;第二个score作谓语,是一个动词“进球”

3)The guide pointed to a red point on the map to show us where the tomb is.

第一个point作谓语,是一个动词“指着”;第二个point作动词pointed to 的宾语,在此是一个名词“(红)点”

4)When I felt some rain drops dropping on my face, I put on my raincoat.

第一个drop作动词felt的宾语,是一个名词“(雨)滴”;第二个drop是一个现在分词短语作宾语rain drops的宾语补足语,是一个动词“落下”

5)The sound from the church sounds very beautiful. 第一个sound作主语,是一个名词“声音”;第二个sound作谓语,是一个连系动词“听起来”。

6)She is a quiet girl. He does everything quietly.

第一处的quiet作定语修饰名词girl, 是一个形容词“安静的, 文静的”;第二处的quietly作状语修饰动词does, 是一个副词“安静地”

练 习


1. Please close the window before you leave your home. ______

2. Wang Lin is one of my close friends.______ 3. We must keep the window open _______ 4. I forgot to mend my watch. _______ 5. They are watching TV now. _______ 6. I would like a bottle of water. _______ 7. He often waters the flowers _______ 8. She will go to Nanjing on a fast train _____ 9. His brother swims very fast. _______ 10. Let me have a swim. _______ 二、下列划线部分的句子成分。 1.My father was a teacher

2. The milk tastes fresh

3.I am in a hurry to find a job

4.I found your shoes under the bed

5.She gave her a present.

6.The people all over the world are hoping for


7.The little girl can dress herself now.

8.The man asked me not to play in the street.

9.The book is very interesting

10.There is a truck collecting rubbish outside.

三、把下列句子译成英语。(注意句子成分)。 1.我们已成功地完成了那项工作。



______________________________________ 3.吉姆开中国有三年了。

______________________________________ 4.那是“再见”的另一种说法。

______________________________________ 5.说完这些话,他匆匆地去寻找那个失踪的孩子 ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 6.这种特殊的恐龙是我们国家发现的。 ______________________________________ 7.我没有笔写字。

______________________________________ 8.照片中的王太太看起来很年轻。

______________________________________ 9.学好英语最好的方法是尽可能多的说。 ______________________________________

初 三 重 点 短 语

1. a set of (一)套/组/副

2. all over = around / throughout 遍及?的每个部分 as long as 长达 3. as much as 多达

as tall as 高达

4. a doctor for children 儿童医生 5. a number of 许多 (作主为复数)

the number of ?的数目/号码 (作主为单数) 6. as soon as possible 尽可能早地,尽快 7. as well = too 也;又;同样地 8. at the beginning of 在?初; 开始 9. at the age of 在?岁时 10. at sea 在大海上

11. at least 至少;起码 at most 最多

12. a place of interest = places of interest 名胜 13. allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 14. be abroad 出国

15. be able to = can 能;会 16. be afraid of 害怕

17. be excited about 对?感到兴奋 18. be amazed at 对?感到惊讶

19. be made of 由?组成;由?构成 20. be proud of 以?自豪(高兴) 21. be worth doing ?值得做

22. be filled with = be full of 装满;充满 23. be covered with 被?覆盖 24. before long = soon 不久以后 long before 很久以前 25. be to do 打算做;将要做

be used for sth / doing sth 用于? 26. be used as 被当作?来使用

be used by 被?使用 27. break in two 裂成两半 28. be busy doing 忙于做? be busy with sth 忙于某事 29. 既?又?;两者都

30. beg one‘s pardon 请原谅;对不起 31. by the time 在?时候以前 32. come true 实现

33. come up with 提出;提供 34. cut down 砍倒;砍伐

35. carry on 坚持下去;继续下去

36. come to one‘s ears 传入(某人的)耳朵 37. carry sb to safety 把某人带到安全地 38. can‘t wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事 can‘t help doing 情不自禁地做某事 39. drop off 放下(某物);下车 40. deserve to do 做?理所应当 41. even though 即使

42. ever since 从那时起;此后一直

43. encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事 44. escape doing 逃脱做某事 45. far away 很远;遥远

46. from now on 从今以后;今后 47. find sb doing sth 发现某人做某事 48. feed on/ upon 以?为食

49. feel like doing = want to do 想要做某事 = would like to do give up sth 放弃某事

50. give up doing sth 放弃做某事

= stop doing sth

51. go over 过一遍;复习;仔细检查 52. get an injection 打针;注射 53. get …back 退还?;送回去 54. give birth to 生孩子

55. go straight along 沿着?直接走 56. hand in 交上来

57. have a try 尝试;努力 58. hear of / about 听说 59. human being 人 60. hands up 举手

61. have… off 有?的休息

62. have / has got = have / has 有

63. have nothing to do with 与?无关 have something to do with 与?有关 64. hour after hour 一小时一小时地;连续地 65. have sth done 请人做某事 66. in this way 用这种方法

in different ways 以不同的方法 67. It seems that + 从句:似乎;好象 68. It is said 据说 69. in history 历史上

70. in a few year‘s time 几年时间后 = in a few years 71. keep off 避开;防止

72. live on 继续存在,继续活着;靠?为生 73. leave +地点:离开某地

leave for +地点:动身去某地;前往某地74. make sure 确保;确认;查明 75. more or less 或多或少 76. make a decision 作出决定 77. make a mistake 犯错误 78. make a progress 取得进步 79. make up one‘s mind 下决心

80. multiply … by …. 以?乘以? 81. make sb + 形:使某人如何 make me happy 使我愉快

make a contribution to sth 为某事做准备 82. make a contribution to doing sth 为做某事做准备

83. no matter what = whatever 无论什么 84. not only… but also 不但?而且 85. on display 陈列;展览 86. on show 展出

87. on the other hand 另一方面;反过来说 on the other side of 在?的另一面 88. on business 经商

89. once upon a time 从前;很久以前 =long , long ago

90. open up 开放;开业;开设 91. pick up 捡起;拾起

92. point at 指着;指向(近物) point to 指向?(远物) 93. put off 推迟;拖延 94. put up 挂起;举起

95. prefer to do rather than do 宁愿做?而不愿做?96. run away 流失;逃跑;逃走 97. rush out 冲出去

98. regard … as 把?当作?;当作

99. receive / get a letter from 收到某人的来信 =hear from 100. send up 发射;把?往上送 101. set one‘s mind to do 一心想做? 102. shut down 把?关上 103. slow down 减缓;减速 104. so far 到目前为止 105. so that 以便;以致

some more books 另外的书 106. two more books 另外的两本书 = another two books 107. speak highly of 称赞 108. spill over 溢出

109. thanks to 由于=because of ;幸亏 110. think about 考虑

111. think of 认为;想起

think much/ a lot of 对?评价高;看重 112. turn down 调低;调小 turn up 调高;调大 113. try out 实验;尝试 used to + 动原:过去常常(做) 114 be used to + 动原:被用来做? be / get used to sth 习惯于某事 be/ get used to doing sth 习惯于做某事 what do you mean by …? ?是什么意思 115. = what does … mean ? = what‘s the meaning of …? 116. what’s the population of ?的人口是多少 have a population of 有?的人口 117. what … for =why 为什么 118. warn sb about / of sth 警告某人某事 warn sb against doing 警告某人别做某事 119. with one‘s help 在某人的帮助下

= with the help of

120. wear out 穿破;穿烂

121. wash away 冲走


1.useful 2. √ 3. for 4. other 5. moving

6. look 7. no 8. are 9. √ 10. and


1. first 2. great (big) 3. with 4. brought

5. diseases 6. longer 7. good 8. was

9. but 10. √




1.John was given _______ orange bag for his birthday but ______ bag was lost just now. A.an,a B.a,the C.the,a D.an,the 2.There's ________ old tree near _______ house. A.a,an B.an,the C.a,the D.the,a

3.There is ___ 800-metre-long road behind ___ hospital.A.an,an B.a,a C.an,the D.a,the

4._______ good,kind girl she is! A.How B.What a C.What D.How a

5.________ bad weather!I hope it won't last long. A.How B.What C.What a D.How a 6._______ they are listening to the teacher! A.How careful B.What careful C.How carefully D.What carefully

由上例题我们可以发现冠词和感叹句是必考内容。同样,象宾语从句的语序、代词的格、主谓语一致、动词和介词的搭配、近义词的比较以及习惯表达法和情态动词的使用等,无一不在考查之列。 所有这一切语言基础知识,我都将通过对典型试题的解题分析,展开讨论,分层展示难易对比,系统归纳。 对于语言基础知识是这样处理,那么对以能力测试为主要目的的中考其他试题形式又该怎么办呢? 这里我们以一篇完形填空题为例: A poor farmer had never left his small village.After he(1) a lot of money,he decided to spend a holiday in an expensive hotel(旅馆)in a bigtown.(2)lunch time came on his first day there,he went to eat in the restaurant(餐馆)of the hotel(3) his new clothes.The head waiter(服务员)(4)him to the table,took his order

and went away.When he turned and (5)the farmer again,he had a (6)!The farmer had tied(系)his table cloth round his (7). The head waiter told another waiter to go to the farmer and (8) him that people (9) do such a thing in his restaurant.So the waiter went tothe farmer and said in a (10) voice(声音),\morning,sir.Would you like a haircut?\1.A.lent B.made C.paid D.gave 2.A.During B.Though C.When D.Because 3.A.for B.with C.on D.in 4.A.wanted B.put C.showed D.brought

