
更新时间:2023-05-03 07:59:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载





1.She shrugged her shoulders in a ______(姿态) of impatience.

2.I've seen Julie with Jack on several ______(场合).

3.Look!The children are ______(滑行) on the ice of the lake.

4.He got ______(醉酒的) on only two glasses of beer.

5.Lakes,surrounded by ______(辽阔的) grasslands,look like jewels.

6.I live in a ______(多山的) area in the northwest.

7.The teacher's clear ______(解释) left the students no confusion over that abstract theory.

8.He likes reading the ______(侦探的) novels in particular.

9.Lucy has a great sense of humor and always keeps her colleagues ______(开心的) with her stories.

10.As we all know,she is a famous ______(女演员).


1.In a low voice,she ______ that someone was moving about upstairs.

A.shouted to me B.signed to me

C.whispered me D.whispered to me

2.How is your patient ______ the course of treatment?

A.react B.react to

C.reacting D.reacting to

3.Since there is no answer to the front door,why not ______ at the back door?

A.try knocking B.try to knock

C.to try knocking D.to try to knock

4.After-school activities ______ the talent in each of the students.

A.bring in B.bring out

C.bring up D.put forward

5.Anyone,once ______ positive for H7N9 flu virus,will receive free medical treatment from our government.

A.to be tested B.being tested

C.tested D.to test


1.The man whispered his wife that they would leave the village.


2.Children tend to react to their parents by going against their wishes.


3.Watson failed twice,so he tried the third time.


4.Sherlock Holmes looked down at the stars in the sky and then asked a question.


5.The young man tried to cleaning the spot with alcohol,but he failed.



1.With time going by,she came to understand her teacher.

______ ______ ______ by,she came to understand her teacher.

2.He told me his secret in a whisper.

He told me his secret ______ ______.

3.The students are content with their progress in English learning.

The students ______ ______ ______ their progress in English learning.

4.We had a good time last night there.

We spent an ______ night there.

5.They looked at each other,astonished.

They looked at each other ______ ______.



The teacher ______ ______ me in order not to disturb other classmates.


The students ______ very well ______ the new book.


You should ______ ______ ______ how to use a puter.


The new job ______ ______ the best in me.


Please put those magazines ______ ______.


A young couple decided to get married.As the big day drew nearer and nearer,they both grew nervous because each of them had a problem.The bridegroom decided to

ask his father for advice.“Dad,”he said,“I love Lily very much,but I have very smelly feet,so I'm afraid that she will not put up with them.” His father said,“All you have to do is wash your feet as often as possible,and you should always wear socks,even when you go to bed.” Well,it seemed a workable solution,the young man thought.

The young woman turned to her mother.“Mom,”she said,“My morning breath is so bad that I'm afraid my new husband will not want to live in the same room with me.I love him.I can't live without him.”Her mother said,“In the morning,get straight out of bed when you wake up,and head for the bathroom and brush your teeth.Don't say any word before you brush your teeth.”The young woman follow ed her mother's advice.

They were finally married in a wonderful ceremony(仪式).Not forgetting the advice each had received,they carefully spent every day.The husband wore his socks every night and the wife kept her mornings silent;they did quite well until about a month later.Just before dawn(黎明),the husband woke only to find that one of his socks was gone!Thinking of the terrible result,he felt frightened at once.He jumped up and began to search the bed for his sock in a hurry.Of course,this made the wife woken.Without thinking,the wife asked,“What on earth are you doing?”The husband stopped in surprise,and then he cried,“Oh,no!You must have swallowed(吞)my sock!”

1.What troubled the young man before he got married?

A.His feet had an unpleasant smell.

B.He was unprepared for the big day.

C.He was too poor to marry the girl.

D.His habit was too bad to be known.

2.The underlined word “bridegroom” in the first paragraph means “______”.A.a man who has a few big troubles

B.a man who hates to wash his feet

C.a man who believes his families

D.a man who will get married soon

3.Why did the husband feel frightened?

A.Because he forgot to wear the socks.

