宁夏育才中学学孔德区2015-2016学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题 doc

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宁夏育才中学2015~2016学年第二学期 高一年级月考1试卷 英语

(试卷满分 120 分,考试时间为 120 分钟) 命题人:


第一节(每小题1分,满分5分) 1. How much is the book?

A. 10 dollars B. 6 dollars C. 4 dollars 2. What does the woman advise the man to do?

A. To travel by air B. To buy an air-conditioner C. To arrive early 3. What is the man going to do?

A. Show the woman the way to the nearest hospital B. Ask some local people for help C. Make a call 4. Who is speaking to Tom?

A. His teacher B. His mother C. His friend 5. When will the man hand in his report?

A. This Monday B. Next Monday C. This Friday

第二节(共15小题;每小题1.分, 共15分)

听下面6段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题, 从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题, 听完后, 每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间, 每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 听下面一段对话, 回答第6至7题。

6. What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. To invite some friends B. To attend a dinner party C. To see her husband for the first time

7. What is the man going to do at the airport tomorrow? A. To pick the woman’s husband up

B. To pick his elder sister up C. To see his elder sister off 听下面一段对话, 回答第8至9题。 8. When did the man go to Beijing?

A. In October B. In August C. In September 9. Which is the man’s favorite thing about Beijing?

A. The beautiful scenery B. The friendly people there C. The Beijing roast duck 听下面一段对话, 回答第10至12题。 10. When did the heavy rain start?

A. Before the woman reached home B. When the man was outside C. After the woman came back

11. Why did the woman miss the weather forecast yesterday?

A. She got up late B. She came home late C. She forget to watch it 12. What is the man going to do?

A. To have a meal B. To watch TV C. To buy some food 听下面一段对话, 回答第13至16题。

13. When did the man buy the camera?

A. Yesterday B. The day before yesterday C. This morning 14. What is wrong with the camera? A. It doesn’t have enough battery power B. It fall onto the ground

C. It doesn’t show anything on the screen

15. What does the woman advise the man to do? A. To ask an organization for help B. To buy a new camera

C. To ask the shopkeeper to say sorry

16. How much did the shopkeeper want to charge for the repairs? A. $ 100 B. $ 300 C. $ 600

听下面一段对话, 回答第17至20题。

17. What is the weather like today in Los Angeles? A. It’s hot B. It’s nice C. It’s cold

18. Which month is usually rainy in Los Angeles? A. December B. September C. June

19. What do the local TV weather people do in winter in Los Angeles?

A. They complain daily about the bad weather B. They get excited when the temperature drops C. They remind the viewers of many things

20. What can we know about Los Angeles from the text?

A. June is usually very hot B. There are a lot of storms in winter C. People need to take umbrellas in winter

第二部分:阅读理解 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。


Josh Ferrin picked up the keys to their new house in Salt Lake City earlier this week. He was

excited to finally have a place his family could call their own. As he walked into the garage, a box caught his eye.

“I felt very surprised and called my wife. She wouldn’t believe what I had found,” said Ferrin,

who works as an artist for the Deseret News in Salt Lake City.

Then he found seven more boxes, all full of cash. Ferrin quickly took the boxes to his parents’

house to count. Along with his wife, they put thousands of bills on a table. They stopped counting at $40,000, but thought there was at least $5,000 more on the table.

Ferrin thought about how so much money could buy things he never thought he could

afford. “I wish I could say there was never any doubt in my mind,” Ferrin said. “But the money wasn’t ours and I don’t believe you get a chance very often to do something honest and that is a lesson I hope to teach to my children.”

He then thought about the home’s previous (先前的) owner, Arnold Bangerter, who died in

November and left the house to his son. So Ferrin called Bangerter’s son with the news. Paul Bangerter knew his father hid money away because he once found a roll of cash taped under a drawer in their home, but he never considered his dad had hidden so much over the years. “He grew up in hard times and people that survived that time didn’t have anything when they came out of it unless they saved it themselves,” said Paul Bangerter. “He was a saver, not a spender.”

“I’m a father, and I worry about the future for my kids,” Ferrin said. “I can see him putting

that money away for a rainy day.”

21. Seeing so much cash, Ferrin’s first thought was to _____. A. ask his parents to hide it B. put it back where it was

C. return it to its owner D. buy what he couldn’t afford before 22. Ferrin decided to return the money to _____.

A. get praised by its owner B. teach his children a good lesson C. avoid breaking the law D. meet its owner’s request 23. What can we infer from the text?

A. Paul Bangerter knew nothing about his father’s savings. B. Ferrin bought the house from Paul Bangerter. C. Arnold Bangerter lived a rich life in the D. Arnold Bangerter saved the money for his son.


Parents have widely different views on the problem of pocket money. Four new fathers were asked this question and this is how they answered.

Ashish Khanna: Although many argue that pocket money helps develop children’s sense of

value, I don’t agree. I wouldn’t give my child any pocket money. First of all, I never got pocket money and I seem to have a good value for money. If my child ever needed something and I felt it was a reasonable (合理的) request, I would buy it for him.

