教师版:中学学科网2011届二轮专题讲练测 专题13 记叙文完形填空

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专题13 记叙文完形填空


If your father never says to you ―I love you‖ when you are a child, it 36 to be more and more difficult for him to say the words as he grows 37 .

I do not 38 hearing the words from my father when I was growing up. 39 , I could not recall(回忆) when I had 40 said those words to him either.

One day, I decided to 41 the ice and make the first 42 . So in our next phone conversation I gathered all my 43 and let out the words in a low voice, ―Dad… I love you!‖

There was a 44 at the other end and he awkwardly 45 , ―Well, same back at ya!‖

I was unexpectedly 46 and my voice was raised, ―Dad, I know you love me, and I know when you are ready, you will say what you want to say.‖

Fifteen minutes later my mother called and 47 asked, ―Paul, is everything okay?‖ A few weeks later, Dad 48 our phone conversation with the words, ―Paul, I love you.‖ I was so moved that tears were rolling down my cheeks as I finally ― 49 ‖ the love. As I sat there in tears I realized that this 50 moment had taken our father-and-son relationship to a new 51 .Shortly afterwards, my father narrowly 52 death following heart surgery(外科手术). Many times 53 , I have 54 if I had not taken the first step and Dad not 55 the surgery, I would have never ―heard‖ the love. 36. A. works out B. breaks out C. comes out D. turns out 37. A. wiser B. busier C. weaker D. older 38. A. remember B. enjoy C. mind D. regret 39. A. Truthfully B. Fortunately C. Naturally D. Obviously 40. A. only B. last C. once D. first 41. A. melt B. break C. strike D. build 42. A. complaint B. promise C. move D. impression 43. A. strength B. ideas C. words D. attention 44. A. sigh B. silence C. voice D. cry 45. A. refused B. shouted C. replied D. explained 46. A. touched B. frightened C. shocked D. annoyed 47. A. excitedly B. nervously C. willingly D. sadly 48. A. continued B. checked C. concluded D. interrupted 49. A. accepted B. expected C. learned D. heard 50. A. quiet B. difficult C. special D. different 51. A. level B. idea C. world D. end 52. A. managed B. escaped C. avoided D. faced


53. A. then 54. A. realized 55. A. challenged

B. ago B. found B. experienced C. before C. doubted C. survived D. since

D. wondered D. received


back at ya‖,因此意想不到地―感动‖。后三项分别表示―恐惧的‖‖震惊的‖‖烦恼的‖,都不符合语境。




50.C 多年来父子之间从未向对方表露过爱意,如今埋在心底多年的话终于得以表达,对作者而言,显然是―特殊‖的时刻。

51.A在彼此表达过心中的爱后,父子之间的关系上升到了一个新的―水平‖。 52.B此后不久,作者的父亲在做了心脏手术后九死一生,―摆脱‖了死神的魔掌。 53.D本句的时态是现在完成时,由此可判断用since,意思是―自从‖那以后,作者很多次思绪翻腾。




My husband is an engineer. Since we met, he has always been the rock in my life. I knew he had his feet 26 planted on the ground, and it seemed that no matter what else went 27 , he would be the one constant. Three years of romance and two years of marriage later,I began to feel 28 of him because he never brought me flowers, he never 29 me, and nothing had changed in our marriage. After 30 , I finaly told him I wanted to be 31 . He just sat there,speechless and

didn' t even know 32 to say to make me stay.Finally, he spoke.\change your 33 ?\ ―I'll stay if you have a good answer 34 this question,\d for a 35 growing on a cliff, and getting it for me 36 certain death, would you still do so?\ His face grew troubled.\heart 37 .He couldn' t even give me an answer 38 away. The next morning, I found he was 39 .However, I found a note under a warm glass of milk.My eyes 40 misty (湿润) as I was reading it. \ 41 . After you do typing for a long time, I need my 42 to do it for you. Every time you leave the house, you forget your keys.I need my legs to run 43 and open the door for you.…that's why I cannot pick the flower for you…‖ With tears 44 from my eyes, I opened the door.And there he was, with an extremely worried look on his face, waving the packet he had in his hand in front of me. Just because someone doesn't love you 45 you want him to, it doesn' t mean that he doesn' t love you heart and soul.

