大学实用英语A班级教案 第一学期 - 图文

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教 案 编号

教师 班别 日期 课题 教材 Unit 1 College 课程名称 大学英语 教材名称《前景实用英语综合教程》 第 一 章 一 节 1-23 页 出版社: 复旦大学出版社 In this unit, students are supposed to ? know about the expressions often used on campus and use these expressions to talk about college life; ? understand the listening information about college life ? understand the main idea of Text A, and master the useful 教学目标 sentence structures and words and expressions; ? master phonetic skill: front vowels; ? do some grammar practice– noun plurals; ? know about some writing strategies and learn how to write Notice ? to master the key language points and grammatical structures in 重点 the text; ? to know how to write a notice. ? to understand the main idea of Text A, master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 难点 ? to use the expressions learnt to talk about college life freely. Communicative approach Computer-Assisted Instruction 教法 教具 a multi-media computer system (PPT/CDs) Lead-in, listening and phonetics (2Period) 时间安排 Text A & text-related exercises (4Period) Grammar, and Writing (2Period) Exercises in the workbook. 课程作业 Writing an resume of yourself Unit 1 College 板书摘要 Freshman, sophomore, junior, senior summer camp, knowledge 教学 过程 及内容 此项请写在教案纸上 自 我 分 析 课 同后 事 总 意 结 见 与 领评 导议 意纪 见 录 改进措施

Unit 1 College

? Teaching Material

Forward English for Practical Purposes, Book 1, Unit 1

? Teaching Aims:

In this unit, students are supposed to

1. know about the expressions often used on campus and use these expressions

to talk about college life;

2. understand the listening information about college life

3. understand the main idea of Text A, and master the useful sentence structures

and words and expressions; 4. master phonetic skill: front vowels;

5. do some grammar practice– noun plurals;

6. know about some writing strategies and learn how to write Notice.

? Teaching Emphasis

1. to master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 2. to know how to write a notice.

? Teaching Difficulties

1. to understand the main idea of Text A, master the key language points and

grammatical structures in the text.

2. to use the expressions learnt to talk about college life freely. ? Teaching Approaches

Communicative approach and Computer-Assisted Instruction

? Teaching Aids

a projector

a multi-media computer system

? Teaching Procedures and contents (8 periods)

Part A Lead in

Task 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions in small groups. 1. Who are the people in each picture? What’s their relationship? 2. Where are they? What are they doing?

3. Do you think they enjoy what they are doing now? Task 2 Listen to the short dialogues and fill in the blanks. Task 4 Listen to the recording, and complete the passage.

Task 5 Discuss the following questions with your partner about your first year plans

in college.

1. What did you do in the first week at college?

2. What differences are there between college life and high school life? 3. Are you going to join any interest groups on campus?

Text A

The Freshman Experience: College Is Not Summer Camp

Language and Cultural Points in the Text

Para. 1 The first week of college is summer camp. The second is back to reality.

The first week of college is like summer camp (which is usually full of excitement and fun), but in the second week, we have to go back to our real life at college.

I never imagined going from name games to essays in a blink.

I hadn?t thought I would change from playing games to studying hard so fast. Here name games simply mean playing instead of studying

Note: The Name Game (also known as the Adjective Game) starts with one person in the room picking a word that describes himself or herself as a person. The catch is that the word must start with the first letter of their first name.


to form a picture in your mind of what something might be e.g. She imagined singing her favorite song on a big stage.

她想象着自己在一个巨大的舞台上唱自己最喜欢的歌曲。 Close your eyes and imagine (that) you are in a forest. 闭上眼睛,想象自己在森林里。


n. (usually singular) the act of shutting and opening your eyes very quickly e.g. He finished all his food in the blink of an eye. 一眨眼功夫他把食物全吃光了。

She does not comprehend the meaning of my blink. 她没有领会我眨眼的意思。

Para. 2 orientation

training or information that you are given before starting a new job, course, etc. e.g. This is orientation week for all the new students. 这是让全体新生熟悉情况的迎新周。 New employees receive three days’ orientation. 新雇员接受三天的入职培训。

……it never really felt like school until I walked into Geology on Tuesday morning.

It was not like school until I walked into the Geology class on Tuesday morning. Here “felt” is a link verb, different from when it is used in “feel like doing sth.”


. used with superlatives, and with “all” and “every”, to emphasize that something is the best, worst, etc. that you can imagine, or includes every possible example

e.g. This is the only solution imaginable. 这是唯一可想得到的解决办法。

Posters were put up on every imaginable surface. 每一处能想到的空白都张贴着海报。

Para. 3 Buying textbooks before the class was its own problem It?s hard to get cheap second-hand textbooks for this course.

Note: College students in some countries have to buy textbooks, often second-handed ones, on their own. For many courses, there are simply no textbooks, but reference books, and students do not always have the option to purchase these items.

dirt cheap

(informal) extremely cheap, as cheap as dirt

e.g. The shop owner let us have the stuff dirt cheap. (used as adverb) 店主很便宜地卖给我们这些东西。

She bought the fashionable dress at a dirt-cheap price. (used as adjective) 这件时装她买得很便宜。

…but being in a room filled with strangers, most not na?ve first years like me, was quite frightening.

I felt frightened, because the classroom was full of students whom I did not know, and most of them were not silly freshmen like me. Here first years refer to first year students, or freshmen.

Note: In the western universities where the credit system (学分制) is in practice, it is not uncommon to find students of different majors or ages sitting in the same classroom for the course they choose.

Para. 4 catch up on

to find out about things that have happened e.g. Let me catch you up on all the gossip. 我跟你透露一点最近的闲话。

I’m afraid I can’t catch up on how things are in that region. 恐怕我无法跟进那一地区的情况。

Note: In informal conversations, “Let?s catch up.(改天见面聊一聊)” is a very

common and polite way of saying “Let?s get together and have a talk.”


informal talk or stories about other people?s private lives, that may be unkind or not true

e.g. Don’t believe all the gossip you hear. 别对那些道听途说都信以为真。

Mary’s in there having a gossip with Maggie. 玛丽在那里和玛吉闲聊。

Para. 5 confirm

v. to state or show that something is true or correct, especially by providing more evidence

e.g. Research has confirmed that the risk is higher for women. 研究证实这种风险对女性来讲要大一些。 Has everyone confirmed that they’re coming? 他们是不是每一个人都确定会来?

