口译unit 7 Business Negotiation 商务谈判

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销售代表 Sales representatives

销售代理(商) Selling agent

分销商 distributor

中间商 Intermediary

发票值 Invoice value

确认书 Letter of confirmation

市场份额 Market share

营销攻势 Marketing campaign

广告攻势 Advertising campaign

销售量 Sales volume

销售网 Sales network

购买力 Purchasing power

有效期 Term of validity

保证金,押金 Deposit

保证书 Letter of guarantee (L/G)

你们有我们所需的销售经验,而我们有着高质量的产品。 Your agency has the experience we need, and we have the bestquality products. 佣金随着将你们的营业额按比例提高。 The commission rate will be increased in proportion to your annual turnover of the sales.

感谢你们授权我们成为你们产品在我们市场的代理,同时 感谢你们对我们的信任。我们会更加努力推销你们的产品。

Thank you for offering us the agency in our market for your products and we really appreciate the confidence you have placed in

us. We’ll make greater efforts to push the sales.

顾客满意了,我们就成功了一半。 Half the battle is customer satisfaction. Half the battle:接近成功/胜利

微笑会让顾客敞开心扉,讲出他们对所需产品的真是想法。 Smiling encourages the customer to tell you what they really want.

你们应该自始至终以顾客需求为中心。 You should always concentrate on the customer’s needs. 我们已经收到你们发来的你们计算机新产品的产品介绍和价目 表。我今天来的目的是想和你们谈谈你们新产品的销售问题. I have received the leaflets and price catalogue you send us for your new models of computers. I am here today to talk with you about the sales of your new products.