26.A.deeply B.firmly C.slightly D.totally 27.A.different B.crazy C.exciting D.excited 28.A .liked B.tried C.fond D.tired 29.A.frightened B.loved C.surprised D.lost

30.A.some time B.sometime C.sometimes D.some times 31.A.in B.up C.down D.out 32.A.what B.which C.how D.when 33.A.saying B.comment C.opinion D.mind 34.A.to B.of C.for D.about 35.A.tree B.moon C.flower D.butterfly 36.A.meant B.resulted C.caused D.led 37.A.sank B.settled C.rose D.worried 38.A.soon B.straight C.straightly D.quickly 39.A.missed B.missing C.losing D.lose

40.A.fell B.changed C.grew 41.A.descriptions B.causes C.lists 42.A.heart B.fingers C.mind 43.A.home B.at home C.out 44.A.steaming B.stretching C.streaming 45.A.like it B.way C.how D.got D.reasons D.arms D.in

D.spreading D.the way

34.A考查固定搭配中的介词。表示―问题的答案‖或―门上的钥匙‖时,常用an answer to a question和a key to adoor表达。

35.C从后边作定语的现在分词短语growing on a cliff可知,只有树和花是长在悬崖峭壁上的,但依语境和常识可知,―我‖要的肯定是花。倒数第三段中‖I cannot pick the flower for you也是线索提示。

36.A句意:弄到它肯定意味着死亡。mean表示―意味着‖;result常用于result in(导致)短语;cause表示―导致,引起‖;lead常用于lead to(导致,引起)结构中。

37.A考查动词辨析。句意:听了那句话,我感到很失望。one’s heart sinks相当于one feels disappointed,表示―某人感到失望‖。

38.B考查固定表达法。句意:他甚至不能立即给我一个答复。表示―立即‖或―马上‖之意的词或短语有immediately,right away,straight away,at once等。

39.B此处表示没有看见丈夫,用be missing―不见,没有在‖较恰当。be lost也可表示―不见了‖,但此时主语常为物;当人作主语时,be lost意为―迷路‖。

40.C眼睛变得湿润是读便条时发生的,应该用表示逐渐变化意义的系动词grow。 41.D从便条上的内容来看,这是丈夫对前一天晚上的问题的回答和理由。reason表示做某事的理由;description是对人或事物进行的描述;cause表示某事发生的原因或


42.B根据前面的do typing for a long time可知,丈夫需要替妻子打字。按照常识,打字用到的应该是手指头。



45.D考查定语从句。句意:只因为某人没有按你想要的方式去爱你,(但)这并不意味着他不全心全意地爱你。the way sb does sth表示―某人干某事的方式‖,其中the way后省略了引导定语从句的关系词。


In my dual (双重的)) profession 36 an educator and health care provider, I have worked with many children infected with HIV. They have taught me so many things, but I have especially learned that great 37 can be found in the smallest individuals. Let me tell you about Tyler.

Tyler was 38 infected with HIV; his mother was also infected. From the very beginning of his life, he was dependent on medications to 39 him to survive. When he was five, he had a tube inserted in a vein(静脉) in his chest. At times, he also needed extra oxygen to support his 40. Tyler wasn't_ 41 to give up one single moment of his childhood to this deadly disease. It was not 42 to find him playing and racing around his backyard, wearing his medicine-loaded backpack and 43 his tank of oxygen behind him in his little wagon ( 小推车 ). All of us who knew Tyler were impressed by his pure 44 in being alive and the energy it gave him. Tyler’s mom often 45 him by telling him that he moved so 46 she needed to dress him in red. That way, when she peered through the window to check on him playing in the yard, she could quickly 47 him.