…that I will be piled down with reading and papers… that I will be loaded with piles of books and papers...

Para. 6 scare

v. to frighten somebody

e.g. The thunder scared the children. 雷声使孩子们感到害怕。

Some parents try to scare their children into behaving well. 有些父母试图用吓唬的法子使孩子守规矩。

drop by

to pay an informal visit to a person or a place

e.g. I’ve got to drop by the bank to get some money. 我得顺便到银行去取点钱。

Drop by whenever you are in the area. 如果你来这地方,请到我这里来坐坐。

Para. 7 overwhelm

v. to defeat somebody completely

e.g. The army was overwhelmed by the rebels. 军队被叛乱者击垮了。

He met with an accident that overwhelmed his career. 他遭到一次意外事故,那毁了他一生的事业。

Part B

Text B Surviving Your Freshman Year( Home-reading)

Part C Phonetics and Writing

Phonetics : Front Vowels

元音(vowel)是英语音素的一种,与辅音(consonant)相对。元音在发音过程中气流通过口腔而不受阻碍。元音分为单元音和双元音(front vowel)。单元音包括前元音、中元音和后元音;双元音包括合口双元音与集中双元音。前元音包括[i:]、[i]、[e]和[?] ,发音时舌的最高部位移向口腔前部并稍微拱起。


1.Writing for General Purposes: General or Specific Word Writing Strategy

If you want to write well, one of the most important decisions you have to make is the choice of words. The following guidelines may be useful:

Use specific words instead of general ones.

Use idiomatic expressions and words in acceptable collocations. The term idiom sometimes refers to the normal word order or to the normal way of expressing an idea. For instance, in English people say “baby girl” instead of “girl baby” as in Chinese.

2.Writing for Specific Purposes: Notice


Please be informed that Dormitory Safety Training Session will be conducted from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. this Friday afternoon in Conference Room 512. Monitors of all classes are required to come.

Handouts will be available after the session.

Students’ Union

October 13

Expressions often used in notice writing:

There will be (event) in (place) for (people) on (time) … is pleased to announce that… This is to inform you that… This is to announce …

Call __sb’s name__ at __phone number__ for more information/details. Please ring me directly on __phone number__. There has been a change in… Sponsored by …


教 案 编号

教师 班别 日期 课题 教材 Unit Food 课程名称 大学英语 教材名称《前景实用英语综合教程》 第 二 章 一 节 24--47 页 出版社: 复旦大学出版社 In this unit, students are supposed to ? know about the words and expressions about food and cuisine and use them to talk about food, diet, and health; ? understand the listening information about food; ? understand the main idea of Text A, and master the useful 教学目标 sentence structures and words and expressions; ? master phonetic skill: central vowels and back vowels; ? do some grammar practice– the article; ? know about some writing strategies and learn how to write a Manu. ? to master the key language points and grammatical structures in 重点 the text; ? to know how to write a menu. ? to understand the main idea of Text A, master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 难点 ? to use the expressions learnt to talk about food, diet and cuisine freely. Communicative approach a multi-media Computer-Assisted Instruction computer system 教法 教具 (PPT/CDs) Lead-in, listening and phonetics (2Period) 时间安排 Text A & text-related exercises (4Period) Grammar, and Writing (2Period) Exercises in the workbook. 课程作业 Writing an resume of yourself Unit 2 Food 板书摘要 Buffet, pizza, spaghetti, energy-dense food, ramen noodles 教学 过程 及内容 此项请写在教案纸上 自 我 分 析 课 同后 事 总 意 结 见 与 领评 导议 意纪 见 录 改进措施

Unit 2 Food

? Teaching Material

Forward English for Practical Purposes, Book 1, Unit 2 ? Teaching Aims:

In this unit, students are supposed to

? know about the words and expressions about food and cuisine and use them to talk about food, diet, and health;

? understand the listening information about food;

? understand the main idea of Text A, and master the useful sentence structures and words and expressions;

? master phonetic skill: central vowels and back vowels; ? do some grammar practice– the article;

? know about some writing strategies and learn how to write a Manu. ? Teaching Emphasis

1. to master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 2. to know how to write a menu. ? Teaching Difficulties

1. to understand the main idea of Text A, master the key language points and

grammatical structures in the text.

2. to use the expressions learnt to talk about food, diet and cuisine freely. ? Teaching Approaches

Communicative approach and Computer-Assisted Instruction ? Teaching Aids

a projector

a multi-media computer system

? Teaching Procedures and contents (8 periods)

Part A Lead in

Task 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions in small groups. 1. Who are the people in each picture? Where are they?

2. Do you like the food in the following three pictures? Do you think they are healthy?

3. What other food can you think of? Please name some. Task 2 Listen to the short dialogues and fill in the blanks. Task 3 Discuss the following questions.

1. Will you worry about gaining weight in the first college year? 2. What do you think of going on a diet to lose weight?

Text A

College Students &Diet

Language and Cultural Points in the Text

Para. 1 on one’s own

without anyone?s help; alone, without anyone else

e.g. We cannot solve this problem on our own. 我们无法解决这一问题。 I may get lost on my own.

我单独一个人可能会迷路。 end up

to come to be in a particular situation or state, especially when you didn?t plan it

e.g. At first they hated each other, but they ended up getting married.

他们起初相互仇恨,到后来却成了夫妻。 Wasteful people usually end up in debt. 挥霍浪费者最后往往负债。 Para. 2 underestimate

v. to think or guess that the amount, cost or size of something is smaller than it really is。

e.g. We underestimated the time it would take to get there.


People often underestimate the importance of training. 人们常常低估培训的重要性。 serving

n. an amount of food for one person

e.g. This recipe will be enough for four servings. 本食谱为四人量。 Serving size As determined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in USA, serving size is the portion of food used as a reference on the Nutrition Facts on food package labels to indicate the amount customarily consumed or the recommended amount to be eaten, e.g. serving size 1 cup (228g).

