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银川一中 魏凤玲 用此资料前认真读此资料的说明(适用于好学生)




abandon vt. go away from( a person or thing or place) not intending to return; desert 放弃,抛弃 词组 abandon one?s home 离弃家园 abandon one?s wife 遗弃妻子

an abandoned baby被抛弃的孩子 The child was found abandoned on the street. abandon oneself to 沉溺于

abandon one?s research for lack of fund


ability n. capacity or power to do sth physical or mental 能力 词组 to the best of one’s ability 尽自己最大努力

have the ability to do sth; have the ability in doing something;

例句 I believe your ability to bring out the best in others.我相信你有充分发挥别人潜力的能力 able adj. having knowledge or skill; capable 有能力的, 能干的 反义词:unable 词组

someone be able to do sth. someone be capable of (doing)sth. 有能力做某事

BUT: something enable someone to do something

The money donated by people all over the world enables us to rebuild the quake-striken areas. 辨析

able capable

两个都指“有才能的”, able所指的意义,高过capable 一级;

如 an able man 能应付各种事情的人(指非常的),而a capable man 能应付自如的人(指寻常的);capable也可以用于贬义,表示此人什么事都干得出来。

aboard adv. prep. on or into a ship, an aircraft, a train or a bus在船(或飞机,车)上;上船,登机, 在


词组 about


go aboard 上船(飞机) welcome aboard请上船(飞机)

prep. on the subject of (sb/sth); concerning or regarding关于;around在周围;在各处;大约 adv. (indicating position, state, etc) here and there in (a place) 各处,周围 be about to do sth. 刚要;正准备:

How about doing something…? What about doing something…? 关于…怎么样?(提

abroad live/ travel abroad / come from abroad / at home and abroad / from home and abroad

例句 He was about to leave when it began to rain. 建议)

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How about going to watch a football game? 去看足球赛怎么样?

辨析 be to do be going to do be about to do be to do 表示计划或安排要做的事

be going to do表示打算要做但还没有安排好何时做的事;客观情况下即将发生的动作。 be about to do表示某时突然想要做某事,不与时间状语相连用;或表示过去刚要做某事时这


例句 We are going to visit our former English teacher this winter holiday.这个寒假我们打算去看看我


The dark clouds are gathering. It?s going to rain.乌云在聚集,天要下雨了。

We are to visit our English teacher on Feb 5th. 二月五日我们去看看我们的英语老师。 I was about to leave home when the doorbell rang. 我刚要出门,这时门铃响了。 above


prep. higher than something 在…上面;高于;超过 adv. 在上面

above all 最重要的是 above average 超过平均水平



As is mentioned above如上所述 / as is indicated above high above the sky;

absent adj. not present 缺席,心不在焉


be absent from


反义词 present

be present at 出席

v. fml to keep oneself away (正式)缺席,不在

absent-minded 心不在焉的 absent expression 茫然的表情 in the presence of = in one’s presence 有谁在场

in the absence of = in one’s absence 有谁不在场

展开 absence n. 反义词 presence

absolute adj. complete, total 十足的,道地的;绝对的,完全的

词组 an absolute idiot 十足的傻瓜 / absolute power 绝对的权利 absolute confidence / silence / trust / proof; The laws of physics were absolute. 展开 absolutely adv. 完全地;极其 be absolutely wrong /impossible

absorb vt. take sth in; include sth/sb as part of itself吸收;接受;把…并入;吸引(注意力,精力等) 词组

~ heat / oxygen/ water / gas / liquid; be absorbed in

something / doing something 全神贯注于 = be lost in ; lose oneself in ;

concentrate one’s attention / mind on; focus one’s mind / attention on

A be absorbed intoB 把…并入 meaning: A becomes a part of B.

abstract adj. existing in thought or as an idea but not having a phycial or practical existence 抽象的


an abstract noun/painting/painter 抽象名词 / 抽象画 / 抽象画画家 n. 摘要,梗概 an ~ of a lecture

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词组 辨析

in the abstract 抽象地说,一般地说 consider the problem in the abstract receive 表示“客观收到”

accept 表示“主观接受”,其反义词为refuse

I received his invitation yesterday but I did not accept it.昨天我受到了他的邀请,但是没有接admit 表示“接纳”,“吸收”某人加入某一组织,团体等

Soon he was admitted to British citizenship. 不久之后他便被接受为英国公民。

accept v. take (sth offered) willingly 接受,认可


词组 accept sth (as sth) : take sth. as ; believe sth. accept one?s ides / advice; the accepted laws; one’s proposal is acceptable.

例句 We do not accept your explanation / what you have said.

Mary finally accepted Bruce as her long-companion. It is an accepted fact, ie sth that everyone thinks is true.

展开 acceptable adj.可以接受的

Is the proposal acceptable to you? one?s proposal is acceptable. access n. means of approaching or entering( a place) 通道;

opportunity or right to use sth or approach sth 接近;接近的机会;享用权

词组 a man of easy access 容易接近的人 ; someone is accessiable / approachable; have / gain access to something / some place; 可以到达(进入);能够使用(接近) 例句 The only access to that building is along the muddy track.. 进入那幢大楼的唯一通道就是这条


Only a few people have access to the full facts of the case. 只有几个人可以获取这个案例的全部事实。



adj. 容易接近,得到或使用 ant: inaccessible

be accessible to sb. / be inaccessible to sb.

The Forbidden City was inaccesibale to ordinary people in the old days. The mountain village was inaccessible to buses and cars.

accident n. event that happens unexpectedly and causes damages, injury, etc.意外事件,事故 词组

a traffic accident (反)on purpose

例句 He owes his success to a mere accident 展开 accidental adj.


偶然的 accidentally adv. 意外地

交通事故 by accident 偶然(同)by chance; accidentally

accompany vt. to go with, as on a journey陪伴,陪同;

to happen or exist at the same time伴随,和…一起发生; to make supporting music for为…伴奏(或伴唱)

accompany sb./sth. / accompany sb. on the piano / a song

例句 I was accompanied to the airport by my wife. 妻子陪我到机场。

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Suffering accompanied war. 灾难总是伴随着战争一起。

He sang a folk song, accompanied by his wife on the piano.他唱了一首民歌,他妻子钢琴伴奏

展开 company n. 陪伴 keep sb. company 陪伴; keep company with someone; accomplish v. to succeed in doing; finish successfully; perform 实行,完成 词组

accomplish one?s purpose

达到目的 accomplish nothing 一事无成


accomplish wonders / goals / 创造奇迹 an accomplished young lady

A lazy man will never accomplish anything.

展开 accomplished adj. 熟练的,已完成的,有教养的

an accomplished fact 既成事实 / an accomplished dancer /cook

be accomplisheded at something = be good at something

辨析 accomplish ;

complete ; finish; achieve ; fulfil

accomplish指通过努力完成(某一任务,使命),取得(成就),达到(目的)等 complete 较accomplish更具体,指把建筑,工程,书籍等完成


辨析:I have finished the book. 我已读完这本书了。 I have completed the book. 我已写完这本书了。


I had fulfilled many of my youthful ambitions. 我已实现了我年轻时的许多抱负。 achieve指排除困难,完成伟大功业,取得成就。 achieve one’s ambition 展开 accomplishment n according adv. 按照;根据

词组 according to 根据; according to plan; according to the report; according to what he said

at the meeting;

展开 accordingly



account n. a written or spoken report; description记述,描述,报告

n. a record or statement of money received and paid out, as by a bank or business, esp. for a particular period or at a particular date账,帐户

n. 解释,说明 vi. account for

1)说明…的原因,是…的原因 His illness accounts for his absence. 2)在数量,比例方面)占: something accounts for 50%. give an account of 叙述;报告 pay one?s account 付帐 keep accounts 记账 on account of 由于;因为; on no account决不 (如果在句首,要用倒装句型)。

take…into account = take account of = take …into consideration 考虑 on this / that account: for this / that reason / on sb?s account : for sb?s sake

Please take into account my experience that was gained during the gap year in the UK. 词组

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of no account 不重要的 on account 以赊帐方式

展开 accountant n. 会计人员

accuse v. to charge(someone)with doing wrong or breaking the law; blame 指责 词组

accuse sb. of sth.= charge sb.with sth. the accused


someone be accused of cheating in the exam.

被告 the accuser 原告

BUT: blame somoee for doing something;

someone be to blame for: 某人应该受到指责;(注意不用被动语态) blame something on someone;

展开 accusation n. 指责,控告

accustomed adj. being in the habit of; used to习惯于;regular, usual 通常的,惯常的 词组 表示“习惯于”

be (get, become, grow) accustomed to something / doing something; be (get, become, grow) used to(变得)习惯于 adapt oneself to sth. adjust oneself to sth.

accustom oneself to sth.

例句 This is her accustomed hour to get up. 这是她惯常的起床时间 ache n. a continuous pain疼痛

vi. to have or suffer a continuous dull pain 疼痛,酸痛 My head is aching /aches. BUT: My stomach pains me. I am aching all over. 合成词



toothache 牙疼 headache头疼 stomachache胃疼 pain


ache 指一种辨析持久的疼痛,或因小病或失调引起的感觉 I have an ache in my stomach/chest. 我胃疼。 He is aching all over. 他浑身痛。

pain 指人体感到不舒服,是一般用语,可指身体或精神方面的痛 I have a sharp pain in the neck. 我的颈部痛得很。 hurt



What you have said hurt her. 你说的伤到她了。 My fingers still hurt now. vi. 成功

achieve one’s ambition 达成志向;达成抱负 achieve one’s aim / goal 达成目标 achieve nothing 一事无成; achieve success 成功; achieve a general increase in production实现逐步增长 (见accomplish词条)

achieve vt. to finish successfully(esp. something, anything, nothing) 完成,实现,达到 词组


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展开 achievement n. 成就,成绩 : Albert Enistein is a simple man with great achievements. acquire vt. to get for oneself by one?s own work, skill, action, etc.取得,获得;学到 词组


acquire a property 得到一笔财产

acquire a large vocabulary学到大量词汇 acquire confidence 获得信心 acquire ; get ; obtain ; gain

acquire 指(经过一个过程或通过自己的努力才)“获得”,“习得” get为一般用语,表示“得”,“取得”等,常用在口语中 obtain 比get文雅些,指凭着努力,要求等而“得到”

Further information can be obtained from our head office.可以从我们总部获得更多信息 gain “取得”“赚得(利益等)”,含优势和成就等意味。 Nothing can be gained without an effort . 不劳则无获。 adv. 从 边到另一边;宽,横 come across = run across


get across 过;渡过 put across 哄骗(使相信或接受) get sth. across (to sb.) 使人理解,领会 The stream is 6 feet across.


