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何凯文2017考研每日一句(更新中) 坏_小星星

莫问前路凶吉,但求落幕无悔 (一)


GIVEN the many mistakes that human investors are prone to---sellingafter a market tumble, trading too often, believing they can beat the stockmarket--- dealing with money is perhaps best left to computers. 词汇突破:1. prone to

记住这个词的搭配:proneto do sth/ prone to sth; Working without abreak makes you more prone to error. 连续工作不停歇使人更容易出错。

Tired drivers werefound to be particularly prone to ignore warning signs. 据调查,疲劳驾的司机特别容易忽视警示标志。 排生:proneness to depression 易消沉倾向

2. a market tumble 市场暴跌;(关注公众号:liuyinanlaoshi,中国词 汇记忆第一人,让他来讲tumble) 3. beat the stockmarket 跑赢股市 4. trading toooften 频繁交易

5. GIVEN + 名词 (考虑到…) 这句话是一篇文章的开始,很多杂志习惯于用全单词全大写来开始一篇文章。

主干识别:dealingwith money is perhaps best left to computers. 理财的事最好留给计算机来处理。 其他成分:状语:

GIVEN the many mistakes( that humaninvestors are prone to: mistakes的定语从句)


1.selling after a market tumble, trading too often, 2.believing theycan beat the stock market--


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何凯文2017考研每日一句(更新中) 坏_小星星


莫问前路凶吉,但求落幕无悔 (二)

Why Do We Teach Girls That It’s Cute to Be Scared?


One study focused on, coincidentally, a playground fire pole, is particularly revealing. It was published in The Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology and showed that parents cautioned their daughters about the dangers of the fire pole significantly more than they did their sons and were much more likely to assist them. But both moms and dads directed their sons to face their fears, with instruction on how to complete the task on their own. 词汇突破:coincidentally 碰巧 Revealing 发人深省 Fire pole 游乐场滑杆 Direct 要求 Caution 担心

解析:The study is particularly revealing.这项研究发人深省。

with instruction on how to complete the task on their own. 最后的介词短语在翻译的时候可以翻译为一个句子:指导他们如何独立完成任务。

参考译文:一项恰巧关注游乐场滑杆的研究,尤其发人深省。这篇发表在《应用发展心理学杂志》(The Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology)上的文章显示,比起对儿子,父母更加担心女儿玩滑杆会遇到危险,而且更倾向于帮助她们。但父母都要求儿子直面恐惧,指导他们如何靠自己完成这项挑战。 还有昨天的最后一个句子:

Nothing less than the future of Africa is at stake.

我都说了nothing less than 是个固定搭配了,表示强调,翻译为:正是! 正是非洲的未来处于危险之中。(正是非洲的未来令人担忧。)

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何凯文2017考研每日一句(更新中) 坏_小星星

莫问前路凶吉,但求落幕无悔 (三)


Why Do We Teach Girls That It’s Cute to Be Scared?

首先:to be scared 是个名词性结构(不定式短语)是that从句的主语; 同样的结构:It's shameful to be selfishness. 自私是可耻的事情。

to be scared 直译确实不好翻译;在这里可以反译为:不勇敢;也可以翻译为:娇滴滴;






Students download entire movies to smartphones or tablets in less than five seconds.

秒下的时代预计在2018年到来。(不过就是快了一点,而已也没什么稀奇) 所以人们还是想知道5G的时代到底是什么样子的?

Despite companies’ efforts to outspend each other, that question remains unanswered.

尽管各公司的投资力度一个更胜一个,但这个问题依然没有答案。 重点是很多人提出了质疑,有必要研发5G吗?

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何凯文2017考研每日一句(更新中) 坏_小星星

Some analysts question why carriers are focusing on the next generation of wireless technology when many parts of the world, particularly in emerging markets, still suffer from achingly slow mobile Internet access. And industry experts say mobile Internet speeds in much of the developed world, especially in places like South Korea, where connections are often comparable to traditional broadband, already meet people’s needs. 词汇突破:carrier 运营商 emerging markets 新兴市场 achingly 痛苦地

industry 这个单词不只是工业的意思,而是“行业”“产业” broadband 宽带


解析:很多同学看到译文以后也不一定能明白这在说什么。其实很简单:穷的地方连3G都还用不了。发展好的地方4G就已经够用了?发展5G有毛用啊! 那为什么要发展5G呢?

“A lot of this is about carriers and equipment makers looking for new ways to make money,” said Thomas Husson, an analyst at Forrester Research in Paris. “Consumers shouldn’t expect great things until after 2020.” 词汇突破:until after :直到…之后

注意这里有个小的语言点:“I love you,” said dad.””我爱你,”爸爸说道。 =Dad said I love you.


莫问前路凶吉,但求落幕无悔 (四)

As a legal matter, the showdown between the Obama administration and Apple

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何凯文2017考研每日一句(更新中) 坏_小星星

touched off Tuesday by the ruling of a federal judge in California turns on an 18th century law. More practically, though, it boils down to this question: Should you be able to lock your phone so securely that even the F.B.I. cannot open it? 第一句:

词汇突破:1.showdown 对峙 2. Touch off 引发 3. Ruling 裁决

4. the Obama administration

奥巴马政府=federal government联邦政府 主干识别:A turns on B

A= the showdown between the Obama administration and Apple touched off Tuesday by the ruling of a federal judge in California 这个主语较长,但核心的就一个名词: the showdown,后面接了两个定语:

定语1:between the Obama administration and Apple

定语2: touched off (Tuesday表示时间) by the ruling of a federal judge in California

(touched off by … 由…而引发的) 这个部分直接翻译:


当然,我们可以切分的更细一些,语序的调整可以灵活一些: Tuesday by the ruling of a federal judge in California 周二的时候加州一名联邦法官做出了一项裁定;

the showdown between the Obama administration and Apple touched off 这就引发了奥巴马政府和苹果公司之间的对峙。

(你看这样翻译是不是更开心一点呢?当然你也是现在学不会的,慢慢 来,别方。)

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何凯文2017考研每日一句(更新中) 坏_小星星


Turn on 这个短语其实是一个很污的短语; She is so hot!She turns me on. 她太性感了,她让我**。 再来讲讲turn-on;

Turn-on 作为名词:a person or thing that people find sexually exciting. (引起性欲的人或事物)


言归正传,turn on 在这里的意思是:取决于,涉及到,依…而定=depend on 这样这个句子的主干就是:

The showdown turns on an 18th century law.