A common error is underestimating serving sizes…

Note: It is possible for young people to underestimate the serving

sizes because of their good appetite. But according to a New York Times article, “One Bowl=2 Servings. F.D.A. May Fix That.” by William Neuman

(http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/06/business/06portion.html?_r =1), food producers would never like to scare off their consumers with the real calorie counts, so they often put smaller serving sizes on the food packages, which may contribute to the underestimating. junk food

food that is quick and easy to prepare and eat, but that is thought to be bad for your health when regularly eaten

Note: This is an informal term coined by Michael Jacobson, director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, in 1972. Junk food includes foods such as soft drinks, hamburgers, hot dogs, ice cream, cake, French fries, chocolate and other confectionery, pizza, cookies, fried chicken, onion rings and donuts. alcoholic drinks

drinks such as beer or wine that contain a substance that can make you drunk

e.g. The airlines have turned to alcoholic drinks to keep its planes full of passengers.

航空公司向乘客提供含酒精的饮料以使航班满座。 Alcoholic drinks is not allowed into certain countries. 有些国家禁止带入含酒精的饮料。 empty calories

foods that are very high in energy but low in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fiber and essential fatty acids

contribute to

to increase, improve or add to something; to be one of the causes of something

e.g. This book contributes little to our understanding of the subject. 此书对我们了解这门学科无所助益。

Air pollution contributes to respiratory diseases. 空气污染会引起呼吸道疾病。 cram

v. to eat food quickly and make food or drink go down your throat and towards your stomach; to push or force somebody or something into a small space

e.g. I managed to cram down a few mouthfuls of food. 我好歹狼吞虎咽地吃了几口东西。

Jack crammed his clothes into the bag.

杰克把他的衣服塞进袋子里。 put on

to become fatter and heavier, especially by the amount mentioned

e.g. Rosie’s put on five kilos since she quit smoking.


He has put on weight during the last two months. 他上两个月里体重增加了。

Para. 3 go on a diet

to cut on the food one eats in order to lose weight

e.g. Mary went on a diet last week as suggested by her doctor.


No sugar for me, please. I am going on a diet. 请别给我加糖, 我现在正按照规定节食。 maintain

v. to make something continue at the same level, standard, etc.; to strongly express your belief that something is true

e.g. The two countries have always maintained close relations.


Some experts maintain that these reforms will lead to a decline in educational standards.

一些专家坚称这些改革会导致教育水平下降。 intake

n. the amount of food, drink, etc. that you take into your body e.g. Lower your intake of fat and alcohol to improve your health.


Control of our food intake is the basis behind successful weight loss. 控制食物摄入量是成功减肥的基础。 fall into

to gradually get into a particular condition, especially to get into a bad condition

e.g. He soon fell into the habit of having a drink on the way home from work. 他很快沾染上了在下班回家路上去喝酒的习惯。 Being alone in the city, Shelley fell into despair. 孤身在城市里,雪莉陷于绝望。 cycle

n. a number of events happening in a regularly repeated order

e.g. A year constitutes a cycle of the seasons. 一年由四季的周期循环组成。

A cycle of the sun takes a year. 太阳循环周期需要一年。

Note: vicious cycle/circle: one trouble leads to another that worsens the first, its antonym is virtuous cycle/circle. Para. 4 financial aid

money that is given or lent to students at a university or college who cannot pay the full cost of their education

e.g. They offer financial aid unconditionally.


Financial aid is available to international students. 外国留学生可获得校方资助。 energy-dense foods

Here they refer to processed foods with sugar and fat added to improve the taste. They have more calories for the volume of food and generally fewer nutrients. Para. 5 grab

v. to take or hold somebody or something suddenly; to have or take something quickly, especially because you are in a hurry e.g. Jim grabbed a cake from the plate. 吉姆从盘子里抓了一块蛋糕。 Let’s grab a sandwich before we go. 咱们赶快吃个三明治就走吧。

I manage to grab a couple of hours’ sleep on the plane. 我在飞机上抓紧时间睡了两三个钟头。 ramen noodles

Note: It is a Japanese noodle dish. It consists of Chinese style wheat noodles served in a meat- or fish-based broth, often flavored with soy sauce or miso, and uses toppings such as sliced pork, dried seaweed, kamaboko, green onions, and occasionally corn. Almost every locality in Japan has its own variation of ramen. cut back on

to reduce the size, amount or number of something

e.g. Many companies are cutting back on staff at the moment.


We have got to cut back on our expenses. 我们不得不销减我们的花销了。

Part B

Text B The College Canteen

Part C Phonetics and Writing

Phonetics : Central Vowels & Back Vowels

中元音(central vowel)发音时舌高点出现在舌中部,包括[?], [?:]和 [?] 。发音时舌高点出现在舌前部的元音称之为后元音(back vowels),包括[a:],

[?], [?:], [u]和[u:] 。 Writing:

1.Writing for General Purposes: Effective Sentences Writing Strategy

Writing Strategy

To be effective, a sentence must at least possess these qualities: correctness (准确), unity (完整) and conciseness (简洁).

Correctness: a sentence should have a subject (主语) and a predicative verb (谓语动词) and it should begin with a capital letter and ends with a full stop.

Example 1

Incorrect: The result being that he can stay. Correct: The result is that he can stay.


Writing for Specific Purposes: Menu


教 案 编号

教师 班别 日期 课题 教材 Unit 3 Learning 课程名称 大学英语 教材名称《前景实用英语综合教程》 第 三 章 一 节 48-69 页 出版社: 复旦大学出版社 In this unit, students are supposed to ? Discover their learning styles and learn to adjust their approach of study accordly; ? Learn to talk about study on campus; 教学目标 ? Remember important new words in this unit; ? Understand the grammar at the end of the unit; ? Learn to write articles incorporating sentences with coordinating conjunctions; ? to master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 重点 ? Learning to improve one's study method according his learning style. ? to understand the main idea of Text A, master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 难点 ? Understand the grammar of this unit. Communicative approach Computer-Assisted Instruction 教法 教具 a multi-media computer system (PPT/CDs) Lead-in, listening and phonetics (2Period) 时间安排 Text A & text-related exercises (4Period) Grammar, and Writing (2Period) Exercises in the workbook. 课程作业 Summarize text A Unit 3 learning 板书摘要 Learning style: visual, auditory, kinaesthetic 教学 过程 及内容 此项请写在教案纸上 自 我 分 析 课 同后 事 总 意 结 见 与 领评 导议 意纪 见 录 改进措施

