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备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 1 课时 总第 1 课时 课题 Unit 1 Our school subjects 学习目标 重点难点 1.能初步听懂、会说、会读单词:timetable,PE,Science,fun, playground 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school,subject,see, Chinese,Maths,Art, Music 3.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:Welcome back to school.;Nice to see you.;What subjects do you like?以及回答I like?; 1.能初步听懂、会说、会读单词:timetable,PE,Science,fun,playground 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school,subject,see, Chinese,Maths,Art, Music 3.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:Welcome back to school.;Nice to see you.;What subjects do you like?以及回答I like?; 流程 学 习 内 容 Enjoy a rhyme:Let’s learn (学生二年级学过这首小诗,通过课前欣赏,激起学生记忆里的知识: We learn Maths, one, two, three. We learn English, Aa, Bb, Cc. We learn Music , Do, re, mi. We learn Art, draw you and me.) Step 1 Greeting and free talk 1.Greeting T:Good morning, boys and girls. S:Good morning, Miss Zhang. T:How are you? S:I’m fine, well,good? 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 T:Nice to see you. 出示句子:Nice to see you. 提示学生回答:Nice to see you too. 渗透本课的教学目标3 出示句子:Welcome back to school. 语音渗透:bag chicken back (Welcome to的句型学生在三年级中Welcome to Toy Museum中接触过了,因此难度有所降低) T:We are learning English now. 出示单词:English,并且教读 What subject is it? It’s English. 出示subject,并且教读 T:Today we’ll talk about our subjects. 出示课题:Unit 1 Our school subjects 2.Free talk T:Where are you now? S: We are/I’m at school. (出示We are/I’m at?,提示学生用at) 出示学校图片:our school T:We’re at school. This is our school. 读词组:our school T:Do you like our school? S:Yes, I do./No, I don’t. T:Welcome back to school. Step 2 Presentation 1.Watch and answer 句型新授:What subjects?? 出示课文插图 这一部分教学内容: 单词新授:timetable,English, Chinese, Maths, Art, PE, Music, science T:Can you find them out? 学生翻单词板A: Art T:What subject is it? S:It’s Art. 出示单词 Art. 同法教授单词: Chinese Science Maths mango Music Toy Museum 小组讨论与 交流展示 T:This is Miss Li. Here’s a timetable. 出示单词,并且板书:timetable 课程表,时间表 time+table+=timetable Timetable English A M2 C P M1 S 黑板出示翻板 What subjects do they have? They have English? 看动画,寻找问题的答案 在黑板上的翻板上翻,并且学习新单词 例如: car bar market park /a:/ T:What subjects do they have? S:They have English and Art. T:Good. Who can try now? What subject is it? P:PE S:It’s PE. T:What subjects do they have? S:They have English, Art and PE. 总结:T: Can you read them? 拼读单词:English, Chinese, Maths, Art, PE, Music, science T:They are all subjects.What subjects do they have? S:They have? 1.Watch and read A、师展示cards,review new words. B、Read together. C、Read in groups. 2.完成描红本上的单词描红. Step 4 Homework 一:Copy the new words four times 质疑拓展 检测与 小结 教学反思 二:翻译句子 1. 欢迎回到学校。你们的课程表在哪里? 2. 你喜欢什么课? 我喜欢音乐和科学。它有趣。 学生能够熟练掌握所学单词,并能听、说、做Let’s do。但是还要加强动词water、read、eat、hand in、play的读音。 备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 2 课时 总第 2 课时 课题 Unit 1 Our school subjects 学习目标 重点难点 1.能初步听懂、会说、会读单词:timetable,PE,Science,fun, playground 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school,subject,see, Chinese,Maths,Art, Music 3.