沪教版专用8年级 第13讲:被动语态用法讲解 教师版

更新时间:2023-08-13 15:28:01 阅读量: IT计算机 文档下载














We keep the butter in the fridge. =>The butter is kept in the fridge.


Jane painted a picture. =>A picture was painted by Jane.


The teacher will allow you to leave early. =>You will be allowed to leave early.


I was sure people would punish him. =>1 was sure he would be punished.


He is repairing my bike. =>My bike is being repaired by him.


He was making a model plane. =>A model plane was being made by him.


They have caught the thief. =>The thief has been caught.




They told me that people had sent him to the hospital. => They told me that he had been sent

to the hospital.


情态动词的被动语态由“情态动词+ be+过去分词”构成。


We can use coal to produce electricity. =>Coal can be used to produce electricity.


They may open a new school next year. =>A new school may be opened next year.


You must do the homework carefully. =>The homework must be done carefully.



,have,last,look like)不能构成被动语态。





We always keep the classroom(宾语)clean(宾语补足语).我们经常使教室保持干净。

→The classroom(原宾语)is always kept clean.

I find the book(宾语)very interesting(宾语补足语).我发现这本书很有趣。

→The book(原宾语)is found very interesting.




I often hear him sing the song.我经常听见他唱歌。

→He is often heard to sing the song.

He made me work all day.他让我整天工作。

→I was made to work all day.



主动:We gave him(间接宾语)a warm welcome(直接宾语).我们热烈欢迎他。

→He (原间接宾语) was given a warm welcome(直接宾语).

→A warm welcome(原直接宾语)was given to him(间接宾语).

主动:My mother made me(间接宾语)a new dress(直接宾语).母亲给我做了件新衣。

→I(原间接宾语) was made a new dress. (直接宾语).

→A new dress(原直接宾语)was made for me(间接宾语).








①宾语从句的主语+ be+主句谓语的过去分词+宾语从句谓语的不定式

②It + be +主句谓语的过去分词+ that+原宾语从句

People say she knows five languages.人们说他懂5种语言。

→She is said to know five languages.

→It is said that she knows five languages.



We believe the book has been translated into English.我们相信这书已被翻译成英语。

→The book is believed to have been translated into English.

→It is believed that the book has been translated into English.


I . Choose the best answer.

() 1. A toy monkey _____________ to the child as a present on Christmas Day last year.

A. gave

B. is given

C. was given

D. was giving

() 2. In some places, little ______________ to make smoke clean.

A. does

B. is done

C. has done

D. is doing

() 3. His head must _____________ at once.

A. operate

B. operate on

C. be operated

D. be operated on

() 4. The persons under 16 years old shouldn't_______________to go to the Internet Bar.

A. to allow

B. be allowing

C. be allowed

D. allow

() 5. The second regional meeting on bird flu________________ in Vietnam not long ago.

A. held

B. was held

C. will held

D. will be held

() 6. Mr Smith, together with his wife, _________________ to attend the party last week.

A. invited

B. was invited

C. were invited

D. to invite

() 7. The window____________ by the naughty boy yesterday.

A. breaks

B. broke

C. is broken

D. was broken

() 8. Football ____________ everywhere in the world.

A. are played

B. is played

C. is playing

D. was playing

() 9. All the questions _____________ on the paper.

A. answer

B. are answered

C. will answer

D. are answering

() 10. The baby panda is ______________ by the nurses.

A. take care

B. taken care

C. taken care of

D. take care of

() 11. English is_____________ by travelers in the world.

A. used

B. using

C. use

D. to use

() 12. Traffic rules must______________ b y the drivers.

A. obey

B. obey

C. be obeyed

D. is obeyed

() 13. The food and medicine should_______________ at a low temperature.

A. keep

B. be kept

C. keeping

D. kept

() 14. In that small city, the girls_________________ to go out at night.

A. isn't allowed

B. mustn't allowed



C. aren't allowed

D. wasn't allowed

() 15. English_______________ by many people as a second language.

A. are learnt

B. were learnt

C. learnt

D. is learnt

() 16. It is said that a Children's Palace_______________ by them in that city in 2008.