He was unable to get across to the group what he meant.他无法让人了解他什么意思。 We must learn how to put our ideas across. 我们必须学会讲清楚我们的观点。 across 辨析

act 词组


across the river / street / desert / plain / bridge

across 指平面的穿过 through 指空间的穿过 through the forest /crowd / tunnel / window / gate

vi. To take action行动;做,做事;to represent ( a part) or perform by action表演 vt. 扮演(角色) n. 行为,动作;法令;条例 act on / upon

1. 根据…行事 2.对…产生影响,对…起作用


act on the teacher’s instructions 遵照老师的指令 Acids act on metals. in the act of

正做…的过程中 In the act of bending down, he slipped and hurt his back.

across prep. from one side to the other of穿过…, 横过…, 在…的对面 词组


catch sb. in the act of doing sth. I caught her (in the act of )stealing my bicycle.

act as 充当 / an act of great daring 英勇的行为 an education act 教育法 例句 She acted wisely in this matter. 她在这事上做得很明智。 action 词组

He wasn?t acting like himself. 他的举止反常。

He acts very well in the play. 他在剧中演得很 He acted Romeo. 他演罗密欧。 process of doing something n. 行动

take action / steps / measures to do sth. 采取行动 go /come into action开始战斗,开始行动

out of action 不(再)起作用,不(再)运转 in action起作用,运转

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action act activity

act 指短暂,个别的,具体的“行为”

action 偏重于抽象的,占时较长的“行为”,“行为过程”,更具有连续性。 activity 指活动

The thief was caught in the very act of stealing.小偷在行窃时被逮捕。

Firm action must be taken to prevent such an accident from happening again. 必须采取果断措施以防止此类事故再度发生。


展开 classroom activities 班级活动 action 也常指做事的方法或效果

action of a runner / a medicine


a foolish/ kind/ brave act (or action)= an act( not action ) of foolishness / kindness/ bravery energetic; quick; lively adj. 积极的,主动的 be active in = take an active part in

积极参加 actively adv. 积极地

active 词组


actions泛指人们的行为. Actions speak louder than words.(谚语)事实胜于雄辩

adapt v.make sth suitable for a new use, situation etc. 使适应,使适合;

. v. alter or modify( a text) for televison, the stage, etc. 修改,改编 词组

adapt oneself to adapt to

使自己适应,习惯(见accustomed 词条) 适应 adapt sth. (for sth.) 改编

These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes. The famous novel will be adapted for a film. add 词组

v. put something together with sth else so as to increase the size, number, amount etc.


add … to … 往。。。添加。。。 add up 加起来 add up to = amount to = total = come to His debts added up to $100. (不能用被动语态)

add to 增加 add to one’s confusion / difficulty



例句 Three added to four makes seven.


Add all these figures and see what the total is.把这些数字加起来,看看是多少。 in addition = besides

另外,加之 除…之外(还有)

addition n. adding, esp calculating the total of tow or more numbers 加;加法 词组

in addition to = as well as = besides

展开 additional adj. 附加的,另外的

address n. details of where a person lives, works or can be found, and where letters , etc may be

delivered 地址,住址;

n. speech made to an audience演说,讲话

vt. (在信封或包裹上)写姓名,地址;向…作(正式)讲话;对…发表演说;称呼;处理 address oneself to



address sth. to sb. The card / letter was wrongly addressed to my old house.

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address the meeting / a conference; address someone as Dr. x x x; 辨析

address ;








address 指较正式隆重场合上所作的“演说”

speech 普通用语,指在公共场合所作的经过准备的或无准备的“发言” lecture 学术性的“演讲”“讲座” I went to a lecture he gave on literature. report 事件及局势的报道(报告)或下级给上级的报告a political report talk 非正式的讲话,用与较随便的场合 I must have a long talk with him. adequate



adequate adj. sufficient 足够的,适当的;胜任的 反义词:inadequate 辨析

adequate 着重符合一个客观要求或标准,兼有“适当”之意 sufficient 较偏重分量或数量的“足够”,多用语书面语 enough 常用语,也较偏重分量或数量的“足够”

His wages are adequate to support the family.他的工资足够养家了。

v. alter (sth) by a small amount so that it will fit or be right for use; regulate 调整;调节 adjust one’s watch / the focus of the camera

adjust oneself to 调整以适应(见accustomed词条) adjust to适应: adjust to the new environment; adjust tax and labour laws;

例句 The body quickly adjust ( itself ) to changes in temperature. 身体迅速自行调节以适应气温的变化。

admire vt. regard sb with respect, pleasure, satisfaction etc. 赞赏,钦佩

词组 admire sb for sth / doing something: I admire him for his success in business.

win the admiration of 赢得…的赞赏 be the admiration of

have/ display an admiration for



adjust 词组

展开 admirer n. 崇拜者 admirable adj. 可佩的

admirably adv. 可佩地,非常地 admiringly adv. 钦佩地,赞叹地 admiration n.


admit vt. allow sb/ sth to enter 允许进入,使进入;容纳;容许

recognize or acknowledge sth as true, confess sth. 承认

词组 admit sth. /doing sth./that clause

admit to sth / doing sth: recognize sth. as true 承认; admit (having made )one?s mistakes 承认犯了错误 He was admitted to the hospital.

He is admitted to the golf club. be admitted into (to):

被…录取: The boy was admiited into Yale University.

例句 Only important personages were admitted to the opening ceremony.只有VIP才可参加开幕式

admit sb. to / into sp. / an organization: 被准许进入:

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This matter admits of no delay. 这件事不容拖延。

This ticket will admit three to the concert. 一张票可供三个人听音乐会。 George would never admit ( to ) being wrong. 乔治从不认错。 I admit my mistakes / that I was wrong. 我承认我错了。

展开 admission n. 准许进入,入场费,费用 Admission free / Admission by ticket only adopt v. adopt sb. adopt an orphan / an adopted child

adopt sth. adopt a plan / an idea

advance v. come or go forward 前进,向前移动;

make progress 取得进展; increase (a price)(价格等)上涨; pay before it is due to be paid预先发放,预先支付; bring (an event) to an earlier date 提前,使提前发生; make a present (a claim or suggestio, etc) 提出(建议等)

n. 前进,前移;进展,改进;(价格等)增加;预付(款等) adj. 预先的,先行的

in advance 在前面;预先,事先 It?s impossible to know in advance what will happen.


in advance of : Galileo?s ideas were well in advance of the age in which he lives. make advances / improvements / progress in sth. 展开 advanced adj. 先进的,高级的;年迈的,后阶段的 advanced workers / ideas /theory

advantage n. conditon or circumstance that gives one superiotiy or success (esp when competing with

others) 优势,好处反义词:disadvantage


take advantage of 利用(某人的处境,弱点等); 利用(机会等)= make use of have (give sb.) an advantage over turn sth. to advantage


have the advantage of 在某方面有优势 to sb’s advantage 对(某人)有利


例句 His British upbringing gives him certain advantages over other applicants.

他在英国成长受教育,这一背景使他比其他应征者略胜一筹。 He has the advantage of speaking four languages over others.


The lawyer?s letter said she would hear something to her advantage.


展开 advantageous adj. 有利的

adventure n. unusual, exciting or dangerous experience or undertaking






venture 其词义指商业方面有风险的计划,商业上的冒险、投机或投机事业,尤指不发大财就输得adventure 其词义指冒着危险从事某种活动,并从中感到新奇,异常愉快,甚至激动人心的经历、

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his adventures in Africa 他在非洲的冒险经历

He thought the venture far too risky and didn?t want to become involved. 他认为这个计划风险性太大而不想参与。

展开 adventurous adj. 冒险 adventurer n. 冒险家 advertise /advertize: v. praise sth. publicly in order to encourage people to buy or use it. 公开赞扬(某事物)以鼓励别人购买或使用;登广告宣传 ~ sth: 登广告宣传某物

~ a house / goods / services/ ~ a used car in the newspapers

They ~ a used car/their goods for sale/rent. 等广告卖/出租用过的车子/货物 ~ sth. on TV/ in the newspaper own the ~d products

ask for sb./sth. by placing a notice in a newspaper, etc. 在报刊杂志上登征求某人或某物的广告 ~ for sth/sb. : (在报刊杂志上)为…征求某人或某物登广告 ~ for a job/ a secretary/ a house (in the newspaper/on TV) We should ~ for someone to look after the garden. advertisement (ad) (advert): n.

the ~ page / a well-designed ~ / answer an ~ (for …) in the newspaper an ~ for sb./sth. / an ~ for a new car on TV / put/place an ~ in the newspaper/on TV If you want to sell your old house, why not put an ~ in the local newspaper?

advertising / advertizing : Un. 广告业,广告事务;广告宣传 an ~ agency/firm advice 词组

n. opinion given about what to do or how to behave 建议,劝告 (不可数) a piece of advice / ask sb. for advice 向某人要建议 follow/ take / act on one’s advice听从某人的建议 give sb. some advice on sth. 给某人提建议

v. 建议: advise doing something;

advise sb. to do sth.= try to persuade sb. to do sth. = try to persuade sb. into doing sth. 建议某人做某事

advisable adj. 明智的,可取的,适当的 It is advisable for sb. to do sth.…对某人来说是可取的 It is advisable that sb. should do sth.

affair n. thing (to be) done; concern; matter 事情,事件;(pl.) 事务 词组 public affairs 公事

private / personal affairs 私事 / national /state affairs international affairs affair;

国际事务 / family affairs

event ;


matter; business;



家事 / current affairs

展开 advise


affair 涵义最广,可指已经发生的或必须去做的任何事情,也可泛指事务(用作复数时,指


matter 意为事情,指要考虑或处理的(小)事 money matters 钱的事情

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What’s the matter? = What’s wrong ?= What’s the trouble? business常指生意,商业,还可指任务,责任,正事 do business with

与某人做生意 go into business

经商get down to business


business hours 营业时间 mind your own business ( affairs ) 少管闲事 It?s none of your business.

不关你的事 Business is business. 公事公办


event 指重大事: historical events 历史事件 track and field events

A daughter?s marriage is quite an event for a father.

incident 指突发事件,事变或冲突: Xi?an incident西安事变

affect 词组

affect sb. / sth. : The diseases affected us.

border incidents边境事件

vt. have an influence on (sb or sth.) 影响;(在感情方面)打动,震动; 假装

We were affected to tears by his inspiring speech.