Unit 3 learning

? Teaching Material

Forward English for Practical Purposes, Book 1, Unit 3

? Teaching Aims:

In this unit, students are supposed to

1. Discover their learning styles and learn to adjust their approach of study accordingly;

2. Learn to talk about study on campus;

3. Remember important new words in this unit; 4. Understand the grammar at the end of the unit;

5. Learn to write articles incorporating sentences with coordinating conjunctions;.

? Teaching Emphasis

1. to master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 2. Learning to improve one's study method according his learning style. ? Teaching Difficulties

1. Understand the main idea of Text A, master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text.

2. Understand the grammar of this unit. ? Teaching Aids

a projector

a multi-media computer system

? Teaching Procedures and contents (8 periods)

Part A Lead in

Task 1 Task 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions below in small groups. Use the words given below if necessary.

1. Where are those people in the two pictures on the left?

2. Do you listen to MP3 or put a pen or a pencil in your mouth while you are studying?

3. Are pictures helpful to you in memorizing English words? Task 2 Listen to the short dialogues and fill in the blanks. Task 4 Listen to the recording, and complete the passage.

Task 5 Discuss the following questions with your partner about your first year plans

in college.

1. Do you like using pictures and diagrams(图表)to help you learn the text? Why or

why not?

2. Do you listen to the radio more often than you read a newspaper? Why or why


Text A

What's your learning style?

Language and Cultural Points in the Text


a. being the only one of its kind

e.g. Everyone’s fingerprints are unique. 每个人的指纹都是独一无二的。

None of these social problems is unique to this country. 这些社会问题没有一个是这个国家所独有的。 In general

usually; as a whole

e.g. In general, an English dictionary starts with the letter A. 英文字典通常是从字母A开始的。

But in general, distraction is almost always a bad thing. 但总的来说,分散注意力总不是件好事。 visual

a. of or gained by seeing or sight

e.g. The teaching building makes a tremendous visual impact. 教学楼给人以极其深刻的视觉印象。

The visual arts are painting, dancing, etc., as opposed to music and literature.

视觉艺术是指相对于音乐和文学而言的绘画、舞蹈等。 auditory

a. connected with hearing

e.g. Finally he overcame the auditory difficulties by three years’ efforts.

通过三年的努力, 他最终克服了听觉困难。 Does the child respond to auditory stimuli? 那孩子对声音刺激有反应吗? Involve

v. to have as a necessary or an important part or result

e.g. The job involves travelling abroad for three months each year. 这份工作需要每年去国外出差三个月。

The test will involve answering questions about a photograph.

考试将包括回答一些关于一张照片的问题。 As much

properly so named; in the exact meaning of the stated thing

e.g. He is the author of the article, but he does not desire to be known as such. 他是文章的作者,但他不想让人知道这一点。 A name, as such, means nothing. 姓名本身并无意义。 Pick up

to get a skill or information by chance rather than by making deliberate effort e.g. She picked up Spanish when she was living in Mexico. 她旅居墨西哥时顺便学会了西班牙语。

Here’s a tip I picked up from our English teacher.


Kinaesthetic learners can have ... especially past elementary age

Because traditional schools pay less attention to kinaesthetic learners than to auditory and visual learners, kinaesthetic learners can have the most difficulty in their learning, especially when they finish elementary school and grow older. take into account

to give proper consideration to a fact, situation, etc., when making a decision or judgment

e.g. His exam results were not very good, but we must take into account his long illness.

他的考试成绩不是很好,但我们必须考虑到他长期生病。 You must take his inexperience into account. 你必须考虑到他没有经验。 somehow

ad. in a way that is not known or certain; for some reason that is not clear e.g. Don’t worry; we’ll get the lost books back somehow. 别担心,我们总会把丢失的书找回来的。

I think she’s right but somehow I am not completely sure. 我想她是对的,但不知怎的,我总觉得没有完全的把握。 Have something to do with to have a connection with

e.g. This letter has something to do with Bill’s plan for the holiday. 这封信与比尔的度假计划有关。

Her job has something to do with computers. 她的工作与计算机有关。 Tailor

v. to make or adapt something for a particular purpose, a particular person, etc. e.g. We can tailor the syllabus to your special needs. 我们可以按你们的特殊需要设计课程大纲。

Most travel agents are prepared to tailor travel arrangements to meet individual requirements.

为了满足个别需要,大多数旅行社都愿意作出特别的旅游安排。 emphasize

v. to give special importance to something

e.g. My parents emphasized the importance of being honest. 我的父母强调诚实的重要性。

The professor struck the table with his hand to emphasize what he was saying. 教授用手敲打桌子以强调他所说的话。 rote

n. (fml.) repeated study using memory rather than understanding e.g. Learning by rote is discouraged in this college. 这所学校不鼓励死记硬背的学习方式。

I passed the examination by learning everything by rote. 我凭死记硬背通过了考试。


n. a card with a word or picture on it, which teachers use during lessons

e.g. We’ll finish off with a flashcard exercise so you can review some of the key English expressions we’ll learn today.

我们将以抽认卡练习结束,这样你们可以复习我们今天要学的 一些主要的英语表达法。

I have a new version of the flashcards with many improvements. 我有一些改进了的新版本抽认卡。 subtitle

n. (usually pl.) words printed over a film in a foreign language to translate what is being said; a less important title printed beneath the main title of a book

e.g. It’s a French film with English subtitles. 那是一部有英文字幕的法国电影。

When you go to see English films, try not to read the Chinese subtitles. 当你看英文电影时,试着不去看中文字幕。

The subtitle of the book is “New Language for New Times”. 这部书的副标题是“新时代的新语言”。 clue

n. an object or a piece of information that helps to find an answer to a question e.g. I think we might find a clue to the mystery. 我想我们可能会找到解开这个奥秘的线索。

I’ll never guess the answer — give me another clue. 我猜不出了,你再给我来个提示吧。 benefit

v. to be in a better position because of something

e.g. Who exactly stands to benefit from these changes。 到底是谁会从这些变革中直接获益?

