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Lesson 45 and Lesson 46 一 根据句意填空(10分) 1. Can you come here a please? 2. Pamela is in her office next . 3. Can you ask her type this letter for me? 4. What’s the matter? I type this letter. 5. I can’t read this letter. The boss’s is terrible. 6. That chair is too heavy. I can’t it. 7. I can’t jump that wall. 8. Can Pamela type this letter the boss? 9. Can Jane this book? 10. What can he ? He can see that aeroplane. 二 根据汉语提示填空(10分) 1. Can you come here a (分钟) please? 2. Who is (在隔壁). 3. She can (打字) this letter. 4. The boss (要求) Bob to come to his office. 5. Pamela can (读) this book. 6. The boss’s (书写) is not good. 7. The water is (可怕的). 8. George can’t (提起) this table. 9. I can’t make (饼干). 10. Pamela is in her (办公室) . 三 用所给动词的适当形式填空(10分) 1. The boss (want) Bob to come to his office. 2. Pamela is (work) in her office. 3. She can’t (type) this letter. 4. The boss asks Pamela (come) to his office. 5. Look,Pamela (read) the boss’s letter. 6. This table must be over there. He is going (lift) it. 7. not (eat) those biscuits. 8. You mustn’t (show) that picture to her. 9. the woman (dust) the table? No,she isn’t. 10. It’s time for school. He (hurry) to school. 四 选择填空(10分) ( ) 1. Can you here a minute please? A. come B. comes C. coming D. is coming ( ) 2. is Pamela? She’s next door. A. What B. Which C. coming D. is coming ( ) 3. Can she type this letter me? A. to B. for C. of D. on ( ) 4. The boss asks Bob here. A. come B. comes C. coming D. to come ( ) 5. Pamela can’t the boss’s letter. A. see B. read C. look D. look at ( ) 6. is the boss’s handwriting? It is terrible. A. What B. Which C. How D. Where ( ) 7. I can see an aeroplane, I can’t see a bird. A. and B. or C. so D. but ( ) 8. Where’re my shoes? I can’t them. A. look B. find C. know D. put ( ) 9. How cups of tea can you see on the table? A. much B. many C. about D. some ( ) 10. It’s seven o’clock. John’s family supper. A. is having B. are having C. have D. has 五 根据汉语提示完成句子(10分) 1. 我搬不动这张桌子。 I this table. 2. 她正在做饼干。 She is . 3. Pamela正在隔壁的办公室里工作。 Pamela is in her office . 4. 她打不了这封信,老板的字迹太草了。 She can’t this letter. The boss’s is too . 5. 要求她为我打这封信。 Her type this letter me. 6. 那个女孩不能跳离那座墙。 That girl can’t that wall. 7. 你能来这里一分钟吗? You come here a please. 8. Jane 能读这本书吗? Jane this book? 9. Sam和你能做什么? What you and Sam ? 10. 带着它像这样跑。 with it this. 六 句型转换(10分) 1. Bob can come here a minute. (就划线部分提问) can Bob ? 2. Pamela is next door. (就划线部分提问) Pamela? 3. Bob asks her to type this letter for the boss. (就划线部分提问) Bob ask her to ? 4. The boss’s handwriting is terrible. (就划线部分提问) is the boss’s ? 5. The girl can put the vase on the shelf. (就划线部分提问) Can the girl the vase? 6. The man can lift this table. (就划线部分提问) can the man do this table? 7. Take the bag to your classroom. (变为否定句) the bag to your classroom. 8. I can see some apples on the tree. (就划线部分提问) you on the tree? 9. We’re listening to our teacher. (就划线部分提问) you to? 10. I play basketball every day. (用now改写) I basketball now. 七 补全对话(10分) Teacher: Could you 1 2 the blackboard,please? Student: 3 ,I’m 4 . Teacher: Could you 5 the word “write”? Student: Yes,W-R-I-T-E. Teacher: Good,please write 6 on the black-board. 7 are you doing now? Student: I’m writing. Teacher: Right. Could you spell the word “writing”? Student: Let me see. W-R-I-T-E-I-N-G. Teacher: You are 8 . It’s W-R-I-T-I-N-G. You must take 9 “E” Student: Oh,that’s 10 . Thank you. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 八 完形填空(10分) A: Where’s Liu Ying? Do you know,Li Ping? I can’t 1 her. B: I don’t 2 . C: Hi,Lin Tao! I’m 3 4 the apple tree! A: Oh,you’re there! Can you 5 down? C: Yes,do you 6 some apples? A: 7 . Give me some,please. C: Ok. Here’s a big one. 8 ! A: Oh, 9 ,it’s not good. C: Oh,sorry. 10 another one. A: Thanks very much. ( ) 1. A. find B. see C. look D. watch ( ) 2. A. find B. know C. see D. fine ( ) 3. A. there B. over there C. here D. in here ( ) 4. A. in B. on C. up D. of ( ) 5. A. sit B. get C. stand D. have ( ) 6. A. eat B. have C. like D. want ( ) 7. A. Certainly B. Sorry C. No D. Excuse me ( ) 8. A. Carry B. Catch C. Take D. Come ( ) 9. A. here B. dear C. near D. high ( ) 10. A. There’s B. It’s C. This is D. Here’s 九 阅读理解(10分) Hello,boys and girls,look at me. I’m a robot. This is my hand. I have no hair on my head. This is my face. I have two eyes,a nose and no mouth in my face. Here are my two ears. They are big. My eyes are big,too. I have two legs and two feet. I can walk. I can work for you. I’m your good friend. 根据短文内容填空,每空填一个英语单词。 1. The is my good . 2. Can you see on the robot’s head? 3. Two eyes,a and a are in his face. 4. How the robot’s ears are! 5. The robot’s are big,too. 6. There are two and two . 7. The robot can . 8. The can work for . 9. The robot says: I am your . 10. The boys and girls look at the . 十 书面表达(10分) 老板要鲍勃到办公室来一会。帕梅拉在隔壁的办公室里。老板让她打一封信。鲍勃来到她的办公室并把信给她,但她打不了这份信,也读不懂,因为老板的笔迹太糟糕。 The boss 1 Bob to 2 to his office a minute. Pamela is in her 3 next 4 . The boss asks her 5 type a letter for him. Bob comes to her office and 6 the letter to her. 7 She can’t type this letter. And she can’t 8 it,either, 9 the boss’s handwriting is too 10 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