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:Welcome back to school.;Nice to see you.;What subjects do you like?以及回答I like?; 1.能初步听懂、会说、会读单词:timetable,PE,Science,fun,playground 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school,subject,see, Chinese,Maths,Art, Music 3.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:Welcome back to school.;Nice to see you.;What subjects do you like?以及回答I like?; 流程 学 习 内 容 Step 1 Greeting and free talk 1.Greeting T:Good morning, boys and girls. S:Good morning, Miss Zhang. T:How are you? S:I’m fine, well,good? 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 听录音,完成问题的回答提示内容 T:Nice to see you. S:Nice to see you,too. 2.Free talk T:Can you answer T:Where are you now? S: We are/I’m at school. the question now? T:What subjects do you like? S: I like... Step 2 Presentation 学生回答问题,并1.Listen and choose 且全班读句子,加教授内容: 深对新知的印象 单词新授:fun 教读新词:fun 乐句型新授:What subjects do you like? I like? 趣,快乐 un under What subjects do I like? uncle fun You like? 3.Read and answer What about me? 4.T:What about You like? It’s? Mike?What 出示learning tip:Underline the sentences. subjects does he 你是怎么知道的?请把线索用直线划出来。 like? 给学生时间自读课文,找出问题的答案 What subject is Please read Story time by yourself.And try to underline the it now? sentences. Me too. It’s time for PE. Mike likes Chinese and Maths. It’s PE now. 小组讨论与 交流展示 T:Good.The students are going to the playground now. 出示单词,并且拼读:playground Let’s go to the playground. T:I can say:Let’s go to the playground. What can you say? Let’s go to the zoo/park/? We can :play basketball/football? 3.Read after the tape 跟录音朗读,并且强调语音语调 T:Now let’s try to read after the tape. 逐句跟读,注意语音语调。 以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。 T:Now,show your beautiful voice to your partners .You can read in roles read after one read together and so on?Let’s go! Let’s act T:Please stop reading.It’s show time now.Let’s dub for the cartoon.Who want to be?Let’s begin. 两组分角色 全班分角色 Step 3 Consolidation 1.看图完成课文句子填空 3.Read after the tape 跟录音朗读,并且强调语音语调 T:Now let’s try to read after the tape. 逐句跟读,注意语音语调。 以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。 例如: ? 质疑拓展 Check the answers. 2.Do a survey Finish it in groups (1) Finish your timetable 把学生的课表中本课的新单词空着,让学生完成课程表。 (2)Ask and answer What subjects do you like? I like? (2) Finish your timetable 把学生的课表中本课的新单词空着,让学生完成课程表。 (2)Ask and answer 检测与 小结 Step 4 Homework Recite Story time Copy the new words four times 学生能听懂、会说Let’s talk,并能再实际情景中进行^对面。但还要教学反思 加强对How many students are there in your classroom?的读音,这是发音难点。 备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 3 课时 总第 3 课时 课题 Unit 1 Our school subjects 学习目标 重点难点 流程 学 习 内 容 Step 1 Greeting and free talk 2.Free talk T:Where are you now? S:We’re in class. T:I have a book.What do you have? S:I have? T:Do you have any?? S:Yes,I do./No, I don’t. T:How many?do you have? T:I like dogs.What do you like? S:I like? Step 2 Warm up 1.单词复习(提醒学生注意学科首字母大写) 游戏:一句话 游戏规则:用一句话来描述,让其他学生来猜是什么学科。 例如: I’m Mike. I can play basketball in class. It’s ( PE ). I like it very much./It’s fun. 2.Story time 出示课题,读课题。 T:Let’s open the books ,and turn to Unit 1. T: Now, let’s try to read it again. 