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【Chapter 1】

7. tart: loose woman bloke: fellow gat: pistol swell: great chicken: coward blue: fight smoky: police full: drunk dame: woman beaver: girl 8. haply = perhaps albeit = although methinks = it seems to me eke = also sooth = truth morn = morning troth = pledge ere = before quoth = said hallowed = holy billow = wave/ the sea bade = bid

【Chapter 2】 Ex.1

The Indo-European Language Family is one of the most important language families in the world. It is made up of most of the languages of Europe, the Near East and India. English belongs to this family and the other members of the Indo-European have more or less influence on English vocabulary. A knowledge of the Indo-European Language Family will help us understand English words better and use them more appropriately.


Celtic Italian Hellenic


Balto-Slavic Indo-Iranian


Roumanian Hindi Lithuanian Persian Prussian Polish Russian

Breton Spanish Scottish Irish

French Italian


English Swedish German Norweigian Icelandic Danish Dutch


Slavenian Bulgarian


When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Most of the content words are either of Greek or Latin origin. What are left are mostly functional words. This shows that Greek and Latin play a very important part in the English vocabulary.

8. eventful [Latin + English]

hydroplane [Greek + Latin] pacifist [Latin + Greek]

falsehood [ Latin + English] saxophone [German + Greek] heirloom [ French + English]

joss house [ Portuguese + English] television [Greek + Latin]


amateur (late) peace (E)

finacé (late)

empire (early)

courage (E)

chair (E)

garage (L) chaise (L) routine (L)

genre (L)

judgement (E) grace (E)

servant (E)

jealous (E) gender (E)

savaté (L) début (L)

morale (L)


state (E) chez (L) ballet (L)

11. allegro, f

轻快 行板

andante, j

diminuendo, g 渐弱 largo, d


pianoforte, a 轻转慢 alto, i


crescendo, b 渐强 forte, e

轻 女高音 强

piano, h


soprano, c

cherub (Hebrew) coolie (Hindi) lasso (Sp)

snorkel (G) tulip (Turk)

wok (Ch)

chocolate (Mex)

shampoo (Indian) tepee (Am Ind) kibitz (G)

jubilee (Gr)

Sabbath (Heb)

chipmunk (Am Ind) tamale (Mex) cotton (Arab)

voodoo (Afr)


loot (Hindi)

sauerbraten (G)


a. alligator c. rodeo e. igloo

b. loco d. bonanza f. blitzkrieg h. canoe j. boomerang

g. wigwam i. hurricane k. panchos

【Chapter 3】

1. a. morpheme b. allomorph c. bound morpheme d. free morpheme e. affix f. informational affix g. derivational affix h. root i. stem j. base

3. individualistic

individualist + ic [stem, base] individual + ist [stem, base] individu + al [stem, base] in + dividu [root, stem, base]


un + desirable [stem, base] desir + able [root, stem, base] free morpheme = free root bound root inflectional affix prefix suffix


【Chapter 4】


5. non-smoker incapable impractical disobey insecurity irrelevant immature inability/disability unofficially unwillingness illegal disagreement illogical disloyal inconvenient non-athletic

6. harden horrify modernize memorize falsify apologize deepen glorify sterilize lengthen intensify beautify fatten sympathize

a. apologized b. beautify c. lengthening d. sympathized e. fatten f. falsify g. memorizing h. Sterilize

7. a. employee b. politician c. participant d. waitress e. conductor f. teacher g. pianist h. examinee/examiner 8.

trans- = across: transcontinental, trans-world mono- = one: monorail, monoculture

super- = over, above: superstructure, supernatural auto- = self: autobiography, automobile sub- = bad, badly: malpractice, malnutrition mini- = little, small: minicrisis, miniwar pre- = before: prehistorical, preelection ex- = former: ex-teacher, ex-filmer Compounding

heartbeat [S + V] brainwashing [V + O] movie-goer [place + V] baking powder [ V +adv] far- reaching [V + Adv] dog-tired [adv + a] lion-hearted [adv + a] love-sick [adv + a] boyfriend [S + complement] peace-loving [V +O] snap decision [V + O] easy chair [ a + n] on-coming [V +adv] tax-free [adv +a] light-blue [a + a] goings-on [V +adv]