5.A.looked at B.watched C.saw D.found 6.A.look B.rest C.table cloth D.surprise

7.A.arm B.neck C.hand D.head 8.A.ask B.tell C.taught D.told 9.A.can't B.don't C.won't D.mustn't 10.A.friendly B.tired C.sad D.ter

要求考生从所给的选项中选出正确答案,使补足后的短文意思通顺,结构完整。对此,考生必须通篇考虑,不能拿来就做,那样必然顾此失彼,前后意思不得连贯。目前的中考完型还侧重于语法,这将在逐年试题的变革中转向按上下文的要求来推断理解。 在解这类题时,必须掌握“词感现象”,注意学会区分“干扰项”。所谓词感,“the sense of word\是指一种对词或词群的



利于对情景作出合乎逻辑的判断。同时也就把其它三个作为干扰项的选择项排除掉了。最后复读一篇全文,就会语感流畅,句意明确。 这儿举例的目的是想说明,我从一个较高的立意来对中考题型,特别是完形、阅读等,进行分析、探讨,借以使同

boxes of apples 学们获得较为完整的解题思路和解题方法。 院里 例: 1、These two pieces of bread __________over there.(be) in the front of 在?范围内的前部 in hospital (生病)住 词汇(一)

2、Could I have three ___________,please? 这一讲里,主要帮助同学们掌握名词、冠词、数词的用法,院 A.piece of bread B.piece of breads 特别是针对同学不易掌握的方面。 练习:There's _________800-metre-long road behind 一、名词 关于名词,我们必须掌握名词的数,名词的格。





(3)以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i加es, 如:


请区别:如果是元音字母加y结尾的名词,则只须加s。 如:




(5)以f、fe结尾的名词,变f、fe为v再加es, 如:knife--knives。 2.单复数形式相同的词:sheep--sheep,fish--fish Chinese--Chinese,Japanese--Japanese




请区别:German(德国人)—Germans (3)child—children 4.常以复数形式出现的名词:people(人),clothes(衣服),

trousers(裤子) glasses(眼镜) ,这些名词作主语时,同学们应特

别注意它们的谓语,用复数。 如:My clothes are (be) newer

than yours.



physics(物理) No news is good news.

6.可用how many,many,a few,few,a lot of,lots of,some,

any等来修饰可数名词复数。 How many are there in your







bread__________over there.(be)

3.常用how much,much,a little,little,a lot of,some,any等来修饰


4.常用a piece of,a cup of等来表示不可数名词的量。如要表

达“两片面包”这样的意义,bread仍为不可数名词,不加s,而piece则可加s。即:twopiecesof bread 请区别:可数名词也可用量来表示, 如:三箱苹果three C.pieces of bread D.pieces of breads 名词的格 名词所有格的构成方法,在名词后加“ 's”。如:Tom→Tom's译为“?的”,若遇上以s结尾的复数名词,则在s后加“ '”即可。如:Teachers'Day , twoweeks'holiday,而不以s结尾的复数名词的所有格,仍按惯例加's 。如:Children's Day 关于名词所有格,应掌握以下几点: 1.可用名词所有格表示地点。 如:my aunt's 我姑姑家。 go to the doctor's 去医生家。 2.表示两人共同拥有,在最后一个名词后加's 如:Lucy and Lily's 露西和莉莉的 3.掌握词组:a girl of five 一个五岁的女孩 a friend of mine 我的一个朋友 eg;The white shirt is and blue one is . A、Kate,my B.Kate's,mine C.Kate,mine D.Kate's,my 二、冠词 冠词是词汇中的基础的,也是简单的部分,所以同学们有必要掌握其基本用法,归纳起来,同学们应该掌握以下几点:1. 冠词指不定冠词

a,an和定冠词the 2.不定冠词an常用于元音发音开头的词前,如:an hour,an English car. 请区别:a useful machine 3.指上文提到过的人或物,用定冠词the 4.在世界上独一无二的事物前用定冠词the.如:the sun,the moon,the earth 5.定冠词the用于序数词前,表示方位的名词和形容词最高级前。如:the first,the best ,in the south 6.在复数姓氏前加the,表示××一家人,常看成复数。 如:The Browns are going to Shanghai for a holiday this summer. 7.在介词短语中常用定冠词the,如:in the box ,behind the chair 8.特别注意不能用定冠词the的几个方面: (1)在节日、星期、月份、季节、年等词前不用冠词。如:in summer,in August 请区别:in the spring of 1945. (这里表示特指,故加the) (2)一日三餐和球类运动名不用冠词。 如:have breakfast ,play football (3)一些固定词组中,如:go to bed ,go to school,by bus ,at night.

9.在有些词组中,有冠词和无冠词意思不同,请注意区别: in front of 在?前面 in the hospital 在医_________hospital. A.an,an B.a, a C.an, the D.a, the 三、数词 同学们首先应会读会写所有基数词和序数词,以及与数词有关的钟点表达法。对数词的考查,中考常采用单选题及听力题,这些题型归纳起来,应掌握以下几点特别容易出错的地方。 1.基数词变序数词。其规律为: 1,2,3特殊记,加th从4起 (first,second,third,fourth) 8少t,9去e,千万别忘记 (eighth,ninth) 逢5逢12,ve变f (fifth,twelfth) 20到90,y要变ie (twentieth,ninetieth) 若是几十几,前基后序别倒位 (ninety-first) 2.hundred,thousand,million 在构成具体的数字时用单数形

式。 如:five hundred people. 只有在表达笼统的多数时才加s,构成复数形式。 hundreds of 数以百计的,成百上千的 thousands of 数以千计的,成千上万的 millions of 数百万的 这些词组前不能用具体数字。 3.序数词常与定冠词the 连用。 练习:①Henry has learned eight _________ French words this year. A.hundred B.hundreds C.hundred of D.hundreds of ②The _________lesson is the most difficult one in Book Two. (twenty)


顺读法(钟点+分钟) 如:4:30 four thirty 4:45 four forty-five

4:15 four fifteen 倒读法(分钟+to/past+钟点) 如:4:30 half past four

4:15 fifteen past four/a quarter past four 4:45 fifteen to five/a quarter to five 练习题 : 1.At the beginning of the_____(twenty) century,the world's population was about 1700 million. 2.Are these_____(watch)yours? Yes.

3.You don't look well.You'd better go to the______(doctor) at once. 4.Would you give me________,please? A.two papers B.two piece of paper C.two pieces of

paper D.two pieces of papers 4.人称代词在并列使用时的顺序为:“第二人称,第三人称, 5.There are three_____and seven____in the picture. 第一人称”。

A.monkeys,sheeps B.monkeys,sheep C.monkies,sheep 如:You, she and I all enjoy the music. D.monkies,sheeps


6.A lot of____are talking with two_______.

enjoy oneself=have a good time (过得很愉快) by A.Germans,Frenchmans B.Germen,Frenchmans C.German,

oneself=alone (单独、独自) Frenchmen D.Germans,Frenchmen

Every child likes playing games.

3.all “(全部)都” 表示三者或三者以上,作同位语时,一般放在连系、助动词之后,行为动词之前。

none “没有”表示三者或三者以上都不,后常跟介词of 如: We are all from Canada. = All of us are from Canada.

None of us is/are afraid of dogs.(单、复数均可) 7.June 1 is __. A.the Children's Day B.the Childrens' Day

C.Children's Day D.Childrens' Day

8.__________people went out to see what had happened. A.Thousands of B.Three thousand ofC.Thousand of D.Three thousands 9.We have been in the school for______. A.three and a half month B.three and a half months C.three month and a half D.three months and half 10.__________English is___________ useful language. A.A, an B./, a C.The, an D. A, /

11.John was given _______ orange bag for his birthday but

______ bag was lost just now.

A.an,a B.a,the C.the,a D.an,the

12.There's ________ old tree near _______ house. A.a,an B.an,the C.a,the D.the,a

13.There is ________ 800-metre-long road behind _________

hospital.A.an,an B.a,a C.an,the D.a,the


①人称代词: 主格: 单数I 、you 、he 、she 、it 复

数 we 、you 、they

宾格: 单数me 、you 、him 、her 、it 复数us 、you 、


⑵物主代词: 形容词性 my 、your 、his 、her 、its 、our 、

your 、their

名词性 mine 、yours 、his 、hers 、its 、ours 、yours 、theirs

③反身代词: myself 、yourself 、himself 、herself 、itself 、

ourselves 、yourselves 、themselves




2.注意名词性物主代词在句中所指代的关系,是单数还是复数。 如:⑴These books aren't ours. Ours are new. (这里ours=our books) ⑵This is not our room. Ours is over there. (这里ours=our room)

3.\名词性物主代词\表示所属 如:a sister of his 他的一个

妹妹 a friend of mine 我的一个朋友

help oneself to? (随便吃/喝 些...) learn sth. by oneself =teach oneself sth. (自学) 练习题 1.-Whose trousers are these? -_____, I think. A.They B.Their C.Theirs D.Them 2. Nobody taught___English. He taught____. A.him, himself B.his, himself C.him, by himself D.his, his (二) 修饰可数名词 many few 表否定意义 a few 表肯定意义 修饰不数名词 much little 表否定意义 a little 表肯定意义 few 和 little 与 quite 或 only 连用时,常加不定冠词 a.如:There are quite a few new books in the library.= 用little, a little, few, a few填空:

1.I often stay at home because I have _______ friends here. 2.Jim,don't go and get some water. There is ______ water in the glass. 3.Though he learned French only ________ weeks. He can speak very well. 4.Lily had _________ bread because she was hungry yesterday. (三)不定代词: something, anything, nothing. 当形容词修饰这三个不定代词时,常后置。 如:something new There's __________ in today's newspaper. 中考题 A.important anything B.important something C.anything important D.something important

(四)另外,还要注意代词some, every, all, both, either, another

1.some(一些,某) 一般用于肯定句中 注:some有时


any(任何) 多用于疑问句和否定句

① Will you give me some water? ② Would you like some


③ May I ask some questions? ④ Could I have some apples? 2.every+单数名词 “每一个” 强调共性,作定语,形式上为单数。 each “每一个” 强调个性,作定语、主语、宾语和同位语,常与of连用。

如: Each student was asked to try again. Each of them has a nice


4.both “(两者)都” ,作主语时,看作复数;作定语时,后跟名词复数。

either “两者中任何一个” ,作主语时,谓语用第三人称单数;作定语时,后跟名词单数。

neither “(两者)都不”,含有否定意义,用法同either。 如:①They both swim well. =Both of them swim well. ②There are trees on both sides of the street. = There are trees on either side of the street.