这里的an 18th century law指的是美国的宪法:Constitution; 状语:As a legal matter,作为一个法律问题而言

参考译文:周二的时候加州一名联邦法官做出了一项裁定;这就引发了奥巴 马政府和苹果公司之间的对峙;做为法律问题而言,这场对峙将由制定于18世纪的美国宪法来决定结果。 第二句:

More practically, though, it boils down to this question: Should you be able to lock your phone so securely that even the F.B.I. cannot open it?

词汇突破:1.though 通常表示“虽然”的意思; 在两个逗号之间时表示 “但是” 2. boil down to sth 归结于; 基本问题是;

In the end, what it all boils down to is money, or the lack of it. 说到底,问题的症结是钱,或者说是缺钱。

3. F.B.I. 联邦调查局 (这里就是代表前一句中的奥巴马政府)


在复试中一定能够用的到的十九种功能句型 1. 回答考官就某事征求你的意见 As far as I’m concerned, I think… In my opinion,…

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何凯文2017考研每日一句(更新中) 坏_小星星

It seems to me (that)… From where I stand, it is… What I reckon is… I’d like to point out that… If I may say so, this is… I’m convinced that… Personally, I consider… 2. 表达对未来的打算和态度

Well, … as you know, at the moment, I am studying at…

I am preparing right now to go to university, so my short-term plan is to… If I am not successful, that is, if something goes wrong, I think I will probably… In the future I would like to complete a master’s degree. I do not know if I will…, but I might be able to… I feel inclined to… I’ll do all I can to… I reckon I’ll… I’m figuring on…

I have every intention of… 3.表示喜欢某人或某事 I have a fancy for…

I don’t think I’ve seen anything I like better. I’m very keen on outdoor sports. I’ve always liked fishing.

…is a marvelous way of spending a day off. There’s nothing I enjoy more than… I’m crazy about…

I can’t find words to express how much I like it. I have a particular fondness for pop song. Walking is one of my favorite pastimes.

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何凯文2017考研每日一句(更新中) 坏_小星星

4. 描述事物 It’s made of silk. It has many features.

It is red colored with a steep roof.

It’s a 3-room apartment, and it’s about 80 square meters. 5. 回忆过去

I can still remember the time when I passed my entrance examinations. I will never forget when I first when to ....

Once, when I was a college student, I went on a trip which I will never forget. 6.表达感情

I felt so happy that I could jump for joy. I felt like I was in heaven. It impressed me deeply. I felt so depressed. 7.描述流程

The first thing you should do/need to do is to plug it in. First, you need to take off the lid.

The first step is to get the ingredients prepared. Next, you should select the function you want to use. After that, you should press the button.

The last thing you need to do is turn off the stove. 8. 解释原因

In my opinion, there are three way of looking at it: first of all,...next,...then... Well, I think there are ...reasons: first, I think it is part of our culture. I think it is good for our economy. Finally, it gives us time to recharge and be rested for the next working year.

The best reason I think the examination system should change is because it prevents too many people from pursuing their dreams. I can come up with about 3 reasons for the change in...

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何凯文2017考研每日一句(更新中) 坏_小星星

9. 谈论变化

More and more people in china are learning English. The environmental problem is getting more serious.

There has been a rapid increase of farmers moving to the cities.

China's population has remained about the same over the past few years. 10. 评价作用

Yes, computers play a big role in our lives.

Yes, I think it's an important issue for us in china these days. Friendship is something we all take seriously.

In China we consider the family to be the key to our society. 11. 总结规律

In most cases, divorce is something that both parties realize is necessary. Generally(speaking),Chinese people love sports.

By and large, Chinese people are very respectful of the elderly. On the whole, Chinese students receive a good education in the basics. 12. 表达观点

Well, I know many people like it but I think it's wrong.

Yes, these days it is quite popular to go on these chat lines, but I think it is not very good.

A lot of people think the environment is getting better but frankly I think it is getting worse. 13. 驳斥观点 I'm afraid it is wrong. I don't think so.

I am afraid what you think about...is not quite right Sorry, that is not at all right. No, you've got it all wrong.

I think the information you have must be incorrect. It doesn't seem correct to say... I can't accept that.

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何凯文2017考研每日一句(更新中) 坏_小星星

I couldn't agree with you less. I do not think you are right here. I can't go along with your view. On the contrary,...

I can't say that I share your view of... I'm afraid I can't accept your argument. I'm not at all convinced by your explanation. 14. 举例说明

Let me give you an example. Take ...for instance,... An example of this would be... And as evidence of that,... Let me cite a few instances... To exemplify the theory,...

To give you an example of this, take...for instance. To illustrate my point,... To make it clearer to you,... 15. 假设推理

If you allow your traditional customs to disappear, this will have bad effect on your culture.

If everyone were to eat fast food, we would have a lot of health problems to deal with.

If animals were to disappear, we could indeed be showing our irresponsibility to the animal kingdom. 16. 表达区别

The biggest difference between construction about 20 years ago and today is that 20 years ago many constructions were done manually. One large way that big cities differ from small cities is the air.

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何凯文2017考研每日一句(更新中) 坏_小星星

Yes, there are quite a few different between the way children and adults make friends. A good example is the way they just start using each others’ toys happily without needing permission. 17. 表达对比

Big cities have more opportunities than small cities. University life is more interesting than middle school life.

Families in the past were more dependent on each other, but now they are more independent.

There were fewer cars on the roads 20 years ago, compared to now. 18. 列举优势劣势

There are two sides to this issue. On one hand, we need tourism to develop our economy. On the other hand, we shouldn't let it destroy our natural beauty. The main advantage of getting your news on the Internet is that it is fast and you can choose what news you want to learn. The disadvantage is it may not be a reliable.

The strengths of a traditional family are in its close family support, but the weakness is that may make us lazier. 19.提出解决方法

I think what should be done is to give students more opportunities to demonstrate their creativity.