People who stole did not benefit from ill-gotten gains. 窃贼们并未从不义之财中得到好处 merely

ad. only; simply

e.g. He said nothing, merely smiled and watched her. 他什么也没说,只是微笑地看着她。 It is not merely a job, but a way of life.

这不仅仅是一份工作,更是一种生活方式。 drawback

n. a disadvantage or problem that makes something a less attractive idea e.g. Living in a large house has its drawbacks as well as its advantages. 住大房子有它的好处,也有它的不利之处。

The only drawback of the plan is that it costs too much. 这项方案的唯一缺点就是花费太大。 adapt

v. to make or become suitable for new needs, different conditions, etc. e.g. Can you adapt your way of thinking to the new life-style?


It took him a while to adapt himself to his new surroundings. 他过了好一阵子才适应新环境。

Part B

Text B Surviving Your Freshman Year( home reading)

Part C Phonetics and Writing

Phonetics : Rising Diphthongs 合口双元音(rising diphthong)包括[ei], [ai], [au], [?u]和[?i] 。[ei]发音时先将舌尖抵住前下齿,舌前部抬向硬腭,高度为中高,发元音[e],然后两唇拉向两边,宽度减小,在同时舌身高度抬至[ i ]的高度,在这一滑动过程中形成[ei]。[ai]发音时先将舌身放平,在口腔中发起始音[a] ,然后放松滑向[ i ] ,这一滑动过程中形成的音便是[ai] 。同样的道理,[au], [?u]和[?i]都是先发前面元音的短音,然后滑向后面的[u]和[ i ] ,这一滑动过程中形成的音便是[au], [?u]和[?i] 。 Writing:

1.Writing for General Purposes: Coordination(并列结构)& Subordination(从属结构)

Writing Strategy Writing Strategy

Simple sentences are easy to write; however, a piece of writing is disconnected when it is full of simple sentences. One way to achieve good writing is through coordination and subordination.

Coordination is joining two or more ideas in one sentence by coordinating conjunctions (并列连词: but, or, nor, for, so, yet, and) to create equal emphasis. 2.Writing for Specific Purposes: Invitation Card


教 案 编号

教师 班别 日期 课题 教材 Unit 4 sports 课程名称 大学英语 教材名称《前景实用英语综合教程》 第 四 章 一 节 70-92 页 出版社: 复旦大学出版社 In this unit, students are supposed to ? know about the expressions related to sports and use these expressions to talk about it; ? understand the listening information about sports ? understand the main idea of Text A, and master the useful 教学目标 sentence structures and words and expressions; ? master phonetic skill: front vowels; ? do some grammar practice– pron; ? know about some writing strategies and learn how to write paragrahs. ? to master the key language points and grammatical structures in 重点 the text; ? to know how to write a paragraph. ? to understand the main idea of Text A, master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 难点 ? to use the expressions learnt to talk about sports freely. Communicative approach Computer-Assisted Instruction 教法 教具 a multi-media computer system (PPT/CDs) Lead-in, listening and phonetics (2Period) 时间安排 Text A & text-related exercises (4Period) Grammar, and Writing (2Period) Exercises in the workbook. 课程作业 Unit 4 sports 板书摘要 Badminton football tennis baseball … 教学 过程 及内容 此项请写在教案纸上 自 我 课 后 析 总 同结 事 与 意 评 见 议 领纪 导录 意见 分 改进措施

Unit 1 sports

? Teaching Material

Forward English for Practical Purposes, Book 1, Unit 4

? Teaching Aims:

In this unit, students are supposed to

1. know about the expressions related to sports and use these expressions to talk

about it;

2. understand the listening information about sports.

3. understand the main idea of Text A, and master the useful sentence structures

and words and expressions;

4. master phonetic skill: centering diphthongs; 5. do some grammar practice– pron;

6. know about some writing strategies and learn how to write a paragraph.

? Teaching Emphasis

1. to master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 2. to know how to write a paragraph.

? Teaching Difficulties

1. to understand the main idea of Text A, master the key language points and

grammatical structures in the text.

2. to use the expressions learnt to talk about sports freely. ? Teaching Approaches

Communicative approach and Computer-Assisted Instruction

? Teaching Aids

a projector

a multi-media computer system

? Teaching Procedures and contents (8 periods)

Part A Lead in

Task 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions in small groups. 1. What are they doing?

2. Which of the sports below do you like most? Why? 3. What is the most popular sport in your college? Task 2 Listen to the short dialogues and fill in the blanks. Task 4 Listen to the recording, and complete the passage.

Text A

Why play College Sports

Language and Cultural Points in the Text flier n. a small sheet of paper that advertises a product or an event and is given to a large number of people

e.g. They are designing a flier to recruit potential volunteers. 他们正设计一份宣传单来招募潜在的志愿者。

When you use a flier, you will receive a better guarantee.

当你使用传单可以获得更好的保证。 confused

a. unable to think clearly or to understand what is happening or what somebody is saying

e.g. I?m confused — say all that again. 我被搞糊涂了,把那件事从头到尾再说一遍吧。 People are confused about all the different labels on food these days. 人们如今被那些五花八门的食物标签搞得稀里糊涂。 skim

v. to read quickly to get the main ideas

e.g. I?ve skimmed the report but I haven?t had time to look at it in detail. 我已浏览了这份报告,但还没有时间细读。 I always skim the financial section of the newspaper.

我总是要浏览一下报纸上的金融版。 crew

n. a team of people who row boats in races

e.g. The winning crew rapidly forged ahead. 领先的赛艇队员拼命往前划。 He is a member of the Oxford crew. 他是牛津大学赛艇队的队员。 try-out

n. a competition or series tests to find the best players for a sports team or an important event

e.g. Ade did his best in the try-outs, but he failed to make the team. 艾德在选拔时全力以赴, 但未被选上。

His brother?s example inspired him to take the football team try-outs.