4. well-bred/well-behaved culture-bound/homebound


needle work/homework praiseworthy/respectworthy bar-woman/sportswoman nation-wide/college-wide clear-minded/strong-minded military-style/newstyle self-control/self-respect budget-related/politics-related water-proof/fire-proof once-fashionable/once-powerful news-film/news-letter mock-attack/mock-sadness sister-in-law/father-in-law home-baked/home-produced half-way/half-done ever-lasting/ever-green

age-conscious/status-conscious campus-based/market-based


7. a. stomach [n → v] b. room [n → v] c. wolf [n → v] d. come/go [v → n] e. familiar [a → n] f. innocent [a → n] g. flat [a → n]

h. ah/ ouch [int → v] i. warm [a → n]

j. has-been/might-have-been [finite v → n] k. Hamlet [proper n → v] l. buy [v → n] m. smooth [a → v]

Blending motel (motor + hotel) humint (human + intelligence) advertisetics (advertisement + statistics) psywarrior (psychological warrior) hoverport (hovercraft + port) chunnel (channel + tunnel) hi-fi (high + fidelity) cinemactress (cinema + actress)


copter (helicopter) dorm (dormitory) lab (laboratory) prefab (prefabricated house) gas (gasoline) prof (professor) scope (telescope) champ (champion) sarge (sergeant) mike (microphone) ad (advertisement) tec (detective)



2. kg = kilogram ft = foot cf = confer cm = centimeter $ = dollar ibid = ibidem etc. = et cetera VIP = very important person

OPEC = Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries TOEFL = teaching of English as a foreign language

3. a. SALT b. radar c. AIDS d. BASIC e. Laser f. WHO g. sonar h. G-man

Backformation 2. lase (laser)

escalate (escalator) babysit (babysitter) peeve (peevish) orate (orator)

commute (commuter)

Commonization of Proper Names a. tantalize—Tantalus b. Argus-eyed—Argus c. narcissism—Narcissus d. sabotage—sabots e. martinet—Martinet f. yahoo—Yahoo g. Shylock—Shylock h. hoovering—Hoover i. utopia—Utopia

j. Uncle Tommism—Uncle Tom

【Chapter 5】

6. apes—b birds—a cattle—m cricket—n doves—c foxes—j geese—k sheep—f


wolves—g monkeys—e pigs—l hyenas—h turkeys—d swans—i

9. a. A scientist working in a project to develop industrial uses for nuclear power might have all the positive associations with “atomic”, such as “benefit, energy”, etc.

b. A Japanese resident of Hiroshima, victim of the atomic explosion at the end of World War II, might have all the negative associations with “atomic”, such as “suffering, killing, death, horror", etc.

c. To a student of nuclear physics, “atomic” might be associated with “mystery, science, knowledge”, etc.

10. talkative: implying a fondness for talking frequently and at length (neutral) articulate: expressing oneself easily and clearly (positive) gossip: indulging in idle talk or rumours about others (negative) rambling: talking aimlessly without connection of ideas (negative) fluent: speaking easily, smoothly, and expressively (positive) mouthy: overtly talkative, especially in a rude way (nagative)



【Chapter 6】

Polysemy 4.


4. 1) Make both ends meat is a parody of make both ends meet which means “have enough money for one’s needs”. Here the butcher cleverly uses the pair of homonyms meat and meet to make a pun. It makes a proper answer to the lady’s question. (1) Butchers cannot make both ends meat (make whole sausages with all meat) because they cannot make both ends meet (If they made sausages with all meat, which is more costly, they would not earn enough money to survive.)( 2) Don’t complain. All the butchers do the same. I am not the only one who is making sausages with bread.

2) Swallow is a bird which is seen in summer. But by one swallow we see, we cannot deduce that it is already summer time. Swallow can also mean a mouthful of wine. On a cold winter day, if one has a swallow of wine, one may feel warm.

3) arms has two meanings: weapons; the human upper limbs. Since “a cannon ball took off his legs”, the soldier was not able to fight on, so he “laid


down his arms”, which means “surrender”. It can also mean he laid down his upper limbs.


