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Starter Unit 1 Good morning!

课 题: starter unit 1 学习目标:

1.复习掌握英语字母A(a) – Z(z)的读法和写法,以及他们的名称音。 2.学习掌握语音知识:12个单元音的读法和写法。

3.学习掌握训练本单元的词汇、语法,问候语口语交际。 4.听力训练和练习巩固。


1.英语字母A(a) –Z(z)的读法和写法。 2.本单元词汇、语法和问候语口语交际。



1. adj. 好的;令人满意的 2. n.早晨:上午 3. n.名字 4. interj.(表示问候)喂 5. n.下午 6. n.名单; 列表

7. n.晚上;黄昏 8. adv.怎样;怎么;如何

9. adj.好的 10. interj.& adj.& adv.好;不错 11. interj.& n. 谢谢 12.HB

13.CD 14.BBC 15.hi(同音词) 16.I(同音词) 17.C(同音词) 18.B(同音词) (二)必会短语学习巩固

1.早上好! 2.下午好!

3.晚上好! 4.你(身体)好吗? 5.我(身体)很好,谢谢! (三)熟读下列人名:

(P19) Alice , Bob , Cindy , Dale , Eric ,Frank ,Grace , Helen 口语交际

1. A:Good morning ,Bob! 2. A:Good afternoon , Eric! B:Good morning ,Frank! B:Good afternoon , Helen! 3. A;Good evening ,Dale! B:Good evening ,Alice! 4. A;Good afternoon ,Grace! B:Hi, Cindy! How are you? A;I’m fine , thanks.How are you ? B:I’m Ok.


(一)用正确的笔顺默写出英语字母A(a) –Z(z)的大小写形式。




1.My n is Cindy. (根据首字母填空) 2.G morning, boys and girls . (根据首字母填空) 3.I very well. (用be动词的适当形式填空) 4.You English . (用be动词的适当形式填空)

4.Lucy and Lily sisters.They study at the same school . A.be B.am C.is D.are

5. — How are you today ? — I’m very , thanks. A. good B.well C.nice D.ill

5. — How your father ? — He fine, thank you . A. is ; are B.are ; are C.is ; is D.are ; is 6. — , Eric ! — Good evening , Alice!

A. Good evening B. Good morning C. Good afternoon D. Good night 7. —“Hello,Alice!” —“ , Frank!” A.Morning B.Hi C.Thanks D.OK 8.字母“ ”作为单词时不能小写 。 A.A B.I C.O D.OK

9.I’m fine . (划线提问) you ?

10.艾丽丝的身体好吗? (翻译)



( )1. Good afternoon . A. That’s all right . ( )2. What’s this ? B. Goodbye!

( )3. Who’s your friend? C. I’m fine , thanks. ( )4. Sit down , please . D. Mike is my friend . ( )5. Nice to meet you . E. P-E-N .

( )6. Goodbye! F. Good afternoon . ( )7. Good evening . G. Thank you .


( )8. How are you ? H. Good evening . ( )9. Spell“pen”,please . I. It’s an apple . ( )10.Sorry . J. Nice to meet you , too .

Unit 2 What’s this in English ?

课 题: starter unit1


1.能分清5个元音字母和21个辅音字母,会根据发音给26个字母归类。 2.学习掌握语音知识:8个双元音的读法和写法。

3.学习掌握训练本单元的词汇、语法,询问事物的口语交际。 4.听力训练和练习巩固。


1. 分清5个元音字母和21个辅音字母。 2.本单元词汇、语法和询问事物口语交际。



1. pron.(疑问代词)什么;什么样的人(或物) 2. n.地图

3. n.橙子 4. n.夹克衫 5. n.钥匙 6. n.被子 7. n.直尺

8. interj.(祈使句中用作请求的客套语)请

9.am(复数) 10. v. 拼写;拼字 11. n.英语 12.NBA 13.kg(完全形式和意思)

14.P(完全形式和意思) 15.what is (缩写) 16.it is (缩写) 17.I am (缩写) 18.R(同音词) 19.T(同音词) 20.U(同音词)



A;What’s this in English ? B:It's a ruler . A;Spell it , please .


B:R-U-L-E-R .


(一) 双元音:

(二)划分和记忆5个元音字母和21个辅音字母。 字母分类 字母(大小写) (三)根辅音字母 据发音(21个) 给26个


元音字母 类 (5个) 元音字母 英语字母归类 Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu 其他


1.What’s this in E . (根据首字母填空) 2.Spell it ,p . (根据首字母填空) 3. — What’s this ? — an orange .

A.It’s B.Its C.That’s D.This’s 4.与E发音有相同之处的字母是 .