B.Because one of his socks was missing.

C.Because his wife might find the truth.

D.Because it would disappoint his father.

4.The husband said the last sentence of the passage because ______. A.his wife was very hungry in the morning

B.his wife often dreamed of eating things

C.he wanted to have his wife buy new socks

D.he found his wife's breath very smelly

5.What would happen next most probably?

A.The wife would leave the husband soon.

B.The couple would tell each other the truth.

C.The husband would buy a new pair of socks.

D.The couple's parents would help find the sock.



1.答案:gesture 2.答案:occasions

3.答案:sliding 4.答案:drunk

5.答案:vast 6.答案:mountainous

7.答案:explanation 8.答案:detective

9.答案:amused 10.答案:actress


1.解析:shout to sb的含义是“朝某人大喊”;sign to sb的含义是“朝某人打手势”;whisper to sb的含义是“低声对某人说,悄悄对某人说”。由句首的“in a low voice”可知答案为whispered to me。


2.解析:react to的含义是“对……作出反应”。


3.解析:why not应接动词原形,排除C项和D项;try doing表示“试着做某事”,无需付出特别的努力;try to do sth的含义是“努力做某事”,多指付出一定的努力。句意为“既然前门无人应答,何不试着敲敲后门?”由此可知A项为最佳答案。


4.解析:bring in的含义是“引进,收获”;bring out表示“使显现/显露”;bring up表示“抚养,呕吐”;put forward表示“提出”。在四个选项中,只有bring out符合句意。


5.解析:考查状语从句的省略。句意:一旦测定H7N9病毒呈阳性,任何人都可以接受政府的免费治疗。从句中省略了he is。当主从句的主语一致,且状语从句的谓语动词含有be时,往往将从句的主语和be动词同时省略,故选C项。









1.答案:As time went

2.答案:in whispers

3.答案:are satisfied/pleased with


5.答案:in astonishment

6.答案:whispered to


8.答案:try to learn

9.答案:brings/brought out

10.答案:in order


1.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中“...I have very smelly feet,so I'm afraid that she will not put up with them.”可知答案。




3.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中“Thinking of the terrible result,he felt frightened at once.”可知丈夫之所以害怕并不是因为袜子不见了,而是因为不穿袜子的后果将会很严重:如果不穿袜子,妻子就会知道他脚臭的实情。







情感( Emotion )

I enjoy this very much because…It surprises me that…

I laugh at that kind of thing because…I felt happy because…

This is fun because…I’m pleased we were both

amused at…

How wonderful / surprising It’s amusing that…


1st Period Reading

2nd Period Speaking

3rd Period Grammar

4th Period Listening

5th Period Writing

6th Period Summary


The First Period

Teaching aims: Enable students to talk about some types of English humor and Chinese humor. Key points: Help students learn how to understand and enjoy English humors.

Difficult points: Help students know the differences between English and Chinese in humor. Teaching aids: pictures

Teaching procedure:

Step 1: Lead-in

Show some pictures to students, let them talk about the pictures and then ask them what they think of the pictures, whether they are funny or not.

Questions: 1) Do you know who these edians are? What makes them funny?

2) Do you know other edians who are funny in the same way?

3) Have you seen any of these edians or programmers? What do you think of them? Step 2: Warming up

Task 1. Brain-storming

Ask students to name some types of humors they know. Write those they are not familiar with

Ask students to talk about some funny stories, any English or Chinese humors they know.

Task 3. Reading on P22

The purpose of the reading is to introduce the kind of verbal jokes. They use a “play on words”to be funny. Let students read the three jokes and then match the joke with the explanation. Then

Step 3 Homework

Ask each student to give a joke and present it in class next period.

The Second Period Reading

Teaching aims: Enable students to learn what humor means and what is nonverbal humor.

Key points: Help students divide the text into several parts according to the meaning.

Difficult points: Divide the paragraphs and give the main ideas.

Teaching aids: A recorder and a projector

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Revision

Check homework: ask students to present their jokes in class.