Teachers words and behaviours affected children. = have effect on 展开 effect

n. 影响 : have a great effect on someone; side effect of the medicine;

affection n. 喜爱,慈爱 have an affection (love) for喜欢… set one?s affections on 钟爱某人

affectionate adj. 深情的 affectionately adv.深情地

afford 词组


v. have enough money, space, time etc for ( a special purpose)提供;担负得起(费用);抽出时间

afford a holiday afford;


度假 afford the time / expenses 抽出时间(支付费用)

afford (to do) sth. 能够做某事 afford a serious disease; afford someone to do something;

supply; provide

afford供给,一般用于抽象名词,常用在can, be able to,could后面

offer 主动提供,出价 offer sb. sth. 提供某人某物 offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事 offer some money for sth. 为某物出价

supply 供应,补给(缺乏或不足的东西)(一般指付钱的)

The water works supply water to the people in this town.水利工程给这个镇上的人们提供水。 provide往往指免费提供;书本提供知识和理论常用它。 provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb.

We provide the children with money and clothes.我们为孩子们提供钱和衣物。 adj. frightened怕的(做表语用)

be afraid of / be afraid to do sth. be afraid that clause 害怕…

afraid 词组

supply sb. with sth. = supply sth. to sb.提供

辨析 be afraid to do be afraid of

be afraid to do sth: dare not to do sth表示害怕不敢做,可以不做。是以人的意志为转移。 be afraid of doing sth.: be worried about 表示害怕或担心某事会发生。 是不以人的意志为转移的.

The girl was afraid to go out at night. So she stayed at home.这女孩晚上不敢出去,因此她呆在家里。

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The boy was afraid of being scolded by his father for he failed in the final exam. 这男孩因期末考没通过害怕被他父亲责骂。 after 词组

later in time prep. /conj. /adv.


after all 毕竟,终究 after dark 天黑之后 after one?s heart 合…心意的,投合的 ask after = inquire after 问候 be after 想得到,寻求, 追求 day after day ( year ~ year) 日复一日(年复一年等) go after 追逐,追求,设法得到 look after take after 长得像,性格上像

be named after

照顾,照看,照管 以…命名

one after another 一个接一个地 run after 追求,追捕,追赶 the day after tomorrow ( the week ~ next ) 后天(在下一个星期)

Shortly after the Second World War; Shortly after he graduated from a school;

again 词组

once more, another time adv. 再一次

again and again再三地,反复地 once again 再次

now and again 不时地,间或 all over again 再次,重新 over and over again 一再地 time and time again 多次,一再地

having as a background衬着; as a defence or protection from 预防


against one’s will / wishes违反自己的意愿

be against反对 lean against斜靠着 fight against / defend against / protest against

against prep. in opposition to (反)对; 以…为抵御…对象;靠着;

例句 We sailed against wind.我们顶风航行。

There were 20 votes for him and 12 against him.有20 张投票拥护他,有12 张反对他。 The skier?s red clothes stood out clearly against the snow.滑雪者红色的衣服在白雪的衬托下分外醒目。

We are all taking medicine against the disease.我们都在服药防御这疾病。 age n. length of time that a person has lived or a thing has existed 时代;年龄

vi. grow old 变老,长大,老化 vt. 使苍老 at the age of 在…岁的时候 at one?s age


be of the same age 同龄 be of different ages 不同龄 under the age of年龄在…以下 be over age超龄 be under age 未成年,不足龄 be about one’s own age

adj. 有…岁,…年纪的,陈年的;年老的


range in age from 12 to 18; the age range is ------ 展开 aged

My son is aged 10 years. 我儿子十岁。

Tinka, aged eleven, was demanding that she be allowed to go to the movies twice a week.


The sick and the aged need our help. 病人和老人需要我们的帮助。 the middle-aged


v. say ?yes? 同意


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agree with同意(+某人/ what引导的从句/ );(气候,食物等)适于…的健康或体质; 与…相符,与…相一致

agree to sth. ( plan; proposal; suggestion; oerders;) agree on / upon



agree to do sth. 同意做某事 agree + that clause

agree with one’s words; agree with what he said; 例句 Their story agrees with the facts. 他们的叙述与事实相符 What he said and what he did don’t agree.

The climate doesn’t agree with me. 这气候对我不相宜。 I agree with you on the plan. 我同意你对这个计划的观点。 I agree with what you said at the meeting 我同意你会上的发言。

We couldn?t agree on the date. 关于日期,我们未能取得一致意见。

展开 agreeable adj. 令人愉快的 = pleasant;(欣然)同意的,乐意的 ant. disagreeable agreement n. 协定,协议;同意

reach ( arrive at, come to ) an agreement

ahead 词组

adv. further forward in space or time adv. 在前

ahead of (指时间,空间)在…之前 ahead of schedule(比原计划或规定时间)提前 push ahead向前进,推行

例句 They began to push ahead with their new policy.他们开始推行他们的新政策。 aid 词组

vt. help 帮助,援助 n. 帮助,援助(不可数);助手,辅助用品(可数) teaching aids 教学设备 hearing aids 助听器 audio and visual aids 视听设备 food and medical aid食品和医疗帮助 come / go to one’s aid来(去)帮助某人 first aid急救





help 常用语,其后可跟一个宾语和带to或不带to的动词不定式

aid 比to较正式,往往指帮助整体而言。他的宾语后接不定式或in加动名词都可 assist正式用语,往往指帮助个体而言,着重表示“协助”之意。它更多使用的则是后接 in 加动名词结构

aim n. purpose, intention 目的,目标(可数);

action of pointing or directing a weapon or missile at a target n. 瞄准,射击目标(不可数) vt/vi direct one?s efforts ( in the specified direction) 以…为目的,目的是,打算,希望; point or direct ( a weapon, blow, missle, etc) towards an object 瞄准,对准

词组 目标)

take careful aim at

仔细瞄准 aim high


be aimed at 目标是,目的是;针对,对…而发 aim at

目的是,打算; 瞄准; aim to do sth. 打算 aim for 希望(达到某个

ahead of time 提前,提早 go ahead在前进,有进展;继续干,说下去

例句 This education aimed at combining brain work with manual labour.

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教育的目的是把体力劳动和脑力工作结合起来。 Mary aimed to please her teacher. 马丽想取悦她的老师。 We should aim for the best results. 我们应该希望得到最好的结果。

These advertisements are specially aimed at young people.这些广告是特别针对青年的。


n. mixture of gases surrounding the earth and breathed by all land animals and plants 空气;气氛;飞机;航空 clear the air in the air


流传中;不肯定,不具体;在谣传中 in the open air


展开 aimless adj. 无目的的 aimlessly adv.



build castles in the air 空中楼阁,想入非非 by air on the air 广播 off the air 合成词

air bath 空气浴 air-cushion 气垫 airflow


停播 up in the air 悬而未决的


airproof 不漏气

adj. 有空调

air pump 气泵 air stream 气流 air rifle air-conditioning n. 空调设备/系统 airmail





air battle 空战 air attack 空袭


air cargo 空运货物(邮件) airhostess air force 空军

airliner 班机,客机



air alarm 空袭警报 air base 空军基地 air corridor空中走廊

airline 航线,航空公司 air raid

alarm n. fear and excitement caused by the expectation of danger 惊恐的情绪(不可数)

warning sound or signal n. 警告,警报;闹钟的铃(可数)

vt. give a warning or feelingo of danger to (a person or an animal) 使惊慌,使不安 alarm clock alive ;

闹钟 false alarm

living ;


词组 辨析 福的人

The driver was still alive after the accident. 出了车祸,司机还活着。

Catch / bury sb. /sth. alive / be alive with

live adj.活的(常指有生命的),现场直播 adv.

a live fish 活鱼 / a live TV programme现场直播的电视 living adj. 活的,逼真的n.

the happiest living man / living water

活水 / living language活的语言

all the living things生物 / the livingare------ 那些活着的人们

alive adj. living, not dead 活着的

live ;


alive 活着的,多指状态 the happiest man alive (形容词放在所修饰的名词后):世上最幸

The wire is live. / live coal / sth. be televised / broadcast live

make a livng / earn one?s living / plain living / living conditions /standard

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lively adj. 充满活力的,生动的,活泼的: a lively dance / lesson 充满活力的舞(生动的课) 注:

有许多词是以a-开头的形容词,只能做表语,被称为表语形容词: asleep睡着的 afraid害怕的 awake醒着的 alone单独的 aware明白的 ashamed害羞的 alike相似的 adv. altogether; completely 全部的

pron. the whole of全体;(整体中的)每一个;一切 n. everything 所有的一切

all day (night, etc.) 整天(夜)地 all one’s life 一生,一辈子

all the time 一直地,经常 all the way 一路,全程;一直(走完很长一截all the while 一直地 all these(those) days/ years这些年(天) for all 尽管 above all after all 毕竟,终究 all in all

最重要的是 总的来说,总之





at all 究竟(用于疑问句,条件句) not at all 一点也不 first of all all alone 单独一个人,独自地 all along all out


for good and all永久地,一劳永逸地 in all 总共 once for all 一劳永逸地 all at once 突然;同时,一下子;马上 all of a sudden 突然

全力(以赴): someone go all out to do something;

到处 all right

好吧,行;(身体)好了,情况不错 更加

全面地 all the more 在整个…期间:

all over all round

all the same 尽管如此,照旧;全都一样(没有差别): Thank you all the same.

all through

All are here. All is ready. Not all of us love English. All of us don’t like English. All that can be done has been done. Has all that can be done been done? allow 结构 事

forbid sb. to do sth. allow


禁止某人做某事 forbid doing 建议某人做某事 advise doing

禁止做某事 建议做某事

advise sb. to do sth.

vt. permit (sb/sth) to do允许,准许,承认

allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 allow doing 同样用法的词: permit sb. to do sth.

允许某人做某事 permit doing



allow 准许(侧重不想阻止,不加制止,类似听任、默许) permit 允许,许可(侧重按规定而准许或气候时间允许)

If time permits, we’ll go for an outing. 如果时间允许的话,我们就去郊游。

The nurse allowed the visitors to remain beyond the hospital visiting hours, though it was not

Time permitting, we will go for an outing.

