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Chapter One: Man agers and Man ageme nt Multiple Choice Questi ons

1. Whe n we classify man agers accord ing by their level in the orga ni zati on they

are described as ____________ .

a. function al, staff and line man agers

b. top managers, middle managers and supervisors

c. high level and lower level man agers

d. general managers and administrative managers

2. Conceptual skills relate to a manager

' s ability to a. take a strategic view of how the parts of the organization function.

b. solve detailed problems in groups.

c. correctly evaluate orga ni zati onal problems.

d. un dersta nd and in teract effectively with others in the orga ni zati on.

3. The ability to build n etworks and power bases that in crease one

orga ni zati on is referred to as_____ .

a. in flue nee skill

b. political skill

c. con trolli ng

d. strategic skill

4. A man ager is some one who

a. actually performs the service or produces the product.

b. works anonymously behind the scenes.

c. sets the goals of the orga ni zati on.

d. supervises the work of others.

5. Which of the followi ng skills is most importa nt for top man agers (CEO

a. In terpers onal

b. Tech ni cal

c. Fun cti onal

d. Con ceptual

6. A man ager who has a reputati on for being ope n and hon est and un dersta nds

how to motivate employees and customers is said to have good _______________________


a. sales

b. political

c. In terpers onal

d. technical

7. Annie ' s Pies produces cakes and pies that come in 207 different flavors that are shipped

across the USA. Each week, 3 or 4 new flavors are added. Annie produces high quality cakes and pies using the best in gredie nts, it wastes little, and few employees work overtime because

the bus in ess operates

a. effectively.

b. reliably.

c. efficie ntly.

d. flexibly.

8. Doing a job in a way that achieves results without wasti ng any resources is

referred to as being __________ .

a. effective.

b. efficient s power in the s)?

c.con servative

d.Both a and b.

9.The importa nee of man agerial roles varies depe nding on the ____________ .

a.man ager' s salary

b.man ager' s accepta nee by the employees

c.size of the orga ni zati on

d.length of time the manager has worked in the organization

10.According to Mintzberg, which management category includes the roles of figurehead, leader,

and liais on?

a.in terpers onal

b.in formati onal

c.decisi onal

d.pla nning

11.Which of the follow ing roles is categorized as a decisi onal role?

a.Mon itor

b.Dissem in ator

c.Resource allocator


12.An orga ni zati on must con tai n all except which of the followi ng characteristics?





13.An orga ni zati on is com monly con sidered a

a.systematic arra ngeme nt of people to sell goods or services.

b.structural group ing of people to accomplish a set of objectives.

c.structural group ing of man agers and subord in ates who are attempti ng to in crease


d.systematic grouping of people to establish procedures, rules, and

regulati ons.

14.Operatives can BEST be described as

a.Those who actually do the tasks of an organization.

b.Those who work anonym ously behi nd the seen es.

c.Manu al laborers.

d.Those who supervise others.

15.The man agers who work most closely with the operatives are known as

a.top management.

b.middle man ageme nt.

c.first-l ine man agers.

d.operative man agers.

16.The level of management that translates the goals of the organization into specific pla ns

that lower-level man agers can perform is known as

a.top management.

b.middle man ageme nt.

c.first-l ine man agers.

d.operative man agers.

17.______ are resp on sible for making decisi ons about the direct ion of the

orga ni zati on and establishi ng policies that affect all orga ni zati onal members.


b.Top man agers

c.Middle man agers

d.First-li ne supervisors

18.Perform ing the task right and con sideri ng the relati on ship betwee n in puts and outputs



b.goal attainment.

c.efficie ncy.

d. a man ageme nt characteristic.

19.If you get more output for a give n in put, you have

a.decreased effectiveness.

b.in creased effective ness.

c.decreased efficie ncy.

d.in creased efficie ncy.

20.In an orga ni zati on, _____ tran slate(s) into goal attai nment.



c.resource mini mizati on

d.man agerial fun cti ons

21.If a college cuts the cost of an education by using mostly part-time faculty and at the same

time fails to adequately educate its students, it can be said to be doing the wrong thi ngs

well. In other words, the college is

a.efficient and effective.

b.efficient but not effective.

c.effective but not efficie nt.

d.n either efficie nt nor effectiv


22.Tim's Tire Shop is concerned only with using the least amount of labor possible as it

repairs/replaces the tires of its customers. Its primary goal is


b.goal attainment.

c.efficie ncy.

d.man ageme nt characteristics.

23.All of the following are included in the four components of the management

process except

a.pla nning.

9d183c90ae1ffc4ffe4733687e21af45b207fe4aa nizing.

c.leadi ng.


24.Min tzberg grouped the ten man agerial roles into three primary headi ngs. Which of the follow

ing is n ot one of these headi ngs?

a.in terpers onal relati on ships

b.tran sfer of in formati on

c.pla nning

d.decision making

25.As man agers move up the orga ni zati on, they do less

a.leadi ng

b.con trolli ng

c.pla nning

9d183c90ae1ffc4ffe4733687e21af45b207fe4aa nizing

26.Which of the followi ng roles is most importa nt for man agers in small firms?

a. disseminator