1)Read after the tape 注意语音语调的纠正 (2)Read together (3)Act it. 让学生脱离书本,配上自己动作和表情把书本的对话分角色表演出来。 1.能听懂、会说、会读单词:timetable,PE,Science,fun, playground 2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school,subject,see, Chinese,Maths,Art, Music 3.能听懂、会说、会读句型:What subjects do you like?以及回答I like? 4.能初步理解句型:What lessons do we have?及回答We have? 1.能初步理解句型:What lessons do we have?及回答We have? 2.能听懂、会说、会读句型:What subjects do you like?以及回答I like? 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 1.Greeting T:Good morning,class. S:Good morning,Miss Meng. T:What subjects do you have? S:We have? T:What subjects do you like? S:I like? T:What about ?? (通过free talk 环节复习与本课相关的句型,为接下来的学习做好铺垫)

小组讨论与 交流展示 Step 3 Fun time T:You know more about subjects now.Can you ask your friends?Try to finish Fun time. 1.Finish the form in class. S1:What subjects do you like? S2:I like English and Art. 2.Check it.----Ask and answer (通过这一部分的问答练习,帮助学生再次复习单词及句型,达到本课的教学目标1、2、3) Step 4 Cartoon 2.True or false. 小组活动:小组一起阅读,判断对错,在对话中划出线索。 T:Now, you can read in groups ,and try to judge the sentences.You can underline the sentences. (1)Billy likes Music. 对:I like Music. (2)They have PE and Chinese this afternoon. 错:What lessons do we have this afternoon,Sam? We have PE and Science. (3)Sam doesn’t like PE.错:I like PE.It’s fun. 3.理解文中最后一句话 But I don’t like that. 3.理解课文 逐图讲解,出示课文图片 (1)理解词组this morning, this afternoon, this evening (2)渗透lesson 和subject的区别 Step 5 Consolidation 1.让学生讨论自己班级的星期一课程表 例句:Look at our timetable. What subjects do you like? I like? What lessons do you have this morning/afternoon? Step 6 Homework 背诵Cartoon time 分层作业: 1. 完成课时练习的所有题目 2.完成课时练习的翻译词组、选择题目 1.Watch the cartoon. T:Well done.Let’s have a rest.It’s time for cartoon. What lessons do Bobby and Billy have on Monday? 教读单词:lesson 教读单词:Monday monkey day ----Monday 星期一 on Monday Answer:They have Music and Maths. 4.Read---- Cartoon time (1)Read after the tape注意语音语调(2)Read by yourself (3)角色扮演 We have? It’s fun. 质疑拓展 检测与 小结 教学 鼓励学生书写并记忆单词的同时,一定注意强调将中文意思一同记忆,否则记住英文拼写,而不知其意,同样达不到学以致用的目的。 反思

备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 4 课时 总第 4 课时 课题 Unit 1 Our school subjects 学习目标 重点难点 流程 学 习 内 容 教学过程 Step 1 Greeting and free talk 1.Greeting T:Good morning,class. S:Good morning,Miss Zhang. 2.Say a rhyme 1.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school,subject,see, Chinese,Maths,Art, Music,timetable,PE,Science,fun, playground 2.能能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:What subjects do you like?以及回答I like?;What lessons do we have?及回答We have? 1.能总结归纳Aa的发音/ei/ 2.能会读小诗:Subjects 补充与调整 Let’s learn 3.Free talk T:What subjects do you have? S:We have? T:What subjects do you like? S:I like? T:What about ?? T:What lessons do you have this morning /afternoon? S:We have? Step 2 Reading time 自 学 预 习 1.Story time 2.Cartoon time 注意语音语调,要求学生尽量背诵 小组讨论与 交流展示 Step 3 Sound time 1.Magic eyes 游戏规则:快速闪现单词,词组 Chinese,English, Science, Art,like Music, have Maths and PE,don’t skate, make a cake 出示词组don’t skate, make a cake skate,make,cake 让学生读单词,体会字母Aa的发音/ei/ T:I can say /ei/,/ei/,cake. What can you say? 让学生归纳以前所学单词中字母Aa的发音/ei/ T:How to read this word? 出示Kate /keit/ 2.Sound time T:I have a rhyme for you. Kate,Kate,don’t skate. Come and make a cake. 注意语音语调,以及节奏 Step 4 Rhyme time 1.Enjoy a rhyme 2.Fill in the blanks Music,Music, they like Music. Chinese, Chinese, you like Chinese. English,English, we all like English. 3.Make a new rhyme 小组活动,创作一个新的小诗 Learning tip:Change some words of the rhyme. See page 58 . 质疑拓展 检测与 小结 Step 5 Consolidation 完成课时练习。 Step 6 Homework 完成练习册。 学生能熟练掌握Read and write。但还要加强英语句子的书写,掌握书教学反思