A. will built

B. has built

C. will be built

D. are built

() 17. When I was in England, that restaurant_______________ a t that time.

A. is welcomed

B. was welcomed

C. was welcoming

D. welcomes

( ) 18. New laws __________________to fight pollution in the near future in China.

A. will be made

B. will make

C. is made

D. have made

() 19. The wet clothes _________________ outside, or they won't be dry easily.

A. should hang up

B. should hung up

C. should be hung up

D. should be hanged up

() 20. Where _______________the World Expo 2010 ______________ ?

A. is, held

B. will, be held

C. was, held

D. has, been held

II . Turn the following sentences Into passive voice.

1.They write many business letters every day.

Many business letters ______________ ______________ every day.

2.Most of the people in that Country speak French.

French______________ _______________ by most of the people in that country.

3.Thousands of people visit the Great Wall every day.

The Great Wall_______________ ________________ by thousands of people.

4.Mr Wang set up a private school in that village.

A private school ________________ _______________ up in that village by Mr. Wang.

5.They used a new kind of explosive to destroy the old bridge.

A new kind of explosive_________________ _______________ to destroy the old bridge

by them.

6.We must finish our homework every day.

Our homework________________ ________________ _______________ every day.

7.My father will buy a new bicycle for me.

A new bicycle ________________ ________________ _______________ for me by my


8.The school will award Billy a computer next week.




Bill _______________ ________________ ________________ a computer next week.

9. Nurses must take good care of the babies. Babies ________________ ________________ _________________ good care of by nurses.

10. We should praise the boy for his honesty.

The boy _______________ _______________ _______________ for honesty by us.

11. They produce silk in Suzhou.

Silk______________ _______________ in Suzhou.

12. The children will sing an English song.

An English song _______________ ________________ ________________ by the children.

13. You needn't do it now.

It _______________ _______________ _______________ by you now.

14. Lucy sent me a New Year Card last week. A New Year Card ________________ _______________ ______________ me last week. 15. I gave this book to the library.

This book ________________ _______________ to the library.

16. Did they build a bridge here a year ago?

______________ a bridge _______________ here by them a year ago?

17. Will you put on an English play in our school?

______________ an English play_______________ ______________ on in our school?

18. Does he often make model planes ?

______________ model

planes often_______________ ______________ ______________?

19. Did he break the window yesterday ?

______________ the

window______________ _______________

________________yesterday ?

20. We clean the classroom every day. The classroom______________ ______________ every day.

Ⅰ. 1-5 CBDCB 6-10 BDBBC 11-15 ACBCD 16-20 CBACB

Ⅱ. 1. are written 2. is spoken 3. is visited 4. was set 5. was used 6.

must be finished

7. will be bought 8. will be awarded 9. must be taken 10. should be praised 11. is produced

12. will be sung 13. needn’t be done 14. was sent to 15. was given 16. Was built 17. Will be put 18. Are made by him 19. Was broken by him 20. is cleaned




A. stands

B. stand

C. standing

D. stood

A. our

B. we

C. ours

D. us

A. has stopped to snow

B. stopped to snow

C. stops snowing

D. has stopped snowing

A. How long

B. When

C. What

D. How

A. How a

B. How an

C. How

D. What a

9. I sincerely you to be forever.

A. wish …happy

B. hope …happiness

C. wish …happiness

D. hope …happy

A. never gone

B. gone

C. never been

D. been

11. I purchased a story book. It is story I ’ve ever read.

A. interesting

B. interest

C. more interesting

D. the most interesting

A. angry

B. angrily

C. to be angry

D. being angry

13. The Greeks had to leave the huge horse at the gate, ?

A. hadn ’t the Greeks

B. didn ’t they

C. hadn ’t they

D. didn ’t the Greeks

A. except

B. expect

C. beside

D. besides

16. It is raining outside. We stay at home.

A. must

B. have to

C. need

D. mustn ’t

17. Please don ’t forget it here tomorrow morning.

A. taking

B. to take

C. to bring

D. bringing

A. has bought her calculator

B. has become a League member

C. has joined the basketball team

D. has been a Young Pioneer

A. played

B. had played

C. was playing

D. would play

Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.

1. The buildings are (main) made of stone and steel.

