
更新时间:2023-11-14 04:32:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载






An after-school club can benefit your children. It encourages them to make new friends and deal with __l__ environments. It also gives them a chance to get on well with other children who are __2__ in the same things. At Seven Oaks Middle School, Daniela Carrera was searching for a __3__ to join. There was a dance club, an exercise club, and a(n) __4__ club that found creative ways to raise money for other people. Daniela didn't know which to __5__.

Then Daniela’s friend Ciara told her about the action club's new project purpose this year. At first, Daniela was__6__. \电子 游戏控制板)?\

\would be a special kind of console that plays __7__ games. The games help people who need to exercise and move8around but can't get to a gym or exercise outdoors __8__,\replied. And they decided to go to the club meeting the next day.

At the meeting, Mr Washington, the club's advisor, __9__ to Daniela and the others how the health video games help __10__ people to move more. He described how the__11__ can even help distract (使分心) people who suffer from pain. That was all Daniela needed to hear. After she __12__ to join the club, she asked,\

\抽彩) tickets. With the money we __13__, we'll buy two video game consoles. We’ll give one to the __14__ of the raffle. We'll give the other console to the nursing home,\

\l. A. special 2. A. delighted

B. interesting

C. new

D. old D. friendly

B. beneficial C. interested

3. A. club 4. A, music 5. A. choose 6. A. certain

B. party B. action B. buy B. afraid B. sports B. safely

C. class C. painting C. produce C. unsure C. online

D. school D. health D. sell D. careful D. adventure D. luckily D. shouted D. suppose D. dances D. forgot D. raise D. winner D. raffles

7. A. computer 8. A. actively

C. dangerously C. came

9. A. explained 10. A. persuade 11. A. consoles 12. A. refused 13. A. waste

B. complained B. permit B. activities B. waited

C. encourage C. gyms C. agreed C. save C. loser C. tickets

B. spend B. advisor B. projects

14. A. nurse 15. A. videos



At present, in some primary schools there is a new \If parents pay extra money, their children will be treated as VIPs. Unlike the students__16__ study in the small classrooms __17__( contain) fifty to sixty children, they are taught by the best teachers in big and __18__ (comfort) classrooms with air conditioners and televisions. __19__new \worries a lot of parents because they don't know how to deal with this situation.__20__ they don't pay extra money, they worry whether their children will be looked down on or fall behind. If they do, they think it's another burden for their family.

I think it is unfair to most of the pupils since only a small number of families can afford to send __21__ children to such kind of class. It's__22__ the education law for schools to receive extra fees and treat pupils__23__ (different). At school, pupils should __24__(treat) equally and

then they can live a happy school life. So the government should take some measures to stop this __25__ (behave) as soon as possible.





Ming was on his way to school one morning, when he stopped to look up at the cloudless blue sky beyond the Bubble(保护罩). it was another beautiful day. Ming took a deep breath. The air smelled fresh and sweet. The bread truck must have just passed by, Ming thought.

Suddenly, Ming noticed something unusual. In a little patch (小块土地) of dirt in the empty field near the store that sold clean water, a small green post came up out of the ground. Ming walked over to it for a closer look. The post was about a foot tall, with four or five green flaps (薄片) hanging on it.

Ming remembered the whole video he had watched in the history class a few weeks earlier. It was called The End of Green. The video explained that things called plants once grew on Earth. The video stated that plants can balance the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air. Scientists had tried to create new technologies for cleaning the air and turning carbon dioxide into oxygen. All life on the planet had been nearly destroyed! People had built the Bubble to provide a: environment in which everything could survive. This had been a difficult time in human history. One of the plants in the video was called a tree. It looked just like this post, only thicker and taller. It also had a lot more flaps, which were called leaves, Ming remembered. “It's a baby tree,” Ming whispered, reaching out carefully to touch it. \26. When does the story take place? A. In the distant past. B. In the recent past.

C. At present.

D. In the future.

27. Where does the story take place? A. In a town called Green. B. On a spaceship.

C. In the Bubble. D. Near a forest.

28. Which of the following is NOT a lesson in the story? A. Nobody cares about plants.

B. Technology causes and solves problems. C. Plants, like people, find a way to survive. D. Human actions have changed Earth forever. 29. The main idea of the passage is that________. A. science is terrifying B. nature is valuable C. humans are creative D. the sky is beautiful

30. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage? A. New green B. The end of green C. New technology D. On the way to school


A smilodon (剑齿虎) was the largest knife-toothed cat. It was a fierce animal about 4-5 feet long and 3 feet tall. It weighed about 200 kg. It was a bit smaller than a modern-day lion, but much heavier. It first appeared about l.6 million years ago. This kind of cat went extinct about 11,000 years ago.

Although the smilodon was also known as a similar tiger in the past, it was not a close relative of the modem tiger. The more scientists study the two big cats, the more differences they find. Tigers travel by themselves and run fast while running after their prey(猎物). The smilodon, on the other hand, probably lived in packs(群). With a much shorter tail than that of today's tiger, the smilodon did not have the balance to run at top speeds. It probably caught its prey by hiding quietly. until an animal 'came near. Then, the smilodon would surprise its prey.

Another main difference between today's tiger and the smilodon is the size of their teeth. It was known as a smilodon because of two large teeth that grew in its upper jaw (上颌). These teeth grew up to seven inches long and were surprisingly easily broken. The smilodon probably used the teeth to bite into soft parts of its prey’s body, such as its stomach. A modern tiger’s teeth are much smaller, but they are stronger.

The smilodon lived in North and South America from about two million years ago until about ten thousand years ago. Tigers, of course, still exist today and live in eastern and southeastern Asia. No one knows for sure whether the smilodon became extinct because of loss of habitat or human activities.

31. What does the author tell us in Paragraph l? A. A smilodon was the largest cat in the world. B. A smilodon was much bigger than a modem-day lion. C. Smilodons have lived on the earth for about 1.6 million years. D. There were smilodons on the earth about 11,000 years ago. 32. We can learn from Paragraph 3 that _______. A. today's tigers have shorter tails B. smilodons hunted for prey passively C. a smilodon liked traveling and hunting alone D. smilodons easily fell down while running very fast

33. According to the passage, one difference between the smilodon and the tiger is _______.