写句子的三个要点以及英译汉要加标点符号。 备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 1 课时 总第 5 课时 课题 Unit 2 After school 1.能初步听懂、会说、会读单词及词组:today, go and?, come and ?, a football match; 学习目标 重点难点 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:Monday, Wednesday, Saturday . 3.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:I have?;He/She has?;We don’t have?;What day is it today?及回答It’s?;What a pity!;All right。 1.能初步听懂、会说、会读单词及词组:today, go and?, come and ?, a football match; Monday, Wednesday, Saturday . 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:I have?;He/She has?;We don’t have?;What day is it today?及回答It’s?;What a pity!;All right。 流程 学 习 内 容 Step One: Warming up 1. Greetings. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Xu. T: How are you? Ss: I’m fine, thank you. T: Nice to see you. Ss:Nice to see you too. 2. Rhyme time----Subjects 3. Play a game----Fast response(快速反应,举一反三) 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 (1)快速出现单词: 例如:Maths: Music, English, PE? park:home, school, market, snack bar? eat: drink, run, shout, swim, jump, skate? (2)快速出示词组: 例如:play football: play? 4. Free talk T: What do you have?S: I have? T: What do you like?S: I like? 出示课程表。 T: This is our time table. What subjects do you have?S: We have? T: What subjects do you like?S: I like?I can?/ It’s interesting. Step Two: Presentation 1. 教授单词:Monday 教授句型:What day is it? It’s? 提示学生lessons课 2. Story time Learning tips:出示Monday缩写MON MON=Monday Learning tip:第三人称单数后使用动词的第三人称单数形式。 a.教读单词match 比赛 b.教读单词swimming 游泳 名词 c.变成句子,把have 变成has Monday-MON Saturday- SAT 小组讨论与 交流展示 (1)引出课题Unit 2 After school 引出课题Unit 2 After school,并且板书以及教读。教读after出示afternoon-after 在??之后after school 放学后 (2)Watch and answer T(出示问题):Good. What day is it today?教授单词today今天 播放动画A: What day is it today?S: It’s Wednesday. (3)Read and match. 自读课文,并且连线。 Mike have a swimming lesson Su Hai have a football match on Wednesday. Su Yang have a swimming lesson Step Three: Consolidation 1. Read after the tape 跟录音朗读,并且强调语音语调T:Now let’s try to read after the Wednesday -WED tape.逐句跟读,注意语音语调。以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读We don’t have some lessons on 质疑拓展 一读课文。 2.T:Now, show your beautiful voice to your partners .You can read Saturday. 看图in roles read after one read together and so on?Let’s go! Let’s act 两组分角色 全班分角色 3. Retella. Fill in the blanks. b. Read it together. Step Four: Do the exercise. Step Five: Homework 说句子。 He has? She has? 检测与 小结 1.放学后我去打篮球。 2.她有许多的好书。3.我们在星期六没有课。 ? a. Copy the phrases: after school, go and play table tennis, what day have a football match ? b.翻译句子 c. Recite Story time. 本单元的主要话题是“谈论课外活动”。重点内容是一周七天的名称以及与如何谈论课后活动教学反思 的相关句型。在教学中,我引导学生根据实际情况,谈论自己某一天的课后活动安排,并适当结合第一单元的语言知识。在教学中应该与学生之间的对话练习为主,辅以适当的练习题