③Neither of us is going to Beijing next week. ④Neither answer is right. 5. another +单数名词, “另一个”

one ? the other “一个??,另一个??”

the other +复数名词 = the others “其他的人或物” (指确定范围内剩下的全部) others “别人”

(五)疑问代词 5个“wh”, 即who, whose, whom, what, which 这里,which是同学们不易掌握的内容,其实,同学们只须记住,对作定语的内容提问,常用which.

例如: I like the red shirt. ___________ ___________ do you like ? 练习:

一、根据所给单词的适当形式填空,使句意通顺,语法完整 6.Can you come with us ?(we)

7.These skirts are hers . Yours are over there.(she) 8.Please take care of yourselves , boys and girls.(you) 9.I don't think this is my frisby, though it looks like mine .(I) 

10.Look at those books. Are they yours?(that) 二、根据首字母填空

11.Is there anything interesting in the newspaper?  12.She asked us to help each other.

13.The old man can neither read nor write. 

14.Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.  15.Please help yourself to some fish, Lucy. 三、同义句转换

16、A: The children played happily in the zoo yesterday.

B: The children enjoyed themselves in the zoo yesterday. 

17、A: He doesn't like mutton, and she doesn't, either. B: Neither he nor she likes mutton.

18、A: All the American people don't like sandwiches.

B: Not all the American people like sandwiches.  19、A: They don't often hear the twins sing the song in the school.

B: Neither of the twins is often heard to sing the song in the school.[ZK)] 四、单项选择

(C)20、-Can you speak Chinese, Peter?-Yes, but only . afternoon.

A. All B. Neither C. Some D. Both  (B)4、-Can you tell me what a panda looks like? -Look! This is a picture of . A. it B. one C. two D. some 

(B)5、There are not many pears here, but you can take if you want to.

A. few B. a few C. a little D. little 二、形容词 副词

interesting as that one.

=That film is more interesting than this one.

3.I prefer maths to English. =I like maths better than English. Which do you like _____, fish, meat _____ eggs? A.best, or B.better,or C.best, and D.better,and


1.形容词修饰名词作定语,跟在连系动词之后作表语。 2.副词修饰动词、形容词或其它副词 enough属例外词:形/副+enough to do enough+名词

例如;She is old enough to go to school. 她够上学的年龄了。 A. little B. few C. a little D. a few  (A)21、-Do you like Jane's new skirt?

-Yes, very much. I'll ask mum to buy for me. A. one B. it C. the other D. a 

(B)22、The color of her skirt is different from of mine.

A. one B. that C. it D. this 

(B)23、Students are usually interested in sports. Some like running, some like swimming. like ball games. A. the others B. others C. the other D. other  (A)24、-I'll give the boys to eat. -Oh, I know, fish and chips.

A. something English B. English somethingC. anything English D. English anything 

(D)25、-Shall I help you with the heavy box? -No, thanks, I can do it .

A. me B. my C. mine D. myself 

(D)26、-What time shall we meet this afternoon,3:00 or 4:00? -I don't mind. time is OK.

A. Neither B. Each C. Any D. Either  (C)27、-My bag is full, what about ? - is full, too.

A. you, Yours B. his, He C. yours, Mine D. hers, She  (D)28、-I've had enough bread, Would you like ? -No, thanks.

A. a few more B. one more C. another more D. some more 

(A)29、There are many trees on sides of the river. A. both B. either C. neither D. each

(A)1、He has two bikes, one is new, is old. A. the other B. other C. the others D. others 

(C)2、Without the sun, could grow in the world. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything  (B)3、 of them is going to play basketball with you this

大多数的形容词、副词都有三个等级: 原级:比较级: 比较...,更...一些 最高级: 最...

(A)1.构成:(规则情况)情况 变 化 方 法 例 词

单音节词和少数双音节词: 一般情况 加er, est clever-cleverer-cleverest

以字母e结尾 加r, st nice-nicer-nicest

重读闭音节、末尾只有一个辅音字母时 双写加er, est big-bigger-biggest

以辅音字母加y结尾 变y为i加er, est early-earlier-earliest 部分双音节和多音节词 在词前加more, most slowly-more slowly-most slowly

2.不规则变化,须熟记: good/well-better-best many/much-more-most far-farther-farthest bad/badly/ill-worse-worst little-less-least (B)常见的使用情况

1.as ? as ? 和...一样(中间用原级)

2.not as(so) ? as 和...不一样(中间用原级) 3? than ?. ..比...(用比较级)

4.有范围修饰的用最高级 如:in, of, among或用从句修饰的

eg.⑴Winter is the coldest season of the year. ⑵This is the best film that I have ever seen .

5.比较级+and+比较级 意为“越来越?.eg: wetter and wetter more and more beautiful

6. The+比较级,the+比较级 越?...就越?... eg:The more, the better. 越多越好


2.可用much, a little, even, still等修饰比较级。 3.在比较级中为了避免重复,在than后常用one,that,those等词来替代前面提到过的名词。

eg:The weather here is warmer than that of Shanghai. (D)掌握三种同义句转换:

1.He is taller than any other student in his class. =He is the tallest (student)in his class.

2.This film is less interesting than that one. =This film isn't as

3.区别几组易混淆的副词: 也 too用于肯定、疑问句 also 较为正式书面语 either 用于否定句 已经 already 常用于肯定句、疑问句 yet 常用于否定句、疑问句 不再 no (not any) longer 从时间上讲 no (not any) more 从动作上讲

如此这样 such 修饰名词 eg: such a big box so 修饰形容词、副词 eg: so big 单独、独自 alone 作表语 =by oneself 孤独的 lonely 可作表语、定语 eg:A group of girls are singing and dancing ______ over there. (happy) 练习题

1.The students are having a good time in the park. Some are drawing by the lake. _ are climbing the hill.

A.Others B. Other C. Another D.The other 2.There isn't _____ in today's newspaper.

A. important something B. important anything C. anything important D. nothing important

3.-Whose watch is this, Mary? Is it your sister's?

-No,Mum. It's not ______. It's ______. A.hers, my B. her, my C. Mine, hers D.hers, mine

4..The Changjiang River is the third __ river in the world. A.long B.longer C.longest D.the longest 5. An elephant is _____ than a horse.

A.more strong B. much stronger C. the most strong D. much more strong

6. Which do you like _____, tea, orange or water? A.good B.Well C. Better D. Best 一、 介词 1.与形容词搭配的词组有: be afraid of (怕) be angry with (生某人的气)

be away from (不在某地) be different from (与?不同) be good at (善于) be good/ bad for (对?有益/有害) be interested in (对?感兴趣) be late for (迟到) be/get ready for (为作好准备) be sure of (对?有把握) be worried about (为?感到担忧) 2.介词后常用人称代词宾格和动词-ing形式

1)You must take good care of her. 2)Thank you for teaching

us so well. 3.几组易混淆的介词

A. “在...之后” in + 一段时间(用于一般将来时) after + 一段时间(用于一般过去时) after + 一点时间(常用于一般将来时)

如:The baby stopped crying after half an hour.

The baby will stop crying in half an hour. They will visit their teacher after Friday. B. for +一段时间 since +过去的一点时间

这两者均用于现在完成时,具体在时态部分,我会继续向 and“和” 连接两个并列成分,连接谓语时,两个动词时态应3.转化法: know(v.)→knowledge(n.)

一致。 二、意义关联帮你记忆: but “但是” 表转折,不能与 though 同时出现在句中。 dictionary—words,umbrella—rain,library—book—shelf, or “或者”在否定句中,并列句中的列举常用 or,而不用 kitchen—cook and。 Eg: I have brothers and sisters.(否) I don't have 三、英英解释,温故知新: brothers or sisters.= I have no brothers and no sisters. abroad —in or to another country,overseas;interview—meeting 2.引导宾语从句的连词 with sb.

