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Roman Jakobson developed an approach focused on the way in which language's structure served its basic function (synchronic approach) – to communicate information between speakers.
On Linguistic Aspects of Translation is an essay written by Russian linguist Roman Jakobson in 1959.[1]
Jakobson has been closely associated not only with formalism but also linguistics, anthropology and psychoanalysis. He is known as being the founder of the Prague Linguistic Circle. He is also known to have coined the term Structural Linguistics.
In his essay, Jakobson states that meaning of a word is a linguistic phenomena. Using semiotics, Jakobson believes that meaning lies with the signifier and not in the signified. Thus it is the linguistic verbal sign that gives an object its meaning. Interpretation of a verbal sign according to Roman Jakobson can happen in three ways: intralingual, interlingual and intersemiotic. In the case of intralingual translation, the changes take place within the same language. Thus a verbal sign (word) belonging to a particular language is replaced by another sign (word) belonging to the same language. Interlingual translation on the other hand can be seen as replacing a verbal sign with another sign but belonging to a different language.
The last kind of explanation of verbal sign that he talks about is the intersemiotic translation. Here more than focusing on the words,
emphasis is on the overall message that needs to be conveyed. Thus the translator, instead of paying attention to the verbal signs, concentrates more on the information that is to be delivered. Roman Jakobson uses the term ‘mutual translatability’ and states that when any two languages are being compared, the foremost thing that needs to be taken into
consideration is whether they can be translated into one another or not. Laying emphasis on the grammar of a particular language, he feels that it should determine how one language is different from another.
In the essay, Roman Jakobson also deals with the problem of ‘deficiency’ in a particular language. Jakobson believes that all cognitive experiences can be expressed in language and while translating whenever there is a lack or ‘deficiency’ of words’, ‘loan words’, ‘neologisms’ and ‘circumlocutions’ can be used to fill in this lack.
Reinforcing the fact that one of the factors that translation has to take care of is the grammatical structure of the target language, Jakobson believes that it becomes tedious to try and maintain fidelity to the source text when the target language has a rigid grammatical framework which is missing in the source language. Jakobson, in his essay also brings in the relationship between gender and the grammar of a particular language.
J.R.Firth His work on prosody, which he emphasised at the expense of
the phonemic principle, prefigured later work in autosegmental
phonology. Firth is noted for drawing attention to the context-dependent nature of meaning with his notion of 'context of situation'. In particular, he is known for the famous quotation:You shall know a word by the company it keeps (Firth, J. R. 1957:11)
该学派的创始人为马希修斯(Vilem Mathesius)、特鲁贝斯科伊
(Nikolay S. Trubetskoy)和雅可布森(Roman Jakobson)。主要成员有雅可布森、列维、维内等重要的翻译理论家。
布拉格学派最有影响的翻译理论家是罗曼·雅可布森。他原籍俄国,后移居捷克;二战时迁至美国,加入美籍。作为学派的创始人之一,他对翻译理论的贡献主要体现在《论翻译的语言学问题》(On Linguistic Aspects ofTranslation)之中。文章从语言学的角度,对翻译的重要性、语言和翻译的关系以及存在的问题给出精辟的论述。自1959年发表后,此文一直被西方理论界奉为翻译研究的经典之一。
(intralingual translation)、语际翻译(interlingual translation)和符际翻译
(intersemiotic translation)。所谓语内翻译,是指在同一语言内用一些语言符号去解释另一些语言符号,即通常的“改变说法”(rewording)。所谓语际翻译,是指在两种语言之间即用一种语言的符号去解释另一种语言的符号,即严格意义上的翻译。所谓符际翻译,是指用非语言符号系统解释语言符号,或用语言符号解释非语言符号,比如把旗语或手势变成言语表达。(2)对于词义的理解取决于翻译。他认为,在语言学习和语言理解过程中,翻译起着决定性作用。(3)准确的翻译取决于信息对称。翻译所涉及的是两种不同语符中的对等信息。(4)所有语言都具有同等表达能力。如果语言中出现词汇不足,可通过借词、造词或释义等方法对语言进行处理。(5)语法范畴是翻译中最复杂的问题。这对于存在时态、性、数等语法形式变化的语言,尤其复杂。
(the social context ofsituation)所决定的。在翻译研究领域,译文的用词与原文等同与否取决于其是否用于相同的语言环境之中。
伦敦学派的创始人为福斯(J. R. Firth)。有两篇文章集中反映出他的翻译理论,一篇为《语言学与翻译》(Linguistics and Translation),另一篇为《语言分析与翻译》(Linguistic Analysis and Translation)。弗斯着重谈到三个方面:(1)语言分析是翻译的基础;(2)完全的翻译不等于完美的翻译;(3)在任何两种语言的翻译中,一种语言的某些意义的表达方式不可能译成完全对等的另一种语言。
卡特福德(John Catford)是该学派中比较系统提出翻译理论的学者。任教于爱丁堡大学的卡特福德1965年发表《翻译的语言学理论》(A Linguistic Theory of Translation)一书,为翻译理论研究开拓新的途径,引起巨大反响。卡特福德称其理论为“描写性”翻译理论。他从翻译性质、类别、对等、转换、限度等方面阐述“什么是翻译”这一中心问题。(1)翻译的性质。翻译是“把一种语言(原语)的文字材料转换成另一种语言(译语)的对等的文字材料。”(2)翻译的类别。就其程度而言,可分为“全文翻译”(full translation)和“部分翻译”(partial translation);就其语言层次而论,可分为“完全翻译”(total translation)和“有限翻译”(restricted translation);就语言结构的登记来说,可分为“级受限”翻译和“级无限”翻译,即传统意义上的“逐字译”和“意译”,而“直译”介于两者之间。(3)翻译的对等问题。一方面,翻译对等是一种以经验为依据的现象,是基于对两种语言的比较而发现的;另一方面,翻译对等的产生必须看译文和原文是否具有相同或部分相同的实质性特征。(4)翻译转换,是指把原文变成译文时偏离形式对应。翻译转换主要分为层次转换和范畴转换,其中范畴转换又可分为结构转换、词类转换、单位转换和系统内部转换四种。(5)翻译的限度,是指不可译性问题。翻译中有两类不可译。一是语言方面的不可译现象有双关语、歧意语法结构;二是文化方面的不可译性是由于不同的社会风俗、不同的时代背境等非语言因素引起的。
在上述语言学理论的影响下,形成以沃哲林(C. F. Voegelin)、博灵格
(D. Bolinger)、卡兹(J. J. Katz)、奎恩(W. V. Quine)和奈达(E. U. Nida)为代表的美国翻译理论界的结构学派,而以奈达最为杰出。
进入20世纪80年代,奈达的翻译理论出现较大变化。主要的新观点有:(1)翻译不是科学,而是技术;(2)翻译才能是天生的;(3)翻译不仅是一种语言交际活动,更是一种社会符号相互作用(sociosemiotic interaction)的活动。 另外,比较有代表性的还有德国的莱比锡学派和前苏联的流派等。
总之,20世纪西方翻译理论发展的最大特征,是翻译研究被纳入语言学,与 对比语言学、应用语言学和语义学等建立起内在的联系。尽管西方的翻译理论取得重大成就,但都是在继承传统的基础之上,且并未形成一套完成的、放之四海而皆准的理论体系。
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