备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 2 课时 总第 6 课时 课题 Unit 2 After school 1.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:I have?;He/She has?;What day is it today?及回学习目标 重点难点 答It’s?; 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:What lessons do you have?以及回答I have? 3.初步会唱歌曲:Days of the week. 1.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:I have?;He/She has?;What day is it today?及回答It’s?; 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:What lessons do you have?以及回答I have? 流程 学 习 内 容 Step One: Warming up 1.Greetings. T: Good morning, class Ss: Good morning, Miss Xu 2. Say rhymes and read Story time (1)Let’s learn (2)Subjects (3)Story time T: Can you say any rhymes about subjects. 补充与调整 3. Timetable T: What’s this? S: It’s our timetable. T: What subjects do you have? S: We have? T: What subjects do you like?S: I like?I It’s interesting. T:We can? 自 学 预 习 Step Two: Presentation 1.教授What lessons do you have?以及回答I have? T: Good. On different days, we have some different lessons. 出示单词lesson-lessons 课(强调课程,某一节课) T: Now, let’s continue to look at the timetable. What day is it today? (指着星期一)S: It’s Monday. T: What lessons do you have?S: I have? Work in pairs.(Wednesday) 出示范例: A: What day is it today? B: It’s? A: What lessons do you have? B: I have?2.教授单词Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Play a game:根据课猜星期几 先猜星期一和星期三的课,接着讨论星期二的课。 have?What day is it?S: It’s? 教授Tuesday,并且板书(同法教授ThursdayFriday) 和 T: We don’t have any lessons on Saturday and?S: Sunday 教授Sunday, 并且板书:sun 太阳-日 Sunday 星期日-SUN 教师领读单词,或者学生领读,加深学生对单词的记忆。 S1: What day is it today? 小组讨论与 交流展示 T:Let’s read them together 3. Fun time----Play a game T: Look, here’s a big timetable. Let’s play the game now. 示范: T: What day is it today? S: It’s Monday. T: What lessons do you have? S: I have Chinese and Maths S2: It’s? S1: What lessons T: Now, please talk about the timetable with your partners. do you have? 小组活动,讨论转盘上的每一天。 S2: I have? 老师点鼠标,学生喊:Stop.男女生问答。 4. Song time----Days of the week T: There are seven days on the timetable. Let’s read them together. 再次读单词,为接下来的歌曲学习打好基础。 (1) 欣赏歌曲,让学生掌握基本曲调 (2) 个别歌词教学:That 质疑拓展 T:It’s a week. 出示单词week 星期 Sunday is the first day of a week. Saturday is the last day of a week. T: How many days are there in a week? S: There are? T: You did a good job. Let’s enjoy a song now. The song’s name is Days of the week. Show time(这首歌曲里也有第三人称单数形式:makes) Step Three: Consolidation makes a week. (3) 集体唱,小组唱 Step Homework Four: 检测与 小结 1.归纳曾经出现的第三人称单数形式: looks, makes? 2.练习与测试: 注意听力题的完成,笔试题目要求学生独立完成,个别难题在学生做完后进行讲解。 1. 完成练习与测试。 2. Recite Fun time and song time after class. 本单元呈现的场景是在放学后,Liu Tao 想找同学一起打乒乓球,但是同学们都有自己的课教学反思 外活动,最后Liu Tao 和Su Hai 约定周六一起去打乒乓球。在教学中,我利用图片、转盘游戏等形式让他们说一说、做一做、猜一猜,有利于学生进行实际交流与练习。这些游戏并不花哨,很实用,紧贴课本内容,提高了学生的学习兴趣,增强了学习的效果。 备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 3 课时 总第 7 课时 课题 Unit 2 After school 1.能初步地听懂、会说、会读、会写词组:every day 学习目标 重点难点 2.能初步地听懂、会说、会读、会写词组:get up 3.能初步地听懂、会说、会读句型:When do you??及回答I?at? 4.能明白Cartoon time的幽默之处。 1.能初步地听懂、会说、会读、会写词组:every day 2.能初步地听懂、会说、会读、会写词组:get up 3.能初步地听懂、会说、会读句型:When do you??