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摘要: 托福听力疑难词组大全!小编来为大家介绍一下托福听力疑难词组的相关内容吧,大家要好好把握,希望能够给准备托福听力的同学带来帮助。
在 托福 听力考试中遇到生词、疑难词组是很正常的,我们除了要掌握非常好的猜词技巧外,还可以把TPO中常见的疑难词组整理出来,然后背下来,这样再考试中就能够听懂了。
1, it's who you know that counts——认识的人起作用
-Did you hear that Greg got a job in his uncle's law office?
Like they say, it's who you know that counts.
2, is ice cold ——理所当然
-Does Professor Ford always come to class?
Is ice cold?
3, It never fails——总是发生
-It never fails; plan a big picnic and it sure to rain.
-It never fails it's raining hard outside and I am stark stuck 来自 stick 阻延或推迟 Without an umbrella (困在里面)
I'd like to let you have mine, but I have to go out soon.
4, inside out ——里朝外
-Here I am, I am lucky I made it to the exam on time.
I can see you are in a hurry; you are wearing your sweater inside out.
5, keep an eye——留意
-One of the members of the dormitory counselor is quitting, do you know of anyone who would be interested in and taking her place?
I am not sure, but I'll certainly keep an eye on for you.
6, keep from——抑制,防止
-No one could keep him from speaking.
7, knock oneself out ——使自己筋疲力尽
-Gorier has been knocking herself out on that project.
8, last ——最不情愿的
-The last person I want to see is Jeff.
-Would you like to come mountain climbing with us?
That's the last thing in the world I ever want to do.
-I thought Paul might be able to help me figure out this computer program.
Paul is about the last person I'd ask if I were you.
9, lay off ——临时解雇,暂时辞退
-I got some bad news today.
The store where I work is laying off staff.
Are they going to let you go?
10, leave much to be desired——不令人满意,有待改善
-Well dietitians(营养学家) work hard to offer students nutritious and well-balanced diet.
Many of our young men and women claimed that brandy Bramley food like most dorm food leaves Much to be desired.
11, light up ——突然快活,高兴起来
-Those flowers light up the whole room.
12, like apples and oranges ——用来表示无法相比的事物
-Which game do you think is more difficult to learn, chess or bridge.
They are like apples and oranges.
13, look for a needle in a hay stack——大海捞针
-We are supposed to meet John here at the train station.
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