3. avaricious: greedy courteously: politely emancipate: set free customary: usual width: breadth adversary: opponent gullible: deceived remainder: residue innocent: sinless obstacle: obstruction vexation: annoyance

5. a. identifiable b. safety c. motivates d. delicate e. surroundings f. artificial g. prestige h. perspire i. accomplishment j. silent k. impressive l. evaporate

6. run move spin turn whirl roll

7. a. stead b. gee-gee c. ripe d. mature e. effective f. efficient g. fatigued, children h. tired, kids i. declined j. refused k. rancid l. addled m. Penalties n. fines o. rebuked p. accused


5. a. similar/same b. safe c. sharp/ smart d. send e. stingy/ selfish h. simple f. significant/sensible i. sure g. skeptical/ suspicious l. smooth j. slipshod/ slovenly/ sloppy k. sleepiness/ sleep / slumber m. subjective n. sob/ scowl 6. a. old-fashioned b. completely


c. moisture e. essential g. innocent i. loosen k. deserted m. peremptory o. indifferent

d. special f. similarity h. rigid j. clarity l. fruitful n. depressed

7. a. feed—starve, cold-fever b. wisdom—follies c. haste—leisure d. penny—pound, wise—foolish e. speech—silence f. absence—presence g. admonish—praise i. wise men—fools h. young—old private—public saint—devil j. mind—body k. foul—fair l. danger—security m. deliberate--prompt n. children—parents o. bully—coward p. head—tail

8.right—wrong single—return dry—sweet hard—easy strong—faint rough—calm light—dark cold—warm high—low/deep


3. furniture: desk, chair, table, bed matter: liquid, gas, solid meat: pork, beef, mutton go: run, fly, walk 4. profession workplace surgeon: clinic, hospital plumber: house, building lawyer: office, law courts mechanic: garage photographer: studio foreman: worksite, factory



6. In Sentence 1, got, furniture, recently are superordinates because they are general and convey a very vague idea whereas in Sentence 2, the three words are replaced respectively by bought, cupboard, three days ago, which are subordinates, conveying a definite and clear idea. So Sentence 2 is better than Sentence 1.

In 3, it is said, magnificent building, destroyed, yesterday are superordinate terms, which are comparatively much more general than the news says, Royal Hotel, burnt down, last night respectively in 4, which can be described as subordinates. Since 4 is clearer than 3 in meaning, it is better.

Semantic field

3. Group 1 is synonymously semantic field and Group 2 is semantic filed. The difference lies: In 1 the words are synonyms, none of them covers the meaning of another, and they differ only in style and emotive values. In 2 the words are not synonyms, but each refers to a specific type of horse. Horse is a cover term or superordinate, and others are subordinates. These terms have no difference in style or affective meaning.

【Chapter 7】

4. 1) extension 2) extension 3) narrowing 4) degradation 5) elevation 6) narrowing 7) extension 8) extension 9) narrowing 10) elevation 11) narrowing 12) degradation 13) degradation 14) degradation

5. a. associated transfer b. abstract to concrete c. abstract to concrete d. abstract to concrete e. abstract to concrete f. abstract of concrete


g. associated transfer h. associated transfer i. synesthesia j. synesthesia

6. a. objective b. subjective, objective c. objective d. subjective e. subjective f. subjective g. subjective h. subjective, objective

7. a. die b. graveyard c. bedlam疯人院 d. old people e. strike f. Policeman g. stupid pupil h. poor people i. toilet j. fat person k. unemployed mother

【Chapter 8】

2. a. to repair

b. measurement and determination of one’s position c. predicament d. injection

a. a single complete dividing part (of a rocket) b. the theatre or acting as a profession

c. a particular point or period in a process of development d. to plan, arrange and carry out

a. interchange and discussion of ideas, esp. for mutual understanding or harmony b. conversation

c. a written conversation (of a play, etc.)

3. a. synonym

b. explanation/ definition c. antonym d. example

e. relevant details f. relevant details g. relevant details

4. a. stop people drinking


stop drinking by themselves b. a stone house which is big a house built of big stones c. a picture possessed by Betty a photograph of Betty d. aunts who are visiting paying a visit to aunts e. take Jane as his wife

preside over Jane’s wedding

f. a weapon that can fly over long distance and that it explodes when it hits the thing it aims at

an object that is thrown at somebody in order to hurt him

【Chapter 9】

6. a—2) b—9) c—3) d—6) e—1) f—8) g—5) h—4) i—7) j—10)