他哥哥的榜样激励他去接受足球队的选拔测试。 land-locked

a. almost or completely surrounded by land

e.g. Switzerland is a land-locked country, with no port for sea trade. 瑞士是内陆国家,没有海上贸易港口。

A land-locked country is a country entirely enclosed by land.


supportive a. giving help, encouragement to somebody

e.g. Mary was so supportive during my father?s illness. 在我父亲生病期间,玛丽给了很多帮助。 He just played a supportive role in the movie.


Part B

Text B Surviving Your Freshman Year( home reading)

Part C Phonetics and Writing

Centering Diphthongs

集中双元音(centering diphthongs)包括[i?], [e?]和[u?]。 [i?]发音时舌身从前元音[i]的近似位置向[?]的方向滑动,在整个滑动过程中,唇位是中性形,只是稍稍从中性唇位向较开的唇位移动;

[e?]发音时舌头从前元音[e]的位置开始移向[?] ,在整个发音过程中,唇位始终呈中性形;



Writing for General Purposes:

Developing Paragraphs by Examples Writing Strategy

Examples are very effective means to explain things. Readers usually prefer writings with examples to those with only dry theories. A well-chosen example can make your writing vivid and persuasive. Here are some tips for choosing examples:

Choose relevant and persuasive examples.

The examples you choose should be closely related to and fully support your points as the example used in Text A to describe how sports can prevent Freshman 15. The personal experience of a sophomore who has successfully prevented Freshman 15 by joining the crew team can certainly convince readers to take part in college sports.

Choose typical examples.

Choose examples that are most likely to convince your readers. After reading what a junior said about joining athletic team to make friends, readers will have no doubt about playing sports in college.


教 案 编号

教师 班别 日期 课题 教材 Unit 5 Digital Age 课程名称 大学英语 教材名称《前景实用英语综合教程》 第 五 章 一 节 92-114 页 出版社: 复旦大学出版社 In this unit, students are supposed to ? know about the expressions often used in digital age and use these expressions to talk about digital products; ? understand the listening information about digital age 教学目标 ? understand the main idea of Text A, and master the useful sentence structures and words and expressions; ? master phonetic skill: stop consonants; ? do some grammar practice– preposition; ? know about some writing strategies and learn how to write Email ? to master the key language points and grammatical structures in 重点 the text; ? to know how to write a email ? to understand the main idea of Text A, master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 难点 ? to use the expressions learnt to talk about digital age freely. Communicative approach Computer-Assisted Instruction 教法 教具 a multi-media computer system (PPT/CDs) Lead-in, listening and phonetics (2Period) 时间安排 Text A & text-related exercises (4Period) Grammar, and Writing (2Period) Exercises in the workbook. 课程作业 Writing an email Unit 5 Digital age 板书摘要 Virtual world, real world, advantage, disadvantage, e-book 教学 过程 及内容 此项请写在教案纸上 自 我 分 析 课 同后 事 总 意 结 见 与 领评 导议 意纪 见 录 改进措施

Unit 5 Digital Age

? Teaching Material

Forward English for Practical Purposes, Book 1, Unit 5

? Teaching Aims:

In this unit, students are supposed to

1. know about the expressions often used in digital age and use these

expressions to talk about digital products;

2. understand the listening information about digital age

3. understand the main idea of Text A, and master the useful sentence structures

and words and expressions;

4. master phonetic skill: stop consonants;

5. do some grammar practice– preposition;

6. know about some writing strategies and learn how to write Email

? Teaching Emphasis

1. to master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 2. to know how to write an email.

? Teaching Difficulties

1. to understand the main idea of Text A, master the key language points and

grammatical structures in the text.

2. to use the expressions learnt to talk about digital world freely. ? Teaching Approaches

Communicative approach and Computer-Assisted Instruction

? Teaching Aids

a projector

a multi-media computer system

? Teaching Procedures and contents (8 periods)

Part A Lead in

Task 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions in small groups. 1. How much do you know about the product in the first picture? 2. Do you need stories or play games on a digital reading device?

3. Do you know any other digital reading devices? Give some examples Task 2 Listen to the short dialogues and fill in the blanks. Task 4 Listen to the recording, and complete the passage.

Task 5 Discuss the following questions with your partner about your interest to

digital products.

1. Which one do you prefer, traditional textbooks or e-books?

2. What do you think of the future of digital learning technology?

Text A

Can College Students Learn as Well on iPads?

Language and Cultural Points in the Text Para.1 Device

n. a piece of equipment that has been designed to do a particular job

e.g. My father has fitted a device to his car which opens the garage door


父亲在车上装了一个能自动开启车库门的装置。 My friend invented a device that automatically closes windows when it rains. 我朋友发明一种装置,可以使窗户在下雨时自动关闭

In the long run

over a long period of time

e.g. In the short term we expected to lose money on this book, but in the long term

we hope to make profits. 短期来说,我们在这本书上可能要赔钱,但长远来说我们有希望赚大钱。 We should cut our expense in the long term. 我们必须长期削减开支。


v. to reduce the amount of work, debt, worry, etc. that somebody has; to become or

make something become brighter

e.g. I took some of the parcels from her to lighten her load. 我从她那儿拿过来几包东西以减轻她的负担。

The measures will lighten the tax burden on small businesses. 这些措施将减轻小型企业的纳税负担。

Para.2 Clip

n. a short part of a film/movie that is shown separately e.g. They showed a clip from her new film on TV last night. 昨晚他们在电视上播放了她新片子的片段。

The clip was recorded on a digital video camera. 这段影像被录制在一个数码相机上。


n. being boring; lack of variety

e.g. They broke the monotony of the weary journey with songs and jokes. 他们唱歌或说笑话使这个令人疲惫的旅程不至于单调乏味。

She watches television to relieve the monotony of everyday life. 她天天靠看电视来解闷儿。


v. to give all your attention to something without thinking about anything else e.g. I can’t concentrate with all that noise going on. 吵闹声不绝于耳,我无法集中精神。

This year the company has concentrated on improving its efficiency. 这家公司今年已经把力量集中在提高效率方面。

Para. 4 Take off

(of an idea, a product, etc.) to begin to become popular, successful, or well-known

e.g. The design first took off in American colleges.