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permitted. 尽管医院不允许,但护士还是同意探视者逗留超过探视时间。


allow for 考虑到,顾及,为…留出余地 allow of


展开 allowance n. 津贴,补贴

almost adv. nearly, not quite 几乎,差不多 辨析




almost 与no, none, nothing, never 连用 Almost no one believes her. 几乎每人相信她。

nearly 不可与上述词连用,而用not nearly “根本不是,相差甚远” It?s not nearly so easy as you think.


mostly则等于 almost all The audience are mostly students. 观众大多是学生。 adj. only, exclusively 仅仅(用于名词或代词后); without any companions 单独的 adv. 单独地


lonely ;alone

lonely 是形容词有“寂寞的”“孤单的”之意,既可做定语,也可做表语;还表示“荒凉的,人迹稀少的”

a lonely man 孤独的人 a lonely mountain village 荒凉的山村 Come over and see me. I?m feeling a bit lonely.过来看我吧,我有点寂寞。

alternative adj. available in place of sth else; other 两者择一的,供选择的

n. choice of two or more possibilities两者(或在两者以上间)择一,抉择;供选择的东西,供替代的抉择


alternative road另一条路 alternative fuel 可替代燃料

have no alternative (choice) but to do = have no choice but to do 别无选择除了--- although


alone 往往和心情无关,指独自一人,可做形容词也可做副词,做形容词表示仅仅

She lives on tea and cakes when she is alone.她一个人时就以茶饼当饭。 Man alone has the gift of speech.只有人类有说话的天赋。 leave sb. / sth. alone

=let sb. alone不打扰,不惊动

let alone 更别提,更不用说: He can’t walk; let alone run. prep. from one end to or towards the other end of (sth) 沿着,循着 adv. onward, forward 向前地

all along 始终,一直 along with和…一道,和…一起 get along


Almost nothing can satisfy her. Almost no one can understand his advanced theory.


be alone at home / in the office Smith alone (Only Smith) knew him. 词组 along 词组

although conj. n spite of the fact that; even if 虽然,尽管 (重点掌握) 辨析

1.though 可用做副词,做修饰性状语,(可位于句中或句末,一般放在句末,通常用逗号隔开),表示“但是”,although则不能。

He said he would do it; he didn?t, though. 他说他要做这件事,可是他没有做。

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He will probably agree; you never know, though.

He is a dangerous element; there is no reason, though, to shoot him. Though invited, he won’t attend the wedding.

2. though 能与as, even 连用, 而although不可以,因此,我们可以说as though, even though 不能用as although, even although

I often take a shower although / even though I prefer a bath.

Although /Even though the traffic held us up, we got to the airport on time.

3. 当让步状语从句指一种假设的情况时, 通常though, 而although:

Though all the world were against me, I should still hold to my opinion. Though everybody (should) desert (leave) you, I will not.

although和though不能与but同用,可用yet, still, nevertheless替代

altogether adv. 总共,全部

The weather was bad and the food dreadful. Altogether the holiday was very disappointing. amaze 展开

vt. fill (sb) with great surprise or wonder 使惊异,使大为惊奇 同义词:surprise


注: 此三词都是及物动词,但这三个词一般以事物或他人做主语,以人做宾语。 sb./sth. amaze sb. 如果以人做主语时用 be + ved形式

I was amazed to find her there. 见到她在那儿,我很惊讶。

amazing adj. = surprising = astonishing 令人吃惊的 amazing news令人吃惊的消息

amazed adj. wear an amazed expression/look

amazingly adv. 惊人地 amazement n. = surprise = astonishment 惊讶

to one’s amazement / surprise /astonishment使感到惊讶的是

look at sb. in amazement ambition:

n.1) U. strong desire to achieve sth. 雄心,野心,志气,抱负

a man of ambition / be full of ambition: That politician is full of ambition. ambition for sth. He poured out all his ambition for the future. ambition to do sth. Tom was filled with ambition to become famous. 2) C. object of this desire 目标,夙愿

achieve/ realize / fulfill one’s ~(s) 达到,实现目标,野心等 As a result of his refusal, he achieved his ambition.

As a student, you should have great ambitions.有远大志向 One of his ambitions is to become a musician

ambitious adj.有雄心的,宏伟的

He is an ~ boy./ It is an ~plan, but we didn?t put it into practice.

be ~ to do sth. / for sth. He is ~ to become an scientist/ to succeed. He is ~ for fame and money. He is ~ for his children.望子成龙 among prep. amongst 在…中间;在…之中

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among the last to leave

among / one of the top students

Hongkong is among the highly developed areas in Asia.

be popular with/among 辨析


; between

among 指三者或三者以上 between指两者之间或两两之间

New York is among the largest cities in the world.纽约是世界上最大城市之一。

Can you tell the difference between Tom and John?

Switzerland lies between France, Italy, Austria and Germany.

drinks between meals


amount n. total sum or value 数量,总数 vi. 合计 词组

amount to = add up to =come to 总计达(见词条add) a large amount of/large amounts of大量的(修饰不可数名词) the amount of …的数量(修饰不可数名词)

a large number of 大量的(修饰可数名词) the number of the quantity of



展开 “大量,许多的”词组

a large quantity of / large quantities of大量的(修饰可数,不可数名词) a large sum of / large sums of 大量的(修饰不可数名词) a lot of / lots of大量的(修饰可数,不可数名词)

plenty of 大量的(修饰可数,不可数名词) a good / great many




但large quantities of ; large amounts of和large sums of 修饰不可数名词时,谓语动词和amounts, quantities和sums保持一致,用复数。

Large amounts of waste water have been poured into the river without being cleaned.

amuse v.

sb./sth.amuse sb. They amazed themselves by looking at old photophraphs. sb. be amazed at/by sth. / sb. be amazed to do sth.

amazement n. to one?s great amazement/ much to one?s amazement and 词组 angry 词组

conj. also, in addition和

and so on = and so forth 等等 and vice versa adj. filled with anger 生气,发怒

be angry with sb. 生某人的气 be angry at sth. 为某事生气 be angry to do 生气地… quiver with anger 因生气而发抖 anger

n. 怒,愤怒 vt.使发怒,激怒 in anger angrily adv.生气地


反过来也一样 and yet 但是…

announce vt. make sth known publicly 宣布,通告 辨析 announce ;

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declare 公开“宣布”,“宣称”,如战争,和平,戒严等。

declare war upon 向…宣战 the Declaration of Independence 独立宣言

展开 announcement n.宣布,通告 announcer n. 广播员,解说员 annoy vt. cause slight anger to sb; irritate 使烦恼,打扰

sb./ sth annoy sb. sb. be annoyed at sth. / to do sth. / that … find something (someone) annoying; 辨析




annoy “烦恼”,指干扰,不顺利或受不了某种外界情况而感到“烦” He was annoyed with his naughty son. 他淘气的儿子令他生气。

bother 指不停的“扰乱”,“麻烦”,是人不能安宁。它强调动作,不强调由此产生的心理。 I?m sorry to have bothered you. 对不起打扰你了。

disturb “干扰”,妨碍”,指由于外界的干扰,使本来安宁或正常的秩序被打乱,而使人一时

不能全神贯注地做某事 That thing disturbs my serenity. 那件事扰乱了我的宁静。

展开 annoyance n. 烦恼,讨厌的人或事 annoying adj. 讨厌的 annual adj. 每年的n. 年刊

an annual meeting /report /show / visit

another pron./ adj. an additional (person, thing) 再一个,另一的 词组

one after another 一个接一个;相继 one another 互相(三者以上) each other

互相(两者间) another two weeks / two more weeks



满足…的需要 answer back 顶

answer vt./ n. thing said, written or done as a response or reaction 回答,答复 词组

answer the door / telephone / letter in answer to answer for

对…付有责任 answer the need of


answer to 符合,适合;对…有反应 the answer to the exercises; be anxious to do sth.

很想做某事 be anxious for/ about sth. 渴望…,为…而担

anxious adj. feeling anxiety; worried; uneasy 焦虑的,急切的,渴望的 词组 心

例句 We are anxious to know the result of the Entrance Examination.我们急者要知道高考的结果.

He is eager for success. 他渴望成功. anxious ;



anxious 指因焦虑而担心,因此渴望… eager


anyhow adv. in spite of ;at least 不管怎样;无论如何

It?s too late now, anyhow. / Anyhow, you can try. anything pron. any one thing, everything 任何事,任何东西 词组

anything but 绝对不 (辨析nothing but表示“仅仅”)

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for anything (否定句中)无论如何 be powerless to do anything but do sth. The novel is anything but vivid. 这部小说一点也不生动. Alone at home, I felt nothing but lonely. I wouldn?t miss the party for anything.

一个人在家,我就是感到孤单。 我无论如何都不会错过那个晚会。


apart to or at a distance adv. 分开,分隔开 辨析

apart from 除…之外(别无),除…之外(还有)

崩溃,破碎 set apart 留出 tell something apart分辨出

tell A and B apart = tell A from B= tell the difference between A and = distinguish A from B区分开

fall apart

apologize v. make an apology 道歉 词组

apologize to sb. for sth / doing sth.. 为某事向某人道歉

You must apologize to all the people present for what you have just done. 展开 apology n. 道歉 make an apology to sb. for sth / doing sth..(同上) apparent adj.

Her apparent indifference made him even more nervous. It is apparent that she is going to leave. 展开 apparently adv.

appeal vt. make an earnest request 呼吁;控诉; 词组 例句

appeal to

n. earnest reply 呼吁;吸引力

be attractive or interesting (to sb) 有吸引力 appealing;


The police are appealing to the public for information about this crime. 警察呼吁公众提供这件罪案的线索。

This picture doesn?t appeal to the youth. 这张画对年轻人没有什么吸引力。

appear vi. come into view; become visible 出现,显得;好像

It appears as if / as though… / It appears that … / There appear(s) to be … There appears to have been a mistake./ It appears that there has been a mistake. 辨析

appear; look ;



He appears to know more than he really does.他看起来好像懂很多,其实不然。 look暗示有一定根据的判断。 The problem seems very complicated.问题仿佛很复杂。 seem着重由视觉而得出的印象。 He looked as if he was worried. 他看上去仿佛很着急。

展开 appearance n. 出现;外观,外貌 Never judge a person by his appearances.

appetite n. physical desire, esp for food or pleasure 食欲, 后常跟 for 词组

have a poor appetite 胃口不好 have an appetite for power / knowledge lose one?s appetite 食欲减退 to one’s appetite 投其所好


appliance n. instrument or device for a specific purpose 器具,用具,器械

词组 medical appliances 医疗器具 household appliances家用器具 electrical appliances 电器 辨析

appliance ;

instrument ; equipment;


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appliance 强调器械,用具,尤指家用电器

instrument尤指精密仪器,乐器, 如:musical instruments 用具乐器 surgical instruments equipment是“设备”,“装备”的总称,为不可数名词 kitchen equipment厨房设备 facility常用,复数形式,表示提供便利的“设备”,“设施”。如:

public facilities 公共设施 facilities of traveling旅游设施


electrical equipment

apply vi make a formal request .申请(for), be relavant (to sb/ sth); have an effect适用(to)

vt. 应用,运用;put or spread sth (onto) sth 敷,贴,涂,施加

apply (to sb.) for sth.