I think this problem could be solved by creating more job opportunities. To solve this problem, I think we should try and set up more facilities for elderly people to meet each other and socialize.


莫问前路凶吉,但求落幕无悔 (五)


Why Do We Teach Girls That It’s Cute to Be Scared?

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何凯文2017考研每日一句(更新中) 坏_小星星


One study focused on, coincidentally, a playground fire pole, is particularly revealing. It was published in The Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology and showed that parents cautioned their daughters about the dangers of the fire pole significantly more than they did their sons and were much more likely to assist them. But both moms and dads directed their sons to face their fears, with instruction on how to complete the task on their own. 词汇突破:coincidentally 碰巧 Revealing 发人深省 Fire pole 游乐场滑杆 Direct 要求 Caution 担心

解析:The study is particularly revealing.这项研究发人深省。

with instruction on how to complete the task on their own. 最后的介词短语在翻译的时候可以翻译为一个句子:指导他们如何独立完成任务。

参考译文:一项恰巧关注游乐场滑杆的研究,尤其发人深省。这篇发表在《应用发展心理学杂志》(The Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology)上的文章显示,比起对儿子,父母更加担心女儿玩滑杆会遇到危险,而且更倾向于帮助她们。但父母都要求儿子直面恐惧,指导他们如何靠自己完成这项挑战。 还有昨天的最后一个句子:

Nothing less than the future of Africa is at stake.

我都说了nothing less than 是个固定搭配了,表示强调,翻译为:正是!

莫问前路凶吉,但求落幕无悔 (六)


Why Do We Teach Girls That It’s Cute to Be Scared?

首先:to be scared 是个名词性结构(不定式短语)是that从句的主语;

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何凯文2017考研每日一句(更新中) 坏_小星星

同样的结构:It's shameful to be selfishness. 自私是可耻的事情。

to be scared 直译确实不好翻译;在这里可以反译为:不勇敢;也可以翻译为:娇滴滴;






Students download entire movies to smartphones or tablets in less than five seconds.

秒下的时代预计在2018年到来。(不过就是快了一点,而已也没什么稀奇) 所以人们还是想知道5G的时代到底是什么样子的?

Despite companies’ efforts to outspend each other, that question remains unanswered.

尽管各公司的投资力度一个更胜一个,但这个问题依然没有答案。 重点是很多人提出了质疑,有必要研发5G吗?

Some analysts question why carriers are focusing on the next generation of wireless technology when many parts of the world, particularly in emerging markets, still suffer from achingly slow mobile Internet access. And industry experts say mobile Internet speeds in much of the developed world, especially in places like South Korea, where connections are often comparable to traditional broadband, already meet people’s needs.

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何凯文2017考研每日一句(更新中) 坏_小星星

词汇突破:carrier 运营商 emerging markets 新兴市场 achingly 痛苦地

industry 这个单词不只是工业的意思,而是“行业”“产业” broadband 宽带


解析:很多同学看到译文以后也不一定能明白这在说什么。其实很简单:穷的地方连3G都还用不了。发展好的地方4G就已经够用了?发展5G有毛用啊! 那为什么要发展5G呢?

“A lot of this is about carriers and equipment makers looking for new ways to make money,” said Thomas Husson, an analyst at Forrester Research in Paris. “Consumers shouldn’t expect great things until after 2020.” 词汇突破:until after :直到…之后

注意这里有个小的语言点:“I love you,” said dad.””我爱你,”爸爸说道。 =Dad said I love you.


莫问前路凶吉,但求落幕无悔 (七)


这个词大致有三个意思:1.花费超过…范围;2.比(他人)花费多; 3.比着花钱,攀比; 例句1:

Over the past decade, Americans were able to outspend their incomes by easily rolling their debts forward through serial home refinancing.

切分:Over the past decade, Americans were able to outspend their incomes //by easily rolling their debts forward/ through serial home refinancing.

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何凯文2017考研每日一句(更新中) 坏_小星星


词汇解析:1.refinance:再融资(俗称的,拆东墙,补西墙) Nearly 60 banks have rubber-stamped a refinancing deal. 将近60家银行已经不加思索地批准了一项重新融资的交易。 (rubber-stamped:用橡皮图章盖章;不经审查就批准。) 2. home refinancing:以住宅为抵押,进行融资。 serial home refinancing.: 连续的抵押融资 例句2:

European investors may outspend the Japanese this year. 今年欧洲投资者的支出可能会超过日本投资者。 例句3:

今天我在经济学人上看到Jeb Bush 退出了共和党党内总统候选人的提名竞争;接着有这么一句话:

He had outspent all his rivals. 他花的钱比所有的竞争者都多。 例句4:

Companies try to outspend each other on the 5G business. 各个公司在5G业务上争相投资。

一个简单的outspend 我们需要看四个句子才能彻底搞定!这就是我所说的必考词汇!

莫问前路凶吉,但求落幕无悔 (八)


他谈到获奖电影是关于:Man’s relationship with the natural world. 同时谈到:

Climate change is real. It is happening right now. It is the most urgent threat affecting our species.

We need to work together and stop procrastinating(拖延).

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何凯文2017考研每日一句(更新中) 坏_小星星


Support those people whose “voices have been drowned out by the politics of greed”

他们的声音被贪婪的政治所淹没了。 最精彩的是最后两句:

“Let us not take this planet for granted,” he said. “I do not take tonight for granted.”