陈述句:that 可省略 一般疑问句:if /whether “是否” 说说记忆单词的方法 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 词是构成句子的重要元素,词汇量的多少在英语学习中占有 3.引导原因状从的有:because (不能与so同时出现在句中) 重要地位。今天我们讲讲怎样记忆单词。 同学们讲解。

C. be made of \用??制成\ be made in “由某地制造”be made by somebody “由某人制成” D. in, on, at表时间 in “在某月(季节、年)等” eg:in 1996, in January, in summer

固定词组:in the morning, in a week,in a minute,in time, in the end

on \用于指具体的某一天或专指某一天上午、下午或晚上等\

eg:on Christmas Day, on the night of February 16 at “用于具体时刻前和某些固定词组中”

固定词组:at seven, at the moment, at night, at last, at first, at noon, at times, at once, at this time of the year, at the beginning of, at the end of this month, at the same time 注意:在表时间里,下列情况下一般不用介词。词组里有:next, last, this, that, tomorrow, yesterday, one, every, all 以及the day before yesterday和the day after tomorrow 前不用介词 。 如:不能说 in tomorrow ,只能说 tomorrow 在明天

E. except +宾格/doing something \除?之外” (不包括本身) Everyone is at school today except Lin Tao. (同义句转换) =Only Lin Tao isn't at school today. F. “用” 通过交通工具 by plane

用语言 in English 通过媒介 on /over the telephone, on /over the radio, on TV

用工具手段 with a pen, with one's hands G. between “在~和~(两者)之间”

between...and..., between the two... among 在...之间(三者或三者以上)

eg.Sue spent over two hours ___ her homework yesterday evening. A.on B.with C.at D.over 二、 连词

1.并列连词 both?and 既~又~谓语用复数动词 neither?nor 既不~也不~含否定意义,(就近原则)谓语动词由靠近它的那个主语来决定单复数。 either?or? “或者 ?或者?”“不是?就是?”

4.引导时间状语从句的连词: A. when(当?时候),as soon as?(一?就),not?until(直到?才),after(在?之后),引导的主从复合句,主句为一般将来时,从句则用一般现在时来代替一般将来时。 Eg: I won't leave until he comes back. B. since(自从?以来)引导的主从复合句,主句为现在完成时,从句用一般过去时。 Eg:We haven't met each other since she left here last year. C. while(当?时候,一边?一边?)它引导的时间状语从句常用进行时态。 Eg: My father came in while I was doing my homework. 5.引导条件状语从句的连词: if “如果”,引导条件状


“是否”相当于 whether,引导宾语从句,时态根据语境确定

eg:1)I don't know if it ____ (rain) tomorrow.

2)If it ______ (rain) tomorrow, I _____________ (not

climb) the hills.

3)Joan and Mary haven't seen each other_____they left

school five years ago.

A.as B.before C.after D.since

三、 构词法 构词有法记无定法 一、利用构词法记忆: 1.合成法:note+book→notebook,school+yard→schoolyard,book+mark→bookmark 2.派生法(即在词根上加前、后缀记忆): en-(使??有)+courage→encourage;inter-(one with another;face to face)+view→interview;foreign+er(人)→foreigner,play+er(执行动作的人)→player,sharpen+er(执行动作的物)→sharpener;library+(y→i)an(人)→librarian;miss(v.)+ing→missing(adj.),probable(adj.)+(l)y→probably(adv.),sad(adj.)+ly→sadly(adv.);compose(v.)+(e→i)tion→composition(n.),inform(v.)+(a)tion→information(n.) 一、把单词放入句子中,在一定的语言环境中记忆单词。如果一旦忘记词义,就回忆它所在的句子。很多成绩较好的同学都有一个体会,抓住对句子的理解和背诵这样一个关键,记忆单词一般来说是毫不费力的。 二、将单词按归类的方法进行记忆。把同义词归成一类,如 learn--study,between--among;反义词归成一类,如 left--right,high--low,strong--weak;或根据含义和用途把同一类型的词归成一类,如交通工具类:car,bus,ship,plane,truck,?学科类:maths,science,art,geography,?频度副词类:always,usually,often,sometimes,never,?等等。这样当遇到其中一个词时,头脑中出现的就是一组词,




三、利用构词法记忆单词。比如 happy(幸福的),加前缀“un”

成为 unhappy(不幸福的),改“y”为“i”加后缀“ness”则变成了名词:happiness(幸福);“pea(豌豆)”与“nut(坚果)”可合成为“peanut(花生)”;when(何时)+ever(在任何时候)=whenever(无论什么时候)等等。 四、根据记忆与遗忘的规律来记忆单词,即应及时在第二天、第三天甚至以后再读第一天记忆的单词,定期作阶级性的复习,同遗忘作斗争。要记忆单词就不能怕重复,重复也是记忆的一种好方法。 五、初中阶段还有一个很实用的记忆单词的好方法就是根据音标即单词读音来记单词。只要你首先根据音标把一个单词读准、读对,那么就可根据其读音基本拼写出该单词。首先这要掌握一定的拼读规则。比如“dirty”,根据音标我们就能拼写出d-ir-t-y(在非重读音节中发[i])。这种方法对于记忆字母较多的单词尤其有效,如“contribution”,根据音标我们可把它分成四部分来记忆:con-tri-bu-tion,这样就能较快地记住单词。 以系统的方式来学习记忆知识能起到事半功倍的效果。因此背单词时我们一定要留心观察,寻找词与词之间的关系,这

样将有助于我们记忆单词。总之,只要我们掌握一些科学的方法,并用心去记忆,就一定能记住英语单词。 合成形容词

英语中有许多种形式的合成形容词,仅在初中阶段需要学习使用的就达九种。现分述如下: 1.数词+单数名词。

如:20-minute 20分钟的 It's 20-minute walk.步行20A. how B. weather C. whether D. what (以e结尾,-r) run runner(重读闭音节,双写-er)

win winner travel traveller -or“人” invent inventor 6、His parents were _________ (happy) because he had failed

the exam again. visit visitor

7、Mrs. Green liked to stay _____ (safe) at the same place. -ly(副词后缀)

8、The_______ (visit) from France are going to visit our school bad badly quick quickly careful carefully happy

happily this afternoon.

deep deeply lucky luckily usual usually noisy noisily 思考题 1、The farmer was___tired___he couldn't fall slow slowly angry angrily strong strongly quiet quietly asleep. 分钟的路程。 second-class 二等的 That's the second-class room. 那是个二等房间。 500-word 五百字的

This is a 500-word composition. 这是一篇五百字的文章。


如:8-year-old 八岁的 Mr Green has an 8-year-old child. 格林先生有个八岁的孩子。 3.数词+名词的ed形式。如:three-legged 三条腿的 Tom bought a three-legged table yesterday. 昨天汤姆买了一张三条腿的桌子。


round-trip来回的;往返的 Do you need a round-trip ticket﹖ 你想要一张往返的车票吗?

part-time 非全部工作时间的;兼职的He found a part-time job. 他找到了一份额外的工作。 5.形容词+名词的ed形式。

如:kind-hearted 好心的 Father Christmas is very kind-hearted. 圣诞老人的心肠非常好。

6.名词+过去分词。如:man-made人造的 China has sent up many man-made satellites. 中国已发射了许多人造卫星。

7.名词+名词的ed形式。如:glass-topped带有玻璃罩的 I want to own a glass-topped table. 我想要一张带有玻璃罩的桌子。


I don't like those so-called singers. 我不喜欢那些所谓的歌星。


如:so-so马马虎虎;不好不坏的 My English is just so-so. 我的英语很一般。.

Eg:To an American,a Chinese is a ______. (foreign) 前缀 例词 派生词 un-“不” happy unhappy like unlike usual unusual friendly unfriendly im-“不” possible impossible 后缀 例词 派生词 -er“人” teach/play/clean teacher/player/cleaner drive driver

特例: true - truly terrible - terribly possible - possibly -ful(形容词后缀) care careful help helpful use useful forget forgetful -y (形容词后缀) rain rainy luck lucky cloud cloudy noise noisy(以e


snow snowy sun sunny (双写,加-y) wind windy -ion(名词后缀) invent invention operate operation -ness(名词后缀) busy business good goodness 一些特例:

动词 形容词 动词 现在分词转化为名词

sleep asleep boat boating die dead build building

enjoy enjoyable begin beginning cross crossing 名词 形容词 meet meeting friend friendly turn turning south southern shop shopping wool woolen danger dangerous 动词 过去分词转为形容词 difference different fry fried worry worried

动词 名词 break broken know knowledge lose lost

fly flight please pleased please pleasure colour


名词 名词 动词 现在分词、过去分词转为形容词

farm farmer 农夫 follow following interest interested

“感兴趣的” 只作表语,仅用于be interested in develop

interesting “有趣的” 可作表语和定语 developed “发

达的” developing “发展中的”

练习题 1、Lucy can write a letter___Japanese though she has

learned it only a few months.