Step 2. Pre-reading

Questions: (1) What do you like to laugh at?

(2 ) What does humor mean? Is humor always kind?

Give students some time to discuss. The purpose is to help students know that different people have different taste about humor. It is difficult to say which one is better or which one is worse. Step 3. Reading

The purpose of this reading is to introduce nonverbal humor. This reading material takes Charlie Chaplin for example. It tells us what nonverbal humor means; what is Charlie Chaplin’s style of acting; how he made a sad situation entertaining and so on.

Task 1. Divide the text into several parts according to the meaning.

Part One: the first and the second paragraph

Part Two: the third and the fourth paragraph

Part Three: the last paragraph

Task 2. Give the main idea of each part

The main idea of part one: It tells us that there are two kinds of humor. One is bad, while the

other can inspire people.

The main idea of part two: It tells us something about Charlie Chaplin’s acting style and how

Charlie Chaplin made a sad situation entertaining.

The main idea of part three: it gives us a short biography about Charlie Chaplin.

Task 3. Discussion

Let students have a discussion about the text, then answer some questions.

Questions: (1) What is behind fun?

(2 ) Why did people like Little Tramp?

(3 ) Do you think Charlie Chaplin’s eating boiled shoes funny? Why?

Step 4 Language points

1.content (adj.): satisfied, happy, not wanting any more

phrases: content with sth; content to do sth

e.g. (1) She is quite content to stay at home looking after her children.

(2 ) Are you content with your present salary?

Content (n.): that which is contained in sth

e.g. I like the style of her writing but I don’t like the content.

2.inspire sb. ( with sth.) \ inspire sth. (in sb.): To fill sb. with thoughts, feelings or aims.

e.g. His speech inspired us with hope.

3.badly off: in a poor position, esp. financially

The opposite is “ well off”

e.g. (1) They are too badly off to have a holiday.

(2 ) In fact most people are better off than they were five years ago.

Step 5 Practice

Finish the exercises on page 18, 19, it is a good time to consolidate the whole content of the text and the useful words and expressions from the text. It is easy for most students to finish. So leave students several minutes to finish and check the answers by showing them on the screen. Step 6 Homework

Preview grammar by finishing Exercises 3, 4 on page 20, all the exercises on page 21.

The Third Period Grammar

Teaching aims: Enable students to learn how to use the –ing form as the attribute, the object plement and the predicative.

Key points: Let students know the structures of the sentences with the –ing form

Difficult points: Help students to tell the –ing form as the predicative and the use of the present continuous tense.

Teaching aids: A puter

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Revision

Check homework: the exercises on page 20 and 21.

There are ten suffixes in the chart. And there are some new words in it. But the purpose of showing this chart is to let students learn more about the adjective suffix.

Step 3. Discovering useful structures

Task 1. Revision

Have a revision about the –ing form used as the subject and object. Give students some sentences to translate:

(1)Talking to him is useless.

(2)Smoking does harm to your health.

(3)Walking is my sole exercise.

(4)Collecting stamps is my hobby.

(5)I suggested bringing the meeting to an end.

(6)He admitted taking the money.

(7)I couldn’t help laughing.

(8)Your coat needs washing.

Task 2. New usage of the –ing form

Ask students to look at the Exercises 4 on page 20. And then wake in pairs to finish the exercises.

Teacher checks the answers and give the explanations.

(1)A cooking pot: A pot that is used for cooking.

(2)A drinking horse: A horse that is drinking water.

(3)The man sitting on the sofa is a friend of my brother’s.

Here the –ing form are used as attribute.

(4)I saw the man sliding on a banner skin yesterday.

(5)Did you notice the man picking up that broken bottle and putting it in his bag?

Hear the –ing form are used as object plement The structure of the sentence with an object plement is:

Subject + Predicate + Object + Object plement

(6)Her job is looking after babies.

(7)What he likes is playing chess after supper.

Here the –ing form are used as predictive. Pay attention to the differences between –ing form used as predicative and present continuous tense.

(1)Her hobby is painting.