参考译文:我们不要把对于地球的索取当做天经地义; 我也不会把今夜的成功当成是“李所应当”。 这样的翻译也很棒:

“让我们珍惜我们赖以生存的地球,我也会同样感恩今晚的荣誉!” 他没有刻意地讲22年的等待和错过。

开心地的讲了感谢和发表了对于环境保护的号召。 这倒是预料之中的事情。

这么多年,别人该泡妞就泡妞,该吃吃,该接活就接活,每年奥斯卡被提名还能被关注,别人倒不一定就把奥斯卡真的当回事,在高额的片酬和奥斯卡之间做个选择,他还是会选择高额的片酬,拍电影是别人得工作。别人一直在认真努力地工作拍好自己的电影,演好自己的角色,是不是为了这部电影胖了的倒不一定,但拍摄时需要反复跳入冰河,以至于经常感冒,这倒是真的。在他身上我更多的看到的还是职业精神,而不是刻意的为了获得某个浮华奖项的追逐。 他在自己的FB上还写到:

Climate change is real. That iceberg killed me once. (Leonardo DiCaprio) 这个倒是挺幽默的。


还有人创立了一个运动名字叫:Brexit 这是一个新造的词,来自于两个单词: Britain+exit= Brexit;(英国离开) 这是老外很喜欢的自嗨的游戏,就是喜欢把两个词揉合为一个词来表达新的含义;

比如国内有一家手机品牌Smartisan= smart + artisan(工匠);

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何凯文2017考研每日一句(更新中) 坏_小星星


Chinglish= Chinese + English

英国是否会离开欧盟最终的结果还是要靠投票来产生。 比较有意思的是这句话:

Bettingmarkets put the odds that Britons opt to leave at two-to-one. 博彩市场对“英国人选择离开”的赔率开到了2:1; (万恶的资本主义,什么都能赌。)

主张脱离欧盟的人(Brexiter还加上了er,就变成了什么…人了。)的观点是: The Brexiters’ case is that Britain is held back by Europe: unshackled, it could soar as an open economy that continued to trade with the EU and all round the world. 解析:

Sb’case is that… 这是一个句型,“某人的理由是…” Britainis held back by Europe 表语从句, :连接一个句子表示解释;

Unshackled=if the Britain isunshackled, (状语),这是语言简洁的方式,别问为什么,见多了你们就熟悉了。解除束缚=离开欧盟 同义词:Unchained; unfettered; untied

(unfettered access to the market:不受限制的市场准入)

it could soar as an open economy /that continued to trade with the EU and allround the world(定语从句).

英国可以成为一个开放经济体(economy), 继续与欧盟以及全球进行贸易往来。


That is possible in theory, but as our briefing explains, it is not how things would work in practice.


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If Britain left the union, it could. But doing so would have a double cost. Gaining the right to stop immigration from the EU would almost certainly mean losing full access to the single market. And reducing the numbers of immigrants would hurt Britain’s businesses and public services, which rely on French bankers, Bulgarian builders and Italian doctors.

解析:(Gaining the rightto stop immigration from the EU主语) wouldalmost certainly mean losing full access to the single market.


参考译文:如果英国想离开欧盟,英国是能办到的。但是这样就会有两个代价;获得阻止来自欧盟国家移民的权力的同时,也几乎一定意味着失去对单一市场(欧盟)的完全准入。减少移民的数量会有损英国的商业和公共服务,这些都有赖于法国的银行家,比利时的建筑商和意大利的医生。 接着就是这样的一些句子,来一起享受一下英语阅读的快乐吧! (这篇文章写的真好,简单易读明了。)

The longer-term costs would go beyond economics. Brexit might well break up the United Kingdom itself.

The Irish government is among the most vocal foreign supporters of the campaign for Britain to stay in.

And Europe would be poorer without Britain’s voice: more dominated by Germany; and,surely, less liberal, more protectionist and more inward-looking. Europe’s links to America would become more tenuous. Above all, the loss of its biggest military power and most significant foreign-policy actor would seriously weaken the EU in the world.

It is little wonder that Russia’s Vladimir Putin is keen on Brexit—and that America’s Barack Obama is not. 附上原文地址:


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莫问前路凶吉,但求落幕无悔 (九)




The debate over a replacement for the late Justice Antonin Scalia marks the beginning of a ferocious battle for ideological control of the U.S. Supreme Court that could drag on for years and see the court swing multiple times between the political poles. 词汇突破:1.late 已故的 2. ferocious 激烈的 3. ideological 意识形态的

4. drag on (动词短语) 拖,拉拽,这里表示某件事情的胶着 注意:其实更多的时候drag是作为名词表示拖累的意思:

例句:The president gave assurances that the deficit cutting \on a fragile economy\

奥巴马保证减赤“不会拖累脆弱的经济”。 5. swing 摇摆

6. political poles 两极政治 7. multiple times 多次

主干识别: The debate marks the beginning of a ferocious battle.

其他成分: debate 的定语: over a replacement for the late Justice Antonin Scalia

Battle的定语1: for ideological control of the U.S. Supreme Court

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Battle的定语2: that could drag on for years and see the court swing multiple times between the political poles.




The battle could drag on for years see the court swing (multiple times状语) between the political poles.

这里drag on 和 see 是并列的两个动词,主语都是the battle;

参考译文:人们对于已故的Antonin Scalia法官的接任人选争论不休,这也标志着,在美国最高法院开始了一场激烈的意识形态的控制之争。这场争斗可能会旷日持久,也会经历多次两极政治间的摇摆。

简单的背景介绍:美国最高法院是9个大法官,分为:自由派(=民主党=左派)和保守派(=共和党=右派);其实美国政治也是分为这两派的; 现在是4个自由派,4个保守派,还有一个摇摆派(swing vote) 安东尼-肯尼迪(Antony M. Kennedy) ;这样美国法院在意识形态上是平衡的,比如,就堕胎问题,保守派就是反对的,自由派就是支持的; 同性恋婚姻问题,保守派就是反对的,自由派就是支持的; 去年在投票的时候AK法官就倒向了自由派,所以同性恋婚姻在美国就合法了。 前段时间,其中一个保守派的法官Antonin Scalia死了,这样平衡的状态就被打破了。谁来继任成为了争论的焦点啊!

莫问前路凶吉,但求落幕无悔 (十)


When the Supreme Court hears arguments this week in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt — the Center for Reproductive Rights’ challenge to the

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unprecedented barriers Texas created in 2013 to stop women from accessing safe and

legal abortion — the first question justices should ask is this: If the state bars you from exercising a constitutional right, do you really have that right at all? 封面图片是美国宪法的原稿:开头三个字:we the people ( of the united states)... 通过这十天的句子学习大家应该感受到了,考研英语最大的一个问题就在于:单词在具体语境中的用法和含义的理解。


而且我们还不能只去理解某个单词的含义,得理解句子整体的含义,有的时候句子翻译完了,我们还很难说某个单词是什么意思,因为这个单词的意思已经融入到整个句子的意思中去了,没法独立出来。所以跟着我,通过每日一句进入考研语境,就是成功的第一步! 比如昨天句子中的:see , 你可能就知道这是“看见”的意思,

但是你是不是还应该知道这是“明白”的意思啊, Yes, I see.