及回答I?at? 流程 学 习 内 容 Step One: Warming up 1. Greetings. T: Good morning, class Ss: Good morning, Miss Xu 2. Free talk T: What subjects do you have? S: We have? 补充与调整 Happy time 教师出示一个大T: What subjects do you like?S: I like?I can? It’s interesting. 转盘,让学生选择T: How many days are there in a week? S: Seven. 数字。每个数字后自 学 预 习 T: What are they? S: They’re? T: What lessons do you have on?? S: I/We have? T: Do you go to school on Saturday and Sunday? 面都有相应的任务,完成好的学生能得到奖励卡。 S: No, I/We don’t. I/We don’t have any lessons on Saturday and 3. Sing a song: Sunday. Days of the week Step Two: Presentation 1. Say a rhyme: Let’s learn We learn Maths, one two three.? 2. Say a rhyme: Subjects Music, Mucic, they like Music.? 4.Reading time:Story time T: Who can read it? 小组分角色扮演 a. Read after the tape 注意语音语调的纠正。 b. Read together 注意曲调,和makes的发音,让学生注意“s” 根据不同的难度(读、演、背)作出不同的奖励。 c. Act it. 让学生脱离书本,配上自己动作和表情把书本的对话分角色表演出来。 T: Who can recite it? T:小组讨论与 交流展示 What’s this? S: It’s a chicken. T: Yes, we can call him Mr Chicken. T: This is our old friend, Bobby. 5. Cartoon time——Watch and answer When do they get up every day? 出示句子,并且教读。when = what time 什么时候 every day 每天 every+单数 每个?T:We can say? 根据中文翻译: 每所学校,每个鸡蛋,每个女孩? T: Let’s watch the cartoon and try to do it. 出示句子,看动画:提示学生用第一人称完成句 小组活动:小组一起阅读,判断对错,在对话中划出线索。 Wrong: It’s Saturday today. I don’t have any lessons. 7. Reading time a. Read after the tape注意语音语调。 b. Read by yourself 8. Show time角色扮演。 I get up at? every day I get up at six every day 6. True or false : I have some today. lessons 质疑拓展 9.根据图片说出句子。 T:You are Su Yang now. You can describe it by this way. 出示句型:I? at?,并且板书at+时间 在??点 例句:I go to school at seven o’clock. I get up at six o’clock. 10.说出幽默点。 教育:合理安排自己的时间。 Step Three: Consolidation Step Homework Four: 检测与 小结 1. Work in pairs A:What day is it today?B: It’s? A: When do you?every day?B: I?at? A: What lessons do you have on??B: I have? 1.完成练习与测试上的部分练习题。 A: What subjects do you like?B: I like? I can?It’s interesting. 2.背诵Cartoon time。 2.做练习与测试。 在教学中,我利用图片、转盘游戏等形式让他们说一说、做一做、猜一猜,有利于学生进行实际交流与练习。教学反思 这些游戏并不花哨,很实用,紧贴课本内容,提高了学生的学习兴趣,增强了学习的效果。Cartoon time 呈现的是小老鼠Bobby 在上学路上遇见公鸡先生,然后发现当天是星期六,不用上学。 备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 4 课时 总第 8 课时 课题 Unit 2 After school 1.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:I have?;He/She has?;What day is it today?及回学习目标 重点难点 答It’s?; 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:What lessons do you have?以及回答I have? 3.能总结归纳字母A a的发音/ ?/并完成Checkout time的练习。 1.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:I have?;He/She has?;What day is it today?及回答It’s?; 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:What lessons do you have?以及回答I have? 3.能总结归纳字母A a的发音/ ?/。 流程 学 习 内 容 Step One: Warming up 1. Greetings. T: Good morning, class Ss: Good morning, Miss Xu 2. Free talk and work in pairs A:What day is it today? 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 B: It’s? A: When do you?every day? B: I?at? A: What lessons do you have on?? B: I have? A: What subjects do you like? B: I like? I can?It’s interesting. Step Two: Revision. 1. Story time 2. Cartoon time 注意语音语调,要求学生尽量背诵。