It was at this point that her acting career really took off. 正是从这个时候起,她的表演事业真正开始走红了。

Jump into

to enter eagerly into an activity

e.g. We jumped into the discussion right away. 我们立即积极参加讨论。

We want to encourage students to jump into the running of the college. 我们想鼓励学生参与学院的管理工作。


a. difficult to understand, explain, or deal with

e.g. What he said was too complex for me to understand. 他说的太复杂了,我不理解。

Can you solve the complex problem? 你能解决这个复杂的问题吗? Flip

v. to turn over into a different position with a sudden quick movement

e.g. The phone book is indexed alphabetically, so you may flip instantly to any

number you wish.

由于电话号码簿按字母顺序作了索引,你可以立即翻到你所要的号码。 She flipped through the magazine looking for the letters page. 她浏览杂志寻找读者来信页。

Back and forth

from one place to another and back again repeatedly

e.g. He paced back and forth in his room. 他在房间里来回踱步。

They discussed it back and forth, without getting very far. 他们反复地讨论,没有很大进展。

You’re all over the book a lot more often You spend much more time reading the book.

Para.6 Test-drive

v. to use something for a time to see if it is useful, if one likes it, etc.; to drive a

vehicle that you are thinking of buying so that you can see how well it works and if you like it

e.g. Tom could hardly wait to test-drive his new computer. 汤姆等不急要马上试试他的新电脑。

Why not test-drive the new BMW? 为什么不试驾一下这辆新宝马?


v. to say that something will happen in the future

e.g. The fortune-teller predicted that I would marry a doctor. 算命先生预言我会同一位医生结婚。 It is impossible to predict what will happen. 预知未来的事情是不可能的。


n. an opportunity or a place for somebody to express their opinions or make

progress in a particular area

e.g. She used the newspaper column as a platform for her feminist view. 她以报纸专栏为平台,宣传她的女权主义观点。

Television should provide a platform for the customer’s viewpoint. 电视应当为顾客提供发表意见的机会。

Para.7 Solution

n. a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation e.g. The solutions to the questions are at the back of the book.


We bought a second car; it was the solution to all our problems. 我们又买了一辆汽车,它解决了我们所有的问题。

Para.8 Inevitable

a. unable to be avoided or prevented from happening

e.g. Death is inevitable; it comes to everyone. 死亡无可避免,它要降临到每个人头上。

Given the current financial situation, it was inevitable that the pound would be devalued.


The possibility for the textbook to… interesting to watch.

With e-book innovations, the textbook might become interactive and thus lively, so it will be interesting to watch what will happen in the next several years.

Come alive

to become interesting and exciting

e.g. The game came alive in the second half. 比赛在下半场变得有看头了。

The man in the picture came alive as the artist worked. 画家画着画着,画中人就渐渐显得栩栩如生了。

Innovation n. the introduction of new ideas, methods of doing something e.g. Necessity was the mother of innovation. 需要是创新之母。

The key to innovation is the talents. 创新的关键是人才。

Part B

Text B The Web Way to Learn a Language ( home reading)

Part C Phonetics and Writing

Phonetics : Stop Consonants

爆破音包括[p],[b]; [t],[d];[k],[g] [p] 清音双唇音。


唇形:双唇紧闭,这样将气流挡在口腔内,在形成一定气流压之后猛张双 唇,气流爆发而出,形成[p]音,声带不振动。 [b] 浊音双唇音;

舌位:[b]的舌位同[p]一样; 唇形同[p]一样,声带振动。 [t] 清辅音,齿龈音。

舌位:舌尖抵住上齿龈,然后放开,使气流爆破而出,吐气较强; 唇位:微开;声带不振动。 [d] 浊辅音,齿龈音,闭塞爆破音。


唇位:微开;声带振动。 [k] 清辅音,软颚,爆破音。

舌位:舌后位向上升,抵住软颚,然后放开,使气流爆破而出,吐气较强; 唇形:自然张开;声带不振动。 [g] 浊辅音,软颚,爆破音。



1.Writing for General Purposes: Developing Paragraphs by Comparison and Contrast

Writing Strategy

We use comparison and contrast to set out the similarities and differences of two things as a basis for further discussion. When we compare one thing with another, we focus on the similarities between two items; when we contrast one thing with another, we show differences. There are two different ways of presenting similarities or differences: the subject-by-subject pattern and the point-by-point pattern. The following forms show the two patterns of presenting similarities and differences:

2.Writing for Specific Purposes: Email From: name of the sender To: name of the recipient

Cc:Name of another recipient who is also expected to receive the email

Bcc:Name of another recipient who is also expected to receive the email, but without being known by other recipients listed in “TO:” or “CC: Subject: subject of the email


教 案 编号

教师 班别 日期 课题 教材 Unit 6 Environment 课程名称 大学英语 教材名称《前景实用英语综合教程》 第 六 章 一 节 115-138 页 出版社: 复旦大学出版社 In this unit, students are supposed to ? know about the expressions often used in environment and use these expressions to talk about environment; ? understand the listening information about environment ? understand the main idea of Text A, and master the useful 教学目标 sentence structures and words and expressions; ? master phonetic skill: affricate consonants; ? do some grammar practice– comparison structure; ? know about some writing strategies and learn how to write an Envelope ? to master the key language points and grammatical structures in 重点 the text; ? to know how to write an envelope. ? to understand the main idea of Text A, master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 难点 ? to use the expressions learnt to talk about environment freely. Communicative approach Computer-Assisted Instruction 教法 教具 a multi-media computer system (PPT/CDs) Lead-in, listening and phonetics (2Period) 时间安排 Text A & text-related exercises (4Period) Grammar, and Writing (2Period) Exercises in the workbook. 课程作业 Writing an resume of yourself Unit 6 Environment 板书摘要 Environment protection, green house effect, low carbon 教学 过程 及内容 此项请写在教案纸上 自 我 分 析 课 同后 事 总 意 结 见 与 领评 导议 意纪 见 录 改进措施

Unit 6 Environment

? Teaching Material

Forward English for Practical Purposes, Book 1, Unit 6

? Teaching Aims:

In this unit, students are supposed to

1. know about the expressions often used in environment and use these expressions

to talk about environment;

2. understand the listening information about environment

3. understand the main idea of Text A, and master the useful sentence structures and

words and expressions;

4. master phonetic skill: affricate consonants;

5. do some grammar practice– comparison structure;

6. know about some writing strategies and learn how to write an Envelope

? Teaching Emphasis

1. to master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 2. to know how to write an envelope.