A. from B. to C. in D. with

2、They will have an English test___two days. A. for B. at C. in D. after

3、Wu Dong was born___the evening of April 2,1975. A. at B. in C. on D. to 4、I haven 't heard _______ her _____ she left home. A. from, since B. from, after C. of, when D. of , as 5、Tom didn't know___Jack would leave for Beijing tomorrow. A. very…to B. too…to C. so…that D.neither…nor 2、Work hard, ___you won't catch up with the others. A. but B. and C. if D. or 3、The game is very ___ and she's ___ in it. A. interesting, interesting B. interested, interested

C. interested, interesting D. interesting, interested 重要的短语、句型和惯用法(一) 1. get on/off(the

bus) 上/下车 get up 起床 get ready for 为 ... 作准备

get oneself

dressed 自己穿衣服 get well (better) 身体好 get in 进入,收集 get sb.sth.=get sth.for sb. 为某人买某物 get on well with sb/sth. 与某人相处很好,...进展顺利 2. have an accident 出事故 have a good time =enjoy oneself 玩得很高兴 have a cold wet day 天气又冷又湿 have a cough 咳嗽 have a drink(of)... 喝一杯... have a talk 听报告 have lunch 吃午饭 have...for lunch 午饭吃...

have a meeting 开会have no idea 不知道 have a rest 休息一

下 3. make a mistake 犯错误 mistake A for B 把A错认为B take sth. by mistake 错拿某物 4. make friends with 与...交朋友 make faces 做鬼脸make a fire 生火 make an excuse 找籍口 make a...sound 发...音 make tea 沏茶 make room for... 为...找出空间 make it 如期赴约 make a team 组成一个队 eg.Let's make it half past one. 注意:时间前不用介词at 5. turn sth. on/off 打开/关掉... turn sth. up/down 把...音量开

大/小 注意:当sth 是代词时,常放中间 6. try sth. on 试穿(衣、鞋、帽) 注意:当 sth 为it或them, 常放中间try out 试验、尝试

try one's best to do sth. 尽力干某事=do one's best to do sth. 7. send sb. away 开除、解雇某人 send for sb. 派人去请某

人 send up 发射 a very +形容词+名词eg. English is a very useful language. 8. hear from sb 收到...的来信 hear of 听说 28. be afraid of+名词 害怕... be afraid to+动词 担心、害怕... 9. hurry off 匆匆离去,赶快去 hurry up 赶快 be afraid that+从句 恐怕... 10. get to +名词 get +副词(不用to) reach+名词/副词 arrive 29. so+形容词 so strong so beautiful such+形容词+in/at +大/小地点 (后接副词,不用at/in) 名词(复数或不可数) eg. get to Shanghai、reach Shanghai 、arrive in Shanghai到 such beautiful pictures such nice smell such + a/an+形达上海 容词+名词(单数)

eg. reach home、get home、arrive home 到家 such an interesting story

A.up, what B.up, that C.for, that D.for, what

10.One after another, three of them ___.

A.fell asleep B.got to asleep C.went to asleep D.were sleeping


1.你想不想喝杯桔子汁? Do you ______ ______drinking a glass of orange?


We have never ______ ______ Xiao Yang since he _______ 11. teach sb. English 教某人英语 teach oneself=learn sth.by

oneself 自学

12.到...末为止 by the end of +过去时间 (用于过去完成时)

by the end of +将来时间 (用于一般将来时)

at the end of+地点 在...尽头 in the end= at last 最后,终于 13. hundreds of 成百上千 thousands of 成千上万的 millions of 成百万的

14. be pleased to do sth 很高兴地干某事 be pleased with sth.


15. be used for 被用来 be used as 被当作 be used by 被...


16. so far 到目前为止, 用于现在完成时

17. on a Tuesday morning 一个星期二的早上

on the morning of June 15th.1998 在1998年6月15日早上 18. keep sb.doing sth. 让某人一直干某事 keep doing sth. 继


keep on doing sth. 持续不断地做某事

19. much too+形容词/副词原级 实在太...

too much+不可数名词 相当多的... eg. It's _______

expensive. I can't buy it.

There's ___________ rain this year.

20. thanks to...由于,多亏 thanks to one's help=because of one's help 由于某人的帮忙 thanks for one's help 谢谢某人的帮助 21. be far away from+a place/sb 远离某地 22. wear out 穿坏、穿旧、用尽 常用于被动语态。其P.P为


sell out 售完 卖完

23. two-month holiday=two months' holiday 二个月的假期

24. fall asleep 入睡(进入状态) get to sleep 入睡(还没睡着)

25. stop sb.from doing sth. 阻止某人干某事 eg. She stopped the child from listening. stop doing sth. 停止干某事,不再干某事 stop to do sth. 停止下来干另一件事。 26. hardly any +n. 几乎没有... 27. quite a/an+形容词+名词 一个相当...eg. Two months is

quite a long time. 30. feel like doing 想干某事 31. be made/grown/produced 三个词的被动语态都可解释为“生产” 归类: 机器一类→make(制造) 盐produce (经机器加工生产) grow ( . 糖 .丝绸→ 农作物、水果→人工种出来的


32. finish doing sth. 做完某事 be busy doing sth. 忙于干某事 go on doing sth. 继续干某事 be always doing 老是干某事 33. hope to do sth. 希望干某事 ...hope that...希望某人干某事,不可用hope sb.to do sth. 34. in surprise 惊奇地(作状语) be surprised at sb. 对某人的举动感到诧异 be surprised to do sth. 对做某事感到惊讶 35. no space(room) to stand in 36. be angry with sb.

没有站的地方、空间 生某人的气 agree with sb. 同意某人的观点 with one's help 在某人的帮助下 选择题: 1.They arrived ___ London___ a cold winter night. A.at, in B.in, on C.at, on D.in, at

2.It's rather cold today.You'd better ___ more clothes before you

go out.

A.put on B.wear C.to put on D.to wear

3.You must be very tired. Why not ___ a rest? A.stop taking B.stop to take C.to stop taking D.to stop to take 4.___, I've caught up with my classmates in my English studies.

A.Under his help B.With his help C.Under the help of him D.With the help of him 5.Mother told me ____ in the sun. A.not read B.don't read C.read not D.not to read 6.Watching TV ___ is bad for your eyes. A.much too

B.many too C.too much D.too many

7.Those foreign visitors ___ our city the day before yesterday. A.arrived B.reached C.reached to D.got in 8.She asked me to help her ___ her Chinese. A.at B.with C.for D.on

9.Look ___ the words in the dictionary when you don't know ___ they mean. school for the last time.


People started to build the Great Green Wall ___ ___ it could stop the wind from ___ the earth away. 4.魏华把你错当成他的兄弟,是吗?

Wei Hua ________ you ______ his brother,didn't she? 思考题:


Man-made satellites can be ___ for ___ TV and radio programmes to foreign countries.

2.多亏有了绿色长城,现在他们种的棉花比以前多得多了。 ____ to the Great Green Wall, they can grow a lot ___ cotton than before.


The students make friends ___ one another and usually ___ ___ well. 4.店主说你的尺寸的羊毛衫已售完了。

The shopkeeper said the woolen sweaters ___ your size were ____.

重要的短语、句型和惯用法(二) 1.There be 结构


eg.There are twenty girls in our class.have也解释为“有”但是与there be有区别,它的含义是“所有,属有”,其主语为某人。eg.I have a nice watch.

b.There be 结构中的be动词要和后面所跟名词保持一致。 c.There is a river near our school.否:There is not a river near our school.

问:Is there a river near our school.回答:Yes, there is. No, there isn't.

划⑴How many rivers are there near our school? ⑵What's near our school?

d.there be 结构的一般将来时,同学们较难掌握,其正确形式为:there is going to be

e.反意疑问句的构成:There is no water in the glass, is there? ①There is going to _____ a football match this afternoon.

A.have B.watch C.be D.play (我发觉学好英语是很有用的) 24.not...until (连词)方才,才 ②They were sure that they were going to ____ a rest. A.be find +宾语 +名词eg.I find him a good boy. (我发现他是个eg.He says that he won't be free until tomorrow.他说他需到明天B.have C.be on D.on 2.so,neither引导的倒装句,为了避免和前一句话的内容重复,英语中习惯用so,neither引导的倒装句。 a.So+be(助动词,情态动词)+主语。表示某人也是如此。 eg.Mike has bought some foreign stamps. So has Bob.=Bob has bought some,too. b.Neither+be(助动词,情态动词)+主语,表示某人也不。 eg.Mother has never been to Japan. Neither has Father.=Father has never been to Japan, either.

c.So+主语+be(助动词,情态动词)。表示果真如此(赞同), 请

同学们与a.区别。 eg.A:Mike is right in the classroom. B:So he is.=He is really in the class room. 3.It's+时间+since动词过去式。自从...起已有...时间了。 ⑴It's two weeks since we met last.(自从我们上次见面已有两个星期了) ⑵How long is it since we left Beijing?(自从我们离开北京已有


4.祈使句+and (那么)...eg.Go straight on and you'll see a

school.=If you go straight on, you'll see a school. 5.祈使句+or...否则...eg.Work hard, or you will fall behind the other students. =If you don't work hard, you'll fall behind the


6. The+比较级...,the+比较级... 越...越...

eg.⑴The more, the better. 越多越好。 ⑵The harder you work on it, the better you'll be at it.(你越用功,你就越好。) 7.How do you like the film? =What do you think of the film? (你认为这部电影怎样?) 8.What...do with...?怎样对付...?怎样处理...? 虽然中文为怎样,我们绝不可照字面翻译为how. eg.A:What have you done with the library book? B:I've just returned it to the library. 9.I don't know what to do.我不知道该怎么办? I don't know how to do. × 10.What...be like?...是什么样的? eg.⑴What's the weather like? 天气如何?⑵What's your school

like? 你们学校是什么样的?

11.What...for?为何目的?为什么?eg.What do you want a

science lab for?=Why do you want a science lab?

12.one of +最高级+复数 最...之一eg.Miss Zhao is one of the

most popular teachers.

13.find it +形容词+to do eg.I find it useful to learn English well.