5. — Excuse me .Do you know how to spell the word “/deim /”? —Sure , .

A.D-A-M ,dam B.D-A-M-E , dame C. .D-O-M ,dom D. D-O-M-E , dome 6. — What’s this English ? — It’s an English-Chinese dictionary . A.at B.in C.on D.of 7.字母“q”和“ ”含有一个相同的元音因素。 A.y B.i C.a D.w

8.下列字母全是元音字母的一组是 。

A.a,i,y B.e,i,y C.y,o,u D.a,i,w 9.下列含有字母“i”读音的字母是 。 A.a B.r C.y D.e

10.This is a jacket in English . (划线提问) in English ?

11.What is this? — .


A.This is “F” B.That is “F”

C.This is a “F” D.It’an “F”


每空填上一个适当的词,完成对话。 A: name ,please? B:My name Alice. you?

A: name is Marco. you? B:I fine. you.And you? A:I’m fine, .Thank you .

Starter Unit 3What color is it?



3.学习掌握训练本单元的词汇、语法,询问事物和颜色的口语交际。 4.听力训练和练习巩固。





1. n. 色;颜色 2. adj.红(色)的 3. adj.红(色)

4. adj.黄(色)的 5. adj.绿(色)的 6. adj.蓝(色)的7. adj.黑

(色)的 8. adj.白(色)的9. conj.和;又而且 10.一个橙色的橘子 11.WTO 12.PRC

13.UFO 14.CCTV 15.UN 16.this(对应词) 17.hi(近义词) 18.thank(复数) 口语交际:

A;What’s this in English ? B:It's a key . A;Spell it , please . B:K-E-Y . A:What color is it ? B:It’s yellow .




1.n. 绿色是一种颜色。 2.v. Color the picture red . 第5页


The dog is black and white . is the dog ? (三)thanks的用法

1. interj.& n. Thanks for your help . 2. Thanks .= . 谢谢。

Thanks a lot .= . 非常感谢。 (四)good 和fine的辨析

1.good adj.好的;令人满意的 “人的品质好” 或 “东西的质量好” 2.fine adj.好的 “身体健康”,“天气晴朗” 或“质量精细” (1)— How are you ? — ,thank you .

(2)You are a student .

(3) Today is ,but tomorrow is rainy . (4) Milk is for you .


1.The cat is black and w . (根据首字母填空) 2. —Your jacket is beautiful . — .

A.That’t OK B.Yes , it is . C.Thank you D.Sorry

3. — Is that Mary ? — Right.She’s nice and I like very much . A.herself B.her C.hers D.she 4. — Your speech is really wonderful?! — .

A.Yes, thanks B.Thank you C.That’s right D.OK 5. — Sit down ,please . — .

A.Fine B.Good morning C.How are you? D.Thanks . 6.I want to it green.

A.colors B.what color C.color D.the color 7.— Nice to meet you . — .

A.Nice to meet you , too . B.Thank you . C.Thanks . D.How do you do? 8.Yao Ming is one of the players in the .

A.WTO B.BBC C.NBA D.CCTV 10.The quilt is red ? (划线提问) is the quilt ?


12.It’s orange. It’s yellow orange.

A.a;an B.an;a C.a;the D.an;the 13.选出含有字母的读音的一项

A.Jj;Kk B.Dd;Ll C.Hh;Nn D.Kk;Oo


每空填上一个适当的词,完成对话。 A:Good morning , Lucy .

B: morning , Linda. A:What this Enlish? B:It’s apple . A:What is it ? B:It’s (红色).

A:What these in English ?


B: are bananas .

A:What color they . B:They are yellow.

A:Oh , I want them .(用eat填空)

Unit1 My name’s Gina

课 时:第1课时

学习目标:1. 掌握简单的问候语,并能自我介绍,初步培养用英语进行交际的能力。


学习重点:what’s your name 句型的用运 [课前尝试]I、写出缩写形式

1. what is ______ 2. she is ______ 3. I am _______ 4. my name is ______ 5. it is _ _ II、根据句子意思,每空填一个英语单词

1. What’s your n______? My name is Mary. 2. I’m Gina. Nice t______ meet you. 3. His name i_____ Tony. 4. Hello, I a_______ Jenny. 5. Is his n______ Dave?


1 2 3


【 例1】— your name, please? —My name is .

A. What’s, Jim Green B. Who’s, Jim Green C. What’s, Green Jim D. Who’s, Green Jim

精析 What’s your name, please?询问对方的姓名,回答时用My name is?英语国家人的姓名结构顺序


【例2】You a teacher. I a student. My sister a student, too.