? Teaching Difficulties

1. to understand the main idea of Text A, master the key language points and

grammatical structures in the text.

2. to use the expressions learnt to talk about environment freely. ? Teaching Approaches

Communicative approach and Computer-Assisted Instruction

? Teaching Aids

a projector

a multi-media computer system

? Teaching Procedures and contents (8 periods)

Part A Lead in

Task 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions in small groups. 1. What do you know the “strawberries” in the first picture are used for? 2. What are the people in the second picture doing? 3. What is the locker in the third picture made of?

Task 2 Listen to the short dialogues and fill in the blanks. Task 4 Listen to the recording, and complete the passage. Task 5 Discuss the following questions with your partner .. 1. How do you understand “go green”? 2. What do you think of recycling?

Text A

The Freshman Experience: How Colleges Can Go Green on Campus

Language and Cultural Points in the Text

Para. 1 Concept

n. a thought, idea, or principle

e.g. She can’t grasp the basic concepts of mathematics.


He speaks in concepts rather than specifics. 他讲话时尽用抽象概念,而不谈具体。 Go

v. to be in or pass into a particular state e.g. Her hair is going grey.

她的头发日渐花白。 This milk has gone sour. 这牛奶馊了。

Para. 2 item

n. a single thing among a set or on a list e.g. The first item she bought was a computer.

她买的第一样东西是一台电脑。 What’s the next item on the agenda? 下一项议程是什么?

Light bulbs and batteries are ... be recycled on a college campus

Light bulbs and batteries are two examples of those things that need to be changed quite often and can be recycled on a college

Note: Light bulbs and batteries are just two of the many items which need to be changed fairly frequently that can also be recycled on a college campus.


n. the glass part that fits into an electric lamp to give light when it is switched e.g. Do you know who is the inventor of the electric bulb? 你知道谁是电灯的发明者吗?

The light bulb in the kitchen burnt out. 厨房里的电灯泡烧坏了。 Bin

n. a large container, usually with a lid, for storing things in; a container that you

put waste in

e.g. There are some apples in the bin. 箱子里有一些苹果。

He threw the empty bottles in the bin.



n. a particular place or position

e.g. The corner would make a good location for a gas station. 这个拐角是设立一个加油站的好地点。 What is the exact location of the ship? 那条船的确切位置在哪里?

Para. 3 Serve

v. to offer (food, drinks, a meal, etc.) for eating or drinking e.g. What time is breakfast served in this hotel?


We’re not allowed to serve alcohol in this club. 本俱乐部恕不售酒。 Utensil

n. an object with a particular practical use, especially a tool or a container e.g. In the drawer is a selection of kitchen utensils.


My father bought all the utensils for gardening. 我父亲购买了全套园艺用具。


a. capable of being used as compost when it decays e.g. compostable waste 可堆肥的垃圾

Some compostable bags are made of plant-based materials that break down

in the composting process.

有些可堆肥袋子是由植物原材料制作而成,这些原材料在堆 肥的过程中可以降解。

Compostable bags are an environmentally-friendly alternative to standard

polythene bags.


Note: environmentally friendly


n. a liquid or powder that helps remove dirt from clothes or dishes, etc. e.g. This detergent will whiten your coat. 这种洗涤剂会使你的衣服变白的。

I put too much detergent in the washer. 我在洗衣机里放了太多的洗衣粉。

Para. 4 Assume

v. to believe something to be true without actually having proof that it is e.g. If he’s not here in five minutes, we’ll assume that he isn’t coming.

要是他再过五分钟还不来,我们就认为他不来了。 Let us assume for a moment that the plan succeeds. 咱们暂时假设计划成功。


v. to take part or have a share in an activity or event

e.g. Everyone in the class is expected to participate in these discussions.


The college students should participate in some social activities. 大学生应该参加一些社会活动。

Note: Holding presentations on why going green is so important will remind students

to increase their own efforts.

Para. 5 Neglecting the environment is… as large as college campus

The environment shouldn?t be neglected anywhere, especially at places as big as a college campus.

Note: Neglecting the environment is not something that should be done anywhere, especially somewhere as large as a college campus.


v. to give too little attention or care to; to fail to do something, especially

because of carelessness or forgetfulness e.g. He has neglected his study.


Dance has been neglected by television. 舞蹈没有引起电视节目的足够注意。

Don’t neglect to lock the door/locking the door when you leave. 你走时别忘了锁门。

Part B

Text B Going Green on Campus: An Inspired Student Working to Inspire

Others( home reading)

Part C Phonetics and Writing

Phonetics : Affricate Consonants

[tr] [dr] 齿龈后部破擦辅音。先做好发[r]的姿势,然后舌尖上翘贴在上龈齿后部,发出短促的[t]后立即发[r]。[tr]为清辅音,声带不振动;[dr]为浊辅音,声带振动。

[ts] [dz] 舌端齿龈破擦辅音。先做好发[t]的姿势(舌端先贴住齿龈,堵住气流,然后舌端略为下降,气流随之流出口腔而发音。[ts] 为清辅音,声带不振动;[dz] 为浊辅音,声带振动。


1. Writing for General Purposes: Developing Paragraphs by Classification Writing Strategy

Classification is a method of developing a paragraph by arranging people, objects, or ideas with shared characteristics into particular classes or groups. With this method, we create order out of confusion and provide a clear overview of the information we offer.

A classification paragraph usually contains a topic sentence to introduce the subject to be classified and supporting details to clarify the nature of the classification. The topic sentence for a classifying paragraph should indicate the criterion(标准) of classification and the number of smaller groups into which our topic group is broken. For example, “There are three basic types of materials in any good library.” This topic sentence contains the topic “any good library”, the criterion “basic types”, and the number “three”. The supporting items in a classifying paragraph are parallel(平行的)and are presented by listing. Therefore, we make a list of the items and discuss them one by one.

2.Writing for Specific Purposes: Envelope