申请 apply theory to practice 把理论应用于实践 致力于 apply to


apply what we have learned to the future work

apply oneself to 展开 application


n. 申请,申请表;应用,实施;敷用,涂抹

n. 申请人 applicable adj. 可应用的,可实施的


make an application to sb. for sth. / the application of software appoint vt. choose sb for a job or position of responsibility 任命,委派;

fix or decide on sth 约定,确定(时间,地点)

He was appointed mayor of the city. 他被任命为该市的市长。 appoint the date for the meeting 确定会议的日期 The teacher appointed me to call the roll.老师指派我点名。 展开 appointment n. 任命,委派

make an appointment with sb. keep / break an appointment

feel or show understanding or gratitude 为…表示感激

vi increase in value . 增值

appreciate sth. appreciate (one?s) doing sth. appreciate one’s kindness / goodness in doing sth. 感谢你所做的…

I’d appreciate it very much if you’d do sth.


appreciate the beauty of 欣赏美丽 / … is much appreciated …大受欣赏 如果你能帮我打印这封信的话, 我将不胜感激.

I appreciate your kindess in helping me with my English.对于你给我英语上的帮助我表示感谢. I appreciate your problem, but I don?t think I can help you. 我理解你的困难, 但我爱莫能助. Houses in that area have appreciated since the new road was built.

自从新马路的建造, 这个地区的地产已增值.

展开 appreciation n. 感激,欣赏,重视 (of )

express an appreciation of / have an appreciation of 欣赏, 喜欢, 重视…评论 approach vt. / vi. to come near or nearer to (sb/sth) in space or time 接近,靠近;临近;对 结构

appreciate vt. understand and enjoy sth; value 重视,欣赏;领会,充分意识到,体会;

例句 I?d appreciate it very much if you?d type this letter for me.

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begin to tackle (a task, problem etc.) 处理(问题,任务等)



act of approaching 接近,靠近;途径;

way of dealing with a person or thing 方式,方法 (to)

make approaches to sb. 想法接近(认识)某人

approach perfection = be close to being perfect

a new approach to cancer treatment/ foreign languages 治疗癌症/学习外语的新方法 all the approaches to the airport 所有到机场的入口/通道 例句 The approach of winter brings cold weather.

All the approaches to the airport were blocked by the police.

The club has made an approach to a local business firm for sponsorship. I made approaches to her to join our club.

Silently we approached the enemy’s camp.

They had to work in the temperatures approaching 35.

Before trying to solve the problem, let us consider the best way to approach. 展开 approachable adj. 可以达到的,容易接近的

approve vt./vi say , show or feel that sth is good or acceptable or satisfactory 赞成,同意;

confirm (sth); accept v. 批准,核准

词组 approve of

赞成,称许 disapprove of 不赞成,不称许


例句 I approve of your trying to earn some money, but please don?t neglect your studies. 展开 approval n. 赞成,同意;批准,认可 disapprove vt/vi

disapproval n. 不赞成,不同意;不批准

area n. exten or measurement of a surface 面积;

region of the earth?s surface district of a city, etc. 地区,地域; range of activity or interest 领域,范围

辨析 area 出的面积。

cover an area of 2500 square metres/ mountainous areas

There is a strange smell in the area around the fridge. 冰箱附近有股怪味。 Mary measured the area of the floor before ordering the new carpet.


region 指有共同的政治,经济,文化或自然特点的地区。

the Macau Special Administration Region 澳门特别行政区 Development of the West Region


100 countries and 3 regions / the desert region 沙漠地区


region; section; district; zone

area 整体中面积较大且没有明确界限的一部分。还可指较确定的一小部分(相当section)或计算

section 指整体中相对独立的一部分,或指同类人居住的地区。

The student read the introductory section of each chapter. 那位学生阅读了各章内容的简介部分。

the Negro sections of New York 纽约黑人居住区

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district 多指一个国家或城市中的行政或地理区域

What district does that representative come from? 那位代表来自哪个区? the war zone 战区 the economic development zone


zone 指有不同于一般的特点或特征的地区,或指某些活动发生的地区。

time zones / temperate zones

argue v. express an opposite opinion; exchange angry words; quarrel 争吵,争论 词组

argue with sb. over sth. 与某人争吵某事 argue against 拒理反对,争辩说不应该 argue for the right to strike argue down 驳倒 argue away 把…辩解过去

展开 argument n. 争论,辩论 arm 词组 迎)

lay down one?s arms

放下武器,投降 take up arms 拿起武器,准备战斗

展开 arms

n. 武器 be armed to teeth; armd police;

n. either of the two upper limbs of the human body 臂,前肢 arm in arm

臂挽臂 / catch sb. by the arm

keep at arm?s length 保持距离,避免亲近 receive with open arms 热情而高兴地接待(欢

around prep. near a place 在…周围; forming a circle round (sth); following (such a route ) 环绕

adv. 在周围;大约 around the clock

昼夜不停地;二十四小时的 around the corner 在拐角处,即将到来


look around / show sb. around sp.

arouse vt. wake sb from sleep 唤醒,引起 vi. 醒来 词组

arise 词组 例句 词组

arouse one’s curiosity /suspicion /sympathy /enthusiasm 引起某人的好奇心/怀疑/同情/热情 arouse sb. from sleep

叫醒某人 arouse the appetite

引起食欲 (arose, arisen) lie in

vi. appear; become evident起立,起身;上升,升起;出现 arise from / out of 产生,造成,引起同义词组:result from

Many problems arise from the lack of com munication.有许多问题是由于缺乏交流而引起的。 arrange sth. (for sb.) / arrange to do sth. / arrange for sb. /sth. to do sth. 安排…做…

arrange v. put sth in order; make tiy, neat or attractive 安排 例句 Just now I arranged the book on the shelf in the study. I?ll arrange an appointment for you.

I have arranged to meet my teacher at 6 o?clock. I’ve arranged for a car to meet you at the airport.

展开 arrangement n. 安排,排列 / make arrangements for sb./sth.

make arrangements to do sth. 为…做安排the arrangement of the furniture in the room article

n. piece of writing 文章,论文;

separate clause or item in an agreement or a contract. 条款,条文;

particular or separate thing, esp one of a set (物品的)一件,物件;冠词 an article of clothing

artificial adj. made or produced by man in imitation of sth natural; not real 人工的,人造的;affected;

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insincere; not genuine adj. 假的,矫揉造作的

词组 as

artificial fiber 人工纤维 artificial smile conj.

做作的笑 artificial flowers

prep. Having the function or the character of 作为,当作;像,如同

when 当…时,在…的同时,随着;and so too如同…那样,in the way in which 以…

的方式,像…一样;since ; because of 因为,由于;introduce a clause of concession尽管,虽然

ad. to the same extent 同样地,一样地; as for/ to

至于,关于 as if / though 好象,仿佛


as a matter of fact 事实上,实际上,不瞒你说 as a result as a result of / as a whole 一般来说,通常

as… as one can/ as… as possible 尽可能,尽量 as follows 如下 as/ so far as远到,一直到;达到(某种程度) as…as… 同…一样 not as…as…, not so…as… 不如…那样 as regards关于

adj. feeling shame, embarrassment, etc about sth/sb or because of one?s own action惭愧的,羞耻的,难为情的

辨析 徒 ask 词组

asleep 词组 辨析

vt. /vi. request information (about sb/sth) from sb. 问,询问;请求,要求;邀请 ask after 探问 ask about 询问 ask for请求,要求 ask for trouble 自找麻烦 ask/beg a favor of sb.

请求某人帮助 ask a question

adj. not awake; sleeping 睡着的(常做表语) sound / fast asleep 熟睡 fall asleep 入睡 asleep; sleep;


asleep 睡着的,常做表语 sleep 是动词I slept a good sleep last night.昨晚我睡得很好。 sleepy 是形容词,既可做表语,表示“困乏的,想睡觉的”;也可做定语,表示“贪睡的,好


He was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes open.他困得很,眼睛都睁不开。

aspect 词组

particular part or feature of sth being considered n. 方面;角度;外观,面貌 in all aspects 在各个方面 take on a new aspect/ look 面貌一新

fit together ( the parts of sth) 装配

辨析 集

assemble ; gather

gather; collect

assemble 指人或组织出于共同目的而聚集在一起 The students assembled on the playground.

强调把分散的东西集中到一起 collect 指有选择地集中或逐个地慢慢聚集,收

ashamed ; shameful ; shameless

ashamed 意为“惭愧的”,“羞耻的”,用于人,后接of,表示“以……为耻” shameful “可耻的”,“丢脸的”,用于事物或行为。




He is ashamed of his shameful behavior.他为其可耻的行为而感到惭愧。 shameless“无耻”,可指事物,行为,也可指人“恬不知耻”。shameless lies/ traitor

assemble vt./vi. (cause people or things to ) come together; collect 集合,召集,聚集;

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展开 assembly n. 集会,集合;设备,组装 assembly line 装配线 assign 词组 assist

vt give sth to sb as a share of work to be done of things to be used . 分配,选派 assign sb. to do sth. 委任某人做某事 assign sth. to sb./assign sb. sth.给某人分派某事

n. (分派的)任务,(指定的)作业;分配,指派

v. help 帮助,协助

n. 帮助,援助 come to one’s assistance n. 助手,助理

展开 assignment

词组 assist sb. in doing sth. 帮助做某事(见词条aid) 展开 assistance



associate vt. join (people or things) together; conncect ( ideas, etc ) in one?s mind 结合在一起

associate…with… 将(不同事物)联系起来;联想与…交往

例句 Whisky is usually associated with Scotland. 人们常把威士忌与苏格兰联系起来. Red is usually associated with danger.

I don?t like you associating with such people. 我不喜欢你与那些人混在一起.

