BE 动词的用法专题强化训练(4 )

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BE 动词的用法专题强化训练(4 )

Exercise 21:使用 is, isn’t, are, or aren’t 完成下列句子。

1. A mouse ______________________________ big.

2. A diamond _____________________________ cheap.

3. Diamonds ______________________________ expensive.

4. Bananas _______________________________ expensive.

5. The earth __________________ flat. It __________________ round.

6. English grammar ______________ hard . It ___________ easy.

7. This exercise ________________ difficult.

8. Flowers __________________ ugly. They _________________ beautiful.

9. Traffic at rush hour _________ noisy. It ________________ quiet.

10. Ice cream and candy _____________ sour. They ____________ sweet.

Exercise 22: 用 is, isn’t, are, or aren’t 和所给词造句。

1. apples… blue / red →2. a circle… round / square →_____________________________________________.

3. a piano… heavy / light →_____________________________________________.

4. potato chips… sweet/ salty →____________________________________________.

5. the Sahara Desert … large / small →_______________________________________.

6. the Nile River … short / long →___________________________________________.

7. this exercise … easy / difficult →___________________________________________.

8. my grammar book … new / old →__________________________________________.

9. electric cars … expensive / cheap →_________________________________________.

Exercise 23: 用 Be 动词的正确形式和所给单词造句。

1.Canada / a city → 2. Canada / in North America → _____________________________________________.

3. France / next to / Germany → ______________________________________________.

4. The downstairs of a building / above / the upstairs →


5. Ice / hot →________________________________________________________________.

6. apples and oranges / vegetables →_____________________________________________.

7. airplanes / fast →___________________________________________________________.

8. alligators / friendly → ______________________________________________________.

9. an alligator / dangerous →_____________________________________________________.

10. vegetables / healthy →_____________________________________________________.

Exercise 24: 用 Be 动词的正确形式完成下列句子。

Hiro _____________ from Japan. He ______________ a student. Mr. Brown ____________ the teacher. He _________ very nice. Fifteen students ___________ in the class. They __________ friendly. Hiro ____________ happy in this class.


Exercise 25: 用 Be 动词的正确形式完成下列句子。

Mrs. Smith: Hi, I ___________ Mrs. Smith. Mr. Brown _____________ not here. He _________ sick. I __________ your teacher today.

Hiro: Hi, my name _____________ Hiro.

Mrs. Smith: Hi, Hiro. It _________ nice to meet you.

Hiro: I ___________ happy to meet you ,too. This ________ my friend , Mari. Mrs. Smith: Hi, Mari. I _________ glad to meet you ,too.