7. a. stand out against b. approve of

c. get … over with d. looking into e. come up with f. comply with g. cashed in on h. go without

i. to profit by / from j. dut down …to

8. a cool cat = a really calm person

blow one's stack = lose control over oneself fly off the handle = become excessively angry what's more = furthermore

get away with = commit an illegitimate act without penalty of course = naturally get on = get old

pepper and salt = grey (hair) make up for = compensate for


lost time = time wasted

take it easy = relax, not worry get up = rise from bed turn in = go into bed

take care of = manage or look after like a breeze = without effort or easily time off = time for rest get it made = be successful

this is it = be in a position or place, or have possession of an object beyond which more of the same is unnecessary

Sam is really a calm person. He never loses control of himself and hardly ever becomes too angry. Furthermore, he knows how to manage his business financially by using a few tricks… Needless to say, he, too, is getting older. His hair is beginning to turn grey, but he knows how to compensate for wasted time by relaxing. He rises early, exercises, and goes to bed early. He manages his frankfurter dispensary without visible effort, until it is someone else's turn to work there. Sam is successful, he has reached his life's goal. 9. a. “Well, it's the old story of the stitch in time,” he said. A stitch in time saves nine.

b. Fleur's head was lost in the tool-box, but her voice was heard saying: “Too many cooks, better let me.” Too many cooks spoil the broth.

c. But not many other people held that view discerning his finger still very large in every pie — so much so that there often seemed less pie than finger. have a finger in the pie

d. I’m thinking of putting up a “Silence is golden” placard in his office. Nobody can hear themselves think.

Speech is silver, silence is golden.

e. They four had one likeness: their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel. wheel within wheels

f. He quotes them extensively nevertheless, together with other equally suspect evidence, because otherwise he would have no straw with which to make his bricks.

make bricks without straw 10. wind and weather wheeling and dealing waifs and strays town and gown top and tail time after time rules and regulations rise and fall rags and tatters puff and blow pick and shovel peace and quiet over and above one and only off and on neck and neck


shoulder to shoulder moan and groan milk and water man and beast

11. a. 好奇伤身。

b. 闻声知鸟。/闻言知人。 c. 种瓜得瓜。/种豆得豆。

d. 美貌只是一层皮。/不可以貌取人。 e. 良药苦口。

f. 谨慎是安全之本。

g. 子为人之父。/从小看大。

h. 不满是前进的第一步。/不满就是进步的开始 i. 入乡随俗。

j. 吃一堑,长一智。

k. 烈火试真金,逆境炼意志。

【Chapter 10】

14. draft (AmE)—draught (BrE) gaol (BrE)—jail (AmE)

aesthetic (BrE)—esthetic (AmE) check (AmE)—cheque (BrE) travel (AmE)—travell (BrE) catalog (AmE)—catalogue (BrE)

16. subway (AmE) = underground/ tube (BrE)

subway (BrE): underground passage way across a road

public school (AmE) = private school (BrE esp. boarding school)

17. The information can be found in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (New Edition 1987, reprinted almost yearly) p590.

18. The expressions can be found in Language Notes entitled Thanks in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (New Edition 1987, reprinted almost yearly) p1097.

19. The information can be found in Collins COBUILD English Dictionary (1995 Britain; 2000 上海外语教育出版社)。 rich: ◆◆◆◆◇ = belonging to 1200 wealthy: ◆◆◇◇◇= belonging to 3200 affluent: ◆◇◇◇◇= belonging to 8100

These words can not be used interchangeably because they differ in intensity of meaning, in range of meaning and in formality. Generally the higher the


frequency of use, the more common it is. Comparatively, affluent is the most formal, strongest and most infrequently-used word.

20. dull has 9 meanings; 5 synonyms; 4 antonyms; 6 superordinates (CCED 1987, p439)

21. blurt has two meanings, for meaning 1, the information given in the Extra Column is: V + O/REPORT-CL/QUOTE + A(out), or V + QUOTE; ≠ bottle up. That means blurt is a verb followed by object or object clause, or by direct quote (直接引语) followed by adverbial out; its antonym is bottle up. For meaning 2, we find: V + O/REPORT/QUOTE + A (out).

22. on an empty stomach = Route to find information: empty (key word) → empty stomach →EAT 12 (EAT has 14 meanings), meaning without having eaten anything.

corporal punishment = Route to find information: punishment →corporal punishment, meaning punishment by hitting usually with a stick.