展开 association 词组 担 assure 词组 辨析

vt tell (sb) positively or confidently 使(某人)相信

assure sb. of sth. 使某人确信… assure sb. that… 向某人保证… assure; ensure; insure;


assure 强调“向…保证”,“使…确信”,后接人做宾语,否则用被动 ensure 与insure一般可以通用,但习惯用ensure表示“保证”,句型为: ensure sth. 保证…

ensure that…=make sure that…=be sure that…=see to it that ensure sb. sth 向某人保证…

insure 强调“保险”,名词为 insurance guarantee



n. 联合,联盟;协会,社团 association football 英式足球

assume vt. accept (sth) as true before there is proof 假定,假设;承担,担任

assume a statement to be true 假定一种说法是正确 assume responsibility承担责任 Assuming that…假定… I assume that … / assumption n. 假定,臆断;担任,承

辨析: He assured me that he would help me. 处。

This new treaty will ensure peace between the nations.这项新条约一定会保证各国之间的和平相Insurance companies will insure ships and their cargoes against loss at sea. 保险公司将给船和货物保海损险。

The watch is guaranteed for two years. 这只表保用两年。

n. 保证

不知所措 at a time 一次 at one time 曾经

prep. 在……

at a distance 在一定距离 at a loss

at all costs = at any cost 不惜一切代价 at any rate 不管怎样

展开 assurance at 词组

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at best 在最顺利条件下,说得再好也只是 at ease (口令)稍息 at first sight 一见面,第一眼 at hand 不远,快到,在身边 at heart


at home 在家;随便,无拘束;对…很熟练 at last (经过一段等待或曲折)最后,终at least 至少 at leisure 有空闲,没事;从容地,慢慢地 at length 最后;详细地,at most 至多 at once 立刻,马上 at one?s fingertips 非常熟悉,精通 at one?s service 听候吩咐,为…服务;供使用 at one?s wit?s end


at present 目前,现在 at random 随机地,胡乱地 at sea/at a loss茫然,不知所措 at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟,意见分歧 at the end of 在…末端 at the corner of 在角落 at the airport 在机场 at the weekend at a quarter to five 在四点三刻 at one?s convenience at half price 半价 at the speed of 以…的速度 be good at/ be clever at/ be skilled at擅长于,精于 at the risk of


at the same time 同时 at the top of one?s voice 高声地 at the start 从一开始,开始时 at times 有时候,间或 at will 任意地,随意地 at work干活,起作用

旨在 shout at

冲…喊叫 fire at 朝…开火 smile at




aim at 微笑

laugh at 嘲笑 glare at 怒视 stare at 盯着…看 gaze at throw at 朝…扔东西 wave at 朝…挥手 vt. fasten or join sth (to) sth 系,帖,连接;

join sb/sth as a (sometimes unwelcome or uninvited) companion or member使附属;使依恋,使喜爱; attribute sth to sth 认为有(重要性,责任等)



attach … to … / attach oneself to(尤指短期地)使参加,使属于 attach to 使附属;系,连接 attach importance/ significance to be/ become attached to


喜欢,…依恋 a document attached to a letter

attempt v. / n make an effort to accomplish (sth); try to do (sth) 企图,试图,试图做 词组

attempt to do sth. / make an attempt to do sth.试图做某事

attempt sth / a vain attempt 妄想 / make no attempt to do sth.

attend the meeting / attend to sb. / sth. 照顾;处理,办理;专心于,致力于

注意 draw / attract one’s attention吸引注意

adv. 注意地,专注地

attend v. go regularly to (a place); be present at 出席,参加 词组

attention n. 注意,注意力 词组 pay attention to

stand at attention 立正站着 distract one?s attention concentrate/focus one?s attention on; 展开 attentive adj. 注意的,关心别人的 attentively attitude n. way of thinking or behaving 态度,看法,姿态 词组

develop a good attitude to / towards 对...的态度

attract vt. pull (sth) towards itself/ oneself by unseen force 吸引,引起

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词组 attract one’s attention /catch one’s eye引起某人的注意 tourist attractions 旅游胜地

展开 attraction n. 具有吸引力的事物 attractive adj. 吸引人的,招人喜爱的

attribute vt regard sth as belonging to, caused by or produced by sb/ sth 把...归因于,把(过错,责

任等)归于; n. quality regarded as a natural or typical part of sb/ sth 属性,特性


attribute… to = owe… to 把...归功于;把...归因于

audience n. group of people who have gathered together to hear or watch sb/ sth 听众,观众 词组 a large / small audience 众多观众,观众少 hold / seat an audience of 500 例句 There was a large audience in the hall. The audience are lost in the music.


The hall can hold an audience of 500.

available adj. (of things) that can be used or obtained 可以得到的,可以使用的;有效的;

(of people) free to be seen, talked to, etc (指人)可以找,可以用


(sth. ) be available to (sb.) (某人)可获得,(某人)可得到 with sth. available 有...可用

例句 There was no hotel available to us for the night. 我们找不到旅馆过夜。

This ticket is available in all parks. 这张票各公园通用。

If I am not available, you can ask him for help. 如果找不到我,可让他帮忙。

avenge oneself on 对复仇 avenge his son?s death on the driver 就他儿子的死向司机报仇

average adj. standard or level regarded as usual 中等的;平常的;平均的 词组

average height and weight

中等身材 average number 平均数

an average student with average intellect智力平常的普通学生

above / below (the) average 在一般水平以上 / 下 on average平均,通常 vt. keep oneself away from (sb/sth) 避免 avoid sb.?s company

避免和某人来往 avoid sth. /doing sth. 避免做某事

vt. (of a person) wait for (sb./sth )等待 = wait for adj. (awoke, awoke 或awaked) not asleep 醒着的

vt. (cause a person or an animal) to stop sleeping 唤醒,叫醒 vi.


醒着还是睡着 be fast / sound asleep; be wide awake;

awake or asleep

The fresh milk is available to all the students every day. avenge v.

avoid 词组 await awake

await instructions / results / a reply; await someone = wait for someone;

I shall awake my son. 叫醒我的儿子。 I awoke from a deep sleep. 从沉睡中醒来。






1.这四个词中,wake最为常用,也只有wake 可与up连用,等于 awake 2.表示“醒来”,最好用wake (up ),或 awake, 不要用waken或awaken 3.在被动态中,“被唤醒”一般用wakened 或awakened.

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He was awakened /wakened by the noise. 他被噪音惊醒。

4.比喻说法中的“觉醒”,“被唤起”多用 awake (vi) 和awaken(vt) The national spirit awoke


民族精神觉醒了。 / awake to the dangers

vt. make an official decision to give sth to sb as a prize, as payment or as a punishement

授予,颁发 (后常接奖金,奖章之类的名词; n. thing or amount awarded 奖,奖品;

奖状 词组 辨析

award sb. sth. = award sth. to sb. an Oscar Award 奥斯卡奖 award reward

reward 强调“报答,酬谢” reward sb. with sth. for sth.


授予某人...奖 a literature award 文学奖

offer a reward of sth. for sth. /doing sth. / in reward for sth./ as a reward for sth. award someone for something / doing something;

A reward will be paid to whoever gives useful information.任何提供信息的人都会被给予报

He was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics for his great discovery.



prize n. 比赛、竞赛中所得的奖品 win the first prize aware adj. having knowledge or realization of sb/ sth 意识到 词组 悟 away 词组

adv. 向远处,离开;向另一方向,向一边

right away立刻,马上 put away 收拾好,保存 away from离

give away 背弃,使泄露;或指婚礼中父亲把女儿交给新郎 get away from 摆脱,逃避 do away with 消灭,取消,废除 pass away 死 die away (风、声音等)渐弱 be aware of / be aware that … 知道,明白;觉察到,意识到 awareness n. 意识,觉

break away from; turn away from; awful adj. 非常的;糟糕透了的

awful weather / an awful accident / experience / shock

awkward adj. 笨拙的;困难的 an awkward customer; in an awkward situation, back

n. part of the surface of an object that is furest from the front 背部;背面,反面 adj. situated behind 后面的 / adv. towards or at the rear 向后 v. move backwards 支持;后退 back and forth back down keep back

来回地 lie on one’s back仰卧 at the back of 在…后面


back to back 背靠背 back out 退出,撒手 back up (使)倒退

放弃,后退 hold back

保留(未讲);忍住眼泪 look back 回顾,回想起 trace back to


追溯到 badly

adv. very much; to a great extent 严重到;非常地

need / want badly sth. / sb. / be badly in need of sb./sth. /

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be badly /seriously injured/hurt

badly off 贫困的,境况不好的,反义词:well off badly off for sth. : be in need of sth. Smell bad; smell badly;

例句 I need your help badly. 我非常需要你的帮助。 The car is badly in need of repair.

急需修理。He is badly ill. 他病得很重。

The refugees are badly off for blankets, and even worse off for food. vt. keep or put (sth) in a state of balance 使平衡,使均衡 keep /upset /destroy the balance of nature …生态平衡 a well-balanced diet / keep balance

保持平衡 / lose one’s balance 失衡

balance n. steadiness; even distribution of weight 平衡,均衡 词组


ban: v. forbid; prohibit esp. by law ~ned n. order that bans, prohibition

~ sth./ doing sth. The government should ~ smoking in public.

~ sb. from sth./ doing sth.明令禁止某人做某事 He was ~ned from driving for 6 months. ~ on sth / sb. 禁令, 禁止 There is a ~ on smoking in this opera house. put a ~ on sth 禁止某事 Our school intends to put a ~ on smoking in the office. But it has not been

included in the school regulations by now.

lift the ~ on sth 取消的禁令 put ( place) sth under a ~ 查禁,禁止 band n. group of people playing esp wind instruments 乐队;

orgazined group of peopledoing sth together with a common purpose 群,伙;

thin flat strip 带,带状物; range of wavelengths within specified limits 波段,频带

词组 a band of robbers 一群强盗 rubber bands 橡皮筋 a three-band radio 三波段收音机 bar n. room in a hotel, public house, etc in which such drinks are served 酒吧;(a) piece of solid

material 条,块;

narrow piece of wood or metal placed (often paralled to others in a grid) as an obstacle in a doorway, window, etc, or to act as a grate in a fire, furnace, etc (门,窗等的)闩,栅栏

vt. fasten ( a door, gate, etc ) with a bar 闩(门,窗等),在…设栅栏

a snack bar

快餐厅,小吃店 / parallel bar


a bar of soup/ chocolate/ gold/ iron一条肥皂,巧克力,金条,铁条 a barred window in bare feet bare

带栅栏的窗 behind bars 在监狱中

赤脚 a bare hill一座光秃的小山 earn a bare living 仅能糊口


bare adj. without clothing 赤裸的;无遮盖的 vt. uncover sth, reveal 暴露,露出 词组


a room bare of furniture 无家具的房间 a bare possibility 绝无仅有的可能性


naked 指人时常表示全裸,用于物时指缺少必需的遮盖 bare 指人时指一部分裸露,用于物指没有遮盖

Naked babies are playing on the floor. 孩子们光着身子在地板上玩。

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I saw the boy running with bare feet.

adv. 仅仅,几乎不


展开 barely

barely … when= hardly /scarcely / rarely … when=no sooner …than 一…就

议,交易;thing bought or sold for less than its usual price 便宜货 vi. discuss (with sb) prices, terms of trade, etc with the aim of buying or selling goods, or changing conditions, on terms thaqt are favourable to oneself 讨价还价

bargain n. agreement in which both or all sides promise to do sth for each other (买卖等双方的)协

结构 A bargain is a bargain 协议总是协议。 Pick up good bargains.