This deadly disease eventually 48 down Tyler. He grew quite ill and, unfortunately, 49 did his HIV-infected mother. When it became 50 that he wasn't going to survive, Tyler’s mom talked to him about 51 . She comforted him by telling Tyler that she was dying too, and that she would be with him soon in heaven.

A few days before his death, Tyler 52 to me to come to his hospital bed and 53 ,\might die soon. I'm not 54 When I die, please dress me in 55 Mom promised she's coming to heaven, too. I'll be playing when she gets there, and I want to make sure she can find me.

36. A. in B.for C. as D.on 37. A. pleasure B. pain C. sorrow D. courage 38. A. seriously B. born C. unlucky D. disappointingly 39. A. cause B. enable C. make D. lead


40. A. breathing B. living C. running D. walking 41. A. happy B. willing C. daring D. discouraged 42. A. common B. unusual C. surprised D. ordinary 43. A. dragging B. carrying C. pushing D. taking 44. A. character B. joy C. moment D. Excitement 45. A. comforted B. scolded C. teased D. praised 46. A. slowly B. happily C. quickly D. fast 47. A. know B. spot C. stop D. observe 48. A. tore B. broke C. wore D. kicked 49. A. neither B. so C. such D. nor 50. A. apparent B. hopeless C. sure D. terrible 51. A. life B. dream C. future D. death 52. A. waved B. said C. signed D. explained 53. A. whispered B. shouted C. cried D. spoke 54. A. excited B. surprised C. scared D. sad 55. A. red B. white C. bright D. beauty


36.C由第一空后面的an educator and health care provider可知,前面缺少表示―作为‖的介词来连接后面的双重职业身份,选项中as后面接表身份或职业的名词。


38.B be born infected with HIV表示―天生/出生时携带HIV‖,从后半句his mother was also infected和后一句可以推知答案\选B。

39.B从上文提示可知,他依赖药物治疗,这能(enable)使他活下去。cause表示―引起‖;make表示―使得‖,应该用make sb do sth结构;lead表示―导致‖,应该用lead to sth。


41.B根据下文语意可知, Tyler不愿意放弃他童年的快乐时问,此处语意表示他的心理状态,用be not willing―不乐意,不愿意‖符合语境。

42.B所以我们经常(not unusual)可以看到Tyler背着装满药物的背包,后面小车中拖着(drag)氧气瓶,在后院玩耍、跑步。





47.B.参见45题解析。spot这里表示―发现,看见‖。 48.C从上下文可知,这致命的病(HIV)最终消耗了Tylet的生命。wear down表示―(使)

消耗,损耗‖;tear down―拆毁,拆卸‖;break down作―垮掉‖讲时人作主语,即用Tylet broke down才对;kick down表示‖踢倒‖。

49.B此处是so引起的倒装结构,表示―他母亲也如此(快要死了),所以选B项。 50.A apparent表示―明显的,显然的‖;hopeless表示―无望的‖;sure跟从句时不能是it作主语;terrible表示―可怕的,糟糕的‖。语境表示―很明显Tyler活不了了‖,所以选A项。


52.c他死前几天示意(sign)我到他病床边。wave―招手,挥手‖,一般不跟不定式。 53.A 由常识判断,他濒临死亡,肯定很虚弱,只能轻轻地向我说(whisper)。B、C两项不符合语境,D项后面通常不跟直接引语。

54.C Tyler说他不害怕(scared)死亡,但他死后,要给他穿红色(red)衣服,这样在天堂他母亲就能很容易地认出他来。根据语境选C项。


Billy, a hard – working student, is fourteen years old and in the ninth grade. He has a part – time job that 26 him up every morning at five o’clock, when most people are still 27 asleep. He is a newspaper boy.