See 还可以翻译为,“认为”

I see his idea as groundless.(我认为他的观点是没有依据的。) (accept 也可以翻译为:认为;

He did not accept the charge as reasonable. 他不认为这种指责是有道理的) 同时:

China has seen the great change in the past decade.



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China has witnessed the great change in the past decade. 再来一个单词:bring (带来)

The past decade has brought one and another inquiry into the reason of the economic decline.

(One and another 一个又一个)

(过去的十年间,人们一次又一次的探究经济衰退的原因。) 这里的bring甚至我们都没有翻译它。

我们把inquiry这个名词翻译为了动词:探究;加上了泛指的主语:人们; 这些就是翻译的技巧,见多了就习惯了。 再比如:在前天的句子中: Britain is held back by Europe.

有很多同学过来问我,held back 什么意思,说实话这个短语我真没有背过,但在这个语境中,肯定就是“被拖累”的意思嘛。 英国被欧洲所拖累。

unshackled,(这个语境下Unshackled 就指的的是脱离欧盟) it could soar as an open economy. Soar 字典的意思是:猛增,升空;

这里:held back 和soar就构成一组对应了嘛,但不能直接翻译。 所以翻译为:英国就会(崛起)为一个开放的经济体。 我们甚至为了通顺就可以不翻:soar直接把这个句子翻译为: 英国就会成为一个开放的经济体。

莫问前路凶吉,但求落幕无悔 (十一)


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”可能等你过完自己的一生,到最后却发现了解别人胜过了了解你自己。你学会观察他人,但你从不观察自己,因为你在与孤独苦苦抗争。假如你阅读,或玩纸牌,或照料一只狗,你就是在逃避自己。“——博瑞尔·马卡姆《夜航西飞》 When the Supreme Court hears arguments this week in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt — the Center for Reproductive Rights’ challenge to the unprecedented barriers Texas created in 2013 to stop women from accessing safe and legal abortion — the first question justices should ask is this: If the state bars you from exercising a constitutional right, do you really have that right at all?

词汇突破:1. Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt 某个案子的名字,

美国法律体系下每一个案子都有这样的名字:A v.B 就是告诉你这是谁和谁之间的诉讼;

现在最高法院手里还有几个比较棘手的案子分别是: United States v. Texas 联邦政府和德州州政府之间的案子 2. the Center for Reproductive Rights 美国的一个民间组织 3. unprecedented 没有判决先例的 4. barriers 障碍 5. access 获得 6. abortion 流产 7. bar 阻止

8. exercising a constitutional right 行使宪法权利 句子主干:the first question (justices should ask) is this

其他成分:状语从句: When the Supreme Court hears arguments this week in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt (可以独立成句!) Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt的同位语

(the Center for Reproductive Rights’ challenge to the unprecedented barriers Texas created in 2013 to stop women from accessing safe and legal abortion) 这个同位语在解释这个案子的内容,在翻译的时候可以独立成句!

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If the state bars you from exercising a constitutional right, do you really have that right at all?


1When the Supreme Court hears arguments this week in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt — 2the Center for Reproductive Rights’ challenge to the unprecedentedbarriers3 Texas created in 2013 to stop women from accessing safe and legalabortion — 4the first question justices should ask is this: 5If the state bars you from exercising a constitutional right, 6do you really have that right at all?

为了让句子更加符合中文的表述习惯我们需要调整这六个部分在中文中的顺序: 321456

参考译文:2013年德克萨斯州制造了阻止女性获得安全合法堕胎的障碍,生育权利中心在Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt一案中,试图挑战这一还没有判例参考的障碍。本周,最高法院将听证这一案的辩论,而法官们应该问的第一个问题就是:如果州政府阻止你去行使宪法权利,那你究竟是否真的拥有这种权利呢?


从语言的角度来讲,这就是我在假期的长难句课中强调的: 独立成句!调整句序!




In Europe,where forestry is ecologically more advanced,the non-commercial tree species are recognized as members of native forest community,to be preserved as such,within reason.

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莫问前路凶吉,但求落幕无悔 (十二)


In Europe,where forestry is ecologically more advanced,the non-commercial tree species are recognized as members of native forest community,to be preserved as such,within reason. 词汇突破:1.Ecologically生态

2.non-commercial tree species 没有商业价值的树种(非经济类树种) 3.native forest community 当地森林群落 Virgin forest 原始森林 4.as such 相应的

5. within reason 在合理的范围之内

例句:The Clinton campaign has been low in expectations all day and it seems within reason. 克林顿竞选团已经放低了他们这些天的期望,看起来是有道理的. 6.Preserved 保护

主干识别:the non-commercial tree species are recognized as members of native forest community

(the non-commercial tree species are) to be preserved as such 这里省略了and 如果这样写大家会觉得舒服一些:

The non-commercial tree species are recognized as members of native forest community and to be preserved as such.

其他成分: In Europe, where forestry is ecologically more advanced状语 within reason状语 翻译点拨:成分点拨: 先翻状语1:

In Europe, where forestry is ecologically more advanced 直接翻译:在欧洲,林业就生态方面而言更为发达, (将ecologically转译为名词)

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在林业生态更为发达的欧洲,(这个技巧你学不会,这是经年累月的实践才有的技能,急也没有用。) 再翻主句和状语:

the non-commercial tree species are recognized as members of native forest community,within reason

没有商业价值的树种被合理地看成是当地森林群落的成员 to be preserved as such 并得到了相应的保护

参考译文: 在林业生态更为发达的欧洲,没有商业价值的树种被合理地看成是当地森林群落的成员,并得到相应的保护。





Mr Hollande’s government is reviewing a draft labour law that would remove a series of constraints French firms face, both when trying to adapt working time to shifting business cycles and when deciding whether to hire staff. In particular, it

devolves to firms the right to negotiate longer hours and overtime rates with their own trade unions, rather than having to follow rules dictated by national industry-wide deals.