A. am; is; are B. is; are; am C. are; am; is D. are; is; is

精析 动词be在一般现在时中根据不同的人称有不同的形式,在本题中,You与are连用,I与am连用,

My sister为第三人称单数,应与is连用。 答案 ______

【例3】This is Miss Gao. She your new teacher.

A. be B. am C. is D. are

精析 这一题考查be动词am, is, are的用法,am与I连用,is与第三人称单数主语连用,are与其他




( )1.I am __________.I am an American boy.

A. Gina King B. King Gina C. Tom King D. King Tom ( )2. _______ is Mary Zhang . _______ father is a teacher.

A. She; Her B. He ; His C. She ; His D. He ; Her ( )3. David,_______ is John . ______ is David.

A. he ; he B. he; this C. this ; he D. this ; this

( )4. My brother ________ John . Our family name _________ Martin.

A. is ;is B. is; are C. are; is D.are; are ( )5. -_________ her name? - _______ Lily.

A. Who’s ; She B. Who’s ; Her name C. What’s ; She’s D. What; Her name is 根据汉语提示完成句子。 1.我的名字叫Gina。

___________ name ____________ Gina. 1.他的名字叫Tom。

____________name __________ Tom. 2.她的名字叫 Mary。

___________ name __________ Mary. 3.我是吉姆,他是Ben。

___________ Jim ___________ is Ben. 4.你叫什么名字?

________________ your name?



Unit1 My name’s Gina

课 时:第2课时

学习目标:1.掌握简单的问候语,并能自我介绍,初步培养用英语进行交际的能力。2 what引导的特殊


学习重点:what’s your name 句型的用运


1. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. _________is Chinese. (his)

2. This is Mark._________book is here. (he) 3. That's Lisa._________pencil is old. (she) 4. _________is my English teacher. (her) 5. Is that_________backpack, Jones? (you) 6. My __________(one) name is Jim.

7. My friends__________ (be) Tom and Jim 2. 翻译


8. Her first name's Kenji. (对划线部分提问) ___________ ___________her first name? 9. My new friend is Tony. (变一般疑问句) ___________Tony___________ new friend?

10. My first name is Gina. My last name is Jones. (并为一句) My full name___________ ___________ ___________. 11. Jenny is my new friend. (变为同义句)

Jenny and___________ ___________new friends. 12. My last name is Green. (变为同义句) ___________ ___________my___________name.



2 3



adj. ﹠ adv. 第一,最初,最先 n. 最初,当初

【考点】at first sight 一见之下,乍看来:At first sight the problem seemed easy. 这问题乍看起

来很容易。First of all 首先,第一:First of all, I must check the number. 首先我必须检查那号码。From first to last 从头到尾。at first 起初,开始时。 【引申】同义词:earliest, highest, leading; 反义词:final, last。The First Lady 总统夫人;first

name 名字(与姓相对);first – aid 急救的;first cost (商)最初成本


1. What's the boy's name? (Bill) ____________________________ 2. What's the girl's name? (Amy) ____________________________ 3. What's Karen Suarez's first name? ____________________________

根据所给内容,完成下列对话。(每空一词) 1. A: Hello, what's________________? B: ________________Tony Black. A: What's________________name? B: Black.

2. A: Hello, I'm your teacher, Miss Wang.

B: Good morning, Miss Wang.________________Wang Fang. A: Can you______________, please? B: Yes, W-A-N-G, Wang, F-A-N-G, Fang. A: ______________you, sit down, please.


3. A: What's this?

B: It's a book. Look!______________is a nice picture. A: What______________is it?

B: Red______________blue. I like the colors. A: Me too.

A: No, it isn't. It's Tony's book.



Unit1 My name’s Gina

课 时:第3课时



1. This is my grandmother. (改否定句)

2. His telephone number is 535-2375. (改一般疑问句) 3. It's his backpack. (改一般疑问句)

4. That's a pencil in English. (对划线部分提问)

5. That boy's name is Jeff . (对划线部分提问)

[通过预习提出问题与困惑] 1

2 3


1. 动词be的现在时态

动词be就是我们所学过的am, is ,are的动词原形。如何使用这三种形式要取决于主语。当主语是第一人称I(我)时,用am, 缩写为I’m;主语是第二人称you(你)或复数时,用are, 缩写为you’re,主语是第三人称it/she/he(它/她/他)或名词及代词的单数时,用is, 缩写为it’s/she’s/he’s。如: ①I am(I’m) Liu Ying. 我是刘英。 ②You are(You’re)Lin Tao. 你是林涛。 ③It is(It’s)3344278.