Sharad Sanghi: No, I wouldn’t give my child pocket money because I don’t want to create the

perception (观念) of “her” money and “my” money. Besides, if I refuse to buy her something that I think is bad for her, she may buy it with her pocket money on the sly. In this way, I would lose

control over my child’s requests. I feel it also encourages children to care more about money than anything else. I don’t want my child to start judging other children by the amount of money or pocket money they have.

Rakesh Shah: Yes, I would give my child pocket money because I feel that children should

learn to spend money properly. I will give him a fixed amount every month and if he spends the money before the month is over, he will learn a lesson and not spend money so freely. He will learn what his limitations (限制) are and feel the difficulty when he has to pay for something that is over his own pocket.

Rajiv Patel: Yes, I would give my child pocket money because it is important that he learns to

manage money. But I would not give it to him on a weekly or monthly basis. He would have to earn it. If he helped me finish some of my jobs or helped his mother with housework, I would reward him. This helps him realize that “money does not grow on trees” and it requires hard work to earn money.

24. Ashish Khanna may agree that _____.

A. he was given too much pocket money when young B. he can take much control of his child by money C. he will buy anything he thinks his child really needs

D. pocket money helps children develop a good value for money

25. The underlined phrase “on the sly” in Paragraph 3 is the closest in meaning to “_____”. A. for free

B. at a lower price

C. happily

D. secretly

26. Who would give his child pocket money every month?

A. Ashish Khanna. B. Sharad Sanghi. C. Rakesh Shah. D. Rajiv Patel. 27. What do Rakesh Shah and Rajiv Patel have in common?

A. They want their children to learn to manage money from an early age. B. They ask their children to get pocket money by working. C. They teach their children the difficulty of making money. D. They allow their children to spend money freely.


Justin Bieber used to be an ordinary Canadian boy, but his life totally changed in 2008. With his great musical talent, this seventeen-year-old boy has become a superstar in the music


Justin Drew Bieber was born in 1994 in Stratford, Ontario and was raised by his single

mother. Bieber learned to play musical instruments when he was very young. In 2007, he took part in a local singing competition in his hometown, and he did it just for fun. He never took singing lessons before but surprisingly he placed second in the competition. Then, with the help of his mother, he uploaded (上传) videos of him singing on a website and they successfully attracted the attention of thousands of viewers. His videos got popular through word of mouth and some of them have received up to 10,000,000 views.

Justin Bieber would have never gotten a career in the music business without his videos.

Scooter Braun, a former marketing executive (主管) of So So Def Recordings, had watched Bieber’s videos and he was impressed by the boy’s talent. Braun then contacted Bieber and he flew the boy into Atlanta seven months after the first video was posted. Bieber showed his talent in singing as well as his ability in playing musical instruments. He then got a record deal.

In 2009, Justin Bieber released (发行) his first single “One Time” while he was recording the

debut album (首张专辑). The single “One Time” tells a story about love. This song had success not only in Canada and the US, but also in the international market. Then he released his debut album “My World 2.0” in 2010 and the song “Baby” became the lead single. This album successfully entered the Top Ten Charts in seven countries. In June 2010, he started his first world tour in Hartford, Connecticut. One month later, he started recording his second album. 28. Justin Bieber’s career in music began to take off when _____.

A. he met with Scooter Braun B. he released his debut album

C. he won second place in a competition D. his singing videos were uploaded to a website 29. It can be inferred from the text that Justin Bieber _____.

A. owed his success to good luck B. showed a gift for music when he was young C. is the youngest superstar ever in the music industry D. released his debut album with the help of Scooter Braun

30. What do we learn about Justin Bieber’s “One Time” according to the text?

A. It is about love and was released in 2010. B. It attracted the world’s attention after released. C. It successfully entered the Top Ten Charts in seven countries. D. It is the lead single of his debut album “My World 2.0”.

听力 1-5 BBCAB 6-10 BCBCA 11-15 BCBCA 16-20 ABACC 阅读 21-25 DBBCD 26-30 CADDB 31-35 ADCAC 36-40 BFAEC

完形41-45 BCADC 46-50 ABACD

51-55 ACADB 56-60 CDBAD


61. 1960s 62. totally 63. that 64. standing 65. until

66. connected 67. with 68. have been used 69. billions 70. being used 改错

1,kinds 改为kinds of ; ,2 minute改为minutes; 3 have改为having; 4 去掉even 5 They改为There ; 6 person改为personal 7 informations改为information; 8 easily改为easy; 9 are改为is ; 10 what改为how 范文

Recently going online has become more and more popular with middle school students.

In my opinion, there are some advantages for students to go online. First , it can broaden our knowledge and make us know the latest news at home and abroad. Second, there are many leaning materials on the internet for us to learn English. Also, we can make many online friends. However, there are some disadvantages. Most students play computer games instead of studying their lessons, which will affect their study .What is more, going online too often can do harm to our eyes . Besides ,without much experience ,it is easy for us to make bad friends and be influenced to do stupid things.

So I think as students, we can go online properly. We should choose things which are valuable to our study and life. What is more, we should have a time limit. We must place study, health and safety before other things.