莫问前路凶吉,但求落幕无悔 (十三)


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Mr Hollande’s government is reviewing a draft labour law that would remove a series of constraints French firms face, both when trying to adapt working time to shifting business cycles and when deciding whether to hire staff. In particular, it devolves to firms the right to negotiate longer hours and overtime rates with their own trade unions, rather than having to follow rules dictated by national industry-wide deals. 词汇突破:

1.Hollande’s 奥朗德(法国总统)很多人把这个词翻译为了“荷兰”,有点不应该哦。毕竟我都已经说了是法国的事情了。 2.Review审查

3 .Draft labour law 劳动法草案 4.Constraints 限制

5.Devolve 移交(主要指权力的移交)

例句:In order to promote local governance through decentralization, the government has begun plans to devolve powers to the districts. 为了通过权力下放促进地方施政,政府已开始向各区下放权力的计划。 6.Overtime rates 加班费

7.In particular,并且,更特别的是,尤为突出的是;

8. rules dictated by national industry-wide deals. 全国性行业协议的规则 解析: 第一句:

Mr Hollande’s government is reviewing a draft labour law(主句) //that would remove a series of constraints French firms face, (定语从句)/both when trying to adapt working time to shifting business cycles and /when deciding whether to hire staff.(两个时间状语) 第二句:

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In particular, it(劳动法草案) devolves to firms the right/ to negotiate longer hours and overtime rates with their own trade unions(right的定语),/ rather than(而不是) having to follow rules dictated by national industry-wide deals. 注意搭配:devolves to A B :把B移交给A; (一般就是指移交权力) 参考译文1:奥朗德政府正在审阅一份劳动法草案。该草案将取消法国企业面临的一些限制,包括在根据商业周期的改变来调整工作时间以及决定是否雇佣员工等事上面临的限制。尤为突出的是,草案将与工会协商延长工作时长及加班费率的权力下放给了企业自身,而非强制企业遵从全国性行业协议的规则。 参考译文2:法国政府正在审查一份劳动法草案,这份劳动法会去除一系列法国公司所面对的限制。包括使工作时间与改变的商业周期相适应的时候,以及决定是否雇佣员工的时候所面对的限制。更特别是,这项草案将放权给公司,让其同自己所在的行业协会就延长工作时间和加班工资问题进行谈判,而不必遵守全国性行业协议的规则。


A long-held view of the history of the English colonies that became the United States has been that England’s policy toward these colonies before 1763 was dictated by commercial interests and that a change to more imperial policy, dominated by expansionist militarist objective, generated the tensions that ultimately led to the American Revolution. 莫问前路凶吉,但求落幕无悔 (十四)

昨天句子的解析 A long-held view of the history of the English colonies that became the United States has been that England’s policy toward these colonies before 1763 was dictated by commercial interests and that a change to more imperial policy,dominated by expansionist militarist objective,generated the tensions that ultimately led to the American Revolution. 词汇突破: 1.A long-held view 长久以来的观点 2.Dictated主导

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3.Dominated 主导 4.Imperial policy 帝国政策

5.expansionist militarist objective 扩张主义的军事目标 (顺便说一 下:名词也可以做定语:eligibility age = eligible age) 6.commercial interests:商业利益

主干识别: A long-held view has been that…and that...

其他成分: of the history of the English colonies that became the United States ( view 的修饰成分) 后来变成美国的英国殖民地的历史(够饶的) England’s policy toward these colonies before 1763 was dictated by commercial interests 表语从句一

a change to more imperial policy, dominated by expansionist militarist objective, generated the tensions that ultimately led to the American Revolution.表语从句二 表语从句二的主干:

a change to more imperial policy generated the tensions that ultimately led to the American Revolution. 表语从句二的其他部分:

, dominated by expansionist militarist objective,(这里主要从语义入手就好了,说其实定语和状语都是可以的)

参考译文: 对于后来成为了美国的英国殖民地,人们一直以来持有下面的观点:1.在1763年之前,英国对于这些殖民地的政策被经济利益所支配。2.之后在扩张主义的军事目标的左右下转向了一种帝国政策,这样形成了一种紧张局势,并最终导致了美国革命。

翻译点拨: 先理清楚句子的结构,保证理解的正确。断开后再根据中文的表达习惯进行调整。

背景介绍:对于美国早期的文化我们需要重点了解,之前考研中谈到过美国的清教徒(puritans), 美国的移民文化和大众文化; 昨日回顾:昨天让同学们非常不爽一个表达就是:

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Devolve A to B :把A移交给B; 但是如果当A这个部分很长的时候,老外这帮逗比就习惯于写成: Devolve to B A, 意思还是把A 移交个B; 这个种情况在其他单词和搭配中也非常多:

View A as B: 认为A是B; 这个结构,老外常常会写成: View as B A. 意思还是认为A是B;

还有:elect A as B: 选择A作为B;常被写为: elect as B A 意思还是选择A作为B;


Mr Müller says he is determined that VW not be “paralysed” by the emissions affair. Its sales fell in Europe and America in January even as their overall demand for new cars rose. But Mr Müller says 2016 has started well and that he expects little lingering impact from the scandal. He may be right. General Motors’ faulty ignition switches and Toyota’s “unintended accelerations” forced both firms to make huge recalls and generated plenty of bad press. Yet sales recovered within a few months. (一次点击,就是鼓励!再次感谢!)

莫问前路凶吉,但求落幕无悔 (十五)


Mr Müller says he is determined that VW not be “paralyzed” by the emissions affair. Its sales fell in Europe and America in January even as their overall demand for new cars rose. But Mr Müller says 2016 has started well and that he expects little lingering impact from the scandal. He may be right. General Motors’ faulty ignition switches and Toyota’s “unintended accelerations” forced both firms to make

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huge recalls and generated plenty of bad press. Yet sales recovered within a few months.

词汇突破:1.be determined that +(should) +动词原形:确信,确定; 2.Even as 即使

3. lingering 持续的,挥之不去的,

1)The rise in industrial production helped chase away lingering fears that the economy is slipping into a new recession.