好男孩.) find +宾语 +形容词 eg.I find the door open/closed. (我发现门开/关着) I find our bags filled with/full of presents. (我发现我们的包装满了礼物) 14.I don't think+肯定句 我想...不 eg.I don't think I'll take it. (我想我不买它了) 请注意:中文意思否定在从句中,但是英语的表达否定在主句中。 15.prefer A to B=like A better than B 更喜欢A不怎么喜欢B. eg. I prefer fish to chicken.= I like fish better than chicken

16.had better do sth.最好干某事.否定:had better not do sth. 特别注意:had better后面跟be动词词组,不可漏掉be.eg.You'd better catch a train. You'd better not talk in class.You'd better not be late for the class. 17.It is good (nice)of+宾格+to do sth.

eg.It is very good of you to teach me English. (你教我英语真是太好了) 18.It takes sb. some time to do sth.(干某事化费某人多少时间) =sb.spend some time on sth. (in) doing sth.eg.It took me half an hour to do the work.

=I spent half anhourin doing the work. 19.sb.pay 钱 for 物 某物化费了某人多少钱=sb.spend 钱 on 物 =物 cost sb.钱 , pay的过去式为paid 而不是payed. eg.I paid thirty yuan for the coat. =I spent thirty yuan on the coat. =The coat cost me thirty yuan. 20.have been to 某人曾去过某地,现在人不在那儿 sb.have been in +地点 某人呆在某地(一段时间) have gone to 某人已去某地,人不在这儿 21.⑴ too?形容词(副词)+to?\太?而不能\太?以致于不\eg.①The basket is too heavy for me to carry. 这篮子太重我拿不动。 ②This colour TV is too expensive for us to buy. 这台彩电对我们来说太贵了,买不起。 ⑵so...that 如此...以致于...上面的too...to结构的句子,可以换成so...that 引导的句子转换。①The basket is so heavy that I can't carry it. ②This colour TV is so expensive that we can't afford it. 22.What's the population of ...? ...人口有多少? 不说How much population in...?形容人口数量的大用large eg.The population of China is ten times as large as that of the USA 23.I've come to return your pan. (我跑来是还你锅的) →Why have you come? 而不用What 方才有空。 肯定句+until 到 eg.You'd better wait until tomorrow. (你最好等到明天) 25.neither...nor... 既不...也不... either...or... 或者...或者... eg.Neither Tom nor his brothers know how to spell the word \ Either you or she is right. (谓语动词就近原则) both...and... 两者都... eg.Both Jim and I are in Grade One (主语看作复数) 练习题: 1.-Where is Mary? -Oh, she _____ the librory. A.has gone to B.went to C.has been to D.had gone to 2.He knew little about the film ____ he saw it yesterday evening. A.if B.since C.until D.because 3.I____ change his mind. Don't worry, He'll surely come to get it. A.think he won't B.think he will C.don't think he won't D.don't think he will 4.- _____do you_____ the TV play? - Not bad, I think. A.How;think of B.What;like C.How;like D.What;think 5. I _____ have a good time _____ the party. A.hope you will;at B.like you; on C.hope you to ;in D.want you that; from 完成句子: 1.中国有多少人口,中国的人口大约是世界人口的四分之一。 _____ the population of China?

It's about _____ ______ of the world's population. 2.门铃一直响着,直到门被林涛打开才停。 The doorbell ______ _____until the door was opened by Lin Tao. 3.午饭后他休息了一会儿,我也休息了一会儿。 He had a short rest after lunch, and ______ ______ I. 4.史密斯夫妇离开他们的家乡已有十多年时间了。 ______ more than ten years ____ Mr and Mrs Smith left their home town.

5.公共汽车里挤得几乎连站的地方都没有. The bus was_____ crowded that there was hardly ______ standing room in it. 思考题: 1、做饭花了她半个小时。 It ___ ____ half an hour ___ ___ some cooking. =I ______ half an hour _______ some cooking. 2、你真好,经常在数学上帮助我。 It’s really nice _____ you to ____ me _____ my ______. 3、Lily跑得不快,赢不了比赛。

Lily ______ run quickly _____ ______ _____ the race.=Lily ____ ____ ___ ___ ____the race.

B:回答相同4.感谢和应答 表示感谢 通常回答 sth. ? 回答: OK. Good idea.

Thank you very much. Not at all. Thanks a lot. That's OK. 17.禁止和警告 1:You mustn't play on the road. If you ... 4、在美术课上做一张教师节卡片怎样?

_____ ____ _____ a Teachers‘ Day card ____ the art lesson? 5、足球是我校最受欢迎的运动项目之一。

Football is ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ games in our school. Have 的两种特殊句型

have是英语中最活跃的动词之一,它与不同的词搭配表示不同的意思。如:have a meeting(开会),have a rest(休息),have a class(上课)等。你可知道have构成的两种特殊句型吗?不看不知道,一看就明了。


该句型中作主语的“人或物”让作宾语的“人或物”去做某事。此时的宾语与省略to的不定式(宾语补足语)之间有逻辑上的主谓关系。如:I would have you buy a new bike. 我想让你买辆新自行车。We can't have the car stop. 我们无法让汽车停下来。


该句型中作主语的“人或物”让作宾语的“人或物”被??。此时的宾语与过去分词(宾语补足语)之间有逻辑上的动宾关系。如: I'll have my hair cut tomorrow.

我明天要理发。They have just had their car repaired.他们刚找人把车修理了一下。

注意:大多数情况下,这两种句型之间可以互换。如: 1)He had me wash the table cloth.→He had the table cloth washed.

2) The man had the bike mended.→ The man had someone mend the bike.

练习:根据汉语意思,完成英语句子,每空一词。 1.你应该找人建一座房子。

You should have someone_____a house. You should have a house_____.

2.现在我们请下一位演讲者到前面来。 Now we'll have the next speaker_____to the front. 3.你必须让人把这些书送到教室去。

You must have these books_____ to the classroom 情景交际英语(一)

1.问候: ⑴A:Good morning/afternoon/evening. Hello/Hi. How do you do ?

Nice to meet you. B:回答相同 ⑵A:How are you? B:Fine, thank you.And you? Very well,thank you.

2.介绍: ⑴This is Mr/Mrs/Miss...⑵ I'd like you to meet my parents.⑶ My name is....I'm a student.

3.告别 A:Goodbye.See you later/tomorrow. Good night.

Many thanks. That's all right. Thanks for helping me. You're welcome. 5.祝愿、祝贺和应答 ⑴A:Good luck! Best wishes to you. Have a nice/good time/journey. Congratulations! B:Thank you. ⑵A:Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! B:The same to you. ⑶A:Happy birthday to you. B:Thank you. 6.道歉和应答 A:I'm sorry.I'm sorry to trouble you. B:It doesn't matter. It's not important. That's nothing. 7.遗憾和同情 What a pity!I'm sorry to hear that.

8.邀请和应答 A:Would you like to ? ? B:Yes, I'd love



A:Can I help you?=What can I do for you?Here, take this/my

bike. Let me do it for you.B:Thanks for your help. Yes, please. No, thanks. That's very kind of you. 10.请求允许 ⑴A:May I...? Can I/Could I...? B:Yes/Certainly/Of course. Yes, do please. OK/All right. ⑵A:Do you mind if I open the window? B:No, not at all. 或Never mind. 11.表示同意和不同意 (1):Certainly/Sure/Of course.Yes, please. Yes, I think so. All right/OK. That's a good idea. I agree with you. (2):No, I don't think so. I'm afraid not. I really can't agree with you. 12.表示肯定和不肯定 1: I'm sure. I'm sure that... 2:

I'm not sure. I'm not sure whether/if... Maybe.

13.喜欢和厌恶 1: I like /love...(very much) I like /love to... 2: I don't like to... I hate to ...

14. 问时间、日期的应答 A:What day is it?

B:It's Monday.A:What's the date?B:It's Jan. 10th.

A:What's the time,please? B:It's five o'clock/half past five... It's

time to ...

15.请求 (1): Can/could you...for me? Will/would you please do

sth.? May I have...?

(2): Please give/pass me... Please wait (here/a moment). Please wait for your turn. Please stand in line.

(3): No smoking, please. No noise, please.

16.劝告和建议 1:You'd better... You should... You need to...

2:Shall we do sth. ? Let's do sth. . What/How about doing

you'll ... 2:Take care.=Be careful. 18.表示感情 A:喜悦 Great!That's nice. I'm glad/pleased/happy to...B:焦虑 What's wrong? What's the matter with you?I'm/He's/She's worried. Oh, what shall I do? C:惊奇 Really?Oh, dear!Is that so? 19.约会 A:Are you free this afternoon? What/How about tomorrow morning? Shall we meet at 4:30 at the school gate? B:Yes, that's all right. Yes, I'll be free then. All right.See you

then. 20.语言困难 Pardon?Please say that more slowly again. What do you mean by...?I'm sorry I know only a little English. 21.表示称赞: A:Oh, how nice! Your dress is beautiful.B:It's nice of you to say so. 或Thank you. 22.常见的标志和说明 BUSINESS HOURS NO PHOTOS OFFICE HOURS THIS SIDE UP OPEN CLOSED PULL PUSH EXIT ENTRANCE 营业时间 禁止拍照 办公时间 这边向上 开 关

1.-Would you like to go to the zoo with us? ____. A.Yes, please. B.That's true. C.Yes, I'd love to. D.Quite well. 2.-I've done quite well in the exam this term. -___ __. A.I don't know. B.Congratulations. C.So do I. D.Go on, please. 3.If your friend tells you that he is ill, you may say\__\

A.Excuse me. B.I'm sorry to hear that. C.It doesn't matter. D.I don't think so. 4.-Have a good journey, Alice. A.All right B.Thanks a lot. C.Very good D.Much better 5.The sign\ A.on a box B.in the street C.in a cinema D.in a park 思考题: 1.-Thank you for your help. -__ ___ A.All right. B.That's all right. C.That's right. D.It's very kind of you. 2.-Do you mind if I close the window? -____ __

A.No, I mind. B.Yes, I don't mind. C. No, not at all. D.Yes, I'm afraid not. 3.-Help yourself to some apples.-__ A.I don't like it. B.Sorry, I can't help it.

