2019大一轮高考总复习英语北师大版习题:Unit 12 Culture Shock必修四随堂演练 含答案 精品

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必修四 Unit 12


1.The majority(major)of the young people in the village have visited the Great Wall. 2.He was present at the party at the request(request)of his manager. 3.The student was so absorbed(absorb)in the book that he didn’t hear the bell. 4.What happened in the factory is being whispered(whisper)about in the neighborhood. 5.She likes indicating(indicate)the direction by pointing with her finger. 6.They exchanged(exchange)things according to the cost of production in the old days. 7.A gentleman with good manners(manner)will be respected by others. 8.Last year he visited the high school attached(attach)to Anhui Normal University. 9.He passed all the examinations and was to be one of its members formally(formal). 10.It is very important for modern children to accept normal education(educate). 11.I avoid meeting(meet)him,because I don’t like him. 12.I can’t afford to buy(buy)the car. 13.I didn’t mean to hurt(hurt)you. 14.The man speaking(speak)to our headteacher is Tom’s father. Ⅱ.单句改错

1. I really hope that the boy can soon be used to live in the mountain village after he gets there.live→living 2.A majority of the water we use every day are groundwater.are→is 3.I owe to you that I made such rapid progress in my spoken English.owe后加it 4.Absorbing in watching TV,he did not notice me come into the room.Absorbing→Absorbed 5.The song is very familiar with us,and we are very familiar to its singer.with改为to;to→with 6.I request that you attended the meeting on time.attended改为attend 7.Would you like my old TV in exchange of this camera?of→for 8.Poetry written from the perspective of the urban youth tends to reveal their anxiety over a lack of sense of belong.belong→belonging 9.(2015·福建卷)A weak ray of light came in through a small hole in the wall and he absorbed in his reading.absorbed前加was 10.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ)Just last year,I was conduct a workshop when someone knocked at the

classroom door.conduct→conducting 11.The young man,who was the only in the spot,was told to set down what he saw.in→on Ⅲ.课文与短文改错


What do I learn about Chinese customs from my exciting exchange in China?Well,the Chinese are extreme welcoming.One evening,I am invited to a Chinese family dinner,I had a good appetite and the food was yummy.So my host kept on putting many more food in my rice bowl.They didn’t seem to hear me saying“No,thank you”in my poor speak Chinese.This was very special experience I had in China.In my culture,you don’t get more food that you don’t ask for much.

答案:What do I learn about Chinese customs from my exciting exchange in China?

didtoWell,the Chinese are extreme welcoming.One evening,I am invited to a Chinese family

extremelywasdinner,I had a good appetite and the food was yummy. So my host kept on putting many

But或 many more food in my rice bowl.They didn’t seem to hear me saying“No,thank you”in muchmy poor speak Chinese.This was∧ very special experience I had in China.In my culture,you

spokenadon’t get more food that you don’t ask for much. ifmore



1.自从上次你到机场为我送行以来已经三个月了。(see...off) It’s three months since you saw me off at the air station. 2.我在逐渐适应伦敦的生活。没能及时与你联系我感到非常抱歉。(owe sb.an apology) I’m getting used to the life in London gradually.I certainly owe you an apology for not contacting with you immediately. 3.我一直专心学习英国文学,并且对它产生了浓厚的兴趣。(be absorbed in) I have been absorbed in studying English literature and I have taken great interest in it. 4.令我高兴的是,我已熟悉了这里的生活,也就是说我已习惯了他们的风俗和文化。(be familiar with,get/be used to)

To my joy,I have been familiar with the life here,that is,I have got used to their customs and culture.

5.我现在是如此的依恋这个美丽的国家,以至于忘记了归程。(be attached to)

Now I am so attached to the beautiful country that I almost forget my return day. (二)运用because,fortunately,at the same time把以上句子连成一篇100词左右的小短文。

One possible version:

It’s three months since you saw me off at the air station.Because I’m getting used to the life in London gradually,I certainly owe you an apology for not contacting with you immediately.Fortunately,I have been absorbed in studying English literature and I have taken great interest in it.At the same time,to my joy,I have been familiar with the life here,that is,I have got used to their customs and culture.Now I am so attached to the beautiful country that I almost forget my return day.

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