Each morning, Billy leaves the house at 5:15 to go to the 28 where the newspapers always are. The newspapers were 29 to the corner by truck at midnight. He always takes a wagon to 30 them.

In the winter it is still dark 31 he gets up every day, but during the rest of the year it is 32 . Billy must send the newspapers to the houses of people on his 33 in all kinds of weather. He tries to put each paper on the porch (门廊) where it will be 34 from wind and rain or snow. Sometimes his customers give him tips, 35 him very excited.

Billy earns about $ 70 per month through hard 36 , and he is saving some of the money to go to 37 , where he has always been longing to go. Besides that, he 38 the rest of the earnings on records and clothes. Once a month, he has to collect the 39 at night since many of them work during the day. That is when he is 40 so that he is full of excitement. Luckily, he gets 41 supported by his family. Sometimes, when Billy is sick, his brother offers to deliver the newspapers for him. Once, his father was too 42 to help him.

Billy has seventy customers now, but he doesn’t feel 43 about the number.

He dreams that he will get 44 customers as possible some day. 45 , he might win a prize for being an outstanding newspaper boy. He wants to win a trip to Europe, but he will be happy if he wins a new bicycle.


26.A.wake B.take C.gets D.pick 27.A.sound B.falling C.fall D.soundly 28.A.corner B.street C.room D.department 29.A.given B.addressed C.handed D.delivered 30.A.carry B.bring C.send D.load 31.A.at which B.while C.that D.when 32.A.short B.black C.light D.long


33.A.road 34.A.protected 35.A.making 36.A.attempt 37.A.abroad 38.A.costs 39.A.paper 40.A.depressed 41.A.very 42.A.likely 43.A.satisfying 44.A.many more 45.A.If that B.way B.stopped B.letting B.job B.school B.spends B.money B.energetic B.great B.reluctant B.pleasant B.as much B.If so C.route C.kept C.leading C.work C.college C.pays

C.newspapers C.fulfilled C.greatly C.tired

C.contented C.as many C.Besides D.path

D.prevented D.causing D.struggle D.hospital D.uses D.records D.moved D.a lot of D.willing D.happy D.much more D.What’s more



35.A有时,他的顾客给他一些小费,这使他很兴奋。选项中能接形容词作宾语补足语的动词只有make,且根据语意此处应用v-ing作结果状语。若用cause来表达,’其结构应该是cause sb to be+adj。

36.C 比利通过艰辛的工作,每月挣大约70美元。work当工作讲时,为不可数名词,而job当此意讲时,为可数名词,此句中应用不可数名词work。 37.C从前边的介词to可判断应该排除副词abroad;从后边的他一直渴望去那儿判断出,要去的地方绝对不可能是医院;文章第一句已经点明了比利是一名勤奋的学生,而且已经十四岁了,所以他应该是为上理想的大学而积蓄。

38.B主语为人且后边的介词为on,此句采用的是spend money on sth结构。表示此意

时,还可用pay money for sth或use money for sth结构;cost表示花钱之意时,其主语常是物。


40.C fulfilled满足的,此处表示拿到工资时的一种满足感。depressed消沉的,不景气的;energetic精力充沛的;moved感动的。

41.C此句采用的是get+过去分词构成的被动语态,此空中的词修饰动词,应该用程度副词greatly,表示大大地。very也是程度副词,但常用于修饰形容词或副词;great是形容词,可修饰名词;a lot of后边接名词。


43.D比利现在有七十个顾客,但他对这个数字还感到不满足。表示对某事满足时,可用be happy about/with sth结构,也可用be content/contented/satisfied with sth结构。根据空后的介词about可知,应该用形容词happy。

44.C从后边的as possible可看出,此句采用的是as…as结构,又因为customers为可数名词复数,所以此处选many。

45.B如果那样的话,他有可能会获得为杰出的送报员所发的奖项。表示如果是那样/这样的话之意时,常用if so,in that case,in this case这样的表达,而不用if that/this这样的结构。