C.Never mind. D.Thank you very much.

4.-Tom will take care of our cat while we're away. -____ A.Fine, thank you. B.I'll do it myself. C.That's very kind of him. D.It doesn't matter. 5.-You speak English quite well. -__ __ A.I don't think so. B.You don't say so. C.No, I don't speak well. D.Thank you. 动词的时态与语态的综合运用



a. I ________ (write) now. b. I ______(lose) my pen


c. We ___________ (study) English for two years. 2.根据上下文来确定时态 有些句子没有明显的时间状语,又不能用时态呼应规则来对照,这时就可以根据上下文内容来判断时间关系,确定正确时态. A.Where are the twins? B.They ______ (go) to visit Uncle Wang. 3.根据主从句的关系来确定时态. 4.根据语言习惯来确定时态 *1.come,go,leave 等趋向性动词的进行时可用来表示即将发生的动作. *2.永恒的真理和客观存在的状态用一般现在时.


Don't _____ (read)in the sun , will you? You'd better _____

(stay)at home since it's raining outside.

注意所填动词的语态 Today both basketball and volleyball _________(play) in many countries. 确定动词的形式 1. be busy,what about等后用动词的-ing 形式. 2.在介词后一般应用动词的-ing 形式. 3.在 keep,enjoy,finish,mind 等动词后采用动词的--ing 形式. 4.在动词 decide,hope,wish,hate 等动词后应用动词不定式作宾语,而在ask, tell,want,teach 之后则用动词不定式的复合结构,即 “ask sb. to do sth.”的形式

5.在see,hear,watch,make,let等后面作宾语补足语的动词不定式应省略动词不定式符号“ to”, 但在被动句中, 应添上\ 6.在 It‘s time(for sb.)to do sth. It's kind/nice/good of sb. to do sth. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 的句型中, 动词不定式短语作句子真正的主语. 7.疑问代词/副词 (why 除外) + to do sth. 结构,可在句中作主语, 表语和宾语. 练习题:

1.The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from ________(blow) the earth away. 2.Mr Smith kept on _____ (ask) the players to remember-----TEAMWORK 3.Alice didn't hear what the teacher said just now,so she doesn't know how ____ (do) the problem. 4.The policeman asked the old granny to put down her heavy box and let him ______ (carry) it for her. 5.用help,happen,listen,have,ask,be,plant,miss,leave,look的适当形式填空: (1).WangHai is a good comrade.He always does his best ________others. (2).Dig the hole big enough,or the trees can‘t ___________well . (3).It's time for class.Let's stop _______to the teacher. (4).Her face turned red when she _______ to sing a song for all of

us. (5).She is older than Mary but ________much younger. (6).--I can't find my keys.--Maybe you ___________ them at home. (7).We waited in the next room while they ____________a meeting.

(8).Hurry up.You __________the train if you don't. 思考题: 用 send,show,turn,cost,write,fly,get,stop,see,do,hear,go 的适当形式填空 1.____ you ___ each other since you left school ten years ago? 2.What ___they ___at 8:00 yesterday evening. 3.The Smiths are getting ready ___to Australia for their holdiay. 4.The beautiful jacket___too much , doesn't it? 5.Lucy and Lily were playing cards when they ___ a loud knock at the door.

6.The radio says the rain ___later on. 7.The boy ___to hospital as soon as the traffic accident happened. 8.Today films___in English everywhere in the world. 9.It's summer now.The days___longer and the nights shorter. 10.Mother ___ to Shanghai and she'll be back in a week or so. 动词的时态(上) A: 一般现在时棗通常表示目前阶段经常发生的动作或存在的状态。 结构 :1)be动词的第一人称单数为,第三人称单数为,其他人称为。 有一顺口溜体现了它的用法: 我是am你是are ,is跟着他她它, 复数都用are 肯定式:主语+ am /is/are +其他 否定式:主语+ am/is/are +not + 其他 疑问式:Am /Is /Are + 主语+ 其他?简略回答: (肯) Yes,主语 +

am/ is /are

(否) No,主语 + am /is/are not缩写形式: I'm == I am That's ==That is We're ==We are What's== What is You're == You are Who's == Who is They're ==They are Where's ==Where is He's ==He is isn't==is not She's ==She is aren't==are not It's == It is 2)行为动词除主语是第三人称单数外,都用动词原形,主语是第三人称单数时,在动词 词尾加-s或-es 肯定式:主语+动词原形/动词的第三人称单数 , 否定式:主语+助动词 don't/doesn't +动词原形+其他 疑问式:Do/Does+主语+动词原形+其他 简略回答:(肯)Yes,主语+do/does (否)No,主语+do/does not 缩写形式: don't == do not doesn't ==does not 注意:have的第三人称单数为has 用法: 1.表示事实,现状,性质或经常的,习惯的动作,常与often, usually, always, sometimes, today,every day,once a week, every five minutes, on Sundays等时间状语连用, eg. He has a brother. 2.表示普遍真理. eg. The earth goes round the sun. 3.表示在现在时间里所发生的一个动作 . eg. Here comes the train. 4.在时间和条件状语从句中代表一般将来时 . eg.I'll go with you if you are free tomorrow. B:一般过去时棗表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,一般过去时通常由动词的过去式表示。 结构: 1.动词的第一、三有称单数用,其他人称用,其肯定式,否定式,疑问式和简略回答形式与一般现在时相似。 2.行为动词的过去式分为规则和不规则两种, 规则动词的过去式是在动词后加或,不规则动词参照不规则动词表,需要专门记忆。 肯定式:主语+动词的过去式 + 其他 eg. I got up at six this morning. 否定式:主语 + did not + 动词原形 + 其他 eg.John

didn't live here last year. 疑问式:Did + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他 eg.Did you see him a moment ago? 简略回答.(肯)Yes, 主语 +did (否)No , 主语 + didn't. 用法 :1.主要用于过去某个时间发生的动作或状态. eg.My father was at work yesterday. 2.表示过去经常或反复发生的动作,常与often,always 等表示频度的时间状语连用. eg.He always went to work by bus last summer. 3.和when等连词引导的状语从句连用. eg.When she reached

home, she had a short rest. 4.常与表示过去的时间状语, 如? ago, yesterday, last week, in the old days, when I was five years old, in 1995 等连用. 注意: 某些表示感觉或状态的动词,如 love, like, prefer, hate, eg.They began the work two months ago. see, know等一般不用现在进行时. eg. Lucy prefers art to Were you born in 1981? Yes, I was. science. C:一般将来时棗表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态 练习题: 结构: 助动词shall/will + 动词原形(当主语第一人称时,1.Mary and Joe go to the Shopping Center ___ . a.once a week

eg. I've left Shanghai for three days.(×) I've been away from Shanghai for three days.( √ ).

I left Shanghai three days ago. ( √ ) It is /has been three days since I left Shanghai.( √ )

2.初中英语课本中常见终止性动词有:leave, go, come, arrive, 一般用shall,当主语为第三人称时,用will,但主语为第一人

称时,也用will 肯定式:主语+shall/will+动词原形+其他


疑问式:Shall/Will+主语+动词原形+其他 简略回答:(肯)Yes,主

语+shall/will . (否)No,主语+shall/will+not ? 缩写形式: 'll ==shall/will shan't== shall not won't == will not 用法: 1.表示将要发生的动 作或情况,常用时间状语有: later (on), soon, in a month, next time, from now on, tomorrow等. eg. I shall be eighteen years old next year. Maybe China's population _______ (pass) 1,300,000,000 by the year 2005. 2.表示某种必然的趋势 eg. Fish will die without water. 解析: 1.在以第一人称为主语的问句中,常用 shall 表示提议

和询问情况,在以第二人称作主语的问句中,用will 表示请求. eg. Where shall we have the meeting?

Will you please lend me your pen?

2.当主语是第一人称时,用will 表示意愿.决心.允诺.命令等.

eg. I will give you an English--Chinese dictionary for your



时. eg. Tom will write to me when he gets there. 4.be

going to +动词原形也可表示将来时.

(1).表示主观意愿.打算等. eg. He's going to learn English next


(2).根据已有迹象,可能要发生的情况 eg. Look at the black

clouds! ----It is going to rain.


结构: am/is/are + 动词的-ing形式

用法: 1.表示目前发生(进行)的动作(不指状态),常用时间状语

有:now,at the moment 等,并常出现在祈使句的句子中,与 look,


eg. Are you writing a letter to your father at the moment? Listen! She is singing in the next room. 2.表示目前阶段正在进行,而此刻不一定在进行的动作. eg. They are planting trees these days. 3.表示按计划或安排即将进行的动作,表示这种动作的动词有:come, go, leave, arrive, start, see等,并常与表示将来时间的状语连用. eg. They are leaving for Australia tomorrow afternoon.

b. in a week c. next week d. for a week 2.Be quiet! The baby ________ (sleep) in the next room. 3.Dick will pass the message on to your sister as soon as he ______ (meet) her in her office tomorrow.