工业产出的增长有助于驱除人们对于经济正再次陷入衰退的挥之不去的担忧。 再来一个文艺点的例句:

2)The melody is lingering, and rich in variations. 旋律悠长徐缓,富于变化。

4.faulty ignition switches 点火开关故障,俗称的点火门,通用公司的产品质量问题之一。

5.unintended accelerations 突然加速,俗称的刹车门,丰田公司的产品质量问题之一。

6.make huge recalls 大规模召回 7.bad press 负面报道 8.“paralyzed” 瘫痪的

解析: 1.Mr Müller says he is determined that VW not be “paralyzed” by the emissions affair.

(穆勒先生说他确定大众公司不也会因为排放事件而就此“瘫痪”。) (如果不知道排放门事件的同学可以百度一下。)

2. Its sales fell in Europe and America in January even as their overall demand

for new cars rose. Its= VW

Their = Europe and America


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3. But Mr Müller says 2016 has started well and that he expects little lingering impact from the scandal.

但是穆勒先生说,2016年开局不错,而且他不(little)认为(expect)丑闻事件会带来持续的影响。 4.He may be right. 他可能是对的。

5.General Motors’ faulty ignition switches and Toyota’s “unintended

accelerations” forced both firms to make huge recalls and generated plenty of bad press.

通用公司的点火开关故障以及丰田汽车的突然加速故障都迫使这两个公司大规模的召回汽车,并且产生了大量的负面报道。 6. Yet sales recovered within a few months. 但是几个月之内,销量就回升了。

参考译文: 穆勒先生说他确定大众公司不也会因为排放事件而就此“瘫痪”。今年一月,即使欧洲和美国对新车的总需求在上升,大众公司在这两地的销量却出现了下滑。但是穆勒先生说,2016年开局不错,他不(little)认为(expect)丑闻事件会带来持续的影响。他可能是对的。通用公司的点火开关故障以及丰田汽车的突然加速故障都迫使这两个公司大规模的召回汽车,并且产生了大量的负面报道。但是几个月之内,销量就回升了。

来吧明天的任务: But the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media.


莫问前路凶吉,但求落幕无悔 (十六)


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何凯文2017考研每日一句(更新中) 坏_小星星

But the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media. 词汇突破:1.rests on 基于…,取决于…


The True Finns' chances probably rest on the degree/ to which Mr Soini is prepared to compromise his anti-EU position.

主干:chances probably rest on the degree (机会取决于程度) 词汇: compromise 妥协让步;


2. established conventions 已确立的传统 3. journalist 新闻记者

主干识别:the idea rests on an understanding

其他成分:the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen (同位语从句)

of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media. (定语)

翻译点拨:词汇点拨: rests on 基于…

established conventions 已确立的传统(规定/习俗)

成分的点拨: 先翻译同位语从句:

the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen




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何凯文2017考研每日一句(更新中) 坏_小星星

an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media.


根据语义可以确定of the news media.修饰the established conventions and special responsibilities


GeorgeOsborne, Britain’s chancellor 英国的财务大臣乔治奥斯本,他的很多主张让英国的经济恢复的很好。但是傲慢的经济学人就是觉得他是个屌丝,觉得他缺乏体面的帝国尊严感,只知道赚钱,而且奥斯本对中国的发展之路是比较认可的,这也成了他被攻击的对象。老牌傲慢的日不落帝国的遗老们对于中国的崛起一时是很难接受的,我们可以给他们时间适应。今天的文章一开头就是这样写道的:

IFYOU want to get rich, goes a Chinese saying, first build a road.

GeorgeOsborne, Britain’s chancellor, seems to agree. He seldom misses a chance to puton a hard hat and proclaim the virtues of more roads and railways.

中国谚语说道,要想富,先修路。乔治奥斯本作为英国的大臣似乎认同这一说法,他很少错过任何一个机会去戴上安全帽并宣讲修更多铁路和更多公路的好处。 然后讲了他给的很多修路好处的修辞; 接着第二段就谈到:

Yetfor all the rhetoric, in recent years British infrastructure has been deteriorating.

尽管给了这么多修辞,最近几年英国的基础设施建设变得越来越糟糕。 接着作者表达了不同意奥斯本修大项目的理念,并给出了这样的句子;


A small infrastructure budget is not necessarily a bad thing,if the money is used wisely. This often means spending on unsexy things—improving traffic lights and so forth—rather than big,expensive undertakings. In 2006 Sir RodEddington,an Australian businessman,published a government-backed

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review of Britain’s infrastructure provision,warning against grand projects forhaving cost-benefit ratios that are often worse than other less-exciting transport projects.


莫问前路凶吉,但求落幕无悔 (十七)

A small infrastructure budget is not necessarily a bad thing, if the money is used wisely. This often means spending on unsexy things—improving traffic lights and so forth—rather than big, expensive undertakings. In 2006 Sir Rod Eddington, an Australian businessman, published a government-backed review of Britain’s infrastructure provision, warning against grand projects for having cost-benefit ratios that are often worse than other less-exciting transport projects.

词汇突破:1. Infrastructure budget基础设施预算

2. unsexy 不性感,但在这里表示“普通”;= less-exciting 反义词:big 和 expensive

sexy常常被用到,比如你考试成绩不错,可以说: Your exam score is really sexy. 你的计划真棒:Your plan is sexy.

老外就是没有进化完整,夸个人都是污,really dirty! 3.undertaking 项目,事业 4. government-backed 政府支持的 5. provision 供应,供给; 例句:

The government is respopnsible for the provision of health care. 政府负责提供医疗服务。

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infrastructure provision 这里可以翻译为基础设施的建设 6. cost-benefit ratios 开支和收益比率

解析:1. A small infrastructure budget is not necessarily a bad thing, if the money is used wisely. (中英文语序基本一致。)

如果资金能够合理的利用的话,那么小额的基础设施预算也不一定就是坏事。 2. This often means spending on unsexy things—improving traffic lights and so forth—rather than big, expensive undertakings. (中英文语序基本一致。)


3. In 2006 Sir Rod Eddington, an Australian businessman, published a government-backed review of Britain’s infrastructure provision, warning against grand projects for having cost-benefit ratios that are often worse than other less-exciting transport projects. 主干:Sir Rod Eddington published a review.