It?s a really bargain 真便宜。 a good bargain make a bargain with sb. about sth. 与…讨价还价

bargain for/ on 企图廉价获取

place at which armed forces, expediditons, etc have their stores n.基础,基地 use sth as grounds, evidence, etc for sth else vt. 依…为根据 a revolutionary base / an air base / a missile base 军事基地 base…on /upon…/ be based on 把…建立在…基础上

adj. 基本的 basic necessities of life


base 词组

展开 basic

the basic vocabulary of English / the basic theory of language teaching

basically adv. Bascially I agree with your proposals, but there are a few points I?d like to discuss. / basement n. / in the basement

basis 词组 辨析

n. main principle that underlies sth.; foundation 基础,根据,前提 on the basis of base ;




base 指具体的“基地”,特别是军事或工业方面的基地 basis指“根据”,“基础”,多用于比喻义

foundation 与basis大体同义,但更具体,通常指建筑物的地基,也可引申为“根据”; lay a solid foundation for

The farmers form the basis of a nation.


The city will become an important industrial base of our country.

这个城市将成为我国一个重要的工业基地。 The report had no foundation / basis. the open beach beach;

bank ;



beach 词组 辨析

n. stretch of sand or pebbles along the edge of the sea or a lake 海滨,海滩

空旷的海滩 on the beach coast;


beach 意为“海(河,湖)滩,指受潮水冲刷而形成的有细纱或卵石覆盖的平缓的斜坡 bank 意为“河岸,堤岸”,指河流两旁高出水面的地方

coast 意为“海岸,海岸线”,是地理名词,指海洋和陆地的分界线,有清晰的边界概念,不


shore 意为“岸,滨”,含义较广,可指围绕海洋,河流及湖泊旁边的陆地,含有与水相对的


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My hometown is on the bank of the Yellow River.我的家乡在黄河沿岸。

lie on the beach躺在沙滩上 coastal cities 沿海城市 coast line海岸线make for the seashore靠岸

take (respnsibilty, etc)on oneself; shoulder 负担,承担; support sb/ sth; sustain 承受,支承;

show (sth); carry visibly; display 带有,怀有;写(或刻,印)有 give birth to 结(果实),生

bear vt. (bore, borne/ born) endure (sth); tolerate; stand忍受,忍耐;

孩子; 词组 受…

bear the cost / responsibility 承担费用/责任 bear a heavy burden bear the weight

支撑重量 bear a baby

怀着孩子 bear fruit

牢记 生来做生意的


bear scars / signature / date 有伤疤(签名)(日期) bear / keep sth. in mind be born in

牢记 bear in mind that

be born for business


bear hardships

忍受困苦 bear doing / can’t bear to do


be born into a poor family 出生贫寒 be born of Jewish parents

be born with musical talent 天生有音乐天赋 be born deaf / blind

be born with a siliver spoon in his mouth / a born cook 天生的厨师 beat n. stroke (eg on a drum) or regular sequence of strokes; sound of this


vt. defeat sb; win against sb 打;打败

vi. (of the heart) expand and contract rhythmical (心脏等的)跳动


beat sb. black and blue 打得某人浑身青紫 the city beat 城市节拍 the beat of the drum beat down beat


击鼓声 dance to the beat 随音乐起舞

(太阳等)强烈地照射下来;打倒,平息 beat against the window 拍打

着窗 辨析

beat 是“击败,打败”之意,指在战斗,竞赛等方面彻底战胜对方。做此解时,它是及物动



可做不及物动词,宾语是比赛,战役,胜利等。如果是win sb. over,意思是“把…争取过来”。

beat the opponent 击败对手 beat their team 击败他们队 beat



beat 指“连续不停地打击”。它可指太阳,风,雨的“射,吹,打”,心和脉搏的“跳动。 hit 指重重地打击,侧重“打中”。它还可表示“撞击”,及“达到(某水平)”等strike 用途最



win a war 赢得战争 win the victory 赢得胜利 win the hearts of audience赢得观众的

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The rain was beating against the window. 雨拍打着窗。

His head hit against the wall. 他的头撞到了墙。 The number once hit 8 million. 数字一度曾达8百万。 Strike while the iron is hot.

趁热. 打铁 It struck me that…


When evening came, we were struck by a snowstorm夜晚降临的时候,我们遭遇了暴风雨 The beauty of the lake struck everybody present. 湖的美打动了在场的每一位。 because of


as; for

because conj. for the reason that 因为 词组 辨析

because; since;




A: Why were you absent? B: Because I was not well.

2) because-分句通常臵于主句之后(注),也可臵于主句之前:

He took off his coat because he felt hot.

Because he wants us to make rapid progress, the teacher is strict with us.

3) because之前可加only, simply, just等强调词:

Don?t do anything simply because other people are doing it. You shouldn?t get angry just because some people speak ill of you.

4) 也可用否定词not, 还可用一定的并列连词并列because 分句:

I?m going on a trip tomorrow, because I have to, not because I want to.

5) 在强调句中强调原因从句时,只能用because-分句,不能用 since或as引导的分句:

It was because he was ill that he didn?t go with us.

since “既然”,是一种“附带原因”,表示事物关系上的自然结果,往往放在句首,相当于now



for“因为”,表示的是附加的理由,推断的理由,只能放在主句后且用逗号隔开。 The oil must be out, for the light went out. n. thing to rest or sleep on 床 go to bed 上床睡觉 lie / stay in bed

躺 /呆在床上 make the bed 铺床

put/ see sb. to bed 安顿(打发)…睡觉 take to one?s bed 生病卧床 prep./ adv./ conj. earlier than (sb/sth) 在…之前,从前 It won’t / wasn’t be long before…



It will be / was long before… 很久…才

It was long before he realized what had happened. 过了好一会,他才弄明白发生了什么。 before long


long before

before long “不久以后”,是一个副词词组,用一般将来时。


bed 词组

before 结构

It will be two months before I graduate. 辨析

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long before “很久以前”,既是副词词组,又是连词词组,用一般过去时。 I hope to see you before long.


He said he had seen a tiger long before. 他说他很久以前见过老虎。 I heard about him long before I saw him.我在没见他之前,就听说过他了。 乞求,恳求

beg v. ask for (money, fod, clothes, etc) as a gift or as charity; make a living in this way 词组

beg sb. to do sth. 乞求某人做某事 beg your pardon. 能重复一遍吗? beg for help 恳求帮助 beg for money from passers-by beg a favour of sb.

n. 乞丐

首先,第一 at the beginning of 起初,在开

v. start 开始

begin with 由…开始 to begin with 始的时候

展开 beginningn. 开始,开端 at the beginning of 在。。。开始 from beginning to end从头至尾

behave v. act or conduct oneselfin the specified way 举止,表现

词组 behave badly 举止,表现很差 behave well 表现好 behave oneself 表现乖巧 a well-behaved / badly-behaved child

展开 behavior n. 行为 be on one?s good behavior 循规蹈矩

behind prep. / adv. in or to a position at the back of (sb/sth) 在…后面;在后,向后 词组 落后

leave sb. /sth. behind留下,挪下,忘了带 stay behind 留下(不跟着去,不走)

being 词组 存在

for the time being


believe v. feel sure of the truth of (sth)相信,认为 词组 辨析

believe sb. / what you said / that … believe in sb./God 信仰,信任 believe it or not believe

信不信由你 believe … to be + adj. / n. believe in

n. living creature 人,生物 human beings 人类 come into being

出现,形成 bring sth. into being 使出现,使

behind the times 落后 fall/ lag behind

落在后面 be behind with (进度)

展开 beggar begin 词组

believe 做“相信”解,指相信某人的话,或相信某事是真的。后面接名词或从句,也可接不定式或形容词作为宾补结构。

believe in “信赖,信任”,指信任某人的品质,或信仰某种主义,真理,宗教等,后面只能接名词或代词。

展开 belief 词组

n. 相信,信念,信仰 religious beliefs believable adj. 可以相信的

benefit n. profit; gain; 益处,好处;救济金 vt. do good to sb/ sth 有益于

for the benefit / sake of 为了…的好处 be of benefit to 对…有好处 A benefit B= B benefit from A


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Her ingenuity benefited this company.=This company benefited from her ingenuity.


I traveled for the benefit of my health. 我为了使身体健康而旅行。

展开 beneficial adj. 有益的,有利的 something be beneficial to 对…有益 besides adv./ prep. in addition to (sb/ sth ) 而且,此外(还);除…之外(还) 辨析

besides; except; except for; besides 指“除…之外(还)”

except 指“除…之外”,用来表示同类人或物之间的关系,指从总体中排除一部分 except for指“非同类事物的辨析”或肯定整体否定局部。 except that “除了”加句子

Your composition is quite good except for some spelling mistakes. I know nothing about him except that he is an American.

adj. /adv. of the most excellent,desirable, suitable, etc kind 最好的;最好地 try one?s best = do one?s best 尽力,努力 at best make the best of (遇到不幸或失败时)尽力而为

to the best of one’s knowledge / belief / ability 就某人所知(所信,能力所及)


at one?s best 处于颠峰,(最好的)状态 have/ get the best of 赢得;在…中取胜

except that

All the people went to the park except Tom./ Except for Tom all the people went to the park.

He goes out for a walk every day except when it rains. best 词组

look one?s best / make the best of 最有效利用 bet v./n.

bet on sth. / make a bet with sb. better 词组

adj./ adv. a more excellent, desirable kind 更好的;更好地

had better do sth. 最好,应该… change for the better 好转,向好的方向的发展 prep. at or to a more distant point than (sth) (指空间)在…的那一边;远于 later than ( a

specified time) (指时间)迟于;not within the range of (sth), surpassing (指范围)超出


beyond compare 无与伦比 beyond one’s power go beyond the mountains



beyond praise 夸不胜夸 beyond the visiting hours

beyond adv. at or to a distance 在更远处

到山的那边去 beyond description 难以用语言描述

bind v. tie or fasten, eg with rope v. (bound, bound) 捆,包扎,粘和,约束 词组

birth 词组 bit 词组

bind up a wound / one?s hair 包扎伤口,束头发 bind one?s arms

捆住手臂 I am bound by my promise. 我受到诺言的约束。

出生率 the death rate; 一点也不 / not a little 非常

n. emergence of young from the mother?s body 出生 give birth to 生(孩子);产生 birth rate n. small piece or amount (of sth) 一点 a bit 一点儿 / a little bit / not a bit

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bit by bit 逐渐地 / wait a bit 等一会儿 / a bit of + n.

adj. having a sharp taste like aspirin or unsweetened coffee; not sweet 痛苦的,苦涩的 bitter experiences 痛苦的经历 bitter fighting cry bitterly


苦战 bitter tears


bitter 词组

展开 bitterly adv. 难以忍受地,引起悲伤地 / be bitterly punished black 词组

adj. of the very darkest colour 黑的 black and blue 青肿的 black letter

black and white

白纸黑字 black coffee清咖啡

black Monday 黑色星期一 black-hearted 黑心的 black lead笔铅

黑体字 black mark 污点 black sheep 黑马

责怪某人某事 blame sth. on sb. 把某事归咎到某人身

vt. consider or say that sb is responsible for sth done(badly or wrongly) or not done责怪 blame sb. for sth./ doing sth. be to blame ( for sth.)