(2)Her favorite sport is skiing.

(3)This was very disappointing.

(4)The test results are very discouraging.

(5)She was very pleasing in her appearance.

(6)His concern for his mother is very touching.

(7)The photograph is missing.

(8)The article was misleading, and the newspaper has apologized.

In the first two sentences, the –ing form is used to show the character of the subject. In the next four sentences the words of the –ing form are all about the feelings. In the last two sentences, the words of the –ing form show some states and qualities.

(9)It is snowing hard.

(10)She is teaching in a night school.

In these two sentences, the –ing form are used as the predicate in the present continuous tense.

Step 4. Using Structures

Turn to page 56. Look at the Using Structure. There are two exercises in this part. Exercise 1 is to let students correct some errors in the sentences. This is not an easy job for most students, because it needs other knowledge, besides what the students learned today. So better leave them more time to do this exercise. For exercise 2, let students finish it in a short time. With the help of the pictures, students can easily understand the meaning and correctly use the –ing form to finish the blanks. Teacher can check the answers in class.

Step 4. Homework

Finish all exercises on page 56.

The Fourth Period Listening

Teaching aims: Enable students to understand the humor in the listening material.

Key points: Train the students to get the key wards by reading the questions before listening. Difficult points: Get the main idea from the listening materials while listening.

Teaching aids: A recorder

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Revision

Check homework: (1) Ask a couple of students to tell their jokes in class.

(2 ) Ask some students to e to the blackboard to write their translation. After

they have finished, teacher correct some errors with the whole class. Step 2. Listening ( page 23 )

This is a funny story. Mary made some plum jam and left some in the pan. Five days later, her husband came home and poured the jam into the chicken. Later Mary came home and found all of her chickens were behaving strangely. What had happened? Give students two chances to listen to the story. First, go through Exercise1 and 2 to know what are the things they will do while listening. After that teacher plays the tape for them to finish Exercise 1. The second listening is to check the answers. For Exercise 2, teacher should leave some time for students to discuss the question.

Questions: (1) Did you find this story funny? Give the reason.

(2 ) What do you think of John’s behavior?

Step 2. Listening ( page 55 )

This is a story about a thief and a man. The situation is very interesting. Before listening, ask students what they would do if they find a thief in their home one day; whether they will be afraid of the thief and so on.

There are three steps for this listening. At first let students read the questions to make sure that they know what they should do in this listening. Next, play the tape for the first time to let students finish Exercise 1. Then play the tape again and let the students finish the questions in Exercise 2. After that, let the students check their answers with each other. At last, listen to the tape again, teacher can make a pause where there is an question to the question, in this way students can check all the answers.

Step 3. Listening ( page 58 )

There are four exercises in this listening. The first one requests students to get the general idea of the material. The second one is to ask the students to know some details of the material. The third one is a question that asks the students to speculate the teacher’s feeling. And the last one is a good exercise, it gives the students another chance to practice their oral English.

Step 4. Homework

Collect as many funny stories as possible, do some preparations for the writing in the next period.

The Fifth Period Writing

Teaching aims: Help the students learn how to write funny stories using the target language and according to the writing steps.

Key points: Teach students to write according to the writing of the writing steps.

Difficult points: Help students make up a dialogue, using the target language.

Teaching aid: A projector

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Revision

Check homework: Ask several students to read their funny stories in class.

Step 2. Writing ( page 23 )

Give students some instructions on writing a funny story.

1)Writing down your story in a logical order.

2)For each of your story try to find the most interesting words you can to describe how

you felt or what was happing.

3)Then write out your story using these interesting words.

4)Read through your story.

5)Then show it to your partner. Let him/ her suggest some new and exciting words.

6)Write out the story and put it into a class collection of stories.

Give students enough time to finish the task and give them enough help in the writing. Tell them to give the outline first, then finish the story.

Step 3. Talking

Task 1. Show students some pictures. Ask them to describe the pictures and explain what is happening, whether it is funny or not.