4.The bell for the class rang while they ___________ (play) on

the playground. 5.Lucy said it ___________ (rain) later on. 思考题: 1.The Chinese people ____(work) hard to make their country stronger and more beautiful. 2.He'll write to you as soon as he _____ (arrive ) in Hainan. 3.The students of Class One ___(have)a meeting from three to five yesterday afternnon. 4.The sky is black. It ____ (rain), I'm afraid. 5.If it ___(not

snow)tomorrow,we'll go skating 6.Mr and Mrs Green____(travel)to the south of China next

week,aren't they? 7.I___(not see)the film with you because I've seen it already. 8.He told us that he_____(stay)here till the next week. 9.I_____(lose)my pen this morning. I haven't found it yet. 动词的时态(下) G:现在完成时棗表示到目前为止已经完成,并对现在留下某种后果和影响的动作。 结构:助动词have/has + 动词的过去分词 用法: 1.表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,常与一些时间状语,如:already, yet, ever, never, just, before, once,twice等连用,也可以和包括现在在内的时间状语,如these days,today,this year,so far等连用.eg.I have already posted the letter. (信已经不在我这儿了) 2.表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,一直持续到现在,也许还将继续下去,可以和表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在的一段时间的状语连用,即for +时间段,since+时间点/从句, in the last ten years等,谓语只可用延续性动词. 解析: 1.英语动词根据词义可分为两种,一种是延续性的,一种是终止性的,终止性动词(也可称为非延续性动词,瞬间动词,或点动词),如begin,start,die,buy,leave, come等,表示动作的发生与结束于一瞬间完成,不能再延续,所以它的现在完成时不能和表示延续的时间状语连用,即不能与表示一段时间的状语,for+时间段, since+时间点/从句连用,也不能用在how long引导的特殊疑问句中. begin, buy, borrow, die, join, become等.终止性动词要表示持续时, 可用以下方法:

⑴.将时间状语改为时间段 + ago,句中谓语动词用一般过去时.

eg.我弟弟参军两年了. My brother joined the army two years ago.

⑵.若保留for+时间段,since+时间点/从句, 或用在 how long

句型中,则需将终止性动词改为相应的状态动词或延续性动词 常见终止性动词与延续性动词(或状态动词)的对应关系如下 come/go/arrive/get/reach/move------be in/at open-----be open

die------be dead close----be closed become---be borrow---keep begin/start-----be on put on----wear

leave-----be away (from) buy-----have fall asleep----be asleep end/finish-----be over catch a cold-----have a cold

join the army----be in the army be a soldier join the Party----be in the Party be a Party member

→My brother has been in the army for two years. →My brother has been a soldier for two years.

3.现在完成时中been to,gone to和been in/at been to去过某地,表示某人的一种经历,可以和once,twice,already,ever,never等连用. eg. She has been to Shanghai twice. (表示目前人在这里)

gone to 去某地了,说话时某人已离开此地,在去某地的途中或已在某地,

eg. She has gone to Shanghai。 (表示现在她人不在这里) been in/at 逗留在某地(已经一段时间).常和for ten days,since I came here等连用.

eg. She has been in Shanghai since she moved there. 4.现在完成时和一般过去时的区别

现在完成时所表明的是过去发生的动作对现在的影响,强调的是现在的情况,不可以和表示过去的时间状语yesterday,in 1991,three days ago last time,last night等连用一般过去时表明的是过去发生的事实,和现在不发生关系. 5.现在完成时中的 for 与 since

for + 时间段 与延续性动词的现在完成时连用 since + 时间点/从句

I have kept the library book for a week.= I have kept the library book since a week ago.

6. It is /has been +一段时间 + since 从句.自从某事发生已有一段时间了. eg. It is /has been two years since my brother

joined the army. 注意:1.since 引导的从句中动词用过去时 2.when 引导 的特殊问句不与现在完成时连用. 3.have got,has got 虽然是现在完成时,但have got=have has got==has 练习题: 1.It's a long time since we ____ (meet) last,isn't it? 2.--I know you _______ (choose) a picture book among these. --Yes,Have a look at it, please. 3.So far,spaceships without people _______ (reach) the moon and

some other partsof the universe.

4.My father____ home for nearly three weeks.

A.has gone away from B.has left C.has been away from D.went away 5.Mr and Mrs Green have_____in China for a week. A.been B.got C.arrived D.reached 6.--Where's Mary? --Oh,she _____the library. A.has gone to B.went to C.has been to D.had gone to H:过去完成时棗表示过去某一时间或动作之前已完成的动作 结构: 助动词had + 动词的过去分词 用法: 1.表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作,动作发生的时间为“过去的过去“.表示过去某一时间可用by,before 等构成的短语,也可用when,before等引导的从句或通过上下文表示. eg. By the end of last term,we had learned a thousand English words. He had finished his homework before his father came back last night. 2.表示过去某个时间之前发生的动作或状态, 一直延续到这一过去时刻,或还将继续下去. eg. When I got to know him, he had worked there for twenty years.(注意) 否定式 had not == hadn't 时态的呼应 1.主句中谓语动词如果是现在时或将来时,从句中的谓语动词可以用任何所需要的时态, he wants to speak to the headmaster. He said that he won't be free tomorrow. he

came last night.


般情况下要用过去时态的某种形式. He said that he was

working hard on his Chinese.

he had a very good journey home. he hadn't bought the

present yet.

he would stop in Moscow on the way. 3.如果从句所述内容是客



eg. Miss Gao told us that light travels much faster than sound. 4.时间或条件状语从句中,若主句是一般将来时或祈使句,从句要用一般现在时代替将来时. eg.Stop talking when the headteacher ______(walk)into the classroom. Jim won't watch TV until he ___ (finish) his homework every time. 练习题: 1.They were so pleased to see each other that they almost ____ (forget) everything else around. 2. The girl put on her dress and then _______ (go) to the mirror to look at herself. 思考题: 1.I____(leave)my ruler at home. Can I use yours? 2.Who's Jack London? I ___ never ____ (hear) of that man


3.I'm afraid I ___ (keep) you waiting for such a long time. 4.--Where ___ you___ (be)? --I'm looking for you all the


5.____they____ (know) each other when they were young? 6.The baby will cry if she ___ (not see) her mother







结构:1.行为动词的被动语态: 助动词be + 及物动词的过去分


be有人称.时态.数的变化,其变化规则与be作为连系动词时完全一样. 一般现在时 am/is/are+及物动词的过去分词 一般过去时 was/were +及物动词的过去分词 一般将来时 will +be +及物动词的过去分词 现在完成时 have/has+been+及物动词的过去分词 2.情态动词的被动语态: 情态动词 + be +及物动词的过去分词 否定式:是在助动词 be 或情态动词后加not构成 疑问式:是把上述助动词或情态动词提到主语之前,句尾加问号构成. 用法: 1.不知道动作的执行者是谁,或没有必要或不想指出谁是动作的执行者. eg. The window was broken yesterday. Is English taught in your school? 2.强调或突出动作的承受者,此时如想同时指出动作的执行者,可用“by +动作执行者(宾格)来表示. eg.The red dress was made by her mother. The letter must be written by me.

注 意点: 1.只有及物动词能构成被动语态, 不及物动词不能构成被动语态.

2.某些不及物动词与介词.副词搭配构成短语动词,带有宾语时,则有了动作的承受者,这时应把它们看作一个整体,变为被动语态,不能丢掉其中的介词,常用的有look after,take care of,cut down, laugh at,talk about,turn on等 eg.Catherine always takes care of the little girl.→The little girl is always taken care of by Carherine. 3.有些动词短语本身即是被动语态的形式, 不要再加by 短语,常用的有be covered with be surprised at be interested in be worried about be made of/from be known to 4.dictionary sells well. 某些动词形式是主动语态

,但含有被动的意思. eg. This This kind of car drives fast. The woolen sweater costs $ 88. 5. 主动语态与被动语态的相互变化关系

主动句: 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语(动作执行者) (动作承受者) 被动句: 主语 +谓语动词的被动形式+ by + 动作执行者 (动作承受者) 1)主动句如何变为被动句 a.找到动作的承受者(常为主动句的宾语)作被动句的主语.b.找到谓语变为be + 过去分词的结构. c.找到动作的执行者(常为主动句的主语)作 by 的宾语.若不必指出动作的执行者,可省去 by 短语. d.确定be动词的时态.数. 例如: She makes the beautiful kites. The beautiful kites are made by her. (被动句) 2)被动句如何变为主动句. a.找到动作的执行者(常为被动句的宾语)作主动句的主语. b.找到be+过去分词结构还原为及物动词原形. c.找到动作的承受者(常为被动句的主语)作主动句的宾语. d.确定及物动词的时态.数(注意)在以上转换中,代词作主语用主格, 代词作宾语用宾格. 6.主动语态中有些动词如:make,see,listen, watch,feel后常跟不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,变为被动语态要带上to He made the boy work for him. →The boy was made to work for him. 7.主动语态中若有双宾语,变为被动语态时, 通常把指人的间接宾语变为被动语态的主语. His uncle gave him a dictionary yesterday.→He was given a dictionary by his uncle yesterday. 练习题: 把下列句子变为被动句: 1.They asked me to come a little later. →I ___ _____ to come a little later. 2.Women often talk about food and clothes. →Food and clothes