blame 词组 上 备 blank


例句 He was to blame for the accident. So he was blamed for it.他应该为次事故受责. 因此他受到了责

n. empty space in a document, etc for wrting answers, a signature, etc空白(处), 空格 without expression, undersranding or interest; empty 茫然的

词组 blind


fill in the blank

填空 look blank

脸上毫无表情 a blank check 一张空白支票

例句 My memory is blank.记忆空白

adj. unable to see 失明的

vt. make (sb) temporarily or permanently blind 使失明 be blind in the right eye

右眼瞎了 blind oneself

turn a blind eye to 视而不见 turn a deaf ear to 充耳不闻 be born blind go blind

adj. without writing or printing 空白的,

展开 blindness n. 失明

block n. group of buildings bounded by streets on four sides 街区;一排房屋,大楼;

large solid piece of wood, stone, metal, etc with flat surface 大块(木料,冰等); thing that makes movement or progress difficult or impossible; obstruction 障碍物;

vt. make movement or flow difficult or impossible on or in sth; obstruct sth阻塞,堵塞;阻碍,妨碍

a block of ice / stone

冰块,石块 a stumbling stock 绊脚石

an office block 办公大楼 block the progress of study 阻碍学习进步

walk three blocks 走三个街区 block off 封锁,封闭 block up 堵塞,挡住 n./ vi. produce flowers 花,开花

pass out of bloom 过了花期 come into bloom (blew, blown)

v. (of the wind or a current of air ) be moving 吹,吹动;(of an instrument, etc) sound in this way 吹响,吹奏;break (sth) with explosives (使)爆炸;send out (a current of air, etc) from the mouth 吹气,充气

盛开(花) in full bloom 盛开(花)


bloom 词组 blow

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n. sudden shock 一击,打击 blow a horn come to blows n. 兰色

look blue 面带忧郁 a blue movie/ film 色情电影

pale blue 淡兰色

吹号角 blow bubbles 开始互殴

吹泡泡 blow up 爆炸;冲气,给打气;

词组 大怒

blue adj. blue color 兰色的 ;feeling sad or depressed 沮丧的; 词组

black and blue / blue ribbon 蓝绶;最高荣誉奖 blue blood 出生名门 board n. long thin flat piece of cut wood used for building walls, floors, boats, etc 板,木板;

船舷;group of people controlling a company or some other organization; committee; council 董事会

v. get on or into ( a ship, a train, an aircraft, a bus etc)(上船,车,飞机等) a notice board 布告牌 on board 在船上 boarding school 寄宿学校 吹自擂,吹嘘

词组 辨析

boast of/ about = brag about 自夸,夸耀 boast; brag

boast 夸口,吹嘘(意味较brag弱) brag 是“大言不惭地自夸”,带有使人讨厌的含义


boast vi./vt./n talk( about one?s own achievements, abilities, etc) with too much pride andsatisfaction自

He is always boasting about his chidlren?s success at school. He boasted of being the best player in the team. He boasted that he was the best player in the team.

It was his proud boast that he had never missed a day?s work because of illness. boil 词组 book 词组 书评

bore vt. make (sb) feel tired and uninterested by being dull or tedious 令人厌烦 词组 borrow 辨析

be bored with = be tired of = be fed up with=be sick of 对…厌倦了

adj. 令人厌烦的,乏味的,无聊的

v. receive or obtain (sth) temporarily (from sb/ sth) with the promise or intention of returning it 借 borrow ;

lend 这两个词都为瞬间动词,不可与表示一段时间的状语连用。

Borrow 意为“借入,借进”,用于借钱借物等。不接双宾语。 用做:borrow sth. from sb. lend 意为“借,”表示把某物借给他人。它可接双宾语,也可与介词to 连用。

展开 boring

vi./vt. (of a liquid ) bubble up and change to vapour by being heated 煮,煮沸;沸腾 boiling water沸水 boiled water开水(指烧过的水) boil over 沸溢;激动,发怒 n. number of printed or written sheets of paper bound together in a cover书;本子

vt. reserve( a place, accommodation, etc) ; buy ( a ticket, etc) in advance预定(票,座位,房间等)

booking office售票处 book a ticket / book in为…预定;为…办理登记手续 a book review

the boiling point 沸点

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用做:lend sb. sth = lend sth to sb.

bother vt. cause trouble or annoyance to sb 打扰,麻烦;使不安,使紧张

vi. 尽力,烦心;担心,烦恼 n.

trouble; inconvenience 烦恼,焦急;令人烦恼的人(或事物)


词组 bother sb. (with sth.) bother to do sth. 特意地 例句 I?m sorry to have bothered you.

He has no time to bother with trifles. 他没时间为小事操心。 She never bothered about clothes. 穿衣上她从不费心。

We found the address without any bother. 我们不费劲就找到了这一地址。 His lazy son is really a bother to him. 他那个懒儿子真令他伤脑筋。 at the bottom of 在…底部 from the bottom of one’s heart 衷心地 from top to bottom 彻头彻尾 stand on one’s bottom 自立 bottoms up!


Don’t bother me with stupid questions. Don’t bother to come to my home.

bottom n. lowest part or point of sth 底部 词组

bow v. 鞠躬;(对意见等)顺从,屈服 bow to sb. / bow to sth. / We bowed to his decision. brain 词组

n. organ of the body that controls thought, memory and feeling, consisting of a mass of soft grey matter inside the head 脑;(复数)智力 have a clever brain

头脑好使 beat one’s brains 绞尽脑汁

coin one?s brains 动脑筋挣钱 brain trust 智囊团

The experiences of his unhappy childhood are branded on his memory.


vt. (of a whole object )separate into two or more parts as a result of force or strain打破;使破裂;损坏 vi. 破裂

n. a rest during the working day or at school 休息时间,暂停 break the egg

打鸡蛋 break the law 触犯法律 break the record 打破记录

词组 摆脱

break down (因机械,电力等故障)失灵;(计划,谈判等)失败;(健康,精神)垮

break in 闯入;插嘴(in 为副词) break into 强行闯入,破门而入;突然开(大笑,唱歌,

break off 停止(中断)(讲话);使突然结束;中断(解除)(关系,约定等)

break out break up

突然发生,爆发(无被动,为不及物词组) 突破,有重要创建;冲破,(强行)穿过

break through


brand n. 商标,烙印 v.打烙印,铭刻 brand sth. on sth.

break our journey终止旅行 break away from 挣脱,逃离;与(团体,组织,某种思想等)脱离,

打碎,拆散;分成部分;使终止(结束) / have a break

breath n. single act of taking air into the lungs 呼吸 词组

catch one’s breath 喘息,气喘 hold one’s breath 屏息

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out of breath 喘不过气来 take one’s breath away 使惊羡不已

展开 breathe v. 呼吸 breathe a deep breath; brief 词组 bright 词组

adj. lasting only a short time 简短的,短暂的 a brief introduction 简要的介绍

adv. 简单地

前途光明 bright sunshine

灿烂的阳光 a bright boy 聪明的男孩 带来

in brief 简言之,简单地说

展开 briefly

adj. giving out or reflecting mch light; shining 明亮的;clever; intelligent 聪明的 bright future

brilliant adj. brilliant sunshine / a brilliant scientist bring vt. come carrying sth or accompanied by sb. 词组

bring about = result in = give rise to = lead to = cause 导致,引起

bring down 打倒,使倒下;使降低 bring forward 提出,提议;提前 bring out 推出(新产品等);出版;使显出,使明显

bring through 使脱离险境,使渡过难关 bright up 抚养;教育,培养 bring;


take ;


bring表示,“拿来,带来”,指从别处把某人某物带来。它表示单程,与take方向相反。 carry表示“携带,搬运”,有负担的含义,它指从一地到另一地的运动,但不说明动作的方



即go and bring

Don?t forget to bring your homework with you tomorrow.

Why do you carry an umbrella on such a fine day? He rushed home to fetch his laptop.

I don?t know what I should take to the sea when I leave.

adj. large in size from one side to the other; wide 宽的;广泛的 a broad-minded man bump against / into

心胸宽广的人 as broad as it is long 长宽一样 碰撞 bump into


vi. knock or strike sth with a dull-sounding blow; collide with sth 碰,撞


broad 词组 bump 词组 bunch 词组

Something hard bumped against me. I saw the taxi bump into a parked car.

n. number of things (usu of the same kind) growing, fastened or grouped together束,簇 a bunch of flowers 一束花 a bunch of keys 一串钥匙 a bunch of grapes 一串葡萄 v. put a burden on sb / onself; load sb/ onself 是负重

be burdened with worries 忧心忡忡 be burdened with 肩负…

vi./vt destroy, damage, injure or mark (sb/sth) by fire, heat or acid 燃烧,发热燃烧 burn down


burden n. thing or person that is carried; heavy load 重负 词组 burn 词组

bear the burden of / put a heavy burden on sb. / reduce the burden

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burn out (指火)因燃料用尽而熄灭;烧光,烧毁(常用于被动态)

burn up


be burnt to ashes 烧为灰烬 a burning house; burnt meat; smell something burning;

Those who play with fire must be burnt / get burnt. burst vt. / vi. break violently open or apart 使爆裂;

explode 爆炸;挤满,充满;突然打开;突然发生,突然发作

burst open

突然打开 a burst of gunfire 一阵枪声 a burst of anger / applause

bush 结构

n. low thickly-growing plant with several woody stems coming up from the root灌木,灌木丛 beat about the bush 转弯抹角,旁敲侧击 A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.



n. sudden outbreak of sth 爆炸,爆裂;爆发,突发 burst into

闯入,冲进 burst into tears

哭了起来 burst into laughter 大笑起来

burst into flames 烧了起来 burst out crying 大哭起来 burst out laughing 突然大


business n. buying and selling(esp as a profession); commerce; trade 商业,生意

business hours 营业时间 get down to business 认真着手办事 mind your own business

管好你自己的事,少管闲事 on business 因公,公事

It?s none of your business. 不管你的事,少管闲事 mean business 是认真的 have no business 无权,没有理由 go out of business 歇业

Business is business. 公事公办 Everybody’s business is nobody’s business. 三个和尚没水adj. having much to do; occupied 忙的,繁忙的 be busy with sth.

忙于 be busy doing sth.


prep. Through the means of 用,通过

by and by 不久,不一会儿 by and large 总的来说,一般来说 by the way

顺便提一句 by way of 借道;取道

喝。 busy 词组 by 词组

by means of by doing sth. He is taller than me by one head. I was paid by the hour.

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