Task 2. Imagine you want to play a trick on someone, maybe an April Fool’s trick. Work with partners, think up a funny thing and share it with the class.

Step 4. Speaking and writing task

This is a chance for students to learn limericks. It has only five lines. Three of them are longer than the other two. The longer lines all rhyme with each other and the shorter ones rhyme with each other. When introducing the poems, teacher read them first, and let the students enjoy the beauty of the rhyme. And at the same time point out that there must be two sets of rhyming words in the same poem, so the students can grasp the main feature of the poem.

After reading, ask students to tell the rhyme of the first and the second poem. Let students read the poems several times and feel it. Find more limericks for students to enjoy.

Give students some instructions on how to write a poem, let them think of rhyming words before writing. They need two sets of rhyming words.

Step 5. Homework

1) Finish Exercise 5 on Page 20.

2) Make a summary about what has been learnt in this unit.

The Six Period Summary

Teaching aims: 1) Learn to express the sentences that are connected with the positive and negative view of the same thing. 2) Make a summary about what has been learnt

in this unit.

Key points: Sum up what we have learnt in this unit.

Difficult points: Sum up what we have learnt in this unit.

Teaching aids: A projector

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Revision

Check homework: Ask students to present their dialogue in class.

Step 2. Reading

This reading task gives us another joke. The title is “An April fool’s joke: The Noodle Harvest”. Ask students to read the sentence : “A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.” After reading, explain the meaning of the sentence. (The meaning is that the thing is the same, but the way to treat it is different between a fool and a wise man.)

Give students some time to read the passage, then answer some questions and retell the whole story.

Questions: 1) What do children usually do on April Fool’s Day?

2) Why did people believe the programme Panorama?

3) Do you think the advice that the BBC gave people who asked how to grow noodle

trees was serious? Give a reason..

4) What would you do to find out whether a story like this was true?

Step 3. Project

Ask students to make their own collection of jokes, funny poems or short stories. They can be the ones that they enjoy in the books that they have read. Make sure they add either a joke, a funny poem or a funny short story of their own. Copy them into a book and display it in the class so that all your classmates can enjoy them.

Step 4. Summing up

This is a summary about what they have learned in the unit. Leave students some time to finish the frame. Then teacher give students a dictation about the useful words and expressions.


1.I enjoy this very much because….

2.I laugh at that kind of thing because…

3.This is fun because….

4.How wonderful / surprising!

5.It surprises me that…

6.I’m pleased we were both amused at…

7.I felt happy because…

8.It’s amusing that…


1.Word formation

2.The –ing form of the verb used as predicative, attribute and object plement.


1.Do you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin, bumping into someone else

round a Conner, or filling down a hole in the end.

2.Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life…

3.He became famous for using a particular form of acting, including mime and farce.

4.But he was lived by all who watched the film for his determination in overing difficulties

and being kind even when people were unkind to him.

5.Imagine you are hungry and all there is to eat is boiled shoe.

6.He solved it by using nonverbal humor.

7.Their job is “panning for gold”.

8.This was the problem facing Charlie Chaplin in one of his most famous films.

Translate the following sentences into Chinese and pay attention to the use of the –ing form.

1.The two edians performing on the stage are from Liaoning Province.

2.Who is the girl walking by the river.

3.The children playing the violin will give a performance next week.

4.The man with sunglass standing near the car is a cross talk artist.

5.The old lady talking to the children is a famous musician.

6.I saw a group of policemen ing out of a green jeep and running to the building.

7.I saw a dog carrying a piece of meat entering your garden.

8.I heard her singing a beautiful song at the party last night.

9.I got frightened when I saw a man playing with a snake in the park.

10.There were some boys shouting and crying under my window, so I could not fall asleep. Step 5. Check yourself

1.Do you find it difficult to understand English humor? Why?

2.What role do you thing humor plays in your life?

3.What language points have you learned in this unit?

4.How well have you done in the exercises on the –ing form?

5.Did you have any problems in understanding this unit? How did you solve them?

Step 6. Homework

Do some preparations for unit 4.

