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第一部分 写作




Dear Sir or Madam您好 称呼:不同信体对应不同的收件人,收件人称 (在不知道对方具体名字) 呼可以是收件人未知或收件人已知。(左对 Dear Lucy(从题目中找具体写信对象) 齐) 第一段:(自我介绍/简单问候)+简述写作目的 As a senior student of Peking University, I am writing to…我是......,写这封信是为了....../I write this letter to…我写这封信是为了...... 详见重点信函预测。 第二段:展开陈述写作目的,覆盖指导语 (directions)中的要点。(重在提出理由、要 求或建议。) 第三段:根据信体,再次道歉/感谢/合理请求/期待回信,与第一段相呼应。 落款:落款部分使用正确写法;署名须按照 指导语的要求写。指导语一般要求署名右对齐 Again, I apologize for my…/ I am, with heartfelt gratitude, looking forward to your reply./ I am in desperate need for…

Yours sincerely, Li Min (根据题目的人名字) 二、重点信函预测

应用文现在命题的趋势是越来越注重内容的综合性,要求考生能够灵活运用恰当的英语 语言来实现交际功能。下面给出考查可能性较大的重点信函必备句式,只要今年考到,即可 按照所给句式进行灵活套用。 1、 咨询类


注意用语礼貌。 必

备句式: 【第一段】

I am writing to inquire…写这封信我想询问一下......

I would be very grateful to you if you let me know…非常感谢您能告知我......

I would appreciate very much if you can provide me with more details about…非常感谢您能告知我.关于.....的详细内容


Could you give me some specific information?请告诉我一些具体信息

Firstly, I want to know the price/taste/color/size/style of…?首先,我想知道......的价格/味道/颜色/尺寸/款式

Secondly, I wonder whether其次我想知道......能否 … can function/work properly...能否正常运行/when and where this activity will be held.该活动将在何时何地举行


Thank you in advance for your assistance. 谢谢您的帮忙I look forward to your early reply.期待您尽快回信

I hope you can call me at 123456 as soon as possible. 请尽快联系我I am looking forward to your immediate response at your earliest convenience. Thank you.若您方便,请尽快回复,谢谢。



Yesterday when you were browsing website, you saw an electronic dictionary which you wanted to buy. (题目内容是:昨天在浏览网站时,你看到了中意的电子词典)So you write a letter to

1) express your intention and表达意图

2) inquire some details about the electronic dictionary. 询问细节

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter, Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address. (10 points)

Dear Sir or Madam,您好

Yesterday when I was browsing your website, I saw an electronic dictionary which I have expected for a long time. 昨天在浏览你们网站时,我看到了一款中意很久的电子词典。So I am writing to inquire some details about this electronic dictionary.所以我写这封信是想咨询一些该产品的详细信息。

I would appreciate very much if you can provide me with some specific information. 麻烦您请给我以下这些信息内容,谢谢。(此句我没有按英文直译:如果你能提供一些具体信息,我将不胜感激。而是按照中国人说话习惯意译。)Firstly, is there any other color besides gray that the electronic dictionary has? 首先,请问除了灰色外还有别的颜色吗?As far as I am concerned, the best color is red.(因为)我最喜欢红色。 In addition, what other functions does it have apart from looking up the meaning of the word? 另外,(我想请问一下)除了可以查字

词含义,该电子词典还有别的什么功能吗?Finally, how much do I need to pay for the postage?最后,请告知我邮费多少。

Thank you in advance for your assistance.在此先提前谢谢您的解答。 I look forward to your early reply.很期待您能尽快回信。

Yours sincerely, Li Ming

2、 申请类



必备句式: 【第一段】

I am writing this letter to recommend推荐 myself as a qualified candidate for the job of….

I am writing to you in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity 有机会做......to do

graduate study in your university. 【第二段】

I am confident that I am qualified for it.我确信能胜任。

I have not only the professional knowledge and practical experience but also creative

mind and inquiring spirit needed for this job.我不仅有专业知识,实际的操作经验还有与工作相关的创意。

I believe these virtues make me a proper candidate for this job/the scholarship/program.我相信这些品德能符合这个工作/奖学金/项目的要求。 【第三段】

I’d appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss further on how my

qualifications meet the requirements of your organization/company/university.有幸能有此机会和你就安排/公司/大学所要求的条件做进一步的讨论

Thanks for considering my application and I am looking forward to your reply at your

earliest convenience.感谢您能考虑我提出的申请,我期待您的尽快回信。


You want to apply for a job(申请工作) as an assistant to the CEO of a company. Write a letter to the manager of the Human Resources Department(人力资源部) of that company to

1) express your intention and表达意图 2) show your qualification(s)说明自己的条件

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter, Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address. (10 points)

Dear Sir or Madam,您好

I am studying at Peking University and will soon graduate in July. 我是七月份即将从北京大学毕业的应届生。(介绍一下自己)So I am writing this letter to apply for the position of an assistant to the CEO of your company.所以写这封信是为了申请你们公司首席执行官助手一职。(写信意图)

I believe I am qualified for this job. 我姓辛自己能胜任该份工作。(总)First and foremost, I major in management, so I have professional knowledge to this job. 首先也是最重要的一点是,我主修管理学,在这方面有专业知识。Besides, I have practical experience, because I took a job as the assistant in a food company during my summer vacation. 另外因为暑假时有在食品公司担任助理一职,所以我有实际经验。Finally,I am confident that these qualifications make me a proper candidate for this job.最后我确信自己能胜任该工作。

Thanks for considering my application and I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.感谢您能考虑我提出的申请,我期待您的尽快回信。

Yours sincerely, Li Ming

3 、 祝贺类

祝贺类信函的写作目的是对收信人的成就或喜讯表示祝贺。写这类信函时应注意不能一 味只祝贺,还应提及收信人取得成就的过程。

必备句式: 【第一段】

I was very delighted to hear the news that …我很高兴听到...的消息

It is with great pleasure that I hear of your success. Please accept my warmest/

heartiest congratulations.我很高兴你成了,在此献上我最热烈/真挚的祝贺。

Please allow me to convey my congratulations on your promotion to …请允许我向您传达关于您升迁的美好祝福...


I know you have got excellent marks for all the courses you took. 我得知你所有科目得了高分。

It is great to know that you have achieved the goal you set for yourself. 很高兴得知你实现了自己的目标 It is an award that you richly deserve. 你的努力付出都是值得的

I’m really proud of you.我为你感到骄傲


Your long suffering and braveness have been rewarded today. 今天你长期的付出得到了应有的回报

I wish you success and fulfillment in the years ahead. 我祝愿在将来几年你能取得成功并实现自己的愿望。


Write a letter to your best friend Bob to congratulate祝贺 him on accepting admission to(被录取) a postgraduate program.

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter, Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address. (10 points)