其他成分: warning against grand projects for having cost-benefit ratios that are often worse than other less-exciting transport projects. 这个部分可以独立成句为: Review warns against…

Sir Rod Eddington warns against…

因为是这个写的这份报告,所以warns的主语既可以是人也可以是报告; grand projects for/ (grand projects ) having cost-benefit ratios

/ that= (cost-benefit ratios )are often worse than other less-exciting transport projects.

参考译文 :(早在)2006年,一位澳大利亚的商人,Rod Eddington爵士在政府的支持下出版了一份英国基础设施建设的报告(综述),对那些开支和收益率常常比其他小型交通项目更糟糕的大型项目提出了警告。


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何凯文2017考研每日一句(更新中) 坏_小星星


Anthropology is a science in that anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations that can be checked by others. 今天的句子我希望大家都能动手翻译一下。这个阶段一定要读懂的句子!

莫问前路凶吉,但求落幕无悔 (十八)

定出计划,关注每天的任务是否完成,不去焦虑未来的效果,真学霸都是修成的! Anthropology is a science in that anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations that can be checked by others. 词汇突破:1. Anthropology 人类学 Anthropologist 人类学家 2. rigorous: done carefully and with a lot of attention to detail. 谨慎的,细致的,彻底的

demanding that particular rules, processes, etc. are strictly followed. 严格的,严厉的; 3. document (动词)记录 4. a set of 一套

5. in that= because 因为引导状语从句;

解析:Anthropology is a science(主句) //(状语从句) in that anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations /(定语从句)that can be checked by others. 翻译的时候可以分为三个部分。

参考译文: 人类学是一门科学,因为人类学家采用一整套极细致的方法和技术来记录观测结果,同时这样记录下来的观测结果可供他人检验。

背景解析:一门学科能不能被定义为科学,要看这么学科是否符合“科学”的定义: 辞海中科学是这样定义的:运用范畴、定理、定律等思维形式反映现实世界各种现象的本质的规律的知识体系。

牛津字典的定义是:knowledge about structure and behavior of the natural and physical world, based on facts that you can prove, for example by experiments.


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何凯文2017考研每日一句(更新中) 坏_小星星

心理学,人类学,经济学,这些学科算不算science? 一直都是大家在争论的问题。

SINCE its return to power last May, Britain’s Conservative government has made clear its intention to loosen the laws on Sunday trading by devolving decisions over shops’ opening hours to local councils. 同学们还记不记得devolve这个词!赶快翻看之前的句子!

背景介绍: 二战结束以后,英国工党(labor) 和保守党(conservative又叫 Tory托利党)轮流执政。工党政府在五十年代建立起来的国家福利体制,对英国和欧洲的发展有深远的影响,后来保守党执政并不改变工党的社会福利政策。免费教育和医疗体系非常健全。当年国务院副总理王震访英深受震撼,回来后成为邓小平同志改革开放政策的坚定支持者。

英国的劳动法也是很矫情的。商场周日上班时间就是中午12点到下午6点; 你要敢开门你就是违反劳动法; 但是政府准备放开这个规定:

The government says loosening the regulations would help the high street, which is struggling to compete with online retailers that trade seven days a week. Labour opposed the plan on the ground that workers could be forced to work when they do not want to. Tory traditionalists said Sunday should remain a day of rest.(今天的任务)

莫问前路凶吉,但求落幕无悔 (十九)


1.SINCE its return to power last May, /Britain’s Conservative government has made clear its intention to loosen the laws on Sunday trading /by devolving decisions over shops’ opening hours to local councils(独立成句). 词汇突破:1. Britain’s Conservative government 英国保守党政府 2. loosen the laws on Sunday trading 放松周日商业的法律规定

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3. devolving decisions (over shops’ opening hours定语修饰decision) to local councils. Over=关于 Devolve A to B



2. The government says loosening the regulations would help the high street, /which is struggling to compete with online retailers that trade seven days a week.

词汇突破 1. loosen 放松

2. the high street 商业街是城镇主要商业街通用的一个转喻说法,可以直接称为“商业街”,在英国尤为常用。High Street通常是市中心商店和商家最集中的地方,也经常被用来指代零售业。 在美国、加拿大和爱尔兰则多用Main Street来指代商铺集中的商业街,苏格兰一些小乡镇和澳大利亚部分郊区也用这个说法。在牙买加、英格兰东北部以及加拿大和美国部分地区,主要的商业区则用Front Street表示。 3. trade 经营


3. Labour opposed the plan on the ground that workers could be forced to work when they do not want to. Tory traditionalists said Sunday should remain a day of rest.(今天的任务) 词汇突破:Labour 工党

Tory traditionalists 传统的保守主义者;(在保守党里还要分为传统的保守主义者和新保守主义者,这里的传统保守主义者的看法和政府的看法还不一样。) 参考译文:工党反对政府的计划基于的理论是当工人不想工作的时候会被强迫去工作。

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For now, he reckons, general-purpose machine intelligence remains a long way off. The pattern-recognising abilities of deep-learning algorithms(n.演算法; 运算法则; ( algorithm的名词复数 ) 计算程序; are impressive, but computers still lack many of the mental tools that humans take for granted. A big one is “transfer learning”, which is what AI researchers call reasoning by analogy. This is the ability to take lessons learned in one domain and apply them to another. And machines like AlphaGo have no goals, and no more awareness of their own existence than does a word processor or a piece of accounting software.



莫问前路凶吉,但求落幕无悔 (二十)

For now, he reckons, general-purpose machine intelligence remains a long way off. The pattern-recognizing abilities of deep-learning algorithms(n.演算法; 运算法则;algorithm的名词复数 ) 计算程序; are impressive, but computers still lack many of the mental tools that humans take for granted. A big one is “transfer learning”, which is what AI researchers call reasoning by analogy. This is the ability to take lessons learned in one domain and apply them to another. And machines like AlphaGo have no goals, and no more awareness of their own existence than does a word processor or a piece of accounting software.

词汇突破:1. Reckon 认为 (这样的词最安全的就是翻译为认为。)

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